142 Kurze OriginMmitteilungen Naturwissenscha[ten Fine Structure of Frozen-Etched Tight Junctions L. A. STAEHELIN, T. M. ~IUKHa~RJEE and A. WYNN WILLIAMS Biophysics Section, Physics and Engineering Laboratory, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Lower Hurt, New Zealand and Electron Microscope Laboratory, Pathology Department, University of Otago, Medical School, Dunedin, New Zealand Tight junctions or zonulae occludestes have been demonstrated in numerous epithelial tissues [t, 2]. They form the outer- most component of the junctional complex between adjacent epitheliM cells and seem to be continuous around each cell. In sections of chemically fixed cells, the tight junctions appear as regions where the intercelIular space disappears owing to the fusion of the plasma membranes of adjoining cells. The fusion appears as merging of the outer leaflets of the apposed unit membranes into a single leaflet equivalent in thickness to one of the contribution layers [t ]. [3] MOOR, H., and K. MI)KLETKALER: ibid. 17, 609 (t963). -- [4] MOOR, H., et al.: Z. Zellforsch. 62, 58t (I964). - - [5] SABATINI, D. S., et al.: J. CelI Biol. 17, 19 ( 1 9 6 3 ) . - [6] STAEHELIN,L. A., et al.: Protoplasma (in press). Induction of Tumors in ICR Mice with N-Nitrosopiperidine, Especially in Forestomach SHOZ0 TAKAYAMA Department of Experimental Pathology, Cancer Institute, 2-Chome Nishisugamo, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, Japan N-Nitrosopiperidine is a potent carcinogen in rats, producing carcinomas of the liver, esophagus and nasal cavity [1, 3, 4] and lung tumors in hamsters [2]. No experiments have been reported on mice. We conducted oral administration of diet containing 50 ppm N-nitrosopiperidine to ICR male mice over a period of 12 months and induced tumors in the forestomach, esophagus, liver and lung as reported below. N-nitrosopiperidine (East- man Organic Chemicals, Rochester, N: Y.) was dissolved in Fig. t. Frozen-etched mouse intestinal epithelium. Surface view of a tight junets that has been split along the central fused plane. At the base of the microvillous border (M) the tight junction (T) appears as a bandlike structure consisting of a meshwork of fibrils or ridges attached to the outer surface of the particle covered plasma membrane (Pl), Lumen (L). The encircled arrow indicates the shadowing direction. 40000 • Various attempts to elucidate further details of the tight junction in sectioned materiaI have proved unsuccessful. Application of the freeze-etch technique [3] however, resulted in the demonstration of new structural elements which are briefly described in this communication. Specimens of epithelial tissues of the small and large intestine of NZCW mice were prepared according to Moor et al. [4] and the "freeze-etching" was performed on a freeze-etch apparatus produced by Balzers. The special feature of frozen-etched tight junctions can be most clearly demonstrated in areas where the fracture plane has developed along the intercellular space and has apparently split the tight junction to reveal it's internal structures in surface view (Fig. 1). The tight junction is then clearly seen at the base of the microvillous border (M) as a band 0.2--0.3 [A in width made up of fibrils or thin ridges arranged in an irre- gular mesh. The interlinked fibrils or ridges, 65~-10A in width, are closely applied to the underlying plasma mem- brane (PI) and form a continuous belt-like structure around each cell. We have observed that after fixation with glutaral- dehyde the elements making up the mesh are less frequently broken or torn away from the underlying membrane by the fracturing process, thus indicating that they may contain proteins which are cross-linked by glutaraldehyde [5]. A more detailed analysis of the structure and function of these tight junction elements is in preparation [6]. Received November 12, 1968 [t ] FAaQUHAR,M. G., and G. E. PALADE: J. Cell Biol. 17, 375 (t 963). - - [2] FARQU~IAR,M. G., and G. E. PALADE: ibid. 26, 263 (1965). - - Fig. 1. Gross appearance of forestomaeh tumor in Group t. A view of the internal surface of the stomach. The mouse was sacrificed 370 experimentaI days warm peanut oil and added to the basal diet, adjusting the carcinogen content in the diet to 50 ppm. Two experimental groups were fed as follows: Group t (33 males) received 50ppm N-nitrosopiperidine diet for 12months; Group2 (30 males) were given basal diet onIy for t5 months. The following results were obtained. In Group 1, 24 mice survived for more than 12 months. Squamous cell carcinoma of the forestomach (Fig. 1) was found in 18 out of 24. Lung meta- stasis was seen in 3. Papillomas of the esophagus was demon- strated in 2. Liver tumors were found in t t out of 24. Of the liver tumors 2 cases revealed hepatocellular carcinoma histologically, 3 cases showed hemangioendothelioma, and 6 showed liver adenoma. Lung adenoma was found in t0 of 24. In Control-Group 2, 28 survived for 15months; in these animals there were 2 with lung adenoma, and I with lymphocytic leukemia with splenomegalia. In view of the above experiments, it was noted that N- nitrosopiperidine induced not only tumors of the nose, eso- phagus and liver in rats and lung tumors in hamsters, but also carcinoma of the forestomach, liver and lung tumors by oral administration in mice. Received December 11 and 30, t968 [1] BOYLAND,E., et al.: Brit. J. Cancer 18, 265 (t964).- [2] DON- TENWlLL, W., and U. MOHR: Z. Krebsforsch. 6s, 166 (1962). -- [3] DRIJCKREX% H., et aI.: Naturwissenschaften 48, 134 (1961). -- [4] DRUCKa~Y, H., et al.: Z. Krebsforsch. 66, t38 (t964). R~uber und ihre Beute: Der Anpassungswert von Dornen bei Rfidertieren UDO HALBACH Zoologisches Institut der Universit~it Miinchen Ein yon dem r~uberischen Rotator Asplanchna sieboldi (As) ins lV[edium abgegebener Stoff 16st bet den Nachkommen des ebenfalls planktischen Brachionus calyciflorus (Ca) die Bil- dung yon einem Paar posterolateraler Dornen betrXchtlicher Lgnge aus [t, 2]. Laborversuche haben gezeigt, dab dem R~uber das Verschlingen junger bedornter Ca erheblich er- schwert, adulter sogar unm/Sglich ist [2]. Bisher vorliegende

