°C % RH td g/kg hPa m/s m 3 /h ppm CO ppm CO 2 rpm mA mV testo 454 Reference Measuring Instrument for HVAC and Industry From measuring instrument to measuring system

Reference Measuring Instrument for HVAC and Industrykorins.co.kr/m/testo/4541.pdf · 2006. 10. 18. · ISO calibration certificates for the complete measuring system (measuring instrument

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  • °C

    % RH













    testo 454

    Reference Measuring Instrument for HVAC and IndustryFrom measuring instrument to measuring system

    Verwendete Distiller 5.0.x JoboptionsDieser Report wurde automatisch mit Hilfe der Adobe Acrobat Distiller Erweiterung "Distiller Secrets v1.0.5" der IMPRESSED GmbH erstellt.Sie koennen diese Startup-Datei für die Distiller Versionen 4.0.5 und 5.0.x kostenlos unter http://www.impressed.de herunterladen.

    ALLGEMEIN ----------------------------------------Dateioptionen: Kompatibilität: PDF 1.3 Für schnelle Web-Anzeige optimieren: Ja Piktogramme einbetten: Nein Seiten automatisch drehen: Nein Seiten von: 1 Seiten bis: Alle Seiten Bund: Links Auflösung: [ 1200 1200 ] dpi Papierformat: [ 595 842 ] Punkt

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    ANDERE ---------------------------------------- Distiller-Kern Version: 5000 ZIP-Komprimierung verwenden: Ja Optimierungen deaktivieren: Nein Bildspeicher: 524288 Byte Farbbilder glätten: Nein Graustufenbilder glätten: Nein Bilder (< 257 Farben) in indizierten Farbraum konvertieren: Ja sRGB ICC-Profil: sRGB IEC61966-2.1

    ENDE DES REPORTS ----------------------------------------

    IMPRESSED GmbHBahrenfelder Chaussee 4922761 Hamburg, GermanyTel. +49 40 897189-0Fax +49 40 897189-71Email: [email protected]: www.impressed.de

    Adobe Acrobat Distiller 5.0.x Joboption Datei

    /AutoFilterColorImages true /sRGBProfile (sRGB IEC61966-2.1) /ColorImageDepth -1 /PreserveOverprintSettings false /AutoRotatePages /None /UCRandBGInfo /Remove /EmbedAllFonts true /CompatibilityLevel 1.3 /StartPage 1 /AntiAliasColorImages false /CreateJobTicket false /ConvertImagesToIndexed true /ColorImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /ColorImageDownsampleThreshold 1.5 /MonoImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /DetectBlends true /GrayImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /PreserveEPSInfo true /GrayACSImageDict > /ColorACSImageDict > /PreserveCopyPage true /EncodeMonoImages true /ColorConversionStrategy /sRGB /PreserveOPIComments false /AntiAliasGrayImages false /GrayImageDepth -1 /ColorImageResolution 100 /EndPage -1 /AutoPositionEPSFiles true /MonoImageDepth -1 /TransferFunctionInfo /Apply /EncodeGrayImages true /DownsampleGrayImages true /DownsampleMonoImages true /DownsampleColorImages true /MonoImageDownsampleThreshold 1.5 /MonoImageDict > /Binding /Left /CalCMYKProfile (U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2) /MonoImageResolution 300 /AutoFilterGrayImages true /AlwaysEmbed [ ] /ImageMemory 524288 /SubsetFonts false /DefaultRenderingIntent /Default /OPM 1 /MonoImageFilter /CCITTFaxEncode /GrayImageResolution 100 /ColorImageFilter /DCTEncode /PreserveHalftoneInfo false /ColorImageDict > /ASCII85EncodePages false /LockDistillerParams true>> setdistillerparams> setpagedevice

  • Your partner in measurement


    120 service specialists worldwide guarantee fastservice. There is a 10 year service guarantee onthe availability of service parts for all Testomeasuring instruments. Call us for details aboutyour nearest service location.

    Consultation and Training

    One of our major strengths is our highlydeveloped competence in measurementtechnology which we offer to you during face toface meetings, in our technical manuals orduring Testo seminars.

    Testo is one of the leading manufacturers ofportable electronic measuringinstruments...worldwide.

    We employ over 1100 employees and arerepresented throughout the world by 23subsidiaries in 20 countries.Quality

    We have more than 40 years’ experience in thedevelopment and manufacture of electronicmeasuring instruments. More than one millionTesto measuring instruments are in usethroughout the world.We have been certified to DIN EN ISO 9000 forover 10 years.


    All products which leave our factory are subjectto a 100 % computer-controlled final check. Ourhigh-tech calibration laboratories guarantee youthe highest measurement standards during themanufacturing and calibration processes.

    We have DKD calibration laboratories fortemperature, humidity, velocity and pressurewhich provide highly accurate calibration onbehalf of the PTB (German Federal Physical andTechnical Institute).

  • For highly controlled manufacturingDemanding manufacturing processes require the right ambientconditions during production and storage. The testo 454 providesreliable readings and traceability of readings to locations.

    For perfect air conditioningInitial operation, commissioning and maintenance of ventilation and airconditioning systems require reliable measurements of manyparameters. testo 454 measures temperature, humidity, velocity,CO2, pressure, rpm as well as current/voltage.

    For comfortable working conditionsPersonal comfort is influenced by relative humidity, air velocity, surfacetemperatures and air quality. testo 454 provides completedetermination of these criteria.

    Calibration, qualification and validation are the keyfactors to address in programs that strive for increasedmanufacturing quality, reject avoidance and reducedrework.

    For this reason, regulations and guidelines such as ISO9000, QS 9000, VDA 6.1, GMP, FDA, HACCP, etc.require that measuring equipment is monitored andmaintained. Testo offers a wide range of calibrationservices for helping you manage your test equipment.

    Internationally recognized certificates (e.g. DKD, ÖKD,Cofrac) of calibration from every Testo subsidiaryguarantee your readings.

    Of course, all of the certificates fulfill the differentrequirements of today’s quality assurance systems.

    The testo 454 measuring system offers thefollowing types of calibration:

    – Calibration protocol

    Calibration protocols are supplied with the controlunit and logger in the testo 454 measuringsystem. They are proof of the accuracy of themeasuring instrument and Testo’s quality upondelivery.

    – ISO calibration certificate

    ISO calibration certificates for the complete measuringsystem (measuring instrument + probes) are requiredfor measuring and testing equipment in accordancewith DIN EN ISO 9001, QS 9000, GMP, FDA, HACCP,etc.

    – DKD, ÖKD, Cofrac calibration certificate

    You will receive a DKD, ÖKD or Cofrac calibrationcertificate if required. These calibration results are ofthe highest accuracy corresponding to the respectivenational standard, are recognised internationally andare legally valid. These certificates are most commonly used for factorymeasurement standards, by experts and whereverthere is a need for the highest accuracy.

    Accurate readings

    Reference measurement in HVAC applications

  • During product developmentOften, the simultaneous measurement of several parameters is requiredduring product R&D. The testo 454 enables spot checks and long-term measurements on more than 200 measurement channels.

    During productionSimultaneous monitoring of concurrent processes is now made simple.The testo 454 gives you the ability to measure the parameters youchoose at several points in the process.

    For service and maintenanceService and maintenance on production machines have to be carried outquickly and efficiently. The testo 454 can be quickly adapted to avariety of applications with the required parameters, number of channelsand locations set up and functional in minutes.

    ... and in industry

  • Temperature probee.g. surface probe

    Humidity probe e.g. duct/humidity probe

    Pressure e.g. differential pressure probe

    Velocity probee.g. hot wire


    Readings 1

    Readings 2

    Date, Time_______________________

    Engine test rig 4

    testo 454SN: 00398250/008 ID


    TUNINGAG80000 Munich


    Sports car 124

    12:01:00 13:20

    60 °C Cylinder 1

    62 °C Cylinder 6

    60 °C Cylinder 7

    57 °C Cylinder 12

    72 °C Flue gas

    20 °C Additional air

    60 %rF Air moisture

    828 hPa Absolute press.

    7.5 m/s Additional air



    from: 18.01.00 12.21:46

    to: 18.01.00 12:22:06

    Clean room QS


    Chann.1 2 3

    % °C td_______________________

    01 43.2 22.5 9.3

    02 43.2 22.5 9.3

    03 59.2 22.6 14.2

    04 57.2 22.5 13.7

    05 82.6 23.0 19.9


    Chann.4 5 6

    td °C %_______________________

    01 8.8 22.0 42.7

    02 8.8 22.0 42.7

    03 8.9 22.0 43.1

    04 8.9 22.0 43.2

    05 9.0 22.0 43.4



    Wide range of probes available

    Testo’s years of experience in a wide varietyof applications is reflected in the broadrange of probes available for testo 454.More than 200 standard probes areavailable for measuring temperature, surfacetemperature, humidity, material moisture,pressure dew point, velocity, volume flow,CO2, comfort level, pressure, rpm, currentand voltage.

    We offer special probes for customerrequirements such as:

    • Industrial probes with threadedconnections

    • Probes for measurements in acids andalkaline solutions

    • Probes with custom cable lengths

    DKD and ISO certificates for the probesallow you to measure with confidence.

    Probe dependent menu guide

    Change probe configurations

    Hold Max Min Mean







    Surface addition













    Clean room 080 002




    User defined function buttons


    Site Logger Page


    Display testo 454

    Printout: testo 454

    Measuring instrument or measuring system


  • Control unit

    Data loggerWith 4 user defined probe


    Mains connection/quick battery recharge

    Integrated differentialpressure probe(80/200hPa)

    The modular measuring system –testo 454

    The control unit is a robust hand-heldinstrument for measuring temperature,humidity, pressure, velocity, CO2, rpm,current and voltage.

    User defined probe sockets4 additional, user defined probe sockets canbe added to the control unit with eachattachable logger. Giving you the propernumber of probes for your application.

    Simultaneous measurement at several sitesThe simultaneous measurement of data atseveral locations is carried out by the“slave” loggers. Measured data istransmitted via the Testo data bus. Thecontrol unit is able to control the entiremeasuring system.

    Data output - every conceivable option

    The measured data may be printed onlocation with the integrated printer.

    The measured data may also be analysed,documented and stored on your PC.

    The readings are output as a current signal (4-20 mA) through the analog output boxfor process control or output on an analogrecorder.

    User definedprobe socket

    Testo data bus

    Datacommunicationwith PC,barcode pen

    4 user definedfunction buttons

    Built-in printerPrints readings onlocation

    80000 Munich___________________Sports car 124


    Engine test rig 4testo 454SN: 00398250/008





    32.3 24.79.05






    08 002 01/02

    Clean room



    Now you can measure many differentparameters in one or many locationssimultaneously using one portable system.

    testo 454 is both a compact, portablemeasuring instrument and can be upgradedto a modular measuring system with morethan 200 measurement channels.

