Divus industri 2010

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10 CATALOG Our Know How is even used in building automation. With our product range DIVUSDOMUS we control, visualize, observe, entertain, secure, ……etc, We guarantee software freedom on the basis of open, safe hardware for you! DIVUS Industrial Automation DIVUS Industrial Automation adjusted for individual demands. Participate from our experience with the definition of components and design know how for your product! ste. Confrontate voi stessi! parts of buildings or complete facilities.

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Page 1: Divus industri 2010


Page 2: Divus industri 2010

I n d u s t r i a l A u t o m a t i o n

Die Steigerung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und das Verständnis für Produktanforderungen sind zentraler Bestandteil unserer Firmenphilosophie. So beweisen unsere Standardprodukte tä-glich die Effizienz und leisten einen Teil des Profits unserer Kunden. Durch jahrelange Erfahrung in Konstruktion und Bau von Industrie-PCs kennen wir die Anforderungen unserer Kunden und Anwender ganz genau. Qualität, Performance und Zukunftssicherheit haben höchste Priorität. Sie suchen den “Massanzug” für Ihre Visualisierungs- oder PC Lösung ? Kein Problem un-sere kundenspezifischen Lösungen sind für individuelle Anforderungen abgestimmt. Vergleichen Sie selbst!

Unser Industrie Know How nutzen wir umfänglich für die Gebäudeautomatisierung mit DIVUSDOMUS lassen sich Gebäude und einzelne Bereiche steu-ern, regeln, bedienen, überwachen, unterhalten, informieren und, und, und. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei der Mensch mit seinem individuellen Ansprüchen an Bedienung, Visualisierung und Ästhetik. Dies schätzen unsere Kunden in Hotels, Banken, Konferenzcenter, Showroom, Infopoints,…….. und im eigenem Zuhause!

DIVUS FIrmenphIloSophIe

DIVUS Industrial Automation

The increase of the competitive ability and the understanding for product demands are a central component of our proficient philosophy. So our standard products prove daily the efficiency and perform a part of the profit of our customers. Special products or OEM solutions stand for our innovative flexibility. Flexibility also in the hardware! You are searching for the “tailor-made suit” for your visualization or PC solution? No problem our customized solutions are adjusted for individual demands. Participate from our experience with the definition of components and design know how for your product! We guarantee software freedom on the basis of open, safe hardware for you!

DIVUS Building Automation

Our Know How is even used in building automation. With our product range DIVUSDOMUS we control, visualize, observe, entertain, secure, ……etc, parts of buildings or complete facilities.In the centre of all we support the user, with his individual demands and wishes for the control functionality of the building and it interior design. This is appreciated from our customers and user in hotels, banks, conference centres, showrooms, info points, …… and as well in their private homes. DIVUSDOMUS fits always!


DIVUS Industrial Automation

L’incremento della competitivitá e l’attenzione nei confronti delle richieste di nuovi prodotti sono parte fondamentale della nostra filosofia aziendale. I nostri prodotti confermano giornalmente il loro valore svolgendo un ruolo fondamentale nel successo dei nostri clienti.La flessibilità anche nell’hardware! Siete alla ricerca di una soluzione su misura? Le nostre soluzioni sono sempre adeguate alle vostre specifiche richie-ste. Confrontate voi stessi!

DIVUS Building Automation

Il nostro Know How industriale viene utilizzato anche nel campo dell’automazione negli edifici. Con DIVUSDOMUS gli edifici vengono comandati, regolati, serviti, controllati, informatizzati, etc..... Al centro di tutto rimane per noi sempre il cliente, con le sue esigenze e le sue necessità. Questa nostra qualità è particolarmente apprezzata da clienti ed utenti finali negli Hotel, istituti bancari, centri congressuali, showroom, infopoint.. e perfno nelle loro abitazioni private.DIVUSDOMUS. Piace sempre!


Page 3: Divus industri 2010


Description ........................................ 4 LiGhT BOX

LiGhT DB 100 .............................................. 60

DL 70 ................................................. 6 DB 75 ................................................. 62

DL 75 ................................................ 8 SMART BOX

SMART DB 600 .............................................. 64

DS 600 .............................................. 10 DB 650 .............................................. 66

DS 640 .............................................. 12 DB 651 .............................................. 68

DS 650 .............................................. 14 DB 670 .............................................. 70

DS 651 .............................................. 16 DB 671 .............................................. 72

DS 670 .............................................. 18 DB 672 .............................................. 74

DS 671 .............................................. 20 DB 690 .............................................. 76

DS 690 .............................................. 22 DB 691 .............................................. 78

DS 691 .............................................. 24 eMbedded BOX

eMbedded DB 800 .............................................. 80

DE 800 .............................................. 26 DB 830 .............................................. 82

DE 830 .............................................. 28 DB 831 .............................................. 84

DE 840 .............................................. 30 DB 850 .............................................. 88

DE 850 .............................................. 32 DB 851 .............................................. 90

DE 851 .............................................. 34 DB 870 .............................................. 92

DE 870 .............................................. 36 DB 871 .............................................. 94

DE 871 .............................................. 38 DB 872 .............................................. 96

DE 890 .............................................. 40 DB 890 .............................................. 98

DE 891 .............................................. 42 DB 891 .............................................. 100

STeeL RACkSteel ................................................... 44 DR 4AF .............................................. 102