Räuber und ihre Beute: Der Anpassungswert von Dornen bei Rädertieren

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Page 1: Räuber und ihre Beute: Der Anpassungswert von Dornen bei Rädertieren

142 Kurze OriginMmitteilungen Naturwissenscha[ten

Fine Structure of Frozen-Etched Tight Junctions


Biophysics Section, Physics and Engineering Laboratory, Depar tmen t of Scientific and Indust r ia l Research, Lower Hur t , New Zealand and

Electron Microscope Laboratory, Pathology Depar tment , Universi ty of Otago, Medical School, Dunedin, New Zealand

Tight junctions or zonulae occludestes have been demonst ra ted in numerous epithelial tissues [t, 2]. They form the outer- mos t component of the junct ional complex between adjacent epitheliM cells and seem to be continuous around each cell. In sections of chemically fixed cells, the t ight junctions appear as regions where the intercelIular space disappears owing to the fusion of the p lasma membranes of adjoining cells. The fusion appears as merging of the outer leaflets of the apposed uni t membranes into a single leaflet equivalent in thickness to one of the contr ibut ion layers [t ].

[3] MOOR, H., and K. MI)KLETKALER: ibid. 17, 609 (t963). - - [4] MOOR, H., et al.: Z. Zellforsch. 62, 58t (I964). - - [5] SABATINI, D. S., et al.: J. CelI Biol. 17, 19 ( 1 9 6 3 ) . - [6] STAEHELIN, L. A., et al.: Protoplasma (in press).

