Ausgabe 31 KW 32 Ulisses Spiele GmbH Industriestr. 11 65529 Waldems Tel. 06087/9887050 [email protected] Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 Internet: www.f-shop.de 1/15 Ulisses Spiele Das Schwarze Auge-Aventurien Rollenspiele 12052 Kartenglück und Schicksalzeichen..............25,00 Erscheint am 18.08.2011 Geheinmisse von Inrah und Boltan Das aventurische Inrah-Kartenspiel ist schon lange ein prägendes Element des Schwarzen Auges, und Kartenglück und Schicksalszeichen ist der lange erwartete, passende Ergänzungsband dazu. In diesem Band erfahren Sie alles Wissenswerte über den Einsatz der Inrah-Karten bei der Zukunfts- oder Charakterdeutung in Aventurien, über ihre Verwendung im Rollenspiel und über die Grundlagen des Boltan, des beliebtesten aventurischen Glücksspiels. Für Spieler und Spielleiter des Schwarzen Auges, aber auch für alle Freunde schöner Spielkarten. Sammler finden alle Bildkarten in zweifacher Ausfertigung abgebildet, Zocker die wichtigsten Strategietipps für die heimische Boltan-Runde und Spielleiter Hinweise, wie sich die Karten in Kombination mit den Regeln des Rollenspiels einsetzen lassen. 13082 Der Lilienthron (Ab.178)............................11,00 Wieder lieferbar Die Heilige. Die Standhafte. Die Verratene. Die Stadt Boran an der Ostseite der Insel Maraskan trägt viele Beinamen. Ihr ist verheißen, an dem Ort errichtet zu sein, auf den dereinst der Blick der Zwillingsgottes Gror fallen wird, wenn er den Weltendiskus empfängt. Durch feigen Verrat fiel die Heilige Stadt unter das Banner der Dämonenkrone und die Knechtschaft der Fürstkomturei. Doch die Zeit scheint reif, nach über einem Jahrzehnt der Tyrannei die Herrschaft der Dämonendiener zu brechen – wenn sich eine Gruppe entschlossener Helden findet, um der Finsternis die Stirn zu bieten … 13073 Von Orks und Menschen (Ab. 171).............12,00 Wieder lieferbar Mit 'Blut auf uraltem Stein', 'Der Pfad des Häuptlings' und 'Zahltag' sind in dieser Anthologie die drei Siegerbeiträge des Abenteuer-Wettbewerbs um den Goldenen Becher 2008 versammelt. Alle drehen sich um das schwierige Verhältnis zwischen den schwarzpelzigen Invasoren des Svellttals und den von ihnen unterworfenen oder in steter Vorsicht vor ihnen lebenden Menschen. Das Schwarze Auge-Aventurien Romane / Comics 11068 Der blinde Schrat #132.............................10,00 Erscheint am11.08.2011 Wieder einmal droht Krieg zwischen den Streitenden Königreichen auszubrechen, denn am Ornib, der Grenze zwischen Andergast und Nostria, ereignen sich unerklärliche Dinge. Steuereintreiber werden überfallen, Patrouillen entwaffnet, Schatzsucher werfen Gold und Geschmeide weg. Eine unheimliche Macht sorgt für Verwüstungen. Doch es gibt auch Hoffnung, denn die jungen Regenten Efferdan in Andergast und Yolande II Kasmyrin in Nostria haben beschlossen, eine Truppe aus Kriegern beider Reiche auszusenden. Ritter Michal Jakubek von Olesko soll sie anführen und dem unrühmlichen Treiben ein Ende bereiten... Prometheus Games Verlag Savage Worlds Rollenspiele PG-SAV012 Savage Worlds - Gentleman's Edition Revised .................................................................34,95 Achtung EVT verlegt auf voraussichtlich 01.09.2011 Savage Worlds ist ein schnelles und spannendes Regelsystem, geeignet für jedes beliebige Rollenspielgenre. Entwickle dein eigenes Setting, konvertiere dein Lieblingsrollenspiel oder spiele in einem unserer faszinierenden Settings, wie Necropolis 2350, Sundered Skies oder Rippers! Die Regeln von Savage Worlds wurden entwickelt, um Spielern eine Fülle von Möglichkeiten während der Charakterentwicklung an die Hand zu geben und gleichzeitig den Verwaltungsaufwand des Spielleiters so gering wie möglich zu halten. Wenn du nach einem Spiel suchst, das wenig Vorbereitung erfordert, sich flüssig spielen lässt und Spielspaß vor Regelungswut stellt, dann ist Savage Worlds dein Spiel! Die Gentleman's Edition Revised ist die neueste Edition des Savage Worlds Rollenspiels und vollgepackt mit neuen Inhalten. Neben Regelupdates, enthält das Buch auch komplett neues Regelmaterial, neues Artwork, mehr Beispiele, zahlreiche Optionalregeln und Regeln aus beliebten Settings und natürlich wie immer alles zur Charaktererschaffung, Ausrüstung, Fertigkeiten, Mächte, Kampf, Fahrzeugen, Magie und vielem mehr... Neben den Regeln enthält das Buch auch fünf kurze Abenteuer aus den verschiedensten Genres, zum schnellen Einstieg. *für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte .

Ausgabe 31 KW 32 - ulisses-spiele.de · guide them down a path of horror and madness to an untimely death, ... attention of The King in Yellow or heeding The Call of Cthulhu, for

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Ausgabe 31KW 32

● ● ● ●Ulisses Spiele GmbH Industriestr. 11 65529 Waldems Tel. 06087/9887050 [email protected]

Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet: www.f-shop.de 1/15

Ulisses Spiele

Das Schwarze Auge-Aventurien Rollenspiele

12052 Kartenglück und Schicksalzeichen..............25,00

Erscheint am 18.08.2011Geheinmisse von Inrah und BoltanDas aventurische Inrah-Kartenspielist schon lange ein prägendesElement des Schwarzen Auges, undKartenglück und Schicksalszeichenist der lange erwartete, passendeErgänzungsband dazu.In diesem Band erfahren Sie allesWissenswerte über den Einsatz derInrah-Karten bei der Zukunfts- oderCharakterdeutung in Aventurien,über ihre Verwendung imRollenspiel und über die Grundlagendes Boltan, des beliebtestenaventurischen Glücksspiels.Für Spieler und Spielleiter desSchwarzen Auges, aber auch für alle

Freunde schöner Spielkarten. Sammler finden alle Bildkarten inzweifacher Ausfertigung abgebildet, Zocker die wichtigstenStrategietipps für die heimische Boltan-Runde und Spielleiter Hinweise,wie sich die Karten in Kombination mit den Regeln des Rollenspielseinsetzen lassen.

