Informatik 1 Woche 10 Moritz Schneider Moritz Schneider 9. Mai 2019 1

Informatik 1 Woche 10 - ETH ZInformatik 1 Woche 10 Moritz Schneider Moritz Schneider 9. Mai 2019 1 Heute: 1.Repetition: Operator Overloading 2.Pointer Moritz Schneider 9. Mai 2019

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Page 1: Informatik 1 Woche 10 - ETH ZInformatik 1 Woche 10 Moritz Schneider Moritz Schneider 9. Mai 2019 1 Heute: 1.Repetition: Operator Overloading 2.Pointer Moritz Schneider 9. Mai 2019

Informatik 1Woche 10Moritz Schneider

Moritz Schneider 9. Mai 2019 1

Page 2: Informatik 1 Woche 10 - ETH ZInformatik 1 Woche 10 Moritz Schneider Moritz Schneider 9. Mai 2019 1 Heute: 1.Repetition: Operator Overloading 2.Pointer Moritz Schneider 9. Mai 2019


1. Repetition: Operator Overloading

2. Pointer

Moritz Schneider 9. Mai 2019 2

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Hat alles geklappt?

Moritz Schneider 9. Mai 2019 3

Page 4: Informatik 1 Woche 10 - ETH ZInformatik 1 Woche 10 Moritz Schneider Moritz Schneider 9. Mai 2019 1 Heute: 1.Repetition: Operator Overloading 2.Pointer Moritz Schneider 9. Mai 2019

Operator Überladen I

• Beispiel: Komplexe Zahlen: class Complex {...};

• +, -, *, / sollen auch auf Komplexen Zahlen definiert seinComplex operator +( const Complex &a, const Complex &b);

• binary operator ==bool operator ==( const Complex &a, const Complex &b);

• unary operator - (z.B. -c)?Complex operator -( const Complex &a);

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Operator Überladen II

• Beispiel: Komplexe Zahlen

• Einlesen?

// POST: Reads value into t.std:: istream& operator >> (std:: istream& in, Complex& t);

• Ausgeben?

// POST: Outputs this into the streamstd:: ostream& operator << (std:: ostream& out , const Complex& t);

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Operator Überladen III

• Wir definieren Print-Format: "[Re(z),Im(z)]", z.B. "[1,2]"

• Beispiel Ausgeben

std :: ostream & operator << (std :: ostream &out , const Complex & t) {out << ’[’ << t.real << ’,’ << t.imag << ’]’;return out;


• Durch Rückgabe des Streams out kann man diese hintereinanderhängen:

Complex a,b = ..;std :: ostream out = std :: cout; // ist Instanz von std :: ostreamout <<a<<b; // ruft auf: operator <<(out , a) .. operator (out , b)

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Operator Überladen IV

• Wir definieren Print-Format: "[Re(z),Im(z)]", z.B. "[1,2]"• Beispiel Einlesen

std :: istream & operator >> (std :: istream &in , Complex & t) {char open_b , close_b , comma;if (in >> open_b >> t.real >> comma >> t.imag >> close_b

&& open_b == ’[’ && comma == ’,’ && close_b == ’]’) {// here , operator >>( std :: istream , char) (built -in) is called// read successfully

} else {// Failed to read.in. setstate (std :: ios :: failbit );

}return in;

}Moritz Schneider 9. Mai 2019 7

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References Recap I

Was wird ausgegeben?

int a = 1;int b = 1;int& x = a;int& y = x;y = b;std::cout << a << "␣" << b << "␣" << x << "␣" << y;

→ 2 2 2 2

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References Recap II

• Referenzen koennen nicht mehr veraendert werden– Der Wert auf den gezeigt wird schon:

y = b // der wert auf den y zeigt wird veraendert– Nicht möglich: y nachträglich auf b zeigen zu lassen!

