Die günstigste Lösung für Computer an Schulen

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Die günstigste Lösung für Computer an Schulen. April, 2009. Was hält Sie nachts wach?. “Veraltete PCs. Ich kann neue Lernsoftware nicht updaten, weil der PC zu alt ist.”. “Budgetkürzungen! Wie kann ich der steigenden Nachfrage nach Computern ohne viele Kosten nachkommen ?”. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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  • Die gnstigste Lsung fr Computer an SchulenApril, 2009

  • *Was hlt Sie nachts wach?Ich habe nicht genug Mitarbeiter um alle PCs laufen zu lassen.Budgetkrzungen! Wie kann ich der steigenden Nachfrage nach Computern ohne viele Kosten nachkommen ?Veraltete PCs. Ich kann neue Lernsoftware nicht updaten, weil der PC zu alt ist.Wie schaffe ich zustzliche Arbeitspltze in Klassenzimmern ohne teure Nachrstungen?Gespendete PCs sorgen fr mehr Aufwand als sie wert sind - Wir brauchen eine bessere Lsung.

  • *Was wrden Sie tun, wenn Sie Ihre Kosten fr Computer um 50-70% minimieren knnen ohne etwas aufgeben zu mssen?

  • *Vorstellung der kostengnstigen Virtual Desktop LsungBereits ber 1 Millionen mal installiert!

  • *Die ThemenDie innovativste Bildungstechnik seit der Erscheinung des PCsSofortige und langfristige Vorteile fr Ihren IT-BereichVerbesserung der Bildungs-ErgebnisseDie nchsten Schritte

  • *Die innovativste Bildungstechnik seit der Erscheinung des PCs In ber 100 Lndern installiert Genutzt von ber 3 Mio. Studenten

  • *Arbeitspltze sind heute Grorechner

  • *Der Lsungsvorschlag von NComputingMaximieren Sie Ihre Investitionen in PCs, indem Sie die berschssige Energie der PCs mit vielen Benutzern teilen und das fr nicht mehr als 80 pro Arbeitsplatz

  • *Wie es funktioniert

  • *Zwei Produkte aus unserem SortimentNetzwerkverbindungBis zu 30 Nutzer pro PCGeringer Preis (ca. 199)Qualitt fr WebanwendungenDistanzunabhngig vom PCEin Stromverbrauch von 5 WattX-SerieDirekte Verbindung zum PCBis zu 11 Nutzer pro PC (mit 2 X550 Kits)Geringer Preis (ca. 80)Hohe DarstellungsqualittBis zu 10 Meter vom PC nutzbarEin Stromverbrauch von 1 WattL-Serie

  • *Die X-SerieBis zu 3 Nutzer pro Kit (7 insgesamt)Bis zu 5 Nutzer pro Kit (11 insgesamt)X300X550X55011 usersX550 11 Nutzer

  • *11 Nutzer an der X550Dell Vostro 200Core2 Duo 2.4GHz, 1G RAM, 80GB HDD11 NutzerMultimediaOffice AnwendungenPrsentationenInternetDer Verbrauch insgesamt inklusive PC & Monitore betrgt nur 239 WattCPU Verbrauch liegt bei 65% der KapazittSpeicherverbrauch: 569 MB RAM von 1 GB

  • *

    Wird diese Leistung reichen fr Ihre Nutzer?

