Countries from a to z gambia

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Gambia (englisch The Gambia )ist eine Republik in Westafrika, die an den Ufern des Gambia liegt. Mit Ausnahme eines kurzen Küstenabschnittes an der Mündung des Flusses in den Atlantischen Ozean wird Gambia vollständig vom Staat Senegal umschlossen. Mit einer Fläche von ungefähr 11.000 Quadratkilometern ist das Land der kleinste Flächenstaat des Kontinents. Gambia hat rund 1,7 Millionen Einwohner.

The Gambia (officially the Republic of the Gambia) is a country in West Africa. It is surrounded by Senegal, apart from a short strip of Atlantic coastline at its western end. It is the smallest country on mainland Africa.The country is situated either side of the Gambia River, the nation's namesake, which flows through the country's centre and empties into the Atlantic Ocean. Its area is 11,295 km² with an estimated population of 1.7 million. Banjul is the Gambian capital, but the largest cities are Serekunda and Brikama.The Gambia shares historical roots with many other West African nations in the slave trade, which was the key factor in the placing and keeping of a colony on the Gambia River, first by the Portuguese and later by the British. On 18 February 1965, the Gambia gained independence from the United Kingdom and joined the Commonwealth of Nations, from which it withdrew in October 2013. Since gaining independence, the Gambia has enjoyed relative political stability, with the exception of a brief period of military rule in 1994.[4

Photos: Jan-Michael Breider Lies Lammers Steve Burke William Price Elaine Smith Steingrim Vold Peter ter Heide Charlie Doggett Paul van Gorp