Delphin Water System GmbH


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  • 8/16/2019 Delphin Water System GmbH


     Delphin Water System GmbH & Co.

    Full Biological Treatment Plants

    DELPHIN Water Systems GmbH & Co. G! lo"ated in Hamb#r$! Germany! is one o% the leadin$ man#%a"t#rers o% %#ll biolo$i"al wastewater treatment plants with 'ed-bed-te"hnolo$y.

    (#r ran$e o% prod#"ts in"l#des small wastewater treatment plants %or #sa$e atsmall residential b#ildin$s or holiday homes! "ompa"t plants! whi"h "an be"onne"ted to lar$er %a"ilities s#"h as "amp sites or isolated b#ildin$ areas! and"ontaineri)ed wastewater treatment plants! whi"h are s#itable %or the #sa$e atmobile or temporarily established "amp sites.

    (n this website yo#*ll nd a"t#al news %rom o#r "ompany! "onta"t details o% %orei$ndistrib#tors and many In%ormation abo#t modern sol#tions o% wastewatertreatment.

    DELPHIN ®  wastewater treatment plants - enhancement of the environment

    Delphin Water Systems GmbH & Co. G is an international operatin$ man#%a"t#rero% wastewater treatment plants. It was %o#nded in +,, by en$ineers spe"iali)ed inwastewater te"hnolo$y. he aim was to desi$n and prod#"e small treatment plants

    whi"h red#"e time and e/ort %or installation and %#ll the hi$hest re0#irements o% d#rability and en1ironmental s#stainability.(#r te"hnolo$y is based on se1eral years o% wor2 in the eld o% lo"al wastewatertreatment. D#rin$ the years o% maintainin$ small treatment plants! we de1elopedindi1id#al wastewater treatment "on"epts %or properties witho#t sewer "onne"tions.We $ained a wide e'perien"e in installin$ and operatin$ small treatment plants with1ario#s te"hnolo$ies and tan2s. he basis o% all DELPHIN3 treatment plants is the 'ed-bed te"hnolo$y. Ito#tstandin$ly adapts to di/erent wastewater "onditions. 4or this reason it isappro1ed %or de"ades in small treatment plants and in other - not "ontin#o#sly"ontrolled - lo"al treatment plants. he o5"e o% Delphin Water Systems is lo"ated in the So#th o% Hamb#r$ - desi$no5"e! prod#"tion! "ons#ltin$! sales and mar2etin$ are all #nder the same roo%.Shortest distan"es and %ast sol#tions are yo#r ad1anta$es.

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    Advantages of the fixed-bed technolog

    Small treatment plants ha1e to adapt to 1ery1ariable loadin$ and in6ow. It demands hi$hadaptability o% the system in order to $#aranteeade0#ate p#ri"ation 0#ality.

    In periods o% less loadin$ mi"roor$anisms! whi"hare settled on the 'ed-bed! "aps#late themsel1es. hat is how they "an s#r1i1e lon$er star1ationphases witho#t any dama$e. he only re0#irementis to ha1e a minim#m o% o'y$en in the water. I% there is no a""r#in$ wastewater %or lon$er periodthe "ontrol system o% the plant "an be swit"hedinto holiday mode. his way the aeration o% the

    'ed-bed is red#"ed to 7, 8 o% the normal ele"tri"ity "ons#mption. When $ettin$ba"2 to normal operatin$ "onditions the ori$inal p#ri"ation "apa"ity is a"hie1ed ina %ew days by the %ast rea"ti1ation o% ba"teria.

    In "ontrast to a"ti1ated sl#d$e pro"ess or se0#en"in$ bat"h rea"tor 9S:;<te"hnolo$ies! 'ed-bed plants wor2 e/e"ti1ely witho#t e'pensi1e separators andlon$ settlin$ time. he reason %or that= the mi"roor$anisms "ome o/ %rom thes#r%a"e o% the 'ed-bed in 6a2es with hi$h spe"i" wei$ht. hey settle a%terwardseasily in the se"ondary "lari"ation. he res#lt is optimal settlin$ per%orman"e o% the se"ondary treatment and little amo#nt o% solid "ontent in the e>#ent o% theplant.

