BASICS LES BASIQUES BASICS ARTICOLI STANDARD · 3 33 700 00 33 700 01 33 700 02 33 700 03 33 701 00 33 701 01 33 701 02 33 701 03 27 836 09 27 863 97 33 706 00 33 706 01 33 706 02

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KorkCork|LIEGEPapier, Leder, Stoff | papier, cuir, tissus | paper, leather, fabric

D: Lässt sich hervorragend schneiden, stan-zen, kleben, nähen, bemalen, bedrucken und beschriften.

F: Une matière qui se laisse facilement découper, perforer, coller, coudre, et sur laquelle vous pouvez même dessi-ner et tamponner.

GB: Perfect for cutting, stamping, gluing, se-wing, painting, printing, also a great sur-face to write on

D: Mit den schönen Papieren, Ledern, Stoffen, Bändern und Perlen aus Kork lassen sich

moderne und hilfreiche Utensilien für den Alltag herstellen.F: Le LIÈGE sous toutes ses formes

( papier, cuir ou tissus ) vous permettra de réaliser des objets et des

accessoires beaux, pratiques et utiles au quotidienGB: Use our beautiful cork papers, leather-effect, fabric, ribbon

and beads to craft contemporary and stylish objects for both home and the workplace.






33 700 00

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27 836 09

27 863 97

33 706 00

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33 705 00

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


00 01

02 03

CorkCork paper Marron, 20 x 25 cm SQ: 5 pc

Cork paper Mosaic, 20 x 25 cm SQ: 5 pc

Cork paper Granulo, 20 x 25 cm SQ: 5 pc

Cork paper Stripes, 20 x 25 cm SQ: 5 pc

Cork paper Marron, 100 x 50 cm SQ: 2 pc

Cork paper Mosaic, 100 x 50 cm SQ: 2 pc

Cork paper Granulo, 100 x 50 cm SQ: 2 pc

Cork paper Stripes, 100 x 50 cm SQ: 2 pc

27 836 09 / Ingrid Moras 27 863 97 / Dahlem, Hanselmann, Hartmann,

Book germanBook german, Dekorative Ideen aus Korkpapie, 20,5 x 22 cm, 62 pages

SQ: 1 pc

Book german, Nähen mit Korkstoff, 23 x 23 cm, 78 pages

SQ: 1 pc

00 01

02 03

CorkCork leather Marron, 45 x 35 cm, 0,65 mm

SQ: 2 pc

Cork leather Mosaic, 45 x 35 cm, 0,65 mm

SQ: 2 pc

Cork leather Granulo, 45 x 35 cm, 0,65 mm

SQ: 2 pc

Cork leather Stipes, 45 x 35 cm, 0,65 mm

SQ: 2 pc

Cork leather Marron, 70 x 140 cm, 0,65 mm

SQ: 1 pc

Cork leather Mosaic, 70 x 140 cm, 0,65 mm

SQ: 1 pc

Cork leather Granulo, 70 x 140 cm, 0,65 mm

SQ: 1 pc

Cork leather Stripes, 70 x 140 cm, 0,65 mm

SQ: 1 pc

CorkPressed Cork, 20 x 25 cm, 3 mm SQ: 5 pc

Pressed Cork, 33 x 50 cm, 3 mm SQ: 5 pc

Pressed Cork, 20 x 25 cm, 5 mm SQ: 5 pc

Pressed Cork, 33 x 50 cm, 5 mm SQ: 5 pc


33 708 00

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33 740 10

33 740 20

33 741 03

33 741 05

33 741 10

33 741 20

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


00 01

02 03

CorkCork tissue Marron, 45 x 35 cm, 0,8 mm

SQ: 2 pc

Cork tissue Mosaic, 45 x 35 cm, 0,8 mm

SQ: 2 pc

Cork tissue Granulo, 45 x 35 cm, 0,8 mm

SQ: 2 pc

Cork tissue Stripes, 45 x 35 cm, 0,8 mm

SQ: 2 pc

Cork tissue Marron, 70 x 140 cm, 0,8 mm

SQ: 1 pc

Cork tissue Mosaic, 70 x 140 cm, 0,8 mm

SQ: 1 pc

Cork tissue Granulo, 70 x 140 cm, 0,8 mm

SQ: 1 pc

Cork tissue Stripes, 70 x 140 cm, 0,8 mm

SQ: 1 pc

01 02

CorkCork granules, 2 – 3 mm, 75 g / ~ 1 l

SQ: 5 bag

Cork granules, 3 – 7 mm, 75 g / ~ 1 l

SQ: 5 bag

01 10

CorkCork, 23 x 16 / 13 mm, 9 pcs. SQ: 10 bag

Cork, 23 x 19 / 16 mm, 6 pcs. SQ: 10 bag

Cork, 42 x 24 mm, 10 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Cork, 42 x 24 mm, 50 pcs. SQ: 50 pc

CorkCork beads, 10 mm ø 2 mm, 6 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

Cork beads, 20 mm ø 4 mm, 4 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

Cork beads, 10 mm ø 2 mm SQ: 50 pc

Cork beads, 20 mm ø 4 mm SQ: 25 pc

03 20

CorkCork tape, 100 cm, 3 mm SQ: 5 bag

Cork tape, 100 cm, 5 mm SQ: 5 bag

Cork tape, 100 cm, 10 mm SQ: 3 bag

Cork tape, 100 cm, 20 mm SQ: 3 bag

Cork tape, 10 m, 3 mm SQ: 1 ro

Cork tape, 10 m, 5 mm SQ: 1 ro

Cork tape, 10 m, 10 mm SQ: 1 ro

Cork tape, 10 m, 20 mm SQ: 1 ro

KORKLEDERCuir de liège | Cork leatherD: Ein modern verarbeitetes, hochwertiges Naturprodukt, welches glatt und anschmiegsam und gleichzeitig robust ist. Somit ist efco creative Korkleder eine echte vegane

Alternative zu Leder. Die Haptik des Materials ist faszinierend und fühlt sich – bedingt durch den hohen Isolationswert – weder kalt noch zu heiß an. Die Oberfläche besteht aus echtem Naturkork und ist als nachwachsender und wiederverwertbarer Rohstoff auch ökologisch sinnvoll. Kork benötigt im Gegensatz zu Leder keine auf-wändige Bearbeitung mit umweltschädlicher Chemie. Bestens geeignet für Kissen, Sitzpolster, Handtaschen, Taschen, Rucksäcke, Schmuck, Gürtel, Clutch-Taschen, Platzsets mit Bestecktaschen, Geldbörsen, Handy- und Smartphonehüllen, etc. Hochwertige Profiqualität, 0,65 mm stark, Flächengewicht ca. 310 g/m², reißfest und robust. Korkleder kann mit einer Jeansnadel problemlos genäht werden oder mit lösungsmittelhaltigen Klebern (UHU Kraft oder ähnlich) im Kontaktklebeverfahren verarbeitet werden. Schonende Handwäsche ist möglich. Da Kork von Natur aus wasser- und schmutzabweisend ist kann das Material ebenfalls problemlos feucht abgewischt werden. efco creative Korkleder besteht aus 19% Kork, 19% Polyester, 28% Baumwolle, 34% Polyurethan (PUR). Hergestellt in Europa!

F: Un produit naturel de grande qualité, dont la technique de fabrication moderne préserve ses propriétés: il est lisse, souple et robuste à la fois. Le cuir de liège commerci-alisé par efco creative constitue donc une véritable alternative végétalienne au cuir. Grâce à ses propriétés isolantes, ce tissu fascinant n’est ni trop chaud, ni trop froid au toucher. Sa surface est en liège véritable, une matière recyclable et renouvelable et sa fabrication s’inscrit dans une démarche écologique. De plus, contrairement au cuir, le liège est produit sans utiliser de produits chimiques polluants. Il convient parfaitement pour la confection de coussins, revêtements de banquette, sacs à main, pochettes, sacs à dos, ceintures, portefeuilles, pochettes pour portable ou smartphone etc. Le cuir de liège commercialisé par efco creative est de qualité supérieure et professionnelle, d’une épaisseur de 0,65 mm et d’un grammage de 310g/m² environ, il se caractérise par sa résistance et sa robustesse. Le cuir de liège peut être cousu en utilisant une aiguille adéquante, ou collé avec une colle avec solvant (type Uhu Kraft ). Un lavage délicat à la main est possible, le liège étant naturellement imperméable et peu salissant, il est préconisé de passer un chiffon humide pour l’entretenir. L’envers du matériel est constitué d’un mélange de fibres en tissus et polyester. Le cuir de liège se compose de 19% de liège, 19% de polyester, 28% de coton, 34% de polyurethane (PUR). Produit fabriqué en Europe!

GB: Thanks to modern technology, cork has been reconstituted to form a soft, supple and hard-wearing natural leather alternative. It has a wonderful texture and thanks to the inherent insulating properties of cork, is always pleasant to the touch – neither too hot, nor too cold. Cork leather is made from genuine cork and is a renewable, recyclable raw material that is kind to the environment. Cork, unlike leather, is prepared without the need for complex processing or the use of environmentally harmful chemicals. Perfect for pillows, cushions, handbags, bags, backpacks, jewelry, belts, clutches, place mats , wallets, mobile and smartphone cases, etc. High-quality professional quality 0.65 mm thick. Weight approx 310 g/m², tear-resistant and hard wearing. Cork leather can be sewn easily or glued with a solvent based adhesive: we recommend 1945040 UHU – KRAFT. Gentle hand wash only. Cork is naturally water resistant, so light soiling can be easily removed with a damp cloth. efco creative cork leather consists of 19% real cork, 19% polyester, 28% cotton, 34% polyurethane (PUR). Made in Europe!

KORKSTOFFTissu de liège | Cork tissue D: Ein modern verarbeitetes, hochwertiges Naturprodukt, welches glatt und an-

schmiegsam und gleichzeitig robust ist. Somit ist efco creative Korkstoff eine echte vegane Alternative zu Leder. Die Haptik des Materials ist faszinierend und fühlt sich – bedingt durch den hohen Isolationswert – weder kalt noch zu heiß an. Die Oberfläche besteht aus echtem Naturkork und ist als nach-wachsender und wiederverwertbarer Rohstoff auch ökologisch sinnvoll. Kork benötigt im Gegensatz zu Leder keine aufwändige Bearbeitung mit umwelt-schädlicher Chemie. Hervorragend geeignet für Kissen, Sitzpolster, Handta-schen, Taschen, Rucksäcke, Gürtel, Clutch-Taschen, Geldbörsen, Handy- und Smartphonehüllen, etc. efco creative Korkstoff ist eine geschmeidige, hoch-wertige Profiqualität, ca. 0,8 mm stark, reißfest und robust. Korkstoff kann mit einer Jeansnadel problemlos genäht werden. Das Flächengewicht beträgt ca. 435 g/m². Schonende Handwäsche ist möglich. Da Kork von Natur aus wasser- und schmutzabweisend ist kann das Material idealerweise feucht abgewischt werden. Auf der Rückseite des Materials ist ein Mischgewebe aus Baumwolle und Polyester. Korkstoff besteht aus 15% Kork, 13% Polyester, 25% Baumwolle, 47% Polyurethan (PUR). Hergestellt in Europa!

F: Un produit naturel de grande qualité, dont la technique de fabrication moder-ne préserve ses propriétés: il est lisse, souple et robuste à la fois. Le tissu de liège commercialisé par efco creative constitue donc une véritable alterna-tive végétalienne au cuir. Grâce à ses propriétés isolantes, ce tissu fascinant n’est ni trop chaud, ni trop froid au toucher. Sa surface est en liège véritable, une matière recyclable et renouvelable et sa fabrication s’inscrit dans une dé-marche écologique. De plus, contrairement au cuir, le liège est produit sans utiliser de produits chimiques polluants. Il convient parfaitement pour la con-fection de coussins, revêtements de banquette, sacs à main, pochettes, sacs à dos, ceintures, portefeuilles, pochettes pour portable ou smartphone etc. Le tissu de liège commercialisé par efco creative est de qualité supérieure et professionnelle, d’une épaisseur de 0,8mm et d’un grammage de 435g/m² environ, il se caractérise par sa résistance et sa robustesse. Le tissu de liège peut être cousu en utilisant une aiguille adéquate.Un lavage délicat à la main est possible, le liège étant naturellement imperméable et peu salissant, il est préconisé de passer un chiffon humide pour l’entretenir. L’envers du matériel est constitué d’un mélange de fibres en coton et polyester. Le tissu de liège se compose de 15% de liège, 13% de polyester, 25% de coton, 47% de polyurethane (PUR). Produit fabriqué en Europe!

GB: Thanks to modern technology, cork has been reconstituted to form a soft, supple and hard-wearing natural leather alternative. It has a wonderful texture and thanks to the inherent insulating properties of cork, is always pleasant to the touch – neither too hot, nor too cold. Cork leather is made from genuine cork and is a renewable, recyclable raw material that is kind to the environ-ment. Cork, unlike leather, is prepared without the need for complex proces-sing or the use of environmentally harmful chemicals. Suitable for pillows, cushions, handbags, shoppers, rucksacks, belts, Clutchbags, purses, mobile and tablet covers etc. efco creative cork fabric is a high-quality professional quality 0.8 mm thick. Weight approx 435 g / m², tear-resistant and hard wea-ring. Cork fabric can be sewn easily Gentle hand wash only. Cork is naturally water resistant, so light soiling can be easily removed with a damp cloth. Cotton / Polyester textile backing. Cork fabric is made from 15% cork, 13% polyester, 25% cotton, 47% Polyurethane (PUR). Made in Europe!

310 g/m²

435 g/m²

Korkstoff | Tissu de liège | Cork tissue

Korkpapier | Papier de liège | Cork paper Marron

Korkleder | Cuir de liège |Cork leather


22 914 ..

22 915 ..

22 916 ..

22 917 ..

22 900 11

22 900 12

22 900 13

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


00 / assorted colours 01 / white

06 / beige 07 / yellow

16 / orange 27 / red-mix 28 / red 32 / light pink

41 / purple-mix 43 / mauve 45 / turquoise mix 46 / light azure blue

47 / light blue 48 / azure blue 49 / blue mix 50 / royal blue

57 / turquoise 61 / light green 65 / middle green 67 / green

68 / green mix 75 / terracotta light 76 / light brown 77 / natural mix

78 / brown 80 / grey mix 84 / light grey 86 / grey

89 / black

MosaixPro-glass tilesMosaixPro – glass tiles, 10 x 10 x 4 mm, 200 g ~ 302 pcs.

SQ: 4 Box

MosaixPro – glass tiles, 20 x 20 x 4 mm, 200 g ~ 63 pcs.

SQ: 4 Box

MosaixPro – glass tiles, 10 x 10 x 4 mm, 1.000 g ~ 1.500 pcs.

SQ: 1 kg

MosaixPro – glass tiles, 20 x 20 x 4 mm, 1.000 g ~ 320 pcs.

SQ: 1 kg

Mosaix glass piecesMosaix glass pieces, 200 g SQ: 6 Box

Mosaix glass pieces, 200 g SQ: 6 Box

Mosaix glass pieces, 200 g SQ: 6 Box


22 922 ..

22 924 ..

22 921 ..

22 923 ..

22 928 ..

22 929 ..

19 234 03

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


00 / clear

01 / white 32 / light pink

41 / light mauve 43 / mauve

47 / light blue 48 / blue 56 / light turquoise 57 / turquoise

65 / green 76 / cognac 79 / dark brown 86 / grey

89 / black 95 / gold

MosaixPro-glass tiles GoldlineMosaixPro-glass tiles Goldline, 20 x 20 x 4 mm, 200 g ~ 72 pcs.

SQ: 4 Box

MosaixPro-glass tiles Goldline, 20 x 20 x 4 mm, 1.000 g ~ 360 pcs.

SQ: 1 kg

01 / white

79 / dark brown

89 / black

MosaixPro-glass tiles GoldlineMosaixPro-glass tiles Goldline, 10 x 10 x 4 mm, 200 g ~ 302 pcs.

SQ: 4 Box

MosaixPro-glass tiles Goldline, 10 x 10 x 4 mm, 1.000 g ~ 1500 pcs.

SQ: 1 kg

01 / white

79 / dark brown

89 / black

MosaixPro-glass tiles GoldlineMosaixPro-glass tiles Goldline, 10 x 20 x 4 mm, 200 g ~ 145 pcs.

SQ: 4 Box

MosaixPro-glass tiles Goldline, 10 x 20 x 4 mm, 1.000 g ~ 725 pcs.

SQ: 1 kg

Glue for tilesGlue for tiles, Drauf+Stitzt, 1 kg SQ: 4 cup


22 918 ..

22 919 ..

22 890 ..

22 895 ..

22 891 ..

22 896 ..

22 892 ..

22 897 ..

15 200 01

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


00 / transparent 01 / white

07 / yellow 16 / orange

28 / red 43 / mauve 47 / light blue 49 / blue

57 / turquoise 61 / light green 65 / green 76 / light brown

78 / brown 86 / grey 89 / black

MosaixPro-glass tilesMosaixSoft – glass tiles, 8 – 25 x 5 mm, 200 g ~ 140 pcs.

SQ: 4 Box

MosaixSoft – glass tiles, 8 – 25 x 5 mm, 1.000 g ~ 700 pcs.

SQ: 1 kg

00 / transparent 01 / white

07 / yellow 16 / orange

28 / red 43 / mauve 47 / light blue 49 / blue

57 / turquoise 61 / light green 65 / green 76 / light brown

78 / brown 86 / grey 89 / black

MosaixPro-glass tilesMosaixSoft – glass tiles, 10 x 10 x 4 mm, 200 g ~ 215 pcs.

SQ: 4 Box

MosaixSoft – glass tiles, 10 x 10 x 4 mm, 1.000 g ~ 1.071 pcs.

SQ: 1 kg

MosaixSoft – glass tiles, 15 x 15 x 4 mm, 200 g ~ 91 pcs.

SQ: 4 Box

MosaixSoft – glass tiles, 15 x 15 x 4 mm, 1.000 g ~ 457 pcs.

SQ: 1 kg

MosaixSoft – glass tiles, 20 x 20 x 4 mm, 200 g ~ 41 pcs.

SQ: 4 Box

MosaixSoft – glass tiles, 20 x 20 x 4 mm, 1.000 g ~ 260 pcs.

SQ: 1 kg

MosaixSoft glass tiles 22 896 .. are not available in the colours 28/49/61

Silicone tube with accessoriesSilicone tube, with nozzle, 80 ml SQ: 3 pc


22 931 ..

22 932 ..

22 933 ..

22 934 ..

22 935 ..

22 936 ..

22 914 99

22 915 99

22 916 99

22 917 99

22 937 ..

22 938 ..

22 939 ..

22 940 ..

22 941 ..

22 942 ..

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


04 / vanilla

28 / red 43 / mauve

48 / blue 57 / turquoise

65 / green 79 / brown 91 / silver 93 / copper

95 / gold

MosaixPro-glass tiles MetallicMosaixPro-glass tiles Metallic, 10 x 10 x 4 mm, 200 g ~ 215 pcs.

SQ: 4 Box

MosaixPro-glass tiles Metallic, 15 x 15 x 4 mm, 200 g ~ 95 pcs.

SQ: 4 Box

MosaixPro-glass tiles Metallic, 20 x 20 x 4 mm, 200 g ~ 41 pcs.

SQ: 4 Box

MosaixPro-glass tiles Metallic, 10 x 10 x 4 mm, 1.000 g ~ 1.071 pcs.

SQ: 1 kg

MosaixPro-glass tiles Metallic, 15 x 15 x 4 mm, 1.000 g ~ 550 pcs.

SQ: 1 kg

MosaixPro-glass tiles Metallic, 20 x 20 x 4 mm, 1.000 g ~ 204 pcs.

SQ: 1 kg

Mosaix mirrorsMosaix mirrors, 10 x 10 mm / 3 mm, 200 g ~ 302 Stk.

SQ: 4 Box

Mosaix mirrors, 20 x 20 x 3 mm, 200 g ~ 72 pcs.

SQ: 4 Box

Mosaix mirrors, 10 x 10 mm / 3 mm, 500 g ~ 650 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Mosaix mirrors, 20 x 20 x 3 mm, 1.000 g ~ 360 pcs.

