Zentrale Abschlussarbeit 2014 Probearbeit Realschulabschluss Ministerium für Bildung und Wissenschaft des Landes Schleswig-Holstein 1

RSA2 Englisch 2013 Schülerheft - KTS-Flensburg · Primary School in Kenya. She taught English to kids between the ages of eight and twelve, in classes of about sixty-five. It was

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Page 1: RSA2 Englisch 2013 Schülerheft - KTS-Flensburg · Primary School in Kenya. She taught English to kids between the ages of eight and twelve, in classes of about sixty-five. It was

Zentrale Abschlussarbeit 2014

Probearbeit Realschulabschluss

Ministeriumfür Bildung und Wissenschaft

des Landes Schleswig-Holstein


Page 2: RSA2 Englisch 2013 Schülerheft - KTS-Flensburg · Primary School in Kenya. She taught English to kids between the ages of eight and twelve, in classes of about sixty-five. It was


Page 3: RSA2 Englisch 2013 Schülerheft - KTS-Flensburg · Primary School in Kenya. She taught English to kids between the ages of eight and twelve, in classes of about sixty-five. It was

Liebe Schülerin, lieber Schüler! Dies ist der schriftliche Teil der Probearbeit Englisch für den Realschulabschluss. Es gibt drei Teile darin, zu denen jeweils mehrere Aufgaben gestellt werden:

Teil LC: Listening Comprehension (Hörverstehen) Teil RC: Reading Comprehension (Leseverstehen) Teil W: Writing (Schreiben)

Du hast ausreichend Zeit! Die Prüfungszeit beträgt für alle Aufgaben zusammen 105 Minuten. Lies dir bitte jede Aufgabe gründlich durch und bearbeite sie, so gut du kannst. Wenn du mit einer Aufgabe nicht zurechtkommst, gehe zur nächsten über. Wenn du dich einmal bei der Lösung geirrt hast, markiere deine richtige Antwort so:

A richtig


C Häkchen fälschlich gesetzt


Besonders in Teil LC Listening ist es wichtig, dass du vor dem Anhören der CD-Texte in der schriftlichen Aufgabenstellung zunächst nachliest, was du beim anschließenden Hören herausfinden sollst! Benutze evtl. einen Bleistift, um deine ersten Vermutungen zu kennzeichnen, bevor du nach dem zweiten Hören den Füller nimmst. Für die Teile RC und W (Reading/Writing) denke daran, dass du in deinem Wörterbuch nachschlagen kannst, wenn du Wortschatzprobleme hast. In Teil W Writing nimm dir die Zeit, die Schreibaufgabe erst zu planen, dann einen Text zu schreiben und diesen vor dem sauberen Abschreiben zu überprüfen. Nutze die Zeit und überprüfe in der Aufgabenstellung, ob du alle Aspekte bedacht hast. Kontrolliere hinterher noch einmal die sprachliche Richtigkeit.

Bitte erst umblättern, wenn du dazu aufgefordert wirst.


Page 4: RSA2 Englisch 2013 Schülerheft - KTS-Flensburg · Primary School in Kenya. She taught English to kids between the ages of eight and twelve, in classes of about sixty-five. It was


Page 5: RSA2 Englisch 2013 Schülerheft - KTS-Flensburg · Primary School in Kenya. She taught English to kids between the ages of eight and twelve, in classes of about sixty-five. It was

LC Listening comprehension LC1 Brook Peters

Task: Listen to the programme on Radio 4. While listening, answer the questions (1-6) in 1-7 words/numbers. There is an example (0) at the beginning. You will hear the recording twice (2x). You now have 15 seconds to look at the task.

0 Why is Brook Peters being interviewed? he made a documentary film about 9/11

1 Which people did Brook Peters interview?

2 What terrible events does Brook remember? Name two.

3 How was Brook’s childhood influenced by the fire brigade?

4 Why have firefighters always been heroes for Brook?

5 How has this film helped Brook?

6 Why is Brook planning to become a firefighter after high school?



Page 6: RSA2 Englisch 2013 Schülerheft - KTS-Flensburg · Primary School in Kenya. She taught English to kids between the ages of eight and twelve, in classes of about sixty-five. It was

LC Listening Comprehension

LC2 Jambo Task: This is a radio report about people’s special

experiences with animals. Read the sentence beginnings (1-7) and tick the correct endings (a, b, c or d).

Only one answer is correct. There is an example (0) at the beginning. You will hear the recording twice (2x). You now have 30 seconds to look at the task.

O. The radio report tells the story of … a ... elephants living in zoos. b ... London Zoo and its biggest apes. c ... a famous gorilla called Jambo. d ... circus animals that are set free.

1. A small boy visiting Jersey Zoo …

a ... was wearing a gorilla mask.

b ... climbed up onto a gorilla’s back.

c ... got onto the wall surrounding the gorillas.

d ... walked into the animal’s food preparing room.