    The control unit

    User friendlyOur easily read graphics display allowssimultaneous tracking of 6 parameters,simple menu driven operation and 4 userdefined function buttons. Touch penoperation is available as an option.

    Measuring instrument or measuring system


  • m/s, m3/h

    % RH

    ∆ P, Pa



    ∆ P, Pa

    testo 454

    Measuring on site

    The control unit



    Efficient on site measurements require amobile analyser with enough measuringchannels for long-term measurements orspot checks as required.

    The control unit is a portable and robustmeasuring instrument with a user definedprobe socket and an integrated differentialpressure probe.Convenient measuring functions such astimed/multi-point mean calculations andmeasurement programs simplify themeasuring task. You can save up to 250,000 readingsdirectly in the selected locations and thenprint them on location on the built-inprinter.

    4 additional probe sockets are added witheach clip-on logger attached to the controlunit. Each logger provides 250,000additional readings via the memoryintegrated in the logger.

    Up to 20 loggers can be connected to thecontrol unit yielding over 5 millionreadings!

    A wide range of probes are available foraccurate measurement in a variety ofapplications:

    • Temperature with surface, immersion,penetration, air or precision probes

    • Humidity with ambient air conditions,duct and reference probes, materialmoisture probes and pressure dew pointprobes

    • Velocity and volume flow with vanes, hotwire, hot bulb probes and Pitot tubes

    • Indoor Air Quality using CO2 probe andcomfort level probe

    • Pressure with differential/absolute/low/high pressure probes

    • rpm

    • Current, voltage

    Measuring on site


  • Testo Comfort-Software - (Messung1)




    01.06.01 Messung 101.06.01 Messung 202.06.01 Messung 302.06.01 Abnahmemessung

    Klima Museum

    testo 400

    04.06.01 Messung 104.06.01 Abnahmemessung


    Messung 1K1 m/sK2 m3/hK3 °C

    Datei ?FensterExtrasFormatEinfügenBearbeiten AnsichtGerät

    Tour plan

    The tour plan enables efficient measurementon location. All of the planned locations ona tour are saved in the tour plan usingComsoft software and are transmitted to themeasuring instrument. In this way, the ductcross-section or the required value for alocation can be defined beforehand in youroffice. Definitions can, of course, becorrected or initialised using testo454.

    Defining measurement programs

    Complex measurement tasks requirestructure. Comsoft software offers a widerange of possibilities for program start,measuring cycle and program finish. In thisway, measurement programs can be startedat a specified time, manually, by exceedinga value or via an external trigger signal. Aneasy-to-use user guide guarantees reliablelogger operation.

    Online measurement

    In addition to displaying readings indiagrams, tables and histograms, display ona system graphic (e.g. flow diagram orsystem photo), produced by the user, is alsoan option for online measurement.

    Data analysis

    Data analysis is carried out using a widerange of display types and calculations suchas mathematical smoothing, statisticalfunctions, limit display.


    Protocols for the applications can be puttogether as required. Only important valuesshould be documented.


    The tree structure and directory and locationset up process enable easy datamanagement.

    Measuring on site


    Properties of testo 400 V.2.9x


    Starting criterionDate/Time Date/Time

    26 10 00 08 45 00 26 10 00 09 45 00

    PC start (manual) No. of values

    Duct trigger

    Probe 1

    Above limit



    OK Cancel Apply




    Measuring rate

    Probe 2s


    Stop criterion

    Config. Instrument

    Wrap-around memoryButton start on instrument

    Below limit

    Until memory if full

    Meas. programs

  • m/s, m3/h

    % RH

    ∆ P, Pa






    testo 454




    testo 454 is the system for flexiblemeasurement of different measurement data.

    Outstanding advantages:

    • Simultaneous measurement at severalmeasurement points

    • User defined probe sockets

    • 1 to more than 200 measurementchannels

    • Data transmission via Testo data bus

    • Modular layout of system components

    A wide range of probes are available foraccurate measurement in the respectiveapplications:

    • Temperature with surface, immersion,penetration, air or precision probes

    • Humidity with room air conditions, ductand precision probes, material moistureprobes and pressure dew point probes

    • Velocity and volume flow with vanes, hotwire, hot bulb probes and Pitot tubes

    • Indoor Air Quality using CO2 probe orcomfort level probe

    • Pressure with differential/absolute/low/high pressure probes

    • rpm

    • Current, voltage

    The data logger measures and savesreadings without any connection to thecontrol unit. Up to 4 more of any of theambient air probes can be connected to thislogger. Additional probe connection optionsare made possible by connecting moreloggers. The following features give youflexibility when measuring data:

    • Variable program start

    • Adjustable measuring cycle

    • Number of readings

    • Program cancel can be defined

    The measurement program can be started asfollows:• At a certain time or date• Manually via function buttons• If certain values are exceeded • Via an event trigger socket signal

    The exceeded alarm values can be evaluatedfor display or control via a relay.


    Simultaneous measurement at several sites


  • Testo data bus

    Power boxmA out

    PC plug-in card

    Analog outputbox

    Control unitThe control unit displays the measurementdata and controls the testo 454measuring system. The following parametersare saved in the control unit:

    • Locations

    • Measurement programs

    • Limits

    • Precision adjustment

    • System configuration.

    Efficient operation of the measuring systemis guaranteed by the probe dependent menuguide, for example, or the clear display ofreadings with names. The control unit isconnected via the serial interface in thelaptop/PC.

    The control unit has additional options formobile use of a hand-held instrument.

    PC insert cardThe “slave” loggers can be read out andcontrolled, without a control unit, via a PCinsert card (PCMCIA) for laptop/PC. It ispossible to display the readings fromseveral loggers clearly and conveniently inone view during online measurement. Thedata and readings relevant to the system aresaved in the laptop/PC and loggers.

    Testo data busCommunication between control unit/logger,PC insert card/logger and other boxes takesplace via the Testo data bus. Using the Testodata bus, you have the option of operatingloggers at different locations. Distances ofup to several hundred metres pose noproblem for the Testo data bus.

    Analog output boxThe logger readings are output as a currentsignal (4-20 mA signal) for display units oroutput on an analog recorder.

    Power boxThe power box is used to supply power tothe loggers, control unit and analog outputbox thus increasing the operating life in thefield.

    testo 454 measuring system


  • Part no.Recommended kit:

    0563 0353Control unit displays measurement data and controls the measuring system,incl. built-in printer, pressure measurement 80/200 hPa, 1 user defined probesocket, programmable measurements and memory space for 250,000 readings,connection for Testo data bus, incl. terminal plug

    0440 0559Touch screen with pen (available only with original order)For easy input of text and values

    Incl. cover

    0515 0097Testo rechargeable battery pack NiMH for control unit, logger

    0577 4540Logger, measures and saves (max. 250,000 readings), incl. 4 user definedprobe sockets, alarm output/event trigger socket, stand/wall holder

    0515 0097Testo rechargeable battery pack NiMH for control unit, logger

    For mains operation and battery recharging 0554 1084Mains unit 230 V/ 8 V/ 1 A, for instrument (European plug)

    Part no.Example for probe selection:

    0604 9773Standard air probe0604 0194Quick-action surface probe 0636 9740Standard ambient air probe 0554 0670Globe thermometer0628 0009Comfort level probe0632 1240CO2 probe0430 0143Connection cable, 1.5 m long

    0554 0841ComSoft 3 for data management, incl. RS 232 connection cable

    Probes and accessories on location

    Portable measuring instrument

    Do you want to measure different parameterson site?The control unit with logger attached is acompact, portable measuring instrument.The control unit has a user defined probesocket and an integrated differential pressureprobe. An additional four user defined probesockets are added to the control unit thanksto the logger attached. Up to 250,000readings can be saved in the control unitand logger. These readings are assigned touser defined locations.

    The measuring instrument is easily operatedand programmed using a touch-screen withpen.


    The measured data is printed on location onthe built-in printer.

    The measured data is transmitted to the PCvia serial interface for analysis, saving anddocumentation purposes.

    We recommend: DKD calibration certs for temperature, humidity, velocity, pressure

    Connection cable, 2 m, for Testo data bus(See Calibration services)

    *1 Please order 4

    Comfort level measurement to DIN 1946 Part 2A compact, portable measuring instrument is needed when measuring comfort level. Thethermal comfort level is the air temperature, air humidity, air movement and heat radiationfound to be ideal by humans. This criteria can be measured on location using the range ofprobes mentioned above. For example, the degree of turbulence is calculated and displayedby the control unit and printed by the built-in printer, once the flow measurement is finished.


    Incl. database, analysis and graphics function, data analysis, trend curve


    Verwendete Distiller 5.0.x JoboptionsDieser Report wurde automatisch mit Hilfe der Adobe Acrobat Distiller Erweiterung "Distiller Secrets v1.0.5" der IMPRESSED GmbH erstellt.Sie koennen diese Startup-Datei für die Distiller Versionen 4.0.5 und 5.0.x kostenlos unter http://www.impressed.de herunterladen.

    ALLGEMEIN ----------------------------------------Dateioptionen: Kompatibilität: PDF 1.3 Für schnelle Web-Anzeige optimieren: Ja Piktogramme einbetten: Nein Seiten automatisch drehen: Nein Seiten von: 1 Seiten bis: Alle Seiten Bund: Links Auflösung: [ 1200 1200 ] dpi Papierformat: [ 595 842 ] Punkt

    KOMPRIMIERUNG ----------------------------------------Farbbilder: Downsampling: Ja Berechnungsmethode: Bikubische Neuberechnung Downsample-Auflösung: 100 dpi Downsampling für Bilder über: 150 dpi Komprimieren: Ja Automatische Bestimmung der Komprimierungsart: Ja JPEG-Qualität: > Bitanzahl pro Pixel: Wie Original BitGraustufenbilder: Downsampling: Ja Berechnungsmethode: Bikubische Neuberechnung Downsample-Auflösung: 100 dpi Downsampling für Bilder über: 150 dpi Komprimieren: Ja Automatische Bestimmung der Komprimierungsart: Ja JPEG-Qualität: Mittel Bitanzahl pro Pixel: Wie Original BitSchwarzweiß-Bilder: Downsampling: Ja Berechnungsmethode: Bikubische Neuberechnung Downsample-Auflösung: 300 dpi Downsampling für Bilder über: 450 dpi Komprimieren: Ja Komprimierungsart: CCITT CCITT-Gruppe: 4 Graustufen glätten: Nein

    Text und Vektorgrafiken komprimieren: Ja

    SCHRIFTEN ---------------------------------------- Alle Schriften einbetten: Ja Untergruppen aller eingebetteten Schriften: Nein Wenn Einbetten fehlschlägt: AbbrechenEinbetten: Immer einbetten: [ ] Nie einbetten: [ ]

