Page 1: Rapports de la Division MPS parus rl.u au · MPS/MU-EP 68~3·: Determi,nation of elliptical emittances from observed beam

MPS/Int . DL 69-2 14 janvier 1969


MPS/LIN 6&.:1

MPS/LIN 68-3

MPS/LIN 68-6

MPS/LIN 68-7

MPS/LIN 68-8

- ~/LIN 68-9

MPS/LIN Note 68 ... 1

MPS/Lm Note 68-2

MPS/Lm Note 68-4

f-rnl/LIN Note 68-5 . :

MPS/Lm Note 68- 6

• ...S-SI/LIN 68-1:


MPS/MU-EP 68-l·:

Rapports de l a Division MPS parus rl.u 1.1..].~: au 31.12.1968

A precision pulse generator for calibration of analogue­to-digital converters and sample-and-hold circuits.

Proposal for the layout of the beam transport syst em linac­synchrotron injector.

Probability of breakdown un~er pulsed voltages_

Computer routines useful in step-by-step calculations of Linac RF system operation.

Report· on the ITEP 24 . 6 MeV and Serpukhov 100 MeV Li nacs.

Statistical population of the Linac beam transverse phase space.

Mesures effectuees .. ·par l e Groupe Linac en 1966- 67 .

Modules a circuits integres digitaux pour ! ' acquisition des donnees de l 'accel erateur lineaire et du CPS.

Some notes on a visit to the UoS .

Projets de mesure d ' emittance rapide .

Space charge effects •

The injection el ectrostatic ueflector(vertical)for the CPS Booster.

Comparison of distribution systems in external beams and sharing of secondary particles .

MPS/MU-EP 68- 2: Transformation from semi-polar coordinates to PS coordinat es. Progro.m "Polaps 11 •

MPS/MU- EP 68~3·: Determi,nation of elliptical emittances from observed beam characteristics. Use of Fortran program~.

MPS/MU-EP 68-4: ' Resonant extrEotion efficiency: on some influences of machine i mperfections .

MPS/MU-EP 68-5: Efficiency of external targets .







'vl. T . Eadi e IJ.i. Martini



M. Martini D. J . Warner


C.S. Taylor


L.Hoffmann H.Schonbacher R. vloodham



R. Gouiran

L. Hoffmann H.Schonbacher

Page 2: Rapports de la Division MPS parus rl.u au · MPS/MU-EP 68~3·: Determi,nation of elliptical emittances from observed beam

MPS/MU-EP 68-6

MPS/MO-EP 68-7


MPS/MU-I 68-1


MPS/MU-H 68-1


MPS/MU-S Note 68..:.1


MPS/CO 68-1

MPS/CO 68-2 ·

. MPS/CO 68-3 ·

MPS/CO 68-4

MPS I co 68-5 .

MPS/CO 68-6

MPS/CO 68-7

Mro/co 68- 8

MPS/CO 68-9.


- 2 -

Calibration of high intensity moni tors with y lines of activated nuclei . (use of the Fortran program GAPLOTA) . L, Hoffmann

Yields of induced activity (program PRODURA).

Refroidissement des elements de transport de faisceaux et detecteurs dans les zones experimental es Sud et Est.

L. Hoffmann H. S chonbacher

Proposition pour l a zone Ouest. L. Danl oy

Cible a hydrogene liquide refroidio a l'helium utilisee sur le faisceau s4 du PS.

Detecteur acoustique de r adiations ~-y.

Statisti~ues de l a machine pour l' annee 1967 .

Observation et cor~ections de 1 1orbite fermee a l'injection •

Deplacements du faisceau .

Les cheminements des cabl es de control e dans le nouvel i njecteur du synchrotron.

l\ioni teurs de partic··:les.

Le systeme d 'observat iop des pert es du faisceau interne du PS .

Megarad dosimetry techniques used at tho Cern Proton Synchrotron.

Non-destructive proton beam profil e scanners for the CPS , based on the ionization of residual gas in the beam vacuum:, chamber.

Secondary emission chambers for monitoring the CPS ejected beams.


