Bauforschung Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf dem Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes und Sekretariatsführung von ISO/TC 163/SC 1 und CEN/TK 88 F 1733 Fraunhofer IRB Verlag

Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf ...Bauforschung Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf dem Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes und Sekretariatsführung

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Mitarbeit in der internationalenund regionalen Normung auf demGebiet des Wärmeschutzes undSekretariatsführung von ISO/TC 163/SC 1und CEN/TK 88

F 1733

Fraunhofer IRB Verlag

Page 2: Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf ...Bauforschung Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf dem Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes und Sekretariatsführung

F 1733

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Page 3: Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf ...Bauforschung Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf dem Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes und Sekretariatsführung

Er aebnisbericht



Bundesministerium für Raumordnung, Bauwesenund Städtebau

"Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalenNormung auf dem Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes undSekretariatsführung von ISO/TC 163/SC 1 undCEN/TK 88"

Az: B I 5 - 80 01 80 - 19

Normenausschuß Bauwesen im DIN Deutsches Institutfür Normung e. V.Burggrafenstraße 4 - 10, 1000 Berlin 30

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VON ISO/TC 163/SC 1 und CEN/TK 88

Vorbemerkung und Rückblick

In Fortsetzung eines Forschungsvorhabens mit dem

Titel "Mitarbeit im Technischen Komitee ISO/TC 163

'Wärmeschutz' und Sekretariatsführung von SC 1"

gibt dieser Bericht einen Überblick über die inter-

nationale Normungsarbeit auf dem Gebiet des Wärme-

schutzes im Bauwesen für den Zeitraum vom 1. 4. 1980

bis 31. 12. 1980 sowie über die deutsche Beteiligung

an diesen Arbeiten.

Im Jahre 1975 wurde der International Organization

for Standardization (ISO) der Vorschlag gemacht,

die vereinzelten Aktivitäten der ISO auf dem Sektor

des Wärmeschutzes (z.B. im TC 61 "Kunststoffe" und

TC 87 "Kork") in einem besonderen, neu einzurichtenden

Technischen Komitee (Kurzbezeichnung ISO/TC) zu ko-

ordinieren und mit hoher Priorität fortzusetzen.

Der ISO-Rat hat diesen Vorschlag aufgegriffen und

im September 1975 die Einrichtung des ISO/TC 163

mit dem Titel "Thermal insulation" (Wärmedämmung bzw.

Wärmeschutz) gebilligt. Die Sekretariatsführung

wurde Schweden übertragen. Nach der daraufhin im

April 1976 erfolgten Konstituierung des ISO/TC 163

wurden die Beratungen über die "Normung auf dem

Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes einschließlich Terminologie,

Prüfmethoden und Beschreibung für Wärmedämmstoffe,

Produkte und Systeme" aufgenommen.

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Die aufgrund des sehr umfangreichen Arbeitsprogramms

vorgenommene Aufteilung in abgegrenzte Sachgebiete

ergab u. a. den für Deutschland wichtigen Beschluß,

daß das DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. mit

der Sekretariatsführung des Unterkomitees (SC) 1

"Prüf- und Meßverfahren" betraut wurde. Weiterhin

wurde deutscherseits eine intensive Mitarbeit im SC 2

"Berechnungsverfahren" (Sekretariatsführung: Norwegen)


Auf der zweiten Sitzung des ISO/TC 163 im Oktober 1978

wurden das SC 3 "Dämmstoffe für das Bauwesen"

(Sekretariatsführung: Kanada) und das SC 4 "Dämmstoffe

im industriellen Bereich" (Sekretariatsführung: USA)

gegründet. Auch in diesen Komitees arbeitet Deutschland

aktiv mit.

Eine detaillierte Übersicht der im Berichtszeitraum

bestehenden Komitees, Unterkomitees, Arbeitsgruppen,

Berater- und ad hoc-Gruppen des ISO/TC 163 .ist auf

Seite 5 enthalten.

Die für Deutschland als aktives Mitgliedsland im

ISO/TC 163 und seinen Unterkomitees seitens des

DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. zu leistende

Mitarbeit wird durch im Normenausschuß Bauwesen ge-

bildete Spiegelausschüsse wahrgenommen.

Diese Spiegelauschüsse, die gleichzeitig auch eine

unterstützende Funktion für den mit der Sekretariats-

führung von ISO/TC 163/SC 1 beauftragten NABau haben,

setzen sich vor allem aus Experten der Bereiche

"Wärmeschutztechnische Prüf- und Meßverfahren", "Wissen-

schaftliche Grundlagen des Wärmeschutzes" sowie "Bau-

und Dämmstoffhersteller" zusammen.

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Ebenfalls unter dem Gesichtspunkt, durch gemein-

schaftlich ausgearbeitete Maßnahmen zu energie-

sparenden Lösungen zu gelangen, sind seit etwa

1973 auf Regierungsebene in der Europäischen

Gemeinschaft umfassende Aktionsprogramme erarbeitet

worden. Aus diesen Programmen waren bestimmte tech-

nisch-wissenschaftliche Bereiche auf dem Gebiet des

Wärmeschutzes im Bauwesen an das CEN Europäisches

Komitee für Normung übergeben worden mit der Aufforde-

rung, die Möglichkeit der Einrichtung von Technischen

Komitees (TKs) zur Behandlung dieser speziellen Bereiche

zu prüfen.

Auf einer außerordentlichen CEN-Generalversammlung

am 1. und 2. 12. 1976 wurde auf Empfehlung des

Technischen Koordinierungskomitees beschlossen, daß

zur Erarbeitung von Europäischen Normen auf dem Gebiet

des Wärmeschutzes im Bauwesen das Technische Komitee

TK 88 "Klassifizierung von Baustoffen gemäß ihren

Wärmedämmeigenschaften" gegründet wird. Mit der

Sekretariatsführung wurde das DIN betraut, das diese

Aufgabe wiederum an den NABau übertragen hat.

Die hierfür auf regionaler Ebene seitens des Sekretariats

abzuwickelnden Arbeiten erfolgten nach der gleichen

Vorgehensweise wie im internationalen Bereich des

ISO/TC 163. Gleichermaßen ist auch ein deutscher Spiegel-

ausschuß eingerichtet worden, bei dessen Zusammensetzung

eine enge personelle Verknüpfung mit dem NABau-Arbeits-

ausschuß "Wärmeschutz im Hochbau" zugrunde gelegt wurde.

Hierdurch ist gewährleistet, daß die deutschen Interessen

bei dem regionalen Normungsvorhaben in enger Abstimmung

mit den derzeitigen nationalen Normungsarbeiten ver-

treten werden.

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Die Arbeiten im CEN/TK 88 erfolgen ebenfalls in

enger Abstimmung mit den von ISO/TC 163 behandelten

Normungsvorhaben gemäß dem Grundsatz, daß Doppelarbeit

vermieden wird und sich die jeweiligen Aktivitäten gegen-

seitig ergänzen. So will das CEN/TK 88 bei der Angabe

von vIeßverfahren vorrangig auf die Ergebnisse von

ISO/TC 163/SC 1 zurückgreifen.

Hinzuweisen ist auch auf die Abstimmung der Arbeits-

gebiete von CEN/TK 88 und ISO/TC 163/SC 3 und SC 4.

Die von CEN zu behandelnde "classification" von Bau-

und Dämmstoffen wird in der ISO durch die Normung auf

dem Gebiet der "specification" für Dämmstoffe im

Hochbau und im industriellen Bereich erweitert. Durch

eine weitgehende Identität der Mitgliedsländer und auch

deren Experten in CEN/TK 88 und ISO/IC 163/SC 3 und

SC 4 ist gewährleistet, daß europäische und internatio-

nale Vorstellungen bei den jeweiligen Beratungen im

positiven Sinne aufeinander abgestimmt werden.

Bis zum Beginn dieses Berichtszeitraums haben neun

Sitzungen des ISO/TC 163 und seiner Unterkomitees

und vier Sitzungen des CEN/TK 88 stattgefunden.

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Mr. Powell (USA)

I Mr. Verhoeven (Netherl.)


Mr. Nolan (UK) Dr. CammererDipl.-Ing. Zehendner

WG 1

Gliederune des ISO/TC 163 "THERMAL INSULATION"

Secretariat: Sweden Chairman: Prof. Nevander

Convener deutsche Mitarbeiter

ADVISORY GROUP (im TC 163) Mr. Nevander (Swedenl

Prof. Gertis

TC 163/ WG 1 TERMINOLOGY Mr.Barnhard (USA)

Dr. Fischer


Secretariat: Germany - Chairman: Dr. Weißbach

WG 1 HOT 30X METHODS Mr. HOyer (Denmark) Prof. Jenisch

WG 2 GUARDED HOT PLATE METHODS Mr. De Ponte (Italy) Dr. Cammerer/Dr. Bode




Mr. Hollingsworth (USA) Dipl.-Ing. Zehendner

Mr. Bankvall (Sweden) ; Dr. Böttcher

M. Fournier (France) Dr. FischerDr. Cammerer

Dipl.-Ing. .AchtzigerWG 6 ROUND ROBIN TESTS


Secretariat: Norway - Chairman: Prof. Granum





Secretariat: Canada - Chairman: C. Shirtliffe



Prof. GertisDipl.-Ing. Erhorn

Dr. Hauser

Prof. Jenisch

Dr. Cammerer

Mr. Wilson (USA) Prof. Gertis

Mr. Dalton (Canada)

Prof. Meyer

Mr. Matthews (USA)

WG 2 NON STEADY STATE Mr. Gertis (Germany)





Secretariat: USA - Chairman: C. Shirtliffe


Mr. Meyer (Germany) Prof. Meyer

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Bericht zum Stand der Arbeiten im ISO/TC 163


Eine Aufstellung der im Berichtszeitraum innerhalb

des ISO/TC 163 stattgefundenen Sitzungen sowie des

gesamten Arbeitsprogramms des TC 163 mit Angabe des

Arbeitsstandes per 31. 12. 1980 ist aus Anlage 1 er-


Darüber hinaus enthält diese Anlage eine Auflistung

der im ISO/TC 163 vertretenen Länder, nach aktiven

Mitgliedern (P-Members) und beobachtenden Mitgliedern

(0-Members) geordnet.

SC 1 "Prüf- und Meßverfahren"

Im Rahmen einer Sitzungsreihe vom 17. bis 26. September

1980 in Berlin und München fand am 22., 23. und 25.

September 1980 die vierte Sitzung des SC 1 in München

(Leoni) statt.

Von den Arbeitsgruppen 2 und 5 lagen dem Unterkomitee 1

die Papiere "Bestimmung des Wärmewiderstandes mit dem

Plattengerät" und"Bestimmung des Wärmewiderstandes mit

dem Wärmestrommeßgerät" zur Information über den der-

zeitigen Bearbeitungsstand vor. Die Convenor berichte-

ten über den Umfang der Arbeiten und die dabei auf-

tretenden Schwierigkeiten. Die Fertigstellung der Norm-

Vorlagen innerhalb der beiden Arbeitsgruppen wurde

für Ende 1981 zugesagt. Ihre Verabschiedung durch das

SC 1 zur Veröffentlichung als Internationale Norm-Entwürfe

soll anläßlich der fünften Sitzung des SC 1, die für

Mai 1982 vorgesehen ist, erfolgen.

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Die zweite Fassung der von der WG 4 erarbeiteten

Norm-Vorlage ISO/DP 6781.2 "Thermographieverfahren

für die qualitative Ermittlung der Wärmedämmung von

Gebäudeaußenflächen", die dem SC 1 zur Diskussion vor-

lag, wurde zur nochmaligen Überarbeitung an die WG 4

zurückgegeben. Ober die dritte Fassung soll auf

schriftlichem Wege entschieden werden.

Von den Arbeitsgruppen 1 und 3 sollen die Norm-

Vorlagen "Bestimmung der Wärmedurchgangseigenschaf-

ten mit dem Heizkasten" und "Bestimmung der Wärmeleit-

fähigkeit nach dem Rohrverfahren" bis Ende 1981 den

Mitgliedern des SC 1 unterbreitet werden.

Weitere Einzelheiten können der Anlage 2 entnommen


SC 2 "Berechnungsverfahren"

Die vierte Sitzung des SC 2 fand am 23., 24. und

25. September 1980 in München (Leoni) statt.

Zunächst berichteten die Convenor über die in den

Arbeitsgruppen geleistete Arbeit.

Von der Arbeitsgruppe 1 wurde dem SC 2 ein Vorschlag

für die Berechnung von Wärmebrücken vorgelegt. Die

Mitglieder des SC 2 wurden gebeten, ihre Meinung

bzw. Vorschläge zu diesem -in der Anlage 3 enthaltenen-

Papier, das als Vorarbeit für die künftige Internationale

Norm angesehen werden kann, zu unterbreiten. Weitere

umfangreiche und kostspielige Computer-Berechnungen

müssen nach Angabe des Convenor noch durchgeführt

werden, um die Genauigkeit einiger Formeln unter allen

Bedingungen sicherzustellen.

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Vom Convenor der Arbeitsgruppe 2 wurde berichtet, daß

die künftige Internationale Norm "Berechnungsverfahren

unter nichtstationären Bedingungen" drei Berechnungs-

verfahren mit unterschiedlichen Anforderungen an die

Genauigkeit der Ergebnisse enthalten wird.

Eine vom Sekretariat des SC 2 vorbereitete Norm-Vorlage

ISO/DP 6946 mit dem Titel "Regeln für die Berechnung -

Teil 1: Grundlagen far stationäre Wärmeübertragungen

far Gebäude" wurde vom SC 2 eingehend erörtert und mit

entsprechenden Anweisungen einer ad hoc - Gruppe zur

Überarbeitung übergeben. Einzelheiten können der Anlage 3

entnommen werden.

SC 3 "Dämmstoffe für das Bauwesen" und SC 4 "Dämmstoffe

im industriellen Bereich"

Die zweite gemeinsame Sitzung des SC 3 und SC 4 fand

vom 17. bis 19. September 1980 in Berlin statt.

Zur Beratung im Rahmen des SC 3 kamen die von der WG 1

des SC 3 vorbereiteten Papiere "Mineralfasermatten und

Mineralfaserfilze für Dächer" und "Mineralfaserplatten

für Dächer". Die von den Delegierten-hierzu vorgebrachten

Vorschläge sollen, soweit sie Zustimmung fanden, bis zur

nächsten Sitzung in die Papiere eingearbeitet werden.

Eine neue Arbeitsgruppe (WG 2) soll lose Schüttungen

aus Mineralfasern behandeln.

Im Rahmen des SC 4 wurden die von der WG 1 des SC 4 vor-

bereiteten Papiere "Mineralfaserschalen" und "Calcium-

silikatplatten" diskutiert.

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Diese Papiere sollen ebenfalls bis zur nächsten

Sitzung unter Berücksichtigung der Vorschläge, die

Zustimmung fanden, überarbeitet werden.

Das Arbeitsprogramm des SC 4 wurde erweitert, so daß

es jetzt Mineralfaserplatten und Mineralfaserschalen

sowie Calciumsilikatplatten und Calciumsilikatschalen


Prüf- und Meßverfahren für die im SC 3 und SC 4 zu

behandelnden Materialien werden vom SC 1 ausgearbeitet.

Prüfverfahren für ganz spezielle Stoffe jedoch sollen

vom SC 3 und SC 4 vorbereitet und dann dem SC 1 zur ab-

schließenden Bearbeitung übergeben werden.

Einzelheiten können der Anlage 4 entnommen werden.

Die nächste gemeinsame Sitzung des SC 3 und SC 4 ist

für Mai 1982 vorgesehen.

TC 163 "Wärmeschutz"

Die dritte Sitzung des TC 163 fand am 22. und 26.

September 1980 in München (Leoni) statt.

Die Obmänner der Unterkomitees 1, 2, 3 und 4 berichteten

über den Fortgang der Arbeiten in ihren Komitees.

Eine gegenseitige Abstimmung war vor allem zwischen

dem Unterkomitee 1 und den Unterkomitees 3 und 4 hin-

sichtlich der Erarbeitung ganz spezieller Prüf- und

Meßnormen erforderlich. Die bereits anläßlich der voraus-

gegangenen Sitzungen getroffenen Vereinbarungen wurden

vom Plenum bestätigt.

Einzelheiten können der Anlage 5 entnommen werden.

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Bericht zum Stand der Arbeiten im CEN/TK 88

"Klassifizierung von Baustoffen gemäß ihren


Die fünfte Sitzung des CEN/TK 88 fand am 12. und

13. Juni 1980 in Berlin statt.

Dem Komitee lag ein von der Arbeitsgruppe des TK 88

ausgearbeitetes Dokument vor, das ein Klassifizierungs-

system und eine Eigenschaftsliste mit Kommentaren zu

den einzelnen Eigenschaften beinhaltet, sowie die

Stellungnahmen, die zu diesem Dokument eingegangen


Aufgrund der Beratungsergebnisse einigte man sich

darauf, die Klassifizierungsliste in Tabellenform,

mit Stoffbeispielen in einer Spalte, zu überführen.

Diese Arbeit wurde von einem Mitglied der Arbeits-

gruppe im Anschluß an den ersten Sitzungstag vorgenom-

men, so daß der neue Vorschlag am zweiten Sitzungstag

diskutiert werden konnte.

Im Anschluß an die Sitzung wurden vom Sekretariat

unter Berücksichtigung der Beratungsergebnisse die

Klassifizierungsliste und die Eigenschaftliste über-

arbeitet. Diese Listen sollen zusammen mit dem Vorschlag

für die Formulierung der Norm-Abschnitte "Zweck" und

Anwendungsbereich" auf der nächsten Sitzung in Kopenhagen

im Mai 1981 beraten werden.

Einzelheiten können der Anlage 6 entnommen werden.

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Das innerhalb der Internationalen Normungsorganisation

(ISO) gegründete Technische Komitee (TC) 163

"Wärmeschutz" hat im April 1976 die Beratungen über

die "Normung auf dem Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes ein-

schließlich Terminologie, Prüfmethoden und Beschreibungen

für Wärmedämmstoffe, Produkte und Systeme" aufgenommen.

Die aufgrund des sehr umfangreichen Arbeitsprogramms

vorgenommene Aufteilung in abgegrenzte Sachgebiete

ergab u. a. den für Deutschland wichtigen Beschluß, daß

dem DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. das Sekretariat

für das Unterkomitee (SC ) 1 "Prüf- und Meßverfahren"

übergeben wurde. Für das SC 2 "Berechnungsverfahren" wurde

deutscherseits eine intensive Mitarbeit zugesichert,

deren Koordinierung ebenfalls zu den Aufgaben des DIN


Zwischenzeitlich haben auch Aktivitäten in zwei neu

eingerichteten Unterkomitees zur Erarbeitung von Normen

über die Beschreibung aller Arten von Stoffen, Bauteilen,

Konstruktionen und Systemen für die Wärmedämmung im

Bauwesen (SC 3) und in der Industrie (SC 4) begonnen.

Da Deutschland sich bereit erklärt hat, in diesen beiden

SCs ebenfalls aktiv mitzuwirken, erfolgte im Hinblick

auf die im September 1980 in Berlin von SC 3 und SC 4 ge-

meinsam durchgeführte zweite Sitzung eine entsprechende

Erweiterung der Arbeiten.

In den dem TC und den SCs zugeordneten Arbeitsgruppen

und ad hoc-Gruppen ist Deutschland in 13 Arbeitsgruppen

und zwei ad hoc-Gruppen vertreten.

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Anknüpfend an ein entsprechendes Forschungsvorhaben

aus den Jahren 1979/1980 wird für

den Zeitraum vom 1. 4. 1980 bis 31. 12. 1980 ein

Überblick über den in Fortsetzung der verschiedenen

Aktivitäten erreichten Beratungsstand bei diesen

internationalen Normungsvorhaben und die hierzu ge-

leistete deutsche Mitarbeit gegeben.

Die wesentlichsten Arbeiten bestanden in den sach-

lichen und organisatorischen Vorbereitungen für die

Sitzungen des ISO/TC 163 und der Unterkomitees 1,

2, 3 und 4, die vom 17. bis 26. September 1980 in

Berlin und München (Leoni) stattgefunden haben.

Dazu gehörte die Aufgabe, die Arbeitsergebnisse der

einzelnen Arbeitsgruppen unter dem Gesichtspunkt

einer möglichst weitgehenden Berücksichtigung deut-

scher Vorstellungen zu überprüfen und die von dem

jeweiligen deutschen Experten einzubringenden Vor-

schlage und Stellungnahmen für die Fortschreibung

der Norm-Entwurfs-Vorschläge zu formulieren.

Parallel zu den internationalen Normungsvorhaben

in ISO sind im CEN Europäisches Komitee für Normung

regionale Normungsvorhaben ebenfalls auf dem Gebiet

des Wärmeschutzes begonnen worden, die wegen ihrer

engen Verknüpfung mit den ISO-Aktivitäten in das

Forschungsvorhaben miteinbezogen werden.

Die Arbeiten für die fünfte Sitzung des CEN/TK 88

"Klassifizierung von Baustoffen gemäß ihren Wärmedämm-

eigenschaften", die im Juni 1980 in Berlin stattfand,

entsprachen prinzipiell dem für das ISO/TC 163 ge-

schilderten Vorgehen.

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In April 1976 Technical Committee ETC) 163, "Thermal

insulation", set up within the International Organization

for Standardization (ISO), began its discussions and

deliberations on "standardization in the field of thermal

insulation, including terminology, test methods and

descriptions for thermal insulating materials, products,

and systems". Since the programme of work was most extensive,

the subject-matter was divided into several clearly defined

areas; of particular moment for Germany F.R. was the

decision to entrust the Secretariat of Subcommittee (SC) 1,

"Test and measurement methods", to DIN, the German

Standards Institute. Germany also declared its readiness

to participate intensively in SC 2, "Calculation methods";

the co-ordination of this is also the business of DIN.

In the interim activities have also started in two newly

established Subcommittees; these concern the preparation

of descriptive Standards on all types of material, building

components, constructions and systems used for thermal

insulation in the field of building (SC 3) and of industry

(SC 4). Since Germany agreed to take active part in both

these Subcommittees, the volume of work to be done increased

due to the second meeting of SC 3 and SC 4, which took

place jointly in Berlin in September 1980.

As to the working groups and ad-hoc groups within the TC

and its SCs, Germany is represented in 13 of the working

groups and in 2 of the ad-hoc groups.

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Following on a research project dated 1979/1980,

this report gives a review of the continued activities

and discussions and the stage these international

standardization projects have reached over the

period from 1/4/1980 to 31/12/1980, along with the

German contribution to these.

The principle tasks lay in the preparation of the

subject-matter for, and the organization of the meetings

of ISO/TC 163 and Subcommittees 1, 2, 3 and 4, which

were held in Berlin and Munich (Leoni) from 17th to

26th September 1980.

Among these was the task Of examining the results

achieved by various working groups with a view to

ensuring that German concepts and ideas were taken

into account as much as possible, and the task of

defining the proposals and comments to be made by

the relevant German experts regarding the preparation

of Draft Proposals for International Standards,

Parallel to the international standardization projects

in ISO, the European Committee for Standardization,

CEN, has started work on regional standardization

projects in the field of thermal insulation; these

have been incorporated into the report, since they

are closely connected with the activities in ISO.

The work done and the preparations made for the fifth

meeting of CEN/TC 88, "Classification of building

materials according to their thermal insulating

properties", held in Berlin in June 1980, were essentially

analogous to the procedure cited above for ISO/TC 163.

Page 18: Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf ...Bauforschung Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf dem Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes und Sekretariatsführung

- 15 -


zum Ergebnisbericht



Bundesministerium für Raumordnung,Bauwesen und Städtebau

"Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalenNormung auf dem Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes undSekretariatsführung von ISO/TC 163/SC 1 undCEN/TK 88"

Az < : B I 5 - 80 01 80 - 19

Page 19: Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf ...Bauforschung Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf dem Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes und Sekretariatsführung

P- O-17 16

+ 2 +0—0 —2

19 14

PARTICIPATION (number of members)

at the beginning of the yearregistered during the yearresigned during the yearat the end of the year

Participation table, at the end of the year, see pace 2

4 13-0 +0-0 —0



STRUCTURE (number of techni ai bodies)

at the beginning of the yearcreated during the yeardisbanded during the yearat the end of the year

Structure, at the end of the year, see naoe 3

LIAISONS with other international organizations

Aat the beginning of the yearestablished during the yearcancelled during the yearat the end of the year

Liaisons, at the end of the year, see page 2

7 0+ 0 + 0- 0 _ 0

7 0

Nb. of items

+ 24- 0- 0



at the beginning of the yearadded during the yeardeleted during the yearcompleted during the yearat the end of the year

Programme of work, at the end of the year, see page 4

Sub-reports (attached)

ISO/TC 163/SC 1ISO/TC 163/SC 2ISO/TC 163/SC 3ISO/TC 163/SC 4


zum 1981-01-31 Ergebnisbericht zum

,SO/TC Z.)1".3Forschungsauftrag 163 N

Az: B I 5 - 80 01 80 - 19

A nlag edate



MEETINGSTechnical body Place Date

TC 163 München-Laoni 30-09-22/26163/WG 1 Neuilly-s-S-ine 80-06-3--5163/SC 1 Nünchen -Leoni 3C-09-22/23/25

/WG 1 Paris 3C-06-031München-Leon g 30-09-23

/WG 2 München-GrEfee- 8C-02-20--22+ /WG 5 fing2)

Milan3)• 8C-06-26--27;wlünchen-GrIfe1-fing 3)


/WG 3 Paris .1 80-06-06München-Leona 80-09-25 .

/WG 4 München-Leon.i 8C-09-24/WG 6 Berlin l) 30-09-20

München-Leoni 80-09-24163/SC 2 München-Leoni 80-09-23/24/25

/WG 1 Essen 80-01-22• Oslo 80-06-16--17

/WG 2 Reykjavik 80-04-15Essen 80-08-20Delft 80-12-09

/WG 3 Paris 30-05-22Hotzkirch-n 80-09-29--30

163/SC 3 Berlin- 80-09-18--19/WG 1 , Berlin 80-09-17

163/SC 4 Berlin 80-09-18--19/WG 1 London 80-06-02

Rnrlin ft_no_17

1) Informal meeting2) Joint meeting of TC 1E3/SC 1/WG 2 and WG 53) Task force of WG 2 an± WG 3

LIAISONS (internal and/or with IEC)ISO/TC 33 - TC 59/SC 3 - TC 61/SC 10

- TC 86 - TC 87 - TC 92 - TC 94/SC 9 -

- TC 116 - TC 159/SC 5

NOTE : Annual Reports are circulated, not later than 31 January of the following year, to the ISO President and Vice-P-esioe' t, Cou'cil members,

the relevant technical division, if any, P- and 0-members of the TC, secretariats of other ISO technical committees a-dor wt-as-nmit tees in- ö liaison, observers designated by other ISO technical committees in liaison, the Central Secretariat and to other interratT,on -..al ca^izaf ns incn

ö liaison.