• Pointer sind ähnlich wie Referenzen

• Pointer speichern die Adressen der Variablen im Speicher

• Daher: Pointer können verändert werden→ Die Adresse, auf die sie zeigen wird geändert

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Page 10: Informatik 1 Woche 10 - ETH ZInformatik 1 Woche 10 Moritz Schneider Moritz Schneider 9. Mai 2019 1 Heute: 1.Repetition: Operator Overloading 2.Pointer Moritz Schneider 9. Mai 2019

Introduction to Pointers

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Pointer Program


int a = 5;

int* x = &a;

char c = 'd';

char* z = &c;

840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863

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Pointer Program


int a = 5;

int* x = &a;

char c = 'd';

char* z = &c;

840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862


int a


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Pointer Program


int a = 5;

int* x = &a;

char c = 'd';

char* z = &c;

840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862


int a int* x


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Pointer Program


int a = 5;

int* x = &a;

char c = 'd';

char* z = &c;



840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851


int a

852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862


int* x


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Pointer Program


int a = 5;

int* x = &a;

char c = 'd';

char* z = &c;


840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851


int a

852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862


int* x


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Pointer Program


int a = 5;

int* x = &a;

char c = 'd';

char* z = &c;


840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851

5 d

int a char c

852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862


int* x


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Pointer Program


int a = 5;

int* x = &a;

char c = 'd';

char* z = &c;

x z

840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 858 859 860 861 862

8505 d

int a char c char* z

852 853 854 855 856 857


int* x


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Pointers - Zweites Beispiel

int a = 5;int b = 7;int* x = 0; // always initialize empty pointers to 0 (NULL), if

// you do not want to immediately assign them!x = &a; // the address of a is written to x; x points to astd :: cout << a << "\n"; // outputs 5std :: cout << *x << "\n"; // outputs 5 toostd :: cout << x << "\n"; // outputs something like 0 x28fef8 ( address of a)std :: cout << &a << "\n"; // outputs something like 0 x28fef8 ( address of a) toox = &b; // x now points to b*x = 1; // changes value of b to 1

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Operators & / *

& has three distinct meanings in c++

1. the bitwise AND operator (eg. z = x & y;)

2. to declare a variable as a reference (eg. int& y = x;)

3. to take the address of a variable (address operator) (eg. int *ptr_a = &a;)

* has three distinct meanings in c++

1. as the arithmetic multiplication operator (eg. z = x * y;)

2. to declare a pointer variable (eg. int *ptr_a = &a;)

3. to take the content of a variable via its pointer (dereference operator) (eg.int a = *ptr_a;)

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3 -8 1 5 -3 4 1 7 2 7

Pointer Program


int* a = new int[5]{0, 8, 7, 2, -1};int* ptr = a; // pointer assignment++ptr; // shift to the rightint my_int = *ptr; // read targetptr += 2; // shift by 2 elements*ptr = 18; // overwrite targetint* past = a+5;std::cout << (ptr < past) << "\n"; // compare pointers


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4 1 7 2 7

Pointer Program


int* a = new int[5]{0, 8, 7, 2, -1};int* ptr = a; // pointer assignment++ptr; // shift to the rightint my_int = *ptr; // read targetptr += 2; // shift by 2 elements*ptr = 18; // overwrite targetint* past = a+5;std::cout << (ptr < past) << "\n"; // compare pointers

1-6 0 8 7 2 -1a

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4 1 7 2 7

Pointer Program


int* a = new int[5]{0, 8, 7, 2, -1};int* ptr = a; // pointer assignment++ptr; // shift to the rightint my_int = *ptr; // read targetptr += 2; // shift by 2 elements*ptr = 18; // overwrite targetint* past = a+5;std::cout << (ptr < past) << "\n"; // compare pointers

1-6 0 8 7 2 -1



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4 1 7 2 7

Pointer Program


int* a = new int[5]{0, 8, 7, 2, -1};int* ptr = a; // pointer assignment++ptr; // shift to the rightint my_int = *ptr; // read targetptr += 2; // shift by 2 elements*ptr = 18; // overwrite targetint* past = a+5;std::cout << (ptr < past) << "\n"; // compare pointers

1-6 0 8 7 2 -1



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4 1 7 7

Pointer Program


int* a = new int[5]{0, 8, 7, 2, -1};int* ptr = a; // pointer assignment++ptr; // shift to the rightint my_int = *ptr; // read targetptr += 2; // shift by 2 elements*ptr = 18; // overwrite targetint* past = a+5;std::cout << (ptr < past) << "\n"; // compare pointers

