MAUMEE VALLEY REGIO N PORSCHE CLUB O F AMERICA VO LUME 37 ISSUE 7 August, 2009 DER RÜCKSPIEGEL for Porsche enthusiasts in the Maumee Valley since 1972

DER RÜCKSPIEGELmm.pca.org/pdf/DerRuckspiegel/Aug2009.pdfTechnical Advisor Technical Advisor Alan Kinker 419-385-8610 [email protected] Goodie Store Goodie Store Jeff Vollmar

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Page 1: DER RÜCKSPIEGELmm.pca.org/pdf/DerRuckspiegel/Aug2009.pdfTechnical Advisor Technical Advisor Alan Kinker 419-385-8610 arking@buckeye-express.com Goodie Store Goodie Store Jeff Vollmar


VO LUME 37 ISSUE 7 August, 2009



for Porsche enthusiasts in the Maumee Valley since 1972

Page 2: DER RÜCKSPIEGELmm.pca.org/pdf/DerRuckspiegel/Aug2009.pdfTechnical Advisor Technical Advisor Alan Kinker 419-385-8610 arking@buckeye-express.com Goodie Store Goodie Store Jeff Vollmar



Page 3: DER RÜCKSPIEGELmm.pca.org/pdf/DerRuckspiegel/Aug2009.pdfTechnical Advisor Technical Advisor Alan Kinker 419-385-8610 arking@buckeye-express.com Goodie Store Goodie Store Jeff Vollmar


August 2009

Der RÜCKSPIEGELDer RÜCKSPIEGELDer RÜCKSPIEGELDer RÜCKSPIEGEL Published monthly by the Maumee Valley Region, Porsche Club of America.

2009 Newsletter Editors2009 Newsletter Editors2009 Newsletter Editors2009 Newsletter Editors

Tom and Deb Isley 2847 Secretariat Rd. Toledo, Ohio 43615 419-535-8688

[email protected]

Advertising RatesAdvertising RatesAdvertising RatesAdvertising Rates All rates are for 1 year:

Business card $ 60.00 Quarter page 120.00 Hal f page 180.00 Full page 240.00

Check or money order made out to MVR-PCA must accompany re-quest. Please call for shorter inter-vals. Deadline for copy is the 15th of the month for the next month’s issue. Material from Der RÜCK-SPIEGEL may be reprinted (except for ads) provided proper credit is given to the author and the source. Copy is the responsibility of the advertiser.

Der RÜCKSPIEGEL is the offi-cial publication of the Maumee Valley Region, Porsche Club of America. Opinions stated are those of the authors and do not necessar-ily represent the position of the Maumee Valley Region or Porsche Club of America.

Table of ContentsTable of ContentsTable of ContentsTable of Contents

Vorschall! 3

2009 Officers & Chairs 4

ALMS report 5

June Concours report 7

Calendar of Events 8

MVR Membership News 12

MVR Mart 17

the Checkered Flag! 18

Vorschall! Looking Ahead!


13 Business Meeting 15 House Party at Schoen’s

SEPTEMBER 12 Cookout at Toledo

Suburban Airport

Photo on cover: Lisa and Michael Soriano Photo by Jeanne Krauser

Page 4: DER RÜCKSPIEGELmm.pca.org/pdf/DerRuckspiegel/Aug2009.pdfTechnical Advisor Technical Advisor Alan Kinker 419-385-8610 arking@buckeye-express.com Goodie Store Goodie Store Jeff Vollmar



The 2009 MVR OfficersThe 2009 MVR OfficersThe 2009 MVR OfficersThe 2009 MVR Officers PresidentPresidentPresidentPresident Todd Mierzwiak 419-283-5593

[email protected]

Vice PresidentVice PresidentVice PresidentVice President Craig Zenil 630-689-7219

[email protected]

TreasurerTreasurerTreasurerTreasurer Jeff Vollmar 586-739-1636

[email protected] SecretarySecretarySecretarySecretary Chris Krauser 419-841-7984

[email protected] Past PresidentPast PresidentPast PresidentPast President Craig Zenil

The 2009 MVR ChairsThe 2009 MVR ChairsThe 2009 MVR ChairsThe 2009 MVR Chairs AutocrossAutocrossAutocrossAutocross Greg Herr 419-833-9696