  • *NComputing hat viele renommierte Awards gewonnen

  • *Die Themen

    Die innovativste Bildungstechnik seit der Erscheinung des PCsSofortige und langfristige Vorteile fr Ihren IT-BereichVerbesserung der Bildungs-ErgebnisseDie nchsten Schritte

  • *In KlassenrumenNComputing kann in der gesamten Schule genutzt werdenIm ComputerraumIm BroIn der Bcherei

  • *Sofortige und nachhaltige Wirkung GnstigEffizientEinfachKompatibel

  • * NComputing bricht die Barriere der ErschwinglichkeitEin typisches Beispiel mit 300 ArbeitspltzenGeschtzte Kosten: PC 300; NComputing 80, Monitor 90; Tastatur/Maus/OS 50

  • * NComputing bietet eine nachhaltige ZukunftKein VeraltenNur ein PC zu erneuern/updaten berlebensdauer von 10 Jahren90% weniger Stromverbrauch70% weniger ServicegebrauchEin typisches Beispiel mit 300 Arbeitspltzen

  • *Arbeitet mit Standard PCs

    Arbeitet mit Standard Zusatzgerten

    Arbeitet mit Standard Software-Anwendungen

    Arbeitet mit Windows & Linux NComputing ist kompatibel mit der Industrienorm

  • *Die effizienteste Arbeiten mit Computern auf der ErdeNur 1-5 Watt pro GertReduziert die AC Kosten

    Spart sehr viel PlatzReduziert Unordnung

  • *NComputing ist leicht zu installieren und zu verwalten

  • *Die Themen

    Die innovativste Bildungstechnik seit der Erscheinung des PCsSofortige und langfristige Vorteile fr Ihren IT-BereichVerbesserung der Bildungs-ErgebnisseDie nchsten Schritte

  • *Realisierung des Projekts 1:1 Computing Mazedonien Die AufgabeDas 21.Jahrhundert erreichen mit Informationswirtschaft und E.U. Begrenzte Mittel/Infrastruktur, aber den Wunsch nach 1:1 Computing erfllen

    Die Lsung180.000 Sitzpltze (20.000 PCs & 160.000 NComputing Gerte)Jede ffentliche Schule im LandDie Hlfte der Kosten der nchstbesten Lsung erreichen

    Das Ergebnis1:1 Schler zu Computer Anteil -- Das Beste der Welt80% weniger EnergieverbrauchNachhaltig Nur PCs nachzursten

  • *Mehr Zugnge zu Computern in Kapstadt, Sdafrika

  • *Einschrnkung der Schulschwnzer in NeuseelandWarum sollten Kinder auf Computerrume verzichten? Sie sollten nicht! Computer sollten fr alle Schler zugnglich sein.- Elaine Herbert, Schuldirektor der Glenovan SchoolDie AufgabeGlenavon Schler waren desinteressiert und es herrschte eine schlechte Stimmung. An bestimmten Tagen schwnzten bis zu 30% der Schler die Schule. Schler freuten sich aber bei Arbeiten mit Computern, aber die Schule hatte zu wenig PCs und nur ein begrenztes Budget.

    Die LsungDie Schule setzt die X-Serie ein, um den Zugang zu einem Computer um 300% zu steigern mit geringen Kosten.

    Das ErgebnisDie Schulschwnzeranzahl sank von 30% auf 10%. Die Schler zeigten mehr Interesse und die Produktivitt wurde erhht.

  • *Trkische Schulen haben khlere ComputerrumeDie AufgabeComputerrume in Trkeis Kultur Schul-System waren einfach zu hei, da ltere Computer eine Menge Hitze produzieren.

    Die LsungDie L-Serie erlaubt der Kultur Schule die Hitze in den Computerrumen dramatisch zu reduzieren, da das Gert der L-Serie lediglich einen Stromverbrauch von 5 Watt besitzt (im Vergleich zu 110 Watt oder mehr fr PCs) und produziert kaum Wrme.

    Das ErgebnisKhlere Computerrume und viel geringere Stromrechnungen.

  • *Australische Schulen senkten ihre Kosten fr Computer Die AufgabeKostengnstiges Upgrade der Computer von der Wodonga South Primary Schule zur Untersttzung von E-Learning Projekten neben der Erhhung von Arbeitspltzen fr die Schler.

    Die LsungDie NComputing Lsung in den Klassen- und Computerrumen einsetzen.

    Das Ergebnisber 35.000$ gespart. Die Einsparung wurden dann in neue LCD-Monitore investiert.