1-6 0 8 7 2 -1



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4 1 7 7

Pointer Program


int* a = new int[5]{0, 8, 7, 2, -1};int* ptr = a; // pointer assignment++ptr; // shift to the rightint my_int = *ptr; // read targetptr += 2; // shift by 2 elements*ptr = 18; // overwrite targetint* past = a+5;std::cout << (ptr < past) << "\n"; // compare pointers

1-6 0 8 7 2 -1



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4 1 7 7

Pointer Program


int* a = new int[5]{0, 8, 7, 2, -1};int* ptr = a; // pointer assignment++ptr; // shift to the rightint my_int = *ptr; // read targetptr += 2; // shift by 2 elements*ptr = 18; // overwrite targetint* past = a+5;std::cout << (ptr < past) << "\n"; // compare pointers

1-6 0 8 7 18 -1



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4 1 7 7

Pointer Program


int* a = new int[5]{0, 8, 7, 2, -1};int* ptr = a; // pointer assignment++ptr; // shift to the rightint my_int = *ptr; // read targetptr += 2; // shift by 2 elements*ptr = 18; // overwrite targetint* past = a+5;std::cout << (ptr < past) << "\n"; // compare pointers

1-6 0 8 7 18 -1

ptr past


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4 1 7 7

Pointer Program


int* a = new int[5]{0, 8, 7, 2, -1};int* ptr = a; // pointer assignment++ptr; // shift to the rightint my_int = *ptr; // read targetptr += 2; // shift by 2 elements*ptr = 18; // overwrite targetint* past = a+5;std::cout << (ptr < past) << "\n"; // compare pointers

1-6 0 8 7 18 -1

ptr past


Because ptr is"to the left" of



Because ptr is"to the left" of



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4 1 7 7

Pointer Program


int* a = new int[5]{0, 8, 7, 2, -1};int* ptr = a; // pointer assignment++ptr; // shift to the rightint my_int = *ptr; // read targetptr += 2; // shift by 2 elements*ptr = 18; // overwrite targetint* past = a+5;std::cout << (ptr < past) << "\n"; // compare pointers

1-6 0 8 7 18 -1

ptr past


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Pointer Program

Find and fix at least 3 problems in the following program.

(From: Script Exercise 117) 13

#include <iostream>int main () { int* a = new int[7]{0, 6, 5, 3, 2, 4, 1}; int* b = new int[7]; int* c = b;

// copy a into b using pointers for (int* p = a; p <= a+7; ++p) *c++ = *p;

// cross-check with random access for (int i = 0; i <= 7; ++i) if (a[i] != c[i]) std::cout << "Oops, copy error...\n";

return 0;}

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Pointer Program

(From: Script Exercise 117) 14

#include <iostream>int main () { int* a = new int[7]{0, 6, 5, 3, 2, 4, 1}; int* b = new int[7]; int* c = b;

// copy a into b using pointers for (int* p = a; p <= a+7; ++p) *c++ = *p;

// cross-check with random access for (int i = 0; i <= 7; ++i) if (a[i] != c[i]) std::cout << "Oops, copy error...\n";

return 0;}

p = a+7 is dereferenced

Solution: Use < instead of <=

p = a+7 is dereferenced

Solution: Use < instead of <=

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Pointer Program

(From: Script Exercise 117) 15

#include <iostream>int main () { int* a = new int[7]{0, 6, 5, 3, 2, 4, 1}; int* b = new int[7]; int* c = b;

// copy a into b using pointers for (int* p = a; p <= a+7; ++p) *c++ = *p;

// cross-check with random access for (int i = 0; i <= 7; ++i) if (a[i] != c[i]) std::cout << "Oops, copy error...\n";

return 0;}

p = a+7 is dereferenced

Solution: Use < instead of <=

p = a+7 is dereferenced

Solution: Use < instead of <=

Same problem as aboveSame problem as above

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Pointer Program

(From: Script Exercise 117) 16

#include <iostream>int main () { int* a = new int[7]{0, 6, 5, 3, 2, 4, 1}; int* b = new int[7]; int* c = b;

// copy a into b using pointers for (int* p = a; p <= a+7; ++p) *c++ = *p;

// cross-check with random access for (int i = 0; i <= 7; ++i) if (a[i] != c[i]) std::cout << "Oops, copy error...\n";

return 0;}

Same problem as aboveSame problem as above

c doesn’t point to b[0] anymore.