    ? %#rther ad1anta$e o% the 'ed-bed te"hnolo$y is that the wastewater "an 6owthro#$h the whole treatment plant in $rad#al %ree 6ow. Neither p#mps whi"h are

    s#s"eptible to %ail#res nor e'pensi1e pro$rammin$ and pro"ess e0#ipment %orobser1in$ treatment and settlin$ phases are ne"essary. 4or this reason an o1er6owo% #ntreated wastewater into the e>#ent "annot happen.

    How does the fixed-bed technolog wor!"

     he 'ed-bed te"hnolo$y "laries the a""r#in$ wastewater in three steps=

    .! "echanical preliminary clari#cation

    In the preliminary treatment the sewa$e is "laried%rom settled and 6oatin$ materials. :y the slowwater 6ow the s#spended solids - with bi$$erdensity than water*s - settle at the bottom o% the"ontainers. S#bstan"es with smaller density swim#pon and are held ba"2 by s#bmersed barriers. heprimary treatment is minim#m two-sta$ed9+ "hambers< to a"hie1e an optimal preliminary"lari"ation.

    $.! Biological clari#cation

     he pre-"laried sewa$e 6ows to the 'ed-bed tan2s in $rad#al %ree 6ow. Here thewastewater $ets biolo$i"ally p#ried by mi"roor$anisms $rowin$ on the s#bmersed

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    'ed-bed. he 'ed-bed "onsists o% plasti" #nits with a hi$h spe"i" s#r%a"e. heo'y$en needed %or the de$radation pro"ess is bro#$ht into the water by membraneaerators. hese aerators are lo"ated #nder the s#bmersed 'ed-bed. 4or thispro"ess a "ompressor p#mps atmospheri" air into the aerator. he air is pressed

    thro#$h the small pores o% the membrane and isdistrib#ted in the wastewater as ne b#bbles! thene"essary o'y$en dissol1es in the water. :rin$in$the wastewater #nder the 'ed-bed in "ombinationwith the mi"rostr#"t#re o% the 'ed-bed materialpro1ides an optimal mi't#re o% wastewater andin@e"ted air. he mi"roor$anisms re0#ired %or thede$radation o% the water s#bstan"es are alreadypresent in the wastewater. 4or startin$ #p the plantit is not ne"essary to apply startin$ "#lt#res or anyother additi1es.

    %.! "echanical seconary clari#cation

    ?%ter the biolo$i"al sta$e! in the se"ondary "larier the treated wastewater isseparated %rom the e'"ess ba"teria whi"h ha1e "ome o/ %rom the 'ed-bed. hee'"ess biomass settles at the bottom o% the tan2 and is p#mped periodi"ally intothe primary "larier. In here! this biomass is stored with the sl#d$e "omin$ %rom theprimary treatment #ntil transportation.

    #larification of domestic wastewater as a tpical field of application

     he typi"al and most "ommon eld o% appli"ation o% wastewater treatment by

    means o% the 'ed-bed pro"ed#re is the "lari"ation o% domesti" wastewater orsewa$e be"a#se o% its "omposition! whi"h pro1ides ideal ambient "onditions %or the$rowth and preser1ation o% mi"ro-or$anisms.

    In terms o% sewa$e treatment! plants with D'(PH)*+ 'ed-bed te"hnolo$y ares#""ess%#lly "lari%yin$ domesti" wastewater %or n#mero#s years now - operatin$ atsmaller residential b#ildin$s as well as lar$er! solitarysettlements! D'(PH)*+ wastewater treatment plants pro1ide a reliable andend#rin$ per%orman"e o% "lari"ation. :e"a#se o% o#r wide ran$e o% prod#"ts nearlyall dimensions in the eld o% de"entrali)ed domesti" wastewater treatment "an be"o1ered.