J ,Chaminaud E. Cheval ier

G, Azzoni

P, Lefevre

G, Benincasa

J ,Robert


J , J . Merminod

J . H. B, Madsen M.Van de Voorde

C. D. Johnson L,Thorndahl


Page 3: Rapports de la Division MPS parus rl.u au · MPS/MU-EP 68~3·: Determi,nation of elliptical emittances from observed beam

~'IPS/CO W-.10

MPS I co 68- 11

MPS/CO 68-12

JV"JPS/CO 68-13

MPS/CO 68-14

MPS/CO 68-i 5

MPS/CO 68-16

MPS/CO 68-17

- 3 -

Modifications dans l a salle de commando principale dtrrant l 'arret de 1968.

Listo des nouveaux appareils concernant le timing.

Le. television industrielle nppliquoe nu synchrotron tt protons du CERN.

The CPS i onization bee~ scnnnGr (IBS) .

Ripple compensation of the s l ow extracted beam (the~reticnl studies ).

Description of cl osed l oop control system for slow ejection (servo-spill).

Los systemes d ' intercorruuunications du PS .

Les annonces par magnet ophone dnns l e public address du


G. Daems


C. D. Johnson L. Thorndahl

M. Conte

G,Shering s . suromerhill

J ,Robert

PS . P. Vall oton

MPS/CO 68-18 Doublo l ecture du chc.unp des aimc:mts principaux du PS . G. Daems

MPS/CO 68-19 Adapt ation et conve:rsion de code pour syst8rne d ' acquisition DAS et SEN. R. Ley

MPS/ CO 68-20 A brief report on the PS trials i n September 1968. J , H. B, Madsen

MPS/CO 68-21 Mesure des dimensions transversc.l es clu faisceau i nterne PS a: moyenne et a haute enorgio . E, Brouzet

MPS/CO 68-22 Etude sur l a sensi bilite des par;:m~etros du PS agissant a l ' injection. R.Ley

MPS/CO 68- 24 Note sur les system0s de securite du personnel contre l es radiati ons . F. Vriens

MPS/ CO 68-25 Nethode de reduction des oscillations synchrotroniques a l ' inj ection. GoRoss&t

I1PS/CO 68-26 Calibr.g.tion of the CPS bmm l oss moni tor system ofl G. P. Benincasn 100 air ionization clli~mbers . C. D. J ohnson

MPS/CO 68- 27 Rogl age du courant PFW a haute oner gi e . E, Br ouzet

MPS/CO/Comput. 68-l Quelques reflexions sur l 'utilisation et les devel op-pement s du projet 11 Computer11

• H. Van der Bekon

MPS/CO/Comput . 68- 2 IBr!l 1800 - A rough outline on some proposed util i ty progrrui'UllC:S .

li1PS/CO/Comput . 68- 3 Parrui1eter rending Md t reatment program (PRTP) .

MPS/CO/Comput. 68-4 Computer consol e for the PS.


A. Daneel s

J ,T, Hyman

Page 4: Rapports de la Division MPS parus rl.u au · MPS/MU-EP 68~3·: Determi,nation of elliptical emittances from observed beam

MPS/CO Comput, 68- 5

MPS/CO Comput , 68- 6

MPS/CO Comput.68-7

MPS/CO Comput . 68-8

MPS/CO Comput. 68-9

MPS /CO Comput . 68-10


MPS/ML 68-1


MPS/DL 68-1

MPS/:OL .6e-2

MPS/DL 68-4

MPS/DL 68-3

MPS/DL 68- 5

MPS/DL 68-6

MPS/DL. 68-7

MPS/DL/Note 68-1

MPS/DL/Note 68-2

MPS/DL/Note 68- 3

MPS/DL/Note 68-4

MPS/DL/Note 68- 6

MPS/DL/Note 68- 5


- 4 -

Contribution au proj et de contr8lc du Booster ,

Graphic CRT t er minal characteristics of commer­cially nvai l abic equipment .

A par amet er r eading and treat ment pr ogram f or the IBM 1800. Prelimi nary Not e.

Controlo des Par nm8tres.

A computer al gorithm f or tho calculation of t he squar e-root of double precisi on integer s .

J , Bossor


A. Danoels



Towards on-l ine experimentntion of the PS . A para- A, Daneel s meter r eading c.nd treat ment . Progr am f or the IBM 1800,

Programme d ' amelioration du systeme a vi4e du PS.

A mini-instability~

Recommendations of the working group for the best use of the PS after the 1968 shut- down.

Rapports de l a Division MPS parus du 1.8 . 67 au 31.12. 67.

Longitudinal blow-up of the bunches at transition, caused by coupling between synchrotron oscillations and bet atron oscillations .