SQ: 1 kg

48 / blue

28 / red 43 / mauve

57 / turquoise 65 / green

79 / brown 91 / silver 93 / copper 95 / gold

MosaixPro-glass tiles GlitterMosaixPro-glass tiles Glitter, 10 x 10 x 4 mm, 200 g ~ 215 pcs.

SQ: 4 Box

MosaixPro-glass tiles Glitter, 15 x 15 x 4 mm, 200 g ~ 95 pcs.

SQ: 4 Box

MosaixPro-glass tiles Glitter, 20 x 20 x 4 mm, 200 g ~ 41 pcs.

SQ: 4 Box

MosaixPro-glass tiles Glitter, 10 x 10 x 4 mm, 1.000 g ~ 1.071 pcs.

SQ: 1 kg

MosaixPro-glass tiles Glitter, 15 x 15 x 4 mm, 1.000 g ~ 550 pcs.

SQ: 1 kg

MosaixPro-glass tiles Glitter, 20 x 20 x 4 mm, 1.000 g ~ 204 pcs.

SQ: 1 kg


22 945 ..

22 946 ..

22 947 ..

22 948 ..

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


01 / white marble 02 / cream

27 / red / white marble 28 / red

61 / light green 69 / dark green

74 / light brown 76 / cream / brown structure

79 / dark brown / white 84 / grey

86 / anthracite 89 / black

MosaixPur – genuine stoneMosaixPur – natural stone, 10 x 10 x 4 mm, 1.000 g ~ 1050 pcs.

SQ: 1 kg

MosaixPur – natural stone, 10 x 10 x 4 mm, 200 g ~ 205 pcs.

SQ: 4 Box

MosaixPur – natural stone, 20 x 20 x 4 mm, 1.000 g ~ 225 pcs.

SQ: 1 kg

MosaixPur – natural stone, 20 x 20 x 4 mm, 200 g ~ 45 pcs.

SQ: 4 Box


22 950 ..

22 952 ..

27 834 34

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


01 / white 02 / cream 03 / ivory-colouerd 04 / sand

05 / sand yellow 06 / beige 07 / light yellow 08 / yellow

09 / safran yellow 10 / honey 14 / orange pastel 16 / salmon-coloured

28 / red 29 / bordeaux 30 / light yellow-oran-ge

32 / light pink

36 / purple 46 / grey-blue pastel 47 / light blue 48 / blue

49 / night blue 50 / royal blue 52 / light green-beige 53 / turquoise pastel

54 / light turquoise 55 / turquoise 56 / reseda green 61 / light yellow-green

67 / green 74 / brown / beige 76 / ochre 78 / brown

79 / dark brown 84 / grey 86 / anthracite metallic

89 / black

97 / dark gold 98 / blackgold

Mosaixmicros ceramicMosaixminis ceramic glazed, 5 x 5 x 3 mm, 10 g ~ 100 pcs.

SQ: 5 Box

Mosaixminis ceramic glazed, 5 x 5 x 3 mm, 500 g ~ 5.000 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

27 834 34 / Ingrid Moras

Book germanBook german, Mosaik, 20 x 27 cm, 96 pages

SQ: 1 pc


22 956 ..

22 957 ..

22 930 ..

19 233 01

19 233 12

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


01 / white 02 / cream

03 / ivory-colouerd 07 / light yellow

08 / yellow 14 / orange pastel 16 / salmon-coloured 28 / red

29 / bordeaux 32 / light pink 36 / purple 47 / light blue

48 / blue 49 / night blue 50 / royal blue 55 / turquoise

56 / reseda green 61 / light yellow-green 67 / green 76 / ochre

78 / brown 89 / black 98 / blackgold

Mosaix ceramic glazedMosaix ceramic glazed, 10 x 10 x 3 mm, 70 g ~ 150 pcs.

SQ: 5 Box

Mosaix ceramic glazed, 10 x 10 x 3 mm, 450 g ~ 1.000 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

28 / red-mix 48 / blue mix

65 / green mix

Mosaix ceramic glazedMosaix Ceramic Bits, 20 – 60 mm, 1 kg

SQ: 1 cup

white white

Cement for mosaixGrout, 300 g SQ: 6 cup

Cement, 1.200 g SQ: 1 cup


22 925 03

22 925 04

22 925 06

22 925 01

22 925 15

22 925 16

22 925 20

22 925 22

22 925 11

22 925 30

22 925 31

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


03 / black 04 / black

06 / black

Mosaix tablesMosaix table, 2 levels, 38 x 38 x 77 cm

SQ: 1 pc

Mosaix table, ø 42 x 58 cm SQ: 1 pc

Mosaix table, ø 60 x 72 cm SQ: 1 pc


Mosaix tablesMosaix tables, Set 3 parts, 66x38xH50/61x34x48/ 55x30x45cm

SQ: 1 pc

16 / black 22 / black

Mosaix coasterMosaix coaster, Square, 16 x 16 x 3,3 cm

SQ: 1 pc

Mosaix coaster, Square, 18 x 18 x 3,3 cm

SQ: 1 pc

Mosaix coaster, round, ø 16 x 3,3 cm

SQ: 1 pc

Mosaix coaster, round, ø 20 x 3,3 cm

SQ: 1 pc

11 / black

Mosaix mirror frameMosaix mirror frame, rectangular, 45 x 52 cm

SQ: 1 pc

30 / black 31 / black

Mosaix name plate / plateMosaix name plate / plate, 50 x 23 cm

SQ: 1 pc

Mosaix name plate / plate, 50 x 30 cm

SQ: 1 pc


26 340 30

26 340 31

26 340 32

26 340 33

26 340 34

26 340 35

26 340 38

26 340 39

18 023 01

18 022 00

93 146 05

93 146 10

93 146 20

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


30 / white 31 / white

32 / white 33 / white

34 / white 35 / white

38 / white 39 / white

PappArt Box MosaixBox Mosaix, heart, 15 x 15 x 6 cm SQ: 2 pc

Box Mosaix, oval, 23 x 17 x 6 cm SQ: 2 pc

Box Mosaix, round, 15 x 6 cm SQ: 2 pc

Box Mosaix, round, 17 x 6 cm SQ: 2 pc

Box Mosaix, square, 15 x 15 x 6 cm

SQ: 2 pc

Box Mosaix, square, 17 x 17 x 6 cm

SQ: 2 pc

Box Mosaix, rectangular, 20 x 15 x 6 cm

SQ: 2 pc

Box Mosaix, rectangular, 23 x 17 x 6 cm

SQ: 2 pc

Glass chipping plierGlass chipping plier, 20 cm SQ: 1 pc


Protection glassesSafety glasses, for working with mosaix, 15,8 x 5 cm, 1 pc.

SQ: 2 pc

Mosaix-Fix Glue for mosaic stonesMosaix-Fix, glue for mosaic stones, 50 ml / 50 g

SQ: 5 pc

Mosaix-Fix, glue for mosaic stones, 1.000 ml / 1000 g

SQ: 2 pc

Mosaix-Fix, glue for mosaic stones, 200 ml / 200 g

SQ: 4 pc

Mosaix-Fix: Water-based glue for mosaic stones, weatherproof For use on wood, metal, glass, plastics, ceramics, leather, etc.

Instructions: Cut off or pierce the plastic nozzle and apply directly from the bottle. Apply a blub of glue directly onto the mosaic tile, place the stone on the chosen object and press on lightly. Ensure that the gaps between tiles are at least 1 to 2 mm wide. Mosaix-Fix can also be used on larger areas using a pain-tbrush. Brush on a layer of glue approx. 1 mm thick. Work in stages when mosaicing larger areas. If applying mosaic to vertical surfaces, lay the object on it‘s side so you can work on a flat surface. Leave to dry, then mix grout and apply evenly with a spatula. Remove excess with a sponge. Clean tools with soap and water.


10 091 ..

10 100 ..

10 093 ..

10 102 ..

10 119 01

10 119 02

10 119 03

10 119 04

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


01 / white 06 / beige 07 / yellow 16 / orange

28 / red 29 / dark red 35 / bright pink 43 / mauve

47 / azure blue 48 / blue 49 / dark blue 56 / mint

61 / light green 65 / olive-green 67 / green 78 / brown

79 / dark brown 86 / grey 89 / black 95 / gold

ParacordParacord, 550, 60% Polypropylene / 40% Polyester, 4 mm x 4 m, 1 pc.

SQ: 5 bag

Paracord, 60% Polypropylene / 40% Polyester, 4 mm x 50 m

SQ: 1 ro

07 / yellow 16 / orange 28 / red 35 / bright pink

48 / blue 61 / light green

ParacordParacord, reflective 550, 60% Polypropylene / 40% Polyester, 4 mm x 4 m, 1 pc.

SQ: 5 bag

Paracord, reflective, 60% Polypropylene / 40% Polyester, 4 mm x 50 m

SQ: 1 ro

01 / colour mix 1 02 / colour mix 2

03 / colour mix 3 04 / colour mix 4

ParacordParacord, assorted, 60% Polypropylene / 40% Polyester, 4 mm x 2,6 m, 6 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Paracord, assorted, 100% Polyester, 4 mm x 2,6 m, 6 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Paracord, assorted, 100% Polyester, 4 mm x 2,6 m, 6 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Paracord, assorted / reflective, 60% Polypropylene / 40% Polyester, 4 mm x 2,6 m, 6 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag


10 092 ..

10 101 ..

10 103 ..

10 106 ..

10 104 ..

10 107 ..

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


00 / rainbow 03 / crystal 05 / natural 06 / beige

07 / yellow 08 / yellow 25 / plum 26 / red white

27 / red blue white 33 / bright pink azure blue

34 / bright pink 35 / light pink pink black

43 / yellow mauve blue

44 / mauve 47 / azure blue light grey

48 / blue

49 / blue 56 / blue 61 / green pink 65 / olive-green

67 / green 68 / red green 78 / brown 84 / black orange

85 / black yellow 86 / grey 87 / bright pink black 88 / digital

89 / black white 98 / multicolour 99 / rainbow black

ParacordParacord, colour mix 550, 60% Polypropylene / 40% Polyester, 4 mm x 4 m, 1 pc.

SQ: 5 bag

Paracord, colour mix, 60% Polypropylene / 40% Polyester, 4 mm x 50 m

SQ: 1 ro

01 / white 06 / beige 07 / yellow 16 / orange

28 / red 35 / bright pink 36 / fuchsia 43 / mauve

48 / blue 57 / turquoise 61 / light green 67 / green

78 / brown 89 / black

ParacordParacord, 60% Polypropylene / 40% Polyester, 2 mm x 50 m

SQ: 1 ro

Paracord, 60% Polypropylene / 40% Polyester, 2 mm x 4 m, 1 pc.

SQ: 5 bag

07 / yellow black white

16 / orange blue light green

28 / red turquoise white

35 / fuchsia white blue

43 / black mauve white

48 / blue light green white

57 / turquoise mauve light green

76 / beige white black

86 / black grey white 87 / black white 88 / black white bright pink

89 / black white light green

ParacordParacord, colour mix, 60% Polypropylene / 40% Polyester, 2 mm x 50 m

SQ: 1 ro

Paracord, colour mix, 60% Polypropylene / 40% Polyester, 2 mm x 4 m, 1 pc.

SQ: 5 bag


10 120 ..

27 000 79

27 135 63

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


10 / fuchsia white blue

11 / blue light green white 12 / turquoise mauve light green

13 / yellow black white 14 / red turquoise white

15 / orange blue light green 16 / black white

17 / black mauve white

Paracord Starter kit, 2 mmParacord Starter kit, assorted, 60% Polypropylene / 40% Polyester, 2 mm x 2 m, 5 parts

SQ: 5 Set

27 000 79 27 135 63 / Ingrid Moras

Book germanBook german, Paracord Buch, 29,7 x 21 cm, 68 pages

SQ: 1 pc

Book german, Paracord geknüpft und gehäkelt, 17 x 22 cm, 48 pages

SQ: 1 pc


10 123 ..

10 123 ..

10 123 20

27 158 99

27 159 61

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


01 / mauve yellow

02 / rose turquoise 03 / red redmix

04 / olive olive mix 05 / ochre ochre mix

06 / black white 07 / red green

08 / blue rainbow / black 09 / yellow raibow/ white

Paracord Starter kit, 4 mmParacord Starter kit, assorted, 60% Polypropylene / 40% Polyester, 4 mm x 2,6 m, 5 parts

SQ: 5 Set

10 / orange red 11 / blue green

12 / light pink yellow 13 / blue blue mix

Paracord Starter kit, 4 mmParacord Starter kit, assorted / reflective, 60% Polypropylene / 40% Polyester, 4 mm x 2,6 m, 5 parts

SQ: 5 Set

black red yellow

Paracord World cup kitParacord Fan kit, Germany, 60% Polypropylene / 40% Polyester, 4 mm x 2,5 m, 5 parts

SQ: 5 Set

27 158 99 / Thade Precht 27 159 61 / Thade Precht

Book germanBook german, knot*knot PARACORD, 21,7 x 23 cm, 120 pages

SQ: 1 pc

Book german, knot*knot PARACORD KIDS, 17 x 22 cm, 48 pages

SQ: 1 pc


10 126 ..

10 127 ..

10 128 ..

10 129 ..

21 896 ..

21 897 ..

21 898 ..

21 899 ..

21 900 ..

21 901 ..

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


01 / white 06 / beige 07 / yellow 08 / golden yellow

16 / orange 28 / red 29 / dark red 32 / light pink

35 / bright pink 43 / mauve 47 / light blue 48 / blue

50 / royal blue 55 / mint 56 / light turquoise 61 / light green

67 / olive-green 69 / dark green 89 / black

BuckleClip, 11 / 14 mm, 10 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Clip, 11 / 14 mm SQ: 100 pc

Clip, 16 / 20 mm, 8 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Clip, 16 / 20 mm SQ: 100 pc

88 / brushed silver 90 / silver matt

91 / silver brilliant 93 / copper

95 / gold

BuckleClip metal, 11 / 14 mm, 1 pcs. SQ: 4 bag

Clip metal, 11 / 14 mm SQ: 4 pc

Clip metal, 16 / 20 mm, 1 pcs. SQ: 4 bag

Clip metal, 16 / 20 mm SQ: 4 pc

90 / silver matt 91 / silver brilliant

BuckleClip metal, 25 / 30 mm, 1 pcs. SQ: 4 bag

Clip metal, 25 / 30 mm SQ: 4 pc


10 124 07

10 124 16

10 124 61

10 124 89

89 205 45

10 119 97

10 119 98

10 119 96

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


07 / neon yellow 16 / neon orange 61 / light green neon 89 / black

Tie threadTie thread, 100% Polyester, 2 mm x 50 m

SQ: 1 ro

Tie thread, 100% Polyester, 2 mm x 50 m

SQ: 1 ro

Tie thread, 100% Polyester, 2 mm x 50 m

SQ: 1 ro

Tie thread, 100% Polyester, 2 mm x 50 m

SQ: 1 ro


ParacordSpezialhaken Paracord, für efco Artikel, T20

SQ: 10 pc

97 98

Paracord needleParacord needle, stainless steel, 5 x 75 mm

SQ: 3 pc

Paracord needle, stainless steel, 3,5 x 75 mm

SQ: 3 pc

Paracord needleParacord needle set, stainless steel, 5 x 75 / 3,5 x 75 mm, 2 pc.

SQ: 3 Set


21 904 91

21 905 91

21 906 91

21 907 91

10 120 00

10 119 99

21 910 20

21 910 25

21 910 30

21 911 20

21 911 25

21 911 30

21 912 26

21 912 31

21 913 26

21 913 31

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


491 / silver brilliant 691 / silver brilliant

Shekel metalShekel metal, 15 / 25 mm, 1 pcs. / 3 parts

SQ: 4 bag

Shekel metal, 15 / 25 mm, 3 parts SQ: 4 pc

Shekel metal, 20 / 33 mm, 1 pcs. / 3 parts

SQ: 4 bag

Shekel metal, 20 / 33 mm, 3 parts SQ: 4 pc

ParacordWeave splint, for Paracord, 60 x 300 x 2 mm

SQ: 1 pc

ParacordClamp, for weave splint, 40 mm span

SQ: 3 pc

20 / nickel-plated 25 / nickel-plated

30 / nickel-plated

D-ringD-ring, welded, 20 x 14 x 3 mm, 2 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

D-ring, welded, 25 x 21 x 4 mm, 2 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

D-ring, welded, 30 x 22 x 3,8 mm, 1 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

D-ring, welded, 20 x 14 x 3 mm SQ: 20 pc

D-ring, welded, 25 x 21 x 4 mm SQ: 20 pc

D-ring, welded, 30 x 22 x 3,8 mm SQ: 10 pc

26 / nickel-plated 31 / nickel-plated

RingRing, welded, 26 x 3,5 mm, 2 pc. SQ: 5 bag

Ring, welded, 31 x 4,5 mm, 1 pc. SQ: 5 bag

Ring, welded, 26 x 3,5 mm SQ: 20 pc

Ring, welded, 31 x 4,5 mm SQ: 10 pc


10 510 01

10 510 03

10 510 05

10 510 02

10 510 04

10 510 06

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


Mobidai Kumihimo WeavediskMobidai Kumihimo Braiding Disk, DE, ø 163 mm x 10 mm, 2 parts

SQ: 5 pc

Mobidai Kumihimo Braiding Disk, FR + GB, ø 163 mm x 10 mm, 2 parts

SQ: 5 pc

Mobidai Kumihimo Braiding Disk, IT + ES, ø 163 mm x 10 mm, 2 parts

SQ: 5 pc

Contents: Mobidai® Kumihimo braiding disk, Guiding ring

Mobidai Kumihimo WeavediskMobidai Kumihimo Braiding Disk, Craft set DE, ø 163 mm x 10 mm, 9 parts

SQ: 5 pc

Mobidai Kumihimo Braiding Disk, Craft set FR + GB, ø 163 mm x 10 mm, 9 parts

SQ: 5 pc

Mobidai Kumihimo Braiding Disk, Craft set IT + ES, ø 163 mm x 10 mm, 9 parts

SQ: 5 pc

Thanks to the patent braiding system with interchangeable pattern templates, the Kumihimo weaving disk makes it extremely easy to weave round, narrow and wide bands and cords. The Mobidai means the Kumihimo is portable, so that you can practice your hobby wherever you like.

Contents: Mobidai® Kumihimo braiding disk, Guiding ring Weavecord Satin – white, yellow, bordeaux, pink, light blue, light green Detailed instructions


10 510 10

10 510 11

10 510 15

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


Mobidai Kumihimo WeavediskMobidai Kumihimo Braiding Disk, Multi Set / DE, ø 163 mm x 10 mm, 7 parts

SQ: 5 pc

Mobidai Kumihimo Braiding Disk, Multi Set / FR + GB, ø 163 mm x 10 mm, 7 parts

SQ: 5 pc

Contents: Mobidai® Kumihimo-braiding disk, Guiding ring Detailed instruction incl. 4 Mobidai® pattern cards Satin cord in bodeaux, light green, light brown, chocolate brown

Mobidai Kumihimo WeavediskMobidai Kumihimo Braiding Disk, Kit / DE, ø 163 mm x 10 mm, 11 parts

SQ: 1 Set

Contents: Mobidai® SAN braiding disk, Guiding ring Detailed instruction for children with 4 Mobidai® pattern cards Satin cord in white, dark yellow, bordeaux, blue


10 510 07

10 510 08

10 510 91

27 000 35

27 134 85

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


Mobidai Kumihimo WeavediskMobidai Kumihimo Braiding Disk, XL stretch / DE, 210 x 153 x 11 mm, 4 parts

SQ: 5 pc

Mobidai Kumihimo Braiding Disk, XL stretch / FR + GB, 210 x 153 x 11 mm, 4 parts

SQ: 5 pc

For making flat belts and braids.

Contents: Mobidai® Kumihimo braiding disk XL-Stretch 2 fixing points Detailed instruction incl. 2 pattern cards

Mobidai Kumihimo StencilsKumihimo Pattern Disk, with book-let DE, ø 124 mm, 2 parts

SQ: 5 pc

27 000 35 / Gabriela Marková 27 134 85 / Miriam und Roswitha Schwarz

Book germanBook german, Kumihimo Flechtkunst aus Japan, 23 x 17 cm, 92 pages

SQ: 1 pc

Book german, Kumihimo Schmuckstücke, A 5, 32 pages / pattern

SQ: 1 pc


12 719 ..

12 732 ..

12 733 ..

12 734 ..

12 735 ..

12 736 ..