[email protected]

ConcoursConcoursConcoursConcours Jim Wilson 419-784-1641

[email protected]

Drivers EducationDrivers EducationDrivers EducationDrivers Education Jeff Vollmar 586-739-1636

[email protected] HistorianHistorianHistorianHistorian Bill Bauman 419-475-1336

[email protected] MembershipMembershipMembershipMembership Rich Brown 734-847-5722

[email protected] NewsletterNewsletterNewsletterNewsletter Tom & Deb Isley 419-535-8688

[email protected] AdvertisingAdvertisingAdvertisingAdvertising Todd Mierzwiak 419-283-5593

[email protected]

SafetySafetySafetySafety Alan Kinker 419-385-8610

[email protected]

SocialSocialSocialSocial Ruth Gulliford 419-422-6203

[email protected]

Technical AdvisorTechnical AdvisorTechnical AdvisorTechnical Advisor Alan Kinker 419-385-8610

[email protected] Goodie StoreGoodie StoreGoodie StoreGoodie Store Jeff Vollmar 586-739-1636

[email protected] Web MasterWeb MasterWeb MasterWeb Master Janet Sternfeld

http://mm.pca.orghttp://mm.pca.orghttp://mm.pca.orghttp://mm.pca.org Zone 4 RepresentativeZone 4 RepresentativeZone 4 RepresentativeZone 4 Representative Roy Wilkinson 330-733-4813

199 Pfeiffer Ave Akron, OH 44312

[email protected] http://zone4.pca.org


P lease dro p R ich B rown( r s b r o w n @be x . n e t ) o u r Membership Chairman, or myself a note with your old & new address so you don’t miss an issue of Der RÜCKSPIEGEL.

Page 5: DER RÜCKSPIEGELmm.pca.org/pdf/DerRuckspiegel/Aug2009.pdfTechnical Advisor Technical Advisor Alan Kinker 419-385-8610 arking@buckeye-express.com Goodie Store Goodie Store Jeff Vollmar


August 2009


tire did not deflate. Then, a car lost an engine in front of me, and I got oil all over my windscreen. But Patrick did a great job – one hour, 20 minutes to the end without a fuel stop! There is no resting – even with a lead with the Cor-vettes, BMWs, and Ferraris chas-ing you,” said Bergmeister. The victory was cemented, how-ever, by a call from Lizard strate-gist Thomas Blam, who deter-mined that Patrick could save track position by not coming in for fuel during the last yellow flag, gam-bling that he could make it to the end. “There were many close calls in the last hour and 20 minutes of the race, including some spins from the Challenge cars, but the fuel call was the key. My fuel light came on during the final lap, but I was confident that Thomas and the

(Continued on page 6)

LEXINGTON, Ohio – August 8 – Setting an American Le Mans Se-ries record for five GT2 class wins in a row, the #45 Flying Lizard Motorsports Porsche 911 GT3 RSR driven by Joerg Bergmeister (Germany) and Patrick Long (USA) expanded their champion-ship lead to 37 points with a dra-matic class win at the Acura Sports Car Challenge today at Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course. And, to add icing on the cake for all Porsche enthusiasts, the new Muscle Milk Team Cytosport Por-sche RS Spyder, with Klaus Graf (Germany) and Greg Pickett (USA) at the helm, scored a sur-prise second-place finish in the LMP2 class, narrowly missing a class win. In the GT2 tussle, there was extra excitement in addition to the nor-mal BMW, Ford, Ferrari and Panoz competition as the Corvette factory team debuted their new cars in the class as well. Although Long and Bergmeister led all but one lap (they lost the lead in the shuffle of pit stops), the drive was anything by easy, according to Bergmeister, who started the Por-sche. “ During my stint, I was hit by a Challenge car, and cracked a rear wheel, but was lucky the Michelin

