The Rapid Deposition of Moire Grids Increased speed of application and more precise reproduction of grid are the objectives of the authors' investigation by A. R. Luxmoore and R. Herrnann ABSTRACT--This technical note describes a simple method for using fine nickel meshes with up to 2000 lines/in. (Ipi) as masks for producing moir6 grids. The main advantages, when compared with other methods, are the substantial in- crease in the speed of application and the precision of the reproduced grid. Introduction The moir6 effect is finding increasing use in experi- mental strain analysis, especially in the study of material properties. The effect can be used to mea- sure out-of-plane deflexion, slope or in-plane strain 1, but it is the latter application that is proving most useful. A grid, consisting of an orthogonal array of dots, is printed on the specimen, and the moir6 fringes observed by superimposing a transparent ref- erence grid on top. This may be achieved directly, or by means of an intermediate optical system. The success of the technique largely depends on the quality of the specimen grid, and a number of methods are available for this purpose. These may be classified as (a) photoengraving, (b) casting method and (c) stencil methods. Photoengraving is the most popular method and utilizes a light sensitive coating on the specimen. This is often followed by a further treatment, such as etching, to increase the contrast and mechanical strength of the grid. The casting methods are derived from the manu- facture of prismatic gratings, 2 and will only produce a phase grating on the specimen. 3 As yet, no one has A~t-~ Luxmoore a~ld R. tlermann are associated witl~ School el En- gineering, Unive,'slt!! o~ Wales, Swansea. produced an orthogonal-phase-type grid; so, this method can only be used for measuring strains in one direction on a single specimen. Both these methods are slow, taking several hours from beginning to end, as drying times are long. They also require a certain amount of practice before a successful grid is formed, as every new specimen material requires adjustment of the operating param- eters (such as exposure times, etc.). The stencil methods utilize the very fine metal meshes that are now available, with line densities up to 2000 lpi. The authors have already reported at- tempts to manufacture these stencils, 4 but have found that they are commercially available from Buckbee- Mears Inc., St. Paul, Minnesota 55101. Applications already reported for the meshes are bonded grids, 5 electroetching stencils,4. 6 and evaporation masks.6. 7 The authors have also investigated printing methods using a thinly-inked roller to force black ink through the holes. 6 This has worked with line densities of 1000 lpi, but the process is messy and the stencils are dif- ficult to clean. As the stencils are expensive, we looked for a method that was simple to use and did not spoil the stencil. Evaporation Technique The most accurate way of reproducing the stencil is by vapor deposition.n, 7 In a vacuum, the atoms or molecules of the deposited material travel in straight lines from the heated source, so the conditions for copying are similar to those for contact copying in photography. For the least amount of 'blurring' at the line edge, the source must be small, the stencil in close contact with the specimen, and the distance be- Experimental Mechanics ! 375


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Die Literatur tier Psych ia t r i e , Neuro log ie und Psycho log ie yon 1459 - -1799 .

Mit Unterstiitzung der Kgl. Akademie der Wissensehaften zu Berlin her- aasgogeben yon Dr, IIeinrich L~hr. Professor u. Geh. Sanitgtsrath. 3 Biinde. Berlin 1900. Georg geimer.

Zur Jahrhundertwonde ist die psyehiatrische und neurologische Literatur um ein Work bereichert worden~ das einen dauernden Ehrenplatz in ihr ein- nehmen und noeh ftir spi~te Generationen yon hervorragendemWerthe sein wird, Der Nestor tier deutsehen Psychia~ri% unser verehrter College H. Liihr~ tier vet wenigen Woehen in yeller Frisehe und Riistigkeit seinen 80. Geburtstag begangen hat~ hag uns mit d iesem Werke beschenkt add sich selbst mit dem- selben die schSnste Gebartstagsgabe dargebraeht. Zugleieh darf alas Werk~ dessen Erscheinen mit dem 200,jiihrigen Jubelfest tier Berliner hkademie her Wissensehaften zusammenfiel~ als ein werthvolles Angebinde fiir diese KSrper- sehaft~ mit deren Unterstiitzung die Herausgabe erfolgt% bezeiehnet werden.

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Schon beim Durehblg~tern dieser scheinbar troekenen Aneinanderreihnng yon Titeln stSsst man auf maneherlei interessante und anregende Erseheinun- gen, yon denen einige in dem lebendig gesehriebenen u des Verfa~sers hervorgehoben werden. Der eigentliohe Wer~h des Werkes liegt selbs~vers~nd- lieh darin~ class es zu historisehen Studien anregt und bei solehen sfeh als ein ausserordentlieh werthvoller und unentbehrlieherWegweiser erweisen wird. Wit kSnnen uns nieht versagen~ dora verehrtenYerf~,sser aueh an dieser Stelle unseren herzliehen Gliiekwunseh zur u seines Werkes und zu dem unter so gliieklichen Auspieien erfolgten Eintritt in das neun~e Jahrzehnt seines Lebens darzubringen. J.


G e d r u c k t y o n L . S c h u m a c h e r in Ber l in .