12 732 99

12 733 99

12 735 99

12 736 99

10 510 90

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


01 / white

02 / cream 07 / light yellow

08 / yellow 16 / orange

28 / red 29 / bordeaux 32 / light pink 35 / bright pink

43 / violet 47 / light blue 48 / blue 57 / turquoise

61 / light green 65 / green 69 / dark green 76 / light brown

78 / chocolate 84 / light grey 89 / black

KUMIHIMO – Weavecord SatinWeavecord Satin, 100% Polyester, 1,5 mm

SQ: 50 m

Weavecord Satin, 100% Polyester, 2 mm

SQ: 50 m

Weavecord Satin, 100% Polyester, 2 mm / 6 m

SQ: 10 bag

Weavecord Satin, 100% Polyester, 1,5 mm / 6 m

SQ: 10 bag

Colour „gold“ (95) is only available as 12 732 ..

01 / white 07 / yellow 16 / orange 28 / red

32 / light pink 35 / bright pink 41 / lilac 47 / light blue

61 / light green 89 / black 91 / silver 95 / gold

KUMIHIMO – Weavecord SatinWeavecord Satin, 100% Polyester, ~1,0 mm

SQ: 50 m

Weavecord Satin, 100% Polyester, ~1,0 mm, 6 m

SQ: 10 bag


KUMIHIMO – Weavecord SatinWeavecord Satin, 100% Polyamide, 2 mm

SQ: 50 m

Weavecord Satin, 100% Polyester, 2 mm / 6 m

SQ: 10 bag

Weavecord Satin, 100% Polyamide, ~1,0 mm

SQ: 50 m

Weavecord Satin, 100% Polyester, ~1,0 mm, 6 m

SQ: 10 bag

Mobidai Kumihimo StencilsKumihimo Pattern Disk, with book-let DE, ø 121 mm, 2 parts

SQ: 5 pc

Ideal for bead-weaving.


20 022 ..

20 024 ..

20 025 ..

20 027 ..

27 000 57

20 040 ..

20 041 ..

20 042 ..

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


01 / white 02 / cream 05 / natural 06 / beige

07 / yellow 08 / dark yellow 16 / orange 28 / red

29 / bordeaux 32 / light pink 35 / bright pink 43 / aubergine

47 / light blue 48 / blue 57 / light turquoise 61 / light green

65 / green 67 / olive-green 78 / brown 79 / dark brown

86 / grey 89 / black

Cord cotton waxedCord cotton waxed, 100% Cotton, ø 1 mm

SQ: 100 m

Cord cotton waxed, 100% Cotton, ø 2,0 mm

SQ: 100 m

Cord cotton waxed, 100% Cotton, ø 1 mm / 6 m

SQ: 10 bag

Cord cotton waxed, 100% Cotton, ø 2 mm / 6 m

SQ: 10 bag

27 000 57 / Roswitha Schwarz

Book germanBook german, Perlen flechten, 18 x 17,5 cm, 60 pages

SQ: 1 pc

02 / cream

79 / dark brown 89 / black

Cord cotton waxedCord cotton waxed, 100% Cotton, ø 0,5 mm, 9 m

SQ: 8 ro

Cord cotton waxed, 100% Cotton, ø 1 mm, 9 m

SQ: 8 ro

01 / white

02 / cream 05 / natural

08 / yellow 16 / orange

28 / red 29 / dark red 32 / light pink 35 / bright pink

41 / lilac 48 / blue 57 / turquoise 67 / green

69 / dark green 78 / brown 79 / dark brown 89 / black

Cord cotton waxedCord cotton waxed, 100% Cotton, ~ 0,5 mm

SQ: 50 m


27 234 85

27 000 36

27 000 38

27 000 39

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


27 234 85 / Miriam und Roswitha Schwarz

Book englishBook english, Kumihimo Jewellery, A 5, 32 pages

SQ: 1 pc

27 000 36 / Miriam und Roswitha Schwarz

Book frenchBook french, Bijoux Kumihimo, A 5, 32 pages / sheet pattern

SQ: 1 pc

27 000 38 / Miriam und Roswitha Schwarz 27 000 39 / Miriam und Roswitha Schwarz

Books italianBook italian, Kumihimo – Trendy Bijoux, A 5, 32 pages / sheet pattern

SQ: 1 pc

Book italian, Kumihimo – Accessori Moda, A 5, 32 pages / sheet pattern

SQ: 1 pc


10 825 ..

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Photo Pearls®Photo Pearls®

01 / black #1 02 / dark brown #2

03 / middle brown #3 04 / dark red #4

05 / caramel #5 06 / beige #6 07 / skin-coloured #7 08 / dark grey #8

09 / dark green #9 10 / light grey #10 11 / violet #11 12 / ivory #12

13 / orange #13 14 / yellow #14 15 / white #15 16 / green #16

17 / light blue #17 18 / light pink #18 19 / red #19 20 / light brown #20

21 / light yellow #21 22 / light green #22 23 / light blue #23 24 / lilac #24

25 / bright pink #25 26 / peach #26 27 / brown #27 28 / baby blue #28

29 / mandarin #29 30 / olive #30

Photo Pearls® Bead by numberPhoto Pearls® – Pearls, ~ø 5 x H 5 mm, 1.100 pcs.

SQ: 6 bag


10 820 96

10 820 94

10 820 60

10 820 51

10 821 80

10 821 81

10 821 82

10 821 83

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Photo Pearls®Photo Pearls®

Photo Pearls® ~Ø 5 x 5 mm – Starter KitPhoto Pearls® starter kit, accesso-ries and software, ~ø 5 x H 5 mm, 7.500 pcs.

SQ: 1 Set

Content 10 820 96: Software, 4 pegboards, 4 adhesive foils, 7.500 pearls

Nabbi® Super SetNabbi® Super Set, accessories and 100 pattern, ~ø 5 x H 5 mm, 7.500 pcs.

SQ: 1 Set

Inhalt 10 820 94: Vorlagen-CD, 4 Legeplatten, 4 Bügelpapiere, 7500 Perlen

Photo Pearls® – Adhesive foilPhoto Pearls® – Adhesive foil, dou-ble-sided, 15 x 15 cm, 8 pcs.

SQ: 2 bag


Photo Pearls® – PegboardPhoto Pearls® – Pegboard, for 900 beads, 15 x 15 cm, 2 pcs.

SQ: 4 bag

80 81

82 83

Photo Pearls® Bead by numberPhoto Pearls® Bead by number, Horses with accessories, ~ø 5 x H 5 mm, 3.600 pcs

SQ: 1 Set

Photo Pearls® Bead by number, Wolf with accessories, ~ø 5 x H 5 mm, 3.600 pcs

SQ: 1 Set

Photo Pearls® Bead by number, Tiger with accessories, ~ø 5 x H 5 mm, 3.600 pcs

SQ: 1 Set

Photo Pearls® Bead by number, Cat with accessories, ~ø 5 x H 5 mm, 3.600 pcs

SQ: 1 Set


10 823 ..

10 822 ..

10 823 ..

10 826 ..

10 823 80

10 828 80

10 829 80

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


01 / black #1 02 / bright pink neon #25

03 / middle brown #3 04 / dark red #4

05 / caramel #5 06 / beige #6 07 / skin-coloured #7 08 / dark grey #8

09 / yellow-green #9 10 / turquoise #10 11 / violet #11 12 / ivory #12

13 / orange #13 14 / yellow #14 15 / white #15 16 / yellow neon #16

17 / soft green #17 18 / fuchsia #18 19 / red #19 20 / light brown #20

21 / dark blue #21 22 / light green #22 23 / light blue #23 24 / lilac #24

25 / soft green trans-parent #25

26 / light pink mother of pearl #26

27 / brown #27 28 / yellow neon transparent #28

29 / light blue trans-parent #29

30 / bright pink trans-parent #30

40 / glow in the dark

Nabbi® – Melting beads ~Ø 5 x 5 mmNabbi® – Melting beads, ~ø 5 x H 5 mm, 1.100 pcs.

SQ: 6 bag

01 / basic colours 02 / pastel

03 / transparent 04 / neon

05 / mother-of-pearl 06 / glitter

Nabbi® – Melting beads ~Ø 5 x 5 mmNabbi® – Melting beads, mixed in bottle, ~ø 5 x H 5 mm, 3.500 pcs.

SQ: 4 bot

71 / mix basic colours

72 / mix pastel colours

73 / mix mother of pearl

74 / mix neon colours

75 / mix transparent 76 / mix glitter colours

Nabbi® – Melting beads ~Ø 5 x 5 mmNabbi® – Melting beads, ~ø 5 x H 5 mm, 1.100 pcs.

SQ: 6 bag

Nabbi® – Melting beads, ~ø 5 x H 5 mm, 20.000 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

mix stripes colours

Nabbi® – Melting beads ~Ø 5 x 5 mmNabbi® – Melting beads, ~ø 5 x H 5 mm, 1.100 pcs.

SQ: 6 bag

Nabbi® – Melting beads, ~ø 5 x H 5 mm, 10.000 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Nabbi® – Melting beads, ~ø 5 x H 5 mm, 6.000 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag


10 824 ..

10 824 ..

10 824 ..

10 822 31

10 822 41

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


71 / mix basic colours

72 / mix pastel colours

73 / mix mother of pearl

74 / mix neon colours

75 / mix transparent 76 / mix glitter colours

Nabbi® – Melting beads ~Ø 5 x 5 mmNabbi® – Melting beads, in bucket, ~ø 5 x H 5 mm, 5.000 pcs.

SQ: 1 Set

81 / mix basic colours 82 / mix pastel colours

Nabbi® – Melting beads ~Ø 5 x 5 mmNabbi® – Melting beads, in bucket, ~ø 5 x H 5 mm, 10.000 pcs.

SQ: 1 Set

91 / mix basic colours 92 / mix pastel colours

Nabbi® – Melting beads ~Ø 5 x 5 mmNabbi® – Melting beads, in bucket, ~ø 5 x H 5 mm, 20.000 pcs.

SQ: 1 Set

31 / mix basic colours 41 / mix basic colours

Nabbi® – Melting beads ~Ø 5 x 5 mm -SetNabbi® – Melting beads Set, in bucket, 17.000 pcs. incl. peg-boards

SQ: 1 Set

Nabbi® – Melting beads Set, in bucket, 8.000 pcs. incl. 3 peg-boards

SQ: 1 Set

Supports inclus: 10 822 31 étoile, coeur, rond, carré, hexagone 10 822 41 XXX


10 824 99

10 822 81

10 822 82

10 822 83

10 822 84

10 822 85

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


assorted colour mix

Nabbi® Beads SetNabbi® Beads Set, ~ø 5 x H 5 mm, 3 x 5.000 pcs.

SQ: 1 Set

81 82

83 84


Nabbi® – Melting beads ~Ø 5 x 5 mm – Motiv SetNabbi® – Melting beads Mot.Set, Horse with accessories, ~ø 5 x H 5 mm, 600 pcs.

SQ: 2 Set

Nabbi® – Melting beads Mot.Set, Dog with accessories, ~ø 5 x H 5 mm, 600 pcs.

SQ: 2 Set

Nabbi® – Melting beads Mot.Set, Cat with accessories, ~ø 5 x H 5 mm, 600 pcs.

SQ: 2 Set

Nabbi® – Melting beads Mot.Set, Butterfly with accessories, ~ø 5 x H 5 mm, 600 pcs.

SQ: 2 Set

Nabbi® – Melting beads Mot.Set, Leo with accessories, ~ø 5 x H 5 mm, 600 pcs.

SQ: 2 Set


10 822 11

10 822 12

10 822 21

10 822 22

10 820 55

10 820 65

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


11 / white 12 / white

21 / white 22 / white

Nabbi® – PegboardNabbi® – Pegboard, mix Round / Square, 9 cm, 2 pcs.

SQ: 4 bag

Nabbi® – Pegboard, mix Star/Hexagon, 9 cm, 2 pcs.

SQ: 4 bag

Nabbi® – Pegboard, mix Round / Square, 15 cm, 2 pcs.

SQ: 4 bag

Nabbi® – Pegboard, mix heart, 16 / 8 cm, 2 pcs.

SQ: 4 bag


Nabbi® pegboard setNabbi® – Pegboard set, with pat-terns CD, 15 x 15 cm, 2 pegboards

SQ: 2 bag

Nabbi® – Ironing paperNabbi® – Ironing paper, 16 x 16 cm, 8 pcs.

SQ: 2 bag


10 824 01

10 824 02

10 824 60

10 824 61

10 820 56

10 827 01

10 827 02

10 827 11

10 827 12

10 827 13

10 824 09

10 820 57

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


01 / mix basic colours 02 / mix pastel colours

Nabbi® Maxi Beads – Melting beads ~Ø 10 x 10 mmNabbi®Jumbo Beads-Melt. beads, in bucket, ~ø 10 x H 10 mm, 550 pcs

SQ: 2 Set

Nabbi®Jumbo Beads-Melt. beads, in bucket, ~ø 10 x H 10 mm, 550 pcs

SQ: 2 Set

60 / mix basic colours 61 / mix pastel colours

Nabbi® Maxi Beads ~Ø 10 x 10 mm – Melting beads SetNabbi®Jumbo Beads-Melt. beads, with pegboard, ~ø 10 x H 10 mm, 260 pcs.

SQ: 2 bag

Nabbi®Jumbo Beads-Melt. beads, with pegboard, ~ø 10 x H 10 mm, 260 pcs.

SQ: 2 bag


Nabbi® Maxi Beads ~Ø 10 x 10 mm – PegboardNabbi® Jumbo Beads – pegboard, 15 x 15 cm, 2 pcs.

SQ: 4 bag

01 / mix basic colours

02 / mix pastel colours

11 / Mix Summer 12 / Mix spring

13 / Mix Autumn

Nabbi®Jumbo BeadsNabbi®Jumbo Beads-Melt. bead, ~ø 10 x H 10 mm, 2.400 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Nabbi®Jumbo Beads-Melt. bead, ~ø 10 x H 10 mm, 2.400 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Nabbi®Jumbo Beads-Melt. beads, ~ø 10 x H 10 mm, 600 pcs

SQ: 2 bag

Nabbi®Jumbo Beads-Melt. beads, ~ø 10 x H 10 mm, 600 pcs

SQ: 2 bag

Nabbi®Jumbo Beads-Melt. beads, ~ø 10 x H 10 mm, 600 pcs

SQ: 2 bag

assorted colour mix

Nabbi® Jumbo Beads SetNabbi® Jumbo Beads Set, ~ø 10 x H 10 mm, 3 x 550 pcs.

SQ: 1 Set


Nabbi® Jumbo pegboard setNabbi® Jumbo Pegboard set, with patterns CD, 15 x 15 cm, 2 peg-boards

SQ: 2 bag


22 395 10

22 395 12

22 395 14

22 395 16

22 395 18

22 395 20

22 402 03

22 402 04

22 402 05

22 402 06

22 402 07

22 402 08

22 402 10

22 402 12

22 402 14

22 402 16

22 402 18

22 402 20

22 391 12

22 398 07

22 398 10

22 398 11

22 398 21

22 398 23

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Plastic shapesPlastic shapes

crystal-clear crystal-clear

Plastic ball seperablePlastic ball, separable with hole (PS), 100 mm

SQ: 12 pc

Plastic ball, separable with hole (PS), 120 mm

SQ: 12 pc

Plastic ball, separable with hole (PS), 140 mm

SQ: 12 pc

Plastic ball, separable with hole (PS), 160 mm

SQ: 6 pc

Plastic ball, separable with hole (PS), 180 mm

SQ: 6 pc

Plastic ball, separable with hole (PS), 200 mm

SQ: 6 pc


Plastic ball seperablePlastic ball, separable (PS), 30 mm SQ: 100 pc

Plastic ball, separable (PS), 40 mm SQ: 100 pc

Plastic ball, separable (PS), 50 mm SQ: 100 pc

Plastic ball, separable (PS), 60 mm SQ: 50 pc

Plastic ball, separable (PS), 70 mm SQ: 25 pc

Plastic ball, separable (PS), 80 mm SQ: 20 pc

Plastic ball, separable (PS), 100 mm

SQ: 12 pc

Plastic ball, separable (PS), 120 mm

SQ: 12 pc

Plastic ball, separable (PS), 140 mm

SQ: 12 pc

Plastic ball, separable (PS), 160 mm

SQ: 6 pc

Plastic ball, separable (PS), 180 mm

SQ: 6 pc

Plastic ball, separable (PS), 200 mm

SQ: 6 pc


Plastic ball seperablePlastic form, ball, open on one side (PS), 120 mm

SQ: 12 pc


SeparatorSeparator, for balls size 10 (PS), 100 mm

SQ: 24 pc

Separator, for balls size 8 (PS), 7,80 cm

SQ: 24 pc

Separator, for balls size 12 (PS), 11,8 cm

SQ: 24 pc

Separator, for balls size 14 (PS), 13,80 cm

SQ: 24 pc

Separator, for balls size 16 (PS), 15,70 cm

SQ: 24 pc


22 270 05

22 270 10

22 430 10

22 430 16

22 430 22

10 052 01

10 052 15

10 052 25

10 052 45

10 052 70

10 055 25

10 053 25

10 053 40

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Plastic shapesPlastic shapes

iron zinc-coated

HangersHangers, for eggs and balls, 50 pcs.

SQ: 10 bag

Hangers, for eggs and balls, 1.000 pcs.

SQ: 1 box


Adapter for plastic ballsAdapter for plastic balls, (SBS), 10 mm

SQ: 20 pc

Adapter for plastic balls, (SBS), 17 mm

SQ: 20 pc

Adapter for plastic balls, (SBS), 23 mm

SQ: 20 pc


Nylon threadPolyamide thread, tensile force approx. 40 kg, 100% Polyamide, ø 1 mm, 100 m

SQ: 12 pc

Polyamide thread, tensile force approx. 0,9 kg, 100% Polyamide, ø 0,15 mm, 100 m

SQ: 12 pc

Polyamide thread, tensile force approx. 2,7 kg, 100% Polyamide, ø 0,25 mm, 100 m

SQ: 12 pc

Polyamide thread, tensile force approx. 9 kg, 100% Polyamide, ø 0,45 mm, 100 m

SQ: 12 pc

Polyamide thread, tensile force approx. 20,0 kg, 100% Polyamide, ø 0,7 mm, 100 m

SQ: 12 pc

Polyamide thread, tensile force approx. 2,7 kg, 100% Polyamide, ø 0,25 mm, 25 m

SQ: 12 pc


Nylon threadPolyamide thread, tensile force approx. 2,7 kg, 100% Polyamide, ø 0,25 mm, 100 m

SQ: 12 pc

Polyamide thread, tensile force approx. 6,7 kg, 100% Polyamide, ø 0,4 mm, 100 m

SQ: 12 pc


22 401 06

22 401 08

22 401 10

22 401 12

22 401 14

22 401 16

22 394 10

22 394 12

22 394 14

22 394 16

22 391 16

22 404 ..