  • *Schulen in Uruguay und die Aufgabe fr neue ArbeitspltzeDie AufgabeAlle Schulen in Uruguay haben die Aufgabe neue Arbeitspltze fr die Schler zu schaffen. Begrenzt jedoch durch Wartungs-, Raum- und Finanzierungsfragen.

    Die LsungDie Schulen whlten die NComputing X-Serie, welche erlaubt die berschssige Kapazitt eines PCs zu nutzen fr bis zu elf Schler.

    Das ErgebnisDie X-Serie erlaubt es den Schulen einen Zugang zu Computern und bleibt deutlich unter den Wartungskosten.

  • *Kostenlose Untersttzung fr Schler in AfrikaDie AufgabeAteliers Sans Frontires (ASF)in Frankreich und Digital SolidarityFund (DSF) in der Schweiz wollen helfen die digitale Kluft fr zustzliche Arbeitspltze in Afrika zu schlieen.

    Die LsungASF und DSF bringen gemeinsam die NComputing Lsung in die Schulen von Marokko und Senegal.

    Das ErgebnisDie kostengnstige und stabile X-Serie ist umweltfreundlich und bentigt weniger Wartung und Strom als Computer und ist somit die ideale Lsung fr Entwicklungslnder.

  • *Indien setzt NComputing in 5.000 Schulen einDie AufgabeAndhra Pradesh Government wollte 5.000 High Schools (mit 1.8 Millionen Schler) mit kostengnstigen und energiesparenden Computerrumen ausstatten.

    Die LsungDie NComputing X-Serie zusammen mit PCs untersttzt von HP, Acer, HCL und Microsoft Software.

    Das ErgebnisEinsparungen von ber 20 Millionen Dollar in den Hardware-, Energie-, Wartungskosten. Zustzliche Vorteile im Raum, Zuverlssigkeit und weniger Elektroschrott.

  • *Mexikanisches Trainings-Center erweitert E-LearningDie AufgabeSteigende Nachfrage nach gnstigen Arbeitspltzen am Computer im CECATI Training-Center, die mit behinderten Schlern arbeiten.

    Die LsungIntegration der NComputing X-Serie in die bestehenden EDV-Ressourcen zur Erweiterung der Arbeitspltze.

    Das ErgebnisVervierfacht die Arbeitspltze am Computer und reduziert deutlich die Wartungskosten.

  • *NComputing in aller WeltThailandTrkeiPhilippinen KoreaIndienJapanBrasilienKoreaChinaGhanaThailandMalaysien

  • *Die ThemenDie innovativste Bildungstechnik seit der Erscheinung des PCsSofortige und langfristige Vorteile fr Ihren IT-BereichVerbesserung der Bildungs-ErgebnisseDie nchsten Schritte

  • *Die nchsten SchritteTest beantragen Klassenrume Computerrume Bchereien BrosAusfhrlich testen123Verteilung starten

  • Vielen Dankwww.l-serie.de

  • Referenzmaterialien und weitere Fallstudien

  • *Demo Videos und Ersparnis-BerechnungenProduktbersicht Video www.ncomputing.com/overview L-Serie bersicht Video www.ncomputing.com/Lseries Kauf-, Kosten- und Umweltauswirkungsrechner http://www.l-serie.de/de/umwelt/umwelt.html X-Serie bersicht Video www.ncomputing.com/Xseries X550 Leistungstest Demo Video http://www.ncomputing.com/X550

  • *Kosten- und Umweltauswirkungsrechner(Hier klicken, um den Rechner zu ffnen)

  • *bersicht der L-SerieAm flexibelsten Grte Anzahl an Nutzer pro PCNetzwerk = Keine rumlichen Grenzen5 Watt pro NutzerBis zu 30 Computer pro ComputerIntegrierte vSpace Virtualization Software