    4rom the ad1anta$es o% o#r 'ed-bed te"hnolo$y prot %or e'ample=

    • ;esidential b#ildin$s and holiday homes with a "omparati1ely lown#mber o% inhabitants. Ap to "onne"tion si)es o% a pop#lation e0#i1alent9PE< o% B the wastewater treatment sol#tions whi"h are "omin$ intooperation are small plants type D'(PH)*+ "ompa"t! as their "lari"ationper%orman"e is not bein$ a/e"ted by periods o% minim#m stress or#nderload.

    • Commer"ial par2s! ho#sin$ areas or other lar$er %a"ilities with

    "onne"tion si)es #p to B, PE! where domesti" wastewater is bein$treated by $ro#p or "ompa"t wastewater treatment plantstype D'(PH)*+ "lassi" and D'(PH)*+ "ombi.

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    • Wor2in$ "amp sites! resear"h stations or other temporary established%a"ilities with "onne"tion si)es #p to B,,, PE! whi"h ha1e to rely onmobile! portable and rob#st wastewater treatment systems - li2e o#r"ontaineri)ed wastewater treatment plants D'(PH)*+ "ontainer.

    $astewater treatment at biogas plants

    In terms o% en1ironmental and water prote"tion! the operation o% bio$as powerplants is more and more bein$ s#b@e"t to the attention o% $o1ernmental a#thoritiesand other responsible instit#tions. In Germany %or e'ample! it is not allowed to drainaway r#n-o/ rainwater %rom tra5" areas o% bio$as plants witho#t prior wastewatertreatment. ?lso! there may be a need %or a"tion in "ase o% the possible"ontamination o% s#bterranean water by means o% sila$e-lea"hate.

    Wastewater treatment systems with 'ed-beds %or the $rowth o% mi"ro-or$anisms!li2e o#r D'(PH)*+ treatment plants! pro1ide h#$e ad1anta$es %or the s"enariosmentioned abo1e and are s#""ess%#l "lari%yin$ r#n-o/ rainwater or "ontaminated

    s#bterranean water already.

    Figure: Flow diagram of run-off rainwater treatment by means of the DELPHIN fixed-bed technology inthis case: com!act wastewater treatment !lant DELPHIN combi"#

     he D'(PH)*+ 'ed-bed te"hnolo$y ens#res the settlin$ o% a "apable biolm! sothe treatment plant is able to adapt to seasonal 6#"t#atin$ poll#tion loads andthere%ore ass#res the lon$-term "omplian"e with pres"ripti1e limits. h#s treatedwastewater "an be drained o/ into inshore waters witho#t hesitation. In addition! a'ed-bed treatment system re0#ires less spa"e than appropriate "onstr#"tedwetlands %or wastewater treatment.?""ordin$ to re0#irements o% the spe"i" pro@e"t! we o/er treatment "apa"ities #pto ,.,,, mFyear within o#r wide prod#"t ran$e o% D'(PH)*+ wastewatertreatment plants. he D'(PH)*+ "ombi %or e'ample ser1es as a reliablewastewater treatment sol#tion in the mentioned s"enario - %eat#rin$ a two-sta$edbiolo$i"al "lari"ation and pre-assembled in polyethylene tan2s! whi"h "an also be

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    installed abo1e-$ro#nd i% ne"essary. ?lternati1ely! the whole treatment plant "an beinstalled into +,*-IS(-"ontainers ready-to-"onne"t! ma2in$ it a rob#st and portabletreatment sol#tion.

    DELPHIN ®  compact wastewater treatment plants

    (#r "ompa"t sewa$e treatment plants o% theseries D'(PH)*3 "lassi" and D'(PH)*3 "ombi are systems %or the de"entrali)edtreatment o% domesti" wastewater %or "onne"tion si)es abo1e a pop#latione0#i1alent 9PE< o% ,. he %#lly biolo$i"al "lari"ation o% the wastewater is the res#lto% a p#ri"ation pro"ess by means o% a s#bmer$ed and aerated 'ed-bed withe"onomi"al "ompressor te"hni"s. ;ob#st 'ed-bed te"hnolo$y and minimi)ed"ontrol e/orts allow an almost maintenan"e-%ree operation o% the plants.