22 405 01

22 415 01

22 416 01

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Plastic shapesPlastic shapes


Plastic egg seperablePlastic egg, separable (PS), 60 mm SQ: 100 pc

Plastic egg, separable (PS), 80 mm SQ: 25 pc

Plastic egg, separable (PS), 100 mm

SQ: 20 pc

Plastic egg, separable (PS), 120 mm

SQ: 20 pc

Plastic egg, separable (PS), 140 mm

SQ: 12 pc

Plastic egg, separable (PS), 160 mm

SQ: 6 pc


Plastic egg seperablePlastic egg, separable with hole (PS), 100 mm

SQ: 20 pc

Plastic egg, separable with hole (PS), 120 mm

SQ: 20 pc

Plastic egg, separable with hole (PS), 140 mm

SQ: 12 pc

Plastic egg, separable with hole (PS), 160 mm

SQ: 6 pc


Plastic egg seperablePlastic form, egg, open on one side (PS), 160 mm

SQ: 6 pc

01 / white

08 / golden yellow 16 / orange

28 / red 33 / powder pink

41 / lilac 47 / light blue 48 / blue 61 / light green

65 / green 78 / light brown

Plastic eggsPlastic egg, 60 x 40 mm SQ: 50 pc


Plastic eggsPlastic egg, 45 x 35 mm SQ: 100 pc

Plastic egg, 85 x 60 mm SQ: 20 pc

Plastic egg, 118 x 85 mm SQ: 20 pc


22 403 06

22 403 08

22 403 10

22 403 14

22 397 03

22 398 12

22 398 15

22 398 06

22 398 14

22 397 01

22 397 13

22 397 14

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Plastic shapesPlastic shapes


Plastic heart seperablePlastic heart, separable (PS), 60 mm

SQ: 50 pc

Plastic heart, separable (PS), 80 mm

SQ: 25 pc

Plastic heart, separable (PS), 100 mm

SQ: 20 pc

Plastic heart, separable (PS), 140 mm

SQ: 12 pc


Plastic shapes, separablePlastic form, tree (PS), 100 mm SQ: 20 pc

12 / crystal-clear 15 / crystal-clear

SeparatorSeparator, for hearts size 10 (PS), 9,5 x 10 cm

SQ: 24 pc

Plastic hanger/Separator, Fir tree, flat (PS), 8,5 x 9,5 cm

SQ: 24 pc

crystal-clear crystal-clear

SeparatorPlastic hanger, Bell, flat (PS), 90 mm

SQ: 24 pc

Plastic hanger, Star, flat (PS), 9,5 cm

SQ: 24 pc


Plastic form, separablePlastic star, separable (PS), 100 mm

SQ: 20 pc


Plastic form, separablePlastic star, angular, separable (PS), 80 mm

SQ: 20 pc

Plastic star, angular, separable (PS), 140 mm

SQ: 12 pc


22 398 08

22 398 09

22 397 02

22 399 11

22 399 14

22 400 07

22 400 09

22 400 11

22 398 01

22 398 02

22 398 03

22 398 04

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Plastic shapesPlastic shapes


Plastic formPlastic form, bell (PS), 55 mm SQ: 100 pc

Plastic form, bell (PS), 70 mm SQ: 30 pc


Plastic form, separablePlastic form, bell (PS), 90 mm SQ: 20 pc


Plastic drops, separablePlastic drops, separable (PS), 110 mm

SQ: 20 pc

Plastic drops, separable (PS), 140 mm

SQ: 20 pc


Plastic medallion, separablePlastic medallion, separable (PS), 70 mm

SQ: 50 pc

Plastic medallion, separable (PS), 90 mm

SQ: 25 pc

Plastic medallion, separable (PS), 110 mm

SQ: 20 pc

crystal-clear crystal-clear

crystal-clear crystal-clear

Plastic hangerPlastic hanger, round, flat (PS), 85 mm

SQ: 24 pc

Plastic hanger, round, flat (PS), 100 mm

SQ: 24 pc

Plastic hanger, oval, flat (PS), 100 x 80 mm

SQ: 24 pc

Plastic hanger, Window, flat (PS), 9 x 6,5 cm

SQ: 24 pc


22 418 01

22 418 28

22 419 08

22 419 10

22 419 14

22 420 07

22 420 10

22 420 12

22 420 14

22 433 01

22 433 02

22 433 03

22 433 04

22 433 05

22 431 89

22 431 90

22 431 99

22 432 00

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Plastic shapesPlastic shapes

01 / white 28 / red

Plastic heartPlastic heart, with supports, 100 mm

SQ: 20 pc

Plastic heart, with supports, 100 mm

SQ: 20 pc


Plastic eggsPlastic egg, with supports, 80 x 60 mm

SQ: 20 pc

Plastic egg, with supports, 100 x 75 mm

SQ: 20 pc

Plastic egg, with supports, 140 x 95 mm

SQ: 20 pc


Plastic ballPlastic ball, with supports, ø 70 mm

SQ: 20 pc

Plastic ball, with supports, ø 100 mm

SQ: 10 pc

Plastic ball, with supports, ø 120 mm

SQ: 5 pc

Plastic ball, with supports, ø 150 mm

SQ: 5 pc

01 / crystal-clear 02 / crystal-clear

03 / crystal-clear 04 / crystal-clear

05 / crystal-clear

Plastic containerPlastic container, round, screw cap, ø 3,0 cm x 1,7 cm

SQ: 10 pc

Plastic container, round, screw cap, ø 3,8 cm x 2,0 cm

SQ: 12 pc

Plastic container, round, screw cap, ø 2,5 cm x 2,8 cm

SQ: 10 pc

Plastic container, round, screw cap, ø 3,9 cm x 3,3 cm

SQ: 10 pc

Plastic container, round, screw cap, ø 3,9 cm x 4,9 cm

SQ: 10 pc


Plastic containerPlastic container, round (PS), 4 x 3 cm

SQ: 100 pc

Plastic container, round (PS), 4 x 3 cm

SQ: 10 pc

Plastic container, round (PS), 4 x 1,5 cm

SQ: 100 pc

Plastic container, round (PS), 4 x 1,5 cm

SQ: 10 pc


22 400 90

22 397 80

22 397 81

22 401 60

22 401 80

22 402 30

22 402 40

22 402 50

22 402 60

22 402 70

22 402 80

22 402 81

22 403 60

22 403 80

22 403 81

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Plastic shapesPlastic shapes


Plastic madallionPlastic madallion, separable (PS), 90 mm, 3 pcs.

SQ: 18 Set

80 / crystal-clear 81 / crystal-clear

Plastic-items, separablePlastic star, angular, separable (PS), 80 mm, 3 pcs.

SQ: 20 Set

Plastic star, separable (PS), 100 mm, 3 pcs.

SQ: 8 Set


Plastic-items, separablePlastic egg, separable (PS), 60 mm, 3 pcs.

SQ: 48 Set

Plastic egg, separable (PS), 80 mm, 3 pcs.

SQ: 30 Set


Plastic-items, separablePlastic ball, separable (PS), 30 mm, 4 pcs.

SQ: 36 Set

Plastic ball, separable (PS), 40 mm, 4 pcs.

SQ: 35 Set

Plastic ball, separable (PS), 50 mm, 3 pcs.

SQ: 48 Set

Plastic ball, separable (PS), 60 mm, 3 pcs.

SQ: 30 Set

Plastic ball, separable (PS), 70 mm, 3 pcs.

SQ: 20 Set

Plastic ball, separable (PS), 80 mm, 2 pcs.

SQ: 16 Set

Plastic ball, separable (PS), 100 mm, 2 pcs.

SQ: 6 Set


Plastic-items, separablePlastic heart, separable (PS), 60 mm, 3 pcs.

SQ: 30 Set

Plastic heart, separable (PS), 80 mm, 3 pcs.

SQ: 22 Set

Plastic heart, separable (PS), 100 mm, 2 pcs.

SQ: 18 Set


10 145 03

10 145 04

10 145 05

10 145 06

10 145 07

10 145 08

10 145 10

10 145 12

10 145 14

10 145 15

10 145 20

10 145 25

10 145 30

10 145 40

10 145 50

22 429 01

22 269 10

10 806 12

10 806 17

10 806 22

10 806 25

10 150 12

10 150 17

10 150 22

10 150 25

10 150 30

10 150 35

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


Polystyrene ballPolystyrene ball, ø 30 mm SQ: 20 pc

Polystyrene ball, ø 40 mm SQ: 10 pc

Polystyrene ball, ø 50 mm SQ: 10 pc

Polystyrene ball, ø 60 mm SQ: 10 pc

Polystyrene ball, ø 70 mm SQ: 10 pc

Polystyrene ball, ø 80 mm SQ: 10 pc

Polystyrene ball, ø 100 mm SQ: 10 pc

Polystyrene ball, ø 120 mm SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene ball, ø 150 mm SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene ballPolystyrene ball, separable, ø 150 mm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene ball, separable, ø 200 mm

SQ: 1 pc

Polystyrene ball, separable, ø 250 mm

SQ: 1 pc

Polystyrene ball, separable, ø 300 mm

SQ: 1 pc

Polystyrene ball, separable, ø 400 mm

SQ: 1 pc

Polystyrene ball, separable, ø 500 mm

SQ: 1 pc


HangersHangers, plastic, 24 pcs. SQ: 10 bag

HangersHangers, Spiral for polystyrene forms, 29 mm, 12 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

Polystyrene ringPolystyrene ring, full, 120 mm SQ: 10 pc

Polystyrene ring, full, 170 mm SQ: 10 pc

Polystyrene ring, full, 220 mm SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene ring, full, 250 mm SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene half ringsPolystyrene half rings, ø 120 mm SQ: 10 pc

Polystyrene half rings, ø 170 mm SQ: 10 pc

Polystyrene half rings, ø 220 mm SQ: 10 pc

Polystyrene half rings, ø 250 mm SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene half rings, ø 300 mm SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene half rings, ø 350 mm SQ: 5 pc


10 154 05

10 154 06

10 154 08

10 154 10

10 154 12

10 154 15

10 154 20

10 157 10

10 157 12

10 804 08

10 804 10

10 146 15

10 152 05

10 152 09

10 153 15

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


Polystyrene eggsPolystyrene egg, 45 mm SQ: 20 pc

Polystyrene egg, 60 mm SQ: 10 pc

Polystyrene egg, 80 mm SQ: 10 pc

Polystyrene egg, 100 mm SQ: 10 pc

Polystyrene egg, 120 mm SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene eggsPolystyrene egg, separable, 160 mm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene egg, separable, 210 mm

SQ: 3 pc

Polystyrene formsPolystyrene form, fir cones, 100 mm

SQ: 10 pc

Polystyrene form, fir cones, 120 mm

SQ: 10 pc

Polystyrene formsPolystyrene form, Medallion, 80 mm

SQ: 10 pc

Polystyrene form, Medallion, 100 mm

SQ: 10 pc

15 05

09 15

Polystyrene formsPolystyrene form, Heart full / flat, 150 mm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene heart, full, 50 mm SQ: 10 pc

Polystyrene heart, full, 90 mm SQ: 10 pc

Polystyrene heart, separable, 150 mm

SQ: 5 pc


10 159 15

10 159 23

10 159 32

10 147 06

10 147 12

10 147 21

10 147 26

10 147 40

10 148 10

10 148 15

10 149 15

10 149 20

10 149 26

10 149 05

10 149 08

10 149 11

10 158 07

10 158 11

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


15 23


Polystyrene formsPolystyrene form, small moon, 15 cm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, moon, 230 mm SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, moon flat, 32 cm SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene formsPolystyrene form, Cone, ø 40 x 65 mm

SQ: 10 pc

Polystyrene form, Cone, ø 70 x 120 mm

SQ: 10 pc

Polystyrene form, Cone, ø 90 x 200 mm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, Cone, ø 125 x 280 mm

SQ: 4 pc

Polystyrene form, Cone, ø 180 x 400 mm

SQ: 1 pc

Polystyrene formsPolystyrene form, Figure cone, 100 mm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, Figure cone, 150 mm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene formsPolystyrene form, Star angular, 150 mm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, Star angular, 200 mm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, Star angular, 260 mm

SQ: 3 pc

05 08


Polystyrene formsPolystyrene form, star, 50 mm, 6 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

Polystyrene form, star, 83 mm, 4 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

Polystyrene form, star, 115 mm, 2 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

07 11

Polystyrene formsPolystyrene form, snowflakes, 70 mm, 2 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

Polystyrene form, snowflakes, 145 mm

SQ: 5 bag


10 156 07

10 156 09

10 158 02

10 164 11

10 168 12

10 168 18

10 164 13

10 164 15

10 164 19

10 851 18

10 164 21

10 167 24

10 167 25

10 167 26

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


Polystyrene formsPolystyrene form, bell, 7 cm SQ: 10 pc

Polystyrene form, bell, 9 cm SQ: 10 pc

Polystyrene formsPolystyrene form, candleholder, 8 cm

SQ: 10 pc

11 12


Polystyrene formsPolystyrene form, Elk, 110 mm SQ: 5 bag

Polystyrene form, angel, 9 x 12,5 cm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, Father Christmas with bear, 180 mm

SQ: 3 pc

413 415

419 118

Polystyrene formsPolystyrene form, owl, 130 mm SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, hen, 150 mm SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, cock, 190 mm SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, Penguin standing, 180 mm

SQ: 3 pc

421 724

725 726

Polystyrene formsPolystyrene form, Ladybird, 5 x 11,5 cm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, clown, 240 mm SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, clown, 250 mm SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, clown small, 12,5 x 10,5 cm

SQ: 5 pc


10 165 10

10 165 11

10 165 12

10 165 20

10 165 21

10 165 30

10 165 40

10 164 01

10 164 02

10 164 09

10 165 01

10 165 02

10 165 05

10 160 12

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


10 11

12 20

21 30


Polystyrene formsPolystyrene form, dolphin small, 8,5 x 17 cm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, big dolphin, 8 x 24 cm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, seal, 8 x 17 cm SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, small fish, 4 x 11 cm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, big fish, 8 x 15 cm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, small turtle, 6 x 13 cm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, seahorse, 12 x 2,5 cm

SQ: 5 pc

401 402

409 501

502 505

Polystyrene formsPolystyrene form, small duck, 6 x 7 cm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, big duck, 13 x 16 cm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, duck, 95 x 130 mm

SQ: 5 bag

Polystyrene form, small swan, 8 x 12 cm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, big swan, 12 x 17 cm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, duck, 10 x 18 cm SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene formsPolystyrene form, small cat lying, 9,5 x 13,5 cm

SQ: 5 pc


10 160 13

10 160 24

10 162 24

10 163 13

10 165 13

10 166 10

10 850 24

10 161 15

10 161 20

10 161 25

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


13 24

Polystyrene formsPolystyrene form, cat, 130 mm SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, cat, 240 mm SQ: 3 pc

224 313

513 610


Polystyrene formsPolystyrene form, rabbit, 240 mm SQ: 3 pc

Polystyrene form, mouse, 130 mm SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, frog, 130 mm SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, snail, 105 mm SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, Dog, 240 mm SQ: 3 pc

15 20


Polystyrene formsPolystyrene form, bear, 150 mm SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, bear with bow, 20 cm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, bear, 250 mm SQ: 3 pc


10 166 01

10 166 20

10 166 21

10 166 22

10 167 11

10 167 15

10 167 17

10 168 09

10 168 01

10 168 02

10 167 18

10 167 30

10 166 30

10 159 60

10 149 50

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


01 20

21 22

Polystyrene formsPolystyrene form, elephant, 10,5 x 14,5 cm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, giraffe, 19 x 13 cm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, pony, 14 x 15,5 cm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, zebra, 11 x 14 cm

SQ: 5 pc

11 15

17 09

Polystyrene formsPolystyrene form, motor-bike, 11 x 17 cm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, plane, 150 x 160 mm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, car, 17 x 11 cm SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, rose, 3 x 9 cm SQ: 5 pc

01 02

Polystyrene formsPolystyrene form, mushroom, 8 cm SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, mushroom, 13 cm

SQ: 5 pc

18 30

Polystyrene formsPolystyrene form, galleon, 14 x 17 cm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, light house, 30,5 x 17,5 cm

SQ: 5 pc

30 60

Polystyrene formsPolystyrene form, butterfly, 11 x 12,5 cm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, sunflower, 15 cm SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene formsPolystyrene form, comet, 7 x 13 cm SQ: 5 pc


10 151 17

10 151 24

10 169 01

10 169 02

10 155 01

10 155 02

10 155 03

10 155 04

10 155 05

10 155 06

18 060 03

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


Polystyrene framePolystyrene frame, 165 x 230 mm SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene frame, 240 x 320 mm SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene framePolystyrene form, heart-shaped frame, 150 mm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, heart-shaped frame, 200 mm

SQ: 5 pc

01 02

03 04

05 06

Polystyrene containerPolystyrene container, round, 145 x 90 mm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene container, oval, 190 x 124 x 95 mm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene container, Square, 130 x 100 mm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene container, star, 190 x 90 mm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene container, heart-sha-ped, 140 mm

SQ: 5 pc

Polystyrene form, sunflower, 75 x 155 x 115 mm

SQ: 5 pc

battery ad.

Thermal hand cutterThermal hand cutter, max. cutting strength 6,5 cm

SQ: 1 pc


10 264 ..

10 267 ..

10 268 ..

10 275 ..

10 269 ..

10 271 ..

10 276 ..

10 285 ..

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


00 / assorted colours 01 / white

02 / white opaque 05 / beige opaque

06 / champagne 07 / yellow opaque 26 / red opaque 27 / bordeaux red

28 / red 29 / red hologram 32 / light pink 35 / bright pink

36 / bright pink hologram

43 / mauve 47 / light blue 48 / blue opaque

53 / blue 54 / blue hologram 56 / turquoise 57 / turquoise holo-gram

61 / light green 67 / green 68 / green hologram 69 / green opaque

75 / brown opaque 76 / cognac 78 / brown 79 / dark brown

86 / dark grey 89 / black opaque 91 / silver 92 / silver hologram

95 / gold 96 / gold hologram

Sequins round cupSequins round cupped, ø 6 mm, 5 g / ~ 500 pcs.

SQ: 5 cup

Sequins round cupped, ø 6 mm, 5 g / ~ 500 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

Sequins round cupped, ø 6 mm, 40 g / ~ 4.000 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

Sequins round cupped, ø 6 mm, 1kg

SQ: 1 kg

00 / assorted colours 01 / white

06 / champagne 07 / yellow

27 / bordeaux red 28 / red 29 / red hologram 32 / light pink

35 / bright pink 36 / bright pink hologram

43 / mauve 47 / light blue

53 / blue 54 / blue hologram 56 / turquoise 57 / turquoise holo-gram

61 / light green 67 / green 68 / green hologram 76 / cognac

78 / brown 79 / dark brown 86 / dark grey 89 / black

91 / silver 92 / silver hologram 95 / gold 96 / gold hologram

Sequins round flatSequins round flat, ø 6 mm, 10 g / ~ 1.000 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

Sequins round flat, ø 6 mm, 5 g / ~ 500 pz.

SQ: 5 cup

Sequins round flat, ø 6 mm, 1kg SQ: 1 kg

Sequins round flat, ø 6 mm, 40 g / ~4.000 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag


21 049 35

10 272 00

10 273 00

10 274 ..

25 453 18

25 456 50

25 455 10

25 455 13

25 455 18

25 457 10

25 457 13

25 457 18

25 455 05

25 456 10

25 456 13

25 458 10

25 458 13

25 458 18

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


Acrylic glass standAcrylic glass stand, filled / Sequins 6mm, 36 x 35 x 17 cm, 2 x 14 x 10 = 280 containers

SQ: 1 pc

Content: 10 264 00/01/07/28/32/35/43/47/53/61/76/89/91/95, 10 cups each 10 271 00/01/07/28/32/35/43/47/53/61/76/89/91/95, 10 cups each


SequinsSequins multimix, different shapes, 1 kg

SQ: 1 kg

Sequins multimix, different shapes, 25 g

SQ: 5 bag

00 / multicolour assorted

91 / silver high sheen 95 / gold high gloss

SequinsSequins leaves embossed, 12 x 18 mm, 2 g / ~ 33 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

18 / Brass, polished 50 / Steel – nickel-plated

PinsPins, Brass, polished, 18 mm, 50 g SQ: 20 cup

Pins, Steel – nickel-plated, 18 mm, 50 g ~ 900 pcs.

SQ: 20 cup

510 / nickel-plated 710 / gold-plated

PinsPins, iron, 10 mm, 50 g ~ 1.200 pieces

SQ: 10 box

Pins, iron, 13 mm, 50 g ~ 1.000 pcs.

SQ: 10 box

Pins, iron, 18 mm, 50 g ~ 800 pcs. SQ: 10 box

Pins, iron, 10 mm, 50 g ~ 1.200 pcs

SQ: 10 pk

Pins, iron, 13 mm, 50 g ~ 1.000 pcs

SQ: 10 pk

Pins, iron, 18 mm, 50 g ~ 800 pcs SQ: 10 pk

610 / nickel-plated 810 / gold-plated

PinsPins, iron, 18 mm, 500 g SQ: 3 box

Pins, iron, 10 mm, 500 g SQ: 3 pk

Pins, iron, 13 mm, 500 g SQ: 3 pk

Pins, iron, 10 mm, 500 g SQ: 3 pk

Pins, iron, 13 mm, 500 g SQ: 3 pk

Pins, iron, 18 mm, 500 g SQ: 3 pk


10 032 ..

10 033 ..

10 028 ..

10 029 ..

10 030 ..

10 031 ..

