Page 1: Die verwertung der zellstoff-ablaugen. Patentliteratur 1912-1924. By Dr. A. Schrofe. Schriften des Vereins der Zellstoff- und Papier-Chemiker und Ingennieure No. 16. Pp. 140. Berlin:

suiumary. Thc wliolc voluriic bcnrs testimony to ite author’s ~c1l-lmowri bolc1iicSs ant1 resourcefulncss ns nn cxpcrimcntcr, nncl will be rcntl with profit by aiiy oiic intcrcstctl in ccllulosc spccinlly, or in thc problcrns of dispersion and ngpgntioii gciicrally.

Tlic printing is wvcll cloiic nncl i~-conaidcring tlic circunistanccs of production- rcmnrl;nbly frcc from errors; only the use of sI)ncccl typc, instcntl of italics, for c~ripl~asis gives it. n sliglitly, though 1101, ~i~ihccomingly, rsotic np])rnrn~icc.


J I ~ ~ m t wLz wru s3 1) E it z b: t , i s w w - ~ is rA.\ tic E s . l’ntcntlitcrntur 1912-1924. 13y 1 1 ~ . A. SCIIROI~X. 6cliriftcn dcs Vcrcitis tlcr Zcllstoff- irntl L’npicr- Chciniltcr uiitl Ingciiicitrc Xo. 16. Pp. 140. 13crlhi : Otto Elsnrr ~‘t~rlogs~cscllsclinft iu.b.H., 1926. I’ricc 2 r.-innrks.

‘I’liis compilntion froiu the piitcnt literntiire of tlic subjcct lins bccn anticipntctl by n critical review, *‘ Utilisntion of Wnnstc SiiIpIiitc Liquor,” I)? 15. D!Oiiim!ii and R. W. Horcg, issuctl froirl tlrc korext I’roducta Lnboratorirs of Cnnndn. (Govcniiiic.iit Piil~licntion 1019.-J. clc L. ‘l‘ncl:d, Ottnwo.)

In tlic introdiictioiis to tlicsc pul~licntions tlicrc nw reciprocal rccogt~itioiis : vJolinsc~i nntl Horcg arc iiitlcbtctl to AIns bliillcr, innkiiig frill usc of l i is hrochurc (1910) nncl supplciiicnt (19 10-1914) 011 tlic Hnmc subjcct. Eclirol~c~, who cnrricbs on the Al. Aliillcr cntcrprisc, rccogtliscs tlint tlic Caiintlinii pblicntioii is on n much brondcr tinsis, Iwiiig in cfcct nn uxhaustiro nccount of thc scicnti4c niitl tcclinicnl investigations of tlir by-products of the wood-cclliilow iiitlustry .

IIic coninio~i puq)osc of both is to provide n critical bnsh from which I)reseiit-dny tcchiiologists mny set out towards tlic solutioii of d i n t lins bccii to tlic cconoinic clicniicnl mind niid coiiscic~icc tlic biggest of problcrns-to coiircrt to iiitlrtstrinl raluc ti colossril wnstc of “ orgnnic ” matter, ~diicli lins progrcssivcly iricrcnscd, p r i passzr witli tlic production of wootl ccllulosc, to its ~ ~ r c s c n t ligiirc of 5,000,000 toils pcr nnnum.

Tlic Gcrniaii publicntioii is little inorc t l inii tlic catcgoricnl series of pntcnts in this licltl of invention, clnssificcl by tlic seb-sectior~s of subjcct mnttcr (c.g., Alcoholic fcriiiciitntion, Fcrtiliscrfi, .Hriqucttiiig, I~oodstuffs, ‘hnning iiintcrinls) : scctioiis n. b. c. . .(I., in tcrtus of tlic actual titles of tlic pntcnts, followtl by tllc author’s short nbstrnct description of thc

I n this form tlic author avoids tlic tad; of critic111

tliosc of 1)atciit litcrnturc, iiiilcss ~)erliaps those of tlio prig's of i~ Church liyiiinnl, the sturlciit, rcnclcr fitids in it littlc inorc t h i i a cntnloguo. On tho other Iinntl Jolitiscii niitl Hovcy Iiiirc cnrcfiilly diqostctl ni id critic- nlly cclikcl tlic HUlJJCCt iiinttcr, with tlic usc of ~ i i b - tit Ics in proiiiiricnt typc, i i i siicli \wy tlint. tlic rcndcr is ;it oiicc iiitni*cstctl, niicl tlio brocliiirc is nltriictiva t r i r i i iy cliciiiist.

