Bacvarov 2000

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  • 8/3/2019 Bacvarov 2000


    Arch6ologischesnstitut der Universitiit SalzburgArchiiologische Institut mit MuseumderBulgarischenAkademiederWissenschaften, ofra

    StefanHILLER LurdassilMKOLOVHemusseber



    Phoibos erlag,Wien2000

  • 8/3/2019 Bacvarov 2000


    TheKaranovoNeolithicmortuarypracticesn theirBalkanandAnatoliancontext KrunB4EUAROVThestudyofNeotithic orruarypractices n he andofBulgaria egan bout 0years gowith hediscovcry ndpublication i tbeEarly Neoliitricgrave iom ihe DevetakjCaveL.Overa hundred eolithicbudals hroughourheierritoryofButgariahavebeen egisreredince hn, ut onlya smallpartof then hasbeenpublishednd heir sludyhardlygocsbeyondiheramework fa general escripllofSibjecrof rhepresent tudyare h u,enty_eighreolithicgravesron TelLKaranovo the biggestNeolithicnorruary equencenButgarianand.Theywereall discovercdin SecrionI, Northeastemntemal,Northeaslemexternaland sourhwestem ecrion)n theperiod1947 1957duringexcavationsa ied outbyv Mikov andG. L Georgiev, uthaveso ar remained npublished.he datapresentedere omesrom he ieLd ecords fthe excavationsnd s o a argeextentncomplete.n many asshere s ackofinfonnationcgarding oth he sex-and-ageharacteristicsfthc skeleialremainsnd hearchaeologicalontexr,heposition ndorientationftheskeletons.elow wiil systematizeheexistingNeotithicmortuarylaiaand y building generallassificationwill considerthemwithinhecontext ftheconiempoEry

    and n certain ases arlier omptexesrom he estof rheBalkans nd tom Anaiolia. will heredwellneither pon heinrerprerationflhe mortuary racrices,oron heirsemantics.shouid lsopointout hai he analysisresentedbelowcoveis niy ntranural urials,.e., he area nder onsiderationoes ot ncludeheceneteries ftheHamangia lrliuresincehemostpartof thisspecific uliural evclopmenteiateso theCopper ge.In theEarlyNeolithic ayers f the e]I, efering o the Kalanovo andKarano\,o lpriods, 3graves avebeendiscoverd hr;ebelongingoyoungndjviduals,ne oanadult emale,wo oadult nd;vidualsfunidentified exandsixchildren,s nes. hedeadwereburie.ln a contracredosition n heif eftside, n heabdomenndontheback,andin an extended osition on heabdomen. heyweleorientedwith their headso the south,north,nodhwest,west,southwestsnil southeast.nveniory 7 beadsrom snailshells nd wo boneneedles as egisterednly n one bmalegrave.special ttention hodibe given o agrave,oundundera weltjngloorand onrainjngkeletatremainsmajnlyskullsand ongbones-ofa large umber fchildrennot nanatomicalrder.tnine LateNeotithii tayers efeningb rheKaranovoII, Karanovo II-IV andKaranovo V periods15 burialshavebeen egistered-3 hildrcniones,2 farlult ndividualsfunideniifiedex,3ofadult emales,3 fyoung ndividuals,2ofindividuals funidentifiedexandage, swell asa double rave fan adull ndividual ndachild Theywereburiedna conracled osirion nrhe eft side,on the ght sideandon heback,and n an extendedosition n the back. heilheadsorientedsouth\r,ards,onhwards,wesiwards,eastwards ndnorthweslwards.No inventoryhasbeen ound. n twoofthe caseshe skrlts were nissing.Skullsandsepafaie ones elongingo childrenandadult ndividualsnot n anatomicalorderhavebeen iscoveredn agrat it.For the systenatizarionofthe mortuarydala rom rheNeolithic laye.sofTell Karanovo,and or thcjr comparativestudyvithin he imirsofthBalkans ndAnarolia,I mploy classificalion,ased n heway hebodywasburiedwbjchderemrinesheexistenceftwo mainclassesfmorruary ractices:rheni class omprisesracticesnwhichtheperiodberweenhe ime ofthe biologicat earb nd he burialwas elatjvely hot and he arclraeologicalesult s a grave,containing narticularedkeletonn a contractedrextendedosition;hesecondcfe|So mortuary ractices hefeheperiodunler.consideration as ongefand he archaeologicalcsuli sagrave,containing kelelal emains ot n anatomical;rder.I define he irst class s ormal nhunatjon, nd hesecond ssecondarynhumation'Formal inhumltion. undoubtedlyhis is the mostwidespread eolithicnortuarypraciicen Tell Karanovo,representedy 26 burialsn iwo groups individual ndgroupnh narion.Thegroupofformal individual nhunalionhasbeen egisteredndernvo typesaccordingo $e location fthegrave in