26 892 06

93 622 05

93 622 10

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Craft articlesCraft articles

00 / multicolour assorted

01 / white 06 / beige

07 / yellow 16 / orange

28 / red 48 / blue 67 / green 78 / brown

89 / black

Pompons for trimmingsPompons, for trimmings, 100% Polyamide, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25 mm, 75 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

28 / red metallic 67 / green metallic 91 / white silver metallic

95 / yellow gold metallic

Pompons for trimmingsPompons, for trimmings, 100% Polyamide, 10, 15, 20, 25 mm, 40 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

01 / white 28 / red 89 / black

Pompons for trimmingsPompons, 7 mm, 100 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Pompons, 10 mm, 100 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Pompons, 15 mm, 45 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Pompons, 20 mm, 25 pcs. SQ: 5 bag


Tealight LEDTealight LED, with battery, ø 3,8 x 4 cm, 6 pcs.

SQ: 3 crd

05 / transparent 10 / transparent

Adhesive spacing tape extra strongAdhesive spacing tape, double-si-ded, extra strong, 5 mm x 1 mm x 2 m, 1 piece

SQ: 5 pc

Adhesive spacing tape, double-si-ded, extra strong, 10 mm x 1 mm x 2 m, 1 piece

SQ: 5 pc

Universaly applicable on different materials like glass, plastic, metal etc.


Apply the tape on a smooth, dust- and fat-free surface. Use at room tempe-rature. Place the spacing tape on the object. Remove the protective film and place the object on the chosen surface.


10 025 ..

10 026 ..

10 027 01

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Craft articlesCraft articles

00 / assorted colours

01 / white 06 / beige

07 / yellow 16 / orange

27 / red 29 / wine red 31 / light pink 41 / lilac

46 / light blue 47 / blue 59 / green 61 / light green

76 / light brown 78 / middle brown 79 / brown 86 / grey

89 / black 91 / silver 95 / gold

Pipe cleanersPipe cleaners, ø 8 mm / 50 cm, 10 pcs.

SQ: 12 bag

28 / yellow, orange, red 32 / white, light pink, lilac

48 / white / light blue / blue 67 / white, light green, green

78 / light brown, middle brown, brown 89 / white, grey, black

91 / white / silver

Pipe cleanersPipe cleaners, ø 8 mm / 50 cm, 9 pcs.

SQ: 12 bag


Pipe cleanersPipe cleaners, ø 8 mm / 50 cm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 3 bag


20 019 ..

20 020 ..

20 021 ..

10 015 ..

10 016 ..

10 017 ..

20 039 ..

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Craft articlesCraft articles

06 / beige 07 / yellow 28 / red 29 / bordeaux

30 / sand 32 / light bright pink 48 / blue 57 / turquoise

65 / green 67 / olive-green 76 / cognac 78 / brown

79 / dark brown 86 / grey 89 / black

Cord alcantaraCord alcantara, 100% Polyester, 3 mm / 1 m

SQ: 10 pc

Cord alcantara, 100% Polyester, 3 mm

SQ: 91 m

Cord alcantara, 100% Polyester, 3 mm / 3 m

SQ: 5 pc

Cord alcantara 20 019 .. is not availiable in the colours 02/16/47

01 / white 06 / natural 07 / yellow 17 / orange

28 / red 29 / wine red 35 / bright pink 36 / heather

41 / light mauve 43 / mauve 52 / middle blue 53 / dark blue

59 / green 61 / olive 79 / light brown 81 / dark brown

89 / black

Leather thongingLeather thonging, ø 2 mm, 1 m SQ: 10 pc

Goat leather thonging, ø 1,5 mm, 1 m

SQ: 10 pc

06 / natural 89 / black

Leather thongingLeather thonging, ø 1,5 mm, 25 m SQ: 1 pc

05 / natural

79 / dark brown 89 / black

91 / silver 93 / copper

95 / gold

Leather thongingLeather thonging, ø 1 mm, 9 m SQ: 8 ro


10 018 ..

21 230 01

21 230 89

25 520 ..

25 521 ..

24 860 01

24 861 01

24 861 02

24 862 01

24 863 01

24 864 00

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Craft articlesCraft articles

01 / white

02 / cream 05 / natural

79 / brown 89 / black

Leather thongingLeather cord, 3 mm, 22,8 m SQ: 2 ro

01 / white 89 / black

Hat elasticHat elastic, 100% Polyurethane, ø 0,9 mm, 3 m

SQ: 10 pc

Hat elastic, 100% Polyurethane, ø 0,9 mm, 3 m

SQ: 10 pc

01 / white 89 / black

Velcro fastenerVelcro fastener, 100% Polyamide, 20mm

SQ: 10 m

Velcro fastener, 100% Polyamide, 20mm, 1 m

SQ: 5 bag

24 860 01 / multicolour 24 861 01 / multicolour

24 861 02 / multicolour 24 862 01 / multicolour

Cubes numbers signsCubes numbers signs, with hole plastic, ø 6 mm, ~ 30 g

SQ: 3 cup

Cubes letters, with hole plastic, ø 6 mm, ~ 30 g

SQ: 3 cup

Cubes letters, with hole plastic, ø 7 mm, ~ 30 g

SQ: 3 cup

Beads letters, with hole plastic, ø 7 mm, ~ 85 g

SQ: 3 cup


Heart lettersHeart letters, with hole plastic, ø 4 x 10 mm, ~ 100 g

SQ: 1 bag


BeadsBeads, with hole plastic, ø 6 mm, ~ 90 g

SQ: 3 bag


10 130 11

10 130 15

10 130 20

10 130 25

10 130 30

10 130 35

10 130 40

10 130 50

10 130 60

10 130 70

10 131 11

10 131 15

10 131 20

10 131 25

10 131 30

10 131 35

10 131 40

10 131 50

10 131 60

10 131 70

22 103 18

22 103 23

22 104 18

22 104 23

10 132 30

10 132 36

10 132 55

10 133 30

10 133 36

10 133 55

21 471 01

21 471 02

21 472 01

21 472 02

25 450 ..

25 451 ..

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Craft articlesCraft articles

Cotton ballsCotton balls, ø 10 mm, 100 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

Cotton balls, ø 15 mm, 100 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

Cotton balls, ø 20 mm, 100 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

Cotton balls, ø 25 mm, 100 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

Cotton balls, ø 30 mm, 100 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

Cotton balls, ø 35 mm, 50 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

Cotton balls, ø 40 mm, 50 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

Cotton balls, ø 50 mm, 50 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

Cotton balls, ø 60 mm, 10 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

Cotton balls, ø 70 mm, 10 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

Cotton balls, ø 10 mm, 50 pcs. SQ: 10 bag

Cotton balls, ø 15 mm, 45 pcs. SQ: 10 bag

Cotton balls, ø 20 mm, 35 pcs. SQ: 10 bag

Cotton balls, ø 25 mm, 25 pcs. SQ: 10 bag

Cotton balls, ø 30 mm, 15 pcs. SQ: 10 bag

Cotton balls, ø 35 mm, 10 pcs. SQ: 10 bag

Cotton balls, ø 40 mm, 7 pcs. SQ: 10 bag

Cotton balls, ø 50 mm, 4 pcs. SQ: 10 bag

Cotton balls, ø 60 mm, 2 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Cotton balls, ø 70 mm, 2 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Brass hollow ringsBrass hollow rings, 13 / 18 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 1 box

Brass hollow rings, 18 / 23 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 1 box

Brass hollow rings, 13 / 18 mm, 25 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

Brass hollow rings, 18 / 23 mm, 25 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

Cotton eggsCotton eggs, 24 x 30 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Cotton eggs, 30 x 38 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Cotton eggs, 38 x 50 mm, 50 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

Cotton eggs, 24 x 30 mm, 10 pcs. SQ: 10 bag

Cotton eggs, 30 x 38 mm, 10 pcs. SQ: 10 bag

Cotton eggs, 38 x 50 mm, 5 pcs. SQ: 10 bag

101 201

Alligator clipAlligator clip, 31 mm, 2 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Alligator clip, 31 mm SQ: 50 pc

Alligator clip, with wire, 31 + 55 mm, 2 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

Alligator clip, with wire, 31 + 55 mm

SQ: 50 pc

06 25

Tension spring with loopTension spring with loop, 60x6,3mm, 2 pcs.

SQ: 5 pc

Tension spring with loop, 60x6,3mm

SQ: 20 pc


25 870 25

25 870 36

22 141 00

22 141 02

22 140 03

22 143 30

22 143 40

22 144 30

22 144 40

25 494 18

25 494 27

25 495 18

25 495 27

22 271 05

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Craft articlesCraft articles

Crochet rings flatCrochet rings flat, 14 / 26 mm, 96 pcs.

SQ: 3 Box

Crochet rings flat, 24 / 36 mm, 50 pcs.

SQ: 1 Box

Picture hooksPicture hooks, 18 mm, 10 pcs. SQ: 10 bag

Picture hooks, 29 mm, 10 pcs. SQ: 10 bag

Klapp loopsFolding loops, assorted, 12 pcs. SQ: 3 bag

Content: 10mm, 14mm, 16mm, 4 pcs each

Poster eyesPoster eyes, 30 mm, 10 pcs. SQ: 10 bag

Poster eyes, 40 mm, 5 pcs. SQ: 10 bag

Poster eyes, 30 mm, 1.000 pcs. SQ: 1 box

Poster eyes, 40 mm, 1.000 pcs. SQ: 1 box


Sample bag clampsSample bag clamps, 17mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 10 bag

Sample bag clamps, 25mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 10 bag

Sample bag clamps, 17mm, 20 pcs.

SQ: 10 bag

Sample bag clamps, 25mm, 20 pcs.

SQ: 10 bag

iron zinc-coated

Instant hangersInstant hangers, 50 pcs. SQ: 10 bag


10 023 01

10 023 03

10 020 00

10 020 01

10 020 05

10 021 00

10 021 01

10 021 05

10 019 05

10 019 15

10 019 50

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Craft articlesCraft articles

01 / white 03 / white

Filling materialpolystyrene granulate, pellet for filling, 100 g / ~ 3,3 l

SQ: 3 bag

polystyrene granulate, pellet for filling, 300 g/ ~ 10 l

SQ: 2 bag

00 / white 05 / white

Stuffing cotton woolPuffy polyester wool stuffing, for filling and decoration, 100% Polyester, 250 g

SQ: 5 bag

Puffy polyester wool stuffing, for filling and decoration, 100% Polyester, 1.000 g

SQ: 5 bag

Puffy polyester wool stuffing, for filling and decoration, 100% Polyester, 50 g

SQ: 20 bag

light natural light natural

Stuffing woolStuffing wool, super soft and feathery, 100% Wool-virgin wool, 250 g

SQ: 5 bag

Stuffing wool, super soft and feathery, 100% Wool-virgin wool, 1.000 g

SQ: 1 bag

Stuffing wool, super soft and feathery, 100% Wool-virgin wool, 250 g

SQ: 5 bag

05 / white

Stuffing fiberStuffing fiber, for filling and decora-tion, 100% Polyester, 50 g

SQ: 10 bag

Stuffing fiber, for filling and decora-tion, 100% Polyester, 150 g

SQ: 5 bag

Stuffing fiber, for filling and decora-tion, 100% Polyester, 500 g

SQ: 5 bag


22 27. ..

22 27. ..

10 024 ..

10 706 23

10 730 23

10 735 69

10 170 01

10 170 61

10 170 81

10 171 61

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Floral items – accessoriesFloral items – accessories

420 / silver-plated copper 520 / brass gold

Flower-HairFlower-Hair, 20 g SQ: 5 bag

602 / silver-plated copper 702 / brass gold

Flower – Hair BrillanteFlower-Hair brilliant, shining effects, 17 g

SQ: 5 bag

01 / white 02 / light blonde

78 / brown 89 / black

Doll‘s hairDoll‘s hair, 100% Polypropylene, 15 g

SQ: 12 bag

623 023

Dry tile for inserting decoratDry tile for inserting decorat, 230 x 110 x 80 mm

SQ: 20 pc

Fleurfix tile, 230 x 110 x 80 mm SQ: 20 pc


Flower arranging plasticineFlower arranging plasticine, 250 g SQ: 10 pc

01 / white

61 / dark green 81 / brown

Crêpe binding tapeCrêpe binding tape, 13 mm, 28 m SQ: 12 pc

Crêpe binding tape, 13 mm, 28 m SQ: 12 pc

Crêpe binding tape, 13 mm, 28 m SQ: 12 pc

Crêpe binding tapeCrêpe binding tape, 25,4 mm, 28 m

SQ: 6 pc


10 000 43

10 000 42

10 561 15

10 561 17

10 561 18

10 561 30

10 560 13

10 560 14

10 560 15

10 560 18

10 560 20

10 560 21

10 560 11

10 560 12

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.



Whiteboard foilWhiteboard foil, self-adhesive, 42 x 30 cm / ~ DIN A3

SQ: 3 pc


Blackboard foilBlackboard foil, self-adhesive, 42 x 30 cm / ~ DIN A3

SQ: 3 pc

Paint foilsMagnet foil, self-adhesive, 102 x 153 x 1,5 mm, 1 pc.

SQ: 5 bag

Magnet foil, self-adhesive, 148 x 210 x 1,5 mm / Din A5, 1 pc.

SQ: 5 bag

Magnet foil, self-adhesive, 210 x 297 x 1,5 mm / Din A4, 1 pc.

SQ: 5 bag

Paint foilsMagnet foil, self-adhesive, 1,8 x 400 cm x 0,3 mm, 1 pc.

SQ: 5 bag

MagnetsMagnets, round, ø 12,5 mm, 12 pcs.

SQ: 12 bag

Magnets, round, ø 14 mm SQ: 500 pc

Magnets, round, ø 14 mm, 12 pcs. SQ: 12 bag

Magnets, round, ø 18 mm, 12 pcs. SQ: 12 bag

Magnets, round, ø 20 mm SQ: 500 pc

Magnets, round, ø 20 mm, 8 pcs. SQ: 12 bag

11 12

MagnetsMagnets, extra strong, ø 10 mm, 12 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

Magnets, extra strong, ø 10 mm SQ: 100 pc


22 155 09

22 155 11

22 155 15

22 155 19

22 155 24

22 155 29

22 155 35

22 156 09

22 156 11

22 156 15

22 156 19

22 156 24

22 158 09

22 158 11

22 158 15

22 158 19

22 158 24

22 159 09

22 159 11

22 159 15

22 159 19

22 159 24

22 266 00

22 266 01

22 267 00

22 265 00

22 265 02

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Small round bellsSmall round bells


Small round bellsSmall round bells, 9 mm, 100 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

Small round bells, 11 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Small round bells, 15 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Small round bells, 19 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Small round bells, 24 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Small round bells, 29 mm, 50 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

Small round bells, 35 mm, 30 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

Small round bells, 9 mm, 10 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Small round bells, 11 mm, 10 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Small round bells, 15 mm, 8 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Small round bells, 19 mm, 6 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Small round bells, 24 mm, 3 pcs. SQ: 5 bag


Small round bellsSmall round bells, 9 mm, 100 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

Small round bells, 11 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Small round bells, 15 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Small round bells, 19 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Small round bells, 24 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Small round bells, 9 mm, 10 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Small round bells, 11 mm, 10 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Small round bells, 15 mm, 8 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Small round bells, 19 mm, 6 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Small round bells, 24 mm, 3 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Florist pinsFlorist pins, 10 x 30 mm, 100 g SQ: 5 bag

Florist pins, 10 x 30 mm, 50 pcs. SQ: 10 bag


Florist pinsFlorist pins, 17 x 35 mm, 50 pcs. SQ: 5 bag


Pins for straw flowersPins for straw flowers, 25 mm, 100 g

SQ: 10 bag

Pins for straw flowers, 25 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 10 bag

D: Mit Schrumpffolie können Sie Schmuckteile, Accessoires oder auch plastische Objekte her-stellen. Schrumpffolie ist ein Werkmaterial das durch Erhitzen – z.B. im Back ofen – schrumpft. Dabei verkleinert es sich um ~ 50%, gleich zeitig wird es dicker und fester.

F: Pour la réalisation d’accessoires pour bijoux, de pièces et d’objets plastiques. Ce film plastique est un matériau qui a la propriété de se rétrac-ter sous l’action de la chaleur (d’un four par ex-emple). Sous l’action de la chaleur, ce matériau rétrécit de 50% environ et durcit tout en s’épais-sissant.

GB: With shrinking foil you can make pieces of jewellery, accessories or also three-dimensional objects. Shrinking foil is a material which shrinks when heated - e.g. in an oven. It is reduced by ~ 50%, and at the same time it becomes thicker and firmer.

IT: Con il foglio termoretraibile si possono realizza-re articoli di bigiotteria, accessori di moda oppu-re oggetti plastici. Il foglio termoretraibile è un materiale che si ritira quando è esposto a una fonte di calore, ad es. in forno. Il foglio si ritira fino a circa il 50% della dimensione iniziale, di-ventando più spesso e più compatto.

Art.-Nr.: 10 519 01

Art.-Nr.: 10 519 03

Art.-Nr.: 10 519 00

Art.-Nr.: 10 519 02

SchrumpffoliePlastique fou |Shrinking foil | Foglio termoretraibile

00 02

10 519 00

10 519 01

10 519 02

10 519 03

Shrinking foilShrinking foil, matt, 20 x 30 cm SQ: 20 pc

Shrinking foil, matt, 20 x 30 cm, 3 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

Shrinking foil, matt, 20 x 30 cm SQ: 20 pc

Shrinking foil, matt, 20 x 30 cm, 3 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

D: Bearbeiten Sie Ihre Schrumpffolie mit Schere, Cuttermesser oder Motiv-Stanzern. Mit einer Lochzange können Sie - z.B. für Halskette oder Schlüsselanhänger - Löcher oder angeordnete Lochmuster einarbeiten. Diese sind nach dem Schrumpfen ebenfalls kleiner. Gestalten Sie die Schrumpffolie auf der angerauten Seite mit Faser- und Buntstiften oder bestempeln diese mit Stempelfarben. Lassen Sie danach die eingesetzten Farben abtrocknen. Die Farbtöne werden beim Schrumpfen intensiver und leuchtender. Zum Schrumpfen das fertiggestellte Werkstück mit der bearbeiteten Seite nach oben auf Backpapier legen und in einem auf ~120°C erhitzten Backofen legen. Der Schrumpf-Vorgang dauert ca. 2-3 Minuten, beginnt mit dem Verbiegen der Schrumpffolie und endet, wenn diese sich wieder begradigt hat. Ihr Werkstück können Sie im heißen Zustand noch verformen, für flache Teile die Schrumpffolie mit leichtem Druck glatt pressen.

F: Découper le film plastique au ciseau, au cutter ou à la perforatrice. Par ailleurs, vous pouvez réaliser à l’aide d’une poinçonneuse des perforations alignées ou des percements isolés -pour façonner des chaînettes et des portes-clés à titre d’exemple- . Ne perdez pas de vue que ces perforations von également rétrécir sous l’action de la chaleur. Seule la face mate peut être mise en couleur avec des crayons de couleur, des feutres de couleur, des peintures sur tampon. Après application, laisser sécher les couleurs. Lorsque le film plastique se rétracte sous l’effet de la chaleur, les couleurs augmentent en intensité et en luminosité. Lorsque votre réalisation est finie, poser la feuille côté mat vers le haut sur du papier sulfurisé et mettez votre plaque au four préchauffé à 120°C environ. Le processus de rétractation dure environ 2-3 minutes : le matériau se déforme dans un premier temps puis reprend son aspect initial qui indique que le processus est alors terminé. Votre objet restera encore malléable aussi longtemps qu’il est chaud. Si votre réalisation est plan, aplatissez le film plastique en exerçant de légères pressions.

GB: Work the shrinking foil with scissors, a cutting knife or motif punches. With a hole punch you can work in holes or arrange hole patterns – e.g. for necklaces or key rings. The holes also become smaller after shrinking. Embellish the shrinking foil on the rough side with felt-tip pens or crayons or stamp it with stamping colours. Then leave the colours to dry. The colours will become brighter and more intensive during shrinking. To shrink the piece you have created, place it on baking paper in a preheated oven at ~120°C with the decorated side facing upwards. The shrinking process takes approx. 2-3 minutes. It starts when the shrinking foil rolls up and ends when it has become flat again. You can shape your creation while it is still hot. To make flat pieces press the shrinking foil lightly to make them even.