13082 Der Lilienthron (Ab.178)............................11,00

Wieder lieferbarDie Heilige. Die Standhafte. DieVerratene. Die Stadt Boran an derOstseite der Insel Maraskan trägt vieleBeinamen. Ihr ist verheißen, an dem Orterrichtet zu sein, auf den dereinst derBlick der Zwillingsgottes Gror fallenwird, wenn er den Weltendiskusempfängt. Durch feigen Verrat fiel dieHeilige Stadt unter das Banner derDämonenkrone und die Knechtschaft derFürstkomturei. Doch die Zeit scheintreif, nach über einem Jahrzehnt derTyrannei die Herrschaft derDämonendiener zu brechen – wenn sich

eine Gruppe entschlossener Helden findet, um der Finsternis die Stirn zubieten …

13073 Von Orks und Menschen (Ab. 171).............12,00

Wieder lieferbarMit 'Blut auf uraltem Stein', 'Der Pfaddes Häuptlings' und 'Zahltag' sind indieser Anthologie die drei Siegerbeiträgedes Abenteuer-Wettbewerbs um denGoldenen Becher 2008 versammelt.Alle drehen sich um das schwierigeVerhältnis zwischen denschwarzpelzigen Invasoren desSvellttals und den von ihnenunterworfenen oder in steter Vorsichtvor ihnen lebenden Menschen.

Das Schwarze Auge-Aventurien Romane / Comics

11068 Der blinde Schrat #132.............................10,00

Erscheint am11.08.2011Wieder einmal droht Kriegzwischen den StreitendenKönigreichen auszubrechen, dennam Ornib, der Grenze zwischenAndergast und Nostria, ereignensich unerklärliche Dinge.Steuereintreiber werden überfallen,Patrouillen entwaffnet,Schatzsucher werfen Gold undGeschmeide weg. Eine unheimlicheMacht sorgt für Verwüstungen.Doch es gibt auch Hoffnung, denndie jungen Regenten Efferdan inAndergast und Yolande II Kasmyrinin Nostria haben beschlossen, eineTruppe aus Kriegern beider Reicheauszusenden. Ritter Michal Jakubekvon Olesko soll sie anführen unddem unrühmlichen Treiben ein Ende


Prometheus Games Verlag

Savage Worlds Rollenspiele

PG-SAV012 Savage Worlds - Gentleman's Edition Revised.................................................................34,95

Achtung EVT verlegt aufvoraussichtlich 01.09.2011Savage Worlds ist ein schnelles undspannendes Regelsystem, geeignetfür jedes beliebige Rollenspielgenre.Entwickle dein eigenes Setting,konvertiere dein Lieblingsrollenspieloder spiele in einem unsererfaszinierenden Settings, wieNecropolis 2350, Sundered Skiesoder Rippers!

Die Regeln von Savage Worldswurden entwickelt, um Spielern eineFülle von Möglichkeiten während derCharakterentwicklung an die Handzu geben und gleichzeitig denVerwaltungsaufwand des

Spielleiters so gering wie möglich zu halten.Wenn du nach einem Spiel suchst, das wenig Vorbereitung erfordert,sich flüssig spielen lässt und Spielspaß vor Regelungswut stellt, dann istSavage Worlds dein Spiel!Die Gentleman's Edition Revised ist die neueste Edition des SavageWorlds Rollenspiels und vollgepackt mit neuen Inhalten. NebenRegelupdates, enthält das Buch auch komplett neues Regelmaterial,neues Artwork, mehr Beispiele, zahlreiche Optionalregeln und Regeln ausbeliebten Settings und natürlich wie immer alles zurCharaktererschaffung, Ausrüstung, Fertigkeiten, Mächte, Kampf,Fahrzeugen, Magie und vielem mehr...Neben den Regeln enthält das Buch auch fünf kurze Abenteuer aus denverschiedensten Genres, zum schnellen Einstieg.

*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.

Ausgabe 31KW 32

● ● ● ●Ulisses Spiele GmbH Industriestr. 11 65529 Waldems Tel. 06087/9887050 [email protected]

Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet: www.f-shop.de 2/15

Atlas Games

Brett-/ Kartenspiele

AG1330 Cthulhu Gloom...........................................19,95

ErschienenFrom Dunwich to Innsmouth, fromthe halls of Miskatonic Universityto the Charles Dexter Ward atArkham Asylum, trouble is in theair. The stars are almost right, andterrors from beyond space and timeare beginning to break through.When Cthulhu rises, we're alldoomed -- but whose downfall will

be the most entertaining?In Cthulhu Gloom, you control a group of Lovecraftian protagonists andguide them down a path of horror and madness to an untimely death,while keeping your opponents happy, healthy, and annoyingly alive.While your characters Gibber With Ghouls and Learn Loathsome Lore toearn negative points, you'll encourage your opponents to be Analyzed byAlienists and to Just Forget About the Fungus to pile on positive points.When one group finally falls prey to the interdimensional doom thatawaits us all, the player whose characters have suffered the most wins.Cthulhu Gloom is printed on transparent plastic cards. Multiple Modifiercards can be played on top of the same Character card; since the cardsare transparent, elements from previously played Modifier cards eithershow through or are obscured by those played above them. You canimmediately and easily see the point value of every character, no matterhow many Modifiers they have piled on.Cthulhu Gloom is a stand-alone card game that's also fully compatiblewith Gloom and its expansions. It introduces Story cards andTransformation cards.One or more Story cards can be placed face up on the table at the start ofthe game; the first player to meet the conditions of a card -- drawing theattention of The King in Yellow or heeding The Call of Cthulhu, forexample -- can claim it and gain the benefits it lists.Transformation cards have ongoing effects that remain with a characterthroughout his life, along with a picture that replaces the character'soriginal art with something hideous and slimy; when you've Felt RatherFishy or been Minced by Mi-Go, the squamous results aren't easilyforgotten!