    Fiels o, application-

    •(iing- Se"l#ded ho#sin$ areas! small settlements! apartment b#ildin$s

    • (eisure- Hotel "omple'es! re"reational %a"ilities! "ampin$ $ro#nds

    • Business- Commer"ial par2s! shoppin$ malls! o5"e b#ildin$s! s"hoolsand other %a"ilities! o% whi"h a""r#in$ sewa$e is similar to domesti"wastewater! s#"h as or$ani"ally poll#ted r#n-o/ rainwater or sila$e-lea"hate %rom bio$as power plants.

    DELPHIN ®  classic% complete sstems for &p to ''( PE

    Complete "ompa"t wastewater treatment plants with a sin$le "lari"ation line %oroperation at %a"ilities with "onne"tion si)es #p to ++, PE. hey "onsist o% #p to monolithi" polyethylene tan2s %or #nder$ro#nd installation. he tan2s "an also beinstalled abo1e $ro#nd! i% ne"essary.


    • Entire wastewater treatment system in"l#din$ primary settlement!

    biolo$i"al treatment sta$e and se"ondary settlement. he "onstr#"tion o% on-site primary settlement basins is not re0#ired.

    • Low spa"e re0#irements and possibility o% 6e'ible installation! e. $.installation o% the tan2s in a row! parallel or L-shaped

    • Grad#al %ree 6ow plant witho#t maintenan"e-sensiti1e %eedin$ p#mps• Low e/orts %or operation and maintenan"e

    #ompact wastewater treatment plants of the series DELPHIN ®  classic

     he "ompa"t waste water treatment plants o% the D'(PH)*+ "lassi" series are"omplete systems in"l. the primary settlement tan2s.

     he plants are a1ailable %or the three treatment $rades C 9"arbonremo1al

    4or the pla"ement o% the aeration "ompressor two e0#ipment 1ariants area1ailable=

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    Stanar 0SD!= %or the positionin$ o% the "ompressor in a weather prote"tedroom! in"l. 7 m aeration hose and 6e'ible d#"twor2

    Technical sha,t 0TS!= te"hni"al sha%t with aeration no))les %or the earthpla"ement o% the "ompressor ne't to the biolo$i"al sta$e

    DELPHIN ®  combi% mod&lar sstems for &p to )*( PE

    Compa"t wastewater treatment plants with se1eral "lari"ation lines in mod#lardesi$n whi"h are s#pposed to be installed behind e'istent primary settlementbasins at %a"ilities with "onne"tion si)es #p to B, PE.


    • Hi$h adaptability d#e to mod#lar desi$n and di/erent types o% installation

    It is possible to enable or disable sin$le "lari"ation lines o% thetreatment plant to adapt the plant to 1aryin$ loadin$s

    • S#itable %or the retrottin$ or e'pansion o% e'istin$ "esspits

    #ompact wastewater treatment plants of the series DELPHIN ®  combi

     he "ompa"t waste water treatment plants o% the D'(PH)*+ "ombi series are %#llbiolo$i"al systems %or the installation behind e'istent primary settlement tan2s.

     he plants are a1ailable %or the three treatment $rades C 9"arbonremo1al

     he inlet to the biolo$i"al sta$e o% plants with one "lari"ation line "an be arran$eda""ordin$ to the pea2 6ow sit#ation and the e'istin$ pipe $radient dire"tly %romthe primary settlement 9ariant SD< or with %eedin$ p#mps 9ariant FP< %rom anon site p#mpin$ sha%t respe"ti1ely %rom a b#/er tan2. In plants with se1eral"lari"ation lines the e0#al inlet to ea"h line "an be arran$ed thro#$h the 1arianto% %eedin$ p#mps 9ariant FP< or the 1ariant o% a distrib#tion "hamber 9ariantDC

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    +&tstanding ,&alit feat&res of DELPHIN ®  wastewater treatment plants

    1eliable operation an high enurance

    •  he tan2s o% the plants are bein$ made o#t o% hi$h-$rade polyethylene9PE< by means o% the rotational sinterin$ pro"ed#re. he res#lts areseamless! monolithi" tan2s with a relati1ely low 1al#e o% internal stress!whi"h ha1e the ad1anta$es o% hi$h stability! rot resistan"e and animpenetrable s#r%a"e.