Induct ion of Tumors in ICR Mice with N-Ni trosopiper id ine , Especia l ly in Fores tomach SHOZ0 TAKAYAMA

Depar tmen t of Exper imenta l Pathology, Cancer Ins t i tu te , 2-Chome Nishisugamo, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, J apan

N-Nitrosopiperidine is a po ten t carcinogen in rats, producing carcinomas of the liver, esophagus and nasal cavi ty [1, 3, 4] and lung t umor s in hamste rs [2]. No exper iments have been reported on mice. We conducted oral adminis t ra t ion of diet containing 50 p p m N-nitrosopiperidine to ICR male mice over a period of 12 months and induced tumors in the forestomach, esophagus, liver and lung as reported below. N-nitrosopiperidine (East- man Organic Chemicals, Rochester, N: Y.) was dissolved in

Fig. t . Frozen-etched mouse intestinal epithelium. Surface view of a tight junets that has been split along the central fused plane. At the base of the microvillous border (M) the tight junction (T) appears as a bandlike structure consisting of a meshwork of fibrils or ridges attached to the outer surface of the particle covered plasma membrane (Pl), Lumen (L). The encircled arrow indicates the shadowing direction. 40000 •

Various a t t empts to elucidate fur ther details of the t ight junct ion in sectioned materiaI have proved unsuccessful. Application of the freeze-etch technique [3] however, resulted in the demonst ra t ion of new s t ructural elements which are briefly described in this communicat ion. Specimens of epithelial t issues of the small and large intestine of NZCW mice were prepared according to M o o r et al. [4] and the "freeze-etching" was performed on a freeze-etch appara tus produced by Balzers. The special feature of frozen-etched t ight junct ions can be most clearly demonst ra ted in areas where the fracture plane has developed along the intercellular space and has apparent ly split the t ight junct ion to reveal i t 's internal s t ructures in surface view (Fig. 1). The t ight junct ion is then clearly seen at the base of the microvillous border (M) as a band 0.2--0.3 [A in width made up of fibrils or thin ridges arranged in an irre- gular mesh. The interlinked fibrils or ridges, 6 5 ~ - 1 0 A in width, are closely applied to the underlying plasma mem- brane (PI) and form a continuous belt-like s t ruc ture around each cell. We have observed tha t after fixation with glutaral- dehyde the elements making up the mesh are less frequently broken or torn away from the underlying membrane by the fracturing process, thus indicating t ha t they may contain proteins which are cross-linked by glutaraldehyde [5]. A more detailed analysis of the s t ruc ture and funct ion of these t ight junct ion elements is in preparat ion [6].

Received November 12, 1968

[t ] FAaQUHAR, M. G., and G. E. PALADE : J. Cell Biol. 17, 375 (t 963). - - [2] FARQU~IAR, M. G., and G. E. PALADE: ibid. 26, 263 (1965). - -

Fig. 1. Gross appearance of forestomaeh tumor in Group t. A view of the internal surface of the stomach. The mouse was sacrificed 370 experimentaI days

warm peanu t oil and added to the basal diet, adjust ing the carcinogen content in the diet to 50 ppm. Two experimental groups were fed as follows: Group t (33 males) received 5 0 p p m N-nitrosopiperidine diet for 1 2 m o n t h s ; G r o u p 2 (30 males) were given basal diet onIy for t5 months . The following results were obtained. In Group 1, 24 mice survived for more than 12 months . Squamous cell carcinoma of the forestomach (Fig. 1) was found in 18 out of 24. Lung meta- stasis was seen in 3. Papil lomas of the esophagus was demon- s t ra ted in 2. Liver tumors were found in t t out of 24. Of the liver t umors 2 cases revealed hepatocellular carcinoma histologically, 3 cases showed hemangioendothel ioma, and 6 showed liver adenoma. Lung adenoma was found in t0 of 24. In Control-Group 2, 28 survived for 1 5 m o n t h s ; in these animals there were 2 wi th lung adenoma, and I w i t h lymphocyt ic leukemia wi th splenomegalia. In view of the above experiments, it was noted t h a t N- nitrosopiperidine induced not only tumors of the nose, eso- phagus and liver in rats and lung tumors in hamsters , bu t also carcinoma of the forestomach, liver and lung tumors by oral adminis t ra t ion in mice.