Page 20: Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf ...Bauforschung Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf dem Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes und Sekretariatsführung

page 2 Annual Report for : _ of ISO/TC

PARTICIPATION TAE..E, at the end of the year

P- 0- Member body P. 0- Member body P- 0- Member body








Albania (BSA)Algeria (INAPT)Australia (SAA)Austria (ON)Bangladesh (BDSI)Belgium (IBN)Brazil (ABNT)Bulgaria (DKC)Canada (SCC)Chile (INN)China (CAS)Colombia (ICONTEC)Cuba (NC)Cyprus (CYS)Czechoslovakia (CSN)Denmark (DS)Dominican Repubic(DIGENOR)Egypt, Arab Rep. of (EOS)Ethiopia (ESI)Finland (SFS)France (AFNOR)Germany, F.R. (DIN)Ghana (GSB)Greece (ELOTHungary (MSZ )










India (ISI)Indonesia (YDNI)Iran (ISIRI)Iraq (109)Ireland (IIRS)Israel (SIT)Italy (UNI)Ivory Coast (BIN)Jamaica (JBS)Japan (JISC)Kenya (KEBS)Korea, Dem. P. Rep. of (CSK)Korea, Rep. of (KBS)Lebanon (LIBNOR)Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

(LYSSO)Malaysia (SIR IM)Mexico (DGN)Mongolia (MSC)Morocco (SNIMA)Netherlands (NNI)New Zealand (SANZ)Nigeria (NSO)Norway (NSF)Pakistan (PSI)







Peru (ITINTEC)Philippines (PS)Poland (PKNiM)Portugal (DGQ)Romania (IRS)Saudi Arabia (SASO)Singapore (SISIR)South Africa, Rep. of (SAES)Spain (IRANOR)Sri Lanka (3CS)Sudan (SSD)Sweden (SIS)Switzerland (SNV)Tanzania (TBS)Thailand (TISI)Turkey (TSE)United Kingdom (BSI)USA (ANSI)USSR (GOST)Venezuela (COVENIN)Viet Nam, Soc. Rep. of (TCVN)Yugoslavia (JZS)

LIAISONS with other international organizations, at the end of the year

Abbrev. Abbreviated name of intern. organization A B Abbrev. Abbreviated.name of intern. organizatio ., A B








Commission of the EuropeanCommunities

International Council for

Building Research, Studiesand Documentation

United Nations EconomicCommission for Europe

European Insulation Manufac-turers Association

Federation europe'enne dessyndicats d'entreprised'isolation

International Institute ofRefrigeration

International Union ofTesting and ResearchLaboratories for Materialsand Structures







Page 21: Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf ...Bauforschung Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf dem Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes und Sekretariatsführung

Annual Report for 1980 of ISO/TC

page 3

ST TJPE, at the end of the year

SC V.T..i TitleSecretariat or Sub

convenor Report

- - Advisory Group

1 Terminology - _ - Mr J M Barnhart(USA)

1 Test and measurement methods DIN X

Hot box methods Mr H H6yer(Denmark)

2 Guarded hot plate-methods Dr F de Ponte(Italy)

3 Pipe insulation methods MrMHollingsw• th-,_ (USA)

4 Thermography methods Mr C Bankvall(Sweden)

5 Heat flow meter methods Mr D Fournier° (France)

6 Round robin tests Mr F S Powell(USA)

2 Calculation methods NSF X

1 Thermal bridges Prof AC Verho:ven(Netherlands)

2 Non-steady state Prof K Gertis(Germany)

3 -Practical thermal characteristics Mr C Moye(France)

4 Industrial calculations Mr J Nolan(UK)

3 Insulation .products for building applications SCC X

. 1 Mineral fibre insulation for roofs Mr G Dalton(Canada)

4 Insulation products for industrial applications ANSI X

1 Mineral fibre pipe insulation and calcium silicateblock insulation

Mr J Nolan(UK)

. .

Page 22: Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf ...Bauforschung Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf dem Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes und Sekretariatsführung

Annual Report for 1980 of ISO/TC

FROG= nc „CRK, a t the end of the year



Re` number

::crkir g doc. DP






Jan. Dec.

1 3 6 7 8 19 10

D? 7345 Terminology, definitions, units andsymbols

76 81-09 12 21

Test and measurement methods

Thermal measurements (steady stateand dynamic properties)

.1.1 Thermal conductivity (materials)

163/1 N 58 Guarded hot p late methods 77 82-10 12 12

153/ 1 N 59 Heat flow meter methods 77 82-10 12 12

163/1/3 y3 Pipe insulation methods 77 81-12 12 12

2.1.2 Specific heat (materials) 11 11-

2.1.3 Thermal resistance (components)

153/1/1 N 3 Hot box methods 77 81-12 11 12

2.1.= Location of heat leaks (constructions,systems)


DT 6781.2 Thermography methods 77 81-03 21 ;22

?2 Other methods

Dimensions and.den*ity (materials,components, constructions)

11 111

2.2.2 Air permeability (materials) 11 11

2.2 • Durability (materials) 1 11 11

2,2,- Strength (materials) 1 11 11

2.2. Air tightness (constructions) 1 11 11

.2.F Moisture influence (constructions) 1 11 11

2.2.7 Water vapour permeability (materials) 1 11 11

2.2.8 Capillary action (materials) 1 11 11

2.3 International joint measurements 78 11 11

Explanatio- of titles of columns

1. Item 'i.e'r^t of the p rogramme of work

2. Insert nne letter ..A.' to indicate priority

3. Sir- p :r:ed r eference number of the document

Development stages (columns 8 and 9)11. The item has been included in the programme of work

12. A working draft is being studied

21. The DP has been registered at the Central Secretariat and a firstdraft is being studied.

4. F. of t e item 22, 23, ..., 27. A second, third, ... seventh draft is being studied

5. Nt.m *- of SC to which the item has been allocated 28. Substantial support for the DP has been obtained from the

6. Year c° inning of the study of the itemP-members

29. Following failure of the DIS at member or Council voting7 Ta-get aas e;year , month) for registration of the DP as a DIS stage. the question of whether a new DP should be prepared3. Stc. _ .e ct 1 January (see opposite) is bein g studied

9. S`_;e her as 31 December (see opposite) 3. The Central Secretariat has registered the DP as a D IS

10. Re---a , i nser t the letter "X" • to indicate the p resence or an4. The DIS has been a pproved by the member bodies voting

an --;, rn na any explanatory notes which could nciccle,-ea<_ p ns `br which the item has not move `or a

5. The DIS has been returned to the Central Secretariat forsubmission to Council

Se' c= c 2-3 yea r s, difficulties encountered, numpe• ofsu pa • se::-d document (s), if any . etc.

6. The DIS has been acce p ted by Council as an InternationalStandard

7. The International Standard has been published

Page 23: Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf ...Bauforschung Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf dem Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes und Sekretariatsführung


Annual Report or 1980 of ISO/7C

PROGRAMME OF WORK, at the end of the year



Ref. number

working doc. DP


Title SCStud-



date Jan. Dec.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 9 10

3 Specifications for materials andconstructions (not dealt with byother ISO Technical Committees)

3.1 Materials

3.1.1 163/3 N 13 Mineral fibre batt and blanketinsulation for roofs

3 79 83-06 11 12

3.1.2 163/3 N 9 Mineral fibre board insulation forroofs

3 79 83-06 11 12

3.1.3 Mineral fibre pipe insulation 4 79 83-06 ii 12

3.1.4 Calcium silicate block insulation 4 79 83-06 11 12

3.2 Constructions 34 11 11

4 Calculation methods

4.1.1 A DP 6946/1 The calculation in the steady state ofthe thermal transmittance properties

2 77 81-05 21 21

of components and elements ofstructure of buildings

4.1.2 A Thermal bridg es 2 77 82-05 11 12

4.1.3 Rules for determinaion of practicalthermal characteristics of buildingmaterials

2 79 11 11

4.2 The calculation in the non-steady 2 77 82-12 11 12• state of the thermal behavior of a

building and its elements

4.3. The calculation of heat transfer andtemperature conditions relevant toinstallations in industry, equipmentand pipework

2 79 11 11

Explanatory notes to the programme of work

Item 2.2. Lower priority has been given to the test methods under 2.2than to the thermal measurements under 2.1

Item 2.3. The Working Group established to deal with this item willprimarely initiate Round Robin tests and not draft standards.

paae 5

Page 24: Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf ...Bauforschung Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf dem Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes und Sekretariatsführung

Title of SC


Items; on the TO programme of work allocated to the SC (for titles, see pace 4 of Annual Report)

2.1 — 2.3

Particpation, at the end of the year

Number of P-members 15Number of 0-members 7

Liaisons (internal and. or with IEC), at the end of the year

Sub Annual Report for 1980

iso;rrc/sc 163/ i

secre<,ariat DIN

Liaisons with other international organizations, at the end of the year

Abbrev. Abbreviated name of intern. organization AI


Abbrev. Abbreviated name of intern. organization A B



International Council for3uilding Research,Studies and Documentation

European InsulationManufacturers Association



Participation table, at the end of the year

P . 0- Member body P- 0- Member body P- 0- • Member body

Albania (BSA) x India (iSi) Peru (iTINTEC)

Algeria (INAPT) • Indonesia (YON!) Philippines (PS)


:r Australia (SAA)

Austria (ON)Iran ((SIR!)

Iraq (IOS)

Poland (PKNiM)

Portugal (DGO)Bangladesh (BDSI) Ireland (IIRS) Romania (IRS)

x Belgium (IBN)

Brazil (ABNT) - x

x Israel (SIT)

Italy (UN!)

Saudi Arabia (SASO)

Singapore (SISIR) "Bulgaria (DKC) Ivory Coast (BIN) x South Africa, Rep. of (SABS)


Canada (SCC)Chile (INN)

China (CAS)

Colombia (ICONTEC)

Cuba (NC)


Jamaica (JBS)

Japan (JISC)

Kenya (KEBS)

Korea, Dem. P. Rep. of (CSK)

Korea, Rep. of (KBS)



Spain (IRANOR)

Sri Lanka (BCS)

Sudan (SSD) -Sweden ISIS)

Switzerland (SNV)Cyprus (CYS) Lebanon (LIBNOR) Tanzania (TBS)

xCzechoslovakia (CSN)

Denmark (DS)Domincan Republic(DIGENOR)

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya


Malaysia (SIRIM) x

Thailand (TISI)

Turkey (TSE)

United Kingdom (BSI)


Egypt, Arab Rep. of (EOS)

Ethiopia (EST)

Finland (SFS)

x Mexico (DGN)

Moncoiia (MSC)

Morocco (SNIMA)





Venezuela (COVENIN)x France (AFNOR) x Nether ands (NNI) Viet Nam, Soc. Rep. of (TCVN)x Germain;, F.R. (DIN) New Zea:and (SANZ) :< Yugoslavia (JZS)

Ghana (GSB)

Greece (ELOT) x

Nigeria (NSO)

Norway (NSF)Hungary (MSZH) Pakistan PSI)

Page 25: Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf ...Bauforschung Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf dem Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes und Sekretariatsführung

Sub Annual Report fear 1980

iso,-c;sc 163/2 secretariat NSF

Title of SC


Items on the TO programme of work allocated to the SC (for titles, _ee pace 4 of Annual Report)

401 — 4.3

Participation, at the end of the year Liaisons (internal and/or with IEC), at the end of the year

ISO/TC 59/SC 2Number of P-members 16 SC 3Number of 0-members 6 ISO/IC 98/SC 3

_iaisons with other international organizations, at the end of the year

Abbrev. . Abbreviated name of intern. organization A B Abbres. Abbreviated name of intern. organization B



International Councilfor Building Research,Studies and Documentation

European InsulationManufacturer's Association



Participation table, at the end of the year

P- 0- Member body P- 0- Member body P- 0- Member body










Albania (BSA)Algeria (INAPI)Australia (SAA)Austria (ON)Bangladesh (BDSI)Belgium (IBN)Brazil (ABNT)Bulgaria (DKC)Canada (SCC)Chile (INN)China (CAS)Colombia (ICONTEC)Cuba (NC)Cyprus (CYS)Czechoslovakia (CSN)Denmark (DS)Dominican Republic(DIGENOR)Egypt, Arab Rep. of (EOS)Ethiopia (ESI)Finland (SFS)France (AFNOR)Germany, F.R. (DIN) •

Ghana (GSB)Greece (ELOT)Hungary (MSZH)







India (IS))' °

Indonesia (YDNI)Iran (ISIRI)Iraq (IOS) -Ireland (I IRS)Israel (SII)Italy (UNI)Ivory Coast (BIN)Jamaica (JBS)Japan (JISC)Kenya (KEBS)Korea, Dem. P. Rep. of (CSK) 'Korea, Rep. of (KBS)Lebanon (LIBNOR)Libyan Arab Jama'h riya

(LYSSO)Malaysia (SIRIM)Mexico (DGN)Mongolia (MSC)Morocco (SNIMAINetherlands (NNI)New Zealand (SANZ)Nigeria (NSO)Norway (NSF)Pakistan (PSI)





Peru (ITINTEC)Philippines (PS)Poland (PKNiM)Portugal (DGQ)Romania (IRS)Saudi Arabia (SASO)Singapore (SISIR)South Africa, Rep. of (SABS)Spain (IRANOR)Sri Lanka (BCS)Sudan (SSD)Sweden (SIS)Switzerland (SNV)Tanzania (TBS)Thailand (TISI)Turkey (TSE)

_ United Kingdom (BSI)USA (ANSI)USSR (GOST)Venezuela (COVENIN)Viet Nam, Soc. Rep. of (TCV')Yugoslavia (JZS)

Page 26: Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf ...Bauforschung Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf dem Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes und Sekretariatsführung

Sub Annual Report for 1980

isorrc/sc 163/3 secretariat `.-C

ation, at t h e end of the year

Abbreviated name of intern. organization Abbreviated name of intern. or gan rationA^^ore 3 . A E Abbrev. A B

_ LT. I'_'r^ Europ ean InsulationManufacturers Association

Liaisons (internal and/or with IEC), at the e"a c r :ne year

_.a sons with other international organizations, at the end of the year

e of SC


an' s; on the TC procramme of work allocated to the SC (for titles, see pace 4 of Annual Report)

3.1.1, 3. 1.2

^art:c:oat on table, at the end of the year

0 Member body P- 0- Member body P- 0- Memberbody






Albania (BSA)Al geria (INAPT)Australia (SAA)Austria (ON)Bangladesh (BDSI)Belgium (IBN)Brazil (ABNT) .Bul garia (DKC)Canada (SCC)Chile (INN)China (CAS)Colombia (ICONTEC)Cuba (NC)Cyprus (CYS)Czechoslovakia (CSN)Denmark (DS)Dominican Republic(DIGENOR)E gypt, Arab Rep. of (EOS)Ethiopia (ESI)Finland (SFS)France (AFNOR)Germany, FR. (DIN)G-nana (GSB)Greece (SLOT)H un gary (M.SZH)





India (ISOIndonesia (YDNI)Iran (IS1RI)Iraq (IOS)Ireland (I IRS)Israel (SIT)Italy (UNI)Ivory Coast (BIN)

-Jamaica (JBS)Japan (JISC)Kenya (KEBS)Korea, Dem. P. Rep. of (CSK)Korea, Rep. of (KBS)Lebanon (LIBNOR)Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

(LYSSO)Malaysia (SIR1M)Mexico (DG")Mongolia (MSC)Morocco (SNIMA)Netherlands (NNI)New Zealand (SANZ)Nigeria (NSO)Norway (NSF)Pakistan (PSI)




Peru (ITINTECPhilippines (PS)Poland (PKNiM)Portugal (DGO)Romania (IRS)Saudi Arabia (SASO;Singapore (SISIR) .South Africa, Rep. of (SABS)Spain (IRANOR)Sri Lanka (BCS)Sudan (SSD)Sweden (SIS)Switzerland (SNV)Tanzania (TBS)Thailand (TISI)Turkey (TSE)United Kingdom (BSI)USA (ANSI)USSR (COST)Venezuela (CO'e'ENl%)Viet Nam, Soc. Rep. of (TCVN)Yugoslavia (JZS':

Page 27: Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf ...Bauforschung Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf dem Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes und Sekretariatsführung

Sub Annual Report for 1980

ANSIisorrc/SC 163/'+ cretar(at

c ^ : on, at the enrf of the year

,. .,,_r ` P-members 9

c` 0-members 6

c- the TO programme of work allocated to the SC (for titles, see page 4 of Annual Report)

3.1.3, 3.1.4

Liaisons (internal and/or with IEC), at the end of the year



— a sans w -n other international organizations, at the end of the year

AL rev. - Abbreviated name of intern. orcanization A B Abbrev. Abbreviated name of intern. orcanization A B

-___.___. European InsulationManufacturers Association



Pa - table, at the end of the year


Member body P- 0- Member body P- 0-


Member body )


Aldaria (BSA)

A'_eria (INAPT)

Australia (SAA)

Austria (ON)

Ban g ladesh (BDSI)

Be'gium (IBN)

Brazil (ABNT)

Bulgaria (DKC)

Canada (SCC)

Chile (INN)

China (CAS)

Colombia (ICONTEC)

Cuba (NC)

C,orus (CYS)

Czechoslovakia (CSN)

Denmark (DS)

Dominican Republic(DIGENOR)

Ec,pt, Arab Rep. of (EOS)Et-:cpia (ESI)

F'.and (SFS)a-ce (AFNOR)

Ge-nnan;, ER. (DIN) •

0 ana (GSB)

G eece (SLOT)

- ary (MSZH)





India (ISI)r

Indonesia (YDNI)

Iran (ISIRI)

Iraq (IOS)

Ireland (I IRS)

Israel (SIT)

- Italy (UNI)

Ivory Coast (BIN)

Jamaica (JBS)

Japan (JISC)

Kenya (KEBS)

Korea, Dem. P. Rep. of (CSK)

Korea, Rep. of (KBS)

Lebanon (LIBNOR)

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya


Malaysia (SIR IM)

Mexico (DGN)

Mongolia (MSC)

Morocco (SN(MA)

Netherlands (NNI)

New Zealand (SANZ)

Nigeria (NSO)

Norway (NSF)

Pakistan (PSI)






Philippines (PS)

Poland (PKNi(V1)

Portugal (DGQ)

Romania (IRS)

Saudi Arabia (SASO)

Singapore (SISIR)

South Africa, Rep. of (SASS)

Spain (IRANOR)

.Sri Lanka (BCS)

Sudan (SSD)

Sweden (SIS)

Switzerland (SNV)

Tanzania (TBS)

Thailand (TISI)

Turkey (TSE)

-United Kin gdom (BSI)USA (ANSI)


Venezuela (COVENIN)

Viet Nam, Soc. Rep. of (TCVN)

Yugoslavia (JZS)

Page 28: Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf ...Bauforschung Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf dem Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes und Sekretariatsführung


OF ISO/TC 163/SC 1

held on

at Leoni - Berg 3 (near Munich)

22 September 1980, 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.

23 September 1980, 2.00 p.m. to 6.15 p.m.

25 September 1980, 9.00 a.m. to 10.45 a.m.

Anla g e 2

zum Ergebnisbericht zum Forschungsauftrag






DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V.


DIN Deutsches Institut für

Normung e. V.

Normenausschuss Bauwesen

Burggrafenstrasse 4 - 10

D-1000 Berlin 30

January 1981

Document ISO/TC 163/SC 1


Page 29: Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf ...Bauforschung Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf dem Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes und Sekretariatsführung

ISO TC 163/SC 1 N 64 E page 2


Session Monday 22 September 1980 (afternoon)


As Chairman of SC 1, Mr Weißbach welcomed the delegates, noted that

there were some new delegations round the table, and opened the



The delegates were called out according to the provisory list of

announced delegates, the names of heads of delegations were noted

as were any delegates present but not on the provisory list. The

final list is appended to this Report (see Annex 1).


Mme. Dussaugey (France) and Mr Mortimer (Canada) were proposed; they

agreed to act as the drafting committee.


The draft agenda was adopted with the following addition, placed after

item 5:

New item: Election of chairman of SC 1.

The chairman pointed out that the following points were to be dealt

with under item 6:

1. Division of work between SC 1 and SC 3 & SC 4

(Drafting of test methods)

2. Test methods for textile floor coverings

3. Results of inquiry (documents N 51 and N 57)

4. Programme of work of SC 1

Page 30: Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf ...Bauforschung Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf dem Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes und Sekretariatsführung


N 6 4 E page 3


The report of the Secretariat is appended to this report (see Annex 2).

The delegates were in favour of the secretariat's proposal to treat

the comments from Canada, Italy and Sweden (document N 52) on the

report of the third meeting (document N 50) as a supplement to the

report and to delete the word "draft" on the cover page of document

N 50.

Mr Hollingsworth, as convener of WG 3, took this opportunity to

add that WG 3 had also met on 6th June 1980, in Paris. A written

report, numbered N 60, on this meeting was handed out.

There were no further comments on the Secretariat's Report; the report

was accepted.


Mr Weißbach was unanimously re-elected chairman of SC 1 for the

next three years (1981-83; Resolution 18). He thanked the delegates

for the confidence they placed in him.




The question of which of the three sub-coirittees was responsible for

urawing up papers on which test methods was discussed

in detail, as had been suggested by TC 163.(TC 163 had briefly

touched on this during the morning). The following documents pertained

to this: Canadian comments, N 52; letter from Mr Nolan, convener of

SC 4/WG 1, document number TC 163 N 52.

Representatives of SC 3 and SC 4 reiterated that it was not intended

to draw up documents on test methods before SC 1 had expressed agree-

ment and, if necessary, provided a certain guide-line. SC 1 was

responsible for all Standards projects in the field of test methods.

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However, according to the target dates which had been agreed on with

the working groups, the first draft porposals should be ready as

soon as April 1982, and this would necessarily influence the

preparation of certain test methods in Sc 3 and SC 4 themselves.

Sc 1 would not be in a position to deal with the additional work by

this date.

Various delegates pointed out that SC 1 and particularly the working

groups jn this sub-committee should accept the support offered

to them and the lightening of the burden of work this would entail,

since they were already over-worked. However, a statement should

naturally be sent to SC 1 for examination and comment as soon as

new projects were undertaken in SC 3 and Sc 4, in order to co-or-

dinate work and avoid duplication.

With reference to Resolution 7, passed in the previous week by

both SC 3 and SC 4, it was noted that Sc 1 was also in agreement

with the way work of the three sub-committees was being co-ordi-

nated. Co-ordination is also ensured by the fact that the chairman

of SC 1 is at the same time a member of SC 3 and SC 4.

The delegates expressed the opinion that two particular cases should

be differentiated when dealing with documents that had been prepared

by Sc 3 or SC 4 (i.e. submitting them to TC 163, registration as

D.P. etc.). Test methods can be established in separate documents,

but it is also possible for test methods to be formulated as an

inherent part of material specifications, and these cannot be

taken out of their context.

In the first case SC 1 would examine the document, comment upon

it and, if necessary, improve upon it: further proceedings would then

be conducted by SC 1 itself. In the second case SC 1 would receive

the document, examine it, but comment solely upon the section

dealing with test methods, if necessary, improving upon it: SC 1 would

then return this document to Sc 3 or SC 4, and these last would then

be responsible for further proceedings.

The Italian delegation suggested that these methods, since they

constituted the final steps of the whole process, should not be

rigidly laid down in a Resolution.

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It was agreed that, before SC 1 met the day after, some drafts for

a Resolution should be worked out which recorded the main

points of view expressed during the discussion, taking into

consideration the views of particular delegations.

Session Tuesday 23 September 1980 (afternoon)


After a draft Resolution had been read out, the chairman put

forward his own ideas concerning the procedure of reciprocal

agreement to be gone through before embarking on the preparation

of documents:

- A list of Standards projects on test methods that SC 3 and

SC 4, or their Working Groups, intended to prepare would be

sent to SC 1 for written comment.

- Should SC 1 agree, it would immediately inform

SC 3 and SC 4 or their working groups.

- Should single members have certain reservations,

these should be communicated to SC 3, SC 4 or the

working groups in question so that these last can

correspond directly with the member country concerned

and discuss any necessary alterations.

- Should grave reservations be expressed in writing, the

project concerned should be discussed at the next

SC 1 meeting and a decision taken.

The Italian delegation expressed the opinion that however correct

this might be formally, it could well lead to a serious loss of

time. Should this be the content of the draft Resolution, Italy

would abstain from voting.

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The draft Resolution which had already been read out was put to

an informative vote, and all delegations - with the exception

of Denmark and Italy, who abstained - expressed their agreement

on its content, with the proviso that the final formulation was

yet to be made (Resolution 17).

The convener of SC 3/WG 1, Mr Dalton, and SC 4/WG 1, Mr Nolan,

had prepared hand-written lists of material properties: these

lists had been handed out and formed the basis of a discussion

on which sub-committees were responsible for preparing which

test methods.

For "Batts & Blankets and Boards for Roofs", SC 3/WG 1 advocated

the following allocation:

Thermal conductivity /R-Value: SC 1 (but TC 163 responsible for

discussing fundamental


Vermin and Fungus SC 3/SC 4

Odour SC 3/SC 4

Corrosion SC 3/SC 4 (for the time being)

Tensile Strength

SC 3/SC 4

Thermal Stability of

Binders SC 3/SC 4

Length of Batts

Width of Batts j SC 3/SC 4Thickness principally in SC 3/SC 4, possibly in

separate WG; however also to be

considered for SC 1 and SC 2

Squareness SC 3/SC 4

Shot Content (for fibre): SC 3/SC 4

Compression Strength SC 3/SC 4

For 'Pipe Insulation & Slabs (Mineral fibre or Calcium Silicate)", SC 4/

WG 1 considered the following allocation suitable:

Thermal Transfer Proper-

ties at a wide range of

temperatures SC 1

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ISO/TO 163/SC 1 N 64 E page 7

Maximum Service

Temperature Sc 4, possibly separate WG

Corrosive Properties SC 3/SC 4 (for the time being)

Compressive Strength SC 3/SC 4


Width SC 3/sc 4Thickness

Wall Thickness J separate WG suggested

Internal Diameter SC 3/SC 4

External Diameter SC 3/SC 4

(Possibly) Shot

Content (Pearls) SC 3/SC 4

It was pointed out that if a particular property is allocated to

SC 3 or SC 4, these Sub-committees can if necessar y take recourse

to extant national Standards on test methods.

The pre paration of test methods for some particular properties was

discussed in detail. Various delegations emphasized that "Corrosion"

was significant not only for specially treated materials dealt

with in SC 3/WG 1 and SC 4/WG 1, but also for a whole range of

other materials. Therefore it was expedient to standardize a

general test method which would be generally applicable: however,

SC 1 alone would be responsible for this.

The chairman suggested -waiting until work on special test

procedures had been done in SC 3 and SC 4 before SC 1 standardizes

a general test method, should this be thought necessary: this

suggestion was accepted.