    • (nly raw materials o% the hi$hest 0#ality are bein$ #sed %or o#r smallwastewater treatment plants. ?ll those "omponents and parts! whi"hare in "onta"t with the wastewater! are either made %rom stainless steelor hi$h-$rade syntheti" materials.

    • In wastewater treatment plants with "onne"tion si)es #p to a pop#latione0#i1alent o% ,! s#"h as the plants o% the series D'(PH)*+ "ompa"t!airli%t de1i"es are operatin$ the sl#d$e-ret#rn-line! ma2in$ radial p#mpsor other me"hani"ally operated li%tin$ de1i"es #nne"essary. here%ore a"onta"t between the wastewater and ele"tri"al "omponents or mo1in$

    parts is pre1ented and there is no ne"essity %or a %re0#ent repla"emento% e'pendable parts. his is one o% the reasons why o#r wastewatertreatment plants are standin$ o#t in terms o% reliability and lowmaintenan"e e/orts.

    '4cellent 5aste5ater treatment by means o, a ,ull biologicalclari#cation proceure

    •  he treatment pro"ed#re o% a s#bmer$ed and aerated 'ed-bedens#res an end#rin$ "lari"ation per%orman"e! whi"h "an be "ompared

    to the sel%-"lari"ation properties o% a ri1er*s "o#rse. he o1er$rown'ed-bed ens#res "onstant dis"har$e 1al#es e1en in periods o% load6#"t#ation! minim#m stress or #nder load.

    •  he diaphra$m aerators %or the inp#t o% o'y$en into the wastewater arelo"ated below the 'ed-bed on the bottom o% the tan2! "a#sin$ anin"reased intermi't#re o% the tan2*s load and a better dissol1in$ o% theo'y$en than in plants! in whi"h the o'y$en-inp#t is arran$ed %romabo1e.

    •  he inlet o% the 'ed-bed "hamber is positioned below and it*s o#tletabo1e the "hamber. here%ore the wastewater has to 6ow thro#$h the"entral biolo$i"al "lari"ation sta$e and a minimal treatment $rade is

    per%ormed e1en in times o% a possible aeration %ail#re.

    Customi6able to operator7s re8uirements9 high usability an an easyinstallation proceure

    • D'(PH)*+ wastewater treatment plants are bein$ pre-assembled to alar$e e'tend and are bein$ deli1ered in an almost ready-to-"onne"tstate. he "omparati1ely low wei$ht o% the plant*s mod#les enablestransportation! pla"ement and installation witho#t the #se o% hea1ye0#ipment or ma"hinery. he only a"ti1ities remainin$ a%ter nishin$

    the e'"a1ation and pla"ement wor2s are the "onne"tion o% the inlet ando#tlet pipes as well as the air hoses and the ele"tri"al installation. In"ase o% the smaller si)ed plants these wor2s "an be done in less thanone day.

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    • :y o/erin$ a wide ran$e o% plant types and a""essories o#r prod#"ts"an be adapted to meet "ertain re0#irements o% their respe"ti1eoperators. ? %ew e'amples are= the e'tension o% the ma'im#m possibleinstallation depth! the ele1ation o% the o#tlet*s le1el by means o% airli%tde1i"es! the installation o% seepa$e-elements or the separateinstallation o% te"hni"s onto a wall bra"2et or into an o#tdoor swit"h"abinet.