Received December 11 and 30, t968

[1] BOYLAND, E., et al.: Brit. J. Cancer 18, 265 ( t 9 6 4 ) . - [2] DON- TENWlLL, W., and U. MOHR: Z. Krebsforsch. 6s, 166 (1962). - - [3] DRIJCKREX% H., et aI.: Naturwissenschaften 48, 134 (1961). - - [4] DRUCKa~Y, H., et al.: Z. Krebsforsch. 66, t38 (t964).

R~uber und ihre Beute: Der Anpassungswert von Dornen bei Rfidertieren UDO HALBACH Zoologisches Ins t i tu t der Universit~it Miinchen

Ein yon dem r~uberischen Rota tor Asplanchna sieboldi (As) ins lV[edium abgegebener Stoff 16st bet den Nachkommen des ebenfalls planktischen Brachionus calyciflorus (Ca) die Bil- dung yon einem Paar posterolateraler Dornen betrXchtlicher Lgnge aus [t, 2]. Laborversuche haben gezeigt, dab dem R~uber das Verschlingen junger bedornter Ca erheblich er- schwert, adulter sogar unm/Sglich ist [2]. Bisher vorliegende

Page 2: Räuber und ihre Beute: Der Anpassungswert von Dornen bei Rädertieren

56. Jg., Heir 3, 1969 Kurze Or ig ina lmi t t e i lungen t43

Fre i l andda ten , die das V o r k o m m e n dieses M e c h a n i s m u s u n t e r na t f i r l iehen B e d i n g u n g e n belegen sollen [2], s ind n ich t ein- deut ig. Regelm&Bige P l a n k t o n u n t e r s u c h u n g e n an 7 Teichen lassen folgende Schliisse zu : t . ] )as A u f t r e t e n der l angen Dornen ist s t r eng m i t d e m V o r k o m m e n u n d der I-tgufigkeit der As korre- l iert (Fig. t). 2. Brac~ionus rubens (Rn) u n d / 7 , urceolaris (Ur), die beide keine D o r n e n b i lden k6nnen , werden be im Auf- t r e t en des ~&ubers s t a rk dez imier t ; bei Mangel all A l t e rna t iv - B e u t e a r t e n werden ihre P o p u l a t i o n e n sogar vor f lbergehend ganz ausge lSsch t (Fig. t a). Mit Hilfe ihrer Dauere ier k 6 n n e n sic sich in demse lben Biotop zu e inem sp&teren Z e i t p u n k t wieder entwickeln . 3. Ca k a n n au f G r u n d seiner Dornen - b i ldung m i t As lange Zeit koexis t ie ren (Fig. 1 a). 4. W e n n R u oder Ur mi t Ca bet Abwesenhe i t des R~iubers konkurr ie ren , so erweis t s ich Ca fas t s t e t s s is un te r l egen u n d wird in sehr vielen F~illen g~inzlich verdr&ngt (Fig. I b).

5 log N a

/r /

.... ;i >~ t . / "~ . 2 \ ,~ ~ "

/ V " \ ' " """....~ "-._. ~-" "'.. 0 r ' IX ' X

1,0 I- D / r




,.. I \ i ~. I \

/ " v . I I l ~ ~ ' - ".. %Ill I

_ -'..: . . . , , . .

Vl I Vi i I VIII

- - A s - - - R u

......... C o . . . . U r

Fig. l a u . b . Verlauf der Populationen in 2 Teiehen. Abszisse: Monate. Ordinate: N Populationsdichte (Tiere/Liter), D Dornen- I~inge/Lorical~nge