2. The boy’s parents and the spectators panicked when …

a ... the boy called out to the gorillas.

b ... Jambo quickly ran towards the boy.

c ... the boy attacked Jambo.

d ... Jambo picked up a big stick.

3. The situation would have been more dangerous for the boy if … a ... he had touched a gorilla.

b ... Jambo had been holding a baby gorilla.

c ... the gorillas had been hungry.

d ... the female gorillas had got to the boy first.


Page 7: RSA2 Englisch 2013 Schülerheft - KTS-Flensburg · Primary School in Kenya. She taught English to kids between the ages of eight and twelve, in classes of about sixty-five. It was

4. The most frightening moment came when a young gorilla …

a ... got past Jambo.

b ... got past the keeper.

c ... picked up a big stick.

d ... attacked Jambo.

5. Jambo …

a ... chased the young gorilla away.

b ... pushed the females into the gorilla house.

c ... forced the keeper into the gorilla house.

d ... carried the boy into the gorilla house.

6. The boy was rescued by …

a ... Jambo and a young gorilla.

b ... his frightened parents.

c ... some courageous visitors .

d ... an ambulance man and two keepers.

7. Visitors to Jersey Zoo are reminded by a bronze statue that…

a ... gorillas are dangerous animals.

b ... wild animals are not necessarily man’s enemy.

c ... Jambo belonged to a violent species.

d ... gorillas only take good care of their own young.



Page 8: RSA2 Englisch 2013 Schülerheft - KTS-Flensburg · Primary School in Kenya. She taught English to kids between the ages of eight and twelve, in classes of about sixty-five. It was

RC Reading Comprehension RC1 Classroom for Baraka Task: Read the text about the English student, Katie Godfrey, who

worked in Africa during her gap year. Then match the paragraphs (1-6) with one of the headings (A-K). There are more headings than you need. There is an example at the beginning (0)

0. In 2010 Katie Godfrey spent six months of her gap year volunteering in Baraka Primary School in Kenya. She taught English to kids between the ages of eight and twelve, in classes of about sixty-five. It was great fun, the kids loved being at school, but the class sizes were much too big and there were not enough teachers. Moreover, the educational challenges faced by the pupils were made worse by the dangers of drought, famine and the HIV/AIDs epidemic.

1. Although primary education is now free and compulsory in Kenya, very little money is put into schools. Katie found out that the government would only pay for another teacher’s salary if the school had another classroom. So when she returned home, Katie decided to help them build a desperately needed new classroom for the school.

2. Baraka Primary School particularly inspired her because of its staff and pupils' determination to help themselves. The school had recently built a kitchen providing meals for children who would not normally have a meal every day. Teachers attended school voluntarily on Saturdays and during school holidays to teach extra lessons to children who actually wanted to learn English grammar!

3. If they achieve good results, the pupils will be able to get into secondary school more easily; otherwise they leave school at 14. Many of the children told Katie they would like to become doctors or judges. They are ambitious; they just need some support, and having smaller class sizes is going to make a huge difference.

4. There are countless ways in which Katie wanted to support the pupils, but she chose the classroom project because she had worked out that in time it would benefit the largest number of pupils. The target was to raise £3,000 by June 2012.


Page 9: RSA2 Englisch 2013 Schülerheft - KTS-Flensburg · Primary School in Kenya. She taught English to kids between the ages of eight and twelve, in classes of about sixty-five. It was

5. First Katie gave talks about the school in Baraka and Kenya, held cake sales, Kenyan days and a monthly pub quiz at the Exhibition pub in Over to raise money for the project. Then she had the idea of getting people to sponsor her doing a skydive. On Saturday, 6th August, she skydived from Chatteris airfield, dressed as a leopard. To begin with Katie was panicking, but once the parachute opened, it was okay. Lots of people sponsored her and the event was a great success.

6. By the middle of September 2011 she’d already raised enough money to start building the classroom. All £3,000 raised will go towards the building. Katie will pay for her own transport and accommodation in Kenya and oversee the project for a month. When she told the head teacher, he was absolutely over the moon about it. He was amazed that people in England care so much about the kids.

A Better chances for young people with higher hopes

B Finding the best games to play

C Finding the most effective way to help

D What school in Africa is like

E What pupils in Africa are not able to learn at school

F Making sure aid gets to the right people

G Number of classrooms must equal number of teachers

H How to raise funds for a big project

K Extremely motivated teachers and pupils

L Disappointment about living conditions


1 2 3 4 5 6




Page 10: RSA2 Englisch 2013 Schülerheft - KTS-Flensburg · Primary School in Kenya. She taught English to kids between the ages of eight and twelve, in classes of about sixty-five. It was