Steel Monitor ...................................... 48 DR 4PF .............................................. 104

OPAL .............................................. 50 divuSdOMuS ............................ 106

SPeCiALS .................................... 56

MOniTORDM 200 .............................................. 58

Protection grade

Number of free slots

Serial portsexternal, internal

Long term availabilty

PCI ExpressSupport

Low powerconsumption

Fanless, passive air conduction

Motionless, no moving parts

Intel PROChipset


Dual DisplayArchitecture

High Perfor-mance

Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 and the Windows logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the US and/or other countries. All other names used in the present document may be trademarks the use of which by a third party may infringe upon the right of their respective owners.

RS 232 / 422 / 485 on board

Digital I/Os on board

USB portsexternal, internal

Number and type of LAN ports on board

May be equip-ped with LookIn display

Intel Atom Pro-cessor on board

RoHS compliant

Can be mounted on the back of a DIVUS monitor

Stainless steel front

Page 4: Divus industri 2010



LightDas dL Light Panel PC System ist konzipiert für die ständig wachsenden Anforderungen der Automatisierungstechnik. Der Einsatzort variiert vom Schaltschrank über Schalttafeln bis hin zum Kommandogehäuse mit Tragarmsystem. Die robuste, eloxierte Aluminiumfront kombiniert mit einer chemisch resistenten Polyesterfolie, hält dauerhafter Beanspruchung stand. Das Bedienen & Beobachten erfolgt durch ein leuchtstarkes TFT Color-Display mit resistivem Touchscreen in 6-Draht-Technologie. Hohe Qualität und enorm viel Performance stehen im Vordergrund und dies zu einem idealen Preis-Leistungsverhältnis.

dL light Panel PC System finally stops the use of desktop PC in the industrial environment. The typical use of the light panel PC is in control cabinets, operator units or enclosures. Robust, shock resistant, high performance, high quality and a quite interesting pricing makes it possible to use this IPC in various applications.

I panel PC Light della DIVUS offrono il massimo della performance ad un prezzo ragionevole. Processori fidati come i Pentium 4 e Celeron con socket 478 e 775 forniscono tutta la potenza che serve anche alle applicazioni più pesanti. Il case grande offre lo spazio per fino a quattro schede di estensione (Scheda video aggiuntiva, Seriali aggiuntive, Firewire, porte LAN aggiuntive ed altro ancora) ed anche per un RAID con 2 dischi fissi ad alta capienza per chi tiene alla velocità di accesso o alla sicurezza dei propri dati. Il PC industriale ideale per chi ha spazio, può garantire una ventilazione sufficiente attorno all’iPC e vuole sempre avere la tecnologia più recente ad un prezzo modico.


SmartDie smart PC Familie dS steht für Kompaktheit in der industriellen PC-Technologie. Das System ist offen für Software und universellen Einsatz, für HMI und SCADA Anwendungen ist er gar die ideale Plattform. Alles, was in der aktuellen PC-Technik up to date ist, vereint sich in dieser Produktfamilie. Für seine Betriebssicherheit haben wir ebenso gesorgt wie für seine unzähligen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten in unterschiedlichen Industriebranchen. Der modulare Aufbau sorgt für maximale Flexibilität. Konfigurieren Sie Ihren maßgeschneiderten smartPC! Dabei sind alle sinnvollen Eigenschaften für den harten Industrieeinsatz bereits Standard: säure- und laugenresistente Fronteinheit mit Touch Screen (6-Draht-Technologie), IP65, HF-dichte PC Unit, CD slim drive, LAN, USB, bis hin zu lüfterlosen CPU´s.

The dS smart PC-Series is the pinnacle of compact design in industrial PC technology. The system is compatible with any software package and suitable for any application. It is the ideal plattform for HMI and SCADA applications. The modular design guarantees you a maximum in configuration and a various selection of different options. All reasonable characteristics for the use in a industrial environments we have already integrated: base and acid resistant, IP65/NEMA4, fanless CPU, etc. Top Quality and performance

Come dice la parola stessa, gli Smart PC della DIVUS sono molto compatti con tutta la tecnologia necessaria compresa su spazi minimi possibili. Vengono impiegati processori a basso consumo ed alto rendimento assieme a componenti strettamente industriali. La gamma va da processori embedded della VIA e processori Pentium 4 di frequenza bassa fino ad arrivare a Pentium M e Celeron M che rappresentano la massima sinergia tra alta potenza e bassi consumi.I consumi sono importanti nell’ambito industriale perché si traducono in dissipazione di calore e conseguente riscaldamento dell’ambiente circostante. Anche grazie a dischi fissi per uso industriale tutti i PC della serie Smart sono adatti ad un uso continuo 24/7 offrendo un buon compromesso tra i vantaggi della serie Light (le alte prestazioni, la compatibilità con i prodotti office, la facilità d’uso) e quelli della serie embedded (basso consumo, alta affidabilità, disponibilità nel tempo, basso ingombro di spazio).