Battlefront Miniatures

Flames of War Tabletop

BFBB115 Italian Monastry........................................22,00

Erschienenwith one Ruined Chapel, one RuinedMonastery Entrance and Bell Tower& one Bell Tower Roof.Scenery plays a vital part in anyminiature wargame whether youare playing Historical, ScienceFiction or Fantasy battles. The

Battlefield in a Box range of tabletop-ready scenery is a quick and easyway to create a war gaming table straight out of the box, suitable for anyscale miniature troops to fight over.

BFBB116 Italian Vineyards.......................................22,00

Erschienenwith eight vineyard rows, twovineyard fields and one packet ofGreen Static Grass.Across Europe from western Franceto the Mediterranean, grapes havebeen grown for thousands of yearsfor use in wine or other products.Long rows of leafy vines were a

common sight near most small towns or local monasteries.

BFBB117 Rural Roads...............................................35,00,

Erschienenwith two individually sculptedcurved road sections & fourindividually sculpted straight roadsections.Scenery plays a vital part in anyminiature wargame whether you

are playing Historical, Science Fiction or Fantasy battles. The Battlefieldin a Box range of tabletop-ready scenery is a quick and easy way tocreate a wargaming table straight out of the box, suitable for any scaleminiature troops to fight over.

BFBBX23 Churchill Platoon.......................................30,00

Erschienenwith three resin Churchill hulls andturrets with 6pdr, 75mm, CS &AVRE gun options, three sets ofindividual sculpted tracks, onestowage sprue, two track sprues,three hatch sprues & threeCommander half-figures.Churchills in the NormandyCampaignChurchill tanks were amongst thefirst armoured vehicles to land onthe beaches of Normandy in supportof the Allied invasion of France on6 June 1944. These were thespecialised tanks of the 79thArmoured Division. Known as‘Hobart’s Funnies’. These first tanks

ashore were specialised Churchill AVRE (Armoured Vehicle RoyalEngineers) tanks developed to perform combat engineering tasks, not thestandard Churchills of the Infantry Tank Brigades.

BFFR201 French Lorraine 38L Armoured Carrier (x2)......................................................................11,00

Erschienenwith two one-piece resin Lorraine38L Armoured Carriers, four AAMG figures & four sets of passengerfigures.A peleton de châsseurs portés (lightmechanised cavalry platoon) iscomposed of well-trained, well-equipped and well-armed troopswith twice the number of light

machine-guns as normal infantry. More importantly each squad ofchâsseurs is carried to battle in a Lorraine VBCP (Voiture Blindé deChâsseurs Portés) 38L.

*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.

Ausgabe 31KW 32

● ● ● ●Ulisses Spiele GmbH Industriestr. 11 65529 Waldems Tel. 06087/9887050 [email protected]

Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet: www.f-shop.de 3/15

BFFRX05 French All-Terrain Towed 105mm Artillery Battery35,00

Erschienenwith four 105mm C mle 1935 Bhowitzers, four sets of gun crew,one Command Rifle team, oneObserver Rifle team, one Staffteam, one Motorcycle and sidecar,four Large bases, one Medium base& three Small bases.The French artillery arm is thepinnacle of military technology.When an observer places a requestfor fire, the artillery battalion’sposte central du groupe, its firedirection centre,assigns all available artillerybatteries to fire the mission. Thisway the artillery’s resources areused in the most efficient manner.

BFFRX06 French Self-propelled 75mm Anti-Aircraft Platoon40,00

Erschienenwith four Autocanon de 75mm,four sets of vehicle crew & fourLarge bases.When the Germany invaded Francein 1940, the French Army wereforced to bring back into servicemany vehicles of World War Onevintage; included amongst thesewere the Autocanon de 75mm.

BFGBX46 Heavy Artillery Battery..............................40,00

Erschienenwith four s10cm K18 guns withoption 15cm sFH18 barrels, oneCommand SMG team, one ObserverRifle team, one Staff team, fourLarge bases, one Medium base &two Small bases.The specifications of what wouldbecome the s10cm K18 howitzerwere given to both Krupp andRheinmetall for developed duringthe 1920s. Adapted for service in1933-34, the s10cm K18 wasactually an amalgamation of theKrupp designed carriage and theRhienmetall designed gun.

BFGE569 8cm & 10cm FK30(t) Gun Battery..............16,00

Erschienen10cm FK30(t) Howitzer (GE569)with two FK30(t) guns with 8cmand 10cm barrel options, two sets ofcrew & two Large bases.Each infantry division has anartillery regiment with three light

battalions and a heavy battalion. The light artillery battalions normallyhave twelve 10.5cm leFH18 howitzers in three batteries.

WI286 Wargames Illustrated #286........................6,50

ErschienenThe issue of Wargames Illustratedcontains the following content:DEATH OF AN ARMY - THE BATTLEOF BEDA FOMMThe Battle of Beda Fomm was theconclusion of a remarkablecampaign by the British andCommonwealth Western DesertForce, during the early part ofWWII. As well as all the backgroundto the battle we present a Flames OfWar scenario which represents theItalian attempts to breakthrough theCombeforce Roadblock and thefighting around The Pimple as theBritish armoured reserves arrive

from the east.CRUISER WEIGHTSWayne Turner traces the evolution of the British Cruiser tank from the1935 prototype to the Comet of 1945.BASES FOR ACESWe take a closer look at the new range of Flames Of War scenic bases,with Battlefront Studio team members James Brown and Casey Daviesshowing us how to further enhance these nifty little plastic pieces.THE HARD RIDE: FORCE ON FORCE IN VIETNAMAuthor of the upcoming Force On Force supplement Ambush Valley, JoeTrevithick gives us the rundown on the use of “gun trucks” by the U.S.Army and also provides an exclusive scenario for a convoy ambush.END OF EMPIRE PART 1In this article Tim tells us about one of his slightly off-historical (readVictoriana Pulp) projects - End of Empires.SVEN FORKBEARD - THE LAST DANISH VIKINGWhen Bo Penstoft of The Army Painter cast his eyes around looking fora new wargaming project he focused on one of his Dark Age kinsmen -Sven Forkbeard. In this article Bo charts the progress of his army fromconcept to completion.VERNEUIL 1424This often overlooked Hundred Years War battle made an award-winningappearance on the tabletop at this year’sSalute. Here’s a little more about the battle and the re-fight.BE A MAN AMONGST MENMartin Wolverton present us with a look at the type of fighting that wenton during the war that resulted in the independent country of Zimbabwe,and looks at the things you’ll need to re-fight the Rhodesian Bush War.HOW TO MAKE...THE BORODINO REDOUBTSIn this follow-up to last month’s Bayonets & Blades article, Barry Hiltonshows us how he went about building model versions of some veryimportant earthworks.IN THIS SIGN CONQUERThe War of Spanish Succession comes to Northern Italy in this ‘what if’scenario.