Page 6: DER RÜCKSPIEGELmm.pca.org/pdf/DerRuckspiegel/Aug2009.pdfTechnical Advisor Technical Advisor Alan Kinker 419-385-8610 arking@buckeye-express.com Goodie Store Goodie Store Jeff Vollmar



crew had made the right call not having me come in for a splash at the end. It was the di fference that gave us the win. Our clutch was going away, so I shifted most of my stint without a clutch to make sure we had pressure at the end, but the transmission took the wear and tear – a testament to the strength of our components. Win-ning five in a row is especially sweet with all the competition from the other factory teams,” said Long, the only American Porsche factory driver. The victory gave them 120 points, while the Kaffer/Melo Ferrari fin-ished fi fth (now with 83 points). Porsche now leads Ferrari in the manufacturers’ points by that same 37-point margin. The Wolf Hen-zler (Germany)/Martin Ragginger (Austria) Farnbacher Loles Por-sche 911 GT3 RSR finished less than a second behind the Ferrari in sixth, while Darren Law/Seth Neiman (both USA) Flying Lizard Porsche was ninth. In LMP2, Pickett and Graf were fast from the very first test session on Thursday, and gave the factory Acuras and Mazdas all they could handle. An unlucky positioning of the pace car during the last yellow flag cost the RS Spyder a full lap to the winning Acura, and yet Gra f

(Continued from page 5) finished in second place by only ten seconds after passing both Mazdas during the event. “ I had such a good time out there. I kept pushing and pushing. Right from the beginning they told me you got to keep pushing and push-ing. And he kept telling me every five laps, Klaus, you got to keep pushing. That’s what I did the whole race. The Muscle Milk Por-sche RS Spyder was very, very good in the race. We made the right changes and I really have to thank Greg Pickett for making the decision to buy the car, making the changes to the team in order to run it the way we run it. Hats off to all the guys on the team; that was un-believable. I couldn’t be happier. I had a really good day,” said Graf, former NASCAR driver and SCCA Trans-Am champion. “ Obviously we are very pleased. I’m pleased for Porsche, I’m pleased for Michelin, I’m pleased for our brand Muscle Milk and all of our employees and friends and family and fans of both the brand and Porsche. I’m almost speech-less which is a little bit rare for me. Klaus did a spectacular job. He ran many, many laps as fast or faster than the leaders.” said Pickett.

Page 7: DER RÜCKSPIEGELmm.pca.org/pdf/DerRuckspiegel/Aug2009.pdfTechnical Advisor Technical Advisor Alan Kinker 419-385-8610 arking@buckeye-express.com Goodie Store Goodie Store Jeff Vollmar


August 2009

June Concours ResultsJune Concours ResultsJune Concours ResultsJune Concours Results By Jeff Vollmar

The June Concours turned out a lot of very nice Porsches both older and new. The Concours was a top side only with a little surprise twist on the judging. Here’s how it worked, you re-

ceived ext ra points for items found in the glove box that normally would not be allowed in a Con-cours and items found under the passenger’s seat. Items found ranged from an emergency sur-vival blanket, spare parts to empty zip lock bags, the best was the empty Pringles can under the seat, Todd, next time leave some chips,

I was hungry. The competition was very close with many high scores, but we could only have 3 winners and they were, first place, Dick and Barb Nolen with their beauti ful 2008 brown 911 Cab, second place, Mike and Lisa Sori-ano with their awesome 2006 yel-low Cayman S and third place was Tom and Deb Isley with their stun-ning 2004 GT silver Boxster. Peo-ple’s choice award went to our host Mike and Lisa with their Cay-man S. Congratulations to every-one for showing their pride and joy. Remember, Porsche, nothing even comes close.

Page 8: DER RÜCKSPIEGELmm.pca.org/pdf/DerRuckspiegel/Aug2009.pdfTechnical Advisor Technical Advisor Alan Kinker 419-385-8610 arking@buckeye-express.com Goodie Store Goodie Store Jeff Vollmar



Maumee Valley Region 2009 Calendar of EventsMaumee Valley Region 2009 Calendar of EventsMaumee Valley Region 2009 Calendar of EventsMaumee Valley Region 2009 Calendar of Events Check our web site at www.mm.pca.org for the latest event information.