TIic C:c~viinn piiblicntioii, 118 n’ cnrcfiil Iiistoricnl r c ~ w ~ l , inlist, bo ooinmcntlcd to t Iio nttttntion of oiir

I *

putc11tcrl p’’0ccss.

c\.i\l\lntioii--:tiid US tl1pl.c 111% 110 V ~ U C S SO ti1icq1Itil IS

cIic~ni.qt-engillcurs~gi~icors of the pulp jiicliistry, tdio! Iio~rcvcr iirc mostly doiiiicilctl 011 tlic 0 t h sirlc of the Atlnntic


I )AS \\‘ASSEItCI L.iS, SEINE E I G I.:S SClf AkTES, FABRM A- TIOS UND VmwEsnnsc. By lh. H. MATER. Pi). iv+8!?. Uruns~vick : I?. Wrwg nncl Son, 1026. Price, 2-50,

This littlc inoiiogrnpli is n uscfiil nnrvey of thc tcchnicnl production ntitl comnicrcinl outlcts of silicntc of sotln.

The nccou~it of t hc u-iclcsi)tratl npplicntions of the cliffcretit mrictics of tlic iiintcrinl is pnrticnlnrly good, ;indtluc ciiiplinsiu is Inid,iiot only oil tlic t3qntof ailicntc ritlnptctl to tlic specific cnd in vicw, but. nlso on tlic I)rccniitionu ant1 varintiotis wliich nrc frcqucntly iiccrsunry in clcnliiig with silicate iiiitlcr vtq6iig conditions, C J ~ . , in its npplicntion ns n rlctcrgcn t \vIicn wntcrs of witlcly rnryhig tinnliicsq or nlknlinity conic iiito question. Dr. Naycr distributes nttctitioii cvc~ily I)ct\rcen tlic olclcr uses, aiicli ns tlic nborc, niid the tiiorc rccciit cmployiiciit of silicntc ns an tldhcsivc, ti rond-l)iiitliiig niotcrial, or in R \witty of other \\.aye.

‘J’lic account of tlic procluctioti of silicnto of soda is 11crIiiips iiot so tlioroughly carried out, niicl oiic fccb t l i t i t soiiic of tlic pic t ica l pcol~lcius which coiifrolrt tlic iiinnufnctitirr itiiglit linvc rcct~ivcd tiiorc space with ntlmntngc.

The not too phi t i ful literature oil dicatc of soda, from both Ccrriinn niitl English or Aiiicricnii soiircccI, is duly referred to, a i d tlw booklct is wcll worthy of ~~co~iituc~iclatioti.


&XDBUClI ZU31 D,\XYFI*ASS USD h P A l L 1 ’ l ’ E ~ A V . ux C. HOSXXCKE. Pi). viii+2lO. IJcrliii : Julius Springer, 1924. Price 15 g . ~ .

This i~itcrcutiiig book trcnts only tritli tlic dcsigii ant1 construction of cylindricul rcsscls nnd tnriks nintlc of both ferrous niitl noii-ferrous inctnls, nnd is thcrcfoiu? a work of a spccinliscd nntuiv.

In the wctioii denling with iron mid steel cyliiitlciq iii acltlition to tlic forniula for the cnlculatioii of tlic thiclaicss of thiti cylitidcis, and tlrc Btrcngtli of rirctetl joints usiidly found in tcst-boolts on IIIC- cliniiics, fortiiulm nrc givcn rclnting to tIm thiclilicss of flnt niid tlislicd ends for tlicsc sI1cll.q. Tlic l a t h

jected to both iiitcriinl or cstcriid pressures at~d tundc of such tiictnls as copper, iiickd, I)rnss, olu- ~iiiniuai. Hcrc also is ti mAioii oil tdic joiriing of c o p 1)cr 1)lritc~s by riveting, sofb soltlcriiig, Iinrtl soltlcriiig, and wcldiny. Il‘lirou~liout tile work consitlcrablc nttciition hns I~ccri giveii to tlic viirioiis t3q)cs of nioiii)tings which lire lit tctl. riiid tlic inctliotls of nttnch- ing tlicni to tlic slic11s nrc jri mriiiy cnscs clcnrly illiis- trntcrl, whilst pipes nindc of tlicsc nintcritils nnd thc vtirious iiictliocls cinploycd in coiipling tlicm togcthcr nlso rcccivo ndcquntc attcntion.

‘J’Iic book coiit~iiis n lnrgc niiiouiit of uscfiil hifornia- tion, h i i t is of suali i~ nnturc that, i t is oiily lilrcly to n p p l to firins ciigngctl in tlio iunuufacturc of similar

JMI% of thc book dcnh with the clcsigii of \.CSSCh Sub-

OqllipNclil~. 8. c. 31. URE