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    andyoung ndividualsess n number 2).The orientation lsochangesihe deadwereburiedwith thej r headso thenofih,nonhwest ndwest with wo exceplions to he easlandsouth).Grave nveDtory asnotbeen ound n anyofThe situaiion hroughourhe esi ofrhe Bulgarian erritodes sanalogouso theabove-mentionedne.This wriant hasbeen egislered n 25casestom 6 Neolithic settlementsKazanlakr Jasatepe,ovadevoa,Cavdar,Slalina,Devehki Ca1'eandSamovodene5I would ike to emphasizehe act hatunlike heburiedn Tel1Karanovo tose casesncludingboLhEarlyand LateNeolithic represent edominantly adult individuals(16),while lhe groupofchildren andyoung ndividuals sconsiderablyess n number 9). In the Early Neoliihic the orientation s mainiy norrh and eastward,whereas n ihe LateNeolithic ir is wes!and eastward.nvenlorywas ound n four Early Neolithic and oneLate Neolithicgrave-potterystoneiflint and bone ools, and clay stampseal. n oneEarly Neolilhic grave tom Kovaaevoa baby\ body was aid on a stone.Tracesolred oclre havebeen egistered n thethigh bonesofth skleton tom the Early Neolithicgra\e from Ca\ dar.The most ypicalexamples fihis variantwerediscovered t TcpeGuran,Kuruqay ldyuk and Lpmar X in Arratolia6AgiosPetros, ema andFranchthin heAegean',Starievo, eiiaandSaraomcn theCentral alkan one8, esenovavecbe, ipau ndGuraBaciuluinRomania'.As s hecase iih thegravesron1 ulgaria,nventorywas xiremelyare.No significaninrenelationsavebeen otedbetweenheorientalion,heposilion nd hesex-and-ageharacteristicsfdreburied lrdividuals.Forndl indbidual nh hlatian n the nterdwellitlgpace a contructedositionon theback.Thevaianl wasregisteredin burialsiom TellKaranovo ofayoungndividual fa! unidentifiedex Karanovo), a childandanadultfemaleKaranovoV). Thedeadwereodentedwith reirhcadsouthwardsr nothwestwards.herewas o nventory.Thisvariants epresentednjustoneother ettlementn Bulgaria Knrdzali rcfe rredo hcKaranovoperiod. he

    lour gravesdiscoveredherebelong o two childrenand wo aduh ndividudls, heir heads rienred oudrx,estrwestwards.I would ike opointout ha! hcgrave itswercsufioundedy stones: peculiarity fthis silealone-Analogous xamplestom hesanevariant 'ere egisteredn NeaNikomedeiandFmnchthin theAegean'd.The\^n^ \ offbmdl individual nhumation the ntenlwe ing space n an oitendedpostia an theabd.neil or onl,4eackare epreseDtedy ustoneexanple acbiom theKaranovoI and heKaranovoli lV periodsespectivcly.hefirstcase oncemshegmve fanadultemale, erhead rienledtothe est, nd hesecondeferco ayoung rdividualfa unidcntifiedex, heheadpoinringnorthwest.beonlygravenventoryromTellKaranovo7 beads nd2 bone cedleswas ound n the female'sgrave.As far as know this Neolithic varianthasnot been gistered nlvhere else-Fonnal ndividualnhunation n a dwellingspaceu acontractedosition n hedbdolrer.Only onechild'sgravewithoutnventoryafiributedo theKaranovoI period, elongso thisvariant. o analogies frhis burialcontext avFormal group nhumation.Thisgroup s representednlyby onedouble mv, elongingo the irst halfoftheLate Neolithic (TheKaranovo II period)which makes he ormulationoftypes andvarianisquite mpossible.The skeletal