    FARBE(N) ----------------------------------------Farbmanagement: Farbumrechnungsmethode: Alle Farben zu sRGB konvertieren Methode: StandardArbeitsbereiche: Graustufen ICC-Profil: Adobe Gray - 20% Dot Gain RGB ICC-Profil: Adobe RGB (1998) CMYK ICC-Profil: U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2Geräteabhängige Daten: Einstellungen für Überdrucken beibehalten: Nein Unterfarbreduktion und Schwarzaufbau beibehalten: Nein Transferfunktionen: Anwenden Rastereinstellungen beibehalten: Nein

    ERWEITERT ----------------------------------------Optionen: Prolog/Epilog verwenden: Nein PostScript-Datei darf Einstellungen überschreiben: Nein Level 2 copypage-Semantik beibehalten: Ja Portable Job Ticket in PDF-Datei speichern: Nein Illustrator-Überdruckmodus: Ja Farbverläufe zu weichen Nuancen konvertieren: Ja ASCII-Format: NeinDocument Structuring Conventions (DSC): DSC-Kommentare verarbeiten: Ja DSC-Warnungen protokollieren: Nein Für EPS-Dateien Seitengröße ändern und Grafiken zentrieren: Ja EPS-Info von DSC beibehalten: Ja OPI-Kommentare beibehalten: Nein Dokumentinfo von DSC beibehalten: Ja

    ANDERE ---------------------------------------- Distiller-Kern Version: 5000 ZIP-Komprimierung verwenden: Ja Optimierungen deaktivieren: Nein Bildspeicher: 524288 Byte Farbbilder glätten: Nein Graustufenbilder glätten: Nein Bilder (< 257 Farben) in indizierten Farbraum konvertieren: Ja sRGB ICC-Profil: sRGB IEC61966-2.1

    ENDE DES REPORTS ----------------------------------------

    IMPRESSED GmbHBahrenfelder Chaussee 4922761 Hamburg, GermanyTel. +49 40 897189-0Fax +49 40 897189-71Email: [email protected]: www.impressed.de

    Adobe Acrobat Distiller 5.0.x Joboption Datei

    /AutoFilterColorImages true /sRGBProfile (sRGB IEC61966-2.1) /ColorImageDepth -1 /PreserveOverprintSettings false /AutoRotatePages /None /UCRandBGInfo /Remove /EmbedAllFonts true /CompatibilityLevel 1.3 /StartPage 1 /AntiAliasColorImages false /CreateJobTicket false /ConvertImagesToIndexed true /ColorImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /ColorImageDownsampleThreshold 1.5 /MonoImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /DetectBlends true /GrayImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /PreserveEPSInfo true /GrayACSImageDict > /ColorACSImageDict > /PreserveCopyPage true /EncodeMonoImages true /ColorConversionStrategy /sRGB /PreserveOPIComments false /AntiAliasGrayImages false /GrayImageDepth -1 /ColorImageResolution 100 /EndPage -1 /AutoPositionEPSFiles true /MonoImageDepth -1 /TransferFunctionInfo /Apply /EncodeGrayImages true /DownsampleGrayImages true /DownsampleMonoImages true /DownsampleColorImages true /MonoImageDownsampleThreshold 1.5 /MonoImageDict > /Binding /Left /CalCMYKProfile (U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2) /MonoImageResolution 300 /AutoFilterGrayImages true /AlwaysEmbed [ ] /ImageMemory 524288 /SubsetFonts false /DefaultRenderingIntent /Default /OPM 1 /MonoImageFilter /CCITTFaxEncode /GrayImageResolution 100 /ColorImageFilter /DCTEncode /PreserveHalftoneInfo false /ColorImageDict > /ASCII85EncodePages false /LockDistillerParams true>> setdistillerparams> setpagedevice

  • Data logging at several sites

    The measuring system

    The control unit can be connected to severalloggers via connection lines for the Testodata bus enabling the loggers to take datameasurements at different sites. Up to250,000 readings can be saved in eachlogger. The current logger readings areshown in the control unit display. The datacan be printed on site on the built-in printer.

    The measured data is transmitted to yourPC, via serial interface, for analysis, savingand documentation purposes.


    In this way, you have an overview, forexample, of the measurement data fromseveral process points when monitoringproduction.

    Additional example of application:

    Checks on air conditioning and ventilationdata in different storage and productionrooms.

    Part no.Recommended kit:

    0563 0353Control unit displays measurement data and controls the measuring system,incl. built-in printer, pressure measurement 80/200 hPa, 1 user defined probesocket, programmable measurements and memory space for 250,000 readings,connection for Testo data bus, incl. terminal plug

    0440 0559Touch screen with pen (available only with original order)For easy input of text and values

    Incl. cover

    Incl. cover

    0577 4540Logger, measures and saves (max. 250,000 readings), incl. 4 user definedprobe sockets, alarm output/event trigger socket, stand/wall holder

    0577 4540Logger, measures and saves (max. 250,000 readings), incl. 4 user definedprobe sockets, alarm output/event trigger socket, stand/wall holder

    0554 1045Power box, connected to control unit to increase field operating life and supplypower to Testo data bus

    0515 0097Testo rechargeable battery pack NiMH for control unit, logger

    0449 0043Connection cable, 5 m, for Testo data bus

    0449 0042Connection cable, 2 m, for Testo data bus

    0554 1143Mains unit for power box (110/230 V; 50/60 Hz, 12 V, 3 A)

    Incl. database, analysis and graphics function, data analysis, trend curve

    Probes and accessories as required

    0554 0841ComSoft 3 for data management, incl. RS 232 connection cable

    We recommend: DKD calibration certs for temperature, humidity, velocity, pressure(See calibration services)


    Verwendete Distiller 5.0.x JoboptionsDieser Report wurde automatisch mit Hilfe der Adobe Acrobat Distiller Erweiterung "Distiller Secrets v1.0.5" der IMPRESSED GmbH erstellt.Sie koennen diese Startup-Datei für die Distiller Versionen 4.0.5 und 5.0.x kostenlos unter http://www.impressed.de herunterladen.

    ALLGEMEIN ----------------------------------------Dateioptionen: Kompatibilität: PDF 1.3 Für schnelle Web-Anzeige optimieren: Ja Piktogramme einbetten: Nein Seiten automatisch drehen: Nein Seiten von: 1 Seiten bis: Alle Seiten Bund: Links Auflösung: [ 1200 1200 ] dpi Papierformat: [ 595 842 ] Punkt

    KOMPRIMIERUNG ----------------------------------------Farbbilder: Downsampling: Ja Berechnungsmethode: Bikubische Neuberechnung Downsample-Auflösung: 100 dpi Downsampling für Bilder über: 150 dpi Komprimieren: Ja Automatische Bestimmung der Komprimierungsart: Ja JPEG-Qualität: > Bitanzahl pro Pixel: Wie Original BitGraustufenbilder: Downsampling: Ja Berechnungsmethode: Bikubische Neuberechnung Downsample-Auflösung: 100 dpi Downsampling für Bilder über: 150 dpi Komprimieren: Ja Automatische Bestimmung der Komprimierungsart: Ja JPEG-Qualität: Mittel Bitanzahl pro Pixel: Wie Original BitSchwarzweiß-Bilder: Downsampling: Ja Berechnungsmethode: Bikubische Neuberechnung Downsample-Auflösung: 300 dpi Downsampling für Bilder über: 450 dpi Komprimieren: Ja Komprimierungsart: CCITT CCITT-Gruppe: 4 Graustufen glätten: Nein

    Text und Vektorgrafiken komprimieren: Ja

    SCHRIFTEN ---------------------------------------- Alle Schriften einbetten: Ja Untergruppen aller eingebetteten Schriften: Nein Wenn Einbetten fehlschlägt: AbbrechenEinbetten: Immer einbetten: [ ] Nie einbetten: [ ]

    FARBE(N) ----------------------------------------Farbmanagement: Farbumrechnungsmethode: Alle Farben zu sRGB konvertieren Methode: StandardArbeitsbereiche: Graustufen ICC-Profil: Adobe Gray - 20% Dot Gain RGB ICC-Profil: Adobe RGB (1998) CMYK ICC-Profil: U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2Geräteabhängige Daten: Einstellungen für Überdrucken beibehalten: Nein Unterfarbreduktion und Schwarzaufbau beibehalten: Nein Transferfunktionen: Anwenden Rastereinstellungen beibehalten: Nein

    ERWEITERT ----------------------------------------Optionen: Prolog/Epilog verwenden: Nein PostScript-Datei darf Einstellungen überschreiben: Nein Level 2 copypage-Semantik beibehalten: Ja Portable Job Ticket in PDF-Datei speichern: Nein Illustrator-Überdruckmodus: Ja Farbverläufe zu weichen Nuancen konvertieren: Ja ASCII-Format: NeinDocument Structuring Conventions (DSC): DSC-Kommentare verarbeiten: Ja DSC-Warnungen protokollieren: Nein Für EPS-Dateien Seitengröße ändern und Grafiken zentrieren: Ja EPS-Info von DSC beibehalten: Ja OPI-Kommentare beibehalten: Nein Dokumentinfo von DSC beibehalten: Ja

    ANDERE ---------------------------------------- Distiller-Kern Version: 5000 ZIP-Komprimierung verwenden: Ja Optimierungen deaktivieren: Nein Bildspeicher: 524288 Byte Farbbilder glätten: Nein Graustufenbilder glätten: Nein Bilder (< 257 Farben) in indizierten Farbraum konvertieren: Ja sRGB ICC-Profil: sRGB IEC61966-2.1

    ENDE DES REPORTS ----------------------------------------

    IMPRESSED GmbHBahrenfelder Chaussee 4922761 Hamburg, GermanyTel. +49 40 897189-0Fax +49 40 897189-71Email: [email protected]: www.impressed.de

    Adobe Acrobat Distiller 5.0.x Joboption Datei

    /AutoFilterColorImages true /sRGBProfile (sRGB IEC61966-2.1) /ColorImageDepth -1 /PreserveOverprintSettings false /AutoRotatePages /None /UCRandBGInfo /Remove /EmbedAllFonts true /CompatibilityLevel 1.3 /StartPage 1 /AntiAliasColorImages false /CreateJobTicket false /ConvertImagesToIndexed true /ColorImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /ColorImageDownsampleThreshold 1.5 /MonoImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /DetectBlends true /GrayImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /PreserveEPSInfo true /GrayACSImageDict > /ColorACSImageDict > /PreserveCopyPage true /EncodeMonoImages true /ColorConversionStrategy /sRGB /PreserveOPIComments false /AntiAliasGrayImages false /GrayImageDepth -1 /ColorImageResolution 100 /EndPage -1 /AutoPositionEPSFiles true /MonoImageDepth -1 /TransferFunctionInfo /Apply /EncodeGrayImages true /DownsampleGrayImages true /DownsampleMonoImages true /DownsampleColorImages true /MonoImageDownsampleThreshold 1.5 /MonoImageDict > /Binding /Left /CalCMYKProfile (U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2) /MonoImageResolution 300 /AutoFilterGrayImages true /AlwaysEmbed [ ] /ImageMemory 524288 /SubsetFonts false /DefaultRenderingIntent /Default /OPM 1 /MonoImageFilter /CCITTFaxEncode /GrayImageResolution 100 /ColorImageFilter /DCTEncode /PreserveHalftoneInfo false /ColorImageDict > /ASCII85EncodePages false /LockDistillerParams true>> setdistillerparams> setpagedevice

