Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) · Working posture evaluation by the RULA technique in different tasks of mending operation while working on the table and in the traditional conditions

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Page 1: Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) · Working posture evaluation by the RULA technique in different tasks of mending operation while working on the table and in the traditional conditions
Page 2: Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) · Working posture evaluation by the RULA technique in different tasks of mending operation while working on the table and in the traditional conditions

Rapid Upper Limb Assessment(RULA)





Page 3: Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) · Working posture evaluation by the RULA technique in different tasks of mending operation while working on the table and in the traditional conditions




Page 4: Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) · Working posture evaluation by the RULA technique in different tasks of mending operation while working on the table and in the traditional conditions


ازفادهاستبادستمچوساعدبازو،وضعيتمشاهده،ازپس●scoreوشودميارزيابيAگروهدياگرام Aازاستفادهبا.گرددميتعيينAجدول

●score Aتعيينجداگانهطوربهدستدوهربراي.شودمي


Page 5: Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) · Working posture evaluation by the RULA technique in different tasks of mending operation while working on the table and in the traditional conditions
Page 6: Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) · Working posture evaluation by the RULA technique in different tasks of mending operation while working on the table and in the traditional conditions
Page 7: Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) · Working posture evaluation by the RULA technique in different tasks of mending operation while working on the table and in the traditional conditions



scoreوشودميارزيابي BجدولازاستفادهباB.گرددميتعيين

Page 8: Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) · Working posture evaluation by the RULA technique in different tasks of mending operation while working on the table and in the traditional conditions
Page 9: Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) · Working posture evaluation by the RULA technique in different tasks of mending operation while working on the table and in the traditional conditions
Page 10: Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) · Working posture evaluation by the RULA technique in different tasks of mending operation while working on the table and in the traditional conditions


scoreتعيينجداول● Aوscore B،پوسچرتركيبياثروAگروهازدستمچوساعدبازو،)نظرمورداندامهاياياوليهبرآوردوكردهتعيينرا(Bگروهازپاهاوتنهگردن،


Page 11: Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) · Working posture evaluation by the RULA technique in different tasks of mending operation while working on the table and in the traditional conditions



ولجداازحركت،تكرارونيرواثرگرفتننظردربراي●forceبهمربوط scoreوmuscle use scoreاستفاده


Page 12: Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) · Working posture evaluation by the RULA technique in different tasks of mending operation while working on the table and in the traditional conditions
Page 13: Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) · Working posture evaluation by the RULA technique in different tasks of mending operation while working on the table and in the traditional conditions


:آنگاهscore A + muscle use score + force score = score C

score B + muscle use score + force score = score D

Page 14: Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) · Working posture evaluation by the RULA technique in different tasks of mending operation while working on the table and in the traditional conditions



جدولازاستفادهباC،score Cوscore DوشدهتركيبGrand scoreآيدميبدست.

Grand scoreتعيينجداگانهطوربهچپوراستدسترايب.شودمي

Grand scoreريسكازبرآورديULDsدهدميبدسترا.

چههرGrand scoreريسك،باشدبزرگتريعددULDsبيشتر.است

Page 15: Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) · Working posture evaluation by the RULA technique in different tasks of mending operation while working on the table and in the traditional conditions
Page 16: Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) · Working posture evaluation by the RULA technique in different tasks of mending operation while working on the table and in the traditional conditions
Page 17: Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) · Working posture evaluation by the RULA technique in different tasks of mending operation while working on the table and in the traditional conditions


شدنمشخصازپسGrand score،"اصالحياقداماتاولويت"(action level).گرددميتعيين

شدنمشخصازپسaction levelوكنترلييشيوهبهترينمورددربايستمي.نمودگيريتصميمULDsريسككاهشجهتكارمحيطدرتغييرات



Page 18: Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) · Working posture evaluation by the RULA technique in different tasks of mending operation while working on the table and in the traditional conditions
Page 19: Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) · Working posture evaluation by the RULA technique in different tasks of mending operation while working on the table and in the traditional conditions
Page 20: Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) · Working posture evaluation by the RULA technique in different tasks of mending operation while working on the table and in the traditional conditions
Page 21: Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) · Working posture evaluation by the RULA technique in different tasks of mending operation while working on the table and in the traditional conditions
Page 22: Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) · Working posture evaluation by the RULA technique in different tasks of mending operation while working on the table and in the traditional conditions





20.8% 20.8%




0 %





25 %

Neck Shoulders Elbows Wrists/ Hands


back Lower


Thighs Knees Ankles/ Feet

The prevalence of musculoskeletal complains among

menders during the last 12 months (n=72).

Page 23: Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) · Working posture evaluation by the RULA technique in different tasks of mending operation while working on the table and in the traditional conditions
Page 24: Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) · Working posture evaluation by the RULA technique in different tasks of mending operation while working on the table and in the traditional conditions
Page 25: Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) · Working posture evaluation by the RULA technique in different tasks of mending operation while working on the table and in the traditional conditions
Page 26: Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) · Working posture evaluation by the RULA technique in different tasks of mending operation while working on the table and in the traditional conditions
Page 27: Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) · Working posture evaluation by the RULA technique in different tasks of mending operation while working on the table and in the traditional conditions


Working condition

Traditional On the mending table

Grand score Action level Grand score Action level

Making carpe binding 6 3 4 2

Wrapping 5 3 4 2

Double knot and splitting 6 3 4 2

Weaving 5 3 4 2

Working posture evaluation by the RULA technique in

different tasks of mending operation while working on the

table and in the traditional conditions.

Page 28: Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) · Working posture evaluation by the RULA technique in different tasks of mending operation while working on the table and in the traditional conditions

0% 7%

36% 43%








much worse a little worse equal a little better much better

General judgment of the menders about working on the table in

comparison to the traditional working condition (n=8).

Page 29: Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) · Working posture evaluation by the RULA technique in different tasks of mending operation while working on the table and in the traditional conditions