*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.

Ausgabe 31KW 32

● ● ● ●Ulisses Spiele GmbH Industriestr. 11 65529 Waldems Tel. 06087/9887050 [email protected]

Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet: www.f-shop.de 4/15

Catalyst Game Lab

Shadowrun 4.Ed. Rollenspiele

CAT26100 Runner's Toolkit........................................31,99

ErschienenBeyond skills and instincts, theproper kit will see a runner throughalmost any situation. Thedifference between dropping nuyenin your pocket and street cred toyour name, and an ignominiousdeath. The Runner’s Toolkitprovides a plethora of tools for bothgamemasters and players to makerunning easier than ever. This boxcontains the following:A deluxe, hard-cardboard 4-panelGamemaster’s Screen.On The Run, a 56 page “fi rstadventure.”

Contacts, Adventures & Sprawl Sites, a 32 page booklet of ready-to-usecontacts, and a host of adventure ideas.4 letter-sized, full-color laminated maps of the Sprawl Sites locations.A 64 page book of tables from Arsenal, Augmentation, Street Magic, andUnwired: a perfect “shopping list” for character creation.Anatomy of a Shadowrun, a fi ction and rules walkthrough of a typicalrun.The Pregenerated Auxiliary Character Generation System (PACs), a plug-and-play system for quickly generating characters; also includes 7 newsample characters.6 heavy-duty double-sided cardstock Quick Reference Cheat Sheets foruse during gameplay.


Cthulhu (englisch) Rollenspiele

CHA23126 Call of Cthulhu - 30ths Anniversary Collectors Edition.................................................................51,95

Erschienen2011 MARKS THE THIRTIETHANNIVERSARY of the release of theCall of Cthulhu roleplaying game.To celebrate this important and rareoccasion in our Adventure Gamingindustry, Chaosium is proud tooffer a special binding of thecurrent edition (6th edition) of theCall of Cthulhu rulebook.This 320-page book features thick(3 mm) leatherette hard-coverswith the front cover and spinestamped with luxurious gold foil.The interior pages are printed inblack ink, on 90 gsm matte art

paper. The binding is thread sewn, square backed. Each book isindividually shrink-wrapped, with the barcode stickered onto thewrapping so as to not mar the book cover. Chaosium will offer a one-time printing of this Collector's Edition.Call of Cthulhu is Chaosium's classic roleplaying game of Lovecraftianhorror in which ordinary people are confronted by the terrifying andalien forces of the Cthulhu Mythos. Call of Cthulhu uses Chaosium¼s

Basic Roleplaying System, easy to learn and quick to play. Thisbestseller has sold over 300,000 copies worldwide and has won dozensof game-industry awards. In 1996 Call of Cthulhu was elected to theAcademy of Adventure Game Design Hall of Fame. In 2003 Call ofCthulhu was voted the #1 Gothic/Horror RPG of all time by the GamingReport.com community. Call of Cthulhu is well-supported by an ever-growing line of high quality game supplements. This version iscompletely compatible with all of our previous supplements for Call ofCthulhu.

Cubicle 7

One-Roll Engine Rollenspiele

CB75411 Road Trip (One-Roll Engine).......................23,99

ErschienenThe Best Summer Vacation Ever! . .. and maybe the last! A crazy cultplans to destroy the world -- notjust a school or the boring grown-upshops at the mall, but the WHOLEWORLD -- and it’s up to you to stopthem. Now you and your friends,and your horrible friendlymonsters, are taking on the Cult ofthe Ur-Monster from one end of theUnited States to the other. You'llexplore creepy amusement parks,dusty tourist traps, and quaintroadside farms in the throes ofviolent revolution. Also, the land of

Oz. ROAD TRIP is a full-length adventure campaign for the roleplayinggame Monsters and Other Childish Things, with NINE completeadventures, ideas for plenty of extra weirdness the players mightencounter on the way, and six full-color, full-size postcards from some ofthe strangest places in America. ROAD TRIP is written by Ross Payton(Curriculum of Conspiracy) and illustrated by Monsters and OtherChildish Things artist Robert Mansperger, Jr., with color postcards byKate Ashwin, K.C. Green, Violet Kirk and Ean Moody. Gas up the van,put ice in the cooler, and don’t forget the trail mix. It’s time to hit theroad!

Villains and Vigilants Rollenspiele

CB77502 In Broad Daylight (V&V).............................15,99

ErschienenFamous fashion model Holly Cooksdisappeared before a crowd ofthousands of spectators. Was it apublicity stunt? A hoax? Anabduction? Or an assassination?Caveat Allure - the modelingagency Holly Cooks worked for -needs your team of heroes to findout. But what else aren't theytelling you? Find out in thisexciting new adventure for Villainsand Vigilantes and Living Legendsby V&V co-creator Jack Herman!Bonus! This adventure includescomplete stats and background

information on The Indestructibles – the superhero team featured on theearly V&V covers.

*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.

Ausgabe 31KW 32

● ● ● ●Ulisses Spiele GmbH Industriestr. 11 65529 Waldems Tel. 06087/9887050 [email protected]

Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet: www.f-shop.de 5/15

CB77503 Living Legends RPG (V&V)..........................26,39

ErschienenLiving Legends expands the Villiansand Vigilantes world setting with ahypercharged new game system!Living Legends is the latestsuperhero role-playing game fromJeff Dee, co-creator of the classicsuperhero RPG Villains & Vigilantes.Living Legends features point-basedcharacter creation with optionalrandom generation, over 80 distinctand open-ended powers with anextensive array of enhancementand limitation options, 19 detailedcharacter weaknesses, and excitingfast-paced combat.