  • Part no.Recommended kit:

    0554 0590Testo PCMCIA plug-in card incl. Comsoft 3 software, cable for Testo data bus,adapter and terminal plugTo display and control measurement data via PC

    0577 4540Logger, measures and saves (max. 250,000 readings), incl. 4 user definedprobe sockets, alarm output/event trigger socket, stand/wall holder

    Incl. cover

    For mains operation and battery recharging

    Incl. cover

    0554 1084Mains unit 230 V/ 8 V/ 1 A, for instrument (European plug)

    For mains operation and battery recharging

    0577 4540Logger, measures and saves (max. 250,000 readings), incl. 4 user definedprobe sockets, alarm output/event trigger socket, stand/wall holder

    0554 1084Mains unit 230 V/ 8 V/ 1 A, for instrument (European plug)

    Incl. cover

    0577 4540Logger, measures and saves (max. 250,000 readings), incl. 4 user definedprobe sockets, alarm output/event trigger socket, stand/wall holder

    For mains operation and battery recharging 0554 1084Mains unit 230 V/ 8 V/ 1 A, for instrument (European plug)

    0449 0042Connection cable, 2 m, for Testo data bus0449 0043Connection cable, 5 m, for Testo data bus

    0554 1045Power box, connected to control unit to increase field operating life and supplypower to Testo data bus

    0554 1143Mains unit for power box (110/230 V; 50/60 Hz, 12 V, 3 A)

    Data measurement at several sites using the laptop/PC

    The measurement system

    The simultaneous measurement of data atseveral sites is carried out by the "slave"loggers.

    PC insert card

    The slave loggers are connected directly(without control unit) to the PC insert card(PCMCIA) for the laptop/PC.

    Data is measured online using the laptop/PCor the loggers save the data independentlyvia a freely definable measurement program.

    The logger has an internal memory for up to250,000 readings and is also capable oflogging without laptop/PC. Themeasurement data can be analysed at a laterstage in the laptop/PC.

    Testo data bus

    Communication between PC insert card andloggers is enabled by the Testo data bus.Using the Testo data bus, you have theoption of operating loggers at different sites.Distances of up to several hundred metrespose no problem for the Testo data bus.

    Power box

    The power box is used to supply power tothe Testo data bus thus increasing theoperating life in the field.


    A convenient and clear presentation of thereadings from all of the loggers connected inone view is possible when measuring onlinewith the PC insert card.

    Probes and accessories as requestedWe recommend: DKD calibration certificates for

    temperature, humidity, velocity, pressure(See Calibration services)

    0449 0044Connection cable, 20 m, for Testo data bus


    Verwendete Distiller 5.0.x JoboptionsDieser Report wurde automatisch mit Hilfe der Adobe Acrobat Distiller Erweiterung "Distiller Secrets v1.0.5" der IMPRESSED GmbH erstellt.Sie koennen diese Startup-Datei für die Distiller Versionen 4.0.5 und 5.0.x kostenlos unter http://www.impressed.de herunterladen.

    ALLGEMEIN ----------------------------------------Dateioptionen: Kompatibilität: PDF 1.3 Für schnelle Web-Anzeige optimieren: Ja Piktogramme einbetten: Nein Seiten automatisch drehen: Nein Seiten von: 1 Seiten bis: Alle Seiten Bund: Links Auflösung: [ 1200 1200 ] dpi Papierformat: [ 595 842 ] Punkt

    KOMPRIMIERUNG ----------------------------------------Farbbilder: Downsampling: Ja Berechnungsmethode: Bikubische Neuberechnung Downsample-Auflösung: 100 dpi Downsampling für Bilder über: 150 dpi Komprimieren: Ja Automatische Bestimmung der Komprimierungsart: Ja JPEG-Qualität: > Bitanzahl pro Pixel: Wie Original BitGraustufenbilder: Downsampling: Ja Berechnungsmethode: Bikubische Neuberechnung Downsample-Auflösung: 100 dpi Downsampling für Bilder über: 150 dpi Komprimieren: Ja Automatische Bestimmung der Komprimierungsart: Ja JPEG-Qualität: Mittel Bitanzahl pro Pixel: Wie Original BitSchwarzweiß-Bilder: Downsampling: Ja Berechnungsmethode: Bikubische Neuberechnung Downsample-Auflösung: 300 dpi Downsampling für Bilder über: 450 dpi Komprimieren: Ja Komprimierungsart: CCITT CCITT-Gruppe: 4 Graustufen glätten: Nein

    Text und Vektorgrafiken komprimieren: Ja

    SCHRIFTEN ---------------------------------------- Alle Schriften einbetten: Ja Untergruppen aller eingebetteten Schriften: Nein Wenn Einbetten fehlschlägt: AbbrechenEinbetten: Immer einbetten: [ ] Nie einbetten: [ ]

    FARBE(N) ----------------------------------------Farbmanagement: Farbumrechnungsmethode: Alle Farben zu sRGB konvertieren Methode: StandardArbeitsbereiche: Graustufen ICC-Profil: Adobe Gray - 20% Dot Gain RGB ICC-Profil: Adobe RGB (1998) CMYK ICC-Profil: U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2Geräteabhängige Daten: Einstellungen für Überdrucken beibehalten: Nein Unterfarbreduktion und Schwarzaufbau beibehalten: Nein Transferfunktionen: Anwenden Rastereinstellungen beibehalten: Nein

    ERWEITERT ----------------------------------------Optionen: Prolog/Epilog verwenden: Nein PostScript-Datei darf Einstellungen überschreiben: Nein Level 2 copypage-Semantik beibehalten: Ja Portable Job Ticket in PDF-Datei speichern: Nein Illustrator-Überdruckmodus: Ja Farbverläufe zu weichen Nuancen konvertieren: Ja ASCII-Format: NeinDocument Structuring Conventions (DSC): DSC-Kommentare verarbeiten: Ja DSC-Warnungen protokollieren: Nein Für EPS-Dateien Seitengröße ändern und Grafiken zentrieren: Ja EPS-Info von DSC beibehalten: Ja OPI-Kommentare beibehalten: Nein Dokumentinfo von DSC beibehalten: Ja

    ANDERE ---------------------------------------- Distiller-Kern Version: 5000 ZIP-Komprimierung verwenden: Ja Optimierungen deaktivieren: Nein Bildspeicher: 524288 Byte Farbbilder glätten: Nein Graustufenbilder glätten: Nein Bilder (< 257 Farben) in indizierten Farbraum konvertieren: Ja sRGB ICC-Profil: sRGB IEC61966-2.1

    ENDE DES REPORTS ----------------------------------------

    IMPRESSED GmbHBahrenfelder Chaussee 4922761 Hamburg, GermanyTel. +49 40 897189-0Fax +49 40 897189-71Email: [email protected]: www.impressed.de

    Adobe Acrobat Distiller 5.0.x Joboption Datei

    /AutoFilterColorImages true /sRGBProfile (sRGB IEC61966-2.1) /ColorImageDepth -1 /PreserveOverprintSettings false /AutoRotatePages /None /UCRandBGInfo /Remove /EmbedAllFonts true /CompatibilityLevel 1.3 /StartPage 1 /AntiAliasColorImages false /CreateJobTicket false /ConvertImagesToIndexed true /ColorImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /ColorImageDownsampleThreshold 1.5 /MonoImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /DetectBlends true /GrayImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /PreserveEPSInfo true /GrayACSImageDict > /ColorACSImageDict > /PreserveCopyPage true /EncodeMonoImages true /ColorConversionStrategy /sRGB /PreserveOPIComments false /AntiAliasGrayImages false /GrayImageDepth -1 /ColorImageResolution 100 /EndPage -1 /AutoPositionEPSFiles true /MonoImageDepth -1 /TransferFunctionInfo /Apply /EncodeGrayImages true /DownsampleGrayImages true /DownsampleMonoImages true /DownsampleColorImages true /MonoImageDownsampleThreshold 1.5 /MonoImageDict > /Binding /Left /CalCMYKProfile (U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2) /MonoImageResolution 300 /AutoFilterGrayImages true /AlwaysEmbed [ ] /ImageMemory 524288 /SubsetFonts false /DefaultRenderingIntent /Default /OPM 1 /MonoImageFilter /CCITTFaxEncode /GrayImageResolution 100 /ColorImageFilter /DCTEncode /PreserveHalftoneInfo false /ColorImageDict > /ASCII85EncodePages false /LockDistillerParams true>> setdistillerparams> setpagedevice

  • 0440 0559Touch screen with pen (available only with original order)For easy input of text and values

    0577 4540Logger, measures and saves (max. 250,000 readings), incl. 4 user defined probesockets, alarm output/event trigger socket, stand/wall holder

    0554 0012Alarm/trigger cable

    Rechargeable batteries are recharged externally0554 0110Recharger for control unit or logger (with 4 standard rechargeable batteries)

    0515 0097Testo rechargeable battery pack NiMH for control unit, logger0554 1084Mains unit 230 V, for control unit, logger and analog output box

    0554 0845Analog output box, 6 channels, 4 to 20 mAFor output on an analog recorder or process control

    For mains operation and to recharge testo rechargeable battery packs in instrument

    0554 1045Power box, connected to control unit to increase field operating life and supplypower to Testo data bus

    0554 1143Mains unit for power box (110/230 V; 50/60 Hz, 12 V, 3 A)

    0449 0042Connection cable, 2 m, for Testo data bus0449 0043Connection cable, 5 m, for Testo data bus0449 0044Connection cable, 20 m, for Testo data bus0554 1145Mains unit (110/230 V; 50/60 Hz, 12 V, 3 A) to supply power to Testo data bus0554 0119Terminal plug for Testo data bus

    Part no.Ordering data for system and accessories

    0563 0353Control unit displays measurement data and controls the measuring system,incl. built-in printer, pressure measurement 80/200 hPa, 1 user defined probesocket, programmable measurements and memory space for 250,000 readings,connection for Testo data bus, incl. terminal plug

    0554 0411Barcode labels, self-adhesive (1200 off)

    0554 0116Adhesive pockets (50 off) for printout, paper barcode labels...

    0554 0569Spare thermal paper for printer (6 rolls)

    0554 0568Spare thermal paper for printer (6 rolls)

    0554 1782Holder/theft-proof protection with lock for logger wall mounting device

    0554 0440Connection hose, silicone, 5m long

    0516 0410System case (aluminium) for measuring instrument, probes and accessories Probes in lid make it easy to find parts in case

    1 section for velocity probes, ample space in lid for probes and large section in base foraccessories

    0516 0420Large system case (aluminium) for control unit, up to 6 loggers, probes andaccessories

    Part no.Ordering data for system and accessories

    0554 0460Barcode pen to read in measurement locations

    Measurement data documentation legible for up to 10 years

    Max. load 700 hPa (mbar)

    Analog output box, 6 channels, 4 to 20 mA

    0554 0845Part no.