IT: Lavorare il foglio termoretraibile con le forbici, con il taglierino (cutter) o con fustelle decorative. Con una pinza perforatrice vi si possono praticare fori o disegni traforati, ad es. per realizzare collane o portachiavi. Dopo il ritiro termico anche i fori risulteranno più piccoli. Decorare il foglio termoretraibile sul lato irruvidito con colori (penne a feltro e matite colorate idrosolubili) o con inchiostri per timbri. Far essiccare i colori applicati. Durante la termoretrazione i colori diventano più intensi e più brillanti. Per ottenere la termoretrazione, posare l’oggetto finito con il lato lavorato rivolto verso l’alto su un foglio di carta da forno e porlo nel forno riscaldato a 120 °C circa. La termoretrazione dura 2-3 minuti circa, inizia con la deformazione del foglio termoretraibile e finisce quando esso si sarà raddrizzato. Si può modellare l’oggetto finché è ancora caldo, per ottenere oggetti piatti spianare e lisciare il foglio termoretraibile esercitando una lieve pressione.

Arbeitsanleitung | Mode d’emploi | Instructions | Istruzione



32 4


10 550 ..

10 551 ..

10 550 00

10 551 00

10 554 00

10 553 ..

10 554 ..

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Rubber foamRubber foam

01 / white 06 / beige

07 / yellow 16 / orange

28 / red 30 / skin-coloured 32 / light pink 35 / bright pink

41 / lavender 43 / mauve 47 / light blue 48 / blue

56 / mint 57 / petrol 61 / light green 67 / green

78 / light brown 79 / brown 86 / grey 89 / black

Rubber foam sheetRubber foam sheet, 200 x 300 x 2 mm

SQ: 10 pc

Rubber foam sheet, 300 x 450 x 2 mm

SQ: 10 pc

assorted colours

Rubber foam sheetRubber foam sheet, 200 x 300 x 2 mm

SQ: 10 pc

Rubber foam sheet, 300 x 450 x 2 mm

SQ: 10 pc

Rubber foam sheet, 500 x 700 x 3 mm

SQ: 10 pc

01 / white 07 / yellow 16 / orange 28 / red

32 / light pink 48 / blue 61 / light green 78 / light brown

79 / brown 86 / grey 89 / black

Rubber foam sheetRubber foam sheet, 300 x 450 x 4 mm

SQ: 5 pc

Rubber foam sheet, 500 x 700 x 3 mm

SQ: 5 pc

10 553 .. only available in 01/07/28/48/61/79/89


10 540 ..

10 541 ..

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Rubber foamRubber foam

01 / white 07 / yellow

16 / orange 28 / red

32 / light pink 35 / bright pink 43 / mauve 47 / light blue

48 / blue 57 / turquoise 61 / light green 67 / green

79 / dark brown 89 / black 91 / silver 95 / gold

Rubber foam sheet glitterRubber foam sheet glitter, 200 x 300 x 2 mm

SQ: 5 pc

01 / white 28 / red 67 / green 78 / light brown

89 / black

Rubber foam sheet velvetRubber foam sheet velvet, 200 x 300 x 2 mm

SQ: 10 pc


10 555 04

10 555 05

10 555 10

10 555 15

10 555 30

10 555 35

10 555 40

10 537 01

10 537 02

10 537 03

10 537 04

10 537 05

10 557 01

10 557 02

10 557 03

10 557 04

10 557 05

10 536 01

10 536 02

10 536 03

10 536 04

10 536 05

10 536 06

10 556 01

10 556 02

10 556 03

10 556 04

10 556 05

10 556 06

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Rubber foamRubber foam

04 05

10 15

30 35


Rubber foam mix of piecesRubber foam mix of pieces, House / Garden, 3,5 – 4 cm, 42 pcs.

SQ: 10 bag

Rubber foam mix of pieces, Hand and Foot, 2,5 – 8 cm, 32 pcs.

SQ: 10 bag

Rubber foam mix of pieces, Hearts, 90 pcs.

SQ: 10 bag

Rubber foam mix of pieces, Circle, 180 pcs.

SQ: 10 bag

Rubber foam mix of pieces, Letters, 15 x 2 mm, 156 pcs.

SQ: 10 bag

Rubber foam mix of pieces, Numbers, 15 x 2 mm, 180 pcs.

SQ: 10 bag

Rubber foam mix of pieces, Animals, 20 x 2 mm, 40 pcs.

SQ: 10 bag

assorted colours

Rubber foam ballsRubber foam balls, ø 20 mm SQ: 50 pc

Rubber foam balls, ø 25 mm SQ: 50 pc

Rubber foam balls, ø 30 mm SQ: 50 pc

Rubber foam balls, ø 35 mm SQ: 50 pc

Rubber foam balls, ø 40 mm SQ: 50 pc

Rubber foam balls, 20 mm, 7 pcs. SQ: 12 bag

Rubber foam balls, 25 mm, 7 pcs. SQ: 12 bag

Rubber foam balls, 30 mm, 4 pcs. SQ: 12 bag

Rubber foam balls, 35 mm, 4 pcs. SQ: 12 bag

Rubber foam balls, 40 mm, 3 pcs. SQ: 12 bag


Rubber foam ballsRubber foam balls, ø 20 mm SQ: 50 pc

Rubber foam balls, ø 25 mm SQ: 50 pc

Rubber foam balls, ø 30 mm SQ: 50 pc

Rubber foam balls, ø 35 mm SQ: 50 pc

Rubber foam balls, ø 40 mm SQ: 50 pc

Rubber foam balls, ø 50 mm SQ: 50 pc

Rubber foam balls, ø 20 mm, 7 pcs.

SQ: 12 bag

Rubber foam balls, ø 25 mm, 7 pcs.

SQ: 12 bag

Rubber foam balls, ø 30 mm, 4 pcs.

SQ: 12 bag

Rubber foam balls, ø 35 mm, 4 pcs.

SQ: 12 bag

Rubber foam balls, ø 40 mm, 3 pcs.

SQ: 12 bag

Rubber foam balls, ø 50 mm, 3 pcs.

SQ: 12 bag


93 620 03

93 620 05

93 620 09

93 620 15

93 620 25

93 615 04

93 615 05

93 615 06

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Deko-Tape double adhesiveDeko-Tape double adhesive

03 / transparent 05 / transparent

09 / transparent 15 / transparent

Deko-Tape double adhesiveDeko-Tape double adhesive, 3 mm x 10 m, 1 pc.

SQ: 5 pc

Deko-Tape double adhesive, 5 mm x 10 m, 1 pc.

SQ: 5 pc

Deko-Tape double adhesive, 9 mm x 10 m, 1 pc.

SQ: 5 pc

Deko-Tape double adhesive, 15 mm x 10 m, 1 pc.

SQ: 5 pc


Deko-Tape double adhesiveDeko-Tape double adhesive, 25 mm x 10 m, 1 pc.

SQ: 5 pc

04 / transparent 05 / transparent

06 / transparent

Adhesive foilAdhesive foil, 140 x 98 mm, 3 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Adhesive foil, 300 x 200 mm, 2 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

Adhesive foil, in folder, 300 x 400 mm

SQ: 10 pc


10 050 10

10 050 18

10 050 20

10 050 21

10 050 22

10 050 23

10 050 24

10 050 25

10 050 30

10 050 31

10 050 32

10 050 33

10 050 34

10 050 40

10 050 41

10 050 42

10 050 43

10 050 44

10 050 50

10 050 51

10 050 52

10 050 55

10 050 60

10 050 61

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Canvas FramesCanvas Frames

Canvas frames stretchedCanvas frames, stretched, Covering 100% cotton, 10 x 10 cm / 1,7 cm

SQ: 4 pc

Canvas frames, stretched, Covering 100% cotton, 18 x 24 cm / 1,7 cm

SQ: 4 pc

Canvas frames, stretched, Covering 100% cotton, 20 x 20 cm / 1,7 cm

SQ: 4 pc

Canvas frames, stretched, Covering 100% cotton, 20 x 50 cm/ 1,7 cm

SQ: 4 pc

Canvas frames, stretched, Covering 100% cotton, 20 x 80 cm / 1,7 cm

SQ: 4 pc

Canvas frames, stretched, Covering 100% cotton, 20 x 100 cm / 1,7 cm

SQ: 4 pc

Canvas frames, stretched, Covering 100% cotton, 24 x 30 cm / 1,7 cm

SQ: 4 pc

Canvas frames, stretched, Covering 100% cotton, 20 x 40 cm / 1,7 cm

SQ: 4 pc

Canvas frames, stretched, Covering 100% cotton, 30 x 30 cm / 1,7 cm

SQ: 4 pc

Canvas frames, stretched, Covering 100% cotton, 30 x 40 cm / 1,7 cm

SQ: 4 pc

Canvas frames, stretched, Covering 100% cotton, 30 x 60 cm / 1,7 cm

SQ: 2 pc

Canvas frames, stretched, Covering 100% cotton, 30 x 80 cm / 1,7 cm

SQ: 2 pc

Canvas frames, stretched, Covering 100% cotton, 30 x 100 cm / 1,7 cm

SQ: 2 pc

Canvas frames, stretched, Covering 100% cotton, 40 x 40 cm / 1,7 cm

SQ: 2 pc

Canvas frames, stretched, Covering 100% cotton, 40 x 50 cm / 1,7 cm

SQ: 2 pc

Canvas frames, stretched, Covering 100% cotton, 40 x 60 cm / 1,7 cm

SQ: 2 pc

Canvas frames, stretched, Covering 100% cotton, 40 x 80 cm / 1,7 cm

SQ: 2 pc

Canvas frames, stretched, Covering 100% cotton, 40 x 100 cm / 1,7 cm

SQ: 2 pc

Canvas frames, stretched, Covering 100% cotton, 50 x 50 cm / 1,7 cm

SQ: 2 pc

Canvas frames, stretched, Covering 100% cotton, 50 x 60 cm / 1,7 cm

SQ: 2 pc

Canvas frames, stretched, Covering 100% cotton, 50 x 70 cm / 1,7 cm

SQ: 2 pc

Canvas frames, stretched, Covering 100% cotton, 50 x 100 cm / 1,7 cm

SQ: 2 pc

Canvas frames, stretched, Covering 100% cotton, 60 x 60 cm / 1,7 cm

SQ: 2 pc

Canvas frames, stretched, Covering 100% cotton, 60 x 80 cm / 1,7 cm

SQ: 2 pc


10 049 01

10 049 02

10 049 03

10 049 04

10 049 05

10 049 06

10 049 07

10 049 08

10 049 09

10 049 10

10 049 11

10 791 03

10 791 05

10 791 10

10 792 03

10 792 05

10 792 10

10 794 05

10 794 10

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Canvas FramesCanvas Frames

Canvas panel stretchedCanvas panel, stretched, 5 x 5 cm / 3 mm

SQ: 10 pc

Canvas panel, stretched, 10 x 10 cm / 3 mm

SQ: 10 pc

Canvas panel, stretched, 10 x 15 cm / 3 mm

SQ: 10 pc

Canvas panel, stretched, 13 x 18 cm / 3 mm

SQ: 10 pc

Canvas panel, stretched, 18 x 24 cm / 3 mm

SQ: 5 pc

Canvas panel, stretched, 20 x 20 cm / 3 mm

SQ: 5 pc

Canvas panel, stretched, 20 x 30 cm / 3 mm

SQ: 5 pc

Canvas panel, stretched, 24 x 30 cm / 3 mm

SQ: 5 pc

Canvas panel, stretched, 30 x 30 cm / 3 mm

SQ: 5 pc

Canvas panel, stretched, 30 x 40 cm / 3 mm

SQ: 5 pc

Canvas panel, stretched, 40 x 40 cm / 3 mm

SQ: 2 pc


Light foam material sheet concealedLight foam material sheet, concea-led, 21 x 29,7 cm x 3 mm

SQ: 5 pc

Light foam material sheet, concea-led, 21 x 29,7 cm x 5 mm

SQ: 6 pc

Light foam material sheet, concea-led, 21 x 29,7 cm x 10 mm

SQ: 4 pc

Light foam material sheet, concea-led, 50 x 65 cm x 3 mm

SQ: 5 pc

Light foam material sheet, concea-led, 50 x 65 cm x 5 mm

SQ: 5 pc

Light foam material sheet, concea-led, 50 x 65 cm x 10 mm

SQ: 3 pc


Light foam material sheet concealedLight foam material sheet, con-cealed / adhesive on 1 side, 50 x 65 cm x 5 mm

SQ: 5 pc

Light foam material sheet, con-cealed / adhesive on 1 side, 50 x 65 cm x 10 mm

SQ: 3 pc


15 078 50

15 078 51

15 078 52

15 078 53

15 078 54

15 078 55

15 078 56

15 078 57

15 078 58

15 078 59

15 078 60

15 078 61

15 078 62

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


50 / white 51 / white

52 / white 53 / white

54 / white 55 / white

MaskMask, 17,5 x 22 cm SQ: 6 pc

Mask, 18 x 22 cm SQ: 6 pc

Mask, Theater, 13 x 17,5 cm SQ: 6 pc

Mask, Theater, 15 x 22 cm SQ: 6 pc

Mask, Santa Claus, 22,5 x 28,5 cm SQ: 6 pc

Mask, Pumpkin, 16,5 x 22 cm SQ: 6 pc

56 / white 57 / white

MaskHalf Mask, 17 x 18 cm SQ: 6 pc

Half Mask, Cat, 17 x 16,5 cm SQ: 6 pc

58 / white 59 / white

60 / white 61 / white

62 / white

MaskMask for eyes, 17 x 9,5 cm SQ: 6 pc

Mask for eyes, Crown, 17,5 x 13,5 cm

SQ: 6 pc

Mask for eyes, Crown, 19 x 13 cm SQ: 6 pc

Mask for eyes, 18,5 x 7,5 cm SQ: 6 pc

Mask for eyes, 18,5 x 10 cm SQ: 6 pc


10 397 04

10 397 06

10 397 08

10 397 10

10 397 12

10 397 14

10 397 16

10 397 18

10 397 20

10 397 24

10 397 28

10 397 35

10 398 04

10 398 06

10 398 08

10 398 10

10 398 12

10 398 14

10 398 16

10 398 18

10 398 20

10 398 24

10 398 28

10 398 35

10 450 07

10 450 10

10 450 12

10 450 15

10 450 19

10 451 07

10 451 10

10 451 12

10 451 15

10 451 19

10 399 07

10 399 10

10 399 12

10 399 15

10 399 20

10 400 07

10 400 10

10 400 12

10 400 15

10 400 20

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Wobbly eyesWobbly eyes

Wobbly eyes roundWobbly eyes, round, ø 4 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 4 bag

Wobbly eyes, round, ø 6 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 4 bag

Wobbly eyes, round, ø 8 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 4 bag

Wobbly eyes, round, ø 10 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 4 bag

Wobbly eyes, round, ø 12 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 4 bag

Wobbly eyes, round, ø 14 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 2 bag

Wobbly eyes, round, ø 16 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 4 bag

Wobbly eyes, round, ø 18 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 2 bag

Wobbly eyes, round, ø 20 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Wobbly eyes, round, ø 24 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Wobbly eyes, round, ø 28 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Wobbly eyes, round, ø 35 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Wobbly eyes, round, ø 4 mm, 10 pcs.

SQ: 12 bag

Wobbly eyes, round, ø 6 mm, 10 pcs.

SQ: 12 bag

Wobbly eyes, round, ø 8 mm, 10 pcs.

SQ: 12 bag

Wobbly eyes, round, ø 10 mm, 10 pcs.

SQ: 12 bag

Wobbly eyes, round, ø 12 mm, 10 pcs.

SQ: 12 bag

Wobbly eyes, round, ø 14 mm, 10 pcs.

SQ: 12 bag

Wobbly eyes, round, ø 16 mm, 10 pcs.

SQ: 12 bag

Wobbly eyes, round, ø 18 mm, 10 pcs.

SQ: 12 bag

Wobbly eyes, round, ø 20 mm, 6 pcs.

SQ: 12 bag

Wobbly eyes, round, ø 24 mm, 6 pcs.

SQ: 12 bag

Wobbly eyes, round, ø 28 mm, 6 pcs.

SQ: 12 bag

Wobbly eyes, round, ø 35 mm, 2 pcs.

SQ: 12 bag

Wobbly eyes with lidWobbly eyes, with lid, ø 7 mm, 10 pcs.

SQ: 12 bag

Wobbly eyes, with lid, ø 10 mm, 10 pcs.

SQ: 12 bag

Wobbly eyes, with lid, ø 12 mm, 10 pcs.

SQ: 12 bag

Wobbly eyes, with lid, ø 15 mm, 6 pcs.

SQ: 12 bag

Wobbly eyes, with lid, ø 19 mm, 6 pcs.

SQ: 12 bag

Wobbly eyes, with lid, ø 7 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 4 bag

Wobbly eyes, with lid, ø 10 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 4 bag

Wobbly eyes, with lid, ø 12 mm, 100 pcs.Wobbly eyes, with lid, ø 15 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 2 bag

Wobbly eyes, with lid, ø 19 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Wobbly eyes ovalWobbly eyes, oval, 7 mm, 10 pcs. SQ: 12 bag

Wobbly eyes, oval, 10 mm, 10 pcs. SQ: 12 bag

Wobbly eyes, oval, 12 mm, 10 pcs. SQ: 12 bag

Wobbly eyes, oval, 15 mm, 6 pcs. SQ: 12 bag

Wobbly eyes, oval, 20 mm, 6 pcs. SQ: 12 bag

Wobbly eyes, oval, 7 x 5 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 4 bag

Wobbly eyes, oval, 10 x 8 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 4 bag

Wobbly eyes, oval, 12 x 10 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 2 bag

Wobbly eyes, oval, 15 x 12 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 2 bag

Wobbly eyes, oval, 20 x 15 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag


10 340 79

10 341 79

10 342 79

10 343 79

10 344 79

10 345 79

10 346 79

10 347 79

10 348 79

10 349 79

10 385 12

10 385 14

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10 350 ..

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10 381 ..

10 390 08

10 390 10

10 390 12

10 390 14

10 391 08

10 391 10

10 391 12

10 391 14

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Animal‘s eyesAnimal‘s eyes


Animal‘s eyes with loop, plasticAnimal‘s eyes, loop, plastic, ø 12 mm, 50 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Animal‘s eyes, loop, plastic, ø 12 mm, 2 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

Animal‘s eyes, loop, plastic, ø 14 mm, 50 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Animal‘s eyes, loop, plastic, ø 14 mm, 2 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

Animal‘s eyes, loop, plastic, ø 16 mm, 50 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Animal‘s eyes, loop, plastic, ø 16 mm, 2 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

Animal‘s eyes, loop, plastic, ø 18 mm, 50 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Animal‘s eyes, loop, plastic, ø 18 mm, 2 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

Animal‘s eyes, loop, plastic, ø 20 mm, 50 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Animal‘s eyes, loop, plastic, ø 20 mm, 2 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

light brown

Owl‘s eyes with loopOwl‘s eyes, ø 12 mm, 2 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Owl‘s eyes, ø 14 mm, 2 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Owl‘s eyes, ø 17 mm, 2 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Owl‘s eyes, ø 12 mm, 50 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

Owl‘s eyes, ø 14 mm, 50 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

Owl‘s eyes, ø 17 mm, 50 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

09 / yellow 53 / blue 79 / brown 89 / black

Animal‘s eyes with loop, glassAnimal‘s eyes, ø 6 mm, 4 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Animal‘s eyes, ø 6 mm, 50 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

Animal‘s eyes, ø 8 mm, 4 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Animal‘s eyes, ø 8 mm, 50 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

Animal‘s eyes, ø 10 mm, 4 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Animal‘s eyes, ø 10 mm, 50 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

Animal‘s eyes, ø 12 mm, 4 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Animal‘s eyes, ø 12 mm, 50 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

Animal‘s eyes, ø 14 mm, 2 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Animal‘s eyes, ø 14 mm, 50 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

79 / brown 89 / black

Animal‘s eyes with loop, glassAnimal‘s eyes, ø 16 mm, 2 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Animal‘s eyes, ø 16 mm, 50 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

Animal‘s eyes, ø 20 mm, 2 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Animal‘s eyes, ø 20 mm, 50 pcs. SQ: 1 bag


Cat‘s eyes with loopCat‘s eyes, ø 8 mm, 4 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Cat‘s eyes, ø 10 mm, 4 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Cat‘s eyes, ø 12 mm, 2 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Cat‘s eyes, ø 14 mm, 2 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Cat‘s eyes, ø 8 mm, 50 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

Cat‘s eyes, ø 10 mm, 50 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

Cat‘s eyes, ø 12 mm, 50 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

Cat‘s eyes, ø 14 mm, 50 pcs. SQ: 1 bag


10 420 12

10 420 14

10 420 16

10 420 18

10 420 20

10 421 12

10 421 14

10 421 16

10 421 18

10 421 20

10 422 06

10 422 08

10 422 10

10 422 12

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10 423 08

10 423 10

10 423 12

10 405 18

10 405 24

10 405 30

10 406 18

10 406 24

10 406 30

10 401 14

10 401 18

10 401 20

10 402 14

10 402 18

10 402 20

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Animal‘s eyes / Animal‘s nosesAnimal‘s eyes / Animal‘s noses


Safety eyesSafety eyes, 12 mm, 2 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Safety eyes, 14 mm, 2 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Safety eyes, 16 mm, 2 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Safety eyes, 18 mm, 2 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Safety eyes, 20 mm, 2 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Safety eyes, 12 mm, 50 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

Safety eyes, 14 mm, 50 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

Safety eyes, 16 mm, 50 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

Safety eyes, 18 mm, 50 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

Safety eyes, 20 mm, 50 pcs. SQ: 1 bag


Safety eyesSafety eyes, 6 mm, 2 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Safety eyes, 8 mm, 2 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Safety eyes, 10 mm, 2 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Safety eyes, 12 mm, 2 pcs. SQ: 5 bag

Safety eyes, 6 mm, 50 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

Safety eyes, 8 mm, 50 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

Safety eyes, 10 mm, 50 pcs. SQ: 1 bag

Safety eyes, 12 mm, 50 pcs. SQ: 1 bag


Safety nosesSafety noses, plastic, 18 mm, 25 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Safety noses, plastic, 24 mm, 25 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Safety noses, plastic, 30 mm, 25 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Safety noses, plastic, 18 mm, 2 pcs.