Living Legends introduces brand new information on many of thenations, lost regions, time periods, alien worlds and alternate dimensionsof the V&V universe.Living Legends is fully illustrated by Villains and Vigilantes

Evil Hat Productions

Kids Storytelling Games Rollenspiele

EHP7005 Do: Pilgrams of the Flying Temple..............20,00

ErschienenWhen you have a big problem, callthe experts! Or call the pilgrims. (They meanwell.)Do: Pilgrims of the FlyingTemple is a storytelling game abouthelping people and getting intotrouble. Young travelers with weirdnames explore a vast universe,helping people as much as possible

before inevitably causingmore chaos. What could possibly go wrong with Pilgrim Green Capefreeing a fire-breathing dragon? How does Pilgrim Slippery Surface getan entire planet unstuck from a sky whale’s blowhole?Will Pilgrim Bouncing Bat rescue Pilgrim Hot Dog from the Chef-King’sdinner menu?Work together, make trouble and have fun!3-5 Players • 1-2 Hours • Ages 12+

Expeditions Retreat Press

Pathfinder Rollenspiele

XRP6201 Malevolent & Benign: Pathfinder Edition.....20,00

ErschienenContaining over 150 creatures , Malevolent& Benign ista must-have monster source forpopulating any Pathfinder game.

Green Ronin Publishing

Dragon Age Rollenspiele

GRR2804 Dragon Age: Set 2.....................................31,95

ErschienenThe Dragon Age RPG has been calledthe best introduction to RPGs in 30years. Set 1 put adventurers on theirpath and covered characters of level 1 to5. Now Set 2 brings them to the nextstage of their journey, providingeverything needed to play characters oflevel 6 to 10. Its many highlightsinclude rules for playing the legendaryGrey Wardens, the introduction ofroleplaying and exploration stunts,nearly 40 new spells, expanded worldinfo and character backgrounds, and the

addition of specializations like arcane warrior, berserker, and assassin.Dragon Age RPG, Set 2 is a boxed set containing two beautiful full colorbooks (an 80-page Player’s Guide and 80-page Game Master’s Guide),two different heavy reference cards (with multiple copies of each toshare around the table), and a poster map of the world of Thedasdepicting Orlais, Rivain, and everything in between. Return to Fereldenand face the Blight in Dragon Age, Set 2!

Heidelberger Spiele Verlag

Warhammer Invasion LCG

HBHE222 Warhammer Invasion: Das Ende aller Hoffnung...................................................................7,95

ErschienenAls Morrslieb voll am Himmel steht und dieMächte des Chaos aus dem Norden heranmarschieren, bedrohen Marodeure eineFlüchtlingskarawane. Nur ein Hexenjäger, einZauberlehrling und eine Handvoll Soldaten stehenihnen im Weg..Der zweigeschweifte Komet ist der dritte BattlePack aus dem Morrslieb-Zyklus, einerzusammenhängenden Reihe vonErweiterungen für Warhammer: Invasion, einemKartenspiel über epische Schlachten, Verwaltungvon Königreichen und gewaltigen Questen.

Dieses 60 Karten umfassende Set enthält 20 verschiedene neue Kartenzur Verbesserung bestehender Decks, die den Metaplot von Warhammer:Invasion noch vielfältiger gestalten. Battlelore Brett-/ Kartenspiele

HBHE347 Die Schlachten von Westeros: Die Herren der Flusslande.................................................19,95

ErschienenWardens of the North adds more than30 new plastic miniatures and over 30new cards. It also includes a Rules andBattle Plans book as well as moreterrain overlays, banners, and tokens.Additionally, Wardens of the North alsointroduces new game mechanics, suchas the new Defend tokens, Marshterrain, and new Gambit Cards!

*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.

Ausgabe 31KW 32

● ● ● ●Ulisses Spiele GmbH Industriestr. 11 65529 Waldems Tel. 06087/9887050 [email protected]

Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet: www.f-shop.de 6/15

Arkham Horror Brett-/ Kartenspiele

HBHE348 Arkham Horror dt.: Der Fluch des Schwarzen Pharao (Revised)...................................................15,95

ErschienenMit neuen Exponatsgegenständen undAusstellungsereignissen können dieSpieler den verschwunden Artefakten derAusstellung "Das Vermächtnis derPharaonen" nachspüren. Doch der DunklePharao wird seine Schätze sicher nichteinfach so preisgeben. Der AvatarNyarlathoteps selbst nimmt Einfluss aufdas Spielgeschehen, indem er als Vorboteseinen düsteren Fluch auf die Ermittlerloslässt.Die überarbeitet Version der ErweiterungFluch des Schwarzen Pharao für ArkhamHorror fügt außerdem noch Poliziestreifen,

Vor- und Nachteile und die Marker des uralten Flüsterns zum Spiel hinzu.Eine komplett überarbeitete Neuauflage der Erweiterung von 2006enthält Vorbotenbogen für den Schwarzen Pharao.Neue Ausstellungsgegestände und die Ausstellungsbegegenungenermöglichen mehr Ausgewogenheit beim Integrieren der Ausstellung indas Arkham Horror Spiel.Vor- und Nachteile ermöglichen besondere Zustände der Ermittler inArkham.Enthält außerdem noch 90 Großer Alten Karten, 12 Zauber und 6Verbündete Talisman Brett-/ Kartenspiele

HBHE406 Talisman: Die Heilige Quelle.......................15,95

ErschienenDer endlose Kampf zwischen den Kräftendas Lichts und der Dunkelheit eskaliert.Mächtige Helden sind Berufen ihre Seitezu wählen und für den Tag des jüngstenGerichts, ihren Wert im Kampf zubeweisen... so beginnt nun der Kriegzwischen Himmel und Hölle. Seid ihr aufder Seite des Lichts – oder verfallt ihr derDunkelheit? Die Erweiterung Die HeiligeQuelle enthält 4 neue Charakterkarten undSpielfiguren aus Plastik, 72 neueAbenteuerkarten, 16 neue Zauberkarten,24 Aufgaben-Belohnungskarten, 12

Stallkarten, 4 Karten Neutrale Gesinnung und 3 neue Bögen AlternativesEnde.