13 Business Meeting 15 House Party at Schoen’s

SEPTEMBER 12 Cookout at Toledo

Suburban Airport


1-4 Escape to the birthplace of aviation

8 Business Meeting TBD House Party at Butcher’s 31-Nov 1 Mid-Ohio DE


21 Holiday Party, Hilton Gar-den Inn, Perrysburg


10 Business Meeting/end of year dinner at El Camino Real, Toledo

August 15 , 2009

Party at the Schoen’s. Start time 5pm.

The theme for this event is going to be a barn party

RSVP to Jeanne:

Page 9: DER RÜCKSPIEGELmm.pca.org/pdf/DerRuckspiegel/Aug2009.pdfTechnical Advisor Technical Advisor Alan Kinker 419-385-8610 arking@buckeye-express.com Goodie Store Goodie Store Jeff Vollmar


August 2009

Cookout at Suburban Airport

4383 Section Road between Whiteford Center Road and Whiteford Road in Lambertville

September 12th starting at 4 PM.

Hosted by Tom Trumbull MVR Member and

Owner of Suburban Airport

Old fashion BBQ with Burgers, Brats and Dogs. Please bring a side dish.

Room for lots of Porsche Automobiles.

Tom will have aircraft on display and will provide a great

introductory experience to flying via Suburban’s First Flight program available at a discount to MVR members. Call Tom for details and to schedule an appointment. See below for a

brief description.

First Flight

Imagine yourself at the controls of a new Cessna experienc-ing the freedom of Flight. Treat yourself or someone you

love to experience a personal introductory First Flight where you become the pilot aboard a brand new Cessna Skyhawk.

You’ll perform the take-off and climb out to perform turns as the pilot, seated in the left seat with a Certified Flight Instruc-tor riding shotgun. In fact eighty percent of the flight will be

controlled by you.

RSVP and coordinate food with Jeanne.

Page 10: DER RÜCKSPIEGELmm.pca.org/pdf/DerRuckspiegel/Aug2009.pdfTechnical Advisor Technical Advisor Alan Kinker 419-385-8610 arking@buckeye-express.com Goodie Store Goodie Store Jeff Vollmar



2009 Escape to the Birthplace of Aviation October 1-4, 2009

Ohio Valley Region invites you to this year’s Escape in Dayton, Ohio.

Join us for Country Road Tours, Scenic Covered Bridge Tours, the Avia-tion Trail Interpretive Centers and private Behind the Scenes Tours at the

National Museum of the United States Air Force. Opportunities for car viewing and dining are combined at White Allen Porsche, the Packard Museum, Quaker Steak & Lube, the Taj Ma Garaj

and at Carillon Park. So come to the “Heart of it All” in Southwest Ohio for Escape 2009.

Register for Escape 2009 at:


Page 11: DER RÜCKSPIEGELmm.pca.org/pdf/DerRuckspiegel/Aug2009.pdfTechnical Advisor Technical Advisor Alan Kinker 419-385-8610 arking@buckeye-express.com Goodie Store Goodie Store Jeff Vollmar


August 2009

We plan to return the popular fea-ture of door prizes to our Holiday Party in November, and I have volunteered to coordinate the ef-fort. Please contact any possible sources that you may have for door prizes, or if you prefer that I con-tact them, give me the necessary information. Also, if anyone has any suitable items that you wish to

donate (or "re-gi ft"), you may bring them to any future club meeting or to the party itself. My telephone number is (419) 893-8597, e-mail [email protected].

Thanks for your help!

Linda Mechel

Page 12: DER RÜCKSPIEGELmm.pca.org/pdf/DerRuckspiegel/Aug2009.pdfTechnical Advisor Technical Advisor Alan Kinker 419-385-8610 arking@buckeye-express.com Goodie Store Goodie Store Jeff Vollmar



MVR/PCA Membership NewsMVR/PCA Membership NewsMVR/PCA Membership NewsMVR/PCA Membership News

OOPS!OOPS!OOPS!OOPS! NonNonNonNon----renewalsrenewalsrenewalsrenewals

Did you forget to send your membe rship ren ew al into National? Won’t you please take a moment now to send it in? We’d hate to lose you as members!