"Thickness" was also considered a property whose significance

was broader than could be done justice to within SC 3 and SC 4,

who were concerned with specific fields. "Thickness", considered

as a basis for a number of methods, calculations, etc., should in

fact also be a subject for a general test method, responsiblity

for the preparation of which would be carried by Sc 1. But per-

haps it would also be possible for SC 1 simply to take the fundamental

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ISO/TC 163/SC 1 N 64

decisions, that is to say to determine, for example, which

method of measurement would be most suitable , which method of

evaluation should be uniformly applied: the actual elaboration

of the document would then be undertaken by SC 3 and SC 4. For

example, only SC 1 can determine whether or rz should bemeasured at the same thickness of sample - i.e. either always

with or always without loading.

The convener of SC 2/WG 3, Mr Moy, pointed out that the subject

of "thickness" must also be dealt with within this WG.

Since all four sub-committees have to deal to differing degrees

with the question of thickness, many delegations were of the

opinion that documents discussed in SC 3 and SC 4 should be

circulated to all sub-committees and their working groups for

their information; this would promote an exchange of ideas.

The French delegation expressed the view that, bearing in mind

the wide scope of the material property "thickness", a new, separate

WG should be established to tackle the question of adopting a

test method.

It was replied that, firstly, working groups dealing with "thick-

ness" already existed, and secondly the work capacity of the

delegations would hardly permit them to participate in yet another


It would therefore seem sensible to co-ordinate work and exchange

experience gained by having certain members partici pate in more

than one working group: this would naturally be in addition to

agreements reached by correspondance. For example, a member of

SC 2/WG 3 - this group had been mentioned by France - was to

take part in the WG concerned principally with test methods.

To round off the discussion on the preparation of a test method

for thickness, it was concluded that chiefly SC 3 and SC 4 should

be responsible for this subject, at least for the time being.

They should also be the ones to decide if a new WG should be

created or if an extant WG should take over the work. Sc 1 was

of the opinion that no new WG should be created for the time being.

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The French proposal, which was reiterated since France regarded

a personal liaison insufficient, should be discussed again at

some future time.

In this context it was pointed out that formally it scarcely

mattered if a new WG was attached directly to TO 163 or to

one of the Sub-committees.

The subject of "Maximum Service Temperature", mentioned in

the list of SC 4/WG 1, would also necessitate the establish-

ment of a new WG within SC 1, the French delegation opined.

France would be prepared to provide a convener.

Sc 1 agreed that this point, along with the question of

"thickness", would only be finally decided on at the next

meeting. Resolution 17, whose content had been approved,

offered sufficient leeway for it to be possible to carry

out a provisory distribution of, and agreement on, the

documents to be prepared.

Which test methods should be dealt with in Standards devoted

solely to a particular test method, and which should be dealt

with together with material specifications was still undecided,

and should remain so until SC 3 and SC 4 had presented the rele-

vant D.P.s. Also to be examined at a later date is the question of

which properties as yet not listed should be taken up by SC 1,

SC 3 or SC 4 (e.g. ageing, settlement, moisture absorption,

behaviour under pressure, and similar matters: cf. item 6.4

of the agenda).

The French delegation remarked that SC 3/WG 1 alone had more

individual subjects to deal with than the whole of SC 1; it

was countered that SC 1, together with its work which first

of all concerns the ensemble of thermal test methods, would

also, as agreed, observe and support all other activities.


lowing on an inquiry addressed first to ISO/TC 163 and sub-

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ISO/TC 163/SC 1 N 64 E page 10

sequently also to ISO/TC 38/SC 12/WG 2 "Methods of test

for textile floor coverings", Sc 1 briefly went through the

question of test methods for measuring the thermal resistance

of textile floor coverings.

Mr De Ponte read out a commentary he had already sent to the

Secretariat of ISO/TC 38/SC 1 at the beginning of September

1980, in his capacity as convene i_ (Q. ISO/TC 163/SC 1/WG 2.

Sc 1 confirmed that still no special method for this test

existed. It would however be conceivable that, as long as

specific boundary conditions were observed, those test methods

prepared by Sc 1 employing a guarded hot plate, guarded hot

box or heat flow meter could inprincile be applied to

textile floor coverings. ISO/TC 38/SC 12 itself should there-

fore not develop its own test methods, but should, if necessary,

take recourse to appropriate methods developed by SC 1: to this

purpose SC 12 should inform SC 1 for what particular properties

of textile floor coverings (among other things, thickness) the

above methods should be specified.

Mr Dr Ponte drew the delegates' attention to the fact that textile

floor coverings contribute relatively little to the thermal

insulation of an entire ceiling construction, and submitted that

these was thus little point in undertaking exact and expensive

measurements of their thermal resistance. It was very probable

that stating a value for thermal resistance was less a matter of

physical properties than a commercial consideration.


The chairman suggested that the replies to the inquiry (document

N 51), which had been compiled to make up document N 57, should

not yet be discussed. This last document was to be regarded as

purely informative, for the attention of individual members,

yet it could if necessary be discussed at a later point.

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The members of SC 1 were invited to submit suggestions and

propositions for new subjects, or for the creation of new

working groups within SC 1, to the Secretariat of SC 1. Reference

was made to document SC 1 N 40, which contains a range of

proposals for standardization and which could well serve as

a basis for suggestions (see also document ISO/TC 163 N 48).

Mr Nevander, chairman of ISO/TC 163, requested that suggestions

for new subjects should be made in the form of actual titles

for standards; this would make it easier to discuss and determine

priorities. Suggestions put forward would be compiled and

sent to all delegations so they could be discussed at the

next meeting.




Mr Eckert, the convener, informed the delegates that the

third version of a working draft had been drawn up, as had

been decided at a meeting of this WG on 3 , Zune 1980 in Paris:

it had however not been possible to complete the entire

v_ document. At the moment, the document was still in the hands

of the WG members, with whom he would briefly discuss the

position here in Leoni.

A complete draft proposal would, he said, be ready by the

next SC 1 meeting.

It transpired that a DIS, planned completion date June 1981,

would not be ready by this date. (see also 7.1, continuation

of meeting on 25/9/80.)


M r De Pon e, the convener, gave an account of the decisions

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reached at the joint meeting with WG 5 from 20 to 22 February

1980 in Munich and of the work undertaken since then. Document

N 53, the report of this meeting, provides detailed information

on this. In order to demonstrate what stage the work had reached,

Mr De Ponte drew the delegates' attention to a working draft,

N 58, and emphasized that the plan for the whole paper and for the

three sections had the approval of WG 2.

The same could be said for the corresponding working draft

of WG 5, and it had seemed expedient to undertake detailed

work on sections I and III of these two papers jointly,

since there were considerable similarities; a task force,

formed of members of both WG 2 and WG 5, had met to this

effect on 26 and 27 June 1980, in Milan.


(order altered)

Here Mr Fournier, the convener, had the opportunity of

adding some information concerning the joint work of WG 2 and

WG 5 of particular significance for WG 5. Attention was drawn

to documents N 55 (WG 5 - Minutes) and N 59 (WG 5 - Working

Draft No 3).

Mr Fournier informed the delegates that the afore-mentioned

task force would continue its work at the end of October 1980,

in Munich. As far as WG 5 was concerned, it was conceivable

that the work would reach completion in the autumn or towards

the end of 1981.

The conveners pointed out certain changes in the membership

of WG 2 and WG 5 which could be gathered from the list of

members contained in N 53 and N 55. Mr Klarsfeld would in future

take part in both working groups.

Following a request of the convener, SC 1 agreed that Mr Ziebland

(representative of the U.K.) would still be regarded a member of

WG 2 because of his wide-ranging experience, despite the fact that

he was now living in Austria and could therefore not attend national

BSI meetings.

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Mr Shirtliffe, in his capacity as chairman of Sc 3 and SC 4,

brought up the question of the collateral preparation of the

standards on materials and those on test methods, and the proposed

target dates for completion. He feared it would not be possible

for both to reach completion at the same time.

Mr De Ponte replied that WG 2 could not give an exact completion

date for their documents. The work to be covered, presented to

the delegates in the shape of document N 58, was still

progressing, but its completion could not be tied down to a precise


Mr Fournier added that efforts were being undertaken to render

the documents more concise, but that this was difficult of


7.1 WG 1 (continued)

Mr Eckert presented a document, N 61, which was the result of a brief

meeting of WG 1 on the evening of 23rd September 1980, in Leoni, andexplained the future programme of work for WG 1. A fourth working

draft, to be drawn up step by step, would be discussed at a meeting

planned to take place on 12th June 1981, in London; it was then

intended to have the paper completed and ready for discussion in

Sc 1 by the end of 1981.

Mr Eckert informed those present that he was going into retirement

on 31st December 1980 and thus would resign as convener. WG 1 had

unanimously nominated Mr Helge H0yer as his successor.

Following the nomination of the working group, Mr Helge Hq3yer was

appointed convener of WG 1 (Resolution 19).

The chairman thanked Mr Eckert on behalf of all delegates for the

work he had done and wished him all the best for the future.

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The convener, Mr Hollingsworth, indicated that the results

of the discussion of the WG 3 meeting, held on 6th June 1980,

could be found in the report (N 60) which had already been

handed out, and added that a brief informative talk had taken

place on the morning of 25th September 1980, with those members

of WG 3 who were present (see also Annex 3).

• Mr Hollingsworth particularly emphasized the following points

covered in their talks:

- Comments on the report, N 60, and above all on the

present working draft of WG 3 should be submitted

no later than 15/1/1981.

- This draft would be reworked in the light of these


- At the moment, 2 meetings of WG 3 were planned:

End of March/Beginning of April 1981,

U.S.A. (Colorado Springs)

8th June 1981, London.

- completion of a DP by about the end of 1981

- not possible to give a target date for DIS as yet

- only 5 members now in WG 3

- All countries were requested to send new Standards or

draft Standards on pipe insulation to the convener

(e.g. a draft had been prepared in Sweden).

Mr Fournier advocated co-ordinating the activities of WG 3 and

WG 5, since the subjects had some common ground (heat flow meter

for pipe insulation).

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Note was taken of this proposition, which is, if necessary, to be

discussed at the next SC 1 meeting, by which time further results

from these two working groups will be available.


The convener, Mr Bankvall, outlined the fourth meeting of SG 4,

which had taken place on 23rd September 1980, in Leoni (see

also report of this meeting, N 63). The discussions had focussed

on a revision of DP 6781.2, "Infrared method for qualitative

detection of thermal irregularities in building envelopes", which

had been carefully reworked in the light of comments received.

This new version, upon which WG 4 would again vote, was then

to be submitted to SC 1 for further treatment, probably in about

March 1981. WG 4 had agreed on sending on the revised version,

DP 6781.3, letter ballot, with the aim of publishing it as an

International Standard.

WG 4 would also be prepared to revise the International Standard

within three years after its publication, should this be necessary.

Secondly the plan for the "Report of Experience" had been discussed

and completed. Discussions on this point would probably reach their

conclusion at a meeting towards the end of March 1981, in Vienna,

the intention being that a proposal for an ISO Technical Report

should be ready by autumn 1981, which was then to be sub-

mitted to SC 1 for further treatment.

So it looked as though the D.P. and the "Report of Experience"

had reached the stage where it could be said that the D.I.S.,

and the Technical Report would reach completion at the same


The question of membership had, according to Mr Bankvall, become

something of aproblemwithin WG 4. The meetings had taken place

without a full complement, different members and observers had

been in attendance at different meetings. This had not proved

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ISO/TO 163/SC 1 N 64 E page 16

advantageous for the discussions. Each member of WG 4 should

therefore reconsider his membership.


The convener, Mr Powell, imparted that WG 6 had met twice

for brief talks, first on 22 September in Berlin, and then

here in Leoni, on 24 September. On these occasions further

agreements on the wide-ranging programme of measurement,

already in hand, had been discussed.

He outlined this programme at length; the main points follow

(not all details have been included; if necessary, the con-

vener can be asked):

- three materials of varying bulk density and of

varying thickness, dimensions and air space,

- the U.S.A. to deliver the samples to 12 groups

with eight to twelve laboratories each (8 groups

for GHP and 4 groups for HFM; in total 20 countries

and 110 laboratories are taking part),

- test with GHP at 3 mean temperatures (10° C,

23° C, -40° C),

- test with HFM at 1 mean temperature (23.9° C).

WG 6 hoped that the first measurement data would be available

during 1981, and that a discussion could then take place within

the WG (e.g. about the possibility of statistical evaluation).

Mr Powell could not as yet answer with exactitude a question

concerning the temperature gradient employed for the measurements.

20° or 30° C was, in his opinion, the most expedient. In any

case the influence of the temperature gradient on the measurements

was not particularly substantial. The chairman recommended that

a uniform value for the temperature gradient should be laid down

for all laboratories, as had been done with mean temperatures.

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The Italian delegation considered that only the mean temperatures

should be uniformly determined; all other conditions would

have to be selected by the individual laboratories according

to given local meteorological factors.

It was added that, for the purposes of measurement with HFM,

only one mean temperature had been decided upon, since there

were only a few laboratories in a position to apply other

temperatures. The number of these laboratories was however not

large enough to enable a statistical evaluation of the measurements

to be carried out.

The reports of all the working groups were accepted.

The chairman thanked the working groups for the work they had done,

and requested minutes of the WG meetings to be sent to the

Secretariat as speedily as possible so they could be distributed

to all members.


So that the working groups have the possibility of meeting three

times before SC 1 meets again, the next SC 1 meeting will take

place in one and a half years at the earliest. It was thought

suitable to hold this next meeting at a date close to that of

the SC 3 and SC 4 meetings, planned to take place from 4th to

7th May 1982, in Copenhagen.

At the invitation of the U.K., the next SC 1 meeting is thus to

take place, in conjunction with a SC 2 meeting, from 10th to

14th May 1982, in England (probably in London). Each sub-committee

should have at least two full days at its disposal; the exact

timetable is to be established in due time, as soon as the volume

of work to be dealt with is known.

So that the individual WG documents can be studied - on a national

level - before SC 1 meets, the discussions within each WG should be

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ISO/TC I83/SC 1 N 64 5 page 18

completed well beforehand. It has not proved practical to hold WG

meetings directly before or even during SC 1 meetings, since the

documents can then no longer be got ready in time for discussion

at the SC 1 meeting. Previous experience has also shown that

if WG meetings are held in conjunction with SC 1 meetings, a relative-

ly large number of observers attend the WG meetings and this

affects the progress of work unfavourably. Such WG meetings should

thus only be called as a supplementary measure, if it proves



None of the delegates asked leave to speak.


Resolution 17, the content of which had already been approved

(see 6.1) was read out in its final form and, after a slight

alteration had been made, was passed unanimously.

The re-election of the chairman and the confirmation of the new

WG 1 convener were to be set down in two draft resolutions,

No 18 and 19, and then sent to the members for their written approval.

The chairman, Mr Weißbach, thanked the delegates for their willing-

ness to discuss matters and for the work they had done, thanked

Ms Alenfeld for her excellent interpreting, and closed the




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Annex 1 to document ISO/TC 1( 'C 1 N 64

List of delegates


Mr. G. Weißbach Staatl. Materialprüfungsamt Nordrhein-Westfalen.Dortmund


Mrs. J. Lang Versuchsanstalt für Wärme- und Schalltechnikam Technologischen Gewerbemuseum, Vienna


Mr. L. Troussart Pittsburg Corning, Tessenderlo


Mr. G. DaltonMr. P. MillMr. R. MortimerMr. G. OvstaasMr. C. Shirtliffe

Fiberglas Canada Ltd., Sarnia, OntarioBuiltworks Technology, Ottawa, OntarioOntario Research Foundation, Mississauga, OntarioOntario Research Foundation, Mississauga, "Building Research, National Research Council,Ottawa, Ontario

Beijing Research Institute of FRP, BeijingHenan Research Institute of BuildingMaterials, Zhenzhou

Technological Institute, TastrupDanish Standards Association, HellerupRockwool International A/S, HedehuseneDanish Association of heat insulating materialmanufacturers, Hedehusene


Mr. Wen He-Yang *Mr. Lin Song-lin


Mr. E. Eckert *Mr. J. DufourMr. H. HcyerMr. T. TOndering


Mr. O. Riiho A. Ahlström Oy, Karhula


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Annex 1 to document ISO/TC 163/SC 1 N b4

- page 2 -


Mme. C. DussaugeyM. D. FournierM. M. HyrienM. J.C. Mar'&chalM. M. MoyeM. G. Venuti


Mr. R. Jenisch *Mr. J. Achtziger

Mr. K.H. Bode

Mr. W. Cammerer

Mr. F. FischerMr. U. SchroepelMr. H. WagnerMr. H. Zehendner


Mr. K.V. Guruswami *Mr. R.P. Punj


Mr. F. De Ponte


Mr. S. Fujii *Mr. Y. MiyakeMr. Y KawaiMr. H. Shimizu

AFNOR, ParisISOVER Saint Gobain, RantignyISOVER Saint Gobain,Neuilly-sur-SeineCEBTP, ParisCSTP, Marne-la-Vall6eLNE, Paris

Institut für Bauphysik, StuttgartForschun gsinstitut für Wärmeschutz e.V. MOn(GräfelfingPhysikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt,BraunschweigForschungSinstitut für Wärmeschutz e.V. München,GräfelfingBASF Aktiengesellschaft, LudwigshafenVKI Rheinhold & Mahla AG, MannheimGrünzweig + Hartmann Montage GmbH, LudwigshafenForschungsinstitut für Wärmeschutz e.V. München,Gräfelfing

Indian Oil Corporation, MathuraPunj Sons Pct. Ltd, New Delhi

Istituto Fisica Tecnica, Padova

Shibaura Institute of Technology, TokyoEKO Instruments Trading Co., Ltd. TokyoAsahi Fiber Glass Co., Ltd.Nippon Steel Chemical Co., Ltd.


Mr. A.C. Verhoeven *Mr. H. OldengarmMr. E. Tammes

Delft University of Technology, DelftTechn. Phys. Dienst TNO-TH, DelftBouwcentrum, Rotterdam

- 3 -

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Annex 1 to document ISO/TC 163/SC 1 N 64

- page 3 -


Mr. A. Tveit


Mr. C. Bankvall *

Mr. G. JohannessonMr. B. Pettersson

Mr. V. Sjödin


Mr. R. Sagelsdorff *

Mr. C. Roulet


Mr. P. CornishMr. A. LoudonMr. J. Nolan


Mr. R. Tye *Mr. A. GrothMr. M. HollingsworthMr. F. Powell

Norwegian Building Research Institute,Trondheim

The National Testing Institute in Sweden,BorasLund Institute of Technology, LundThe National Testing Institute in Sweden,StockholmRockwool AB, Skövde

EMPA, Eidg. Materialprüfungs- undVersuchsanstalt, DübendorfEPF, Ecole Polytechnique F601:eralo de Lausanne

Building Research Establishment, GlasgoqConultant, GlasgowPilkington Brothers Ltd., St. Helens

Energy Materials Testing Laboratory, BiddefordNational Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C-Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., Granville, OhioNational Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C.


Mr. M. Cvetkovi. * Institute for Testing Materials, BeogradMr. J. Papkovi Building Institute, Zagreb


Mr. W. Linander


Mrs. Alenfeld


Roskilde, Denmark

Mr. W. Appelt, Mrs. Baus, Mrs. Torwey-VogeDIN, Berlin

= Head of delegation

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Annex 2 to document ISO/TC 163/SC 1 N 64

Report of the Secretariat - Item 5 of the agenda

Since the last meeting of Sub-Committee 1 held in MilanoSeptember 1979, Switzerland changed its membership from0-Member to P-Member. India joined Sub-Committee 1as a P-Member.Our Committee actually consists of 16 P-Members and6 0-Members.

P-Members are:

Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, India,Italy, Japon, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland,United Kingdom, USA and USSR.

0-Members are: Australia, China, Finland, Israel, Mexico andSouth Africa. 1)

There had been no changes in the liaisons which actually consistwith CIB and EURIMA.

As to the draft report of the third meeting - document N 50 -the Secretariat received comments from Canada, Italy and Sweden,distributed as document N 52. If the delegations agree tothe proposed amendments, we suggest document N 52 beregarded as a supplement to the report and to delete the word"draft" on the cover page.

As we received no comments, the resolutions 13 to 15 taken inMilano by SC 1 are approved.

According to the draft agenda this fourth assembly in Leoni hasbeen arranged especially to exchange information between SC 1and its Working Groups. The responsible conveners of the sixWorking Groups will have the opportunity to report on thestate of work within their respective groups. Therefore, I wouldonly refer to the following:

Working Group 1 had a meeting in Paris in June 1980 and theWorking Groups 2 and 5 had a joint meeting in Munich in February1980 and a task force-meeting in Milan in June 1980. FurtherWorking Group-meetings are not known to us.

Minutes of the joint meeting mentioned before have beendistributed as SC 1 documents N 53 and N SS.

You already know that the documents N 58 and 59 have been partlyrevised and therefore can be considerd for information only.Details to these documents will be given to you by the convenersMr. De Ponte and Mr. Fournier.

1) The present Yugoslavian delegation was asked to clarify whetherYugoslavia wants to be a P- Member or an 0-Member in SC 1.


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Annex 2 to document ISO/TC 163 /SC 1 N 64

- page 2 -

The second version of the Draft Proposal 6781 -result ofWorking Group 4 - has been submitted to the Members of ISO/TC 163for consideration. Working Group 4 will meet on Wednesday thisweek here in Leoni.

According to resolution 13 taken in Milan,the Secretariat madean inquiry to collect information about the standardizationwork within different countries (see document N 51). Thesummary of the replies has been given in document N 57.

22 September 1980

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Annex 3 to document ISO TC 163/SC 1 N 64


ISO/TC163 Thermal InsulationSC1 Test and Measurement Methods

WG3 Pipe Insulation-MethodsMarion Hollingsworth, Convener

Report of Informal MeetingLeoni (Munich), W. Germany 1980-09-25With Additional Comments by the Convener

A brief informal meeting of the working group was held at 0830h onThursday, September 25, 1980 just prior to the session of SC1.

Members in attendance:

Marion Hollingsworth, USA, ConvenerRichard A. Mortimer, CanadaHorst Zehendner, W. Germany

Members absent:

Sorin Klarsfeld, FranceGeorge Hoy, UK

These items were discussed:

1) Two Documents had been distributed:

N3E Second Draft of Standard for Pipe InsulationsN4E Report of Meeting, Paris, France, June 6, 1980 (also nowdesignated ISO/TC163/SC1/N60E. Note that N4E was incorrectlydesignated as N2E which is the report of the previous meeting atMilan). It was agreed that members are to submit any commentson these two documents to the convener by 1981-01-15 who willthen prepare revised drafts as necessary.

2) Pi e Insulation Draft - Sweden

A draft pipe insulation standard was reported being prepared bySweden. Copies of this draft will be sent to all members of WG3as soon as it is received by the convener who will also welcomecomments on it.

3) Future Meetings

A meeting of WG3 will be held at the British StandardsInstitution in London on Monday, June 8, 1981. Details of themeeting will be sent to members after arrangements with BSI are

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1°, evt-.4:401

page 2 of Annex 3 to document ISO/TC 163/SC 1 N 64


made and the progress of the revised draft is more certain.Additional meetings being held the same week at BSI includeTC163/WG1 - Terminology June 9, 10, 11 and SC1/WG1 - Hot BoxesJune 12.

The possibility of holding a meeting of WG3 at Colorado Springs,CO, USA in conjunction with the ASTM/DOE Thermal PerformanceConference scheduled for March 30 - April 1, 1981 was alsodiscussed. However at the October ASTM C-16 meeting thisconference was postponed until late in 1981 and the ASTM meetingwas rescheduled for March 30 through April 2. Since Europeanmembers may not now come to the USA in March/April 1981 thequestion of a WG3 meeting at that time will be decided byfurther correspondence.

Report prepared by

Marion Hollingsworth, Jr.Convener of ISO/TC163/SC1/WG31980-10-20

Copies sent to WG3 members, to the secretariats of SC1 and TC163 andto others interested in the work of WG3.

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Postal address


Telephone Telex

Nat 02 - 35 50 20 190 50 nsf nInt 1- 47 2 35 50 20

ISO/TC 163 -Thermal insulation/SC 2 -Calculation methods

g e 3 zum Ergebnisbericht

zum ForsOun g sauftrag Az: B I 5 - 80 01 80 - 19Secretariat NORWAY

our date our reference

1980-10-10your date

ISO/ C 2N51yUreWa



List of delegates.

List of documents.

Summary of the discussions.

Annex I - ISO/TC 163/SC 2 doc.Annex II -ISO/TC 163/SC 2 doc.

N 49 - Report from WG 1.N 48 - Report from WG 2.

Annex III-ISO/TC 163/SC 2 doc. N 50 - Adopted resolutions.

For consideration and reply as quickly as possible, andin any case by 5 December 1980.


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ISO/TC 163/SC 2


Mr. Trossart

Postal address


Telephone Telex

Nat 02 - 35 50 20 190 50 nsf nlot 1 472 15. 5n 20

Secretariat NORWAY

our date our reference

your date your reference


The University of TrondheimThe Norwegian Institute of Technology

Staatliche Versuchanstalt für Wärmeund Schalltechnik am TechnologischenGewerbmuseum in Wien

Pittsburg Corning, Tessenderlo

National Research Council, OttawaNational Research Foundation,MississaugaOntario Research FoundationMississauga

Technological Institute, CopenhagenDanish Standards Association, HellerupRockwool International A/S, CopenhagenDanish Association of heat insulatingmaterial manufacturers


Prof. H. Granum



Mrs. J. Lang


Mr. C. ShirtliffeMr. G. Ovstaas

Mr. R. Mortimer


Mr. E. EckertMr. J. DufourMr. H. HOyerMr. H. TOndering

underlines means Head of Delegation


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Mr. M. Moy6 Mme. DussaugeyMr. M. HyrienMr. P. LouvetMr. J.C. Mar6chal


Mr. K. Gertis . Mr. Jenisch

Mr. LahrMr. H. Wagner

Mr. G. Weizzbach


Mr. K.V. Guruswami Mr. R.P. Punj


Mr. M. Cali

Mr. L. AgnolettoMr. G. GuglielminiMr. A. PassoniMr. A. Sacchi

CSTB, ParisAFNOR, ParisIsover, Saint Gobains, RantignyIsover, Saint Gobains, RantignyCEBTP, Paris

Universität EssenInstitut far Bauphvsik, StuttgartInstitut far Bautechnik, BerlinGrünzweig & Hartmann Montage GnbH,LudwigshafenStaatl. MaterialprüfungsamtNordrhein-Westfalen, Dortmund

Indian Oil CorporationM/S Punj Sons Pvt. Ltd.