Mantic Games


MGKWD75-1 Dwarf Warsmith .........................................7,19

ErschienenWarsmiths are technical masterminds,tasked with engineering the vast number ofwarmachines and long ranged weaponry inthe Dwarfen armoury. In battle they areused to direct entire batteries ofwarmachines, inspiring the crew andcalculating the artillery’s next target

MGKWE92-1 Elf Kings with Spear....................................7,19

ErschienenAmongst the ranks of Elvenwarhosts there are those whosenames are spoken with hushedreverence, whose battle-skillssurpass those of their kin, andwhose deeds have become aslegend. These are the war-leadersof the Elves, peerless warriors andmasters of battlefield strategyhaving honed their killing arts overcenturies of warfare.Number of Miniatures: 1

Product Type: MetalUnit Type: HeroThis Set Includes:1 x Metal Elf King with Spear1 x 20mm Base

MGKWK72-1 Abyssal Dwarf King.....................................8,39

ErschienenThe greatest, most cruel andwealthy of the Abyssal Dwarfsoften lead their armies into battle.Mighty Overmasters, armed withensorcelled weaponry and coveredin the most impenetrable obsidianarmour, bellow orders to their ownwarriors.

MGKWO72-1 Dark Elf Sorceress .......................................7,19

ErschienenUtilising the dark energies of magic,Sorceresses open their foul hearts tothe debauched whims of the DarkerGods. Capable of great feats ofdecadence, Sorceresses kill forpleasure, capturing the souls of theinnocent and sending them to beconsumed by depravity of theAbyss.

MGKWU90-1 Undead Morgoth the Faceless.......................7,19

ErschienenMhorgoth the Faceless is arguablythe most powerful Necromancerever to blight the world, a twistedand ancient being that was old evenbefore the mountain folk sealed thegates of their subterranean cities tothe world above. As mad as he ispowerful, Mhorgoth has sworn apact to see every living creatureperish, and he will not rest until theworld is populated only by the dead.

*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.

Ausgabe 31KW 32

● ● ● ●Ulisses Spiele GmbH Industriestr. 11 65529 Waldems Tel. 06087/9887050 [email protected]

Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet: www.f-shop.de 7/15

MGMAG14-1 Mantic Journal Issue 4.................................2,60

ErschienenMantic Journal 4 is set to be epicwith part 2 of Alessio's Birth ofKings of War and Jake Thornton'sdesigner notes on Dwarf King'sHold! Also featuring Orcs andAbyssal Dwarfs, the ManticJournal details the great battlesbetween the two races withbackground, stories and an all-newscenario for Dwarf King's Hold.

Nackter Stahl Verlag

Frostzone Rollenspiele

NS102 Frostzone Moloch.........................................9,00

ErschienenStorkov-Sektor in der Todeszone:Nanitenstürme zerreißen denNachthimmel, schleudern Brockenaus Schrott und zersetztemStahlbeton in den tosendenSchneesturm. In diesem Mahlstromdes Chaos kämpfen Monstren undNomadenstämme ums Überleben.Aasfresser-Sklavenjäger undFleischschmelzer-Mutanten teilensich die Herrschaft über die letztenÜberreste der alten Zivilisation,machen Jagd auf die verbleibendenPrimal-Stämme und alles, was sichin ihr Revier wagt. Das Summenvon Turbinen mischt sich in dasHeulen des Windes: Ein Wehrkraft-

Transporter des Konsortiums rast dicht über den Schneewehen unterdem Nanitensturm in das Herz der Todeszone. Seine Fracht ist einekleiner Black-Op-Einsatztrupp, ausgesandt um seine Mission mitäußerster Diskretion zu erledigen. Es ist nicht das ersteSpezialistenteam, das auf diesen Einsatz ausgesandt wurde… Das Frostzone-Grundregelwerk wird zum Spielen benötigt.

Paizo Publishing

Pathfinder Rollenspiele

PIA1118 Pathfinder: Ultimate Combat......................31,99

ErschienenSeize the initiative and chop your foesto pieces with this exciting new guideto the art of martial combat in thesmash-hit Pathfinder RoleplayingGame, suitable for players and GameMasters alike!This comprehensive256-page hardcover reference revealsthe martial secrets of the Pathfinderrules like never before! Tons of newtricks and techniques for combat-oriented character classes put a sharpedge on your weapons and a sure stepin your tactics, ranging from new

barbarian rage powers, new cavalier orders, tons of new rogue talents,and more than 60 new archetypes for nearly every Pathfinder characterclass, including spellcasters like wizards and clerics. Ultimate Combatalso introduces three new Pathfinder RPG classes: the ninja, samurai,and gunslinger! The ninja blends the subterfuge of the rogue with high-flyingmartial arts and assassination techniques. The samurai is an unstoppablearmored warrior who lives by a strong code of honor—with or without amaster. The gunslinger combines the fighter’s martial prowess with anew grit mechanic that allows her to pull off fantastic acts with a pistolor rifle. All this plus tons of new armor and weapons, a completetreatment of firearms in the Pathfinder RPG, a vast array of martial arts,finishing moves, vehicle combat, duels, and new combat-oriented spellsfor every spellcasting class in the game!Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat Includes:• New player character options for 14 Pathfinder RPG base classes,including alchemist discoveries, barbarian rage powers, cavalier orders,combat-cleric archetypes, animal shaman druids, new fighter archetypeslike gladiator and armor master, inquisitor archetypes like witch-hunteror infiltrator, combat-themed magus arcana, monk archetypes based onmastery of martial arts, new paladin archetypes like angelic warrior,ranger archetypes like big game hunter and trapper, new rogue tricks,and wizard archetypes like the gunmage.• The ninja, samurai, and gunslinger, brand-new 20-level alternateclasses specially designed to get the most out of combat• Hundreds of new combat-oriented feats including martial arts feattrees, finishing moves, and combination feats• In-depth overviews on a variety of combat-related topics, such asarmor, Asian weapons, duels, fighting schools, guns, siege weapons, andmore• A complete system covering vehicle combat, including wagons, boats,airships, and more• Tons of optional combat rules like called shots, armor as damagereduction, and new ways to track character health

PIA4033 GameMastery Map Pack: Shrines...............10,39

ErschienenGameMastery Map Pack: Shrines contains18 full-color 5 x 8-inch map tiles,stunningly crafted by cartographer JasonEngle, that combine to form a variety oflocales ranging from the diabolic to thedivine!Locations Include:• Altar to the Old Gods• Sylvan Pool• Urban Shrine• Dwarven Forge• Ruined Temple• Eastern Shrine• Standing Stones• Sacrificial Chamber• Wayside ShrineFor use with all tabletop roleplaying and

miniatures games and suitable for experienced GMs and novices alike,this product fits perfectly into any Game Master’s arsenal.

*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.