    Power box, connected to control unit to increasefield operating life and supply power to Testo databus

    0554 1045Part no.

    Logger, measures and saves readings

    Incl. cover0577 4540Part no.

    Large system case (aluminium) for control unit, upto 6 loggers, probes and accessories

    670x240x480 mm0516 0420Part no.

    System case (aluminium) for measuringinstrument, probes and accessories

    530x190x410 mm0516 0410Part no.

    Control unit displays measurement data andcontrols the measuring system

    0563 0353Part no.

    Touch screen with pen (available only with originalorder)

    0440 0559Part no.

    Testo PCMCIA plug-in card incl. Comsoft 3software, cable for Testo data bus, adapter andterminal plug

    0554 0590Part no.

    0554 0006Electrical isolation for RS232 (connects measuring instrument to PC)

    Control unit + logger

    Analog output box + power box


    testo data bus


    0554 0841ComSoft 3 for data management, incl. RS 232 connection cableIncl. database, analysis and graphics function, data analysis, trend curve

    0554 0590Testo PCMCIA plug-in card incl. Comsoft 3 software, cable for Testo data bus,adapter and terminal plug

    Quick and accurate allocation of reading to site

    Location marked with barcode, printed using software

    Mains unit 230 V, for control unit, logger and analog output box 0554 1084


    Measuring system and modular accessories


    Verwendete Distiller 5.0.x JoboptionsDieser Report wurde automatisch mit Hilfe der Adobe Acrobat Distiller Erweiterung "Distiller Secrets v1.0.5" der IMPRESSED GmbH erstellt.Sie koennen diese Startup-Datei für die Distiller Versionen 4.0.5 und 5.0.x kostenlos unter http://www.impressed.de herunterladen.

    ALLGEMEIN ----------------------------------------Dateioptionen: Kompatibilität: PDF 1.3 Für schnelle Web-Anzeige optimieren: Ja Piktogramme einbetten: Nein Seiten automatisch drehen: Nein Seiten von: 1 Seiten bis: Alle Seiten Bund: Links Auflösung: [ 1200 1200 ] dpi Papierformat: [ 595 842 ] Punkt

    KOMPRIMIERUNG ----------------------------------------Farbbilder: Downsampling: Ja Berechnungsmethode: Bikubische Neuberechnung Downsample-Auflösung: 100 dpi Downsampling für Bilder über: 150 dpi Komprimieren: Ja Automatische Bestimmung der Komprimierungsart: Ja JPEG-Qualität: > Bitanzahl pro Pixel: Wie Original BitGraustufenbilder: Downsampling: Ja Berechnungsmethode: Bikubische Neuberechnung Downsample-Auflösung: 100 dpi Downsampling für Bilder über: 150 dpi Komprimieren: Ja Automatische Bestimmung der Komprimierungsart: Ja JPEG-Qualität: Mittel Bitanzahl pro Pixel: Wie Original BitSchwarzweiß-Bilder: Downsampling: Ja Berechnungsmethode: Bikubische Neuberechnung Downsample-Auflösung: 300 dpi Downsampling für Bilder über: 450 dpi Komprimieren: Ja Komprimierungsart: CCITT CCITT-Gruppe: 4 Graustufen glätten: Nein

    Text und Vektorgrafiken komprimieren: Ja

    SCHRIFTEN ---------------------------------------- Alle Schriften einbetten: Ja Untergruppen aller eingebetteten Schriften: Nein Wenn Einbetten fehlschlägt: AbbrechenEinbetten: Immer einbetten: [ ] Nie einbetten: [ ]

    FARBE(N) ----------------------------------------Farbmanagement: Farbumrechnungsmethode: Alle Farben zu sRGB konvertieren Methode: StandardArbeitsbereiche: Graustufen ICC-Profil: Adobe Gray - 20% Dot Gain RGB ICC-Profil: Adobe RGB (1998) CMYK ICC-Profil: U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2Geräteabhängige Daten: Einstellungen für Überdrucken beibehalten: Nein Unterfarbreduktion und Schwarzaufbau beibehalten: Nein Transferfunktionen: Anwenden Rastereinstellungen beibehalten: Nein

    ERWEITERT ----------------------------------------Optionen: Prolog/Epilog verwenden: Nein PostScript-Datei darf Einstellungen überschreiben: Nein Level 2 copypage-Semantik beibehalten: Ja Portable Job Ticket in PDF-Datei speichern: Nein Illustrator-Überdruckmodus: Ja Farbverläufe zu weichen Nuancen konvertieren: Ja ASCII-Format: NeinDocument Structuring Conventions (DSC): DSC-Kommentare verarbeiten: Ja DSC-Warnungen protokollieren: Nein Für EPS-Dateien Seitengröße ändern und Grafiken zentrieren: Ja EPS-Info von DSC beibehalten: Ja OPI-Kommentare beibehalten: Nein Dokumentinfo von DSC beibehalten: Ja

    ANDERE ---------------------------------------- Distiller-Kern Version: 5000 ZIP-Komprimierung verwenden: Ja Optimierungen deaktivieren: Nein Bildspeicher: 524288 Byte Farbbilder glätten: Nein Graustufenbilder glätten: Nein Bilder (< 257 Farben) in indizierten Farbraum konvertieren: Ja sRGB ICC-Profil: sRGB IEC61966-2.1

    ENDE DES REPORTS ----------------------------------------

    IMPRESSED GmbHBahrenfelder Chaussee 4922761 Hamburg, GermanyTel. +49 40 897189-0Fax +49 40 897189-71Email: [email protected]: www.impressed.de

    Adobe Acrobat Distiller 5.0.x Joboption Datei

    /AutoFilterColorImages true /sRGBProfile (sRGB IEC61966-2.1) /ColorImageDepth -1 /PreserveOverprintSettings false /AutoRotatePages /None /UCRandBGInfo /Remove /EmbedAllFonts true /CompatibilityLevel 1.3 /StartPage 1 /AntiAliasColorImages false /CreateJobTicket false /ConvertImagesToIndexed true /ColorImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /ColorImageDownsampleThreshold 1.5 /MonoImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /DetectBlends true /GrayImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /PreserveEPSInfo true /GrayACSImageDict > /ColorACSImageDict > /PreserveCopyPage true /EncodeMonoImages true /ColorConversionStrategy /sRGB /PreserveOPIComments false /AntiAliasGrayImages false /GrayImageDepth -1 /ColorImageResolution 100 /EndPage -1 /AutoPositionEPSFiles true /MonoImageDepth -1 /TransferFunctionInfo /Apply /EncodeGrayImages true /DownsampleGrayImages true /DownsampleMonoImages true /DownsampleColorImages true /MonoImageDownsampleThreshold 1.5 /MonoImageDict > /Binding /Left /CalCMYKProfile (U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2) /MonoImageResolution 300 /AutoFilterGrayImages true /AlwaysEmbed [ ] /ImageMemory 524288 /SubsetFonts false /DefaultRenderingIntent /Default /OPM 1 /MonoImageFilter /CCITTFaxEncode /GrayImageResolution 100 /ColorImageFilter /DCTEncode /PreserveHalftoneInfo false /ColorImageDict > /ASCII85EncodePages false /LockDistillerParams true>> setdistillerparams> setpagedevice

  • For air/immersion probes, calibration points -18°C; 0°C; +60°C

    0520 0071ISO calibration certificate/TemperatureThermometers with surface probe; calibration points +60°C; +120°C; +180°C

    0520 0211DKD calibration certificate/Temperature Meas. instr. with air/immersion probe; calibration points -20°C; 0°C; +60°C

    0520 0271DKD calibration certificate/TemperatureContact surface temperature probes; calibration points +100°C; +200°C; +300°C

    0520 0001ISO calibration certificate/Temperature

    0520 0021ISO calibration certificate/TemperatureMeasuring instruments with air/immersion probe; calibration points 0°C; +150°C; +300°C

    Part no.Calibration certificates/Temperature

    Calibration points freely selectable from 5 to 95 %RH

    +15 to +35 °C (max DP +70 °C/min DP -30 °C)

    0520 0116ISO calibration certificate/HumidityPressure dew point measuring instruments; calibration points freely selectable

    0520 0013ISO calibration certificate/HumiditySaturated saline solutions: calibration point 11.3%RH

    0520 0083ISO calibration certificate/HumiditySaturated saline solutions, calibration point 75.3%RH

    0520 0106

    -18 to +80 °C

    -40 to 0 °C at 6 bar


    -18 to +70°C

    ISO calibration certificate/Humidity

    0520 0006ISO calibration certificate/Humidity Electronic hygrometers; calibration points 11.3%RH and 75.3%RH at +25°C

    Part no.Calibration certificates/Humidity

    Electronic hygrometers; calibration points 11.3%RH and 75.3%RH at +25°C

    0520 0213DKD calibration certificate/HumiditySaturated saline solutions; calibration point 11.3%RH

    0520 0206DKD calibration certificate/Humidity

    0520 0216DKD calibration certificate/Humidity Calibration points freely selectable from 5 to 95%RH

    Part no.Calibration certificates/Pressure

    Saturated saline solutions; calibration point 75.3%RH

    0520 0005ISO calibration certificate/Pressure Differential pressure; 5 points distributed over meas. range

    0520 0225DKD calibration certificate/PressureDifferential and positive pressure; 6 measuring points distributed over meas. range (> 0.6% of fsv)

    0520 0212DKD calibration certificate/PressureAbsolute pressure; 11 measuring points distributed over meas. range (0.1 to 0.6% of fsv)

    0520 0215DKD calibration certificate/Pressure Differential and positive pressure; 11 measuring points distributed over the instrument measuring range

    0520 0104ISO calibration certificate/VelocityAll velocity probes, calibration points selectable from 0.3 to 50 m/s at +25°C

    0520 0283DKD calibration certificate/Humidity

    0520 0115ISO calibration certificate/PressureAbsolute pressure; 5 pt. distributed over the whole measurement range

    Part no.Calibration certificates/Velocity

    0520 0004ISO calibration certificate/Velocity Hot wire, vane anemometer, Pitot tube; calibration points 1; 2; 5; 10 m/s

    0520 0034ISO calibration certificate/Velocity Hot wire, vane anemometer, Pitot tube; calibration points 5; 10; 15; 20 m/s

    0520 0024ISO calibration certificate/VelocityHot wire, vane anemometer; calibration points 0.5; 0.8; 1; 1.5 m/s

    0520 0244DKD calibration certificate/Velocity Hot wire, vane anemometer; calibration points 0.5; 1; 2; 5; 10 m/s

    0520 0204DKD calibration certificate/Velocity Hot wire, vane anemometer, Pitot tube; calibration points 2; 5; 10; 15; 20 m/s

    0520 0224DKD calibration certificate/VelocityHot wire anemometer; calibration points 0.1; 0.2; 0.5; 0.8; 1 m/s

    Testo CAL Services and Calibration CertificatesService - Calibration

    Calibration involves the comparison of a measured value with the correct value inspecified conditions, documentation of the deviation, calculation of the measurementuncertainty and the issue of a certificate. The use of ISO or DKD certificates fromaccredited test laboratories are particularly recommended for processes related to quality.