RC Reading Comprehension RC2 Is she or isn’t she – “gaga”? Task: Read the text. Then answer the questions (1-7) below in 1-8 words. There is an example (0) at the beginning. Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, who is better known as Lady Gaga, was born in New York on March 28, 1986. Her father had an internet business and her mother was a telecommunications manager. Even as a small child, she was known to act in an unusual way and she also showed that she was very talented when she started playing the piano at the age of 4. She went to a private school in Manhattan. At the age of 14 she performed at clubs, and when she was 17, she started to study music at an arts college in New York. But she didn’t like theoretical work, she wanted to make music. So she didn’t finish college. Instead she wrote some songs for the well-known groups The Pussycat Dolls and New Kids On The Block. In 2008 she recorded her first album, The Flame, which was very successful. In Germany, the UK and many other countries both the album and the single were top hits in the charts, and Pokerface became an even bigger hit. Her latest album, Born This Way, and the single with the same title were not only number ones from the start, but the single also sold 100 million copies on iTunes in only 5 days. Lady Gaga’s favourite singers are Michael Jackson, Madonna, Elton John and the band Queen. One of their hits, Radio Ga Ga, helped her to find her stage name. And the lead singer, Freddy Mercury, became her role model. Like her, he loved fantastic costumes and performances on stage. Everybody knows Lady Gaga’s green wig, her enormous platform shoes, and remembers her most unusual meat dress, which she wore for the MTV Music Video Awards Ceremony in 2010. People still ask what this meat dress was about: about women’s rights, meat-eating, or fame? This question has never been answered, but it got Lady Gaga what she probably wanted most: publicity all over the world! So, she really knows how to interest people, and to use Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to her advantage. Acting like that, you can really say: she is the world’s most powerful star!


Page 11: RSA2 Englisch 2013 Schülerheft - KTS-Flensburg · Primary School in Kenya. She taught English to kids between the ages of eight and twelve, in classes of about sixty-five. It was

0 When did she first start making music? at the age of 4

1 Why did she stop her further education?

2 Who did she work for first?

3 Which album was very successful because of modern technology?

4 Where did she get “Lady Gaga” from?

5 Who influenced Lady Gaga’s shows most?

6 How did Lady Gaga get a lot of publicity some years ago?

7 Which three modern media are a part of Lady Gaga’s everyday life?

a) b) c)



Page 12: RSA2 Englisch 2013 Schülerheft - KTS-Flensburg · Primary School in Kenya. She taught English to kids between the ages of eight and twelve, in classes of about sixty-five. It was

W Writing Task

W Fan mail

Task: Your best friend is celebrating his/ her birthday soon. That’s why you want to give him/ her a special present. You and your friend are big fans of “……………. “(a famous person). So you decide to write an e-mail to that famous person. In your e-mail you ...

• say who you are and why you are writing

• describe why you and your friend like him/her

• ask for an autograph and another fan item

• try to make arrangements to meet up with him/her

• …

Now write your e-mail in about 180 words.


Page 13: RSA2 Englisch 2013 Schülerheft - KTS-Flensburg · Primary School in Kenya. She taught English to kids between the ages of eight and twelve, in classes of about sixty-five. It was


Page 14: RSA2 Englisch 2013 Schülerheft - KTS-Flensburg · Primary School in Kenya. She taught English to kids between the ages of eight and twelve, in classes of about sixty-five. It was



Page 15: RSA2 Englisch 2013 Schülerheft - KTS-Flensburg · Primary School in Kenya. She taught English to kids between the ages of eight and twelve, in classes of about sixty-five. It was


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Page 16: RSA2 Englisch 2013 Schülerheft - KTS-Flensburg · Primary School in Kenya. She taught English to kids between the ages of eight and twelve, in classes of about sixty-five. It was

W Writing – Fan mail




▲ Communicative effect of following content points

Introduction and reason for writing


Request for an autograph and present for a friend

Explaining why both are fans

Make arrangements to meet up ▲Text requirements - structure / thematic development


- language cohesion




▲ Vocabulary - range 6 - accuracy ▲ Grammar - range 6 - accuracy

Total points:




Page 17: RSA2 Englisch 2013 Schülerheft - KTS-Flensburg · Primary School in Kenya. She taught English to kids between the ages of eight and twelve, in classes of about sixty-five. It was

Task Skill Title Task format Code points

Listening Comprehension

Task LC1: Listening Brook Peters short answers 1 point per item /6

Task LC2: Listening Jambo multiple choice 1 point per item /7

Listening total points: /13 Reading Comprehension

Task RC1: Reading Classroom for Baraka

multiple matching

1 point per item /6

Task RC2: Reading Is she or isn’t she – “gaga”? short answers 1 point per

item /7

Reading total points: /13


Task W: Writing Fan mail e-mail assessment sheet /24

Writing total points: /24

Possible points: /50

Speaking / Mediation Tasks Skills Title

See assessment grid for speaking

Warming up Speaking dialogue

Guided by interlocutor

Dialogue Different tasks

Monologue Long term speaking Different tasks

Mediation Mediation Different tasks

Possible points: /50

Total points: /100