Istituto di Fiscica TecnicaPolitecnico di TorinoUniversity of PaduaIstituto di Fiscica Tecnica, GenovaBalzaretti Modigliani, MilanoPolicenico, Torino


Mr. S. Fujii Mr. Y. MiyakeMr. Y. KawaiMr. H. Shimizu


Mr. A.C. VerhoevenMr. E. Tammes


Mr. A. TveitMr. 0. Lyng

Shibaura Institute of TechnologyEKO Instruments Trading Co., Ltd.Asahi Fiber Glass Co., Ltd.Nippon Steel Chemical Co. Ltd.

University of Technology, DelftBouwcentrum, Rotterdam

Norwegian Building Reseach InstituteNorwegian Council for BuildingStandardization, Oslo

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- 3 ISO/TC 163/SC


Mr. G. Johannesson Lund Institute of Technology, LundMr. V. Sjödin Rockwool AB, Skövde


Mr. R. Sagelsdorff

Mr. C. Roulet

EMPA, Eidg. Materialprüfungs-undVersuchsanstalt, Section BuildingPhysics, Dübendorf.

EPF, Ecole Polytechnique F6d6ralede Lausanne, Laboratöire Mat6riauxPierreux, Lausanne.


Mr. A Loudon ConsultantMr. J. Cornish Building Reseach Establishment, GlasgowMr. J. Nolan Pilkington Bros. Ltd. St. Helens


Mr. F. Powell

Mr.L.A. StengerMr. F. Wilson

National Bureau of Standards,Washington D.C.Owens Corning Fiberglas, Granville, OhioOwens Corning Fiberglas, Granville, Ohio

CHINA (0-Member)

Mr. W. He-Yang

Beijing Research Institute f FRPMr. L. Song-Lin

Henan Research Institute of BuildingMaterials

FINLAND (0-Member)

Mr. O. Riiho A. Ahlström Oy, Karhüla •


Mr. M. Cvetkovic Instutute of Testing Materials, BeogradMr. J. Papkovic Building Institute, Zagreb

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ISO/TC 163/SC 2



Mr. C. Kupke


Mr. W. Linander

Fraunhofer-Institut air Bauphysik



Mr. L.E. Nevander Lund Institute of Technolog y , LundMr. M. Andersson Building Standards Institute, Stockholm.

Secretariat of ISO/TO 163/SC 2

Mr. H. Eide Norwegian Council for BuildingStandardization, Oslo


Mr. W. AppeltMs. H. BausMrs. M. Terwey-Vogel


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Postal address


;; 5 - Norwv

Telephone Telex

Nat 02 - 35 50 20 190 50 nst nInt f 47 2 35 50 20

— 5 —

ISO/TC 163 - Thermal insulation/SC 2 - Calculation methods


our date our reference


ISO/TO 163/SC 2your date your reference


42 E/F Notice of meeting of ISO/TO 163/SC 2

1980-06-05Fourth meeting 23, 24 and 25 September 1980in Leoni (near Münich), German y , F.R.

43 E/F Report on comments to ISO/DP 6946 1980-08-07

44 E/F Thermal insulation - Calculation rules. 1980-07-11Part 1: Fundamental rules for the steadystate thermal transmission in building

45 E/F Preliminary report on activities in 1980-07-17other international bodies concerningenergy requirements

46 E/F Proposal for work on rules for total 1980-08-07energy requirements of buildings

47 E/F Program of work 1980-08-05

48 E Report by ISO/TO 163/SC 2/WG 2"Calculation methods, non-steady state"

49 E ISO/TC 163/SC 2/WG 1 - Draft standard forthe calculation of thermal bridges

50 E/F Adopted resolutions from the fourthmeeting of ISO/TC 163/SC 2

51 E Draft report from the fourth meeting ofISO/TC 163/SC 2





. 1980-10-10

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6 ISO/TC 163/SC 2


1. Opening of the meeting (Thuesday afternoon,23.Sept)

The meeting was opened by the chairman Professor H.Granumwho welcomed the delegates to the fourth meeting ofISO/TO 163/SC 2.

2. Roll call of delegates.

The roll call was conducted by the secretary. To save time,only the head of delegation from P-members and one personfrom 0-members and liaisons members were called for.

A complete list of all the delegates is to be found at thebeginning of this report.

3. Appointment of the drafting committee

The following were appointed

Mr. C.Moye (French)Mr. J. Nolan (English)Mr. H. Eide (Secretariat)

4. Adoption of the agenda

The chairman felt that doc ISO/TC 163-N50 should be discussedbecause of the-discrepancies between this document and ISO R31/ IV . He suggested to have this discussion as item 6.b, on ‘,the agenda. Since the chairman's period had terminated, hesuggested to handle this under item 13 on the agenda.

With these comments the agenda was adopted.

5. Report of the Secretariat

Since the third meeting of ISO/TC 163/Sc 2 in Milan, September1979, SC 2 has got three new members. China as 0-member,India as P-member and Yugoslavia as 0-member. One member,Switzerland has changed from 0-member to P-member. With thesechanges SC 2 should have 16 P-members and 6 0-members.


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To this meeting the documents N 43E/F, N 44 E/F, N 45 E/F,N 46 E and N 47 E had been prepared and distributedaccording to ISO-rules, while the documents N 46 F andN 47 F unfortunately had been delayed.

At the meeting two moore documents had been distributed.Document N 48 - Report by WG 2 and document N 49 -Report byWG 1.

6. Report from working groups

6.1. WG 1 - Thermal bridges

Professor Verhoeven presented the report from WG 1.The report is given in doc. N 49, see annex 1.

Verhoeven pointed out that the first draft standard forthe calculation of thermal bridges contained rules onlyfor thermal brigdes of type 1. Many computer calculations areneeded to prepare similar drafts for other types.The accuracy of the calculated surface temperature shouldbe within 1 to 1,5 ° C.

It was mentioned that because of condensation problems, anaccuracy of 1 C for the surface temperature was wanted.

Some delegates wanted to have heat losses calculated per meterthermal bridge.

It was agreed that written comment to the First DraftStandard for the calculation of thermal bridges, should besent the convenor of WG 1 and the Secretariat before theend of 1980.

6.2 WG 2 - Non Steady State

Professor Gertis presented the report from WG 2.The report is given in doc. N 48, see annex 2.

By mistake, the secretariat had distributed also for WG 2internal papers that was not meant to be a part of doc.N 48.

Thus, the report from WG 2 shall be, one page only, as givenin annex 2.

Gertis told that the WG had found it reasonable to developone fundamental standard and from that one derive a standardfor summer conditions, etc. The program of work indicatingpriority for summer conditions still apply.


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8 ISO/TO 163/SC 2

It was mentioned that liason should be establishedwith IEA. It was, however, pointed out that this wasnot easy and that they worked with rather huge computerprograms. WG2 hope to present its first draft prepared fora standard before the end of 1981.

6.3 WG 3 - Practical thermal characteristics

Mr. Moye presented the report from WG 3. The WG wasestablished February 1980, and has 10 members.

The first meeting was held in Paris, 22. May 1980, whereinformation was exchanged regarding the insulation practicein the different countries.

The second meeting was to take place in Holzkirchen immediatelafter the meetings of ISO/TC 163.

It was asked whether corrections -of practical characteristicswould be given both for steady and non-steady state. Such.information would be of interest also to WG 2.

6.4 WG 4 - Technical insulating.

Mr. Nolan presented the report from WG 4. He appologi edthat so far this had been only a group, and hoped that itsoon would be a working group.

As a basis for the work, the following documents werementioned:

ISO/TC 163/SC 2 - N 34ASTM - C 680.

The name of WG 4 was changed to,

"Industrial calculations"

Wednesday, 24.September

6.b. Discussion of terminology, doc TO 163/N 50 The discrepancies between doc. N50 and ISO R 31/IV were com-mented. One country had used the term specific thermal resi-stance in a draft standard circulated for comments and gotthe answer that the word specific should be deleted.


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- 9 - ISO/TC 163/SC 2

Most countries used the words thermal resistance definedas m2 K/W. The desireability of assigning the symbol R forthis quantity was stressed.

There seemed to be a general op inion that definitions used• in this field of work should not be dictated by a group

dominated by scientists in electrical and generalengineering.

Some mentioned that areal resistance or resistance perunit area could be used.

It was also questioned whether we needed the.thermalresistance defined as K/W or not.

It was agreed that further discussion of terminologyand symbols should not be continued in discussion ofdoc. 44. The final document ISO/DP 6946 should use thesymbols and terms given in the final version of ISO/TO 163

N 41.

7. Report from the secretariat on comments to ISO/DP 6946

The secretariat had according to resolution no.5. fromthe third meeting of Sc 2 in Milan, prepared a report,doc N 43, on the written comments received to ISO/DP 6946.

The report, given in three parts, containing voting results,comments arranged point by point and the comment in fullfrom each countr y . Only the two first parts had been trans-lated into French.

8. Consideration of revised ISO/DP 6946

At first the secretariat got a rather hard criticism tothe revised DP 6946. It was questioned whether 'or not themain part of the document was worth publishing as anInternational Standard.

The chairman mentioned that the handling of this documentshould perhaps have been done in a WG instead of_ trying totake a short cut to an International Standard. However,the task had been very difficult for the secretariat, havinggot rather diverging comments to the document.

The chairman asked if it would be practical to have funda-mental rules as proposed by the secretariat or, if therules should be like those presented in doc 14 to themeeting in Colorado Springs.

In view of the fact that many countries now were working withnational calculation rules it would perhaps be wise to make afundamental standard with rules that can be agreed upon.

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- 10 - ISO/TC 163/SC 2

After each member had expressed their opinion on thematter it was agreed that the secretariat's proposal tohave a main part with fundamental rules could be accepted.But in the annexe more rules were needed than pro p sed indoc. N 44.

Definitions and symbols, taken from the final DP onVocabulary (WG 1) relevant to DP 6946 should be given inthe main part of the document. Two methods of calculationof constructions with inhomogenous layers were wantet backin the document.

It was agreed that the document should be discussed in moredetail in an ad hoc group at this meeting. It was agreedto have the same ad hoc group that was established inColorado Springs with dr.ing. Lühr from German y inaddition.

9. Report from the secretariat on activities in other international bodies concerning energy requirements, doc. N 45

There had been_only two answers to the quesionar y from thesecretariat, one from CIB and one from CIBS. Man y of themembers of SC 2 are well oriented on activities in otherorganizations, - and further efforts from the secretariat onthis matter seems unnecessary.

10. C -onsideration of proposal for work on calculation rulesfor total energy requirements

The secretary informed that doc N 46 had ben prepared becausethe secretariat felt that rules to calculate total energ y needof buildings were badly needed.

The reason is that among. governmental authorities it seems tobe a tendency to give re quirements to the energy consumptionof buildings rather than detailed requirements to thebuilding's constructions. One example of total energy require-ment was given in an annex to doc. N 46.

From the discussion that followed it, seemed to be some doubtwhether the proposed work was within the scope of SC 2 or not.

Most of the members, however, agreed upon the demand for suchrules.

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It was agreed to establish an ad hoc group to study theneed for standard calculation methods for total energyrequirements and the possibility of starting this workwithin SC 2.

The ad hoc group should have members from


USA took the responsibility of finding chairman for the group.The names of the experts from each country were to be givento the secretariat at the latest 1. December 1980.

Thursday, 25. September


The ad hoc group had its meeting on Thursday morning.The report from the ad hoc meeting was given by Mr. Lyng'

The ad hoc group pro posal was that the secretariatshould rewrite the document according to what wasagreed upon at the ad hoc meeting. Thereafter, therevised DP 6946 should be distributed for commentsand voting. If sufficient support for the documentwas obtained, the document should be forwarded toISO central secretariat for registration.

To DP 6946 the ad hoc group had come to the followingresults: (For practical reasons the formulae in doc.N44was numbered progessivly)

1: The scope should be based upon the scopein doc. N 14, stating what rules are givenand that they are based upon certainconventions.

2: Definitions should be taken directly fromWG 1. The definition of q was not needed.

3: • Both the R and U versions of the formulaeshould be given.

4.2.1: Formulae (3) should be deleted -

4.2.2: To be given a new title:"calculation of thermal resistance".

Under this item the rules under 4.2.3. shouldbe given.

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- 12 16U/TC ibi/SC 2

4.2.4: The formula (7) should be used forcases where the lateral heat transfercould be neglected.

A new item giving both the formula forupper and lower limit should be amended.From the upper and lower limits theaccuracy using the formulae can beestimated. The value to be used shouldbe the mean value of the upper and lowerlimit.

5.1. The table should be taken from doc N 30.A remark should be given saying that thevalues should not be used when calculatingsurface temperature.

5.2 The table should also give values for thecase of one reflecting surface, with aremark that these values only were to beused when the surface could- be expected tostay dry and clean.

One more table should be given for air spaceswith the same thicknesses, but with differentwidth. The values could be taken from CIBSGUIDE A3.

Rules to calculate cracks should also begiven. These rules could be taken from theCanadian comments to N 44.

After some discussion, it was agreed that the revised documentN 44 should first be sent to the ad hoc group for confirmatio7Thereafter the document should be distributed to the membersof SC 2 for voting and comment. If approved, the documentshould be forwarded to ISO/TC 163 secretariat.

The ISO/TC 163 secretariat assured that they would not delaythe handling of the document.

11. Program of work

The programme of work proposed by the secretariat was dis-cussed. Some of the items were not relevant. The item 4.1.2and 4.1.2 were deleted.

Item 4.1.4 was kept, but the title ought to be changed

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160/1C lbJ/6(.: L

"Practical rules for the calculation ofheat losses from buildings"

Item and could be deleted.

Item 4.2.1. was reworded to:

"Fundamental rules for the non steadystate thermal behavior of buildings".

Instead of one standard for practical application of thefundamentals one could give two or more applicationslike:

4.2.2 Practical applications under summerconditions.

4.2.3 Practical applications for intermediatecontrolled heating.

Item and were deleted until the resultfrom the ad hoc group on this matter would be available

Item 4.3. was not discussed in detail.

Since the programme of work not could be settled at themeeting, it was agreed that each working group shouldpresent to the next meeting their programme of work andthe standards to be developed in the near future.

12. Requirements concerning a subsequent meeting

The next meeting was suggested to be held in London orEdinburg 10-14 May 1982. The exact date and place will begiven later.

13. Any other business

Election of chairman

It was unanimously agreed to have professor Hans Granumas the chairman of SC 2 for the next period of three years.

14. Approval of resolutions

The draft resolutions no. 1, 3 and 4 prepared by the draftingcommittee, were agreed upon.

Draft resolution no. 2 was agreed upon with a change in point

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ISO/TC 163/SC 2- 14 -

d)last sentence, where is should say ISO/TC 163 insteadof ISO central secretariat.

Draft resolution no.5 was agreed upon, but was not typedand would therefore have to be confirmed by letter.

The chairman thanked the members for their cooperation,the interpreter for her excellent work, and the DIN fortheir help during the meeting.

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ISO/IC 163- Thermal insulation/SC 2 Calculation methods

Secretariat NORWAY

cur clate our reference

1980-10-07 ISO/TO 163/SC 2your date your reference

Adopted resolutions at the fourth meetin g ofISO/TO 163/SC 2 in Munich 23,. 24 and 25 September 1980.


Postal address Telephone Telex

NORGES BYGGSTANDARDISERINGSRAD Nat 02 - 35 50 20 190 50 nsf nKobenhavngt. 10, Int + 47 2 35 50 20Oslo 5 - Norway

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ISO/TC 163/SC 2 N 50 E/F

Page 2

ISO/TC 63 SC 2 - MEETING IN MCNICH 1980-09-23/25

Resolution no. 20(Munich 1980 -1)

SC 2 acceptes the report of the convenor of WG 1 and requeststhat written comments to the first draft proposal for calcu-lation of thermal bridges should be sent to the secretariatand the convenor of WG 1 by the end of 1980.

Resolution no. 20(Munich L980 -1)

Le SC 2 accepte le rapport de l'animateur du GT 1 et demandeque les commentaires ecrits au premier avant projet pour lecalcul des ponts thermiques soient adresses au secretariat et

l'animateur du GT 1 avant la fin de 1980.

Resolution no. 21(Munich 1980 - 2)

SC 2 resolves that:

a) Document N44, DP 6946, as revised by the ad hoc groupon 25 September 1.980 shall comprise a principal sec-tion and an annex -

b) the Secretariat shall prepare a new draft and circu-late this to the ad hoc group Members for confirmation,which shall be obtained before 1st March 1981 -

c) the confirmed document shall then be submitted to theMembers of SC 2 for voting and comments -

d) if approved the document shall be sent to the secre-tariat of ISO/TO 163.

Resolution no. 2I(Munich 1980 -2)

Le SC 2 decide que:

a) Le document N44, DP 6946, tel que revu par le groupead hoc le 25 Septembre 1980 comprendra un documentprincipal et une annexe -

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ISO/TC 163/SC 2 N 50

Page 3

b) le Secretariat prepare un nouveau projet et le feracirculer aux membres du groupe ad hoc pour confirmation qui devra -etre obtenue avant le 1 1-- Mars 1981 -

c) le document ainsi revu sera scumis aux membres duSC 2 pour vote et commentaires -

d) si le document est approuve, it sera adresse au Secr-tariat de l'ISO/TC 153.

Resolution no. 22(Munich-1980-- 3)

SC 2 resolves to establish an ad hoc group for the followingpurpose:

To study the need for international standardization of calcula-ting methods for energy consumption in buildings and the feasi-bility of starting work on such standards within SC 2.

The group shall report to SC 2 at the next meeting.

Resolution no. 22(Mtni h 1980 -3)

Le SC 2 decide de creer un groupe ad hoc pour le sujet suivant:

Etudier la necessite d'une normalisation internationale desmethodes de calcul des consommations d'energie dans les b gti-ments et la faisabilite de debuter un tel travail de normalisa-tion par le SC 2.

Le groupe presentera Un rapport ä la prochaine reunion du SC 2.

Resolution no. 23(Munich 1980 -4)

ISO/TC 163/SC 2 unanimously agrees to re-nominateProf. Hans Granum as Chairman of the Sub-Committee for afurther term of three years.

Resolution no. 23(Munich 1980 -4)

Le Comit6 ISO/TC I63/SC 2 or_;t d'acconl a l'unanimit do rccon-dult-o 3,1 Prot. liana Ciitj 7A Id pr6:ildeuce Cu 5ous-Cumit6 pour:une duree de trots ans.


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ISO/TO 163/SC 2 N 50 E/

Page 4

Resolution no. 24(Munich 1980 -5)

All the working groups will present to the next meeting ofSC 2 a program of work.

Resolution no. 24(Munich 1980 -5)

Tous les groupes de travail presenteront leur programme detravail a la prochaine reunion du SC 2.

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ANNEX IISO/TC 163 - Thermal insulation

/SC 2 - Calculation methods

Secretariat NORWAY

our date

1980-10-22your date

our reference

ISOTC 163/SC 2your reference





Postal address Telephone TelexNORGES BYGGSTANDARDISERINGSRAD Nat 02 -355020 190 50 nsf nKabenhavngt. 10, lnt + 47 2 35 50 20Oslo 5 - Norway

Page 73: Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf ...Bauforschung Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf dem Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes und Sekretariatsführung

v ..s j r„-.,, 4,

Pane 2. ...

LID VAN D E INTEr'.i `ATIO^^'. ^,I_ Of-tGANiZA,? ION FOR S1A! , IC:+Ar-iDIZATiON (130)

POLAKWEG 5 — POSTADRES / °OS I l7JS 5310 -- 2280 -- HV — ! ;JSb'v1J;: -- (ZN)

REPORT CH THE ;r^, ^,,;,

`}^'^'^:; ` ; '' 'ltT`L ? ^:v_iK OF .I iv3 ^, ''-L``- --- ^- ---- ---^ ----

On the Serlin meeting of ISO/TC 103 the working group Thermal ... fd .

was formed (May 1977) wit1 rc1 the scope to prepare a draft proposal

a standard on the calculation of thermal bridges".

In this WC were participating:

France (Mr, C. MoÖ'9)

Germany (prof. dr.ing.•K. Gertis or deputy)

Norway (Mr. Aschelioug, later replaced by Dr.. E. Lund)

the Netherlands (prof . it . A.C. Verhooven) ; convenor and chairman

the Netherlands (Mr. Ph.A. Killemsen); secretariat.

The following meetings of the WG have taken place:

Meeting 1 1977-11-.24 Delft the Netherlands

2 1978-04-05 Delft '

3 1975-09-26 Delft

" 4 1979-03-28/29 Paris France

5 1979-09-19 Milano Italy

6 1980-01-22 Essen Germany

7 1980-06-16/17 Oslo Norway

The WG started with a round robin test; a vertical section-of a parapet

serving as an example of a complicated thermal bridge was calculated by

computer by the participants, The results were found to be in good


The WG proceeded with discussions concerting the framework in which the

draft proposal had to be made.

It was decided to concentrate on finding simple formulas to predict on

the surface temperature at the thermal bridge location and the overall

heat loss, rather then to advocate the use of computer programs to

accurately calculate those results. From the beginning it was clear that

through such an approach a great accuracy could not be guaranteed.

At the Colorado meeting in 1978 I. already informed you on the formulas

I mentioned just now and the accuracy, to be pursued by then

After the last meeting of the WG in Oslo I was pleased than a first draft

proposal could sent to you. It is only a first proposal due to the fact

that lo'c'i of ells powe,. Jtod .Cher i)i c1 ibitcd us from M:,11 ier as many

com p uter calculations 115 would he needed to assure the .!ccurot00055 of the

formulas for l and c in all cu e lIscanons.

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IOU/ IA- 10 / .Dk.- LN t


Page 3

IL will involve more time than we expexted, probably one year, to obtain

these computer results and consequently prepare the proposal in a more

definite for7.

The WG would appreciate it very much to receive your opinion and critics

about the framework of this proposal, If you go along with it we will

proceed in the same direction; the money required to make the essential,

computer calculations seems to be available which leads us to the

expectation to bring out the standard in Lhe form similar to the one you


prof.ir. A.C. Verhoeven

Chairman SC2/14G/

"Thermal bridges"

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IS?/TC 163/SC 2 1r, 49

Page 4

ISO/TO 163/SC 2/WG 1


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,ISO/TO 163/SC 2 N 49 E

Page 5


The effects of a thermal bridge can be reduced by local insulation.

In practice it is not always possible to avoid the presence of ther-

mal bridges in a design.

Tic two consequences of a. thermal bridge in a building envelope are in

winter time under steady-state conditions:

- The surface temperature of the internal wall surface at the location

of the thermal bridge is lower than in the rest of the construction

and so a thermal bridge can give condensation problems.

- The heat loss through a construction will be increased by a theLmal


In this draft proposal simple formulas are given to calculate both


The heat flow through thermal bridges is in a lot of cases three-

dimensional. In this proposal, however, only two-dimensional thermal

bridges are considered, To judge thermal bridges mathematical rules

are needed. This can be done by modern mathematical, numerical methods

with the-aid of a computer. This draft proposal described a simple

approximate method based on computer calculations which can be applied

easily on a lot of constructions,

I. Scope ana field of application

• This proposal gives an approximate method for the calculation of the

inside surface temperature and the heat flow density through the

thermal bridge of a building envelope under steady-state conditions,

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ISO/TC 163/SC 2 N 49 E

Page 6

2. Terminology and symbols

A thermal bridge is a thermally weak part in a building construction

in which a different local specific rate of heat flow occurs and/or

in which the interior surface temperature is lower than the adjacent

parts of the construction,

The thermal bridges are two-dimensional if the heat flow can be

described in a plane. The thermal bridges are three-dimensional if

also a heat flow perpendicular to the plane occurs.

3: Groups and types of thermal. bridges

The following groups of constructions with two-dimensional thermal

bridges will be considered.

Other constructions must be tested either by numerical calculations

or measurements; there the following simple formulas cannot be used,

Group 1

Simple plane constructions with parallel inside and outside surface,

as given in figure .1,

Group 2

Building elements as being part of of connected with the envelope,

as given in figure 2,

Page 78: Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf ...Bauforschung Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf dem Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes und Sekretariatsführung

la I IJ IC e4I Li le If


Outdoor elements with corner


2g -





2j • 2k

163/SC 2 N 49

Page .7

Outdoor elements with a colOmn (or framowopk) as thermal bridRes

Fig. 1: Cross sections of basic types of thermal bridges of group 1.

Outdoor elements combined with partitions

- Fig. 2: Cross sections of basic types of thermal bridges of group 2.

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ISO/TC 163/SC 2 N 49 E

Page 8

4. Thermal bridges (group 1)

4.1. Formulas

4.1.1. Surface temperature ( TTB


Calculate the lowest inside surface temperature with the formula:


= T i - R. f k + n (kTB

- kc) ) (T i T e )

1 (1)

in which:

is the real lowest surface temperature at the location of theTB

thermal bridge (0C)


is the internal ambient temperature

T e is the external ambient temperature (°C)

R. is the heat internal surface resistance (m 2K/W)

k is the heat transmission coefficient of the undisturbed con-C•

2struction (W/(m K))

is the heat transmission coefficient of the thermal bridgeTB


is a coefficient, characteristic for the concerning thermal


• The values of n are given in the attached t•ables ,In these tables theformula (1) is applied with R . = 0,13 and R e = 0,04 (m


If other values of R. and R are used, the tables must be adapted1 e

(see appendix 1).

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Page 9

- 4.1.2, Heat loss (without latent .heat exchange)

If no latent heat exchange occurs between the thermal bridges and

the surrounding construction, the mean heat transmission coeffi-

cient k is obtained by the formula



) . k + ATB





inin which:

is the mean heat transmission coefficient (W/(m2K))

k is the heat transmission coefficient of the undisturbedc 2

construction (W/(mK)


is the heat transmission coefficient of the thermal bridge


is the surface of the construction including the surface ofAtotal

the thermal bridge (m2



is the surface of the thermal bridge (m2).

Calculate the heat flow with the foimula:

total = k . Atotal

(Ti - T



in which:.

T. is th n internal ambient temperature (°C),


eis the external ambient temperature C) •

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ISO/TC 163/SC 2 N 49

Page 10

4.1.3. Heat loss (with latent heat exchange)

Calculate the heat transmission coefficient for a construction with

latent heat exchange with the formula:

ix . = k A kTB


in which

c is the additional area thermally affected by the thermal

bridge (m 2 ) (see tables).

If c < 0,05 k

. AtotalTn

formula (2) can be used with an accuracy within the range of 51

to calculate the heat flow through the construction with thermal


Calculate the heat flow with formula (3).

If c > 0,05 k„ . A total


the heat flow must be calculated by

total k ' Atotal ' (Ti - Ta )

4.2. Accuracy

The accuracy of the obtained results using the given formulas and

tables is plus and minus ....K for calculated temperatures, under

convential conditions wenn the temperature difference between the

ambient temperatures inside and outside is about 30 oC.





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Ty-Po ja

C 0,012 •

e lb - 1

/1. 0)04

A- 1,75

A. 02'.

;\e‘ 1,75

I . , - •0,09 ATB

t1,0-0,44 — +0,03(---A

0 04-



= 0,11

Type lb - 2


1 + 0,15 —AT B

C 0,045

Typo id.