Die embedded PC Familie de kombiniert frontUNIT und intelligentUNIT zu einem robusten, betriebssicheren Industrieprodukt. Alle embedded PCs bieten eine Vielzahl an Prozessoren von Intel© Pentium© M bis Intel Core 2 DUO© . Damit setzen wir auf tausendfachbewährten Standard und bieten höchste Performance mit hohen Taktraten. Der Aufbau ist modular. DE Produkte besitzen rotationsfreie Speichermedien und lüfterlose CPU´s.Als Betriebssystem stehen embedded LINUX, Windows CE und Windows XPembedded zur Auswahl. Kundenspezifische Images werden auf Wunsch abge-stimmt.

The maintenance-free and extremely efficient embedded PC family de compines the frontUNIT with inteligentUNIT to a robust embeddedPC All models sup-port you with a wide range of fanless CPU from INTEL Pentium M until INTEL core 2 DUO. The DE family offers you the ideal partner for the latest automation environment. A universal panel system will help you create and implement the most varied automation solutions. Select your individual operating system, such as embedded LINUX, Window CE or embedded XP. Custom-made images are developed on demand.

La gamma di prodotti DIVUS embedded PC sono gli strumenti ideali dove serve un’altissima affidabilità del prodotto, un lungo tempo di vita, assoluta stabilità di software e di hardware. Nel vero ambiente industriale dove più che le alte prestazioni contano le prestazioni calcolate su misura, la sicurezza dei dati e dei processi, la riduzione della manodopera e la garanzia di ritrovare lo stesso prodotto inalterato anche dopo anni, l’embedded PC DIVUS entra in scena. I punti di forza di un PC embedded sono tanti. Ecco elencati alcuni:

Bassi consumi, fino ad arrivare a processori che consumano 3 Watt contro quelli office che ne consumano fino a 10• Ingombri ridotti, perché nessun modello eccede i 12 cm di profondità.• Performance scalabile in base alla necessità del cliente. • Memorie allo stato solido al posto di dischi fissi, riducono la sensibilità al calore, alle vibrazioni ed alle scosse ed i dati rimangono sicuri.• Sistemi operativi embedded come Windows CE.Net e Windows XP embedded garantiscono la funzione stabile del software e non si degradano col tempo.•

embedded + BOX


SteeLSTeeL ist ein in sich geschlossener Industrie PC und benötigt dementsprechend kein Gehäuse. Rundum IP65 und mit einem Stahlgehäuse versehen erfüllt DI-VUS STEEL die Hygiene Standards, welche den Einsatz im Lebensmittelsektor und in Reinräumen ermöglicht. Hohe Leistung und geringe Wärmeentwicklung sind dank Atom 1,6 GHz Prozessor gewährleistet. Integrieren Sie die rundum geschlossene Edelstahltastatur auf Wunsch mit oder ohne RFID Vorbereitung und montieren Sie Ihren DIVUS STEEL einfach und schnell über VESA 100 auf Ihren Tragarm.

STeeL is an industrial stand-alone PC with VESA 100 mounting possibility. Dust and water protected following IP65 due to the stainless steel housing DIVUS STEEL respects the hygiene standards necessary to be used in food industry and in cleanrooms. High power and low consumption is granted by the Intel Atom CPU at 1,6 GHz.DIVUS STEEL can be extended by our customized stainless steel keyboard system on request with or without RFID predisposition.

STeeL é un PC industriale chiuso e finito che non richiede un case aggiuntivo. Non solo resiste all’acqua e alla polvere secondo le specifiche IP65 ma grazie all’acciaio inossidabile DIVUS STEEL rispetta anche i più severi standard igienici e può così essere utilizzato nell’industria alimentare e in Clean Rooms. Il pro-cessore Intel Atom da 1,6 GHz garantisce alte prestazioni a basso consumo. Sono di facile integrazione le tastiere di acciaio inossidabile che si possono avere con o senza la preparazione per il lettore RFID, mentre lo standard VESA 100 Vi permetterà il facile montaggio del panello.

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OpaLOPAL ist ein in sich gekapselter Industrie PC mit anspruchvollem Design. Seine Konfigurationsvielfalt und Optionen unterstützen Sie nicht nur bei der Erfüllung Ihrer Aufgabe, sonder reduziert Kosten. OPAL benötigt kein Gehäuse, kann aufgehängt, aufgestellt oder an die Wand gehängt werden. Formschöne Anbauele-mente für Schalter und Leuchtmelder werden in IP65 leicht integriert. Wenn es sein muss auch eine vollwertige Tastatur. Schock und Vibrationen steckt OPAL, dank nicht rotierender Elemente locker weg. Auf hohe CPU Performance ist nicht zu verzichten. Das clevere passiv Kühlsystem macht es möglich.