MPS Progress Report . Januar·y-May 1968.

Essai theorique sur l'ejectio~ resonnante.


H, G, Hereward

H, G, Hereward et al,

J .De Winter

H, G.Hereward A.S~renssen



MPS Progress Report . 1st J anuary - 1s t November 1968. N,Rodgers

Essai de prise de contact avec les problemes d ' instabilite.

La mesure de la position radial e.

Transiti on phenomena.

Mesures de position r adial e.

Essais d ' am~lioration de l ' ejection l ente,

Mesures sur l e ~evatron en prel iminaire aux etudes d'ejection.

O, Barbalat

Y.Baconni er

O. Barbalat

O, Barbalat



Page 5: Rapports de la Division MPS parus rl.u au · MPS/MU-EP 68~3·: Determi,nation of elliptical emittances from observed beam

MPS/DL/Note 68-7

- 5 -

Propositions de mesures do calibrations des stations d 1 observation par la dynamique du faisceau. P. Lefevre

MPS/DL/Note 68-8 Methode d 1 etude de l a structure dans le temps du faisceau Linac.

MPS/DL/Note 68-9 Cibles pour la mosure des dimensions du faisceau.

MPS/DL/Note 68-11 Influence de l 1asservissement du faisceau sur l a forme des paquets.

MPS/DL/Note 68-12

MPS/DL/Note 68-13

MPS/DL/Note 68-15

MPS/DL/Note 68-16

MPS/DL/Note 68- 17

MPS/DL/Note 68-20

MPS/DL/Note 68-21

MPS/DL/Note 68-24

MPS/DL/Note 68-26

MPS/DL/Note 68-27 MPS/DL/Note 68-28

MPS/DL/Note 68-29

Acceleration de deutons polarises.

Systome de mGsure de l a position radiale moyenne par l ' inter~ediaire de l a frequence d 1acceleration.

Vacuum in the AGS and the PS.

Beam behaviour observations noar transition.

Techniques de mesure de l 1intensite du faisceau.

Nouvelles des accelerateurs americains.

Mesures sur l e faisceau du Linac.

Effet de la pression du gaz residuel sur l e faisceau.

La nouvelle alimentation du PS .

l!Jj ection. Ejection

Effet s des perturbations utilisees pour l 1ejection l ent e

D. Warner

O. Barbalat

I . Gumovski

H. G. Hereward n: ll/arher

o. Barbalat


J . Gareyte A.S~renssen

V. Agoritsas c. Johnson

Y. Baconnier C. Bovet



O.Barbalat O. Barbalat

sur l es proprietes magnetiques de la machine. O. Barbalat

MPS/DL/Note 68-30

MPS/DL/Note 68-31

MPS/DL/Note 68- 32

MFS/DL/Note 68- 33

MPS/DL/Note 68-38


Quelques remarques a propos du nouveau systeme de mesure de position radiale.

Circuits pour l 1asservissement du faisccau.

Le Vide

Observation of synchrotron oscillations .

Harmonic 20 resonances in the CPS.

P. Lefevre

U. Bigliani

Y. Baconni er

H. H. Umstatter

Y. Baconnier H. G. Hereward

Page 6: Rapports de la Division MPS parus rl.u au · MPS/MU-EP 68~3·: Determi,nation of elliptical emittances from observed beam

MPS/SI/ DL 68-4


!.filS I SR 68-1

MPS/ SR 68- 2

MPS/SR 68-3

MPS/SR 68-4

MPS/SR 68- 5

MPS/SR 68- 6

MPS/SR 68- 7

MPS/SR 68-8

MPS/SR 68-9

MPS/SR 68-10

MPS/SR 68-11

MPS/SR 68-12·

MPS/SR 68-13

MPS/SR 68-15·

MPS/ED 68-7

MPS/ED 68- 9

MPS/ED Note 68-1


- 6 -

The effects of ions on the symmetrical throbring · mode.

Performance of the laboratory amplifier for driging the 19.1 MHz cavity.

On the transmission of s ignals by the \'Tide band pick-up st/:ltion ,

Power amplifier for fix-tuned , high-Q acceleration system using 100 ~~ tetrodes .

Acceleration from 600 MeV to fulJ. energy using fixed­tWled r.lgh- Q cavities .