A. 0,04

A- 1,75


C • 0,10


0 —r. A- 0,04o . 3- 1,75

163/SC 2 N 4

Page 11

Examples of thermal bridges of group 1.

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ISO/TC 163/SC 2 N 49 E

Page 12

; Tables

construction type

A T 0 Et n c

m 2 m m2

1a 0,15 0,15 0,91

0,15 0,20 0,88

0,15 0,25 0,85

0,15 0,30 0,82

0,20 0,15 0,93

0,20 0,20 0,91

0,20 0,25 0,89

0,25 0,15 0,95

0,25 0,20 0,93

0,25 0,25 0,91

0,30 0,15 0,96

0,30 0,20 0,94

0,30 0,25 0,93

0, 012


n_n^7,. ^

0,012 ;










lb - 0,15







0,15 0,64

0,20 0,56

0,25 0,49

0,30 0,44

0,3 q0,41

0,40 0,40

0,45 0,40

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construction type A T8m 2

lb - 0,20







0,30 '0,30

0,300,300,300, 30


ISO/TC 163/SC 2 N 49 EPage 13


cm' •

0,15 0,72 0,110,20 0;64 0,110,25 0,58 0,110,30 0,52 0,110,35 0,48 0,110,40 0,44 0,110;20 0,70 0,110,25 0,64 0,110,30 0,59 0,110,35 0,54 0,110,40 0,50 0,11(1,45 0,47 0,11

0,15 0,80 0,110,20 0,74 0,110,25 0,69 0,110,30 0,64 0,110, 35, 0,59 0,11,0,40 0,56 0,11.0,45 0,52 0,11

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49.ISO/TC 163/SC 2

Page 14

construction typoATB




m m2

lb -. 2

0,15 0,15 1;15 0,045

0,15 0,20 1,20 0,045

0,15 0,25 1,25 0,045

0,15 0,30 1,30 0,045

0,15 0,35 1 , 35 0,045

0,15 0}40 1,40 0,045

0,15 0,45 1,45 0,045

lb - 2

-0,20 0, 15 1,11 0,045

0,20 0,2 0 1,15 0,045

0,20 0,25 1,19 0,045

0,20 0,30 1,23 0,045

0,20 0,35 1,26 0,045

0,20 0,40 1,30 0,04:;

0,25 0,20 1,12 0,045

0,25 0,25 1,15 0,045

0,25 0, 30 1, 1 8 0, 045

0,25 0,35 1,21 0,045

0,25 0,40 1,24 0,045

0,25 0,45 1,27 0,045

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cconstruction type Ei:

163/SC 2 N 49, E

P age 15

1b - 2 0,30














1 , 08 0, o45

1 , 1 0 0,045

1 , 1 2 0, OrF:i

1,15 0,045

1,10 0,045

1,20 0,045

1,23 0,045




0,72 0,10



0,83 0,10

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Secretariat L.. :..Y

our date

1980-10-22your date

our reference N E

ISO/TC 163/SC 2your reference

ISD/TC 163 - T'i:lermal insulation/SC 2 ulation methods


23 SEPTEMBER 1980 .


Postal :-1:1:1!,,L,a rdlOphania , Talax

NORGES BYGGSrANDARDISERINGSRAD Nat 02 - 15 50 20 190 50 nst nKobenhayngt. 10, lnt + 47 2 35 50 20Oslo 5 - Norway

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ISO/TC 163/SC 2Page 2




Redort by ISC/TC153/EC2P.4G2

"Calculation methods, non-steady state"

S i nce the last meeting of the parent committee E02 in ! 4 'an in

September 1979, two meetings were held . by 402 in Reykjavik and

Essen. The Following is to be reported:

1. The round-robin-calculation has been continued and has given

further important results.

2. After detailed discussions, it has been agreed- uon to develop

one standard containing three calculation methc, each method

having a different accuracy, i.e.

- method based on linear systems

r - simple difference method (time step: 1 h)

more complicated method (Crank-Nicolson).

3. The advantages of proceeding like this are that there will re-

sult one standard applicable world-wide and that the users them-_selves may choose the accuracy of their calculation.

4. The date stated in Colorado Springs for completion of a first

draft standard (end of 1981) is expected to be kept.

signed: Gertis

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A n 1 a g e 4 ,zum Er gebnisbericht zumForschungsauftrag Az: B I 5 - 80 01 80 - 19

ISO/TC 163/SC3 N 15EISO/TC 163/SC4 N.13E




For consideration and reply as quickly as ptssible, and in any case within sixweeks.of the date of the covering letter from SC3 and SC4 Secretariats.


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Opening of the Meeting

`:r. Klaus G. Krieg, Member of the Board of Directors of the Deutches Institutfur Normung e.V., welcomed the delegates to Berlin and opened the meeting.During his introduction Mr. Krieg commented on the importance of the work ofthe meeting.

2. Roll Call of Delegates

The roll call was conducted by the Chairman, Mr. Shirtliffe and the list ofdelegates is given in ISO/TC 163/SC3 N14 (ISO/TC 163/SC4 N12).

3. Appointment of the Drafting Committee

The following persons.were appointed to the drafting committee:

Mr. J.-NolanM. D. FournierMr. A. Bowles

4. Adoption of the Agenda

The draft agenda ISO/TC 163/SC3 N10 (ISO/TC 163/SC4 N9) was adopted with thefollowing changes:

a) items 10.1 and 10.2 were renumbered 11.1 and 11.2 respectively;b) new items 9.3 new business and 11.3 new business were added;c) item 8 "Decision of responsibility for test methods..." was changed to

"Discussion of responsibility for test methods...";d) item 12, the words "and assignment of working groups" were replaced by 'for

' referral to SC1 and TC 163.

S.. Report of SC3 Secretariat

Mr. Bowles reported that WG1 had produced two working drift documentsentitled:

a) Thermal Insulation m Mineral fibre batts and blankets for roofs;b) Thermal Insulation — Mineral fibre boards for roofs.

Mr. Bowles reported the membership of SC3 as follows:

P members: Canada, France, Germany F.R., Italy, India, Japan, United Kingdom,United Stites of America

0 members: Austria, China, Sweden, South AfricaOrganizations in Liaison, Category A: European Insulation Manufacturers

Association (EURIMA>Organizations in Liaison, Category B: none

During the report Mr. Royer requested that the membership of Denmark be changedfrom 0 to P and Mr. Echeverria and Mr. Plaski respectively requested thatMexico and Belgium have 0 membership status.°

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Kr. 'Bowles also stated that a list of SC3 documents vas given in documentISO/TC 163/SC3 N12.

Following a motion by Mr. Bowles the report was accepted unanimously.

6. Report of SC4 Secretariat

Mr. Kevlin reported that WGI had produced two working draft documents entitled:

a) Bonded Preformed Mineral . Fibre Pipe Sectionsb) Calcium Silicate Block Thermal Insulation

M.r. Kevlin further' reported that the membership of SC4 was as follows:

P members: Canada, Denmark, France, Germany F.R., India, Italy, Japan,United Kingdom, United States of America

0 members: Austria, Belgium, China, Mexico, South Africa, SwedenOrganizations in Liaison, Category A: EurimaOrganizations in Liaison, Category B: none

Mr. Kevlin distributed a list of SC4 documents Ni to N12.

Following a motion by Mr. Kevlin the report Was accepted unanimously.

7. Matrix of National Standards for Thermal Insulation Materials

Mr.. Dalton stated that he had prepared a national standards listing of thermalinsulation materials by use, type and form (document SC3 N11 (SC4 N10)) asdirected at.the first meeting in Ottawa.

Mr. Nolan congratulated Mr. Dalton on his work. Mr. Fournier volunteered tolook at ISO_standards for possible additions to the list. Dr. Meyer suggestedthat the list be enlarged to include dwellings and particular applications, eg.


Mr. Dalton requested that comments and corrections be forwarded to him byNovember 1, 1980 to enable him to prepare a revised listing by March 1, 1981.

8. Discussion of res•onsibilit for test methods between ISO/TC 163/SC1 and


Dr. Weissbach, Chairman of SC1, stated that is the opinion of SC1: those test.methods that are important should be developed by SC1; those test methods thatare less important and specific to particular materials should be developed bySC3/SC4, and that these test methods should also be submitted to SC1 for


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After considerable discussion consensus agreement was reached and the draftingcommittee was directed to prepare a resolution (see Resolution 17 (#1 Berlin).

".r. Shirtliffe asked for discussion on the possible use of national testmethods as a substitute for the development of ISO test methods. This wouldthen hasten the work of SC3 and SC4. 'There was general agreement that thiscould be done if the test-methods were p inted as Annexes to the ISO standardfor the material. The meeting agreed that each proposal for use of a nationaltest method in this manner should be handled on an individual basis.

9. ISO/TC 163/SC3 N13E 0 Worki-- •-Draft #3 Thermal Insulation - Mineral Fibre Batts and Blankets for Roofs

Mr. Dalton presented this document SC3 N13E as a revision to SC3 N8E; and askedfor discussion of its approach. He further requested written comments to beforwarded to him by January 1, 1981. .

The major issue for discussion was whether determination of R values or Ä• values should be required. A show of hands to indicate the preference of 0 and

P members for R or,) gave the following results:

For the use of R value: P members: UK, U.S.A., Japan, Italy, France, CanadaO members: Mexico, Belgium

For the use of X value: P members: Germany

O members:. India, China

Abstentions: Denmark

Accordingly the drafting committee was directed to prepare a resolution (seeResolution #8 (##2 Berlin).

10. ISO/TC 163/SC3 N9E o Working Draft ßi2 Thermal Insulation - Mineral Fibre Board

for Roofs

This draft standard was not discussed at the meeting.

11. Cellulose Fibre Loose Fill Thermal Insulation

Cellulose fibre insulation is made from ground up newspapers to which fiveretardant chemicals are added. Mr. Bowles spoke to the importance ofdeveloping an International Standard for cellulose fibre loose fill insulation.He highlighted the current strong position of the product in the North Americanhome-insulation market and that the industry is expanding its marketsinternationally. Be stated that because of the flammable nature of chemicallyuntreated material legislation has been passed in both Canada and the U.S.A.referencing their national standards for the product. An InternationalStandard would thus serve to standardize any legislation developed in othercountries. Mr. Shirtliffe outlined the status of the cellulose fibre industry

in other countries.


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Dr. Meyer suggested that delegates from member countries ask themselves threequestions and a show of hands was 'requested on each: Is the productmanufactured in your country ? What is the estimated amount of product sold inyour co.intry? Is there then a need for an ISO standard for celluloseinsulation?

Only Canada, U.S.A. and Japan favored developing an ISO standard. Since ISOrules require 5 countries to support development of a new work item, nofurther action was taken.

12. Mineral Fibre Loose Fill Ther mal Insulation (Resolution ßi9 (#12 Berlin))

A show of hands was requested on each of the following three questions: Isthe product manufactured in your country? What is the estimated amount ofproduct sold in your country? Is there then a need for an ISO standard formineral fibre insulation? The show of hands for developing an ISO standardgave the following results:

In favour:P members: UK, U.S.A., India, Denmark, France, Italy, CanadaO members: China, Belgium*

Against:P members: Germany, Japan*O members: Mexico

* Delegates qualified their reply subject to discussion with their nationalcommittees.

Accordingly Mr. Bowles drafted a New Work Item, proposed by SC3 for submissionto ISO/TC -163.

The U.S.A. volunteered to accept the - Convenorship for a Working Group todevelop the standard for loose fill mineral fibre insulation.

13. Ad Hoc Working Group on Quality Control Resolution #10 (4#3 Berlin)

Dr. Meyer suggested that SC3 consider the establishment of compliance criteriato quality control andquality assurance procedures. After discussion it wasagreed that an ad hoc Working Group be formed to develop a technical report onwhat is already being done in-the field of quality control for insulationmaterials. A second task given to the ad hoc Working Group was to discusswhether test methods developed by SC3 and SC4 should be included in thematerial specification or developed as separate documents. The followingcountries undertook to nominate representatives to the ad hoc working group:

As members: U.K., U.S.A., Germany, Italy, France, CanadaFor information: China, Japan, Belgium

Nominations should be forwarded to Dr. Meyer.

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14. ISO/TC 10/SC3 Ni and N7 — Specifications for Buildin Materials Referring toTheir Thermal Insulation Performances

Mr. Passoni stated that he would ask for this item to be placed on the agendafor the TC 163 meeting to follow in Munich. The Chairman asked Mr. Passoni toreview the series of preferred numbers used in the document for theirsuitability for use with thermal insulation materials.

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ISO/TO163/SC 3 + SC 4


SCC * (SC 3)

ANSI * (SC 4)




- 1 -A:37004-1 /E/F


McETING/R1=UNfON 163; 3 ¢ 4 s 2

Meting dates/dates de reunion



MATERIAUX DES BATIMENTS 'DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung

- SC 4 - INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS/ Room/Salle 601/602

MATERIAUX A USAGE Burggrafenstrasse 4-10


P- and 0- members are requested to notify their attendance

at the meeting, in accordance with Directives 3.5.7. They

are also requested to notify the TCiSC Secretariat at the

same time of the need for interpretation at the meeting.


18 S=?TE"3ER 1980

".crn>n, (09 h GD)

1. Opening of the meeting

2. Roll call of delegates

3. Appointment of the drafting committee

4. Adoption of the agenda

5. Report of SC 3 secretariat

6. Report of SC 4 secretariat

7. Matrix of national standard for

thermal insulation materials

G. Dalton

8. Decision of responsibility for test

methods between ` ISO/TC 163/SC 1 and

ISO/TC 163/SC 3/SC 4

* At the following addresses:

Secretariat ISO/TC 163/SC 3

Standards Council of Canada

Canadian Government Specifications Board

Attn. Mr. A.M. Bowles

c/o Supply and Services Canada

Place du Portage III

HULL, P.Q., Canada K1A 055

Secretariat ISO/TC 163/SC 4

CertainTeed Corporation

Insulation. Group

P.O. Box 11001400 Union Meeting Road


Les members (P) et (0) sont invites ä faire connaitre leur parti-

cipation ä la reunion, conformement aux Directives 3.5.7. Its

sont e galement invites a faire connaitre au Secretariat TC/SC,en meme temps, leurs besoins en interpretation ä la reunion.



Matin (09 h 00)

1. Ouverture de la reunion

2. Appel des delegues

3. Designation du comite de redaction

47d Adoption de l'ordre du jour

5.. Rapport du secretariat du SC 3

6. Rapport du secretariat du SC 4

7. Matrice des etalons nationaux pour les ma-

teriaux d'isolation thermique - C- Dalton

Repartition des responsabilites pour les me-

thodes d'essais entre l'ISO/TC 163/SC 1 et1'ISO/TC 163/SC 3/SC 4

* Aux adresses suivantes

Secretariat ISO/TC 163/SC 3

Standards Council of Canada

Canadian Government Specifications Board

Attn. Mr. A.M. Bowles

c/o Supply and Services Canada

Place du Portage III

HULL, P.Q., Canada KIA 0S5

Secretariat ISO/TC 163/SC 4

CertainTeed Corporation

Insulation Group

P.O. Box 1100

1400 Union Meeting Road


Page 96: Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf ...Bauforschung Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf dem Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes und Sekretariatsführung

After-.t_.. ._- .. 00). SC 3 Apres -midi (14 h 00) : SC 3

• '' ations for building materialstheir thermal insulation


Consideration of working drafts:

9.1 Thermal insulation - Mineral fibre_art and blanket for roofs

9.2 _hernial insulation - Mineral fibre

,cards for roofs

Conveners re port for 6:G 1 - Mineral

fibre insulation for roofs - G. Dalton

:raft of s ystem of specification

cf _____ing materialsDoo. _S0/TC 163/SC 3 N 1 and N 7

End of session: 17 h 00

19 SE? E.`:yER 1980

Moro_ r-.a h 00): SC 4

1:. c: ifications for building materialsin rea =_rd to their thermal insulationperformance

Consideration of working drafts:

10.1 Tnermal insulation - Mineral fibrepipe insulation

10.2 Thermal insulation - Calcium

silicate board insulation

Convener's re port of WG 1 - Mineral..fibre pi p e `b'nsulation and calciumsilicate block insulation - J. Nolan

Afternoon (14 h 00)

12. Listing of test methods for which SC 1and SC 3/SC 4 are considered responsibleand assignent of working groups

13. • Schedule for work (target dates forcompletion of assigned work)

14. Requirements concerning a subsequentmeeting

15. Any 'other business

16. 'Approval of resolutions and ofstatement of results

Closure of the meeting: 17 h 00

9. Normes pour les materialx des b:itimentsconcernant le rendement de leur isolation


Examen des propositions d'avant-pro_e_s :

9.1 Isolation thermique Feutre coupe defibres minerales pour les toitures

9.2 Isolation thermique - Panneaux de fibresminerales pour les toitures

Rapport du responsable du GT 1 - Isolationdes toitures.par fibres minerales - G. Dalton

10, Projet pour un systeme de specifications des

materialx de constructionDoc. ISO/TC 163/SC 3 N 1 et N 7

Fin de la seance : 17 h 00

19 SEPTE`SP.Y-' 1980

Malin (09 h 00) : SC 4

11. Normes pour les materialx des bätiments con-cernant le rendement de leur isolation ther-mique

Examen des propositions d'avant-projets

10.1 Isolation thermique - Mesure des isolationsde tuyauteries en fibres minerales

10.2 Isolation thermique - Isolation en silicatede calcium sous forme de blocs

Rapport du responsable du GT 1 - Coquillesisolantes en fibres minerales et silicate decalcium ,sous forme de blocs - J. Nolan

Apres-midi (14 h 00)

12. Liste des methodes d'essais dont le SC 1 etle SC 3/SC 4 sont consideres come responsableset attribution des groupes de travail

13. Calendrier des travaux (dates cibles pour la

conclusion des travaux attribues)

14. Conditions requises pour la prochaincreunion

1S. Divers

16. Approbation des resolutions at de l'exposedes resultats

Clöture de is reunion : 17 h 00

A:37004-2/E/F - 2 -YS


Page 97: Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf ...Bauforschung Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf dem Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes und Sekretariatsführung

im ..Secretari at of ISO/TC 163/SC 4- Industrial Insulation

From:CertalnTeed CorporationInsulation GroupP. O. Box 11001400 Union Meeting RoadBlue Bell, Pa. 19422(Attn: A. S. Keviln)Telephone: 215-542-0500 XT 4707Telex: 510-661-3554


April 1, 1981

TO: P and 0 Members of ISO/TC 163/SC3, SC4 and ANSI

Secretariat ISO/TC 163/SC3, ISO Central,

Secretariat ISO/TC 163

Organizations in laison with SC3 and SC4

Joint Chairman SC3 and SC4


Enclosed you will find a copy of the minutes. of the SC4 portion of our

Berlin meeting which were inadvertantly left out of the original mailing.

Please incorporate these minutes with the original draft of the Berlin

minutes and advise any comments by April 25, 1981.

Thank you:


Allan S. Kevlin

Secretariat TC 163/SC4



C °C='; . IAT ;ON FO P, STAN;^.AAO' 7 ATION • r 3ic>K11-i'-4APan.} oo, 'J^.Aw^.3AL '"YJ CTA:iS:.FT:3:_t3 • OFOAw!SA*iO N ! •; eRtit'ON__E^=_NO?^tA_S%.°Or;

Page 98: Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf ...Bauforschung Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf dem Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes und Sekretariatsführung


J:hn Nolan, Convenor for SC4/G1 reported that two meetings had been held.

Tne first :n London on June 2, 1980 and the second in Berlin of September

17, 19BC. Two first drafts were submitted to SC4, Bonded Performed Pipe

S_:lions and Calcium Silicate Block. The g eneral form of these documentswas simi':ar to SC3 documents and therefore agreement as reached on format.

It was disc a g reed that all drafts will use lambda values.

Regan,.-. _ new work for SC4/WG1, it was recommended by the Working Group

:eration be given to expanding its scope to cover the following

additional products:

''Mineral Fibre and Board Insulation"

'Calcium Silicate Pipe Insulation"

Mr.' a- felt that the Pipe and Board Specifications should be separate.

A vote ,,as taken on this subject with 8 voting for and 1 against. Mr. Nolanackn: •„`e::ec that they will be certain to take all of Mr. Fournier's comments

u^:d_r d: _ : eration when writing new drafts of these specifications.

Jac E_ --a : suggested that SC4 be given the opportunity to consider writing

a steoi :_ticn for polyurethane pipe insulation if TC61 does not work ona

simi9_r s p ecification. It was also suggested that the Chairman of SC4

contact : e Chairman of TC61 to obtain a list of product specifications

being de._. :_d including timing. Mr. Fournier, as liaison between TC 10,

TC61 .17C T0153, advises that TC61 is ;Net-king hard on plastic foam specific-

ations out because of the many variations in foam formulations it is difficult

to produce specifications-in short periods of time. Mr: Fournier said that •while ß'C61 never discussed writing a specification on foamed plastic pipe,

he will ask the question at the next TC61 meeting in Florida in April 1981

and advise SC4. Mr. Powell agreed with Mr. Fournier and further stated

that if 7061 agrees to let SC4 write a plastic foam pipe -pecification,

SC4 could. supply them with a specification format so that TC61 could fill

in the appropriate data.

Mr. Shirthiffe suggested that SC4 should form a new Working Group to

develop a list of products that we want to write-specifications on and re-

port on this subject at our next meeting. Mr. Shirtliffe stated that in order

to implement this idea, each country should write up a list of "applications”

which involve the use of plastic foam insulation and reply by December 1, 1981

to both Mr. Fournier and Mr. Shirtliffe so that proper discussions can be

held with TC61. Everyone agreed with Mr. Shirtliffe's proposal.

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from 3erl i nMeeting SC4 Page 2

discussion was held on the types of test methods that it was felt werenecessary to permit the p roper completion of specifications bein g written

/WG1. It was noted by Margareta Andersson that only ISO Test Methodscan be referenced in ISO Standards. It was agreed that the followingtest. methods are needed for pipe and board products:

a. K Test

b. Maximum Service Temperature

c. Fire Properties

d. Corrosion Attack

e. Compressive Strength

f, Length

g. Wall Thickness

The r gee -or these test methods prompted the development of Draft Resol-ute_ ® ,.-, ich is enclosed.


It =ec that a target date for Draft Proposals under development bySC-,.;S_ _ _ SC4/WG1 be set at December 1981. The tar g et date for DISGraft :.r:a national Standards) was set at June 1, 1983 for both SC3 andSC.

14. Subse üent Meetings

A lengthy-discussion was held on the establishment of specific dates for

future meetings. Every attempt was made to match our SC3/SC4 meeting

dates with those of'SC1 and SC2 so as to minimize travel for all concerned.The same approach was taken with . regards to subsequent Working Group meetings.Tenetative agreement was reached on the following schedule with detailsto be worked out at a later date:

Working Groups:

SC3 and SC4/Working Groups would try to meet in April 1981 atColorado Springs, Colorado before and after the C-16 ASTM meeting

since many ISO members would be attending the ASTM meeting.

An attempt will also be made by the Convenors of the SC3/SC4

Working Groups to have a meeting in the fall of 1981 in order tocomply with a general agreement made in our Ottawa meeting that

Working Groups should try to meet at least twice a year.

Because of the great amount of work involved it was tentatively agreed that

both SC3 and SC4 Working Groups would try to adhere to the following scheduleof meetings:

Page 100: Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf ...Bauforschung Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf dem Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes und Sekretariatsführung

Minutes from Berlin Meeting SC4 Page 3

March 1981 •

September 1981

* 1December 1981

By Dece _r 1981 Working Drafts of all specifications under development

by ari Groups would reach a status of Draft Proposal and be sent

to SC3 and SC4 well enough in advance of the next formal joint meeting of

SC3 a-.: 3. 71 scheduled for April or May of 1982.

NOTE: `•was felt that one possible delay in meeting the above

schedule would be the availability of a thermal conduct-

ivity test method which is to be available in the fall of

from SC1.

Main Meeting SC3/SC4

Be_a-s e great amount of work yet to be accomplished by the WorkingGrc^_s as agreed that there would be no formal meeting of SC3/SC4 in131.

it was that the Working Groups should use 1981 to complete their

ass,-.__ activities with regard to specifications and have their Draft

Proposa l s ready for SC3/SC4 review in 1982.

Based 1.1;C:7 the above it was agreed tha-i our next formal meeting of SC3/

SC4 should be held in April or May 1982. No specific location was

indicated at this time. Convenors of SC3/SC4 Working Groups agreed that

this would give them a sufficient amount of time to have their documents

ready for formal review by SC3 and SC4.

'Joint Meeting (Resolution No. 12)

Because of the continued similarity of activities of both SC3 and SC4 it

was agreed that the next meeting also be a Joint Meeting and thatMr. Cliff Shirtliffe be the Chairman of the next meeting. Resolution No. 12

was drafted to set forth this proposal and a copy is enclosed.


Page 101: Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf ...Bauforschung Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf dem Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes und Sekretariatsführung

ISO/TC163/SC3 N 16EFISO/TC163/SC4 N 14EF


Resolution N°7 (Berlin ]980-1.)

That this meeting recommends to ISO/TC163 that SC3 and SC4 be permittedto write test methods of limited importance specific to each specificationbeing produced by these Sub-Committees, but test methods of SC1 will beused if suitable as produced or adapted for-use by SC3 and SC4 incommunication with SC1, provided that a list of new work is exchangedbetween SC3, SC4 and SC1 for review and acceptance by each Sub-Committee,and that if work in SC1 related to the needs of SC3 and SC4 has notstarted within one year of the request from SC3 or SC4 then the testmethod will be started and completed by SC3 or SC4.

Resolution N°7 (Berlin 1980-1)

Que cette reunion recommande e 1'ISO/TC163 que le SC3 et le SC4 soienthabilites ä rediger des methodes d'essai'd'importance limitee,particulieres ä cheque specification elaboree par ces sous-comires,.etant entendu que les methodes d'essai du SCI seront utilisees tellesqu'elles si elles sont ad'equates ou adaptees ä un emploi par les SC3et SC4 en liaison avec le SC1, ä la condition qu'une liste desnouveaux travaux soit mise en circulation entre le SC3, le SC4 atle SC1 pour examen et agrement par chacun des sous-cot:ites et que si letravail effectue . au SCI et se rapportant aux besoins du.SC3 et du SC4n'avait pas ete mis en route dans un delai d'un an apres la demandeen provenance du SC3 ou_du SC4, la methode ' d'essai soit.mise ä1'etude et redigee par le SC3'ou le SC4.

Resolutiön N°.8 (Berlin 1980-2)

Resolved that SC3 prefers the use of R value where feasable for thespecification of thermal properties.

Decide que le SC3 donne sa preference ä L'utilisation de la resistance:'therM.ique R (lorsque c'est possible) pour specifier les proprietesthermiques.