Ausgabe 31KW 32

● ● ● ●Ulisses Spiele GmbH Industriestr. 11 65529 Waldems Tel. 06087/9887050 [email protected]

Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet: www.f-shop.de 8/15

PIA8505 Pathfinder Tales: Master of Devils................7,99

ErschienenOn a mysterious errand for thePathfinder Society, Count VarianJeggare and his hellspawnbodyguard Radovan journey to thedistant land of Tian Xia, on the farside of the world. When disasterforces him to take shelter in awarrior monastery, “Brother”Jeggare finds himself competingwith the disciples of Dragon Templeas he unravels a royal mystery.Meanwhile, Radovan—trapped inthe body of a devil and held hostageby the legendary Quivering Palmattack—must serve a twisted masterby defeating the land’s deadliestchampions and learning the secretof slaying an immortal foe.Together with an unlikely army ofbeasts and spirits, the two

companions must take the lead in an ancient conflict that will carry themthrough an exotic land, all the way to the Gates of Heaven and Hell and afinal confrontation with the nefarious Master of Devils!From fan-favoriteauthor Dave Gross comes a new fantastical adventure set in the award-winning world of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

PIA9048 Adv. Path #48: Shadows of Gallowspire.........(Carrion Crown 6 of 6)...............................15,99

ErschienenThe plot of an undead-obsessedcult, the Whispering Way, comes toits terrifying climax! With relicsgathered from across the land, thedeath-worshipers travel to the mostfeared location in the Pathfindercampaign setting, the tower ofGallowspire, wherein lurk thedeathless remains of the immortalevil wizard known as theWhispering Tyrant. There thecultists plot to conduct a ritual toresurrect the notorious villain,using their collected relics totransform an innocent into a new

undead body for the imprisoned archmage. Can the heroes withstand theageless evil of Gallowspire to finally defeat the Whispering Way? Or willthe Whispering Tyrant, one of the greatest fiends ever known, beunleashed upon the world once more? A Pathfinder Roleplaying Gameadventure for 13th-level characters, this volume brings the CarrionCrown Adventure Path to its climactic conclusion, drawing on themes ofclassic horror stories and RPG adventures long awaited by Pathfinderplayers. This volume also includes details on liches—powerfully evilundead wizards—in the Pathfinder world, as well as plots allowingplayers to continue the Carrion Crown Adventure Path beyond this finaladventure. Plus five terrifying new monsters in the Pathfinder Bestiary,new fiction in the Pathfinder’s Journal, and much more! Each monthlyfull-color softcover Pathfinder Adventure Path volume contains an in-depth adventure scenario, stats for several new monsters, and supportarticles meant to give Game Masters additional material to expand theircampaign. Pathfinder Adventure Path volumes use the Open GameLicense and work with both the Pathfinder RPG and the standard 3.5fantasy RPG rules set.

PIA9049 Adv. Path #49: Brinewall Legacy ..................(Jade Regent 1 of 6)..................................15,99

ErschienenWhen the Licktoad Goblins ofBrinestump Marsh get a hold of acrate of fireworks, adventurers areneeded to handle the explosive andannoying situation. But invanquishing the pyromaniac goblins,the heroes uncover a secret that hadbeen hidden in the marsh for nearly aquarter of a century—a secret thatsends them north to the mysteriousruins of Brinewall Castle, where apowerful legacy waits to berediscovered. The fate of a nation onthe far side of the world falls into the

heroes' hands with the recovery of this legacy—will they be equal to thetask of restoring balance to an empire on the verge of collapse?APathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for 1st-level characters, thisvolume launches the Jade Regent Adventure Path, a sweeping quest thattakes the heroes from familiar territory in Varisia all the way across theice fields of the Crown of the World to distant Tian Xia, the land of theDragon Empires. This volume also includes details on oni—wicked shape-changing spirits—in the Pathfinder world, a detailed look at the village ofSandpoint and its environs, as well as an overview of the entire pulse-pounding Jade Regent campaign! Plus five terrifying new monsters inthe Pathfinder Bestiary, new adventures of Varian Jeggare and Radovan(stars of the Pathfinder Tales novels Prince of Wolves and Master ofDevils) in the Pathfinder’s Journal, and much more!Each monthly full-color softcover Pathfinder Adventure Path volumecontains an in-depth adventure scenario, stats for several new monsters,and support articles meant to give Game Masters additional material toexpand their campaign. Pathfinder Adventure Path volumes use the OpenGame License and work with both the Pathfinder RPG and the standard3.5 fantasy RPG rules set.

PIA9235 Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Pathfinder .......Society Field Guide....................................15,99

ErschienenThis handy reference containseverything an adventuring agent ofthe Pathfinder Society needs tosurvive in the wild and wooly world ofGolarion. From tips on informationnetworks and secret orders within theSociety itself to new equipment andways to use your Pathfinder trainingto unlock special character abilities,the Pathfinder Society Field Guide is100% legal for play in theinternational Pathfinder SocietyOrganized Play shared world

campaign, and is an invaluable reference for players and GMs alike!

*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.

Ausgabe 31KW 32

● ● ● ●Ulisses Spiele GmbH Industriestr. 11 65529 Waldems Tel. 06087/9887050 [email protected]

Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet: www.f-shop.de 9/15

PIA9237 Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Magic.................................................................15,99

ErschienenMagic has suffused the Inner Sea regionfor thousands of years. This book takesa detailed look at the magical traditionsof the Inner Sea, including rules formagic variants (from hideousfleshwarping rituals to the wild andunpredictable surges of primal magic),examinations of how magic is taught (beit in schools, temples, guilds, or secretsocieties), and how the spellcasters ofthe region have chosen to specialize invarious forms of magic. This bookpresents two new oracle mysteries, 18

new archetypes for spellcasting classes, a pair of prestige classes (thecypher mage and the divine scion), and a wide selection of unique,unusual, and exciting new spells for all who would seek to master the artof magic.

PIA9419 Pathfinder Player Companion: Goblins of Golarion...................................................................8,79

ErschienenThe bane of chicken coops and untendedchildren across Golarion, manic andmurderous goblins sow their uniquebrand of malicious mischief throughoutthe Pathfinder world. Now, for the firsttime, you can take up your dogslicer andride your goblin dog into battle againstshrieking villagers and half-witadventurers as a goblin yourself! Newgoblin-focused character traits and rulesput you in the role of a pint-sizedpsychopath in this definitive guide toPathfinder's most popular monstrous

menaces! Written by the demented, fan-favorite author Richard Pett(We Be Goblins!), Goblins of Golarion cuts a crooked slice through theworld of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game!Each bimonthly 32-pagePathfinder Companion contains several player-focused articles exploringthe volume’s theme as well as short articles with innovative new rulesfor social, magic, religious, and combat-focused characters, as well astraits to better anchor the player to the campaign.