SQ: 10 bag

Safety noses, plastic, 24 mm, 2 pcs.

SQ: 10 bag

Safety noses, 30 mm, 1 pc. SQ: 10 bag


Animal‘s nosesAnimal‘s noses, to glue on, 14 mm, 25 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Animal‘s noses, to glue on, 18 mm, 25 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Animal‘s noses, to glue on, 20 mm, 25 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Animal‘s noses, to glue on, 14 mm, 4 pcs.

SQ: 10 bag

Animal‘s noses, to glue on, 18 mm, 4 pcs.

SQ: 10 bag

Animal‘s noses, to glue on, 20 mm, 4 pcs.

SQ: 10 bag


95 211 01

95 211 02

95 211 06

95 211 04

16 205 01

95 210 15

95 209 15

16 200 00

16 216 00

95 222 01

16 210 00

95 220 01

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


white white

Lantern foil opalLantern foil opal, 160 x 115 mm SQ: 20 pc

Lamp/Lantern foil opal, 520 x 200 x 0,25 mm

SQ: 10 pc

Lamp/Lantern foil opal, 500 x 700 x 0,25 mm

SQ: 10 pc

04 01 / white

Mini lantern foil/Lantern cutoutsMini lantern folie, 100 x 75 mm, 8 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

Lantern cutouts, 22 x 51 cm, 25 sheets

SQ: 1 bag

95 210 15 / white 95 209 15 / transparent

Lamp foil / Adhesive foilLamp foil, adhesive on 1 side, 15 x 0,60 m / 0,25 mm

SQ: 1 ro

Double adhesive foil, perm. / semiperm., 15 x 0,45 m

SQ: 1 ro

16 200 00 16 216 00

Lantern accessoriesLantern lids, top & bottom, 15,3 cm, 10 pairs

SQ: 1 bag

Wire lantern handles, 19 cm / ø 1 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Wire lantern handles, for mini lanterns, 10,5 cm / ø 1 mm

SQ: 100 pc

00 01

Lantern accessoriesCandleholder metal, ø 10 mm, 100 pcs.

SQ: 1 bag

Night-light holder for lantern, ø 40 mm

SQ: 10 pc


16 215 01

16 217 50

95 111 00

95 112 00

22 390 00

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


01 50

Lantern rodsLantern rods with wire on top, 60 cm, 50 pcs.

SQ: 1 bun

Lantern wand electric, 1,5 V Mignon, 50 cm

SQ: 5 pc


Mobile foils transparentMobile foil transparent, 330 x 430 x 0,2 mm

SQ: 10 pc

Mobile foil transparent, 500 x 700 x 0,4 mm

SQ: 10 pc

iron zinc-coated

Mobile wiresMobile wires, 4x12,5 + 4x15 + 2x20 + 2x25 cm, 12 pcs.

SQ: 10 bag


10 042 ..

10 043 ..

10 034 01

10 035 00

10 034 03

10 034 09

10 034 10

10 044 00

10 045 00

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


01 / white 04 / vanilla

07 / yellow 16 / orange

47 / light blue 61 / light green 78 / light brown 86 / light grey

Deco feathersDeco feather, 80 – 100 mm, 10 g ~ 110 pcs.

SQ: 10 bag

00 / multicolour assorted

01 / white 07 / yellow

16 / orange 28 / red

29 / wine red 30 / salmon-coloured 32 / light pink 35 / bright pink

41 / lilac 42 / violet 43 / mauve 47 / light blue

48 / blue 61 / light green 69 / green 79 / brown

81 / black

Marabou feathersMarabou feather, 100 – 120 mm, 2 g ~ 20 pcs.

SQ: 10 bag

01 / natural 00 / multicolour assorted

Guinea fowl molletonGuinea fowl molleton, 40 – 80 mm, 3 g ~ 36 pcs.

SQ: 10 bag

Guinea fowl molleton, 40 – 80 mm, 3 g ~ 36 pcs.

SQ: 10 bag

03 / natural 09 / reddish brown

Heart pheasantHeart pheasant, 10 cm, 2 g SQ: 10 bag

Cock‘s feathers, in rows, 40 – 80 mm, 3 g

SQ: 10 bag

Peacock featherPeacock feather, 200 – 300 mm, 5 pcs.

SQ: 10 bag

400 / multicolour assorted 500 / multicolour assorted

Indian feathersIndian feathers, 20 – 30 cm, 10 pcs.

SQ: 10 bag

Indian feathers, 12 – 15 cm, 20 pcs.

SQ: 10 bag


22 255 ..

18 300 08

18 300 11

22 256 ..

18 300 81

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


07 / yellow 16 / orange 28 / red 32 / light pink

35 / bright pink 41 / lilac 43 / violet 46 / light blue

47 / ice-blue 48 / blue 57 / turquoise 60 / limone

61 / light green 65 / grass-green 78 / brown 79 / dark brown

86 / grey 87 / dark grey 89 / black 90 / pearl

91 / silver 93 / copper 95 / gold

Aluminium wire anodizedAluminium wire anodized, flat, 1 x 5 mm, 2 m

SQ: 5 pc

08 / blue / green 11

Other toolsRing gauge / ring stick, ø 15 – 18 / 18,5 – 21,5 mm, 4 parts

SQ: 1 Set

Mandrel, ø 1,5 x 5 / 6 x 10 mm, 2 parts

SQ: 1 pc

07 / yellow 16 / orange 28 / red 32 / light pink

35 / bright pink 41 / lilac 43 / violet 46 / light blue

47 / ice-blue 48 / blue 57 / turquoise 60 / limone

61 / light green 65 / grass-green 78 / brown 79 / dark brown

86 / grey 87 / dark grey 89 / black 90 / pearl

91 / silver 93 / copper 95 / gold

Aluminium wire anodizedAluminium wire anodized, structure flat, 1 x 5 mm, 2 m

SQ: 5 pc

Protective tube setProtective tube set, for pliers for aluminium wire, ø 3,2/4,8/6,4/6,4mm x 10cm, 4 parts

SQ: 5 Set


22 258 ..

18 301 01

22 260 ..

18 301 08

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


07 / yellow 16 / orange 28 / red 32 / light pink

35 / bright pink 41 / lilac 43 / violet 46 / light blue

47 / ice-blue 48 / blue 57 / turquoise 60 / limone

61 / light green 65 / grass-green 78 / brown 79 / dark brown

86 / grey 87 / dark grey 89 / black 90 / pearl

91 / silver 93 / copper 95 / gold

Aluminium wire anodizedAluminium wire anodized, ø 1 mm, 10 m

SQ: 5 pc


Ring stick woodRing stick wood, L 375 mm / ø 12 – 24 mm

SQ: 1 pc

07 / yellow 16 / orange 28 / red 32 / light pink

35 / bright pink 41 / lilac 43 / violet 46 / light blue

47 / ice-blue 48 / blue 57 / turquoise 60 / limone silver

61 / light green 65 / grass-green 78 / brown 79 / dark brown

86 / grey 87 / dark grey 89 / black 90 / pearl

91 / silver 93 / copper 95 / gold

Aluminium wire anodizedAluminium wire anodized, ø 2 mm, 5 m / ~ 42 g

SQ: 5 pc


Bracelet Mandrel woodBracelet Mandrel wood, 41 x 48 – 63 x 72 mm x L 35 cm

SQ: 1 pc


22 261 01

22 261 03

22 301 ..

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


01 / bright pink mauve

01 / bright pink mauve

03 / turquoise limone

Alu wire ring starter setAlu wire ring starter set, 43 x 7 x 3 cm, 7 parts

SQ: 1 Set

Alu wire ring starter set, 43 x 7 x 3 cm, 7 parts

SQ: 1 Set

07 / yellow 16 / orange 28 / red 32 / light pink

35 / bright pink 41 / lilac 43 / violet 46 / light blue

47 / ice-blue 48 / blue 57 / turquoise 60 / limone

61 / light green 65 / grass-green 78 / brown 79 / dark brown

86 / grey 87 / dark grey 89 / black 90 / pearl

91 / silver 93 / copper 95 / gold

Aluminium wire anodizedAluminium wire anodized, diamond, ø 2 mm, 2 m

SQ: 5 pc


22 302 ..

18 300 12

18 300 39

22 303 ..

18 301 04

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


07 / yellow 16 / orange 28 / red 32 / light pink

35 / bright pink 41 / lilac 43 / violet 46 / light blue

47 / ice-blue 48 / blue 57 / turquoise 60 / limone

61 / light green 65 / grass-green 78 / brown 79 / dark brown

86 / grey 87 / dark grey 89 / black 90 / pearl

91 / silver 93 / copper 95 / gold

Aluminium wire anodizedAluminium wire anodized, embos-sing, ø 2 mm, 2 m

SQ: 5 pc

12 39

PliersTin solder scissors, 185 x 55 mm SQ: 1 pc

Rail tongs, large, 16 cm SQ: 1 pc

07 / yellow 16 / orange 28 / red 32 / light pink

35 / bright pink 41 / lilac 43 / violet 46 / light blue

47 / ice-blue 48 / blue 57 / turquoise 60 / limone

61 / light green 65 / grass-green 78 / brown 79 / dark brown

86 / grey 87 / dark grey 89 / black 90 / pearl

91 / silver 93 / copper 95 / gold

Aluminium wire anodizedAluminium wire anodized, embos-sing wave, ø 2 mm, 2 m

SQ: 5 pc

Ring measureRing size scale, 16 gauges german, 11,8 x 16,5 cm

SQ: 10 pc


99 451 81

99 451 82

99 451 83

99 451 84

99 451 85

99 451 90

99 451 91

99 451 93

99 452 01

99 452 02

99 452 03

99 452 04

99 452 05

99 452 06

99 452 12

99 452 13

99 452 14

99 452 15

99 453 01

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.



Aluminium wireAluminium wire, ø 1 mm, 50 m / ~ 105 g

SQ: 1 pc

Aluminium wire, ø 1,5 mm, 50 m / ~ 235 g

SQ: 1 pc

Aluminium wire, ø 2 mm, 50 m / ~ 415 g

SQ: 1 pc

Aluminium wire, ø 2,5 mm, 50 m / ~ 655 g

SQ: 1 pc

Aluminium wire, ø 3 mm, 50 m / ~ 945 g

SQ: 1 pc

Aluminium wire, ø 2 mm, 5 m / ~ 43 g

SQ: 5 pc

Aluminium wire, ø 1 mm, 5 m / ~ 11 g

SQ: 5 pc

Aluminium wire, ø 1,5 mm, 5 m / ~ 24 g

SQ: 5 pc

Aluminium wireAluminium wire, ø 2 mm, 2 m / ~ 17 g

SQ: 5 pc

Aluminium wire, ø 2 mm, 20 m / ~ 170 g

SQ: 1 pc

Aluminium wire, ø 3 mm, 2 m / ~ 38 g

SQ: 5 pc

Aluminium wire, ø 3 mm, 20 m / ~ 380 g

SQ: 1 pc

Aluminium wire, ø 2,5 mm, 2 m / ~ 26 g

SQ: 5 pc

Aluminium wire, ø 2,5 mm, 20 m / ~ 260 g

SQ: 1 pc


Aluminium wireAluminium wire, ø 4 mm, 2 m / ~ 67 g

SQ: 4 pc

Aluminium wire, ø 4 mm, 10 m / ~ 335 g

SQ: 1 pc

Aluminium wire, ø 5 mm, 2 m / ~ 105 g

SQ: 4 pc

Aluminium wire, ø 5 mm, 10 m / ~ 525 g

SQ: 1 pc

Wire spiral cranksWire spiral cranks, 250 mm, 2 pcs. SQ: 5 pc


22 200 04

22 200 06

22 200 08

22 200 10

22 200 12

22 220 04

22 220 06

22 220 08

22 220 10

22 247 92

22 247 93

22 251 92

22 251 93

22 253 92

22 135 10

22 135 12

22 135 15

22 135 18

22 135 20

22 135 25

22 135 30

22 135 35

22 135 40

22 225 04

22 225 06

22 225 08

22 225 10

22 225 15

22 228 04

22 228 06

22 228 08

22 240 95

22 247 95

22 250 95

22 251 95

22 253 95

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


silver-plated silver-plated

Silver wire with copper coreCopper wire, 0,40 mm, 20 m SQ: 5 bag

Copper wire, 0,60 mm, 10 m SQ: 5 bag

Copper wire, 0,80 mm, 6 m SQ: 5 bag

Copper wire, 1,00 mm, 4 m SQ: 5 bag

Copper wire, 1,20 mm, 3 m SQ: 5 bag

Copper wire, 0,40 mm, 1 kg ~ 830 m

SQ: 1 pc

Copper wire, 0,60 mm, 1 kg ~ 410 m

SQ: 1 pc

Copper wire, 0,80 mm, 1 kg ~ 220 m

SQ: 1 pc

Copper wire, 1,00 mm, 1 kg ~ 150 m

SQ: 1 pc

Copper wire, 0,40 mm, 50 g / ~ 40 m

SQ: 5 pc

Copper wire, 0,25 mm, 50 g / ~ 100 m

SQ: 5 pc

Copper wire, 0,40 mm, 50 g / ~ 40 m

SQ: 10 pc

Copper wire, 0,25 mm, 50 g / ~ 100 m

SQ: 10 pc

Copper wire, 0,40 mm, 100 g / ~ 90 m

SQ: 10 pc


Wire ringWire ring, ø 10 cm SQ: 10 pc

Wire ring, ø 12 cm SQ: 10 pc

Wire ring, ø 15 cm SQ: 10 pc

Wire ring, ø 18 cm SQ: 10 pc

Wire ring, ø 20 cm SQ: 10 pc

Wire ring, ø 25cm SQ: 10 pc

Wire ring, ø 30 cm SQ: 10 pc

Wire ring, ø 35 cm SQ: 10 pc

Wire ring, ø 40 cm SQ: 10 pc

Brass wireBrass wire, 0,40 mm, 20 m SQ: 5 bag

Brass wire, 0,60 mm, 10 m SQ: 5 bag

Brass wire, 0,80 mm, 6 m SQ: 5 bag

Brass wire, 1,00 mm, 4 m SQ: 5 bag

Brass wire, 1,5 mm, 1 m SQ: 5 bag

Brass wire, 0,40 mm, 1 kg ~ 830 m

SQ: 1 pc

Brass wire, 0,60 mm, 1 kg ~ 410 m

SQ: 1 pc

Brass wire, 0,80 mm, 1 kg ~ 220 m

SQ: 1 pc

Brass wire, 0,50 mm, 100 g / ~ 55 m

SQ: 10 pc

Brass wire, 0,30 mm, 50 g / ~ 80 m

SQ: 5 pc

Brass wire, 0,30 mm, 100 g / ~ 160 m

SQ: 10 pc

Brass wire, 0,30 mm, 50 g / ~ 80 m

SQ: 10 pc

Brass wire, 0,40 mm, 100 g / ~ 90 m

SQ: 10 pc


22 332 ..

22 333 ..

22 330 ..

22 331 ..

22 240 91

22 230 04

22 230 06

22 230 08

22 230 10

22 250 19

22 251 19

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


28 / red metallic

43 / violet metallic 48 / blue metallic

67 / green metallic 76 / brown metallic

89 / black metallic 91 / silver-plated 93 / copper metallic 95 / brass gold

Copper wireCopper wire, ø 0,18 mm, 25 m SQ: 5 pc

Copper wire, ø 0,30 mm, 25 m SQ: 10 pc

16 / orange metallic

28 / red metallic 35 / bright pink metallic

48 / blue metallic 67 / green metallic

89 / black metallic 91 / silver-plated 95 / brass gold

Copper wireCopper wire, ø 0,50 mm, 25 m SQ: 10 pc

Copper wire, ø 0,50 mm, 25 m SQ: 5 pc


Copper wireCopper wire, 0,50 mm, 100 g / ~ 55 m

SQ: 10 pc

Copper wireCopper wire, 0,40 mm, 20 m SQ: 5 bag

Copper wire, 0,60 mm, 10 m SQ: 5 bag

Copper wire, 0,80 mm, 6 m SQ: 5 bag

Copper wire, 1,00 mm, 4 m SQ: 5 bag

Copper wireCopper wire, 0,25 mm, 100 g / ~ 240 m

SQ: 10 pc

Copper wire, 0,25 mm, 50 g / ~ 100 m

SQ: 10 pc


22 334 ..

22 335 ..

22 285 91

22 285 95

22 286 91

22 286 95

22 281 20

22 281 30

22 283 20

22 287 ..

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


91 / silver-plated copper

93 / copper 95 / brass gold

Cordonnet wireCordonnet wire, ø ~ 0,45 mm, 10 g / ~ 15 m

SQ: 5 pc

91 / silver-plated copper

93 / copper 95 / messing

Flat wireFlat wire, ~ 0,6 x 0,1 mm, 20 g / ~ 28 m

SQ: 5 pc

91 / silver-plated copper 95 / brass gold

Billon wireBullion wire, ø 1,3 mm, 100 g SQ: 1 box

Bullion wire, ø 1,3 mm, 100 g SQ: 1 box

Bullion wire, ø 2 mm, 100 g SQ: 1 box

Bullion wire, ø 2 mm, 100 g SQ: 1 bag

20 / brass gold 30 / brass gold

20 / silver-plated copper

Billon wireBillon wire, ø 1,5 mm / 50 cm, 4 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

Billon wire, ø 2 mm / 50 cm, 2 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

Billon wire, ø 1,5 mm / 50 cm, 3 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

91 / silver-plated copper 95 / brass gold

Zigzag Bullion wireBullion wire, Zigzag, ø 3 mm, 100 g SQ: 1 bag


22 290 20

22 320 ..

22 321 ..

22 245 ..

22 241 10

22 242 20

22 243 10

22 244 18

22 246 ..

22 250 ..

22 251 ..

22 251 91

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


brass gold

Clove Billon wireBullion wire, Clove, ø 3 mm / 50 cm, 2 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

91 / silver-plated copper 95 / brass gold

Fancy wireFancy wire, ø 0,25 mm, 45 m SQ: 10 pc

Fancy wire, ø 0,25 mm, 45 m SQ: 5 pc

00 / iron annealed

67 / green 81 / brown

91 / iron zinc-coated

Winding wireWinding wire, 0,70 mm, 100 g / ~ 35 m

SQ: 10 pc


Binding wireBinding wire iron, 1,2 mm / 40 cm, 10 pcs.

SQ: 10 bag

Binding wire iron, 0,80 mm / 28 cm, 20 pcs.