    You will receive a DKD, ÖKD or Cofrac calibration certificate, if required. These calibrationresults are of the highest accuracy corresponding to the respective national standard, arerecognised internationally and are legally valid. On account of their high accuracy level, thesecertificates are used most commonly for factory measurement standards, by experts andwherever there is a need for highest accuracy.

    ISO Calibration Certificate

    ISO calibration certificates for the complete measuring system (measuring instrument +probes) are required for measuring and testing equipment in accordance with DIN EN ISO9001, QS 9000, GMP, FDA, HACCP etc.

    DKD, ÖKD, Cofrac Calibration Certificates


    Verwendete Distiller 5.0.x JoboptionsDieser Report wurde automatisch mit Hilfe der Adobe Acrobat Distiller Erweiterung "Distiller Secrets v1.0.5" der IMPRESSED GmbH erstellt.Sie koennen diese Startup-Datei für die Distiller Versionen 4.0.5 und 5.0.x kostenlos unter http://www.impressed.de herunterladen.

    ALLGEMEIN ----------------------------------------Dateioptionen: Kompatibilität: PDF 1.3 Für schnelle Web-Anzeige optimieren: Ja Piktogramme einbetten: Nein Seiten automatisch drehen: Nein Seiten von: 1 Seiten bis: Alle Seiten Bund: Links Auflösung: [ 1200 1200 ] dpi Papierformat: [ 595 842 ] Punkt

    KOMPRIMIERUNG ----------------------------------------Farbbilder: Downsampling: Ja Berechnungsmethode: Bikubische Neuberechnung Downsample-Auflösung: 100 dpi Downsampling für Bilder über: 150 dpi Komprimieren: Ja Automatische Bestimmung der Komprimierungsart: Ja JPEG-Qualität: > Bitanzahl pro Pixel: Wie Original BitGraustufenbilder: Downsampling: Ja Berechnungsmethode: Bikubische Neuberechnung Downsample-Auflösung: 100 dpi Downsampling für Bilder über: 150 dpi Komprimieren: Ja Automatische Bestimmung der Komprimierungsart: Ja JPEG-Qualität: Mittel Bitanzahl pro Pixel: Wie Original BitSchwarzweiß-Bilder: Downsampling: Ja Berechnungsmethode: Bikubische Neuberechnung Downsample-Auflösung: 300 dpi Downsampling für Bilder über: 450 dpi Komprimieren: Ja Komprimierungsart: CCITT CCITT-Gruppe: 4 Graustufen glätten: Nein

    Text und Vektorgrafiken komprimieren: Ja

    SCHRIFTEN ---------------------------------------- Alle Schriften einbetten: Ja Untergruppen aller eingebetteten Schriften: Nein Wenn Einbetten fehlschlägt: AbbrechenEinbetten: Immer einbetten: [ ] Nie einbetten: [ ]

    FARBE(N) ----------------------------------------Farbmanagement: Farbumrechnungsmethode: Alle Farben zu sRGB konvertieren Methode: StandardArbeitsbereiche: Graustufen ICC-Profil: Adobe Gray - 20% Dot Gain RGB ICC-Profil: Adobe RGB (1998) CMYK ICC-Profil: U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2Geräteabhängige Daten: Einstellungen für Überdrucken beibehalten: Nein Unterfarbreduktion und Schwarzaufbau beibehalten: Nein Transferfunktionen: Anwenden Rastereinstellungen beibehalten: Nein

    ERWEITERT ----------------------------------------Optionen: Prolog/Epilog verwenden: Nein PostScript-Datei darf Einstellungen überschreiben: Nein Level 2 copypage-Semantik beibehalten: Ja Portable Job Ticket in PDF-Datei speichern: Nein Illustrator-Überdruckmodus: Ja Farbverläufe zu weichen Nuancen konvertieren: Ja ASCII-Format: NeinDocument Structuring Conventions (DSC): DSC-Kommentare verarbeiten: Ja DSC-Warnungen protokollieren: Nein Für EPS-Dateien Seitengröße ändern und Grafiken zentrieren: Ja EPS-Info von DSC beibehalten: Ja OPI-Kommentare beibehalten: Nein Dokumentinfo von DSC beibehalten: Ja

    ANDERE ---------------------------------------- Distiller-Kern Version: 5000 ZIP-Komprimierung verwenden: Ja Optimierungen deaktivieren: Nein Bildspeicher: 524288 Byte Farbbilder glätten: Nein Graustufenbilder glätten: Nein Bilder (< 257 Farben) in indizierten Farbraum konvertieren: Ja sRGB ICC-Profil: sRGB IEC61966-2.1

    ENDE DES REPORTS ----------------------------------------

    IMPRESSED GmbHBahrenfelder Chaussee 4922761 Hamburg, GermanyTel. +49 40 897189-0Fax +49 40 897189-71Email: [email protected]: www.impressed.de

    Adobe Acrobat Distiller 5.0.x Joboption Datei

    /AutoFilterColorImages true /sRGBProfile (sRGB IEC61966-2.1) /ColorImageDepth -1 /PreserveOverprintSettings false /AutoRotatePages /None /UCRandBGInfo /Remove /EmbedAllFonts true /CompatibilityLevel 1.3 /StartPage 1 /AntiAliasColorImages false /CreateJobTicket false /ConvertImagesToIndexed true /ColorImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /ColorImageDownsampleThreshold 1.5 /MonoImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /DetectBlends true /GrayImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /PreserveEPSInfo true /GrayACSImageDict > /ColorACSImageDict > /PreserveCopyPage true /EncodeMonoImages true /ColorConversionStrategy /sRGB /PreserveOPIComments false /AntiAliasGrayImages false /GrayImageDepth -1 /ColorImageResolution 100 /EndPage -1 /AutoPositionEPSFiles true /MonoImageDepth -1 /TransferFunctionInfo /Apply /EncodeGrayImages true /DownsampleGrayImages true /DownsampleMonoImages true /DownsampleColorImages true /MonoImageDownsampleThreshold 1.5 /MonoImageDict > /Binding /Left /CalCMYKProfile (U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2) /MonoImageResolution 300 /AutoFilterGrayImages true /AlwaysEmbed [ ] /ImageMemory 524288 /SubsetFonts false /DefaultRenderingIntent /Default /OPM 1 /MonoImageFilter /CCITTFaxEncode /GrayImageResolution 100 /ColorImageFilter /DCTEncode /PreserveHalftoneInfo false /ColorImageDict > /ASCII85EncodePages false /LockDistillerParams true>> setdistillerparams> setpagedevice

  • Meas. rangeAir probes Illustration Accuracy t99 Conn. Part no.NTC probes

    -40... +130 °C To UNI curve 60 s Fixed cable 0610 9714Highly accurate air probe for air and gastemperature measurements with bare,mechanically protected sensor

    150 mm

    Ø 9 mm

    Pt100 probes

    -200... +600 °C Class A 75 s Plug-in head,connection cable 04300143 or 0430 0145required

    0604 9773Standard air probe

    150 mm

    Ø 9 mmØ 3 mm

    -100... +400 °C 1/10 Class B (0 to100°C) 1/5 Class B(rem. range) to EN60751

    75 s Plug-in head,connection cable 04300143 or 0430 0145required

    0628 0017Precision air probe

    150 mm

    Ø 9 mmØ 3 mm


    NiCr-Ni probes

    -200... +600 °C Class 1 1 s Plug-in head,connection cable 04300143 or 0430 0145required

    0604 9794Super quick-action immersion/penetration probefor measurements in gases and liquids with alow-mass tip

    150 mm 20 mm

    Ø 0.5 mmØ 1.4 mm 0614 9794 *

    Meas. rangeSurface probes Illustration Accuracy t99 Conn. Part no.

    -200... +300 °C Class 2 3 s Plug-in head,connection cable 04300143 or 0430 0145required

    0604 0194Quick-action surface probe with sprungthermocouple strip, measuring range short-termto +500°C

    150 mm

    Ø 10 mm

    -200... +300 °C Class 2 3 s Plug-in head,connection cable 04300143 or 0430 0145required

    0604 0994Super quick-action surface probe, probe tip at90° angle, with sprung thermocouple strip

    100 mm Ø 10 mm

    -200... +600 °C Class 1 25 s Plug-in head,connection cable 04300143 or 0430 0145required

    0604 9993Robust surface probe

    150 mm

    Ø 4 mmØ 4 mm

    -200... +600 °C Class 1 25 s Plug-in head,connection cable 04300143 or 0430 0145required

    0604 9893

    0614 0194 *



    0614 9993

    0614 9893Robust surface probe, at 90° angle, suitable forinaccessible places

    130 mm Ø 4 mm

    Ø 4 mm

    -200... +700 °C Class 2 3 s Fixed cable,coiled

    0600 0394Robust surface probe with sprung thermocouplestrip for high temperature range up to +700°C

    200 mm

    50 mm

    Ø 15 mm

    -50... +240 °C Class 2 Fixed cable,coiled

    0600 5093Roller surface probe for measurements on rollersand rotating drums, max. circumferential velocity18 to 400m/min

    274 mmØ 33 mm

    -50... +170 °C Class 2 Fixed cable 0600 4793Magnetic probe, adhesive power approx. 20 N,with magnets, for measurements on metalsurfaces

    35 mm

    Ø 20 mm

    -50... +400 °C Class 2 Fixed cable 0600 4893Magnetic probe, adhesive power approx. 10 N,with magnets, for higher temperatures, measureson metal surfaces

    75 mmØ 21 mm

    -200... +400 °C Class 2 3 s Fixed cable 0600 1494Miniature surface probe for measurements onelectronic components, small motors...