Solution: Use b instead of c

c doesn’t point to b[0] anymore.

Solution: Use b instead of c

p = a+7 is dereferenced

Solution: Use < instead of <=

p = a+7 is dereferenced

Solution: Use < instead of <=

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Exercise – Applying Pointers

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Exercise – Applying Pointers

• Apply this function…

• … to this example-array:

// PRE: [b, e) and [o, o+(e-b)) are disjoint// valid rangesvoid f (int* b, int* e, int* o) { while (b != e) { --e; *o = *e; ++o; }}

(From: Script Exercise 113) 2

1 3 -8 1 5 -3 4

b oe o+(e-b)

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Exercise – Applying Pointers

void f (int* b, int* e, int* o) { while (b != e) { --e; *o = *e; ++o; }}

(From: Script Exercise 113) 3

1 3 -8 1 5 -3 4

b oe

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Exercise – Applying Pointers

void f (int* b, int* e, int* o) { while (b != e) { --e; *o = *e; ++o; }}

(From: Script Exercise 113) 4

1 3 -8 1 5 -3 4

b oe


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Exercise – Applying Pointers

void f (int* b, int* e, int* o) { while (b != e) { --e; *o = *e; ++o; }}

(From: Script Exercise 113) 5

1 3 -8 1 5 -3 4

b oe

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Exercise – Applying Pointers

void f (int* b, int* e, int* o) { while (b != e) { --e; *o = *e; ++o; }}

(From: Script Exercise 113) 6

1 3 -8 1 3 -3 4

b oe

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Exercise – Applying Pointers

void f (int* b, int* e, int* o) { while (b != e) { --e; *o = *e; ++o; }}

(From: Script Exercise 113) 7

1 3 -8 1 3 -3 4

b oe

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Exercise – Applying Pointers

void f (int* b, int* e, int* o) { while (b != e) { --e; *o = *e; ++o; }}

(From: Script Exercise 113) 8

1 3 -8 1 3 -3 4

b oe


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Exercise – Applying Pointers

void f (int* b, int* e, int* o) { while (b != e) { --e; *o = *e; ++o; }}

(From: Script Exercise 113) 9

1 3 -8 1 3 -3 4

b oe

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Exercise – Applying Pointers

void f (int* b, int* e, int* o) { while (b != e) { --e; *o = *e; ++o; }}

(From: Script Exercise 113) 10

1 3 -8 1 3 1 4

b oe

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Exercise – Applying Pointers

void f (int* b, int* e, int* o) { while (b != e) { --e; *o = *e; ++o; }}

(From: Script Exercise 113) 11

1 3 -8 1 3 1 4

b oe

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Exercise – Applying Pointers

void f (int* b, int* e, int* o) { while (b != e) { --e; *o = *e; ++o; }}

(From: Script Exercise 113) 12

1 3 -8 1 3 1 4

b oe


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Exercise – Applying Pointers

• Now determine a POST-condition for the function.

// PRE: [b, e) and [o, o+(e-b)) are disjoint// valid rangesvoid f (int* b, int* e, int* o) { while (b != e) { --e; *o = *e; ++o; }}

(From: Script Exercise 113) 13

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Exercise – Applying Pointers

• Something like this:

// PRE: [b, e) and [o, o+(e-b)) are disjoint// valid ranges// POST: The range [b, e) is copied in reverse// order into the range [o, o+(e-b))void f (int* b, int* e, int* o) { while (b != e) { --e; *o = *e; ++o; }}

(From: Script Exercise 113) 14

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Exercise – Valid Inputs

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Exercise – Valid Inputs

• Which of these inputs are valid?