H.. G. Hereward ·p; L. I'Ilorton K. H.Schindl

F. Bri dges

H.H. UIJ!Statter

H. P.Kinder mann

Generateur d ' impulsions de synchr oni sation pour l a f r e-quence de revolutio~. (Revolution frequency tri gger E.Schult e generator. W. Weissflog

Synchrotron frequencies calcul ated for present PS operation. HeH. Umstatter

Tabl es of dynamic parameters of the CPS . H.H.Umstatter

Wide-band differential amplifier \nth gain control (Analag division~ for the CPS compact PU stations (improved version of MPS 2848) . G.Schneider

Le systeme RF pendant l a premiere etape du programme J,Jamsek d ' amelioration du PS. G.Roux

Computer anal ysis of r eflected step pulses and other transients . H.H . Uq~Statter

A frequency indep0ndent phase shifter. \:I. M, \•/al msl1

A limiter r-md phase detector for the RF cavity. T. Do Smet

First results of magnetic !aeasuroments on the SiE;)mens spare block No . C02 compared· vrith the ,;~ block No.S5. F,Rohner

Program for critical path analysis . T. Anderson

Magnetic fie~d in tho closo vicinity of the bus bars leading from the slow pulse generator to tho septum magnets in straight sections 16 and 62 .

Rapport de visitv de R. Mosig et B. Godenzi , Desy.

Proposal for \lest Hall beam transport pov1er supplies.

L. Bromrers

F. Depping


R. Mosig

Page 7: Rapports de la Division MPS parus rl.u au · MPS/MU-EP 68~3·: Determi,nation of elliptical emittances from observed beam

MPS/ED Note 68- 5

MPS/ED No~e 68-6

MPS/ED Note 68-8

MPS/ED Note 68-ll

MPS/ED Not~ 68-10

MPS/ED Not.e 68-13

- 7 -

PmV'er supplies in U,S,Laboratories, Visit in the United States from May lOth to 31st 1968.

Description of the butap coils supply ss 74 (max,650 A, 1000 V) .

Description of sext.upole supply.

Ejection lente 62 (~st). Procedure d 'utilisation de l' alimentation pulsee type E-2001-E pour lentillc quadrupol aire ss 61 ,

A note on performance J'leasurements carried out on the bump coils supply ss 74.

Thyristor power supplies for bu11m transport elements .

Papers submitted to conferences ,

MPS/Lin 68-8 (see above)

CERN-PS 50 MeV Linac Progress Report .

Preliminary study of a higher energy pre­injector for the CElli~ PS .

An improved method for calculating Proton Linac cavities ,

C, S, Taylor , J ,Huguenin, F,Block, F, Chiari , P,Tetu.

J , Huguenin, U, Tnllgrcm , M, vTeiss .

M. Martini, D, J . 1'/arner,

R, Mosig

N. V. Rasmussen

L, Coull


N.V, Rasmussen

R,Mosig H. Lustig

Emittance measurement at the CERN BS Linac with an on-line computer. U.Tallgren, U,Kracht, A, Vnn der Schueren.

A 3 MeV experimental proton linac : design, construction and proposed experiments .

Ejected beam intensity monitoring at the CPS .

Secondary emission chambers for moni to1·ing the CPS ej E:cted bearils.

Non-destructive proton beam profile scarmors

E,Bolt8zar, H. F. Malthouse , D,J.Warntr.

V,Agoritsas, S.Battisti , C. D. Johnson.

V,Agoritsas .

for the CPS , based on the ionization of rusidual gas in the beam vacuum chamber. C. D. Wohr1son, L,Thorndahl .


Page 8: Rapports de la Division MPS parus rl.u au · MPS/MU-EP 68~3·: Determi,nation of elliptical emittances from observed beam

- 8 -

Rappor.ts jaunes.

CERN· 68-6

CERN 68-11

CERN 68-12

CERN 68-28

CERN 68-35

Acceptance angulaire du quadruplot de retourhement •

Numerical calculations of Linear Accel erator cavities .

A Soviet formalism i~ bct~tron oscillation theory and its comparison with other concepts.

Phase acceptance of quadrupolo doublets analyticnl approach .

Intensity dependent effects and space char ge l imit investigations on CEHN Linear Injector and S Synchrotron,

J . De \-linter

Distribution : (ouverte)


Personnel Scientifique et Technique des Divisions MPS et SI .


M. Martini D.J.Warner

J.Fronteau R.Gouiran

E.Regenstrei f

P.Lapostolle c.s. 'raylor P. T&tu L. Thorndahl.
