  • Basic Grammar Intensive Course - Tenses 2005 Bernie Zttl

    Dieser Intensivkurs zur Grundgrammatik soll dir helfen, die Grammatikregeln von Anfang an zu wiederholen und fehlendes Wissen aufzuholen! Zu jedem Thema findet sich zuerst eine deutsche Erklrung, dann findest du verschiedene Aufgaben, um das Gelernte anzuwenden. Wenn du irgendwelche Fragen haben solltest, die in den Erklrungen nicht erlutert werden, schick mir bitte ein eMail: [email protected] Noch mehr bungen zur englischen Grammatik, aber auch zu anderen Themen wie Textwriting oder Reading findest du auf! Besuche die Seite regelmig, denn es kommen immer wieder neue bungen hinzu!

    Dieser Intensivkurs ist wie folgt aufgebaut:

    I) TENSES 2- Present Simple/ Present Progressive 2- Past Simple/ Progressive 5- Present Perfect Simple/Progressive 9- Past Perfect Simple/ Progressive 12- Future Tenses 13- Irregular Verbs Anhang 1- Key (Lsungen) Anhang 2

    II) QUESTIONS & NEGATION- in allen Tenses

    III) MODAL VERBS- can- may- must- ought to- might- could

    IV) PASSIVE- in allen Tenses

    V) CONDITIONAL (if-sentences)- Conditional I- Conditional II- Conditional III- Ausnahmen

    VI) REPORTED SPEECH- reporting verbs- alle Vernderungen (in der Past Tense)

    # 1 und Einstellungen/bernie/Eigene Dateien/ und Einstellungen/bernie/Eigene Dateien/[email protected]

  • Basic Grammar Intensive Course - Tenses 2005 Bernie Zttl

    I) TENSES:

    1) a) Present Simple

    Die Present Simple wird fr allgemeine Aussagen und Beschreibungen in der Gegenwart verwendet.

    -Water boils at 100C and it freezes at 0C.-The Millers live in San Diego.

    Man bentzt sie auch, um auszudrcken, dass etwas immer wieder, nie, oft, selten usw. geschieht.

    -Every Year, we visit our grandmother who lives in Spain.

    Time Indicators: always immernever nieoften oftseldom/ seldomly seltenrarely seltensometimes manchmalusually normalerweiseas a rule regelmigregularly regelmigevery day, weekend jeden Tag, jedes Wochenendeevery now and then hin und wiedernormally normalerweisegenerally normalerweisefrequently oft

    Bildung: base formACHTUNG! He, she, it, s muss mit!!!, also nicht das s am Ende des Wortes vergessen!

    Sonderflle: to be: I am we areyou are you arehe is they areshe isit is

    Modals: can, may, must, bekommen kein s bei he, she, it

    bung 1: choose a verb from the box and fill in the correct form!

    be take visit like live smile must get up go - be

    1) Peter often _________ his grandmother in the afternoon. She _______ in a nice house.2) I always __________ the bus at 7:30. I ________ be in school at 7:55.3) Sometimes, we ______ for a walk in the mountains on weekends. I ________ hiking.4) Sue ______________ late as a rule. Her parents _____ fed up with her because of that.5) The teacher rarely _________; she ____ always very angry!

    # 2

  • Basic Grammar Intensive Course - Tenses 2005 Bernie Zttl

    1) b) Present Progressive

    Die Present Progressive (oder Present Continuous) wird verwendet, um auszudrcken, dass etwas gerade jetzt geschieht.

    -Listen, the baby is crying.-At the moment, Mark is watching TV.

    Auerdem drckt sie aus, dass etwas nur vorbergehend geschieht. -Normally he works as a doctor, but currently he is jobbing in the supermarket.-Im living in Austria at the moment, but usually I live in Great Britain.

    Des weiteren kann man in Beschwerden mit Hilfe der Present Progressive Verrgerung zum Ausdruck bringen!

    -Agnes is always coming late! I really hate it!-The kids are often making such a noise that you cannot concentrate! Its horrible!

    Time Indicators: now jetzt geradeat the moment im Momentcurrently derzeitin this moment im Moment

    Auerdem wird die Present Progressive oft durch folgende Wrter und Phrasen eingeleitet:Listen! Hr mal!Look! Sieh mal! Schau mal!Watch out! Pass auf!