    renainsbelongedto nadultindividual fan unidentifiedexandachitd,buried n a contractedosition n hcside.Noinventory has been found. This groupwas regisrered n as many as 3 other settlements n the telritory of Bulgaria -Bilgardevori,GradesnicandKazanlik the int two caseseferring o heEarlyand he hird o theLateNeolithici:.Jnventorywasdiscoveredonly in thegrave ron GradeSnica25 stonebeadsand a marble anthropomorphic igurine).Analogies ere egisteredn HacrlarIIandAsrkl in Anatoliair,NeaNikonedeia n theAegeanrr ndValea upului nSecondarynhumation.Thisclassspresentednlyby wo examplesromTellKaranovo. heybelong o oneandthe$me group secondaryollectivenhumation but hey all inio differentypes ecauseftheirspecific ocaiion.Secandaryollecttuenhunation*ithina d\Nellingpd.. hegrave ontainsheskeletalemains fa large umberof children uriedn apit under dwelling loor ton theKamnovoIperiod.Budalsof this ypehave otbeenound nothr settlements n Bulgarian and but we know of aDalogiesrolr1qatalHtiylik in Anatoliar6aswell as rom ProdromosandAleDoiriDan theAeeean'r.

    I Unpublisheddatarom hc ield rcgister' I would ike to thankProf.M. Lichardu$ltter or theoplortunity o usc hc untublished relimlnaryelorts of theexcavatiols.i Detev1959. ; Georgiev/Kdndev981, 7; Pctkov1961, 6 li Nikolov/Crigorova992, 22 lt Popov1929;Stmev 991, 21.6Mellaa l973,87;Duru 1994, 0lj Gatcs 996. 86.7Elsbai iouI985.13,21;Weinberg970,579iacobso ul len 981.I Fewkes/Gold'nan933,42 t; Galovid1967, 67 T., 72i Garasadn 959. .'yComga1960, 4;Vla$a/Palko1965. 4.r | Weinbery970,579;acobson969.173;acobson/Cul len981.rrSpeciallhanksto Dr L. Pemiieva or theoplortuniry o citeunpublishednformarion.rrB. Nikolov 1975,37 lir rMel iaart 970,36; s i t r 996,38.raRodden 962.286.LrNestof 951.66.L 'Ml laarr1970, 02.r Houmolziadis 1971. l(Ji PalathdasopoLos971, 2 fl138

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    Secondaryolective nhunatian n the nterd\relling p4ce. eparateones ndskullsbelongingo children ndaduli emales ndmaleswerediscovredn apit from he KaranovoV period ayer.This }?e wasalso cgisicrednanolher ettlement n he eniioryofBulgaria TellAzmakL: aswell as iom tbe owesl ayer of TepeGulnn n Anatolia'qln conclusion would ike to note heabscncc fcetain typesofNeolithicmotuary practices t Tell Karanovo,prcsentcdn other egions fthe Balkans r Anatolia. irst, here s rheabsencef cremarion urials, nalogouso theburialcontextstom SouphliMagoula ndPlateiaMagoula arkou:on theAegean. his specific eature, owever sgenerallyharacteristicfthewhole effiroryofBulgariaaswe11asfAnatoliaand heCentral alkan one- ollowing

    the above-mentiondlassificationrincipleshesemortuary racticesouldbe defined sClass II.From rhe Tell Kararovo formal individual inhumation group, the iype of formai individual inhunation in iheseiilemenis'peripheryhasnol benpresented ithet nor have he variantsof formal individual inhumation n a dwellingspacen a contracted ositionon heback,on rhesideor n a siitingpositionandofindividual irhumation n an nterdweilingspace n heabdomen. either as hegroup fsecondaryndividualnhumation een egistered.owever,hismightbeowing o the act that very olien separateones n the sites' ayers o not receive ue consideration.he secondaryinhumationn theperiod nder onsiderationsquite ikelyto havebeenar morewidesprcadhan hedatapublishedofargivesus easono believe. hismightaccountor tle sparsiry ftheNeolithicburials iscoveredo ar.RelererlcesCoinga 960Detev 959DU|u1994Efsrafio l985