Diese F re i l andbe funde s t ehen in gu te r L rbe re ins t immung mi t E rgebn i s sen aus L a b o r u n t e r s u c h u n g e n : t . I n Frel3- und F u t - t e r w a h l v e r s u e h e n ver t i lgen die R~iuber R u u n d Ca ohne Dornen in groBer Menge, Ca m i t kurzen sowie j unge Ca mi t l angen D o r n e n in ger inger Anzah l u n d adu l t e Ca m i t l angen Dornen i i be rhaup t n icht . 2. U n t e r s u e h u n g e n der Popu la t ions - d y n a m i k in Mi schku l t u r en e rgaben : a) IRu (oder U r ) + Ca: Ca ist in der iKonkurrenz s te t s nn te r l egen u n d s t i rb t aus. b) Ru + As: N a c h d e m R u aufgef ressen ist, s t i rb t s u c h As ans. Solche S y s i e m e exis t ieren h 6 c h s t e n s wenige Tage. c) Ca + As : W e n n n ieh t yon vornhe re in zu viele As anwesend sind, gel ingt es den Ca, N a c h k o m m e n mi t Dornen zu er- zeugen. Die Mischpopu la t ion k a n n sich mehre r e W o e h e n bet n iederer Dieh te ha l ten . SchlieBIich s t i rb t As aus, w~ihrend Ca ilberlebt, d ) R u + C a + A s : R u s t i rb t als erste aus, d a n n (vim sp~iter) As ; Ca flberlebt. R ~ u b e r - B e u t e - S y s t e m e k 6 n n e n in ba lanc ie r te r F o r m n u t d a n n for tbes tehen , w e n n sie fiber eine gewisse Komplex i t&t verft~gen. Hierzu geh6ren z .B. iRefugien, aus denen sieh die B e u t e p o p u l a t i o n s te t s wieder r ek ru t i e ren kann . I n u n s e r e m Fall s ind die adu l t en Ca vor d e m Zngrif f der R&uber geschi i tz t ; h i e rdu rch is t die re la t ive Stabilit~it des iRiiuber-Beute- S y s t e m s erh6ht . Die du rch die A s - S u b s t a n z he rvorge ru fene D o r n e n b i l d u n g b e d e u t e t sowohl e inen Schu tz fflr die Beu te als auch einen Vortei l fiir die IR~uber.

Eingegangen am 23. Dezember t968

[ t ] BEAUCHA~IP, P. ~ : C. r. Acad. Sci. 234, 573 (1952); 235, 1355 (1952). - - [2] GILBERT, J. J. : Arch. HydrobioI. 64, I (1967).

Mikrophon- und Summationspotentiale des Vogelohres bet N~-Beatmung R. NECKER

Institut f0r Allgemeine Zoologie der Universit/it Bochum

Die Mikrophonpotentiale (CIV[) im Innenohr der Wirbeltiere enthalten einen stoffwechselabhiingigen Anteil, welcher bei 0e-Entzug in kurzer Zeit versehwindet und einen postmortal noch lfi.ngere Zeit nachweisbaren Anteil [I, 2]. Die Summa- t ionspoten t ia le (SP) zeigen bet den S/iugetieren ebenfalls eine

ausgepr / ig te Empf ind l i chke i t fa r O2-Mangel [3]. I n Un te r - s u c h u n g e n a m I n n e n o h r yon V6geln, dessen e infacherer Ban besser i ibersehbare Verhgl tn isse e rwar ten l&Bt, wurde der EinfluB yon kurzzei t iger N ~ - B e a t m u n g au i die g e n a n n t e n Po ten t i a le wet ter verfolgt .

Die PotentJale werden bet T a u b e n u n d S ta ten aus der Scala t y m p a n i abgele i te t ; dabei wird das Versnchs t i e r k ihls t l ich b e a t m e t [4]. Als Schallreiz d ienen Rech t eck impu l s e von 10 msec Dauer , die eine ge t r enn te Reg i s t r i e rung der C1V[ bet Einwiir ts- u n d Auswi i r t sbewegnng des Trommelfe l l s ge- s t a t t e n [5]; die auf Einw&rtsbewegung e n t s t e h e n d e erste I-IaIbwelle wird C M - - , die au f Answ&rtsbewegnng ent - s t ehende CM + g e n a n n t (s. Fig. 1, Einsatzbi lder) . SP werden d u t c h TonstSBe (hier 3000 t-Iz) gleicher D a u e r u n d m i t 50 msec A b s t a n d v o m Rech t eck impu l s erzeugt.