    270 mm

    Ø 5 mm

    -200... +400 °C Class 1 5 s Please order adapter0600 1693

    0644 1109Thermocouple, made of fibre-glass insulatedthermal pipes, pack of 5

    2000 mm

    Ø 0.8 mmInsulation: twin conductor, flat, oval, opposed and covered with fibre-glass, both conductors are wrapped together with fibre-glass andsoaked with lacquer, please order adapter 0600 1693

    Fixed cable 0600 1693Adapter to connect NiCr-Ni thermocouples andprobes with open wire ends

    Fixed cable 0600 1693Adapter to connect NiCr-Ni thermocouples andprobes with open wire ends

    Pt100 probes

    -50... +400 °C Class B 40 s Plug-in head,connection cable 04300143 or 0430 0145required

    0604 9973Robust surface probe

    150 mm

    Ø 4 mmØ 9 mm *0628 0018


    0554 0004Silicone heat paste (14g), Tmax = +260°C

    Improves heat transfer in surface probes

    -200... +200 °C Class 1 Please order adapter0600 1693

    0644 1607Adhesive thermocouple, pack of 2, carrier material:aluminium foil Diameter extension 2 x 0.2mm, 0.1 mm thick Is fixed at the measuring point using conventional adhesives or silicone heat paste 0554 0004

    *with EEPROM: Precision adjustment for each probe at a measuring point; measuring range limits are saved in probe; t95 extrapolation; surface allowance in surface probe can be adapted to measuring task

    NiCr-Ni probes

    Infrared probes

    -18... +260 °C ±2% of mv (+100.1... +260 °C)±2 °C (-18... +100 °C)

    2 s Fixed cable,coiled

    0600 0750Infrared surface probe for fast non-contact temperaturemeasurement on live, inaccessible and rotating parts

    Suitable probes at a glance


    Verwendete Distiller 5.0.x JoboptionsDieser Report wurde automatisch mit Hilfe der Adobe Acrobat Distiller Erweiterung "Distiller Secrets v1.0.5" der IMPRESSED GmbH erstellt.Sie koennen diese Startup-Datei für die Distiller Versionen 4.0.5 und 5.0.x kostenlos unter http://www.impressed.de herunterladen.

    ALLGEMEIN ----------------------------------------Dateioptionen: Kompatibilität: PDF 1.3 Für schnelle Web-Anzeige optimieren: Ja Piktogramme einbetten: Nein Seiten automatisch drehen: Nein Seiten von: 1 Seiten bis: Alle Seiten Bund: Links Auflösung: [ 1200 1200 ] dpi Papierformat: [ 595 842 ] Punkt

    KOMPRIMIERUNG ----------------------------------------Farbbilder: Downsampling: Ja Berechnungsmethode: Bikubische Neuberechnung Downsample-Auflösung: 100 dpi Downsampling für Bilder über: 150 dpi Komprimieren: Ja Automatische Bestimmung der Komprimierungsart: Ja JPEG-Qualität: Mittel Bitanzahl pro Pixel: Wie Original BitGraustufenbilder: Downsampling: Ja Berechnungsmethode: Bikubische Neuberechnung Downsample-Auflösung: 100 dpi Downsampling für Bilder über: 150 dpi Komprimieren: Ja Automatische Bestimmung der Komprimierungsart: Ja JPEG-Qualität: Mittel Bitanzahl pro Pixel: Wie Original BitSchwarzweiß-Bilder: Downsampling: Ja Berechnungsmethode: Bikubische Neuberechnung Downsample-Auflösung: 300 dpi Downsampling für Bilder über: 450 dpi Komprimieren: Ja Komprimierungsart: CCITT CCITT-Gruppe: 4 Graustufen glätten: Nein

    Text und Vektorgrafiken komprimieren: Ja

    SCHRIFTEN ---------------------------------------- Alle Schriften einbetten: Ja Untergruppen aller eingebetteten Schriften: Nein Wenn Einbetten fehlschlägt: AbbrechenEinbetten: Immer einbetten: [ ] Nie einbetten: [ ]

    FARBE(N) ----------------------------------------Farbmanagement: Farbumrechnungsmethode: Alle Farben zu sRGB konvertieren Methode: StandardArbeitsbereiche: Graustufen ICC-Profil: Adobe Gray - 20% Dot Gain RGB ICC-Profil: Adobe RGB (1998) CMYK ICC-Profil: U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2Geräteabhängige Daten: Einstellungen für Überdrucken beibehalten: Nein Unterfarbreduktion und Schwarzaufbau beibehalten: Nein Transferfunktionen: Anwenden Rastereinstellungen beibehalten: Nein

    ERWEITERT ----------------------------------------Optionen: Prolog/Epilog verwenden: Nein PostScript-Datei darf Einstellungen überschreiben: Nein Level 2 copypage-Semantik beibehalten: Ja Portable Job Ticket in PDF-Datei speichern: Nein Illustrator-Überdruckmodus: Ja Farbverläufe zu weichen Nuancen konvertieren: Ja ASCII-Format: NeinDocument Structuring Conventions (DSC): DSC-Kommentare verarbeiten: Ja DSC-Warnungen protokollieren: Nein Für EPS-Dateien Seitengröße ändern und Grafiken zentrieren: Ja EPS-Info von DSC beibehalten: Ja OPI-Kommentare beibehalten: Nein Dokumentinfo von DSC beibehalten: Ja

    ANDERE ---------------------------------------- Distiller-Kern Version: 5000 ZIP-Komprimierung verwenden: Ja Optimierungen deaktivieren: Nein Bildspeicher: 524288 Byte Farbbilder glätten: Nein Graustufenbilder glätten: Nein Bilder (< 257 Farben) in indizierten Farbraum konvertieren: Ja sRGB ICC-Profil: sRGB IEC61966-2.1

    ENDE DES REPORTS ----------------------------------------

    IMPRESSED GmbHBahrenfelder Chaussee 4922761 Hamburg, GermanyTel. +49 40 897189-0Fax +49 40 897189-71Email: [email protected]: www.impressed.de

    Adobe Acrobat Distiller 5.0.x Joboption Datei

    /AutoFilterColorImages true /sRGBProfile (sRGB IEC61966-2.1) /ColorImageDepth -1 /PreserveOverprintSettings false /AutoRotatePages /None /UCRandBGInfo /Remove /EmbedAllFonts true /CompatibilityLevel 1.3 /StartPage 1 /AntiAliasColorImages false /CreateJobTicket false /ConvertImagesToIndexed true /ColorImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /ColorImageDownsampleThreshold 1.5 /MonoImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /DetectBlends true /GrayImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /PreserveEPSInfo true /GrayACSImageDict > /ColorACSImageDict > /PreserveCopyPage true /EncodeMonoImages true /ColorConversionStrategy /sRGB /PreserveOPIComments false /AntiAliasGrayImages false /GrayImageDepth -1 /ColorImageResolution 100 /EndPage -1 /AutoPositionEPSFiles true /MonoImageDepth -1 /TransferFunctionInfo /Apply /EncodeGrayImages true /DownsampleGrayImages true /DownsampleMonoImages true /DownsampleColorImages true /MonoImageDownsampleThreshold 1.5 /MonoImageDict > /Binding /Left /CalCMYKProfile (U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2) /MonoImageResolution 300 /AutoFilterGrayImages true /AlwaysEmbed [ ] /ImageMemory 524288 /SubsetFonts false /DefaultRenderingIntent /Default /OPM 1 /MonoImageFilter /CCITTFaxEncode /GrayImageResolution 100 /ColorImageFilter /DCTEncode /PreserveHalftoneInfo false /ColorImageDict > /ASCII85EncodePages false /LockDistillerParams true>> setdistillerparams> setpagedevice

  • Meas. rangeImmers./penetr. probes Illustration Accuracy t99 Conn. Part no.NiCr-Ni probes

    -200... +600 °C Class 1 1 s Plug-in head,connection cable 04300143 or 0430 0145required

    0604 0493150 mm

    Ø 1.5 mm

    -200... +1100 °C Class 1 1 s Plug-in head,connection cable 04300143 or 0430 0145required

    0604 0593Super quick-action immersion/penetration probefor high temperatures

    470 mm

    Ø 1.5 mm

    -200... +400 °C Class 1 3 s Plug-in head,connection cable 04300143 or 0430 0145required

    0604 0293Fast response immersion/penetration probe

    Super quick-action immersion/penetration probefor measurements in liquids

    150 mm

    Ø 3 mm 0614 0293 *

    0614 0493 *

    0614 0593 *

    -200... +600 °C Class 1 1 s Plug-in head,connection cable 04300143 or 0430 0145required

    0604 9794Super quick-action immersion/penetration probefor measurements in gases and liquids with alow-mass tip

    150 mm 20 mm

    Ø 0.5 mmØ 1.4 mm 0614 9794 *

    -200... +400 °C Class 1 3 s Fixed cable 0600 2593Robust immersion/penetration probe made ofV4A stainless steel, waterproof and oven-proof,e.g. for the food sector

    150 mm

    Ø 3 mmØ 3.5 mm

    -200... +1250 °C Class 1 60 s Fixed cable 0600 5993Smelting probe for measurements in non-ferrousmelting baths, with exchangeable measuring tips

    1100 mm

    Ø 6.5 mm

    -200... +1250 °C Class 1 60 s 0363 1712Spare measuring tip for smelting probe Ø 6.5 mm

    Pt100 probes

    -200... +600 °C Class A 20 s Plug-in head,connection cable 04300143 or 0430 0145required

    0604 0274Standard immersion/penetration probe

    200 mm

    Ø 3 mm

    -200... +400 °C Class A 20 s Plug-in head,connection cable 04300143 or 0430 0145required

    0604 0273Standard immersion/penetration probe

    200 mm Stainless steel


    -100... +400 °C 1/10 Class B (0 to100°C) 1/5 Class B(rem. range) to EN60751

    30 s Plug-in head,connection cable 04300143 or 0430 0145required

    0628 0015Highly accurate immersion/penetration probe

    200 mm

    Ø 3 mm

    -100... +265 °C 1/10 Class B (0 to100°C) 1/5 Class B(rem. range) to EN60751

    80 s Plug-in head,connection cable 04300143 or 0430 0145required

    0628 0016Flexible precision immersion probe, cable heat-proof up to +300°C

    1000 mm 50 mm

    Ø 6 mmØ 3.5 mm

    -200... +400 °C Class A 30 s Fixed cable 0604 2573Robust immersion/penetration probe withsharpened measuring tip, waterproof and oven-proof

    150 mm

    Ø 3 mmØ 3.5 mm



    Ø 3 mm

    -40... +300 °C ±0.05 °C (+0.01... +100 °C)±(0.05 °C ±0.05% of mv)(-40... 0 °C)±(0.05 °C ±0.05% of mv)(+100.01... +300 °C)

    60 s Plug-in head,connection cable 04300143 or 0430 0145required

    0614 0240Highly accurate immersion/penetration probeincl. certificate

    295 mm

    Ø 4 mm

    Stainless steel

    Meas. rangePlug-in measuring tips Illustration Accuracy t99 Conn. Part no.-200... +900 °C Class 1 4 s Please order handle

    with Part no. 0600 5593 0600 5393Plug-in measuring tip, 750mm long, flexible, for

    high temperatures, outer casing: stainless steel1.4541

    750 mm

    Ø 3 mm

    -330... +900 °C Class 1 4 s Please order handlewith Part no. 0600 5593

    0600 5493Plug-in measuring tip, 1200 mm long, flexible,for high temperatures, outer casing: stainlesssteel 1.4541

    1200 mm

    Ø 3 mm

    -200... +1100 °C Class 1 4 s Please order handlewith Part no. 0600 5593

    0600 5793Plug-in measuring tip, 550mm long, flexible, forhigh temperatures, outer casing: Inconel 2.4816

    550 mm

    Ø 3 mm

    -200... +1100 °C Class 1 4 s Please order handlewith Part no. 0600 5593

    0600 5893Plug-in measuring tip, 1030mm long, flexible, forhigh temperatures, outer casing: Inconel 2.4816

    1030 mm

    Ø 3 mm

    0600 5593Handle for plug-in measuring tip

    Meas. rangePipe wrap probes Illustration Accuracy t99 Conn. Part no.NTC probes

    -60... +130 °C Class 2 5 s Fixed cable 0600 4593Pipe wrap probe for pipes with diameter of up to2", for flow/return temperature measurement inhydronic systems

    -60... +130 °C Class 2 5 s 0602 0092Spare meas. head for pipe wrap probe

    35 mm

    15 mm

    Pt100 probes

    -50... +150 °C Class B 40 s Fixed cable 0628 0019Velcro probe for pipes with diameter of max. 100mm

    *with EEPROM: Precision adjustment for each probe at a measuring point; measuring range limits are saved in probe; t95 extrapolation; surface allowance in surface probe can be adapted to measuring task

    Suitable probes at a glance


    Verwendete Distiller 5.0.x JoboptionsDieser Report wurde automatisch mit Hilfe der Adobe Acrobat Distiller Erweiterung "Distiller Secrets v1.0.5" der IMPRESSED GmbH erstellt.Sie koennen diese Startup-Datei für die Distiller Versionen 4.0.5 und 5.0.x kostenlos unter http://www.impressed.de herunterladen.