Resolution N° 9 (Berlin 1990-3)

Resolved that SC3 establish WG2-for the purpose of developing standardsfor loose fill mineral fibre thermal insulation materials.

Decide que le SC3 cree le GT2 en vue d'elaborer des normes relativesaux materiaux d'isolation thermique constituee de fibres minerales envra c e

Page 102: Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf ...Bauforschung Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf dem Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes und Sekretariatsführung

resolution N° 10 (Berlin 1980 -41

Resolved that SC3/SC4 establish- an ad-hoc working group to collectdocumentation on thermal insulation-materials in the fields ofquality control, quality assurance, certification and calibration,and to report to SC3/SC4 and TC163 on its findings.

D'ecide que le SC3/SC4 creE un groupe de travail ad hoc pourrassembler la documentation sur les rnateriaux d'isölation thermiquecans les domaines du contröle de qualite interne, du contröle decualite extern e, de la certification et de l'etalonnage et fairerapport aux SC3/SC4 at TC16-3.-sur les resultats obtenus.

Resolution N° 11 (Berlin 1980-5)

Resolved that the scope of SC4/WG1 as defined in Resolution No 4(document N 3 E/F) be extended to inclGde:

a) Mineral fibre board insulation

b) Calcium silicate pipe insulation

Decide que le domaine de travail du SC4/GT1 qui avait ete definidans la Resolution no 4 (document N 3 E/F) est etendu afin d'inclure:

a) l'isolation en panneaux de fibres.minerales

b) l'isolation sous forme de coquilles en silicate de calcium

Resolution N° 12 (Berlin 1980-6)

Resolved that Mr. C. J. Shirtliffe be Chairman of the Joint meetingof SC3 and SC4 scheduled for April 1982.

° D'ecide que M. C. J. Shirtliffe soit le president de la reunionconjointe du SC3 at SC4 qui sera fixee au mois d'Avril 1982.

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ISO/TC 163 1-1980-12-10

zum Ergebnisbericht

zum Forschungsauftrag

Az: B T 5 - 80 01 80 - 19


held - on 22 and 26 September 1980 at Leoni-Berg 3 (near Münich), Germany F.R.


List of delegates

List of documents

Summary of the discussions

Appendix - Resolution (E)Resolution (F)

For consideration and reply as quickly as possible, and in any case by31 January 1981

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ISO/TC 163 N 55 EPage 2

Prof Lars Erik Nevander Lund Institute of TechnologyBox 725S-220 07 LUND

Dr Judith Lang Wissenschaftlicher OberratStaatliche Versuchsanstalt fürWärme- und Schalltechnik TGM,Wexstrasse 19-23A-1200 WIEN

Mr Louis R Trousart Director R&D, Board Member,Pittsburgh Corning EuropeIndustric ParkB-3980 TESSENDERLO

Mr Clifford J Shirtliffe Research OfficerNational Research CouncilBuilding M-20, Building ResearchOTTAWA, Ontario K1A OR6, Canada




Mr Gordon Dalton ManagerTechnical Standards Department.Fiberglas Canada Limited 'Box 3005SAR.NIA, Ontario N7T 7M6, Canada

Mr Peter A D Mill DirectorArchitectural Sciences DivisionBuilt Works TechnologySir Charles Tupper Bldg, Room 113Riverside DriveOTTAWA, Ontario K1A 0M2, Canada

Mr Rickard Mortimer

Mr Greg Ovstaas

Associate Research Scientist

Ontario Research FoundationSheridan ParkMISSISSAUGA, Ontario,L5K 133, Canad

Civil engineerOntario Research FoundationSheridan ParkMISSISSAUGA, Ontario,L5K 1B3,Canada

Underlined name indicates head of delegation

Page 105: Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf ...Bauforschung Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf dem Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes und Sekretariatsführung

ISO/TC 163 N 55 EPage 3

Ingenieur DivisionnaireTeknologisk InstitutGregersensvejDK-2630 TASTRUP

Technical OfficerDansk StandardiseringsraadBox 77DK-2900 HELLERUP

Rockwool International A/SDK-2640 HEDENEHUSE


Mr Erik Eckert, M Sc

Mr J$rgen Dufour

Mr Helge H$iyer, B Sc

Mr T Tindering Danish Association of heatinsulating material manufacturersDenmark

Finland Mr Olavi Riiho EngineerA Ahiström OyLasivilla tehtaatSF-48600 KARHULA

France Mrs Cosette Dussaugey Association Française deNormalisation (AFNOR)Tour EuropeCedex 7F-92080 PARIS LA DEFENSE

Mr Daniel Fournier Chef du Service NormalisationIsover Saint Gobain CRIRBoite Postale 19F-60290 RANTIGNY

Mr Michel Hyrien Isover Saint Gobain CRIR62. Bd Victor HugoNEUILLY S SEINE, France

Mr J C Marechal

Mr Claude Moye

Ingenieur en chefCEBTP •12 rue BrancionPARIS 15, France

Ingenieur en chefCentre Scientif. et Techn. du Bat.84 Av. J Jaures, Champs sur MarneF-77428 MARNE LA VALLEE,, Cedex 2-

Page 106: Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf ...Bauforschung Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf dem Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes und Sekretariatsführung

France (cont) Mr Gianni Venuti

ISO/TC 163 N 55 EPage 4

Laboratoire National d'Essais1, rue Gaston BoissierPARIS 15, France

Germany Prof Karl Gertis Universität EssenPostfach 6843D-4300 ESSEN 1

Mr J Achtziger

Dr Karl-Heinz Bode

Mr Walter Cam.•nerer

Dr Friedrich Fischer

Dr Rickard Jenisch

Prof Hans-Gerd Meyer

Mr Ulrich Schroepel

Mr H Wagner

Forschungsinstitut für Wärme-schutz München e.V.GRAFELFING, Germany

Physikalisch-Technische Bundes-anstaltBundesallee 10033 BRAUNSCHWEIG, Germany

Forschungsinstitut für Wärme-schutz München e.V.GRÄFELFING, Germany


Institut für BauphysikSTUTTGART, Germany

Institut für BautechnikReichpietschufer 72-76D-1000 BERLIN 30

EngineerVKT Reinhold & Mahla AG


Grünzweig & Hartmann Montage GmbHLUDWIGSHAFEN, Germany

Dr Gerhard Weissbach

Mr H Zehender

Staatliches MaterialprüfungsamtNordrein-WestfahlenMausbruchstrasse 186D-4606 DORTMUND 41

Forschungsinstitut für Wärme-schutz München e.V.GRÄFELING, Germany

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ISO/TC 163 N 55 EPage 5

Senior project managerIndian Oil CorporationMATHURA-281005, India

DirectorM/s Punj Sons Pvt Ltd, India

Istituto di Fisica TecnicaFacoltä de IngegneriaVia F Marzolo, 91-35100 PADOVA


Mr K V Guruswami

Mr R P Punj


Prof Francesco de Ponte

Istituto di Fisica TecnicaFacoltä de IngegneriaVia F Marzolo, 9I-35100 PADOVA

Mr M Cali Istituto di Fisica TecnicaPolitecnico di Torino

Prof Giovanni Guglielmini

Mr Rafaelo Passoni

Istituto di Fisica Tecnica GenovaVia All' Opera Pia 15I-16145 GENUA

Mr A Sacchi Politecnico di Torino

Japan Dr Seiichi Fuß PresidentShibaura Institute of Technology3-9-14 Shibaura, Minato-ku,TOKYO, Japan

Mr Yoshio Kawai

Mr Yukiharu Miyake

Mr Hiroshi Shimizu

Principal engineerAsahi Fiber Glass Co LtdDaiichi Seimei Bldg2-7-1 NishihinjukuShinjuku, TOKYO, Japan

Products and technical directorEKO Instruments Trading Co Ltd21-8 1-ChomeHatagaya, ShibuyakuTOKYO, Japan

Manager of development departmentNippon Steel Chemical Co LtdNo 17-2 Ginza 6-Chome,,Chuo-ku

TOKYO 104, Japan

Page 108: Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf ...Bauforschung Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf dem Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes und Sekretariatsführung

ISO/TC 163 N 55 EPage 6

Netherlands Prof A (Tony) C Verhoeven

Mr Hans Oldengarm

Mr El t j o Tamnes

Delft University of TechnologyDept, Civil EngineeringDivision Building PhysicsStevinweg 1, DELFT, Netherlands

Research EngineerTechnisch Physische Dienst TNO-THPostbus 155NL-2628 CK, DELFT

Civil engineerBouwcentrumPostbox 299NL-3000 AG, ROTTERDAM

Norway Mr Annanias Tveit Research officerNorwegian Building ResearchInstituteN-7000 TRONDHEIM

Prof Hans Granum

The Norwegian Institute ofTechnologyN-7000 TRONDHEIM

Civil engineerNorwegian Council for BuildingStandardizationK6benhavngate 10OSLO 5, Norway

._The National Testing-Institutein .SwedenBox 857S-501 15 BORAS

Civil engineerLättbetong A8Skeppargatan 8S-114 52 STOCKHOLM

Mr Harald Eide


Dr Claes Bankvall

Mr Lars Aldrin

Mr Gudni Jöhannesson Civil engineerLund Institute of TechnologyBox 725S-220 07 LUND

Page 109: Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf ...Bauforschung Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf dem Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes und Sekretariatsführung

ISO/TC 163 N 55 EPage 7

Sweden (cont) Mr Vidar Sjödin EngineerRockwool ABS-541 82 SKÖVDE

Switzerland Mr Ralph Sagelsdorff Section DirectorE`SPA, Swiss Federal Laboratoriesfor Material TestingSection Building PhysicsUeberlandstrasse 129CH-8600 DUBENDORF

Dr Claude Roulet Scientific fellowEPF, Ecole Polytechnique Fzde'ralede LausanneLaboratoire Materiaux PierreuxCh, de Bellerive 32CH-1007 LAUSANNE

United Kingdom Mr John Nolan Pilkington Brothers LtdPrescot RoadSt Helens, MERSEYSIDEUnited Kingdom

Mr Philip Cornish Building Research EstablishmentKelvin RoadEAST KILBRIDE G75 ORZUnited Kingdom

Mr Alexander L Loudon Consultant81 East Kilbride RdClarkston, GLASGOW, United Kingdom

U S A Mr Foster C Wilson Research DirectorOwens-Corning Fiberglas Corp.P.O. Box 415GRANVILLE, Ohio 43023, USA

Mr Jack Barnhard Executive DirectorThermal Insulation ManufacturersAssociation TIMA7 Kirby PlazaMT KISCO, N T 10549, USA

Mr Rickard A Grot EngineerNational Bureau of StandardsNational Engineering LaboratoryBldg 226 Room B310WASHINGTON D.C. 20234, USA

Mr W W Heinrich

Senior consulting engineerPhillips Petroleum Company 7A3 PBBARTLESVILLEOklahoma 74004, USA

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ISO/TC 163 N 55 EPage 8

U S A (cont) Mr Marion Hollingsworth

Mr Allan Kevlin

Mr Frank Powell

Mr L A Stenger

Mr Ronald P Tye

ScientistOwens-Corning Fiberglas Corp.P.O. Box 415GRANVILLE, Ohio 43023, USA

Manager Product DevelopmentCertainTeed CorporationP.O. Box 11001400 Union Meeting RoadBLUE BELL, PA 19422, USA

National Bureau of StandardsBuilding 225WASHINGTON D.C. 20234, USA

Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp.P.O. Box 415GRANVILLE, Ohio 43023, USA

DirectorE.M.T.L.Biddeford Industrial ParkBIDDEFORD, ME 04005, USA


China Mr Wen He-Yang Vice Chief EngineerBeijing F.R.P Research InstituteP.O. Box 261BEIJING, China

Mr Liu Song lin EngineerHenan Research Institute ofBuilding MaterialsWenhua Road, Zhen zhouP.O. Box 450003, HENAN, China

Yougoslavia Mr Miroslav CvetkoviE Head of Techpical LaboratoryInstitute for Testing Materials'SRSBELGRADE 11000Bul. VO7V. Misica 43, Yougoslavia

Mr Josip Pavkovic

Page 111: Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf ...Bauforschung Mitarbeit in der internationalen und regionalen Normung auf dem Gebiet des Wärmeschutzes und Sekretariatsführung

ISO/TC 163 N 55 EPage 9

Secretariat of ISO/TC 163

Ms Margareta Andersson

External liaisons

CIB Mr C Kupke Frauenhofer Institute für Bauphysik,STUTTGART, Germany




Mr Werner Linander

Mr Daniel Fournier

Mr J C Marechal

Secretary GeneralEuropean Insulation ManufacturersAssociationAlgade 5-7DK-4000 ROSKILDE

Chef du Service NormalisationIsover Saint Gobain CRIRBoite Postale 19F-60290 RANTIGNY

Chef de la Division Techniquedu C.E.B.T.P12, rue BrancionF-75737 PARIS Cedex 15

Internal liaisons

ISO/TC 61/SC 10

Mr Daniel Fournier See above

Technical OfficerBuilding Standards InstitutionDrottning Kristinas väg 73S-114 28 STOCKHOLM


Ms Alenfelt DUSSELDORF, Germany

Meeting secretariat, DIN

Mr Wolfgang AppeltMs H BausMrs Terwey-Vogel


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ISO/TC 163 N 45 Draft agenda for the third meeting of ISO/TC 163

N 46 Scopes of ISO/TC 163/SC 3 and ISO/TC 163/SC 4

N 47 E Thermal conductivity versus specific thermal resistance

N 48 E Establishment of a detailed programme of work for ISO/TC 163

N 49 E Titling of international standards relating to thermalinsulation

N 50 (ISO/DP 7345) E, F Thermal insulation - Vocabulary - Part I

N 51 E Summary of ballot on document ISO/TC 163 N 41 E, Thermalinsulation - Vocabulary - Part I

N 52 E Division of work between ISO/TC 163/SC 1 andISO/TC 163/SC 3 & 4 - Drafting test methods

N 53 E Suggested alterations to ISO/DP 7345 E



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Session Monday 22 September 1980 (morning)

1 Opening of the meeting

On behalf of DIN, Mr Meyer wished the delegates welcome to Germany. Heconcluded that the great interest shown in the meeting proved that thermalinsulation was a world wide problem.

The District President of Sternberg, Dr Widmann wished the delegates welcometo Sternberg and gave some historical information about Leoni and the holidayarea in which the meeting was held, He hoped that the delegates would comeback some other time and wished them a successful meeting.

The Chairman, Prof Nevander, thanked Dr Meyer and DIN for having invitedISO/TC 163 to Germany and Dr Widmann for his kind words. He also expresseda hope that the meeting would be successful and noted that there were somenew delegations round the table.

The meeting was declared opened.

2 Roll call of delegates

The roll call was conducted by the Secretary. In order to save time onlythe names of the head of delegation of P-member were called for. A completelist of delegates is to be found at the beginning of this report.

3 Appointment of the drafting committee

The following persons were appointed to serve on the drafting committee:

Mrs Dussaugey (France)Mr Tye (USA)Miss Andersson (Secretariat)

4 Adoption of the agenda

The draft agenda, document'N 45, was adopted with an alteration of item7 and the inclusion of a new item after item 7, as follows:

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Item 7, Appointment of Chairmen of sub-committees

New item, Division of work - Drafting of test methodsDoc ISO/TC 163 N 52

. It was also agreed to deal with items 6.2, 6.3 and 7 during the sessions onFriday 26 September after the meetings of SC 1 and SC 2.

5 Report of the secretariat

The Secretary mentioned that since the last meeting of TC 163 in October 1978,India and Switzerland had become P-members and China an 0-member of theCommittee. At present there were 19 P-members and 14 0-members. She alsomade a brief review of the technical work since the last meeting.

The report was accepted,

6 Reports from sub-committees and working group

6.1 WG 1 - Terminology

Mr Barnhart, the Convenor of WG 1, gave the report. WG 1 was preparing avocabulary in three parts dealing with quantities and units, technical termsand insulating materials and products. The first part had been circulated tothe members of TC 163 as ISO/DP 7345 (= document N 50) for discussion at thismeeting. WG 1 was aware that there were some discrepancies between thisproposal and ISO 31/IV-1978, Quantities and units of heat.

The report was accepted.

With regard to that two members of WG 1 had not contributed to the workMr Bernhard asked for a revision of the membership.

The following new members of WG 1 were appointed. - Mr G Hoy, UK,Mr W W Heinrich, USA, and Prof de Ponte, Italy.

The Secretary was charged to propose to SAA and CIB that Mr Mearns andDr Hens, respectively, should be deleted from the list of members.

6.2 SC 1 - Test and measurement methods

(See clause 10.1)

6.3 SC 2 - Calculation methods

(See clause 10.2)

6.4 SC 1 Building materials

6.5 SC 4 - Industrial material

SC 3 and SC 4 had been workingvery closely and Mr . Kevlin, Secretary of SC 4,gave the report. The two sub-committees had had a first joint meeting in

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September 1979 at which SC 3/WG 1, Mineral fibre insulation for roofsand SC 4/WG 1, Mineral fibre pipe insulation and calcium silicate blockinsulation, had been set up. These two working groups were hoped to presentproposals for registration as Draft Proposals, at the third joint meeting,planned to be held in April 1982.

At the second joint meeting of SC 3 and SC 4, the week before, the scope ofSC 4/WG 1 had been enlarged and the creation of a new working group underSC 3 for loose fill mineral fibre thermal insulation materials, had beenproposed. The division of work with regard to test methods, between SC 1and the two sub-committees for specifications, had also been discussed.

The report on the work of SC 3 and SC 4 was accepted.

7 Division of work - Drafting of test methods

Document N 52 was introduced by Mr Nolan.

After a very short discussion the Chairman proposed that the DraftingCommittee, enlarged with Dr Weissbach and Mr Shirtliffe should be askedto draft a resolution to be presented during the next session of TC 163.This draft resolution should take into account the discussion to followin SC 1 and the resolution agreed the week before by SC 3 and SC 4, Theproposal was accepted.

(See further clause 12).

8 Approval of scope of SC 3 and

9 Approval of scope of SC 4

At the first joint meeting of SC 3 and SC 4 the preliminary scopes had beendiscussed. The amended versions, to be found in document N 46, had beensubmitted to TC 163 for approval. The background to the proposed titles andscopes was explained by Mr Shirtliffe.

The discussion that followed showed that the titles and scopes in documentN 46 were accepted in principle but that some editorial amendments ought tobe made. On the proposal of the Chairman the Drafting Committee, with thehelp of Mr Shirtliffe, Mr Hyrien and Mr Meyer, was asked to refine thetitles and scopes of SC 3 and SC 4 without changing the principle. (Resolution 31).

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Sessions Friday 26 September 1980

10 Reports from sub-committees and working group (contd)

10.1 SC 1 - Test and measurement methods

Dr Weissbach, Chairman of SC 1, gave a report on the activities of thesub-committee since the previous meeting of TC 163. Though the work indifferent working groups had been intense the target dates set by TC 163would have to be moved forward by 2 to 3 years.

WG 4, Thermography methods, wanted DP 6781, Infrared method for qualitativedetection of thermal irregularities in building envelopes, published as anInternational Standard and not as a Technical Report. A question regardingthe form of publication would therefore also be put to SC 1 when the revisedDP was sent out for letter ballot.

Regarding WG 4, he also mentioned that the motion from Canada to form onemore working group on the interpretation of thermovision output bythermologists had been withdrawn.

At the SC 1-meeting the previous days the division of work regarding testmethods had been discussed and SC 1 had agreed that SC 3 and SC 4 shouldbe permitted to draft certain test methods.

The report from SC 1 was accepted.

10.2 SC 2 - Calculation methods

The report was given by Prof Granum, Chairman of SC 2. He commented on thework of the present four working groups of SC 2 and gave the expected targetdates for the first Draft Proposals from WG 1, WG 2 and WG 3. WG 4, Technicalcalculations, had had no work so far but would start soon.

DP 6946, Calculation rules - Part 1, Fundamental rules for the steady statethermal transmission in building, had been considered by SC 2 the previousdays. The Secretariat, with the aid of an ad hoc group, would revise thedraft which would be sent out to SC 2 before March 1981 for comments andvoting.

SC 2 had also set up an ad hoc group to study the need for calculationmethods with regard to total energy requirements in buildings.

The report from SC 2 was accepted.

11 Appointment of Chairmen of sub-committees

Following the nominations of the .sub-committee Dr Weissbach and Prof Granumwere reappointed as Chairmen of SC 1 and SC 2, respectively. (Resolutions25 and 26).

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On the nomination by SC 3 Mr Shirtliffe was appointed Chairman of this Sub-committee. (Resolution 27).

The Chairman of TC 163 thought it appropriate for SC 4 to nominate a Chairmanas well, even . if the meetings of SC 3 and SC 4 were held as joint meetings.

12 Division of work - Drafting of test methods

The result of the work of the ad hoc groups was presented in the form, of adraft resolution, which was taken by TC 163. (Resolution 24).

13 Programme of work of TC 163

The Chairman referred to document N 48 and to Resolution 15 of TC 163. Asthe Advisory Group had not been an actively working group and as the sub-committees had already started working on a detailed programme of work, TC 163decided to change Resolution 15 in that each sub-committee should be requestedto prepare proposals for such a programme. These proposals should be realisticlists of standards and should be sent to the Secretariat of TC 163 by 1September 1982, (Resolution 28).

14 Titles of documents

The ISO rules on drafting of titles were given in brief in document N 49together with some examples of their application on proposals under preparationwithin TC 163.

It was a general feeling that it might be advisable to have more than one groupof standards and thus use some other introductory elements in addition to'Thermal insulation'.

Document N 49 was accepted as a good basis for the drafting of titles ofstandards from TC 163. The Secretariat was willing to try to help with anyquestions regarding titles.

15 Discussion of draft proposal ISO/DP 7395 ° Thermal insulation - Vocabulary - Part I

The earlier version of DP 7345, document N 41 E, had been circulated forcomments and voting within TC 163. The summary of the ballot was to be foundin document N 51 E. The comments received, had been considered by6WG 1 whenelaborating DP 7345.

Document N 53, containing some suggsted alterations to DP 7345 E, had beendrawn up.during the present meetings.

Document N 53 was introduced by Mr Bernhard.

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During the discussion that followed some comments with regard to DP 7345and document N 53 were noted.

The UK delegation did not like the words 'areal' and 'lineal' and suggested theaddition of 'per unit area' and 'per unit length' to the terms instead..Mr Tammes, the Netherlands, thought that in addition to 'thermal diffusivity'also 'thermal effusivity' (b= v'X c . P ) should be defined. Mr Shirtliffe,Canada, expressed that the definitions would be better made in terms ofdifferences or even better in terms of intergrals of heat flow andtemperature over defined surfaces.Prof Gertis, Germany, suggested that theuse of Greek letters should be avoided as far as possible as they causeproblems in use, e.g. change F to R 1 and to Q1 . The French delegationreferred to their comments on document N 41 E in document N 51. Finally itwas pointed out that certain subscripts were missing in clause 4.

Concerning the discrepancies between DP 7345 and ISO 31/IV, Quantities andunit of heat, TC 163 agreed to keep 'R' as the symbol for thermal resistanceper unit area, item 2.9, as both the concept and the symbol were well established.The same applied to the item 2.9 'coefficient of thermal transmittance', whichshould not be replaced. TC 163 also regarded the term 'transfer' to be morecorrect than 'flow' for items 2.2 and 2.3. TC 163 decided to ask ISO to amendISO 31 appropriately. (Resolution 30). The Chairman would contact theSecretariat of ISO/TC 12, being responsible for ISO 31, in this matter.The Secretariat would also send Resolution 30 to the ISO Central Secretariat.

TC 163 further agreed to send DP 7345 back to WG 1 for revision of the proposaland the Annex. This revision should be based on the discussion and on writtencomments on DP 7345, including the Annex, and document N 53 E, which theMembers of TC 163 were asked to send to the Secretariat within two months.

This procedure was also accepted by the Convenor of WG 1 who would organizea meeting early 1981 for this purpose.

16 Discussion on the concept of thermal conductivity versus thermal resistance

The Chairman introduced his document N 47 E on thermal conductivity andthermal resistance underlining that all aspects were not covered. DocumentN 47 was regarded to give a good picture of the situation even if it wasmostly dealing with mineral wool.

In the discussion that followed it was found that both concepts (A and R )would be needed and that it would not be possible to take a final standpointcovering all possibilities. The question was, however, of importance to SC 1,SC 3 and SC 4 and a decision by TC 163 was requested by some nations, othersproposed that the question should be left open.

Following a question from the Chairman it was found that 9 P-members were infavour of passing a resolution with some guidelines. Italy, UK and USA wereagainst such a resolution and the remaining countries abstained from

expressing their view.

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It was agreed that thermal resistance per unit area, R, should be used asoften as possible for thermal insulation products whilst the use ofthermal conductivity, X, was recognized for other purposes. (Resolution 29).

17 Requirements concerning a subsequent meeting

It was discussed whether the next meeting of TC 163 should be held inconjunction with the meetings of the four sub-committees in May 1982 orsome other time.

Considering that much work could be done by correspondence and the existanceof the combined voting procedure it was by a majority decision agreed tohold the next meeting of TC 163 in early spring 1983. No meeting place wasdecided but the Chairman hoped that one of the European countries wouldinvite TC 163. He also suggested that the possibility to organize workinggroup meetings in connection with the plenary meeting should be considered.

18 Target dates

The reports from the sub-committees had shown that the target dates in theprogramme of work could not be kept.

The following revised target dates for registration of the DP as a DIS weresuggested:

Terminology, definitions, units and symbols, 81-09DP 7345

Guarded hot plate methods 82-10

Heat flow meter methods 82-10

Pipe insulation methods 81-12

Hot box methods 81-12

Thermography methods, DP 6781 81-03

Mineral fibre batt and blanke insulation for roofs 83-06

Mineral fibre board insulation for roofs 83-06

Mineral fibre pipe insulation 83-06

Calcium silicate block insulation 83-06

The calculation in the steady state of the thermal 81-05insulation properties of components and elements ofstructure of buildings

Thermal bridges 82-05

The calculation in the non-steady state of the thermal

82-12behaviour of a building and its elements

The target dates were approved.

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ISO/TC 163 N 55 EPage 18

19 Liaisons and co-ordination of work

The question how documents from other ISO committees in liaison were tobe handled was raised by Mr Shirtliffe.

Different possibilities were discussed regarding both comments on draftstandards and proposals for new work items. Regarding the latter it waspointed out that it was not quite clear What subjects were within the scopeof TC 163 and not.

It was not considered possible for the secretariats to make resumes of orto comment on proposals from committees in liaison nor to circulate alldocuments. The Secretariat was, however, requested to inform the Membersof TC 163 about Draft Proposals and Draft International Standards forvoting and to send copies of proposals for new work items. Each Membercould then decide whether to comment on the proposal through their nationalstandards organization or through the Secretariat of TC 163 who wouldforward such replies to the relevant TC.

Different types of liaison, e.g. liaison persons, were also mentioned andit was suggested to study the agreement between TC 45 and TC 61,regarding

their work with mutual standards.