Fig. I zeigt den Einflul3 einer 40 sec d a u e r n d e n N ~ - B e a t m u n g (Anoxie) au f die CM und SP eines Sta ten . Die CI~{-- s inken 20 sec nach Beg inn des O~-Entzugs rasch auf Nul l ab u n d s te igen nach Wiede rbeg inn der no rma len L u f t z u f u h r ebenso rasch wieder an. Die CM + zeigen in ve r sch iedenen Versuchen eine gr6Bere Variabili t / i t . Eine anf/ ingliche geringe Vermin-

150 P

r ~ - A ~ o x , ~ ~ X-d \

c~ i i ~.," \ IP "o \ o o-o . . . . ~o o-o-o -A o l o o ~ . ; ~ _ ~ , ~ . ~ 7 \ ,o .... \ / . ; . : ~ , o-o~ % , /-

~, I \,, \ "<'-o'/ ,.-"-, / ~ " " I -1 . . . . ,- , . ,

o ~ II 't, .,,* / I1~o . . . . I AP �9 . ' " AP

1 : " "'" I

V./ i r r i t ~ i i 1 r & t i i i i i

C0 50 100 1 0 200 s e c

V e r s u c h s d a u e r

Fig. I. Der Einflug kurzzeitiger N~-Beahnung (Anoxie) auf die Mikro- phon-(CM + , CM--) und Summationspotentiale eines Staren. - - Einsatzbilder: Registrierbeispiele vor und auf dem Hghepunkt der Anoxie (A P Aktionspotential)

de rung bet Beg inn der N 2 - B e a t m u n g , wie in Fig. I s ichtbar , t r i t t hguf ig auf, doch wird auch ein Ans t ieg t~ber den Aus- gangswer t noch w~hrend der O2-Absperrung beobachte t . Die E r h 6 h u n g der ClVl + is t n ich t m i t dem Wiede rans t i eg der CM-- korreliert . I m ganzen gesehen s c h w a n k t CM + n u r geringfOgig u m den Ausgangswer t . Die SP, die bet V6geln gleiches Vorzeichen wie ClVi + h a b e n u n d dieses hie / indern, ve rha l t en sich grundsXtzl ich fihnlich den C M + ; die aus- gepr~igteren S c h w a n k u n g e n in Fig. t s ind eine Folge der P r o z e n t b e r e c h n u n g (abhXngig v o m rela t iv n iedr igen Aus- gangswert ) . U n t e r s u c h u n g e n Ober die ~ n d e r u n g des elek- t r i schen W i d e r s t a n d e s in der S&ugercochlea bet Anoxie [63 Iegen die V e r m u t u n g nahe , dab die Ver&nderungen yon C M + a n d SP auf die Widers tandsverhXl tn i s se zurfick- zuff lhren sind.

D u r c h die Aufg l i ederung der CM in e inen pos i t iven und e inen nega t i ven Ante i l m i t un te r sch ied l i ehem Verha l t en bet Os- Mangel, k a n n der unempf ind l i che Ante i l der CM mi t C M + identif izier t werden. Die O2-Empfindl ichkei t der CM-- l~Bt v e r m u t e n , dab diese yon e inem ak t iven Membranprozel3 ab- hiingen, der in den Eaarze l l en lokal is ier t wird [5]. Die CM + dOff t en dagegen in der K o n t a k t z o n e Haarzellforts&tze- M e m b r a n a tec tor ia au f mechanoe l ek t r i s chem Wege en t s t ehen . Das &hnliche Verha l t en der SP nnd der CA{ + legt eine ent- sp rechende E n t s t e h u n g s w e i s e nahe. Die SP der V6gel zeigen sich gegen O2-Mangel widers tandsf&higer als die der S~iuge- tiere, welche z u m Verschwinden oder sogar z n m V~rechsel der Polari tXt geb rach t werden [3 ] . Dies ist m6gl icherweise auf die kompl iz ier teren a n a t o m i s c h e n Verh~iltnisse bet den S~iuge- t ieren zur0ckzuff lhren .