    ALLGEMEIN ----------------------------------------Dateioptionen: Kompatibilität: PDF 1.3 Für schnelle Web-Anzeige optimieren: Ja Piktogramme einbetten: Nein Seiten automatisch drehen: Nein Seiten von: 1 Seiten bis: Alle Seiten Bund: Links Auflösung: [ 1200 1200 ] dpi Papierformat: [ 595 842 ] Punkt

    KOMPRIMIERUNG ----------------------------------------Farbbilder: Downsampling: Ja Berechnungsmethode: Bikubische Neuberechnung Downsample-Auflösung: 100 dpi Downsampling für Bilder über: 150 dpi Komprimieren: Ja Automatische Bestimmung der Komprimierungsart: Ja JPEG-Qualität: Mittel Bitanzahl pro Pixel: Wie Original BitGraustufenbilder: Downsampling: Ja Berechnungsmethode: Bikubische Neuberechnung Downsample-Auflösung: 100 dpi Downsampling für Bilder über: 150 dpi Komprimieren: Ja Automatische Bestimmung der Komprimierungsart: Ja JPEG-Qualität: Mittel Bitanzahl pro Pixel: Wie Original BitSchwarzweiß-Bilder: Downsampling: Ja Berechnungsmethode: Bikubische Neuberechnung Downsample-Auflösung: 300 dpi Downsampling für Bilder über: 450 dpi Komprimieren: Ja Komprimierungsart: CCITT CCITT-Gruppe: 4 Graustufen glätten: Nein

    Text und Vektorgrafiken komprimieren: Ja

    SCHRIFTEN ---------------------------------------- Alle Schriften einbetten: Ja Untergruppen aller eingebetteten Schriften: Nein Wenn Einbetten fehlschlägt: AbbrechenEinbetten: Immer einbetten: [ ] Nie einbetten: [ ]

    FARBE(N) ----------------------------------------Farbmanagement: Farbumrechnungsmethode: Alle Farben zu sRGB konvertieren Methode: StandardArbeitsbereiche: Graustufen ICC-Profil: Adobe Gray - 20% Dot Gain RGB ICC-Profil: Adobe RGB (1998) CMYK ICC-Profil: U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2Geräteabhängige Daten: Einstellungen für Überdrucken beibehalten: Nein Unterfarbreduktion und Schwarzaufbau beibehalten: Nein Transferfunktionen: Anwenden Rastereinstellungen beibehalten: Nein

    ERWEITERT ----------------------------------------Optionen: Prolog/Epilog verwenden: Nein PostScript-Datei darf Einstellungen überschreiben: Nein Level 2 copypage-Semantik beibehalten: Ja Portable Job Ticket in PDF-Datei speichern: Nein Illustrator-Überdruckmodus: Ja Farbverläufe zu weichen Nuancen konvertieren: Ja ASCII-Format: NeinDocument Structuring Conventions (DSC): DSC-Kommentare verarbeiten: Ja DSC-Warnungen protokollieren: Nein Für EPS-Dateien Seitengröße ändern und Grafiken zentrieren: Ja EPS-Info von DSC beibehalten: Ja OPI-Kommentare beibehalten: Nein Dokumentinfo von DSC beibehalten: Ja

    ANDERE ---------------------------------------- Distiller-Kern Version: 5000 ZIP-Komprimierung verwenden: Ja Optimierungen deaktivieren: Nein Bildspeicher: 524288 Byte Farbbilder glätten: Nein Graustufenbilder glätten: Nein Bilder (< 257 Farben) in indizierten Farbraum konvertieren: Ja sRGB ICC-Profil: sRGB IEC61966-2.1

    ENDE DES REPORTS ----------------------------------------

    IMPRESSED GmbHBahrenfelder Chaussee 4922761 Hamburg, GermanyTel. +49 40 897189-0Fax +49 40 897189-71Email: [email protected]: www.impressed.de

    Adobe Acrobat Distiller 5.0.x Joboption Datei

    /AutoFilterColorImages true /sRGBProfile (sRGB IEC61966-2.1) /ColorImageDepth -1 /PreserveOverprintSettings false /AutoRotatePages /None /UCRandBGInfo /Remove /EmbedAllFonts true /CompatibilityLevel 1.3 /StartPage 1 /AntiAliasColorImages false /CreateJobTicket false /ConvertImagesToIndexed true /ColorImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /ColorImageDownsampleThreshold 1.5 /MonoImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /DetectBlends true /GrayImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /PreserveEPSInfo true /GrayACSImageDict > /ColorACSImageDict > /PreserveCopyPage true /EncodeMonoImages true /ColorConversionStrategy /sRGB /PreserveOPIComments false /AntiAliasGrayImages false /GrayImageDepth -1 /ColorImageResolution 100 /EndPage -1 /AutoPositionEPSFiles true /MonoImageDepth -1 /TransferFunctionInfo /Apply /EncodeGrayImages true /DownsampleGrayImages true /DownsampleMonoImages true /DownsampleColorImages true /MonoImageDownsampleThreshold 1.5 /MonoImageDict > /Binding /Left /CalCMYKProfile (U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2) /MonoImageResolution 300 /AutoFilterGrayImages true /AlwaysEmbed [ ] /ImageMemory 524288 /SubsetFonts false /DefaultRenderingIntent /Default /OPM 1 /MonoImageFilter /CCITTFaxEncode /GrayImageResolution 100 /ColorImageFilter /DCTEncode /PreserveHalftoneInfo false /ColorImageDict > /ASCII85EncodePages false /LockDistillerParams true>> setdistillerparams> setpagedevice

  • +20... +20000 rpm ± 1 digit Plug-in head,connection cable 04300143 or 0430 0145required

    0640 0340

    0... +1000 mV ±1 mV (0... +1000 mV) 0554 0007Current/voltage cable (±1 V, ±10 V, 20 mA)

    0554 7072

    0430 0144

    0409 0063

    0430 0145

    0430 0143Cable, 1.5 m long, connects probe with plug-in head to meas. instrument

    Cable, 5 m long, connects probe with plug-in head to measuring instrument

    Extension cable, 5 m long, between plug-in head cable and instrument

    Telescopic handle, max. 1 m, for probe with plug-in head

    Meas. rangeMore probes Accuracy Conn. Part no.

    Part no.Part no.

    0... +1 Vol. % CO20... +10000 ppmCO2

    ±(50 ppm CO2 ±2% of mv) (0... +5000 ppmCO2)±(100 ppm CO2 ±3% of mv) (+5001...+10000 ppm CO2)

    Plug-in head,connection cable 04300143 or 0430 0145required

    0632 1240CO2 probe measures indoor air quality and monitors theworkplace. With plug-in head, connection cable 04300143 or 0430 0145 required

    Mechanical rpm probe with plug-in head

    Included2 probe tips Ø 8 and Ø 12 mm1 hollow cone Ø 8 mm1 surface speed disc Ø 19 mm to measure rotational speed: rpm =rotational speed in mm/s

    0... +500 ppm CO ±5% of mv (+100.1... +500 ppm CO)±5 ppm CO (0... +100 ppm CO)

    Fixed cable 0632 1247CO probe to measure CO level in ambient air

    190 mm

    Ø 25 mm

    Accessories for temperature probes Accessories for temperature probes

    Glass pipe for immersion/penetration probe to protect from corrosive agents

    For probes with Part nos. 0604 0273 and 0628 0015

    PUR coating material

    PUR coating material

    PUR coating material

    Cable: 2.5 m long, PUR coating material

    0... +10 V0... +20 mA ±0.04 mA (0... +20 mA)

    ±0.01 V (0... +10 V)

    Meas. rangeOther temperature probes Illustration Accuracy Conn. Part no.0... +120 °CAccuracy corresponds to

    ISO 7243, ISO 7726, DINEN 27726, DIN 33403requirements

    ±0.5 °C (0... +49.9 °C)±1 °C (+50... +120 °C)

    Fixed cable 0554 0670Globe thermometer to measure radiant heat Ø 150 mm

    °C+1200 ––

    +1100 ––

    +1000 ––

    +900 ––

    +800 ––

    +700 ––

    +600 ––

    +500 ––

    +400 ––

    +300 ––

    +200 ––

    +100 ––

    0 ––

    -100 ––

    -200 ––







    Type K

    Type J

    Type T

    Measuring range

    t=Measuring temperature

    Accuracy data

    Sensor Temp.range

    Class Maximum tolerances


    Type K (NiCr-Ni)

    -40...+1200 °C

    -40...+1000 °C

    -40...+350 °C

    -40...+750 °C

    -100...+200 °C

    -200...+600 °C

    -50...-25,1 °C-25...+74,9 °C+75...+150 °C

    -30...-20,1 °C-20...0 °C+0,1...+75 °C+75,1...+275 °C







    – °C

    ±2,5 °C

    ±1,5 °C

    ±0,5 °C

    ±1,5 °C

    ±0,0075 x ltl

    ±0,004 x ltl

    ±0,001 x ltl

    ±0,004 x ltl

    ±0.4 °C±0.2 °C±0.5 % of reading

    ±1 °C±0.6 °C±0.5 °C±0.5 °C ±0.5 % of reading

    ± (0,3 + 0,005 • ItI)

    ± (0,15 + 0,002 • ItI)



    NTC(High temp.)

    Referred to temperatureFixed value

    Selecting the right temperature sensorAccuracy

    Select the sensor with the accuracy required for your application from the diagram or table.

    Data for thermocouples to EN60584-1 (formerly IEC 584-1). Twovalues are given. One fixed value in°C and a formula.

    The larger value always applies.Data for P