Page 1: Market Leader Elementary Practice File Download fileMarket Leader Elementary Practice File < eBook > TLA0WUPU1C Market Leader Elementary Practice File By John Rogers Longman

Market Leader Elementary Practice File < eBook > TLA0WUPU1C

Market Leader ElementaryMarket Leader ElementaryPractice FilePractice File

By John Rogers

Longman Group, 2004. Softcover, A4-Format. Book Condition:Neu. Gebraucht - Sehr gut Unbenutzt. Schnelle Lieferung,Kartonverpackung. Abzugsfähige Rechnung. BeiMehrfachbestellung werden die Versandkosten anteilig erstattet.- From the worl`s most informed business sources. a newlanguage course for tomorrow s business leaders. Business ischanging raster now than ever. Market Leader Elernentary ispart of a distinctive multi-level business English course whichreflects this global change. Drawing on the extensive mediaassets of the Financial Tirnes and other sources, it offers a highlyauthoritative and flexible range of materials für business Englishlearners worldwide. 95 pp. Englisch.

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