OPAL - the encapsulated Industrial PC with sophisticated design. The various configuration and option possibilities support the user in each application and reduce cost. OPAL needs no additional enclosure and can be fixed directly to a support arm, pedestal system or a wall. Shapely optional element to integrate switches, control lamps can be mounted easily in IP65 rating. If necessary a complete PC keyboard. Shock and vibration is not a problem, because OPAL uses non rotating components. A clever passive cooling system makes it possible to select one of our high performance CPU´s.

OPAL è un PC industriale con un design sofisticato. Le innumerevoli configurazioni ed opzioni supportano l’utente in ogni ambito applicativo e riducono i costi. OPAL non necessita di ulteriori contenitori e possono essere fissati direttamente a supporti mobili, piedistalli o a muro. In caso di necessità possono essere integrati con una tastiera. OPAL non adopera componenti in movimento e non è pertanto sensibile a schock e vibrazioni. Un efficace sistema di raffreddamento passivo rende possibile l’utilizzo di CPU ad alte prestazioni.

SpeciaLSFlexibilität, Qualität, Kundenorientierung! Auf Basis unserer Erfahrung und einem breiten Produktspektrum entwickeln und produzieren wir gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden Sonderlösungen.

Flexibility, quality, custom made! Based on our experience and wide product range we develop and produce together with our customer specific solutions.

Flessibilità, qualità, personalizzazione! Grazie alla nostra esperienza e ad una grande varietà di prodotti, sviluppiamo e produciamo soluzioni speciali insieme ai nostri clienti.

MOnitOrdivuS dM-Monitore, konzipiert für industrielle Bedienaufgaben! Monitorkonzepte kommen zum Einsatz wenn es besonders “eng” für ein Bediengerät wird und kein Platz im Kommandogehäuse oder der Bedientafel ist. In Kombination mit den DIVUS BOX PC´s entstehen Gesamtsysteme für unterschiedliche Anwen-dungen. DM 200 liefern wir mit leuchtstarken TFT Displays von 12” bis 21” Bildschirmdiagonale und integriertem Touch Screen.Die Kommunikation erfolgt über VGA oder DVI Interface und RS232 oder USB Touch Interface.

Monitor concepts are used especially if there is not enough space for HMI units, panel PC´s or CRT screens in the enclosure or the operator desk. In combina-tion with the DIVUS PC BOX a complete PC based system can be configurated. DM 200 industrial monitors we deliver with highbrightness TFT displays in a range from 12” up to 21” and integraded Touch Screen.

La linea di monitor concepita per l’utilizzo in ambiente industriale.I monitor vengono normalmente utilizzati quando lo spazio per il montaggio di un PC completo nel quadro di comando non è sufficiente.

RackDIVUS RACk-iPC sind flexible und hoch verfügbare Industrie-PC-Systeme mit konfigurierbaen Prozessoren bis zu leistungsstarken Core2 Duo-Prozessoren. Damit bieten wir Ihnen für Ihre Applikationen im 19”-Format zuverlässige PC Systeme an. Diese werden individuell über unterschiedliche Prozessoren, Speiche-rausbauten, Laufwerkskonfigurationen, Zusatzkarten und vorinstallierte Betriebssysteme als Individualsystem System zusammengestellt.

DIVUS RACK IPC are flexible products in the 19“ Rack PC technology. The range supports you with different CPU up to core 2 Duo processors. Therefore we define with our customer it´s individual PC for his specific need. The preinstalled operating system is only one service for our customer. DIVUS RACK IPC: for every industrial use with a long term availability.

19“ Rack PC... per tutti gli impieghi industriali con componenti a lunga disponibilità.

divuSdOmuSWas hier wie ein Bild in einem schönen Rahmen an der Wand hängt, ist in Wirklichkeit ein neuartiger PC für Building Automation. Mit dem divuSdOMuS lässt sich ein Gebäude direkt steuern, regeln, bedienen, überwachen, unterhalten, informieren und, und, und. Er ist PC und Bedienteil in einem, fügt sich perfekt in die Umgebung ein und ist dabei unglaublich variabel. DIVUSDOMUS. Passt immer!

What looks like a photo frame on the wall is in reality and brand new building PC for facility control and automation.With the divuSdOMuS any building will be directly controlled, operated, observed and subervised. DIVUSDOMUS is a combination of a control PC and ope-rator panel and perfectly integrates it self in the environment wit a maximum of variability. DIVUSDOMUS. Fits always

Ciò che vedete appeso alla parete come un quadro dall’elegante cornice è in realtà un innovativo PC per building automation.divuSdOMuS consente di controllare direttamente un edificio, di regolarlo, comandarlo, tenerlo sorvegliato, sottoporlo a manutenzione, di informarsi, ecc. È PC e unità di comando tutto in uno e si inserisce perfettamente nell’ambiente circostante. DIVUSDOMUS. Piace sempre.