Palladium Books

Rifter Rollenspiele

PB155 Rifter Number Fifty Five..............................9,55

ErschienenThe Rifter® is your doorway tounlimited imagination and numerousPalladium role-playing worlds. It offersnew heroes, powers, weapons, magicand adventure for your games. Itpresents new villains, monsters anddangers to battle, and new ideas toconsider.

The Rifter® #55:

* The Black Crusade, Part 2: The

Methodians. Optional material for Rifts® and Phase World® by AndrewLander. * Thundercloud Galaxy™ material by Braden Campbell with KevinSiembieda. * Updated Triax & The NGR O.C.C.s by Brandon Aten. * A closer look at Quorians for Palladium Fantasy® by Travis Guererro. * Dark Day™ Chronicles, Volume 3. A Nightbane® short story byJeremy Hutchins.

Reaper Miniatures

Dark Heaven Legends Miniaturen

REA03574 Barbed Devil................................................6,39


REA03575 Barrow Wight Guardian...............................8,39

ErschienenChronoscope Miniaturen

REA50235 Edna, Crazy Cat Lady...................................6,39


REA50239 Motorcycle...................................................5,19


*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.

Ausgabe 31KW 32

● ● ● ●Ulisses Spiele GmbH Industriestr. 11 65529 Waldems Tel. 06087/9887050 [email protected]

Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet: www.f-shop.de 10/15

REA50241 Sparg, Illyrian Agent....................................4,79

ErschienenSavage Worlds Rollenspiele

REA59001 Grimme.......................................................5,59


REA59002 Raven..........................................................5,19


REA59003 Helstromme.................................................5,59


REA59004 Stone...........................................................4,99


REA59005 Huckster......................................................4,79


*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.

Ausgabe 31KW 32

● ● ● ●Ulisses Spiele GmbH Industriestr. 11 65529 Waldems Tel. 06087/9887050 [email protected]

Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet: www.f-shop.de 11/15

REA59006 Texas Ranger...............................................4,99


REA59007 Gunslinger...................................................4,79

ErschienenPathfinder Miniaturen

REA60080 Pathfinder Agent.........................................4,79


Scibor Monstrous Miniatures


SMM28FM0066 28mm/30mm Elf Hunter.............................5,50


SMM28FM0067 28mm/30mm War Bears Warriors set (3)......................................................................63,60


SMM28FM0068 28mm/30mm Rotten Lord on Mutant Snail.....................................................................30,75


SMM28GB0012 Goblin Warrior Set #2 (3)............................7,45


SMM28GB0013 Goblin Warrior #4......................................3,05


*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.

Ausgabe 31KW 32

● ● ● ●Ulisses Spiele GmbH Industriestr. 11 65529 Waldems Tel. 06087/9887050 [email protected]

Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet: www.f-shop.de 12/15

SMM28GB0014 Goblin Warrior #5......................................3,05


SMM28GB0015 Goblin Warrior #6......................................3,05


SMM28SF0041 28 mm Templar SF Knight #5..................15,45


SMM28SF0042 28 mm Roman Centurion ..........................13,50


SMM28SF0043 28 mm Archangel......................................18,50


SMM28SF0044 28 mm Knight...........................................18,50


SMM28SF0045 28 mm Spartan SF Warrior #2..................18,50


SMMBRCE0043 Celtic Ruins 25mm round bases #1 (3).............................................................................3,70


*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.

Ausgabe 31KW 32

● ● ● ●Ulisses Spiele GmbH Industriestr. 11 65529 Waldems Tel. 06087/9887050 [email protected]

Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet: www.f-shop.de 13/15

SMMBRCE0044 Celtic Ruins 40mm round bases #1 (2).............................................................................5,50


SMMBRCE0045 Celtic Ruins 40mm round bases #2 (2)........5,50


SMMBRCE0046 Celtic Ruins 60mm round base.....................5,50


SMMBRCE0047 Celtic Ruins 50mm round base.....................5,50


SMMBRCE0049 Celtic Ruins 40mm Round Base-Round Edge #1 (2)...................................................................5,50


SMMBRCE0050 Celtic Ruins 40mm Round Base-Round Edge #2 (2)...................................................................5,50


SMMBRCE0051 Celtic Ruins 25mm Round Bases #2 (3)............................................................................3,70


SMMBSET0032 Elven Temple Ruins Squere Bases 50mm..........................................................................5,50


*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.

Ausgabe 31KW 32

● ● ● ●Ulisses Spiele GmbH Industriestr. 11 65529 Waldems Tel. 06087/9887050 [email protected]

Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet: www.f-shop.de 14/15

SMMBSET0033 Elven Temple Ruins Squere Bases 95mm/45mm...................................................................3,70


SMMBSET0034 Elven Temple Ruins Squere Bases 40mm #1 (2)...................................................................5,50


SMMBSET0035 Elven Temple Ruins Squere Bases 40mm #1 (2)...................................................................5,50


SMMCPBK0084 Basing Kit Elven Temple Set 2 (14)..............5,50


SMMCPRE0087 Spartan Reliefs (4).......................................5,50


SMMCPRE0088 Spartan Decorated Plates (2)........................3,70


SMMCPSH0085 Templar Skeleton Shoulder Pads (8).............4,30


SMMCPSH0086 Angels Shoulder Pads #2 (8).......................4,30


*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.

Ausgabe 31KW 32

● ● ● ●Ulisses Spiele GmbH Industriestr. 11 65529 Waldems Tel. 06087/9887050 [email protected]

Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet: www.f-shop.de 15/15

Studio 9 Games

Brett-/ Kartenspiele

S9G10004 Villains & Villagers.....................................19,95

ErschienenIn the untamed wild, villains lurk inwait, terrors haunt dark lairs,tradesfolk seek riches and heroescome to prove their valor. As themayor of a frontier town, you standin the center, eyeing the roads fortalent and trouble. Will you hirehelp or take on challenges, developyour town or command its heroes?

Your strategies, risks and fortune can transform your village into athriving city or forgotten ruins.

*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.