SQ: 10 bag

iron annealed

Binding wireBinding wire, 1,40 x 300 mm, 10 pcs.

SQ: 10 bag

Binding wire, 1,40 x 150 mm, 18 pcs.

SQ: 10 bag

00 / iron annealed

67 / green 81 / brown

Florist‘s wireFlorist‘s wire, 0,35 mm, 100 g / ~ 125 m

SQ: 5 bag

Florist‘s wire, 0,35 mm, 100 g / ~ 125 m

SQ: 10 pc

Florist‘s wire, 0,35 mm, 50 g / ~ 60 m

SQ: 10 pc

iron zinc-coated

Florist‘s wireFlorist‘s wire, 0,22 mm, 50 g / ~ 147 m

SQ: 10 pc


26 795 06

26 795 07

26 795 08

26 795 09

26 795 01

26 795 12

26 795 13

26 795 03

26 795 04

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.


06 / silvergrey 07 / silvergrey

08 / silvergrey 09 / silvergrey

Wire meshWire mesh, Aluminium, 2 x 4 mm / 40 x 100 cm

SQ: 2 pc

Wire mesh, Aluminium, 2 x 4 mm / 20 x 30 cm

SQ: 10 pc

Wire mesh, Aluminium, 4 x 6 mm / 40 x 100 cm

SQ: 2 pc

Wire mesh, Aluminium, 4 x 6 mm / 20 x 30 cm

SQ: 10 pc

01 / silvergrey 12 / silvergrey

13 / silvergrey

Wire meshWire mesh, zinc-coated, 6x6 mm / 100x40 cm / 0,63 mm

SQ: 1 pc

Wire mesh, zinc-coated, 13x13 mm / 1 mm / 20x30 cm

SQ: 10 pc

Wire mesh, zinc-coated, 13x13 mm / 0,65 mm / 50x100 cm

SQ: 1 pc


Wire meshWire mesh fine, Stainless steel, 1,8 x 1,8 mm / 100 x 40 cm

SQ: 5 pc

Chicken wireChicken wire, zinc-coated, 14x14 mm / 50x500 cm / 0,7 mm

SQ: 2 pc


22 130 10

22 130 15

22 130 20

22 131 08

22 131 10

22 131 15

22 131 18

22 136 10

22 136 15

22 136 20

22 136 25

22 136 30

22 137 10

22 137 15

22 137 20

22 137 25

22 137 30

22 138 10

22 138 15

22 138 20

26 900 00

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Lampshade base frameLampshade base frame


Lampshade base frameLampshade base frame, round – for E14 + E27, 10 cm / ø 10 cm

SQ: 3 pc

Lampshade base frame, round – for E14 + E27, 15 cm / ø 15 cm

SQ: 3 pc

Lampshade base frame, round – for E14 + E27, 20 cm / ø 20 cm

SQ: 3 pc

white white

Lampshade base frameLampshade base frame, square – for E14 + E27, 15 cm / 8x8 cm

SQ: 3 pc

Lampshade base frame, square – for E14 + E27, 10 cm / 10x10 cm

SQ: 3 pc

Lampshade base frame, square – for E14 + E27, 15 cm / 15x15 cm

SQ: 3 pc

Lampshade base frame, square – for E14 + E27, 30 cm / 15x15 cm

SQ: 3 pc


Lampshade base frameLampshade ring set, round – for E14 + E27, ø 10 cm, 2 parts

SQ: 3 Set

Lampshade ring set, round – for E14 + E27, ø 15 cm, 2 parts

SQ: 3 Set

Lampshade ring set, round – for E14 + E27, ø 20 cm, 2 parts

SQ: 3 Set

Lampshade ring set, round – for E14 + E27, ø 25 cm, 2 parts

SQ: 3 Set

Lampshade ring set, round – for E14 + E 27, ø 30 cm, 2 parts

SQ: 3 Set


Lampshade base frameLampshade ring set, square – for E14 + E27, 10x10 cm, 2 parts

SQ: 3 Set

Lampshade ring set, square – for E14 + E27, 15x15 cm, 2 parts

SQ: 3 Set

Lampshade ring set, square – for E14 + E27, 20x20 cm, 2 parts

SQ: 3 Set

Lampshade ring set, square – for E14 + E27, 25x25 cm, 2 parts

SQ: 3 Set

Lampshade ring set, square – for E14 + E27, 30x30 cm, 2 parts

SQ: 3 Set


Lampshade base frameLampshade ring set, rectangular – for E14 + E27, 10x15 cm, 2 parts

SQ: 3 Set

Lampshade ring set, rectangular – for E14 + E27, 15x20 cm, 2 parts

SQ: 3 Set

Lampshade ring set, rectangular – for E14 + E27, 20x30 cm, 2 parts

SQ: 3 Set


Electric cable with switcherLamp holder and switch, indoor, 3 m

SQ: 2 pc


99 454 01

99 454 02

99 454 03

99 454 04

99 453 91

99 453 95

99 454 10

99 454 15

99 454 18

99 455 10

99 455 15

99 455 18

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Pearl star craft setPearl star craft set

01 / silver-plated 02 / gold colored

Stopper for beadsStopper for beads, 3 mm x 6 mm, 8 pcs

SQ: 5 bag

Stopper for beads, 3 mm x 6 mm, 8 pcs

SQ: 5 bag

Stopper for beads, 3 mm x 6 mm SQ: 50 pc

Stopper for beads, 3 mm x 6 mm SQ: 50 pc


Pearl star craft setPearl star craft set, ø 10 cm, 5 pc SQ: 1 Set


Pearl star craft setPearl star craft set, ø 10 cm, 5 pc SQ: 1 Set

Wire stars for beadsWire star for beads, 8-pointed, ø 10 cm x 0,8 mm, 4 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

Wire star for beads, 8-pointed, ø 15 cm x 0,8 mm, 4 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

Wire star for beads, 8-pointed, ø 18 cm x 0,8 mm, 3 pcs.

SQ: 5 bag

Wire star for beads, 8-pointed, ø 10 cm x 0,8 mm

SQ: 50 pc

Wire star for beads, 8-pointed, ø 15 cm x 0,8 mm

SQ: 50 pc

Wire star for beads, 8-pointed, ø 18 cm x 0,8 mm

SQ: 50 pc


94 003 ..

94 003 99

94 004 99

94 004 ..

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Raffia made of viscoseRaffia made of viscose

02 / maize 03 / coral 04 / dark red 05 / light blue

06 / middle blue 07 / yellow 08 / yolk-yellow 10 / middle brown

11 / green 13 / light green 15 / dark natural 16 / bright pink

18 / aqua 19 / bright red 20 / natural 21 / light pink

22 / lilac 24 / lime green 29 / mauve 31 / black

32 / dark green 34 / light brown 36 / beige 50 / white

Raffia mattRaffia matt, 100% Viscose, 10 g SQ: 10 pc

Display RaffiaDisplay Raffia matt, 50 x 50 x 21 cm, 18 x 10 pcs.

SQ: 1 pc

Display raffia brilliant, 50 x 50 x 21 cm, 18 x 10 pcs.

SQ: 1 pc

10 / middle brown 11 / middle green 17 / dark natural 19 / bright red

21 / light pink 22 / lilac 26 / light blue 31 / black

34 / light brown 36 / lime green 38 / light green 39 / dark red

41 / lemon yellow 42 / natural 43 / orange 45 / beige

46 / light red 48 / mauve 50 / white 56 / bright pink

57 / maize 58 / royal blue 60 / marine 70 / yellow

Raffia brilliantRaffia brilliant, 100% Viscose, 10 g SQ: 10 pc


10 330 01

10 330 06

10 332 06

10 330 00

10 331 05

10 331 50

10 331 06

10 331 60

10 331 07

10 331 70

10 333 01

10 333 02

10 333 10

10 333 20

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Straw starStraw star

01 / finely bleached 06 / naturally bleached

StrawsStraws, 22 cm, 50 pcs. SQ: 50 bag

Straws, 22 cm, 50 pcs. SQ: 50 bag

Straws, long, 30 cm, 50 pcs. SQ: 50 bag

assorted colours

StrawsStraws, 22 cm, 50 pcs. SQ: 50 bag

05 06


Straw star and additional itemsStraw star set for laying shap, stars size 12, 5,5 + 4,1 cm

SQ: 3 pc

Straw star set for laying shap, stars size 12, 5,5 + 4,1 cm

SQ: 10 pc

Straw star universal shapes fo, 10 cm, 1 pc.

SQ: 3 pc

Straw star universal shapes fo, 10 cm

SQ: 10 pc

Straw splitter, 6 strips, 1 pc. SQ: 3 pc

Straw splitter, 6 strips SQ: 10 pc

01 02

Straw star and additional itemsStraw star laying shape, star size 16, 5,5 cm, 1 pc.

SQ: 3 pc

Straw star set for laying shap, stars size 8, 5,5 + 4,2 cm

SQ: 3 pc

Straw star laying shape, star size 16, 5,5 cm

SQ: 10 pc

Straw star set for laying shap, stars size 8, 5,5 + 4,2 cm

SQ: 10 pc


10 331 01

10 331 02

10 331 03

10 331 04

10 331 08

10 331 09

10 331 80

10 331 90

27 590 15

27 590 23

27 590 58

27 590 82

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Straw starStraw star

01 02

03 04

Straw star craft setStraw star craft set, No. 1 – Book german, 4 parts

SQ: 1 pc

Straw star craft set, No. 2 – Book german, 4 parts

SQ: 1 pc

Straw star craft set, No. 3 – Book german, 4 parts

SQ: 1 pc

Straw star craft set, No. 6 – Book german, 4 parts

SQ: 1 pc

08 09

Straw star craft setStraw splitter, 3 strips + 2 strips, 1 pc.

SQ: 3 pc

Straw splitter, 4 strips, 1 pc. SQ: 3 pc

Straw splitter, 3 strips + 2 strips SQ: 10 pc

Straw splitter, 4 strips SQ: 10 pc

27 590 15 27 590 23

27 590 58 27 590 82

Book germanBook german, Strohsterne w. Schneekristalle, A 5, Heft 1 / 32S. m.Legeschablonen

SQ: 1 pc

Book german, Strohsterne w. Schneekristalle, A 5, Heft 2 / 32S. m.Legeschablonen

SQ: 1 pc

Book german, Strohsterne w.Schneekristalle, A 5, Heft 5 / 32S. m.Legeschablonen

SQ: 1 pc

Book german, Strohsterne w.Schneekristalle, A 5, Heft 8 / 32S. für 16er Form

SQ: 1 pc


16 005 15

16 005 35

16 005 65

16 006 15

16 006 35

16 006 65

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

DuPont™ – Tyvek® – 100% PolyethyleneDuPont™ – Tyvek® – 100% Polyethylene

15 / white 35 / white

65 / white

DuPont™ – Tyvek® – 100% PolyethyleneTyvek® Soft – DuPont™, 100% Polyethylene, 70 x 100 cm, 1 pc. / 44g / m²

SQ: 4 bag

Tyvek® Soft – DuPont™, 100% Polyethylene, 70 x 100 cm, 1 pc. / 70g / m²

SQ: 4 bag

Tyvek® – DuPont™, Hart not needled, 100% Polyethylene, 70 x 100 cm, 1 pc. / 105g / m²

SQ: 4 bag


DuPont™ – Tyvek® – 100% PolyethyleneTyvek® Soft – DuPont™, 100% Polyethylene, 1,50 x 25 m, 44g / m²

SQ: 1 ro

Tyvek® Soft – DuPont™, 100% Polyethylene, 1,50 x 25 m, 70g / m²

SQ: 1 ro

Tyvek® – DuPont™, Hart not need-led, 100% Polyethylene, 1,40 x 25 m, 105g / m²

SQ: 1 ro

Tyvek® information on properties, possible applications and ways of working with it.

PROPERTIES: Tyvek® is a spun bond material, made of 100 % polyethylene fibres. It is much more lightweight than traditional materials of a similar strength. Soft Tyvek® has a textile character, the stiff material can be compared to strong Japanese paper as far as the look and the textures are concerned. Depending on the type, it can be folded and unfolded almost endlessly and resists very well to abrasion. Tyvek® is tear-proof, in both a wet or dry state. Unlike paper, it is very weather proof, suitable for outdoor use and to a certain extent is UV resistant. Tyvek® can be used at temperatures between -75 °C and + 75 °C and is resistant to a wide range of chemicals. As a pure PE product, it is most suitable for recycling. If disposed of at a landfill, it is does not have any detri-mental effect on the groundwater.

POSSIBLE APPLICATIONS: Tyvek® has successfully proved itself for making room dividers or kites, lamps-hades, decorations, templates as well as for stylish or protective clothing.

WAYS OF WORKING WITH IT: Tyvek® can be cut, punched, stitched, laminated and sewn just like paper or fabric. For gluing at specific points, cyanoacrylate adhesives / superglues are particularly suitable. For larger areas, use a contact adhesive such as Pattex®, a dispersion adhesive such as Ponal® or a spray adhesive. It is pos-sible to print on Tyvek® using all conventional methods; it is not suitable for photocopiers or laser printers. Use felt-tip pens and classical acrylic paints for painting on it. To iron Tyvek®, lay a moist cotton cloth on it and iron it at the temperature for – silk -. We recommend trying out all applications and making samples first.


18 033 01

16 033 00

18 033 00

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Art TransferArt Transfer

Art Transfer

Acrylic pictures painted in no time at all – With the new method for transfer-ring motifs it is child’s play even for beginners: Simply print out – rub on and apply paints. In this way fantastic pictures are created.

Print the desired motif in black onto the transfer paper using an ink-jet printer. Before transferring, a support should always be placed underneath the canvas at the exact place, where the painting is to be done. For this purpose push an aluminium sheet (creative set 18 033 00) under the stretched canvas with the flat side between the frame and the canvas, so that the angled part of the sheet is showing upwards. Turn the stretched canvas frame over and lay the printed transfer paper onto it with the printed side downwards. Then rub over the back of the paper over the area where any lines are. This works best, if the transfer tool (18 033 01) is used to press directly. If whole areas are to be transferred, it is advisable to work in alternating directions. If the motif is secured with adhesive strips only at the top or at one side, then it is possible to check whether the quality of the lines to be transferred is satisfactory. The adhesive strips on the back of the paper are of no importance when transfer-ring, simply rub over them. Only black printing ink is transferred to the canvas. The motif can also be transferred on the following day. When the motif has been transferred exactly, remove the paper with the motif from the stretched canvas frame and start painting.

Art Transfer ToolArt Transfer Tool, 12,5 cm SQ: 5 pc

Transfer PaperTransfer Paper, gloss, A4 SQ: 50 pc

Art Transfer SetArt Transfer Set, 52 parts SQ: 1 pc


18 395 00

18 395 11

18 395 12

18 395 13

18 395 14

18 395 15

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Strass hot fixStrass hot fix

Applicator for Hotfix stonesApplicator for strass stones, with 12 tips, AC 230V 50Hz/ 6W

SQ: 1 pc

11 / crystal 12 / light mauve, -blue, -green

13 / mauve, blue, green 14 / orange, red, turquoise

15 / topaz, light- topaz,-turquoise

Strass stones set hot fixStrass stones set, hot fix, 576 pcs. SQ: 1 pc

Strass stones set, hot fix, 432 pcs. SQ: 1 pc

Strass stones set, hot fix, 432 pcs. SQ: 1 pc

Strass stones set, hot fix, 432 pcs. SQ: 1 pc

Strass stones set, hot fix, 432 pcs. SQ: 1 pc


95 100 ..

26 897 20

26 898 20

26 899 10

26 899 20

26 906 10

26 906 20

26 907 10

26 907 20

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Windmills/Fairy lightsWindmills/Fairy lights

00 / clear transparent

Windmill foilsWindmill foil, 330 x 430 x 0,4 mm SQ: 10 pc

720 / white 820 / transparent

Fairy lights LED with switcherGarland lights LED + switcher, white, warm light, Linear 230 V-50 Hz, 20 LED

SQ: 1 pc

Garland lights LED + switcher, transp., warm light, Linear 230 V-50 Hz, 20 LED

SQ: 1 pc

10 / transparent silver 20 / transparent silver

Fairy lights LEDGuirlande lights LED, warm light – battery powered, 70 cm, 10 LED

SQ: 5 pc

Guirlande lights LED, warm light – battery powered, 120 cm, 20 LED

SQ: 5 pc

610 / white 620 / white

710 / transparent silver 720 / transparent silver

Chain of lights / switch linearGarland lights / switch, linear / 230 V-50 Hz, 15 cm / ~ 3,75 m, 10 lights

SQ: 5 pc

Garland lights / switch, linear / 230 V-50 Hz, 15 cm / ~ 5,25 m, 20 lights

SQ: 5 pc

Garland lights / switch, linear / 230 V-50 Hz, 15 cm / ~ 3,75 m, 10 lights

SQ: 5 pc

Garland lights / switch, linear / 230 V-50 Hz, 15 cm / ~ 5,25 m, 20 lights

SQ: 5 pc


95 005 01

95 005 02

95 005 03

95 005 04

27 000 85

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Texture matsTexture mats



Texture matsTexture Mat, Freestyle, 90 x 90 mm, 1 pc

SQ: 3 pc

Texture Mat, Moments, 90 x 90 mm, 1 pc

SQ: 3 pc



Texture matsTexture Mat, Phantasy, 90 x 90 mm, 1 pc

SQ: 3 pc

Texture Mat, Space, 90 x 90 mm, 1 pc

SQ: 3 pc

Book GermanBook german, Texture mats, 148 x 210 mm / A 5, 36 pages

SQ: 1 pc


95 005 05

95 005 06

95 005 07

95 005 08

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Texture matsTexture mats



Texture matsTexture Mat, Flowers, 90 x 90 mm, 1 pc

SQ: 3 pc

Texture Mat, Peacock, 90 x 90 mm, 1 pc

SQ: 3 pc



Texture matsTexture Mat, Village, 90 x 90 mm, 1 pc

SQ: 3 pc

Texture Mat, Shells, 90 x 90 mm, 1 pc

SQ: 3 pc


95 005 09

95 005 10

95 005 11

95 005 12

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Texture matsTexture mats



Texture matsTexture Mat, Dreams, 90 x 90 mm, 1 pc

SQ: 3 pc

Texture Mat, Paisley, 90 x 90 mm, 1 pc

SQ: 3 pc



Texture matsTexture Mat, Bubbles, 90 x 90 mm, 1 pc

SQ: 3 pc

Texture Mat, Spirals, 90 x 90 mm, 1 pc

SQ: 3 pc


95 005 13

95 005 14

95 005 15

95 005 16

27 000 78

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Texture matsTexture mats



Texture matsTexture Mat, Drops, 90 x 90 mm, 1 pc

SQ: 3 pc

Texture Mat, Mechanics, 90 x 90 mm, 1 pc

SQ: 3 pc



Texture matsTexture Mat, Africa, 90 x 90 mm, 1 pc

SQ: 3 pc

Texture Mat, Watches, 90 x 90 mm, 1 pc

SQ: 3 pc

Book GermanBook german, Texture mats, 148 x 210 mm / A 5, 36 pages

SQ: 1 pc


95 005 17

95 005 18

95 005 19

95 005 20

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Texture matsTexture mats



Texture matsTexture Mat, Poetry, 90 x 90 mm, 1 pc

SQ: 3 pc

Texture Mat, Dragon, 90 x 90 mm, 1 pc

SQ: 3 pc



Texture matsTexture Mat, Music, 90 x 90 mm, 1 pc

SQ: 3 pc

Texture Mat, Indian elephants, 90 x 90 mm, 1 pc

SQ: 3 pc


95 005 21

95 005 22

95 005 23

95 005 24

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Texture matsTexture mats



Texture matsTexture Mat, Sealife, 90 x 90 mm, 1 pc

SQ: 3 pc

Texture Mat, Dimensions, 90 x 90 mm, 1 pc

SQ: 3 pc



Texture matsTexture Mat, Ammonites, 90 x 90 mm, 1 pc

SQ: 3 pc

Texture Mat, Wonderland, 90 x 90 mm, 1 pc

SQ: 3 pc


89 101 37

45 109 10

There may be colour deviations due to the printing process. Subject may be changed.

Texture matsTexture mats

89 101 37

BrochureBrochure, Texture Mat, A 5, 6 pages

SQ: 50 pc

Backing for Texture Mat, 10 x 10 cm/ 3 mm, 4 parts

SQ: 5 pc