    ? "entral ob@e"ti1e in the desi$n and "onstr#"tion pro"ess was to %o"#son both #sability and maintainability o% o#r plants to ens#re the hi$hestpossible end#ran"e. ?ll te"hni"al "omponents are easily approa"hableand "an be repla"ed witho#t "a#sin$ "ollateral dama$e. he "ontrolde1i"e o% the plant is #ser-optimi)ed and %eat#res a simple men#-na1i$ation as well as detailed %eedba"2 in%ormation abo#t the operatin$"onditions or the r#ntime o% "omponents.

    mall wastewater treatment plants of the series DELPHIN ®  compact

    Small wastewater treatment plants are systems %or the de"entrali)ed treatment o% 

    domesti" wastewater! "hara"teri)ed by their "ompa"t type o% "onstr#"tion and theirrelati1ely simple installation pro"ess. hey are basi"ally an appropriate sewa$etreatment sol#tion %or smaller residential b#ildin$s or holiday homes with a"omparati1ely low n#mber o% inhabitants #p to a "onne"tion si)e o% , PE9pop#lation e0#i1alent

    I% there is no a1ailable draina$e "hannel

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    D'(PH)*+ bloc: seepage elements

    Wastewater that is p#ried in a small sewa$e treatment plant is dis"har$ed intos#r%a"e water! e.$. a broo2. I% this is not possible it is drained away into the#nder$ro#nd 1ia a seepa$e system.

    D'(PH)*+ blo"2 seepa$e elements meet the demands %or soils with normalpermeability a""ordin$ to the German standard. With its lar$e holdin$ "apa"ity pea2in6ows are b#/ered and the water "an seep slowly thro#$h the side walls into the#nder$ro#nd.

    D'(PH)*+ blo"2 seepa$e elements "onsists o% se1eral m#ltiblo"2s whi"h areinter"onne"ted with pipe no))les. hereby any len$ths o% the elements are possible.(ne m#ltiblo"2 is #sed %or the distrib#tion o% the treated wastewater onto twoelements and has the dimensions 0.28 m x 2.20 m x 0.45 m  9width ' len$th 'hei$ht

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    With an additional airli%t p#mp the ori$inal o#tlet le1el o% the treatment plant in thenal "lari"ation is raised by , "m or by J, "m. I% the dis"har$e point is abo1e the#s#al le1el! with this sol#tion yo# "an a1oid applyin$ an e'pensi1e and hard tomaintain p#mp sha%t %or li%tin$ the o#tlet water.

     his a""essory is optionally a1ailable %or D'(PH)*+ "ompa"t wastewater treatmentplants.

    Installation at pla"es with hi$h s#bterranean water le1el

    Buoyancy protection ,or treatment plants type D'(PH)*+ compact

    I% the "ontainer o% a small treatment plant is $oin$ to be installed at pla"es with a

    hi$h s#bterranean water le1el 9e.$. $ro#nd water! artesian water< and there%ore willbe immersed into the water %or more than B, "m! a b#oyan"y prote"tion m#st beatta"hed to the treatment plant.

     he D'(PH)*+ "ompa"t b#oyan"y prote"tion "onsists o% $al1ani)ed steel t#beproles and $eote'tile straps. he straps are bein$ atta"hed a%ter the $al1ani)edsteel t#be proles ha1e been applied to the plant "ontainer #sin$ the massi1e eyes!whi"h are man#%a"t#red to$ether with the "ontainer itsel% in one pie"e.

    E'tension o% the ma'im#m possible installation depth

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    '4tensions ,or treatment plants type D'(PH)*+ compact

    ?n e'tension o% the ma'im#m installation depth possible "an be a"hie1ed #sin$optional dome e'tensions o% +, mm or ,, mm. In this "ase! water inlets #p to7. m below top $ro#nd s#r%a"e "an be "onne"ted to the small wastewatertreatment plant witho#t the installation o% a p#mp sha%t bein$ ne"essary. he widediameter o% the e'tensions 97,,, mm< $#arantees a s#stainable maintainability.

    E'ternal te"hnolo$y installation

    :y de%a#lt! the te"hni"al "omponents o% a D'(PH)*+ "ompa"t small wastewatertreatment plant are bein$ installed internally 1ia a hoo2in$-in-mod#le lo"ated insidethe manhole pit o% the tan2. In addition! the whole te"hnolo$y "an be installedo#tside o% the plant*s tan2.