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Vers. IKA_10_01


dL 70

Product Type Compact Panel PC

General charateristics


- Intel® Celeron >2,6GHz

- Intel® Pentium 4 ≥ 3,0GHz

- Intel® Core 2 Duo

Chipset VIA P4M900 + VT8237A

Memory 256MB to 2GB DDR2 RAM

Expansion slots 1 x PCIe x16, 1 x PCIe x1, 2 x PCI

Operating systems Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/7

Power Supply

90 - 264 VAC, overload protection, short circuit protection, over voltage protection

24VDC optional

Nominal Power 300 W active PFC power supply, efficiency ≥ 75 %

Guarantee 24 Months1


Mass Memory 2,5“ HDD at 60 GB (optional RAID system)

Optical Drives CD-Rom or optional DVD/CD-RW drive, rear side operation

Addtional Drives Floppy, rear side operation


LAN/Ethernet onboard Realtek RTL8201CL

USB 5 x USB 2.0 (2 x external, 3 x internal)

Serial Interface 2 x RS232 (1x int, 1x ext)

Parallel Interface 1 x LPT1 (EPP/ECP)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Multimedia 7.1 channel Audio ALC883

Watchdog functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Fan rotation Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 0,67G (5-500MHz)

Shock resistance 300G/2ms

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed

Front unit

Display diagonal size

12” 15” 17” 19” 21”

30,5 cm 38,1 cm 43,2 cm 48,3 cm 54,1 cm

Resolution 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 1600x1200

Luminosity [cd/m2] 400 430 300 250

Contrast Ratio 500:1 450:1 700:1 800:1 500:1

MTBF backlight [h] 50.000

Input Resistive Touchscreen, 6-wire technology

Touchcontroller Alternatively USB or RS232

Front Alloy anodised, chemical resistant polyester foil

Rating IP65 according EN 60529

dimensions [mm]

a: 400 460 472 540

b: 310 360 383 440

c: 200 205 220

d: 370 429 440 509

e: 290 337 363 406

Weight ca. 10 kg ca. 12 kg ca. 13 kg ca. 15 kg

1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data


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Vers. IKA_10_01



4 Slots• SATA RAID 0, 1, JBOD possible• High Performance• FSB up to 1066 MHz• High configuration flexibility• Intel® Core™2 Duo, Pentium® D, • Pentium® 4, Celeron® D processors

DL 70 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


12” TFT Display, 800x600 Pixel 1

15” TFT Display, 1024x768 Pixel1 2

17” TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel 3

19” TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel1 4

21” TFT Display, 1600x1200 Pixel 5


Celeron 1000MHz PIII Board, 3 PCI 1

Celeron 2,6 GHz, LGA775, 2 PCI Slots, 2 PCIe Slots 3

Pentium4, 3.0 GHz LGA775, 2 PCI Slots, 2 PCIe Slots 4

Intel® Core 2 Duo, 2 PCI Slots, 2 PCIe Slots 5


128 MB 1

256 MB 2

512 MB 3

1 GB 4

2 GB 5


CD ROM, slim Drive 1

COMBO DVD/CD ROM R/W, slim Drive 2


2.5” no FD Drive, standard configuration 2

2.5” with FD Drive, option 3


110/230 VAC, auto-switch 1

24VDC, option 2


DIVUS foil 0

neutral, 1 colors 1

customized2 2

Operating system

Microsoft Windows 2000 Prof. MUI A

Microsoft Windows XP Prof. MUI L

Microsoft Windows 7 Prof. M

No operating System 0

Your order code: dL 70

nOTeS:1 15” and 19” display size is also available with v2A stainless steel front for cleanroom² Frontfoil: min. delivery 25 pcs

www.divus.eu 7

Page 8: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


dL 75

Product Type Compact Panel PC

General charateristics

Processor- Intel® Celeron, 2,6GHz, FSB 400MHz; Socket 478

- Intel® Pentium4, 2,4 GHz, FSB 533 MHz; Socket 478

Chipset Intel® FW82845GV GMCH/FW82801DB ICH4

Memory 256MB to 2GB DDR SDRAM

Expansion slots 3 PCI 2.2 compatible Slots

Operating systems Microsoft Windows 2000/XP, Linux, NT 4.0

Power Supply

90 - 264 VAC, overload protection, short circuit protection, over voltage protection

24VDC optional

Nominal Power 300 W active PFC power supply, efficiency ≥ 75 %

Guarantee 24 Months1


Mass Memory 2,5“ HDD at 60 GB (optional RAID system)

Optical Drives CD-Rom or optional DVD/CD-RW drive, rear side operation

Addtional Drives Floppy, rear side operation


LAN/Ethernet 1 x RJ45 / IEEE 802.3 compatible , Realtek RTL8101L

USB 5 x USB 2.0 (2 x ext., 3 x int.)

Serial Interface 2 x RS232 (1 x ext., 1 x int.)