  • *31 Nutzer mit der L-SerieEinstiegsserverDell Inspiron 530 Intel 2.4GHz Quad (Q6600) core, 500GB HDD, 3GB Speicher31 Nutzer in Betrieb(4) Videos in Media Player(4) Internetsitzungen(2) IE mit Streamingvideo(4) Microsoft Excel(4) Microsoft Word(4) Adobe Acrobat(9) Microsoft PowerPointCPU Verbrauch von 63% der KapazittSpeicherverbrauch: 1.95 GB von 3GB RAM

  • *Neuseelands weiterfhrende Schulen sparen Upgrade-KostenDie AufgabeKonfrontiert mit einem kosten- und zeitintensivem Upgrade in den Computerrumen, braucht das Aotea College in Wellington (Neuseeland) eine Lsung, die sie sich leisten knnen.

    Die LsungDie NComputing X-Serie erlaubt dem Aotea College ein Upgrade der Computerrume mit dem zur Verfgung stehenden Budget.

    Das ErgebnisDas Aotea College aktualisiert ihre Computerrume einfach und kostengnstig und die laufende Wartung ist viel einfacher. Mit dem gesparten Geld finanziert die Schule weitere dringende IT-Projekte.

  • *Schler & Lehrer begeistern Lindsay Park ElementaryDie AufgabeSchler begeistern fr living green 1.000 grne Projekte in der SchuleIdee der Schler: Computerraum in green

    Die Lsung28 alte PCs ersetzen mit 4 EnergyStar PCs24 NComputing Virtual Desktops installieren100 Bume pflanzen zur Luftverbesserung

    Das ErgebnisBegeisterte Schler, engagierte Lehrer/PersonalErste Schule in Kanada mit kohlenstofffreien ComputerrumenMaterialkosten um 40% gesenkt, Stromverbrauch und Emissionen um 90% reduziertAuszeichnung der Kanadischen Regierung

  • *Cut Effective Class Size - North CarolinaDie AufgabeErweiterung der ArbeitspltzeComputer in den Klassenrumen integrieren zur Untersttzung beim lernen

    Die LsungDie X-Serie in den Klassenrumen

    Das ErgebnisKleinere und effektivere KlassenrumeIntegration der Computer in den Alltag der Schule

  • * Wechsel vom Computerraum zum Klassenzimmer -- Dougherty, GeorgiaDie AufgabeWechsel der Computer aus dem Computer-, in den KlassenraumSenkung der Kosten fr Computer

    Die Lsung20.000 NComputing ArbeitspltzeKlassen- UND Computerrume

    Das ErgebnisGeringe Beschaffungs- und SupportkostenEinfache InstallationIntegratives Lernen im Klassenzimmer

    Everyone recognizes the importance of computers, the internet and software to complement the learning process. And we all agree that computer literacy is essential to students as they prepare for higher learning and eventually joining the job market. As a IT manager and administrator, you are responsible for delivering a computer infrastructure to students, faculty and the administrative staff. As you consider the challenges of providing computing infrastructure, what keeps you up at night?

    Well, you arent alone. Parents want the best for their kids, but dont want to pay higher taxes. Teachers want computers in the classrooms, not just in labs and libraries. Administration needs to keep costs in line and are not able to add IT support staff.

    We are stuck on this treadmill with traditional PCs that have to be constantly managed and maintained. It all seems to come down to lack of resourcespeople and money.Well, what if you could cut your computing costs in halfor even more.

    How would that change things for you and you staff? How would teaching change?How would the students react?

    Well, we have good newsNComputing has a revolutionary solution for your school/district. Over 1 million seats have been sold around the world in just the past 2 years. This discussion is structured along three key questions how does NComputing work? What are the benefits for IT? And most importantly, how have districts around the country deployed NComputing to improve teaching and learning?First, it is important to note that NComputing has been deployed in thousands of schools in the U.S. and tens of thousands of schools around the world. You will find NComputing in developed countries and emerging markets. In poor and affluent districts. In rural and urban settings. Every day, over 3 MILLION students in over 100 countries use NComputing virtual desktops. The NComputing solution is based on a simple fact: todays PCs are so powerful that the vast majority of applications only use a small fraction of the computers capacity. PCs have gotten faster and faster every year, but typical user needs have increases only slightly.