    Sol#tion 7= E'ternal te"hnolo$y sha%t

     e"hnolo$y sha%t %or the s#bs#r%a"e installation o% the hoo2in$-in te"hnolo$y mod#leo#tside the treatment plant. he "ontrol panel may be installed in any distan"e to thewastewater treatment plant indoors or o#tdoors at a wall. he air hoses enter thesha%t 1ia r#bber $lands and are "onne"ted to hose no))les at the air distrib#tor. heair hoses ha1e to be installed inside a prote"ti1e "ond#it with the si)e o% DN 7,,

    between sha%t and plant.

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    Sol#tion += Wall bra"2et

    Stainless steel wall bra"2et %or indoor installation o% "ompressor! "ontrol panel and airdistrib#tion. he bra"2et is e0#ipped with two sho"2-proo% so"2ets %or the "onne"tiono% the "ompressor and the "ontrol panel. he "onne"tion o% the air hoses ta2es pla"eby means o% two stainless steel hose no))les. he s"ope o% deli1ery "ontains a $reenand a bl#e hose with a len$th o% 7, m ea"h! %o#r 1ibration dampers %or theinstallation between the bra"2et and the wall pl#s s"rews and wall pl#$s.

    Sol#tion K= (#tdoor swit"h "abinet

    Premi#m steel "abinet %or the a""ommodation o% "ompressor! "ontrol panel and airdistrib#tion at o#tdoor areas. he swit"h "abinet is e0#ipped with a rain "o1er! wall'ations! 1entilation $rids and e'ternal operation and alarm li$hts. ?ir hoses are"onne"ted to + hose no))les at the bottom o% the "abinet. he air hoses ha1e to beinstalled inside a prote"ti1e "ond#it with the si)e o% DN 7,, between "abinet and

    plant. ? bl#e and a $reen air hose with a len$th o% 7, m ea"h are in"l#ded in thes"ope o% deli1ery.

    obile wastewater treatment plants %or remote lo"ations

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     he D'(PH)*+ "ontainer wastewater treatment plants are %#lly pre-assembledsystems %or the biolo$i"al p#ri"ation o% domesti" wastewater or wastewater o% similar "omposition. he "onne"tion si)e and the te"hni"al e0#ipment o% the plantsare ad@#sted to the spe"i" needs o% o#r "#stomers by o#r en$ineerin$ department.


    4ields o% appli"ation

    • Wor2er "amps o% the minin$ and oil e'ploration ind#stry

    • Constr#"tion sites

    • ;e%#$ee "amps and disaster operation

    • ;esear"h stations

    • Perma%rost re$ions! deserts and other lo"ations with e'treme "limate

     he basi" "on"ept o% o#r "ontaineri)ed treatment plants in the ready-to-operateinstallation o% the plant inside the IS( "ontainer! to allow the %astest possibleinstallation on site. Plants in one or se1eral +, and B, %oot IS( "ontainers area1ailable - also in ins#lated "onstr#"tion with additional heatin$ %or ar"ti" re$ions or1entilated and "hilled %or hot areas.

     he internal tan2s o% the "ontainer plants are man#%a"t#red entirely o#t o% wastewater-resistant PE plasti". :eside the simple transport o% the plant to any pla"ein the world! the IS( "ontainer also ser1es to prote"t the internal sel%-s#pportin$tan2s and te"hni"al installations a$ainst e'ternal in6#en"es. here%ore! e1en themost "hallen$in$ "onditions do not a/e"t the ser1i"e li%e o% the plant. his ens#resrepeated %ast installation - year in! year o#t.

    Easy to transport

    D#e to the worldwide harmoni)ed IS( standard %or sea "ontainers! o#r mobiletreatment plants "an be mo1ed and transported with all "arriers whi"h are able tohandle sea "ontainers.


    Easy to set #p

    (#r systems are "ompletely pre-%abri"ated in o#r prod#"tion %a"ility in Hamb#r$.

