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Page 1: New Variable in Caelum

I 7 5 2962

Eleniente und Epheineride des Conieten 1890 . . . (Brooks Marz 19). Aus den' Beobachtungen Cambridge Mass. M2rz 21, Wien Marz 24, und Wien Marz 28 fand ich:

T = 1890 Juni 3.6399 M. Z. Berlin 03 = 71" 7:s 1 Darstellung der mittleren Beobachtung (€3-R) :

66 = 320 44.9 1 M. AeFu. 1890.0 in Lange = -1y7 in Breite = i o . 1 2 = 1 2 1 17.2

logq = 0.27189 E p h e m e r i d e f u r 1 2 ~ M. Z. Berl in .

I 890

Marz 29 30 3'

April I

3 4 5 6



7 i 8 l 9 1

I0 I I 1 I 1 2 ! '3 I I 4 i 7 5 ,

I a app. , 6 app. ! l o g r

2 1 ~ 1 0 ~ 5 1 ~ ! + 9041:o I 0.3106 I



1 0 58 I 10 8.8 I 11 3 I 10 36.9 I 1 1 7 11 5.5 I

I I1 I 2 I I 2 34.2 11 11 I 13 4.8 I 1 9 1 I 3 36.0 1 0.3024 I I 6 I 14 7.8 I 11 1 1 14 40.1 I

1 0 26 1 Io 1 2 1 1 7 30.7

9 40 i

16 55.3 ~ I

18 43.5 I

9 5 7 1 I 8 6.7 i 0.2951

16 1 2 1 9 21 I +19 21.0 ~ !

log A

0.402 2





- H

1.16 ._ -



1 . 5 1

I .65

I I 1890 1 a app. , dapp. I l o g r I l o g d I H

I _ _ _ April16 I , 2 i h 9"'21"i +19"21lo

'9 59.2 2 0 38.0 2 1 17.5 2 1 57.7 2 2 38.6 23 20.3 24 2.8 24 46.1 25 30.2 26 15.1 2 7 0.9 2 7 47.6

29 23.3 30 12.4 31 2.3 31 52.9

28 35.0




i 0.2917 1 0.3249

i i 0.2886 , 0.3081 I I I

0.2857 0.2912 i 2.18 I

I ~

1 !

1 I


0.2830 1 0 .2743 1 2.39

i ! i I

0.2806 I 0.2578 1 2.62 Die Helligkeit von Marz 21 ist gleich eins gesetzt.

Dr. I;r. BidschoJ __- Wahring 1890 April I .

New Variable in Caelum. Communicated by Edward C Pzckering,

An exanhation of Plate 4415 taken by Mr. S. J.Bailey at Mt. Harvard, near Chosica, in Peru shows that the G and h lines due to hydrogen are bright in the spectrum of a star whose position for 1875 is RA. 4h 36m2 Decl. -38" 29'. On that plate the spectrum is as bright photo- graphically as that of Cord. Z. C. 1077 which is of the magnitude 7112. The first of these stars was probably much brighter visually, since the spectrum indicates that it is red. The star also appears on the chart plates 4315, 4345, and 4493 taken on Sept. 29, Oct. 4, and Oct. 21,

1889, and is brighter than Z. C. 1077. The stars Z.C. I 186

Cambridge, Mass. 1890 Febr. 26.



Director of Harvard College Observatory.

and 1210, magnitudes 9112 and 9, are well shown on these plates and are respectively about 2 and 2.5 magnitudes fainter than this star. An examination with the 6 inch and I 5 inch telescopes at Cambridge on Febr. 20, and Febr. z I,

1890, verifies the presence of this object, and a corn- parison with the stars 2. C. 1186 and 1210 proves it to be fainter than either of these and about magnitude 10.5. The spectrum seen on Plate 4415 is faint, but seems to place the star in the same class as o Ceti, R Hydrae, R Leonis and other long period variables.

I n h a l t : Zu Nr, 2962. A. Fischer. Bestimmung des Langenunterschieds zwischen den Stationen Wangeroog, Astr. Pfeiler, und Schillig, Nivellements-Pfeiler,

durch optiscbe Signale mittelst des Heliotroplichtes. 153. - I? s. ArchnltoLd. Ueber einen Sonnenflecken in grosser Breite am 4. Mlrz 1890. 169. - Beobachtungen des Planeten (088) G h k e in Padua und IIamburg. 171. - R. S$ifuler. Beobachtung des Cometen 1889 I. 171. - Beobachtungen des Cometen 1890 ... (Brooks Miirz 19) in Padua, Rom, Bordeaux und Kiel. 171. - A. Berbcrich. Fortsetzung der Ephemeride des Cometen 1889 I in A. N. 2946. 173. - Fr. BidsrAof. Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen 1890 ... (Brooks Marz 19) 1 7 5 . - E. C. Pickcring. New Variable in Caelum. 1 7 5 . ______----

Geschlossen 1890 April 5. Herausgeber : A. K r u e g e I. Druck von c. S Ch a i d t, C. I!'. Mohr Nachf. Expedition : Sternwarto in Kid.