The Chairmans proposal that he would consider these matters and discussthem with the ISO Central Secretariat was. accepted.

20 Approval of resolutions and of statement of results

Resolutions 24 to 28 were approved unanimously.

Resolution 29 was approved by Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, India,Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and USA.France, Germany and Italy abstained from voting.

Resolutions 30 and 31 were approved unanimously.

It was agreed that Resolutions 29 to 31, which had only been distributedhandwritten in English, should be sent out for confirmation after the meeting.

The statement of results as proposed by the Secretariat was approved.

21 Closure of the meeting

In the form of.a 'bilingual resolution ` Mme Dussaugey conveyed the delegates`

thanks to the German hosts.

The Chairman, Prof Nevander, thanked DIN for the excellent arrangements andhe especially turned to the interpretor, Mrs Alenfelt, and to the meeting


Professor Gertis thanked the Chairman and the Secretary for the good handling

of the meeting.

The meeting was closed.

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ISO/TC 163 N 55 EAPPENDIXPage 19

Third meeting of ISO/TC 163 - Thermal insulation22 and 26 September 1980 at Leoni-Berg 3 (near Munich), Germany F.R.


Resolution 24 (Munich 1980-1

ISO/TC 163 confirms that the responsibility for drafting of test methodslies within SC 1 and that the responsibility for drafting of specificationslies within SC 3 and SC 4.

ISO/TC 163 permits SG 3 and SC 4 to prepare drafts of test methods necessaryto SC 3 and SC 4, which have not been prepared or are not being prepared bySC 1, after agreement with SC 1.

These test methods can either be drafted as separate documents, in whichcase the documents will be handed over to SC 1 for approval and furtherprocessing, or as a part of a material specification, in which case the testmethod has to be approved by SC 1 before submission by SC 3 or SC 4, asappropriate, to ISO/TC 163.

ISO/TC 163 presupposes that necessary contacts are maintained between SC 1and SC 3 and SC 4 with regard to these test methods.

Resolution 25 (Munich 1980-2)

ISO/TC 163 appoints unanimously Dr Gerhard Weissbach as Chairman of ISO/TC163/SC 1 for the years 1981 - 1983.

Resolution 26 (Munich 1980-3)

ISO/TC 163 appoints unanimously Prof Hans Granum as Chairman of ISO/TC 163//SC 2 for the years 1981 - 1983.

Resolution 27 (Munich 1980-4)

ISO/TC 163 appoints unanimously Mr Clifford J Shirtliffe as Chairman ofISO/TC 163/SC 3 for the years 1980 - 1982.

Resolutiön 28 (Munich-1980-5)

ISO/TC 163 confirms its decision to establish a detailed programme of worklisting all possible standards within its scope and by changing Resolution 15requests each sub-committee to elaborate proposals for such a programme fordelivery to the Secretariat of ISO/TC'163 by 1 September 1982.

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ISO/TC 163 N 55 APPENDIXPage 20

Resolution 29 (Munich 1980-6)

ISO/TC 163 encourages the use of thermal resistance per unit area, R, forthermal insulation products where feasible. ISO/TC 163 recognizes, however,that for some cases and in many calculational procedures it is oftenconvenient to use the thermal conductivity, X , as a conventional parameter.

Resolution 30 (Munich 1980-7)

With regard to the present importance of thermal insulation ISO/TC 163wishes to underline that some of the terms and symbols proposed in DP 7345are in very general use.

ISO/TC 163 recommends strongly that the term 'thermal resistance per unitarea' and symbol 'R' in item 2.7 of DP 7345 cannot be changed as each iswell established internationally both in practice and in legislation.

ISO/TC 163 further finds that the term 'coefficient of thermal transmittance'for the item 2.9 of DP 7345 is well established in the field of thermalinsulation and should not be replaced.

ISO/TC 163 regards the term 'transfer' to be more physically correct than'flow' (terms 2.2 and 2.3 in DP 7345).

ISO/TC 163 decides to ask ISO to amend ISO 31 appropriately.

Resolution 31 (Munich 1980-8)

ISO/TC 163 approves the following titles and scopes for sub-committees 3and 4:

SC 3 Insulation products for building applications

Scope: Standardization in the field of specifications for thermal insulationmaterials, components, constructions and systems utilized in buildingsto provide thermal separation of the occupants from the naturalenvironment.

SC 4 Insulation products for industrial applications

Scope: Standardization in the field of specifications for thermal insulationmaterials, components, constructions and systems except those utilizedin buildings to provide thermal separation of the occupants from thenatural environment.


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ISO/TC 163 N 55 1APPENDIXPage 21

Troisieme reunion de 1'IS0/TC 163 - Isolation thermiquele 22 et 26 septembre 1980 ä Leoni-Berg 3 (pres de Munich), Allemagne R.F.


Resolution 24 (Munich 1980-1)

L'ISO/TC 163 confirme que la redaction des methodes d'essais est de laresponsabilite du SC 1 at la redaction des specifications est de laresponsabilite des SC 3 et SC 4.

L'ISO/TC 163 permet aux SC 3 et SC 4, apres accord du SC 1, de preparerdes projets de norme pour les methodes d'essais qui leur sont necessaireslorsque celles-ci sont ni disponibles ni en cours d'elaboration au sein du SC 1.

Ces methodes d'essais peuvent aussi bien titre des documents separes, dansce cas les document seront cedes au SC 1 pour approbation et soumission ausprocedures ulterieures, or faire partie d'une specification de materiaux,dans ce cas les methodes d'essais doivent titre approuvees par le SC 1 avantsoumission au l'ISO/TC 163 par les SC 3 ou SC 4.

L'ISO/TC 163 pense que le contact necessaire dolt titre maintenu entre lesSC 1, SC 3 et SC 4 pour ces methodes d'essais.

Resolution 25 (Munich 1980-2)

Le Dr Gerhard Weissbach est elu, a l'unanimite, president de l'ISO/TC 163/SC 1pour une periode de trois ans 1981 - 1983.

Resolution 26 (Munich 1980-3)

Le Prof Hans Granum est e"lu, ä l'unanimite, president de l'ISO/TC 163/SC 2pour une periode de trois ans 1981 - 1983.

Resolution 27 (Munich 1980-4)

Mr Clifford J Shirtliffe est 61u, ä l'unanimite, president de l',ISO/TC 163/SC 3pour une periode de trois ans 1980 - 1982.

° Resolution ' 28 (Munich 1980-5)

L'ISO/TC 163 confirme sa decision d',etablir un programme de travail deetailledonnant toutes les normes possibles dans le domaine de ses travaux et enchangeant sa resolution 15 demande ä cheque sous-comite d'elaborer despropositions pour en tel programme pour envoi au secretariat de l'ISO/TC 163avant 1 er° septembre 1982.

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ISO/TC 163 N 55 APPENDIX FPage 22

Resolution 29 (Munich 1980-6)

L'ISO/TC 163 suggere fortement l'emploi de la resistance thermique parunite de surface, R, pour les produits d'isolation thermique lorsquecela est possible. L'ISO/TC 163 reconnait cependent que, pour certainescas et dans de nombreuses procedures de calcul it est souvent approprierd'utiliser la conductivite thermique, X come parametre conventionnel.

Resolution 30 (Munich 1980-7)

Etant donne l'importance actuelle de 1'isolation thermique l'ISO/TC 163desire souligner que certains termes et symboles proposes dans le DP 7345sont d'usage general.

L'ISO/TC 163 insiste pour que le terme resistance thermique par unite desurface au § 2.7 du DP 7345 ne puisse titre change etant donne leur utilisationinternationale ä le fois dans le pratique et dans le legislation.

En outre 1'ISO/TC 163 trouve que le terme "coefficient de transmissionthermique" au § 2.9 du DP 7345 est bien etablis dans le domaine thermiqueet ne devrait pas etre remplace.

L'ISO/TC 163 consider" le terme "transfert" comme etant physiquement pluscorrect que "flux" (§ 2.2 et 2.3 du DP 7345).

L'ISO/TC 163 de'cide de demander ä 1'IS0 d'amender l'iS0 31'de faconappropri"ee.

Resolution 31 (Munich 1980-8)

L'ISO/TC 163 approve les titre et domaine des travaux suivant pour lessous comites 3 et 4:

SC 3 Produits isolants pour les application du bätiment

Domaine des travaux: Normalisation dans le domaine des specificationspour les materiaux, composants, constructions et systemes d'isola-tion thermique utilises dans les bätiments pour realiser uneseparation thermique entre les occupants et leur environnementnaturel.

SC 4 Produits isolants pour les application industrielles

Domaine des travaux: Normalisation dans le domaine des specificationspour les materiaux, composants, constructions et systemes d'isola-tidn thermique, ä l'exception de ceux utilises dans les bätiments'pour realiser une separation thermique entre les occupants et leurenvironnement naturel.


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Anla g e 6 zum 'Eraebnisbericht zum

Forschunasauftra q Az: B I 5 - 80 01 80 - 19


Sekretariat: DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V.

Anschrift:DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V.Normenausschuß BauwesenBurggrafenstraße 4 - 10D-1000 Berlin 30

November 1980



DES CEN/TK 88 AM 12. UND 13. JUNI 1980


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CEN /TK 88 N 54


1 Eröffnung der Sitzung

Herr Dr. Weißbach, Obmann des CEN/TK 88, hieß im Namen desDIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. die Delegierten inBerlin willkommen und eröffnete -um 11.30 Uhr die Sitzung.

2 Aufruf der Delegierten

Der Aufruf der Delegierten erfolgte durch Herrn Dr. Weißbach.Die Delegierten-Liste ist diesem Bericht als Anhang beigefügt.

Aus beruflichen und terminlichen Gründen konnte die Öster-reichische Delegation an der Sitzung nicht teilnehmen; sieentschuldigte sich mit einem Telex vom 12. Juni 1980, in demsie auch darauf hinwies, daß die von Schweden und den Nieder-landen abgegebenen Stellungnahmen mit den österreichischenVorstellungen übereinstimmen.

3 -Wahl des Redaktionskomitees für die Resolutionen

Für das Redaktionskomitee stellten sich zur Verfügung :Frau Sauerbrunn (Deutschland), Herr Fournier (Frankreich)und Herr Hoy (Vereinigtes Königreich). Sie wurden einstimmiggewählt.

4 Genehmigung der Tagesordnung

Die vorgeschlagene Tagesordnung (Dokument CEN/TK 88 N 46) wurdevom Ausschuß genehmigt. Anderungs- bzw. Ergänzungswünschewaren nicht geäußert worden.

5 Stand der Arbeiten in der Arbeitsgruppe

5.1 Bericht des Convenor

In Vertretung des erkrankten Convenor, Herrn Brocart, erläuterteFrau Sauerbrunn das von der Arbeitsgruppe erarbeitete DokumentCEN/TK 88 N 44.

Statt der bisherigen in Dokument CEN/TK 88 N 28 gewähltenEinteilung : A. Dämmstoffe

B. Baustoffe mit wärmedämmenden EigenschaftenC. Baustoffe.

wurde von der Arbeitsgruppe nunmehr eine neue Klassifizierung in :

I. Werkmäßig hergestellte MaterialienII: Am Ort hergestellte Materialien

vorgenommen und damit eine wesentlich straffere Form erreicht.

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CEN 88 N 54

- 2

In einem zweiten Schritt wurde dann eine Liste erstellt, diedie Gesamtheit der Produkteigenschaften enthält, die inder praktischen Anwendung erforderlich sind. Soweit erforderlich,wurden Kommentare zu einzelnen Eigenschaften erläuternd hinzu-gefügt.

Als dritter Schritt wurde schließlich eine Tabelle erarbeitet,die internationale bzw. nationale Prüfmethoden für eine Reihevon Stoffeigenschaften, insbesondere von werkmäßig hergestelltenMaterialien, enthält.

Aufgrund der großen Vielfalt an allgemeinen und auch stoff-spezifischen Prüfmethoden empfiehlt die Arbeitsgruppe die Bildungeiner Experten-Gruppe, die geeignete Verfahren zur Prüfung dereinzelnen Eigenschaften auswählen soll.

Herr Weißbach dankte Frau Sauerbrunn für ihren Bericht undder Arbeitsgruppe für die geleistete Arbeit und betonte nochmals,daß auch vom Ausschuß die drei Komplexe - 1) Stoffbeschreibung,2) Eigenschaften, 3) Prüfverfahren - in dieser logischen Reihen-folge zu behandeln sind.

5.2 Durchsicht und Diskussion der Ergebnisse der Arbeitsgruppe (Dokument CEN/TK 88 N 44)

Zusätzlich zum Dokument N 44 wurden die dazu eingegangenenStellungnahmen Schwedens (Dokument CEN/TK 88 N 47), der Niederlande(Dokument CEN/TK 88 N 48), Frankreichs (Dokument CEN/TK 88 N 49)und Deutschlands (Dokument CEN/TK 88 N 50 , auf der Sitzung verteilt)diskutiert.


Die eingehende Diskussion des von der Arbeitsgruppe neu aufge-stellten Klassifizierungssystems von Baumaterialien und derdazu eingegangenen Stellungnahmen, hier insbesondere der Anderungs-vorschlag der Niederlande, ergab, daß - bei Beibehaltung vonInhalt und Terminologie des Dokuments N 44 - die übersichtlicheretabellarische Form gemäß der niederländischen Ausarbeitung über-nommen werden soll. Die Aufnahme von typischen Stoffbeispielenin einer weiteren Spalte - eventuell auch in Fußnoten odereinem Annex - soll für andere Stoffe die Einordnung nach Form,Struktur und Zusammensetzung erleichtern.

Auf wesentliche Diskussionspunkte zum Thema "Klassifizierungs-system" soll im folgenden hingewiesen werden :

Als Titel wurden neben Klassifikationsliste alternativ auchSpezifikationsliste, Identifikationsliste und die englischeBezeichnung "listing system" vorgeschlagen. Allgemeine Zustimmungfand schließlich der Titel "listing system", der sich auch mit demScope von TK 88 in Übereinstimmung befindet.

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Hinsichtlich der Formulierung einer Einleitung mit Zweck undAnwendungsbereich einigte man sich, diese zu einem späterenZeitpunkt vorzunehmen; zunächst soll der komplette Inhaltder Liste erarbeitet werden.

Zur eindeutigen Unterscheidung der beiden Hauptgruppen I undII soll in Abänderung des niederländischen Vorschlags (finalshaping in ...) besser "formed in factory" und "formed in situ"geschrieben werden.

Nach Auffassung verschiedener Delegationen sind mit den beidenGruppen II 1 und II 2 nicht alle Möglichkeiten erfaßt. Sowären zusätzlich zu den Zellstrukturen der Gruppe II 1 auchFaserstrukturen aufzuführen, Als mögliche Lösung wurde hierzuauf den schwedischen Vorschlag in Dokument N 47 verwiesen.

Die im niederländischen Vorschlag allein mit Faserstrukturbeschriebenen losen Schüttungen der Gruppe II 2 müßtenwiederum um Zellstrukturen, abet auch um Kompaktstrukturensowie granulierte Strukturen ergänzt werden. Geprüft werdensollte weiterhin, ob die losen Schüttungen nicht eventuell auchin der Hauptgruppe I erscheinen müßten.

Da sich ad hoc keine Klärung erzielen ließ, wo und in welcherForm die losen Schüttungen innerhalb der Hauptgruppen I und IIeinzuordnen sind, wurde vorgeschlagen, sie in einer eigenenneuen Hauptgruppe III mit den Untergruppen "formed in factory"und "formed in situ" aufzuführen. Eine endgültige Entscheidungwurde hierüber aber noch nicht getroffen.

Von einigen Delegationen wurde es für zweckmäßig angesehen,das Dokument N 44 zur Klärung der angesprochenen Probleme(z.B. Überführung des Dokuments N 44 in eine tabellarischeForm gemäß Dokument N 48; Stoffbeispiele in Spalte der Tabelle,in Fußnoten oder in Annex; Beschreibung und Zuordnung derlosen Schüttungen; Überprüfung einiger unklarer Begriffe undBeschreibungen) wieder an die Arbeitsgruppe zurückzugeben.

Herr Dr. Weißbach erwiderte hierzu, daß aus Zeitgründen voneiner Rückverweisung an die Arbeitsgruppe möglichst abgesehenwerden sollte. Der Ausschuß selbst sollte auf dieser Sitzung das"listing-system" bezüglich Form und Inhalt weitestgehend fertig-stellen und die Arbeitsgruppe gegebenenfalls nur noch mit derÜberprüfung spezieller Detailfragen beauftragen. Ities setze aberdas Einsverständniss aller Delegationen dafür voraus, daß dieweiteren Beratungen auf der Basis der neuen Liste der Arbeits-gruppe (Dokument N 44) in Verbindung mit dem niederländischenVorschlag für eine Tabellenform (Dokument N 48) durchgeführtwerden können.

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Alle Delegationen stimmten diesem Vorgehen zu und befür-worteten, daß zum zweiten Sitzungstag ein Arbeitspapier ange-fertigt wird , in dem unter Berücksichtigung der Beratungs-ergebnisse des ersten Tages eine Zusammenfassung von Inhaltund Form gemäß den Dokumenten N 44 und N 48 vorgenommen.wird.

Frau Sauerbrunn als Mitglied der Arbeitsgruppe erklärtesich bereit, einen entsprechenden Vorschlag aufzustellenund dem Ausschuß zur Diskussion vorzulegen. Die weitereBeratung des "listing system" wurde -daher an dieser Steilezunächst unterbrochen und auf den zweiten Tag verlegt.


Einleitend wies Herr Dr. Weißbach darauf hin, daß der zweiteKomplex über den Nachweis bestimmter Stoffeigenschaften dielogische Fortsetzung des "listing system" darstelle. DieListe für sich allein wäre seines Erachtens völlig ungeeignet,die angestrebte Verständigung zwischen Hersteller und Verwenderund den Abbau von Handelshemmnissen zu verwirklichen. HerrDr. Weißbach bestätigte auch die Einwände einiger Delegationen,daß die Arbeit im CEN/TK 88-an -einer Eigenschaftenliste nicht diein ISO/TC 163/SC 3 und SC 4 vorgesehenen Arbeiten überschneidendarf. Die Aufnahme von konkreten Stoffkennwerten sei nicht Ange-legenheit von CEN/TK 88.

Die Diskussionen über den von der Arbeitsgruppe in Dokument N 44vorgelegten Vorschlag einer Eigenschaftenliste mit Kommentarenund über die hierzu eingereichten schwedischen und französischenStellungnahmen (Dokumente N 47 und N 49) führten zu folgendenErgebnissen :

Die von der Arbeitsgruppe gewählte Reihenfolge in der Aufzählung-der Eigenschaften ist nach den Worten von Frau Sauerbrunn nur alsVorschlag gedacht und stellt somit noch keine endgültigePrioritätenfolge dar. Wesentlich war vorerst der Gesichtspunkt, daßalle_ wärmesehutztechnisch unbedingt erforderlichen Stoffeigen-schaften möglichst vollständig erfaßt und erläutert sind. DieListe sollte daher zunächst ohne Bewertung der Bedeutung dereinzelnen Eigenschaften auf Vollständigkeit überprüft werden, dieFestlegung einer endgültigen und eventuell anderen Reihenfolge,für die Frankreich in Dokument N 49 einen Vorschlag unterbreitethat, sei dann doch mehr eine spätere redaktionelle Arbeit.

Nach Meinung des italienischen Delegierten könne außerdem nichtdie Liste selbst die Wichtigkeit des Nachweises irgendeinerEigenschaft regeln; dies müßte zukünftig in Abhängigkeit vomjeweils betrachteten Materialkahlweise festgelegt werden

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CEN /TK 88 N 34

- 1 Rohdichte (Density - Density)

Die von Frankreich in Dokument N 49 vorgeschlagene und vonder schwedischen Delegation unterstützte Streichung dieserEigenschaft aus der Liste und deren Aufnahme in die Produkt-beschreibung im Kopf des Formulars als eine Art "geometrische"Größe zusätzlich zu den Maßen wurde von allen anderen Delegationennach eingehender Diskussion abgelehnt.

Für viele Materialien bedeute die Rohdichte eine wichtigeEigenschaft mit unmittelbarem Einfluß auf die Größe der Wärme-leitfähigkeit und z.B. auch für nichtstationäre Berechnungen.Ob diese Eigenschaft aber an erster Stelle der Liste stehensoll, könnte noch überprüft werden.

An dieser Stelle wurde die Beratung am ersten Sitzungstag um18.00 Uhr beendet und der Sitzungsbeginn für den nächstenTag auf 9.00 Uhr festgelegt.

- 2 Wärmeleitfähigkeit oder Wärmedurchlaßwiderstand(Thermal conductivity or thermal resistance -Conductivite thermique ou resistance thermique)

Die von Schweden in Dokument N 47 vorgeschlagene Differenzierungdieser Eigenschaften je nach Art der Materialien, die auch imKommentar bereits angesprochen wird, gehört nach Auffassungdes Ausschusses nicht in die Liste, sondern muß später bei denPrüfverfahren diskutiert werden.

- 3 Spezifische Wärmekapazität(Specific heat - Chaleur specifique)

Die zusätzliche Aufnahme der Diffusivität gemäß dem französischenVorschlag in Dokument N 49 wurde von Frau Sauerbrunn seitensder Arbeitsgruppe zunächst nicht befürwortet, da diese Eigen-schaft keine Basisgröße sei.

Obwohl bestätigt wurde, daß bisher noch keine definierte, ge-normte Meßmethode für diese Eigenschaft besteht, soll sie hierdoch wegen ihrer Bedeutung für die Betrachtung von Wärme-durchgangsproblemen zusätzlich und vorangestellt aufgenommenwerden. Es sei notwendig, däß unverzüglich eine Prüfnormerarbeitet wird.

Die Eigenschaft soll nunmehr heißen

Diffusivität oder spezifische Wärmekapazität(Diffusivity or specific heat - Diffusivite ou chaleur massique).

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- 4 1a'asserdampfdurchlässigkeit oder Diffusionswiderstandszahl(Water vapour permeability or permeance, -Permeabilite A la vapeur d'eau ou permeance)

Ohne Änderungen angenommen.

- 5 Anwendungsgrenztemperatur(Temperature range of use - Temperature limite d'ütilisation)

Der in dieser Eigenschaftsbezeichnung enthaltene Begriff"Grenztemperatur" sei nach Auffassung verschiedener Delegationenzu streng und könnte einerseits vom Anwender als Garantie ver-standen werden , andererseits könnte aber auch die unbedenklicheAnwendung eines Stoffes verhindert werden. Die Grenztemperaturhänge von einer Vielzahl von Parametern in den verschiedenenAnwendungsgebieten ab, so daß für die Hersteller eine exakteAngabe dieser Größe Probleme bereiten würde. Es könne den Her-stellern auch nicht zugemutet werden, daß sie jeweils die speziellenRandbedingungen angeben müssen, die auf die Festlegung derGrenztemperatur eines Stoffes Einfluß haben, zumal hierüberkeine Prüfnormen existieren.

Als Kompromiß wurde einvernehmlich vereinbart, daß in der Listein einer Klammer der Hinweis "conventional temperature" zugefügtwird und gleichzeitig im Kommentar die Worte "unter seinenAnwendungsbedingungen" geändert werden in "unter allen Anwendungs-bedingungen"( under any conditions - quelque soient les conditionsd'emploi).

- 6 Luftdurchlässigkeit(Air permeability - Permeabilite A l'air)

Ohne Änderungen angenommen.

- 7 Wasserabsorption - Kapillarität oder Eintauchen(Water absorption - Capillarity or immersion -Absorption d'eau Capillarite ou immersion)

Der Vorschlag von Schweden in Dokument N 47,als vorrangige Eigen-schaft nur die kapillare Wasserabsorption ( capillary waterabsorption) in der Liste zu belassen, wurde auch von einigenanderen Delegationen unterstützt> Hierfür gebe es auch bereitsdie entsprechenden Prüfnormen. Andere Delegationen wiederumschlugen vor, allein das Eintauchen (immersion) zu belassen.

Aufgrund dieser gegensätzlichen Auffassungen wurde vom Obmannvorgeschlagen, in der Liste nur "Wasserabsorption" stehen zulassen und dafür im Kommentar sowohl Kapillarität als auchEintauchen (immersion) zu definieren. Weitere Regelungen könn-ten dann den entsprechenden Prüfnormen überlassen werden.

Der Ausschuß nahm diesen Vorschlag an.

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- 8 Gleichgewichtsfeuchtigkeit(Equilibrium moisture - Humidite d'equilibre)

Dem Vorschlag, diese Eigenschaft wegen ihres Einflusses auf dieKapillarität mit in Punkt 7 einzuschließen, wurde nicht ent-sprochen. Sie wurde unverändert übernommen.

-9 Maßänderungen in Abhängigkeit von Feuchtigkeit und Temperatur(Dimensional stability dependent an humidity or temperature -Variations dimensionnelles en fonction de l'humidite ou de latemperature)

und- 10 Thermischer Ausdehnungskoeffizient

(Thermal expansion coefficient -Coefficient d'expension thermique reversible

Auf der Basis des französischen Vorschlags in Dokument N 49wurden diese beiden verwandten Eigenschaften zu einem neuenPunkt 9 zusammengefaßt und Punkt 10 dafür gestrichen. Punkt 9soll nunmehr lauten

Maßänderungen in Abhängigkeit von Feuchtigkeit und/oderTemperatur (reversibel oder irreversibel)(Dimensional stability dependent on humidity and/ortemperature (reversible or irreversible)Variations dimensionnelles en fonction de l' humidite et/oude la temperature (reversible ou irreversible)

- 11 Fließen (Creep - Fluage)

Aufgrund des französischen Vorschlags in Dokument N 49 füreine Ergänzung "unter Belastung" (under loading m sous charge)wurde diskutiert, ob generell unter einem eigenen Punkt eineneue Eigenschaft aufgenommen werden muß, die speziell für"lose Schüttungen" die Dimensionsänderungen unter langzeitigerBelastung beschreibt, Als Titel wurde hierfür zunächst"Relaxation under own weight" vorgeschlagen . Mit diesem Begriffwäre nicht nur das Setzen (settlement) von losen Schüttungenerfaßt, sondern auch das Entspannen, wie es bei leichten Faser®dämmstoffen nach dem unter Zusammenpressung vorgenommen Einbauerfolgen kann.

Nach Auffassung der meisten Delegationen ist nur das Setzen vonEinfluß auf andere Eigenschaften und wird deswegen auch ge-messen. Darüber hinaus gilt das Setzen nicht allein für loseSchüttungen.

Aufgrund dieser Einwände wurde beschlossen, daß für lose Schüt-tungen kein eigener Punkt geschaffen wird. Punkt 11 soll unver-ändert bleiben, dafür aber dm Kommentar als zusätzliche Er-läuterung eingearbeitet werden

Setzen unter eigener Last(Settlement under own weight).


