Klasse 5: s- Genitiv of - Genitiv AB1 (Lücke- leicht)...


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Klasse 5: s- Genitiv of - Genitiv ↔ AB1 (Lücke- leicht) www.english-g8.de

1. Der s- Genitiv für Personen (Setze ein!)

a) The boy has got a new bike. → ________The boy's bike is new._____________

(Boy ist Einzahl: deshalb zuerst der Apostroph, dann das s) (aber: The boys have got new bikes The boy→ s' bikes are new)

b) Mr Miller has got a green Porsche. → _Mr Miller's Porsche is green._________

c) Sarah has got a big schoolbag. → ______Sarah's schoolbag is big.___________

d) The children have got blue uniforms. → ___The children's uniforms are blue.___

(Vorsicht: children ist schon Mehrzahl. Deshalb zuerst der Apostroph)

e) The girls have got black skirts. → ___The girls' skirts are black._____________

f) Our teacher has got a funny nose. → _Our teacher's nose is funny.___________

g) These women have got a funny hairstyle → These women's hairstyles are funny._

h) Our friends have got new bikes. → _The bikes of our friends are new_________

2. Der of- Genitiv für Dinge und Tiere, die man nicht näher kennt.

a) Our car has got a very long fender (=Kotflügel)

__The fender of our car is very long.________________

b) My bike has got a new light.

___The light of my bike is new.___________________

c) Our house has got a blue roof.

__The roof of our house is blue___________________

d) This dog has got a very long tail (=Schwanz).

__The tail of this dog is very long_________________

e) This slug (=Schnecke) has got a big shell (=Schneckenhaus).

__The shell of this slug is big____________________