July 2009 July 2009 July 2009 July 2009 ---- ClubClubClubClub Member AnniversariesMember AnniversariesMember AnniversariesMember Anniversaries

New MembersNew MembersNew MembersNew Members

Shanda Gore from Toledo Ohio, driving a 2001, Black, Boxster

Ted Barber Ernst Mueksch

Craig Zenil

Stephen Nichols 31 Years

Rick & Barbara Leaderman

24 Years

Vernos Williamns 23 Years

Christopher Lynn 22 Years

Carl Armstrong 14 Years

Ron & Jamen Winters 12 Years

Tom & Deb Isley 11 Years

John & Charlotte Cryan

6 Years

Mike Sutter 6 Years

Robb Mack 5 Years

Jerome Waxman 5 Years

John & Deborah Kos 2 Years

Page 13: DER RÜCKSPIEGELmm.pca.org/pdf/DerRuckspiegel/Aug2009.pdfTechnical Advisor Technical Advisor Alan Kinker 419-385-8610 arking@buckeye-express.com Goodie Store Goodie Store Jeff Vollmar


August 2009

MVR 2009 Point TotalsMVR 2009 Point TotalsMVR 2009 Point TotalsMVR 2009 Point Totals As of 7/1/09As of 7/1/09As of 7/1/09As of 7/1/09 John Jennens 9

Sandra Kinker 10

Alan Kinker 10

Jeanne Krauser 15

Chris Krauser 18

Sarah Mierzwiak 21

Todd Mierzwiak 22

Linda Mechel 11

Jack Mechel 16

Barb Nolen 9

Richard Nolen 9

Linda Roan 6

Chuck Schaub 2

Diane Schoen 9

Jim Schoen 9

Lisa Soriano 23

Michael Soriano 22

Janet Sternfeld 1

Bill Sternfeld 1

Beth Stewart 5

Barney Stewart 5

Caryn Tanner 9

Tab Tanner 9

Terri Vollmar 6

Bill Roan 7

Jeff Vollmar 3

Millie Woodruff 4

Tom Woodruff 7

Laila Zenil 2

Craig Zenil 5

Judy Bellman 7

Marshall Bellman 7

Susan Brown 7

Rich Brown 8

Diane Butcher 2

Bruce Butcher 3

Boo Callaghan 3

Pete Callaghan 3

Charlotte Cryan 9

Bob Cryan 5

Sally Erd 8

Larry Erd 8

Sharon Fundum 2

Ron Fundum 2

Sharon Gargasz 3

Ron Gargasz 3

Shirley Gobba 6

Dick Gobba 6

Ruth Gulliford 10

Ron Gulliford 10

Kim Harris 7

Bob Harris 8

Deb Isley 16

Tom Isley 16

Suzanne Jennens 9

Bill Bauman 2

Page 14: DER RÜCKSPIEGELmm.pca.org/pdf/DerRuckspiegel/Aug2009.pdfTechnical Advisor Technical Advisor Alan Kinker 419-385-8610 arking@buckeye-express.com Goodie Store Goodie Store Jeff Vollmar



MVR Points Maumee Valley Region elected Officers will be ineligible for end of year awards so that they , as a group, can decide who should receive end of year awards for Enthusiast, Rookie and Family of the year. Officers, will make these decisions based on atten-dance, participation and involvement in Maumee Valley and Zone 4 activities and be a reflection of both participation and contribution. • 1 point for attending any PCA Zone 4

event reported to the MVR Secretary • 1 point for participating in an event such

as an Autocross, Concour, Driver's Ed., etc and reported to the MVR Secretary

• 1 point for driving a Porsche to any PCA

Zone 4 event reported to the MVR Sec-retary

• 1 point for driving over 50 miles to any Zone 4 event reported to the MVR Sec-retary

• 1 point for helping with an event in a significant manner as reported to the MVR Secretary or Event Chair

• 3 points for chairing or hosting an event reported to the MVR Secretary

Note: To receive credit for attending or

participating in an event outside MVR, but within Zone 4, a member must report on this event in the Der RÜCK-SPIEGEL as well as to the MVR Secre-tary

Page 15: DER RÜCKSPIEGELmm.pca.org/pdf/DerRuckspiegel/Aug2009.pdfTechnical Advisor Technical Advisor Alan Kinker 419-385-8610 arking@buckeye-express.com Goodie Store Goodie Store Jeff Vollmar


August 2009


All clothing has the MVR logo embroidered on them except the blanket has PORSCHE embroidered.