(From: Script Exercise 113) 16

int* a = new int[5];// Initialise a. a) f(a, a+5, a+5); b) f(a, a+2, a+3); c) f(a, a+3, a+2);

// PRE: [b, e) and [o, o+(e-b)) are disjoint// valid rangesvoid f (int* b, int* e, int* o) { while (b != e) { --e; *o = *e; ++o; }}

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int* a = new int[5];// Initialise a. a) f(a, a+5, a+5); b) f(a, a+2, a+3); c) f(a, a+3, a+2);

Exercise – Valid Inputs

• Which of these inputs are valid?

(From: Script Exercise 113) 17

[o,o+(e-b))is out of bounds

[o,o+(e-b))is out of bounds

// PRE: [b, e) and [o, o+(e-b)) are disjoint// valid rangesvoid f (int* b, int* e, int* o) { while (b != e) { --e; *o = *e; ++o; }}

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int* a = new int[5];// Initialise a. a) f(a, a+5, a+5); b) f(a, a+2, a+3); c) f(a, a+3, a+2);

Exercise – Valid Inputs

• Which of these inputs are valid?

(From: Script Exercise 113) 18

[o,o+(e-b))is out of bounds

[o,o+(e-b))is out of bounds

// PRE: [b, e) and [o, o+(e-b)) are disjoint// valid rangesvoid f (int* b, int* e, int* o) { while (b != e) { --e; *o = *e; ++o; }}

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int* a = new int[5];// Initialise a. a) f(a, a+5, a+5); b) f(a, a+2, a+3); c) f(a, a+3, a+2);

// PRE: [b, e) and [o, o+(e-b)) are disjoint// valid rangesvoid f (int* b, int* e, int* o) { while (b != e) { --e; *o = *e; ++o; }}

Exercise – Valid Inputs

• Which of these inputs are valid?

(From: Script Exercise 113) 19

[o,o+(e-b))is out of bounds

[o,o+(e-b))is out of bounds

Ranges not disjoint

Ranges not disjoint

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Exercise – const Correctness

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Exercise – const Correctness

• Make the function const-correct.

(From: Script Exercise 113) 21

// PRE: [b, e) and [o, o+(e-b)) are disjoint// valid rangesvoid f (int* b, int* e, int* o) { while (b != e) { --e; *o = *e; ++o; }}

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Exercise – const Correctness

• Make the function const-correct.

(From: Script Exercise 113) 22

// PRE: [b, e) and [o, o+(e-b)) are disjoint// valid rangesvoid f (const int* const b, const int* e, int* o) { while (b != e) { --e; *o = *e; ++o; }}

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Shortcut: The − >

struct C{int b;

};...C a;C* c = &a; // pointer to a

a.b = 3; // worksc.b = 3; // compiler error(*c).b = 3; // one way to get b. Paranthesis needed

// as . has higher precedence than *c->b = 3; // same effect but nicer to reada->b = 3; // compiler error

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CodeExpert: Push Back

Push Back on CodeExpert

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CodeExpert: Push Back

The files vector_array.h and vector_array.cpp contain a simplified version of theavec vector from the lecture slides. Implement the push_back method that appendsan element at the end of the vector. On a high level this involves the following steps:

1. Allocating a new memory block that is larger by one element.

2. Copying all elements from the old memory block to the new one.

3. Adding the new element to the end of the new memory block.

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Push Back: Solution// PRE: source_begin points to the first element to be copied .// PRE: source_ends points to the element after the last element to be copied .// PRE: destination_begin points to the first element of the destination memory block// PRE: The target memory location has at least as many elements as there are// elements between source_begin and source_end .void copy_range (int* const source_begin , int* source_end , int* destination_begin ) {

int* dst = destination_begin ;for ( const int* src = source_begin ; src != source_end ; ++ src) {

*dst = *src;++ dst;


// POST: this contains the same sequence as before with the// new_element appended at the end.void avec :: push_back (int new_element ) {

int* const new_elements = new int[this -> count + 1];copy_range (this ->elements , this -> elements + this ->count , new_elements );new_elements [this -> count ] = new_element ;this -> count ++;this -> elements = new_elements ;


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