    Desktops are now mainframes and 3 GHz multi-core systems cost less than $700. But the typical user is word processing, web-browsing, using educational software and productivity applications like PowerPoint.So the processor utilization on a typical PC averages less than 10%. That means 90% of the computer power is wasted. What if you could harness that extra computing power? What if a single PC could be shared by many users?And thats exactly what we do. NComputing has developed software and hardware that takes an ordinary PC and allows it to be shared by many users. Each user has their own keyboard, monitor, mouse and speakersEach user has their own applicationsEach user has their own preferences and settings and data files

    But all of the computing happens on the shared PC. You have just one system to manage, one system to backup. And even though it is very sophisticated technology, it only takes just minutes to install and configure. There are three parts to the NComputing solution.First, the vSpace virtualization software that slices up the PCs processor so it can be used by many users. Second, we created an extension protocol called UXP that moves the signals between the computer and the user back and forth. And finally, a small access device that connects the users keyboard, mouse, monitor and peripherals back to the host PC. We have two product lines: the L-series and the X-series.The L-series uses a regular Ethernet connection to move the data signals back and forth so theres no distance limitation between the shared computer and the user. Up to 30 users can be connected to a PC or server. The L-series starts at $149 and provides web-quality multimedia. The host PC can be almost anywhere in the building/campus or back at the data center. The L-series is incredibly energy efficient it uses only 5 watts of power compared to 110 watts or more for a standalone PC.

    The X-series directly connect to the host PC using standard Cat 5 cable. It does NOT run over the network, so there is a 33 foot distance limit. With the X-series, you can get up to 11 total users on a regular PC. The X series is the most popular product for schools because students are typically clustered together whether they are in a computer lab, classroom or library. Because it is a direct connection, the multimedia performance of the X-series is amazing. And it uses just 1 watt of power!Now lets take a closer look at the X-series. We have two X-series products: the X300 and the X550.

    The X300 includes the vSpace virtualization software, a PCI card has three ports on the back and three access devices. If you install one X300 kit to a PC, you get a total of 4 users -- one user on the PC itself, and 3 more users with each of the 3 access devices. You can install a second X300 kit and get 3 MORE users for a total of 7 users on one PC. The X550 includes the vSpace software, a FIVE port PCI card and 5 access devices. By installing an X550 kit, you get a total of 6 users 1 on the host PC and the 5 additional users. You can install a second X550 kit and get 5 MORE users for total of 11 users.

    Here you can see the shared PC in the middle. When we install the first 5-port card, we get 6 users in total (one on the shared PC, plus 5 more that are connected through access devices to the PCI card). (CLICK). Add another X550 kit, and you now have a total of 11 users.This probably sounds too good to be true. So here is an example. Here we have a Dell 2.4GHz PC that costs under $400. You can see we are running a DVD movie on 3 screens, Outlook, PowerPoint, video from CNN.com and YouTube. All of 11 users are running concurrently on an entry level PC. And note the utilization 65% usage with 11 users. There is still plenty of headroom. And as long as the utilization stays below 100%, each user feels as if they have the full attention of that 2.4 GHz CPU.Now that you have seen the performance, will this level of performance satisfy your users? Are there any reasons you wouldnt run a pilot? And assuming that the pilot is successful, is there anything that would prevent you from adopting this as your core desktop technology for all future rollouts?In addition to thousands of customers, many prestigious newspapers, magazines, analysts and consulting firms have given us numerous awards. For example,

    The Wall Street Journal gave us their Technology Innovation Award its arguably the most prestigious tech award in the U.S.Gartner, the most respect technology analyst in the country, gave us the Cool Vendor awardFrost & Sullivan, a leading consulting firm, recognized the Green impact of our solutionDistrict Administration magazine gave us a Readers Choice awardThe first thing to realize is that NComputing can be deployed throughout the schools. Certainly computer labs and classrooms, but also libraries. And in office areas as well. Anywhere that you use PCs, you can look at as an opportunity to do more for less, and without the management and maintenance headaches.When you use NComputing, you can expect benefits in four areas: Affordability, Compatibility, Efficiency, and Simplicity - think ACES.

