1.7. HLA typing in dead bodies


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Bei den eindeutigen Reaktionen war eine richtige Zuordnung der HLA- Antigene fur HLA-Al in 94%, -A2 in 880/c, -A3 in 87%, -A9 in 94%, -B7 in 97% und -B8 in 91% miiglich. Kreuzreaktionen, welche eine vie1 griissere Rolle als bei der NIH-Standard-Technik spielen, wurden dabei nicht beriick- sichtigt. Zum gegenwartigen Zeitpunkt ist die HLA-Untersuchung von Blut- spuren noch nicht so sicher, dass ihr forensich ein Beweiswert zukommen konnte. In einem Ermittlungsverfahren richtig eingesetzt, kijnnte sie aber bereits wertvolle Hinweise geben.


Hanna E. Hansen and Hans Giirtler (University Institute of Forensic Medicine, Department of Anthropology, Copenhagen, Denmark)

HLA typing has been performed in two cases of disputed paternity in which one of the parties died before investigation.

In both cases the HLA type of the dead was determined through a micro-absorption technique using spleen tissue and highly selected HLA antisera.

In the first case the dead body of a putative father had been kept in a refrigerator for six days until the absorption was carried out, and the paternity of the dead man was excluded through the HLA typing.

In the second case the spleen was removed two days after death of the mother, homogenized, and stored in liquid nitrogen until the HLA typing two months later. The results lead to the genotype of the child, thus contributing to the positive evidence obtained for the paternity of the man, which was at least 99.99% against 0.01%.

The technique has also been used for the HLA typing of seven freeze- dried mummified bodies found in a cave in the Umanak District of Green- land. The time of death was determined by the Cl4 dating technique to be around the year 1460. The HLA antigens in the muscle tissue are still capable of binding specific HLA antibodies.

An absorption index demonstrating the efficiency of the technique is presented.