Parallel Interface 1 x LPT1 (EPP/ECP)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Video Intel® Extreme Graphics controller

Multimedia Mic in, Line in, CD Audio in, Line out / Intel® ICH4

Watchdog functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Fan rotation Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 0,67G (5-500MHz)

Shock resistance 300G/2ms

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed

Front unit

Display diagonal size

12” 15” 17” 19” 21”

30,5 cm 38,1 cm 43,2 cm 48,3 cm 54,1 cm

Resolution 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 1600x1200

Luminosity [cd/m2] 400 430 300 250

Contrast Ratio 500:1 450:1 700:1 800:1 500:1

MTBF backlight [h] 50.000

Input Resistive Touchscreen, 6-wire technology

Touchcontroller Alternatively USB or RS232

Front Alloy anodised, chemical resistant polyester foil

Rating IP65 according EN 60529

dimensions [mm]

a: 400 460 472 540

b: 310 360 383 440

c: 200 205 220

d: 370 429 440 509

e: 290 337 363 406

Weight ca. 10 kg ca. 12 kg ca. 13 kg ca. 15 kg

1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data


Page 9: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01



Long term availability• 4 Slots• High Performance• High configuration flexibility• High grade industrial components•

DL 75 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


12” TFT Display, 800x600 Pixel 1

15” TFT Display, 1024x768 Pixel 2

17” TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel 3

19” TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel 4

21” TFT Display, 1600x1200 Pixel 5


Celeron 2,6 GHz, P4 Board 3 PCI Slots 3

Pentium 4 2,4 GHz, P4 Board 3 PCI Slots 4


256 MB 2

512 MB 3

1 GB 4

2 GB 5


CD ROM, slim Drive 1

COMBO DVD/CD ROM R/W, slim Drive 2


2.5” no FD Drive, standard configuration 2

2.5” with FD Drive, option 3


110/230 VAC, auto-switch 1

24VDC, option 2


DIVUS foil 0

neutral, 1 colors 1

customized1 2

Operating system

Microsoft Windows 2000 Prof. MUI A

Microsoft Windows XP Prof. MUI L

Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 N

Preinstalled LINUX X

No operating System 0

Your order code: dL 75

1 Frontfoil: min. delivery 25 pcs

www.divus.eu 9

Page 10: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


Technical data

Product Type Compact Panel PC

General characteristics

ProcessorIntel® Celeron >2,6GHz

Intel® Pentium 4 > 2,0GHz

Chipset Intel® FW82845GV GMCH/FW82801DB ICH4

Memory 256MB to 2GB DDR RAM

Expansion slots 1 PCI-Slot

Operating systems Microsoft Windows 2000/XP, Linux, NT 4.0

Power Supply115/230 VAC switchable

24VDC optional1

Nominal Power max. 250W

Guarantee 24 Months²


Mass Memory 2,5“ HDD at 60 GB

Optical Drives optional CD-Rom or DVD/CD-RW drive, rear side operation

Additional Drives Compact Flash reader optional


LAN/Ethernet onboard

USB 5 x USB 2.0 (2 x external, 3 x internal)

Serial Interface 2 x RS232 (1 x external, 1 x internal)

Parallel Interface 1 x LPT1 (EPP/ECC)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Multimedia Audio I/O, Microphone, MIDI

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Fan rotation Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 0,67G (5-500Mhz)

Shock resistance 300G/2ms

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed

Front unit

Display diagonal size

12” 15” 17” 19” 21”

30,5 cm 38,1 cm 43,2 cm 48,3 cm 54,1 cm

Resolution 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 1600x1200

Luminosity [cd/m²] 400 430 300 250

Contrast Ratio 500:1 450:1 700:1 800:1 500:1

MTBF backlight [h] 50.000

Input Resistive Touchscreen, 6-wire technology

Touchcontroller Alternatively USB or RS232

Front Alloy anodised, chemical resistant polyester foil

Rating IP65 according EN 60529

dimensions [mm]

a: 400 460 472 540

b: 310 360 383 440

c: 120 125 140

d: 370 429 440 509

e: 290 337 363 406

Weight ca. 10 kg ca. 12kg ca. 13kg ca. 15kg

1 21” version only for 230V, required power + 30W ² warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order. All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted.

Technical data


Page 11: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01



Long term availability• High performance• Low mounting depht• High configuration flexibility• High grade industrial components•