Please call Jeff Vollmar at 586-739-1636

Barbecue aprons red, blue green $25.00

Canvas tote bags blue $18.00

6 pack coolers black $20.00

Fleece blankets blue, black, red $30.00

Men's polo - long sleeve black $35.00

Sweatshirts - men's and women's grey $25.00

Men's Henley - long sleeve blue $30.00

Cayman die cast car blue, black $25.00

Pewter Porsche crest pin


Page 16: DER RÜCKSPIEGELmm.pca.org/pdf/DerRuckspiegel/Aug2009.pdfTechnical Advisor Technical Advisor Alan Kinker 419-385-8610 arking@buckeye-express.com Goodie Store Goodie Store Jeff Vollmar



Page 17: DER RÜCKSPIEGELmm.pca.org/pdf/DerRuckspiegel/Aug2009.pdfTechnical Advisor Technical Advisor Alan Kinker 419-385-8610 arking@buckeye-express.com Goodie Store Goodie Store Jeff Vollmar


August 2009

Maumee Valley Region Maumee Valley Region Maumee Valley Region Maumee Valley Region MartMartMartMart

Clean out your garage. Advertise here.

ReminderReminderReminderReminder: Items for sale can also be sent to our webmaster at [email protected] for those interested in putting their ad on the MVR web


New - never mounted - Bridgestone REO50A Pole Position tires 2) 225 - 40 - 18 2) 295 - 30 - 18 Cost new $1160 - asking $1000. Contact Mohamad Almasri 419.343.5290

Larry's guy stuff garage sale Sat. Aug 29, 9:00am ‘til 2:00pm

Auto related; books, tools, sand blaster, welding table, english wheel, jack stands, car dollies, spray guns, antique tools, and memorabilia. Yard tools; elect mulcher, roto tiller ,Rubbermaid shed, etc. Exercise equip. Harley parts, Aermiachi 1960's Italian harley 90cc (basket case), 2 honda 50cc Mini trail bikes (basket case) perfect for the pits,1972 Schwin varsity 10 spd. W/270 miles.etc.etc 1962 Austin mini It's all together!! To much to list come and look at it make me a offer. Larry Erd 3905 Hillandale rd. Ottawa Hills, Oh 419.535.5550

Page 18: DER RÜCKSPIEGELmm.pca.org/pdf/DerRuckspiegel/Aug2009.pdfTechnical Advisor Technical Advisor Alan Kinker 419-385-8610 arking@buckeye-express.com Goodie Store Goodie Store Jeff Vollmar



….the Checkered Flag!….the Checkered Flag!….the Checkered Flag!….the Checkered Flag!

Where has the sum-mer gone. Here it is already August and it seems like we have not had any time to do all of the s tuff w e had planned.

We are signed up for the Escape in Dayton and look forward to seeing a good represen-tation from MVR. It is so close it would be a shame to not go.

I have been hearing about the cookout at Toledo Suburban Air-port and Tom Trumbull is going all out for the event. He has arranged for a special plane to be brought in for our viewing pleasure. Make sure that you mark your calendars.

Flash your headlights at a fellow Porsche owner on the road!! Keep the kindred spirit alive!!

…..the editor


Back issues of Panorama for the following months:


Bill Bauman [email protected] 419.345.9445

Page 19: DER RÜCKSPIEGELmm.pca.org/pdf/DerRuckspiegel/Aug2009.pdfTechnical Advisor Technical Advisor Alan Kinker 419-385-8610 arking@buckeye-express.com Goodie Store Goodie Store Jeff Vollmar


August 2009

Page 20: DER RÜCKSPIEGELmm.pca.org/pdf/DerRuckspiegel/Aug2009.pdfTechnical Advisor Technical Advisor Alan Kinker 419-385-8610 arking@buckeye-express.com Goodie Store Goodie Store Jeff Vollmar

Der R


Tom and


Isley 2847 Secreta

riat R


Toledo O

H 43615

First C


Address Service R



13 B

usiness Meeting

15 H

ouse Party at S




Cookout at T

oledo S

uburban Airport