Auf einem auge blind



keynote beim TECHNOLOG im ars electronica center, 21.5.2012some quotes are used without reference; most of them come from bill buxton. this was made clear during the talk.

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technische universität wienfakultät !ür informatik

institut !ür gestaltungs- und wirkungsforschung

innovation im spannungsfeld zwischen mensch und technologie

auf einem auge blind

!ünf fehlannahmen zum thema innovation

1 innovation ist: das, was da ist, konsequent weitergedacht

tempus habent: et

Als die Abstimmung in die entscheidende Phase ging, war die bisherige Rangfolge jedoch durcheinandergewirbelt. Aus den knapp 26.000 Votes, die die Fratze Mitte April noch hatte, waren plötzlich nur noch knapp 8000 geworden, damit musste das Design die Führung abgeben […]

Leider mussten wir während der Voting-Phase feststellen, dass das Voting einiger Designs in unzulässiger Weise beeinflusst wurde", sagte eine Henkel-Sprecherin.

2 innovation löst probleme

»Theft-Resistant Spindle«

digitale musik

I wonder if Mr Davis realizes that he’s just succinctly explained why it is that his strategy is doomed to fail. You are playing Whac-a-Mole but with the intention of keeping those moles DOWN FOR GOOD. That’s not how the game works. It might be time to find another game.

»It’s a game of Whac-a-Mole. You knock one down and five more spring up.‹«

grundannahme: problem ist »given«




1. In most cases the people who commission the building of a software system do not know exactly what they want and are unable to tell us all that they know.

2....Many of the details only become known to us as we progress in the implementation. (p.251)

Parnas & Clements, 1986

Hence, ideally problem solving theory would be correct, but in reality, producing the problem is work that the designer must do.

Gedenryd, 1998

…that you cannot understand the problem without having a concept of the solution in mind; and that you cannot gather information meaningfully unless you have understood the problem but that you cannot understand the problem without information about it.

Horst Rittel, 1968Wenn also Software-Engineering von der Möglichkeit träumt, eine vollständige Definition des Problems an den Beginn des Prozesses zu stellen, dann steht es damit in direktem Widerspruch zur Theoire des Designs. Es braucht also niemand zu wundern, wenn man damit scheitern muss. Damit wird das Pflichtenheft zum potentiellen Stolperstein der Software-Entwicklung.

grundannahme: problem ist »given«✘


Evidence suggests that usability practice is more craft than engineering, but we sell it as an engineering practice.

Jared Spool

something that I earlier said that I would not do, namely, namely give you one of

my definitions of design. So here goes:

Design is choice, and there are two places where there is room for creativity: (1) the creativity that you bring to enumerating meaningfully distinct options from which to choose, and (2) the creativity that you bring to choosing the criteria, or heuristics, according to which you make your choices.

This formulation of the process makes explicit the fundamental importance of

both the generative and reductive aspects of the design process. Each

corresponds to one of Laseau’s funnels. The expanding funnel represents the

generation of the possible opportunities, or options from which one can select.

The converging one represents the making of choices from among those options,

and the gradual convergence onto the final design.

I like this figure for what it adds. And yet, it has its own weaknesses. While it

graphically highlights that the generation of new ideas is ongoing throughout the

process, it doesn’t reflect how the range of things that we can consider narrows

as we converge on the final design.

Figure 34: Overlapping Funnels The reduction that results from decision making is balanced by the constant generation of new ideas and creativity that open up new opportunities to improve the design. (Laseau, 1980, p. 91)

The other thing that it doesn’t show, but that is important to keep in mind, is that

for the process to work, we must generate and discard much more than we keep.

This is what Pugh (1990) has called controlled convergence. This leads us to yet

another representation, that seen in Figure 35. The key take-away from this

figure is how it illustrates the design funnel as alternating between adding and

eliminating concepts – concept creation (CC), which expands the scope of the

funnel, and concept convergence, which narrows the funnel.

/ 76

s k e t c h i n gprototyping

3 innovation ist neu und schnell

19951963/1964 1984··· 31 jahre ···›

20071984··· 23 jahre ···›

the »long nose« of innovation

‹—    min 20 jahre    —›

4 innovation ist teuer

»It's not the design team, or the mechanical team, it's the company, and it's because the company does care.«

Apple's different teams »think these things are as important as we do« Ive said. "I like that"

jonathan ivesenior vice president of industrial design

apple computer

5 technologie treibt innovation voran!

faster cheapersmaller more

faster cheapersmaller            more

wer macht was, wann, wo, warum, wie, und mit wem?

» «

»!ür mich gehört es zu den wichtigsten design-prinzipien alles unwichtige wegzulassen, um so das wichtige zur geltung zu bringen.«

dieter rams

simplicity it's taken me all my life to learn what not to play dizzy gillespie, musikerany fool can make things complicated, but it requires a genius to make things simple e. f. schumacher, ökonomout of clutter, find simplicity. from discord, find harmony. in the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. albert einsteinsimplicity is the ultimate sophistication. leonardo da vinciSimplicity isn't a bad design goal; complexity isn't a good one. joshua porter

less is more (more or less)

» «


!ünf fehlannahmen zum thema innovation

1 innovation ist: das, was da ist, konsequent weitergedacht2 innovation löst vorhandene probleme 3 innovation ist neu und schnell 4 innovation ist teuer5 technologie treibt innovation voran!

–› innovation ist disruptiv (innen und aussen)!–› innovation schafft neue probleme!–› innovation ist min. 20 jahre alt!–› innovation zahlt sich aus!–› innovation muss den menschen in den mittelpunkt stellen!