    Lets take a quick look at each one briefly.NComputing shatters the cost barrier. Even if you buy new monitors and peripherals, the total acquisition cost of NComputing-based systems is at least 50% less than using standalone PCs. Heres a typical example. Based on a 300-seat computer deployment, we made assumptions of things like the cost of PCs, monitors and NComputing. An all PC deployment would cost $210,000 - $700 PCs times 300 of them. An NComputing solution with 11 seats per PC would only cost $76,000 this includes the host PCs, monitors, peripherals and NComputing. This means on day 1 the total cost would be 63% lower. Thats just one deployment. We have a cost calculator that you can use to analyze the savings for your specific situation.We saw that the acquisition costs of an NComputing solution are substantial.

    But the savings dont stop there. Because there are fewer PCs to manage, maintenance costs will decline dramatically. For example, if you have 11 users per PC, that means only 1 PC has to be maintained instead of 11. The NComputing devices have no processor/memory/moving parts so they almost never fail. And if they ever did, just swap it out in 30 seconds. And since the devices use only 1 watt of electricity, there are significant electrical savings.

    Based on a typical 300-seat deployment, the support cost for an all PC solution would be $310,000 over a five year period. In contrast, the five year support for an NComputing solution would be $85,000, a savings of 72%.If youre like most folks, when you hear revolutionary technology and you run and hide because it usually means a lot of change. And change can be difficult, right?

    So we make change easy. NComputing solution works with standard PCs, standard peripherals, standard applications, and even supports both Windows and Linux.

    So your existing infrastructure can be used as is. No major retrofits or upgrades are needed.NComputing is also the most energy-efficient and space-efficient computing solution on earth. A typical PC consumes about 110 watts of electricity. An X-series uses just ONE watt! Not only will you save on direct electricity costs, but also lower air-conditioning bills for the computer labs.