    Fewkes/Goldman933Gall is 983

    Calovii1967GaraSanin959Gates 996Georgiev957Ceorsiev96l

    Georyiev1966Georgiev/Kdndev 981Ho rmouziadis97IIvanov1978

    E. Comsa. ontributieuprivireadturile unerarein epocaneoliticadepeeritoiultariinoasire. n: Onagiu ui ConstantinaicoviciuBukure$ti960), 3 106.P Dete\. Materiali zapraisrorijata aPloldiv. Godiiniknanaroclnija muzeiI Plovdit,3, 1959.R. Duru.KuruqayHdynkL Results f lheExcavaliolrs978-l988.TheNdolithic ndEarlyCha.LcoliihiceriodsAlrkara 994).N. Efstratiou.Agios Petros:A Neolithic Site n the NortbernSporades. egeanRelatlonshipsuring heNeolitlicofthe 5tl Miller,itm(BAR nternational eries241) oxford 985).U. Esin.Asrkl! TenThousand ears go:A Habitation odelFron Ccntral natolia.In: Hoxsing ndSeftlcmentnAnatoliai Historical erspectiveIstanbul996), l-42.V Fewkes, .Goldnan,R. Eirich.Excavationst Slarievo, ugoslavia.B&lletr r/theAnericanSchoalot Prchistartu eseafth,9, 933.K. Ga11is.videnceor Funerary iruals tCrcmationurials inceEarlyNeolithicnThessalyC-reece). n: The ntellectual xpressionsf Prehistoric an: AIt andReligion. alcamonjcaymposiumII I 979 Capo i Ponte Milano1983),9+-104-R. Galovi6. ahran'ivan'estatevadkoj ulturi-Srainar 18,196'7,16& 12.M. Garaianin.NeolithikumundBronzezeit n Serbien nd Makedonien. Sert.ire dslRGn:39. 958, 959).M.-H.Gates. nhaeologynTrrkey. Anerican aumalofArchaeolos100,1996,2,2:7',735_G. L Georgiev.z Zivota kulturata apervitezemedelsko-skotovAdnilemena Balgaria.- In:Arheologideskitkritija Bdlgaia Sofia 957), 59.G. L Georgiev. ulturgruppener Jungstein-nd der Kupfzeit n der Ebene onThrazienSiidbulsarien).n:tEurope a afin de 'asede apiere (Pmsa 961),4s-100.G. L Georgiev. {nogoslojnoeoselenie znaika mogilabliz StarojZagory Bolgaria).Kratkie oobicenianstihlta fieologii 106,1966,3 10.C L Lcois 'c\ .K. K;nee\.Ra,/konki" neo. irnoroel ir refaj. . aa!dd. Sonj. la].J>,g. Arheolagiteski otkritia ra 1980 Softa1981), 7.G.Hourmouziadjs.urial Customs. In D. Theochadsed.).NeotithicGreece. ationalBankofcreece Alhens97l).T. Ivanov.O nekotoryh toronah ogrebal'nogo brjada predsravlenijah zagrobnonmire ovremja eolitahalkolita Bolgadi. Studia rcehktorico 2, t918,157162.

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    Jacobson 969 T. Jacobson. xcavationst PortoCheliandvicinity, PrelirninaryReport,i TheFranchthiCave 967 1968. HesDeria8.343_381Jacobson/Culien981 T. Jacobson,. Cullen.A ConsidemtionfMotuary Practicesn Neolithic reece:Burials rom FranchthiCave. In: S. Hump|reys,H. King (eds.).Mortali!' andLnrnortalio,London981), 9 101.Mellaart 970 J.Mellaat.ExcavationstHac ar(Edinbueh 970).Mellaan 973 J.Mellaalt. heNeolithic ftheNearEasrondon I 973.Nestorl95l L Nestor. apaturi leepe aniierul alea ijiei Jasi Borosani-Dorohoi)nanuli950.- Studii i cercetari e storieyeche, l95l . 1B. Nikolov1975 B. Nikolov.SeliStet srarij neolitpr i s.Gradeinica, radanskikrag. Afieola4ija,1975.1.25-40.V Nikolov/Grigorova 992 V Nikoiov,K. Grigorova, . Sirakova. ie Ausgrabungenn der inhneolirhischenSiedlung on Sofia-Slarina,Bulgarien, n der Jahren1981t988. Actapraehisbncaet archaealoeica 4, 1992,221233.Papathanasopolos97 G.Papathanasopolos.pelaia irou:Ai anaskafaion 191O-7., ArcunAth, 4, t9 t 1,1,12)6.Petkov 961 N. Petkov.Novi anni aneolitnataultura rajSofia. Arheologiia.l96t3,64 73_Popov1929 R. Popov. din nteresenerep ot Dveiaskataestera. In: Lovei i Lovdansko(Lovei1929),578.Rodden 962 R. Rodden.Excavations t th Early Neolithic Site at Nea Nikomedeia, reek

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