    In Stzen, die einen Kontrast ausdrcken wollen, werden oft Present Simple und Present Progressive gegenbergestellt.

    usually + Present Simple, but at the moment + Present Progressive

    Bildung: to be + ing-Form des Verbs

    to be: I am we areyou are you arehe is they areshe isit is

    Sonderflle: Gefhlsverben (feel, hear, see) knnen normalerweise nicht in der Present Progressive stehen. Auch Modal Verbs stehen nie in der ing-Form!Einige Verben bekommen eine andere Bedeutung, wenn sie in der ing-Form stehen!

    bung 2: chose a verb from the box and fill in the correct form!

    arrive take cry slide - cook

    1) Listen! The baby ________________ again!2) Normally Ruth works in a bank, but at the moment she ______________ a vacation.3) Look, the car _______________ on the slippery ground!4) At the moment, mother __________________ dinner.5) The buses in Los Angeles ___________________ late! Its really annoying!

    # 3

  • Basic Grammar Intensive Course - Tenses 2005 Bernie Zttl

    bung 3: Present Simple or Progressive?

    1) Tim often (go) _______ to school by bus. But sometimes he (decide) _________ to walk on foot or take the bike.

    2) Lisa (be) _____ a very clever kid! She always (know) __________ everything! At the moment, Lisa (take part) ______________ in a school contest. She (must) ________ study a lot for the contest, but her parents (help) ___________ her wherever they can.

    3) When it (rain) __________, the streets (be) ______ slippery. 4) I usually (not like) ____________ rap-music, but I (think) __________ that Eminem

    (make) ___________ quite good music.5) Kim (work) ____________ as a taxi driver, but her real job (be) ____ teaching.6) Usually, people in Australia (speak) ___________ Chinese or Japanese as a foreign

    language.7) I really (like) __________ Mel. I (think) _______ she (be) ____ one of the cutest girls

    in our class. But I (know) __________ that she (not like) ________________ me.8) Its really annoying! The teacher (always come) ____________________ too late to

    his lesson, and then we (must) _________ stay in longer! 9) Sometimes winters in Southern California (can) _______ be really warm, but this year

    it (be) _____ quite cold. At the moment, it (rain) _____________ in Los Angeles.10) The doctor (have) ___________ many patients. He (must) _________ work every day

    from 7 in the morning to 9 in the evening, and he never (have) _________ time to take a vacation.

    11) Mother always (tell) __________ me that I should go to bed early, but I generally (prefer) __________ staying up and reading a good book.

    12) Look, the birds (sit) _____________ on the roof of our neighbors house. 13) Listen, I (only tell) _____________________ you this once! Mom (want) __________

    you to carry out the dustbin and take the dog for a walk!14) When the baby-boy (be) _____ unhappy, he usually (start) __________ crying until

    his mom (take) ___________ him out of his pram and (sit) _______ him on her lap.15) When you (put) ________ cheese and marmalade on your toast, you will feel sick

    afterwards! 16) The song (be) _____ really boring, but the radio (play) _______________________ it

    again and again! I really hate that!17) They (want) ____________ to improve the school system. They (say) ______ that

    every student (must) __________ get the chance to graduate.18) Americans frequently (move) __________ from one state to another. They (sell)

    ________ their old house and (buy) _________ a new one in another town. Kids often (suffer) __________ from moving to another neighborhood. They (lose) _________ all their friends and (must) __________ find new ones in an unknown town.

    19) Where (be) ______ Sandy and Jane? At the moment, they (train) _____________ on the sports field. They (take part) _____________ in this years national cheerleading contest!

    20) Paul rarely (go out) ____________ on Saturdays. But today he (meet) _________ an old friend of his. At the moment, they (sit) ____________ in a bar, chatting about old times.

    # 4

  • Basic Grammar Intensive Course - Tenses 2005 Bernie Zttl

    2) a) Past Simple

    Die Past Tense ist bereits abgeschlossen! Es gibt also keine Verbindung zur Gegenwart mehr!Die Past Simple wird fr allgemeine Aussagen und Beschreibungen in der Vergangenheit sowie fr kurz dauernde abgeschlossene Handlungen verwendet.

    -The weather was beautiful.-The Millers lived in San Diego.-Pete went to the shop and bought a pizza.

    Man bentzt sie auch, um auszudrcken, dass etwas in der Vergangenheit immer wieder, nie, oft, selten usw. geschah.

    -Every Year, they visited grandmother who lived in Spain.

    Time Indicators: last year, week letztes Jahr, letzte Woche yesterday gesternon Monday, Tuesday am Montag, Dienstagthree days ago vor drei Tagen

    Wenn aus dem Kontext klar ist, dass es sich um eine Handlung in der Vergangernheit handelt, sind auch folgende Wrter Time Indicators:

    always immernever nieoften oftseldom/ seldomly seltenrarely seltensometimes manchmalusually normalerweiseas a rule regelmigregularly regelmigevery day, weekend jeden Tag, jedes Wochenendeevery now and then hin und wiedernormally normalerweisegenerally normalerweisefrequently oft

    Bildung: regular verbs: base form+ edirregular verbs: in der Tabelle weiter unt