    ?%ter intense testin$ the plants are pa"2ed %or road andFor sea transport. 4ast"o#plin$ systems and the s#pplied per%e"tly ttin$ installation material li2e pipes!hoses and "ables allow a %ast set#p and immediate ser1i"e a%ter positionin$ the"ontainer at their pla"e o% operation. Pl#$-and-playM


    Easy to operate

     he 'ed-bed pro"ess and the "hosen rob#st te"hni"al e0#ipment allow an easy

    operation witho#t demand %or spe"iali)ed operation sta/. ? basi" trainin$ in o#r%a"ility in Hamb#r$ prior to deli1ery or d#rin$ set-#p on site in "oordination with o#rdetailed man#als allows e1en non-wastewater e'perien"ed te"hni"ians to operateand maintain o#r systems.

  • 8/16/2019 Delphin Water System GmbH



    Clean water %or yo#r en1ironment

    No matter i% yo# want to a1oid poll#tion o% yo#r en1ironment or benet %rom treatedwater %or irri$ation or ser1i"e water - D'(PH)*+ "ontainer treatment plants aretailor made sol#tions %or yo#r pro@e"t and %#lll hi$hest en1ironmental re0#irements.

    It*s what*s inside that "o#ntsM

    :elow yo#*ll nd an e'planation o% the di/erent mod#les and treatment sta$es #sin$the e'ample o% a mobile wastewater treatmentplant D'(PH)*+ "ontainer :4+, with e'tended sl#d$e treatment sta$e.

    $odules: DELPHIN ®  container P%&' - DELPHIN ®  container (F&')% - DELPHIN ®  container )%&'

    Primary treatment

    %he !rimary treatment stage consists of an automatic screen followed by a settlement tan* in !lants for u! to

    +'' PE or by a drum filter in !lants abo,e +'' PE#

    • )afe remo,al of solids

    • Hygienic discharge of dewatered and com!acted screenings

    (iological stage

    %he biological stage consists of the submerged and aerated fixed-bed with a flexible aeration hose system for

    oxygen entry#

    • )table treatment !erformance also under ,arying inlet conditions

    • Easy exchangeable aeration hose ,ia !ull-out system without interru!tion of o!eration

    )econdary clarifier 

  • 8/16/2019 Delphin Water System GmbH


    %he secondary clarifier contains a lamella se!arator and a ho!!er base for settlement and remo,al of excess

    biomass from the biological stage#

    • Low sus!ended solids content below &+ mgl" in the outlet without filtration

    • Homogeni.ed outlet rate by gra,ity flow through the entire !lant

    )ludge treatment

    %he sludge treatment stage recei,es the settled sludge from the !rimary treatment and the secondary clarifier#

    %he sludge is stabili.ed by oxygenation#

    • /eduction of odors and fouling !rocesses by aeration

    • Possibility of easy sludge dewatering with o!tional filter bag system

    %ertiary treatment

    (y an o!tional tertiary treatment with filtration0 12 treatment andor a !hos!hate adsorber system a higher

    effluent 3uality is achie,ed#

    • /euse of treated water in irrigation systems

    • )afe !hos!hate remo,al without chemical !reci!itation

    #ontaineri.ed $$/P for iberia

     4 5erman su!!lier of the oil ex!loration industry a!!roached us with a s!ecial challenge: the wastewater of 6'

    wor*ers on each of two /ussian oil drilling cam!s nearby the 4rctic 7ircle shall be treated with mobile !lants in

    order to com!ly with the strict /ussian regulations for direct discharge into a natural water body# 4dditionally the

    excess sludge must be stabili.ed and dewatered inside the !lant0 because no !ossibility of a sludge dis!osal ,ia,acuum truc*s exists at the !lace of o!eration#

    %his tas* was sol,ed by the engineers of Del!hin 8ater )ystems 5mbH 9 7o# 5 with modification of the ;' ft#

    containeri.ed !lant ty!e DELPHIN ®  container

  • 8/16/2019 Delphin Water System GmbH


    means of a cur,ed screen and for the sludge dewatering by a bag filter system# 4s accessories two !re-

    fabricated grease se!arators and two wastewater lifting stations were designed in insulated double-layer

    !olyethylene tan*s# %hus the set-u! and the commissioning of the !lants can be arranged by the local

    technicians within few hours#

    0&alit for o&r pro1ect - e,en at far reaches of the world and under extreme conditions#

    DELPHIN container