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- 12 Druckfestigkeit(Compressive strength - Resistance A la compression)

Ohne Änderungen angenommen°

- 13 Zugfestigkeit senkrecht (Abreißfestigkeit)(Tear Strength vertical - Resistance A la traction


- 14 Zugfestigkeit parallel(Tensile strength - Resistance A la traction parallele)

Gemäß dem französischen Vorschlag in Dokument N 49 sollendiese Eigenschaften unter dem Punkt "Zugfestigkeit" (Tensilestrength - Resistance A la traction) zusammengefaßt werden. Dader"Z-ugfestigkeit parallel" nur eine untergeordnete Bedeutungbeigemessen wurde, Soll in der Liste in Klammern hinzugefügtwerden

Falls erforderlich in verschiedenen Richtungen(in different directions, if necessary -dans differents sens,si necessaire)

- 15 Biegefestigkeit(Flexural strength - Resistance A la flexion)

Die von Schweden in Dokument N 47 vorgeschlagene Aufnahme der"Abscherfestigkeit" (Shearing strength - Cisaillement)anstelle von "Biegefestigkeit" wurde nicht befürwortet, DieBiegefestigkeit als wichtige und eindeutig definierte Basis-größe dürfe nicht entfallen. Es könnte aber für die Abscher-festigkeit, die für den eingebauten Zustand verschiedenerStoffe wichtig sein kann, ein eigener Punkt geschaffen werden,wenn diese Eigenschaft von genereller Bedeutung sei.

Zu diesem Vorschlag wurde erwidert, daß die Abscherfestigkeitnur eine spezielle Eigenschaft für spezielle Stoffe sei unddamit die Liste nicht belastet werden sollte. Allenfalls könntediese Eigenschaft unter Punkt 20 "Andere Eigenschaften, soweitnotwendig" eingeordnet werden.

Punkt 15 wurde ohne. Änderung angenommen, eine endgültige Ent-scheidung über die Behandlung der Abscherfestigkeit wurde nochnicht getroffen.

- 16 Brandverhalten(Behaviour in fire - Comportement au feu)

Die von Schweden in Dokument N 49 vorgeschlagene Streichung• dieser Eigenschaft wurde von.der französischen Delegationprinzipiell unterstützt. Das CEN/TK 88 sei mit der Entscheidungüberfordert, aus der z.Z. bestehenden Vielfalt unterschiedlichsternationaler Prüfnormen und-Vorschriften ein geeignetes allgemeines


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Verfahren auszuwählen. Diese Aufgabe falle außerdem nichtin den Geltungsbereich dieses Ausschusses, sondern wirdinnerhalb von ISO/TC 92 behandelt. Dessen Ergebnisse, diesicher erst in einigen Jahren vorliegen werden, solltenabgewartet werden.

Frau Sauerbrunn wies darauf hin, daß sich die Arbeitsgruppedieser Probleme durchaus bewußt war und trotzdem die Aufnahmedieser wichtigen Stoffeigenschaft -auch ohne Bezug aufbestimmte Prüfverfahren- vereinbart hat.

Der Vorschlag des Obmanns, zumindest zur freien Wahl oderVereinbarung auf die jeweiligen vorhandenen nationalenRegelungen zu verweisen, wurde nicht befürwortet . Hierdurchkönnten die Verständigungsprobleme nicht beseitigt werden.

Alle Delegationen stimmten schließlich der Beibehaltung derEigenschaft "Brandverhalten" zu, wenn zusätzlich in denKommentar ein Hinweis eingearbeitet wird, daß zur Zeit aufdiesem Gebiet in der ISO an einer internationalen Verein-heitlichung von bestehenden nationalen Prüfnormen gearbeitetwird.

5.3 Weiteres Vorgehen

Zur Klärung der Frage, welche Probleme eventuell nochmalszur weiteren Beratung an die Arbeitsgruppe zurückverwiesenwerden müssen, wurde unter diesem Tagesordnungspunkt dervereinbarungsgemäß von Frau Sauerbrunn erarbeitete Vorschlagfür ein "listing system",als Dokument CEN/TK 88 N 51 verteilt,kurz durchgesehen.

Zuvor gab Frau Sauerbrunn einen kurzen Überblick über dievon ihr vorgenommenen Anderungen und. Ergänzungen und dieBegründungen dafür. So habe sie im Sinne einer wünschens-werten Straffung und Klarheit der'Tabelle auf einige inDokument N 48 vorgeschlagene Formulierungen verzichtet (wiez;B. die Angaben, ob in den Stoffen Luft bzw. Gas enthalten istoder nicht). Die vorgeschlagene zusätzliche Zeile "hybrid"bei der chemischen Zusammensetzung wurde übernommen, bei denentsprechenden Beispielen mußten aber noch Lücken offengelassenwerden.

Zur Untergruppe I 4 schlug Frau Sauerbrunn vor, von den beidenzunächst noch aufgenommenen Bezeichnungen die zweite, inKlammern stehende zu übernehmen, da die Definition "andereStrukturen" (other structures) zu ungenau sei.

Als eine neue Untergruppe I S habe sie "beschichtete Stoffe"(laminated materials) vorgesehen. In diese Gruppe sollten allediejenigen Stoffe eingeordnet werden, die nicht nur rein her-stellungsbedingte Oberflächenbeschichtungen oder Oberflächen-beschichtungen mit vernachlässigbarem Einfluß auf die'Wärme-dämmeigenschaften haben: und dadurch nicht in die Untergruppe I 1bis I 4 eingeordnet werden könnten. In einer entsprechendenFußnote sollte diese Bedeutung der Untergruppe 15 erläutertwerden.

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Für den Titel der Hauptgruppe II rege sie an, statt "in situ"für den Anwender verständlicher "on site" (auf der Baustelle)zu schreiben.

In der Untergruppe II 2 habe sie die Modifizierung gemäßDokument N 48 "faserförmig" (fibrous) entfallen lassen, daes gemäß der Diskussion am Vortag für lose Schüttungen auchandere Strukturen gibt.

Die Hauptgruppe III, die sie zunächst vor allem aufgrundder Diskussionen über "lose Schüttungen" noch vorgesehen habe,könnte ihrer Auffassung nach entfallen, da nunmehr die Unter-gruppe II 2 eine allgemein gültige Bezeichnung habe. Ab-schließend wies Frau Sauerbrunn darauf hin, daß die am Vortagüber die Tabelle geführten Diskussionen zu einem großen Teileine Wiederholung der schon in der Arbeitsgruppe geführtenDiskussionen seien. Es scheine ihr deshalb nicht sinnvoll,eine nochmalige tiberarbeitung durch die Arbeitsgruppe vornehmenzu lassen, da diese Überarbeitung dann wieder durch den Aus-schuß in ähnlicher Weise wie am Vortag diskutiert und zuweiteren Änderungsvorschlägen führen würde. Sie rege daher an,daß die Tabelle als solche auf dieser Sitzung verabschiedetwerden sollte.

Von den Delegierten wurden noch die folgenden Änderungsvor-schläge zu Dokument N 51 vorgetragen :

Die Untergruppe I 3 könnte besser mit "compact prefabricatedmaterials" beschrieben werden.

Als weiteres Beispiel für die Untergruppe I 4.2 sollte"Asbest-Zement" aufgenommen werden, das dafür in der Unter-gruppe II 4.2 zu streichen ist.

In den Untergruppen II 1 und II 3 soll folgende Ergänzung einge-fügt werden : "... in liquid or in pasteous form"

Die Bezeichnung der Untergruppe II 1 soll wie folgt umgestelltwerden: "Materials applied in liquid or in-pasteous form withcell structure".

Herr Dr. Weißbach dankte Frau Sauerbrunnffür die Ausarbeitungvon Dokument N 51. Auch er vertrat die Auffassung, daß die nach-folgenden Beratungen unter Tagesordnungspunkt 6 und 7 mit derVoraussetzung geführt werden sollten, daß eine Zurückverweisungder Tabelle an die Arbeitsgruppe vorerst nicht mehr vorgesehenist. Die Delegationen erhoben hierzu keine Einwände.

6 Übernahme der Arbeitsergebnisse der Arbeitsgruppe in die Beratungsunterlagen des . Technischen Komitees

Unter Berücksichtigung der bereits bei Punkt 5.2 der Tagesordnunggetroffenen Vereinbarung und nach erster Überprüfung desDokuments N 51 gab der Ausschuß seine Zustimmung, daß der in

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Dokument N 48 enthaltene Verbesserungsvorschlag für das"listing system" auf das Arbeitsergebnis der Arbeitsgruppe(Dokument N 44) angewendet wird. (siehe Resolution 14) und dasErgebnis dieser Verbindung der beiden Dokumente N 44 und N 48die Beratungsunterlage für die weitere Diskussion im TK 88darstellt.

Gleichermaßen wurde Einvernehmen-darüber erzielt, daß dievon der Arbeitsgruppe aufgestellte Liste der Eigenschaftenmit den auf der Sitzung diskutierten Änderungen und Ergänzungenangenommen und damit Beratungsunterlage des TK 88 geworden ist (sieheResolution 15).Ergänzende Einzelheiten, insbesondere zu Resolution 14, wurdenunter Tagesordnungspunkt 7 festgelegt.

7 - Künftige Arbeit

Zum weiteren Vorgehen innerhalb des Ausschusses wurden die fol-genden Vereinbarungen getroffen

Da das Dokument N 51 auf der Sitzung nicht mehr im Detaildiskutiert werden konnte, wurden alle Länder gebeten, eventuelleweitere Änderungs-.und Ergänzungsvorschläge zu diesem Dokument,die auf der Sitzung nicht mehr angesprochen werden konnten,innerhalb der nächsten drei Monate an das Sekretariat einzurei-chen. Diese zusätzlichen Stellungnahmen sollen dann zusammenmit den bereits auf der Sitzung niedergelegten Beratungsergeb-nissen vom Sekretariat mit Unterstützung des Obmanns und -fallsnotwendig- weiterer Mitglieder der Arbeitsgruppe in eineüberarbeitete Fassung der Tabelle des Dokuments N 51 überführtwerden. Ziel soll es sein, daß auf der nächsten Sitzung nur nochdas neue Dokument beraten und verabschiedet wird und nichtnochmals das Dokument N 51 und die dazu abgegebenen Stellung-nahmen diskutiert werden müssen.

Das neue Dokument soll so rechtzeitig vor der nächsten Sitzungzur Durchsicht und Überprüfung an die Länder übersandt -werden,daß eventuelle Stellungnahmen noch vor der-Sitzung verteiltwerden können.

Ebenfalls bis zur nächsten Sitzung soll dann nach Vorliegen desneuen Dokuments ein erster Entwurf für den einleitenden Abschnitt"Zweck und Geltungsbereich" der Tabelle aufgestellt werden. Mitdieser Aufgabe sollen sich der Obmann, das Sekretariat und zweiweitere Mitarbeiter des Ausschusses oder der Arbeitsgruppe be-fassen.

Nach 'Auffassung der Delegationen könnte der Vorschlag desObmanns, das auf der nächsten Sitzung abschließend berateneDokument mit der Tabelle anschließend an CEN weiterzugeben,noch nicht verwirklicht werden. Das Dokument muß auch nach .dernächsten Sitzung nur als unvollständiges Arbeitspapier ange-sehen werden, da zu der Tabelle auch die Liste der Eigenschaftenund vor allem die anzuwendenden Prüfnormen gehören.

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CEN /TK 88 N 54

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Hauptpunkt der nächsten Sitzung muß daher die Sichtung undBeratung der vorhandenen Prüfnormen sein, die für eineÜbernahme geeignet sind.

Zur Durchführung der für diese Beratung erforderlichen Vor-arbeiten wurde gemäß der bereits von der bestehenden Arbeits-gruppe gegebenen Anregung eine neue Arbeitsgruppe 2 gebildet(siehe Resolution 16).

Zur Mitarbeit in der Arbeitsgruppe 2 erklärten sich sofortbereit o

Belgien, Deutschland, Frankreich,Großbritannien, Niederlande.

Die Delegationen von Dänemark, Italien und Schweden teiltenmit, daß sie zuerst bei ihren nationalen NormungsinstitutenRücksprache bezüglich ihrer Mitarbeit führen müssen. Siewerden ihre eventuelle Benennung dann später nachreichen.

Die französische Delegation teilte mit, daß Frankreich denConvenor der neuen Arbeitsgruppe 2 benennen wird.

Die in der Arbeitsgruppe 2 mitwirkenden Länder wurden gebeten,ihren Experten so bald als möglich namentlich zu benennen.Die erste Sitzung der Arbeitsgruppe 2 soll etwa in einemhalben Jahr stattfinden.

Zur Unterstützung der Arbeitsgruppe 2 wurde es als zweck-mäßig angesehen, daß die in Frage kommenden Prüfnormen von dennationalen Normungsinstituten zusammengestellt und ihrenbenannten Experten bzw. der Arbeitsgruppe zur Verfügung ge-stellt werden.

I n. der bereits angesprochenen Frage der Weitergabe des . neuenDokuments mit der Tabelle an CEN wurde bestätigt, daß dasPapier noch nicht komplett sei. Es sollte aber trotzdem alsein Lösungsvorschlag an das CEN-Zentralsekretariat übergebenwerden mit der Bitte, seine Vorstellungen über eventuelleAnderungen und Ergänzungen sowie die weitere Behandlung diesesPapiers mitzuteilen. Auf der Basis dieser Informationen wäredann gegebenenfalls die Bearbeitung des Dokuments. fortzusetzen.

Hierzu äußerte die niederländische Delegation, daß von CENkeine konkreten Zielvorstellungen und Anleitungen zu erwartenseien; hier müsse das TK '88 selbst die Entscheidungen überForm, Inhalt und Aussageziel des Dokuments treffen.In derForm des derzeitigen Bearbeitungsstandes stelle das Dokumentnach ihren Vorstellungen noch keine EN-Norm dar, die in denNiederlanden als nationale Norm übernommen werden könnte.

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CE N /TK 88 N 54

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Zu den insgesamt noch erforderlichen Modifizierungen desNorm-Vorschlags gehöre beispielsweise als ein wichtiger Punktauch die Festlegung der Prioritäten in der Eigenschaftenlistefür die einzelnen Stoffe. Dieses Problem sollte zunächst auchin einer Arbeitsgruppe. beraten werden.

Nach Auffassung des Obmanns sei eine strenge Reihenfolge derPrioritäten für die nachzuweisenden Eigenschaften nicht unbe-dingt Angelegenheit der Liste, sondern sollte der Entscheidungder Hersteller vorbehalten bleiben. Er bat aber die nieder-ländische Delegation, daß sie die von ihr auf der Sitzung

vorgetragenen Vorstellungen über die weitere Bearbeitungund Behandlung des Norm-Vorschlags wegen ihrer grundsätzlichenBedeutung nochmals ausführlich in schriftlicher Form an denAusschuß übergibt. Dies wurde zugesichert.0

8 Verschiedenes

Herr Dr. Weißbach informierte die Delegierten über den Vorschlagder CEC, innerhalb von CEN ein neues Projekt mit dem Titel"Energy saving - Measurement of thermal properties of buildingmaterials - including windows (frame and glass)" in Angriff zunehmen. Er wies ergänzend darauf hin, daß bereits in ISO/TC 163/SC 1/WG 1 erste Diskussionen über eine spätere Bearbeitung diesesThemenkreises geführt wurden.

Von den Delegationen wurde festgestellt, daß dieses Projekt aufjeden Fall nicht zum Aufgabenbereich von CEN/TK 88 gehöre unddaher hier nicht aufgegriffen werden soll.

9 Verabschiedung der Resolutionen

Es wurde vereinbart, daß die inhaltlich feststehenden, aber ausZeitmangel nicht mehr endgültig in allen drei Sprachen formuliertenResolutionen 14 bis 16 nach ihrer Fertigstellung den Mitglieds-ländern mit Frist zur schriftlichen Stellungnahme zugesandtwerden.

10 Tag und Ort für die nächste Sitzung

Auf Einladung der Dänischen Normenvereinigung wird ` die nächsteSitzung des CEN/TK 88 am 20. und 21. Mai 1981 in Kopenhagenstattfinden.

Im Namen aller Delegierten dankte Herr Prof. De Ponte dem DINfür die ,Einladung nach Berlin und den beiden Dolmetschern fürihre ausgezeichnete Leistung.

Herr Dr. Weißbach dankte den Delegierten für ihre rege Mitarbeitund schloß um 14.00 Uhr'die•Sitzung.

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D. FournierP. LouvetJ.C. Mar6chalG. Venuti


F. De Ponte


A.R. RutgersW. Walters

Anhang zum Dokument CEN/TK 88 N 54


Folgende Damen und Herren waren anwesend :


G. Weißbach


L. Reyns


M. Andersson, Frau

MPA NW, Dortmund

Minist6re de l'AgricultureDirection du Genie rural, Brüssel

Dansk Standardiseringsraad, Hellerup

Institut für Bauphysik, StuttgartForschungsinstitut für Wärmeschutz Munchen,GräfelfingBerlinDeutsche Pittsburgh Corning GmbH,MannheimGrünzweig & Hartmann und Glasfaser AG,Mannheim

ISOVER Saint-Gobain, RantignyISOVER Saint-Gobain, RantignyCEBTP, ParisLNE, Paris

Universita di Padova

ISOVER, DelftNederlands Normalisatie-Instituut,Rijswijk

.SIS Standardieringskommissionen i Sverige,Stockholm


J. Dufour


R. JenischAchtziger

R. NeumannI. Sauerbrunn, Frau



G. Hoy Pilkington, St. Helens

DOLMETSCHER: Frau Karsten Goossens,M. v. Weitzel Mudersbach

SEKRETARIAT: W. Appelt, R. Cohrs, H. Baus - DIN, Berlin

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Diese Norm dient der Klassifizierung von Baustoffen

entsprechend ihrer Struktur besonders im Hinblick auf

wärmeschutztechnische Eigenschaften.

Es sind diejenigen Eigenschaften aufgelistet, die unter

wärmeschutztechnischem Aspekt von Bedeutung sind. Außer-

dem werden die Prüfverfahren angegeben, mit deren Hilfe

die entsprechenden physikalischen Kenndaten ermittelt

werden sollen.


Diese Norm gilt für Baustoffe, die vorzugsweise zum Zwecke

des Wärmeschutzes im Bauwesen verwendet werden. Dabei

können diese Baustoffe sowohl-werkmäßig als auch an der

Baustelle hergestellt werden.

Diese Norm berücksichtigt keine sch. llschutztechnischen


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Wood fibre slabsMineral fibres


Concrete blocks


Perlite-mineral fibreslabs; asbestos cementPerlite-cotton.-slabs;"Styroporbeton"



I)OCUENT CEN/TC SS N 5u_____________________=_

(Revised document N 51, according to the decisionstaken at the meeting of CES/TC SS on 19SU- 0u -13)


`•:atcrials formedin the factory

Cody Structure

1 with cell structure

'ode Chemicalcomposition


Polystyrene-foam slabsCellular glass slabsPolyurethane withexpanded glass





masonry; bricks, blocks 1(( or: Compact prefabricated 2

materials)). 3

4 ! other structures orcombinations£combinations ofmaterials withdifferent structures)


laminated materials 1




Pol yurethane foamlaminated - with Polyester(sandwich)


1 materials applied inliquid or in pasteousform with cellstructure

PUR -foam; OF-foamCellular concrete( Gasbeton)










Polystyrene-foam-beadsLoose mineral wool;Perlite


loose fill materials


compact materials 1without cellular 2structure 3(materials appliedin liquid or inpasteous form)



4 combinations ofmaterials with 2different form andstructure' 3



II 1Materialsinjected or

i moulded on site

Materialsproduced by .other methods

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Andere Eigenschaften Other properties Autres • pro p rietes necessaire..d0

Liste der Eigenschaften

List of properties

Liste des proprietes.

Nr D E F

1 Rohdichte, oderFlächenbezogene Masse

Density Densite

i ; :irmeleitf'hhiekeit oder

h'ärmedurchlasswiderstandThermal conductivity orThermal resistance

Conductivite thermique ouResistance thermique

3 Temperaturleitfähigkeit oderSpezifische Wärmekapazität

Diffusivity orSpecific heat

Diffusivity ouChaleur massique

4 Wasserdampfdurchlässigkeit oderDiffusionswiderstandszahl

Water vapour permeability orPermeance

Permeabilite ä la vapeur ouPermeance

5 Anwendungsgrenztemperaturen Temperature range of use(Conventional temperature)

Temperature limite d'utilisation.

6 Luftdurchlässigkeit Air permeability Permeabilite ä fair

7 Wasseraufnahme Water absorption Absorption d°eau



Gleichgewichtsfeuchte Equilibrium moisture Humidite d'equilibre

i 9 Maßänderungen in Abhängigkeit Dimensional stability dependent onvon Feuchtigkeit und/oder humidity and/or temperatureTemperatur (reversibel oder irrever- (reversible or irreversible)


Variations dimensionnellesen fonction de l'humidite et/oude la temperature (reversible ou


10 Kriechen Creep _



11 Druckfestigkeit Compressive strength Resistance ä la compression

12 ; Zugfestigkeit (falls erforder®lich, in verschiedenen Rich-

i tungen)

Tensile strength ( in differentdirections, if necessary)

Resistance ä la traction (dansdi£ferents sens, si necessaire)

!13 Biegefestigkeit

Flexural strength Resistance A la flexion

i:14 Brandverhalten Behaviour in fire Comportement au feu

I i

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No comments Pas de commentaire

Comments on the list of Commentaires ä la liste desproperties proprietes

Kommentare zur Eigenschaften-liste


N r


Der Närmedurchlaßwiderstandwird häufig für Produkte be- 9nutzt, die aus mehreren Lagen I,

bestehen. Es ist zu berück-sichtigen, daß notwendigerweiseder Einfluß von Feuchtigkeitauf das Material zu präzisie-ren ist, ferner die Versuchs-temperatur und, falls not-wendig, der Einfluß der Alte-rung.

The thermal resistance is largelyused for products consistingof more than one layer. Itmust be remembered that itmay be necessary to precisethe influence of the humidityof the material, the testtemperature and, if neccesary,ageing.

La resistance thermique estlargement utilisee pour lesmateriaux comprenant plusieurscouches. Il faut prevoir lanecessite de preciser 1'in-fluence de 1'humidite dumateriau, de la temperatured'essai, si besoin, celle duvieillissement.

3 Von zweitrangigem Interesse Of secondary interest Interet secondaire

4 Es dürfte notwendig sein, eineEinheit oder einen Ausdruckfestzulegen, ebenso wie dieVersuchsbedingungen (Tempera-tur und Druckdifferenz) zupräzisieren.

It will probably be necessaryto decide upon a certain unit,or expression and precise thetest conditions (temperatureor difference in pressure).

Il conviendra de fixer uneunite ou un mode d'expressionainsi que de preciser lesmodalites d'essai (temperatureet difference de pression).

5 Es handelt sich um die maxi-male oder minimale Temperatur,bei der ein Produkt auf Dauerunter allen Anwendungsbe-dingungen angewendet werdenkann, ohne seine charakteri-stischen Eigenschaften zu ver-lieren.

Of interest here is themaximum or minimum temperaturewhich the product can bepermanently sujected toirrespective of the conditionof application without theproduct losing itscharacteristic properties.

I1 s'agit de 1a temperaturemaximale ou minimale ä laquellele produit peut Etre soumis enpermanence quelque soient lesconditions d'emploi sansperdre ses caracteristiques.

6 Von zweitrangigem Interesse,ausgenommen Gebiete mitstarkem Windanfall. Es handeltsich um die Messung des Luft-durchgangs durch ein Materialunter gegebenem Druck.

Of secondary interest exceptin areas subjected to heavywinds. The passage of airthrough a material under agiven pressure is measured.

Interet secondaire sauf dansles regions soumises au vent.I1 s'agit de la mesure dupassage de lair d travers lemateriau sous une pressiondonnee.

7 Kapillarität oder Eintauchenist das Gewicht (oder Volumen)an Wasser, das durch die Ober-fläche bei Berührung mit Was-ser aufgenommen wird. DieWerte können in Gewichtspro-zent unter Bezugsbedingungenausgedrückt werden.

Capillarity or immersion isthe weight (or volume) ofwater absorbed by thesurface in contact with thewater. The values can beexpressed as a percentage ofthe weight or volume underreference conditions.

La capillarite ou immersionc'est le poids d'eau absorbe ;(ou le volume) par la surfaceen contact aver l'eau. Lesvaleurs peuvent etre exprimeesen du poids ou du volumepour les critdres retenus.

Es ist die relative Feuchte zudefinieren, auf die zu bezie-hen ist.

Es sind die Bedingungen(Feuchtigkeit und/oderTemperatur) zu definierenund die Maßänderungen in allendrei Dimensionen zu bestimmen.

The reference humidity mustbe defined.

The conditions (humidityand/or temperature) must bedefined and the variationsin all three dimensions mustbe measured.

D'efinir les humiditesrelatives ä retenir.

D'efinir les conditions(Humidite et/ou temperature)et de mesurer les variationssur les trois dimensions.

10 Anderungen der Abmessungenunter Last bei Langzeitbe-anspruchung. Hierunter wirdauch das Setzen unter eigenerLast verstanden.

Changes in dimension due toa product having beensubjected to loading over along period of time. Thisalso includes settling underits own weight.

Changement de dimension,souscharge apres une longueperiode y compris le tasse-.ment•sous poids propre.

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11 Abhängig vom Material wird dieFestigkeit bis zum Bruch ge-messen oder der Druck dernotwendig ist, um die Dicke

Depending on the material inquestion either the compressive `.strength is measured up to

Selon les materiaux, on mesure •la r e sistance A la rupture ou1a contrainte necessaire A isreduction d'epaisseur de

um = x s, zu verringern. necessaryrto reduce the thick-ness by = x % is measured.

= x `'

12 Kein KommentarNo comment

Sans commentaire

13 Kein Kommentar No comment Sans commentaire

14 Die unter diesem Begriffeinzuordnenden Eigenschaftenhaben Bezug zu den Arbeitenin ISO/TC 92, das zur Zeitan einer internationalenVereinheitlichung von bestehenden nationalen Prüf-normen tätig ist.

The properties encompassed bythis term fail within thescope of the work carried outby ISO/TC 92 which is atpresent involved in work tostandardise at internationallevel the various national .test standards in existence.

Les propeittes englobeessous ce terme relevent destravaux par ISO/TC 92qui s'occupe actuellementd'unifier sur le planinternational des normesd'essais nationalesexistantes.

20 Hier wären z.B. die Abscher-festigkeit oder das Verhaltengegenüber Insekten, Schimmel,UV- Strahlung zu erwähnen.

Suitable examples would beresistance to shear, behaviourin the presence of insects,mould or ultraviolet rays,etc.

On mentionnera par exemplele cisaillement ou le compor-tement vis-ä-vis des insectes,des Champignons, des rayonsultra violet, etc.