DS 600 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


12” TFT Display, 800x600 Pixel 1

15” TFT Display, 1024x768 Pixel 2

17” TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel 3

19” TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel 4

21” TFT Display, 1600x1200 Pixel 5


Celeron 2,6GHz 1

Pentium 4, > 2,0 GHz 2


256 MB 2

512 MB 3

1 GB 4

2 GB 5


CD ROM, slim Drive 1

COMBO DVD/CD ROM R/W, slim Drive 2


no FDDrive, 1 free PCI slot with 2.5" HDD 0

with FD Drive, no PCI slot with 2.5" HDD 1


230 VAC 1

110/230 VAC, auto-switch 2

24VDC 3


DIVUS foil 0

neutral, 1 colors 1

customized1 2

Operating system

Microsoft Windows 2000 Prof. MUI A

Microsoft Windows XP Prof. MUI L

Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 N

Preinstalled LINUX X

No operating System 0

Your order code: dS 600

1 Frontfoil: min. delivery 25 pcs

www.divus.eu 11

Page 12: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


dS 640

Product Type Ultracompact smart Panel PC

General characteristics

Processor Onboard Intel® Celeron ULV 600 MHz

Chipset Intel® 852GM + ICH4

Memory 256MB to 1GB DDR SO-DIMM

Expansion slots PCI/104

Operating systems Microsoft Windows 2000/XP

Power Supply90 - 264VAC autorange, fanless

16-46VDC fanless optional

Nominal Power 45 W, efficiency > 76%

Guarantee 24 Months1


Mass Memory 2,5“ HDD at 60 GB (optional DiskOnModule at 512MB,1GB,2GB or 4GB)

Additional Drives Onboard CF Card Reader


LAN/Ethernet onboard

USB 5 x USB 2.0 (4 x external, 1 x internal)

Serial Interface 4 x RS232 (1 x external, 3x internal, 1 configurable as RS232/RS422/RS485)

Parallel Interface 1 x LPT1 connector on board

Keyboard/Mouse 1 x PS/2, signal for mouse and keyboard

Video 1 x VGA port

Multimedia 8 Digital I/O TTL-level internal connector, Realtek ALC655 with AC’97 codec on board

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Fan rotation Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 15G

Shock resistance 50G

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit High-grade steel, EMC proofed

Front unit

Display diagonal size 8,4“ 10,4“

21,3 cm 26,4 cm

Luminosity [cd/m²] 500 230

Contrast Ratio 480:1 500:1

Resolution 640 x 480 800 x 600

MTBF backlight 50.000 h 20.000 h

Input Resistive Touchscreen, 6-wire technology

Touchcontroller Alternatively USB or RS232

Front Alloy anodised, chemical resistant polyester foil

Rating IP65 according EN 60529

dimensions [mm]

a: 250 300

b: 200 230

c: 90

d: 232 282

e: 185 212

Weight ca. 3,5 kg ca. 4 kg

1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data


Page 13: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01



INTEL® ULV processor• Ultra compact dimensions• Low mounting depht• Low power requirements• RS 485/422 optional•

DS 640 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


8,4" TFT Display, 800x600 Pixel 1

10,4" TFT Display 2


Intel Celeron ULV 600MHz 1


256 MB 2

512 MB 3

1 GB 4


HDD 2.5” min 60 GB 1

DiscOnModule 512 MB 3

DiscOnModule 1 GB 4

DiscOnModule 2 GB 5

DiscOnModule 4 GB 6


CFC-Adapter 1


110/230 VAC, auto-switch 1

24 VDC fanless 2


DIVUS foil 0

neutral, 1 colors 1

customized1 2

Operating system

Microsoft Windows 2000 Prof. MUI A

Microsoft Windows XP Prof. MUI L

No operating System 0

Your order code: dS 640

1 Frontfoil: min. delivery 25 pcs

www.divus.eu 13

Page 14: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


dS 650

Product Type Compact Panel PC

General characteristics

Processor VIA Eden 600 MHz fanless VIA C7 1GHz fanless

Chipset VIA CLE266 + VT8235 VIA CN700 + 8237R plus

Memory 256MB to 1GB DDR RAM 256MB to 1GB DDR2 RAM

Expansion slots 1 PCI-Slot

Operating systems Microsoft Windows 2000/XP

Power Supply230VAC with fan

optional 230VAC fanless, 24 VDC fan/fanless1

Nominal Power 85 W, efficiency > 74%

Guarantee 24 Months²


Mass Memory 2,5“ HDD at 60 GB (optional DiskOnModule at 512MB,1GB,2GB or 4GB)

Additional Drives Compact Flash reader optional


LAN/Ethernet onboard

USB 3 x USB 2.0 (2 x ext,1 x int) 7 x USB 2.0 (4 x ext,3 x int)

Serial Interface 2 x RS232 (1 x external, 1 x internal)

Parallel Interface 1 x LPT1 (EPP/ECP/SPP)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Multimedia 6 channel audio (int), S-Video out 6 channel audio (ext)

Other Interfaces 2 x Firewire (int.) 2 SATA ports (int.)

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Fan rotation Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 0,67G (5-500Mhz)

Shock resistance 300G/2ms

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed

Front unit

Display diagonal size

12” 15” 17” 19” 21”

30,5 cm 38,1 cm 43,2 cm 48,3 cm 54,1 cm

Resolution 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 1600x1200

Luminosity [cd/m²] 400 430 300 250

Contrast Ratio 500:1 450:1 700:1 800:1 500:1

MTBF backlight [h] 50.000

Input Resistive Touchscreen, 6-wire technology

Touchcontroller Alternatively USB or RS232

Front Alloy anodised, chemical resistant polyester foil

Rating IP65 according EN 60529

dimensions [mm]

a: 400 460 472 540

b: 310 360 383 440

c: 90 95 110

d: 370 429 440 509

e: 290 337 363 406

Weight ca. 10 kg ca. 12kg ca. 13kg ca. 15kg

1 21” version only for 230V, required power + 30W ² warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order. All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted.