    And the NComputing access devices are tiny. Most people just mount them on the back of a monitor because they are VESA compliant or under a desk. This is critical in cramped work areas like labs and classrooms where desk space is needed for papers and books. Because our solution is used around the world, we made it really easy to set up and manager. Entire computer labs can be set up in a matter of hours, not days. Installation consists of four easy steps and takes about 30 minutes to get up to 4 users up and running. How long would it take to get 4 desktop PCs up and running?Our customers tell us some amazing stories about the impact of NComputing. Lets take a look at some real-world examples.Macedonia is a small country in southern Europe. The Macedonian government realized that if they wanted the country to improve its economy and become a part of the EU, it had to improve its education systems and join the information economy. It had the dream to bring 1:1 computing to every public school student in the country. But how does a relatively poor country provide 180,000 students with a ultra low-cost computer? It looked at cheap PCs, low-cost laptops, thin clients and ultimately decided NComputing was the best fit. Why NComputing?Affordable: The entire solution (PC, Monitors, NComputing) cost less than $200 per seat.Maintenance Costs: Only the PCs need maintenance. Monitors and NComputing devices are nearly maintenance free.Operating Costs: At 1 watt per access device (vs 110 for a PC) electrical costs are reduced and air conditioning is not required.Limited Obsolescence: They knew that whatever computers they chose, they would be obsolete within 5 years. They could never afford to replace 180K systems every 5 years, but they only need to replace or upgrade the 20,000 shared computers with the NComputing solution. Its Affordability AND Sustainability.The Western Cape area in South Africa is providing greater computing access to its students by using NComputing to expand the number of computing seats. Glenavon school had high truancy rates on Fridays and is in a poor neighborhood. Students enjoyed PC work but the school did not have the resources to provide enough access to meet the demand. Increasing the amount of PC access increased the desire for students to learn.Keeping the computer labs cool in Turkey was a huge cost for the school system. Because NComputing access devices generate no heat, the upgraded computer labs cost a lot less to keep cool. The IT staff also spent less time maintaining individual computers.In order to take advantage of e-learning software upgraded PCs were needed. In addition, more computing access was needed for the higher level students. NComputing allowed Wodonga to save enough money to meet all its objectives.A government mandate dictated that schools across the country had to increase computing access. Unfortunately, the still faced the same challenges of not enough budget to buy more PCs let alone support them. With NComputing, they are able to meet the mandate.In Africa, a non-profit organization (ASF) is combining used computers with NComputing to quadruple the number of seats for centers in Morocco and Senegal. In India, the southern state of Andhra Pradesh has installed NComputing in 5,000 high schools to bring computer literacy to over 1.8 million students. With NComputing, not only did the government save money, but also lowered its installation and maintenance costs.In Mexico, a training center for disabled students was able to greatly expand computing access at a fraction of the cost of stand alone PCs. They quadrupled computer access while lowering their operating costs.NComputing is having daily impact on the lives of millions of students and teachers every day around the world. Here are some pictures of deployments in Thailand, Turkey, Philippines, India, Japan, Brazil and China. NComputing has been deployed in classrooms, computer labs, libraries, college dorms, public access areas, and adult learning centers. So far we have talked about the concept of virtual desktops and how NComputing works. We discussed the benefits of the solution in terms of Affordability, Compatibility, Efficiency and Simplicity. We also discussed the many ways that you can deploy NComputing in your environment. So what is the next step if there is a fit within your organization?We recommend a 3 phase approach. First, get a demo system to see how it works and to test your applications. Then run a pilot test. Let the teachers and kids pound away on it in a lab or a few classrooms. Then roll it out throughout your system.Thank you for your time and we look forward to working with you in helping your school/district bring ultra low-cost computing to your schools.Aotea could not afford their PC renewal. The leases were too expensive and purchasing new PCs was even more costly. In addition, replacing all of their computers meant taxing their IT team work load. The X-series allowed them to upgrade all of their labs, made them more comfortable, and saved them enough money for other needed improvements.Lindsay Park elementary in British Columbia Canada is a great example of how NComputing has fostered better student-teacher engagement. The Canadian government made a big push around living green and Lindsay Park took the lead by doing hundreds of student projects in the school and home to conserve energy and reduce the carbon footprint. One of the projects was to turn the computer lab green.

    The school cleared out its old computers and installed NComputing and a few new PCs. By using NComputing, it reduced the carbon footprint by 90%. But they wanted to go further, so they planted 100 trees so that the remaining 10% footprint would be offset by the tress. They created the first carbon-neutral computer lab in Canada and won an award from the government. North Carolina is a great example of how we have helped budget constrained school districts cut effective class sizes. In a typical classroom of 18 students, they had 2 or at max 3 PCs. That is not nearly enough to engage the students and integrate the curriculum with the computers. But with NComputing, a single PC can support upto 11 students. So an 18 student class can be split into two one group working effectively on the computers while the other group gets instructional time. The teacher is now working with 9-10 students at a time instead of 18 students. This provides much more attention and engagement. Halfway through the class, the groups switch so all students have computer time and its fully integrated into the curriculum. Some schools can even put a computer on every student desk by installing just 2 PCs in classroom.

    Over 25 districts across North Carolina have deployed over 20,000 seats in just the past year. Dougherty County might be in rural Georgia, but theres nothing small about their rollout: 20,000 NComputing seats throughout the district. They wanted to move learning from the labs to the classrooms, and with NComputing, they could do it on tight budgets.