Technical data


Page 15: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01



Low mounting depht• Low power requirements• VIA Eden, VIA C3 processors• Firewire optional•

DS 650 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


12” TFT Display, 800x600 Pixel 1

15” TFT Display, 1024x768 Pixel 2

17” TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel 3

19” TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel 4

21” TFT Display, 1600x1200 Pixel 5


VIA Tech Eden 600 MHz fanless 1

VIA Tech C7 1 GHz fanless 2


256 MB 2

512 MB 3

1 GB 4


HDD 2.5” min 60 GB 1

DiscOnModule 512 MB 3

DiscOnModule 1 GB 4

DiscOnModule 2 GB 5

DiscOnModule 4 GB 6


No drives 0

CFC-Adapter 1


110/230 VAC, auto-switch fan 1

24 VDC fan 2

110/230 VAC, auto-switch fanless 3

24 VDC fanless 4


DIVUS foil 0

neutral, 1 colors 1

customized1 2

Operating system

Microsoft Windows 2000 Prof. MUI A

Microsoft Windows XP Prof. MUI L

No operating System 0

Your order code: dS 650

1 Frontfoil: min. delivery 25 pcs2 With VIA C7 CPU


www.divus.eu 15

Page 16: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


dS 651

Product Type Compact Panel PC

General characteristics

Processor VIA Eden 600 MHz fanless VIA C7 1GHz fanless

Chipset VIA CLE266 + VT8235 VIA CN700 + 8237R plus

Memory 256MB to 1GB DDR RAM 256MB to 1GB DDR2 RAM

Expansion slots 2 PCI-Slots

Operating systems Microsoft Windows 2000/XP

Power Supply230VAC with fan

optional 230VAC fanless, 24 VDC fan/fanless1

Nominal Power 85 W, efficiency > 74%

Guarantee 24 Months²


Mass Memory 2,5“ HDD at 60 GB (optional DiskOnModule at 512MB,1GB,2GB or 4GB)

Optical Drives optional CD-Rom or DVD/CD-RW drive, rear side operation

Additional Drives Compact Flash reader optional


LAN/Ethernet onboard

USB 3 x USB 2.0 (2 x ext,1 x int) 7 x USB 2.0 (4 x ext,3 x int)

Serial Interface 2 x RS232 (1 x external, 1 x internal)

Parallel Interface 1 x LPT1 (EPP/ECP/SPP)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Multimedia 6 channel audio (int), S-Video out 6 channel audio (ext)

Other Interfaces 2 x Firewire (int.) 2 SATA ports (int.)

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Fan rotation Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 0,67G (5-500Mhz)

Shock resistance 300G/2ms

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed

Front unit

Display diagonal size

12” 15” 17” 19” 21”

30,5 cm 38,1 cm 43,2 cm 48,3 cm 54,1 cm

Resolution 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 1600x1200

Luminosity [cd/m²] 400 430 300 250

Contrast Ratio 500:1 450:1 700:1 800:1 500:1

MTBF backlight [h] 50.000

Input Resistive Touchscreen, 6-wire technology

Touchcontroller Alternatively USB or RS232

Front Alloy anodised, chemical resistant polyester foil

Rating IP65 according EN 60529

dimensions [mm]

a: 400 460 472 540

b: 310 360 383 440

c: 115 120 135

d: 370 429 440 509

e: 290 337 363 406

Weight ca. 10 kg ca. 12kg ca. 13kg ca. 15kg

1 21” version only for 230V, required power + 30W ² warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order. All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted.

Technical data


Page 17: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01



2 PCI slots• CD/DVD drive available• Low mounting depht• Low power requirements• VIA Eden, VIA C3 processors• Firewire optional•

DS 651 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


12” TFT Display, 800x600 Pixel 1

15” TFT Display, 1024x768 Pixel 2

17” TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel 3

19” TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel 4

21” TFT Display, 1600x1200 Pixel 5


VIA Tech Eden 600 MHz fanless 1

VIA Tech C7 1 GHz fanless 2


256 MB 2

512 MB 3

1 GB 4


HDD 2.5” min 60 GB 1

DiscOnModule 512 MB 3

DiscOnModule 1 GB 4

DiscOnModule 2 GB 5

DiscOnModule 4 GB 6


No drives 0

CFC-Adapter 1

CD ROM, slim Drive 2

COMBO DVD/CD ROM R/W, slim Drive 3

CD ROM, slim Drive+CFC-Adapter 4

COMBO DVD/CD ROM R/W, slim Drive + CFC-Adapter



110/230 VAC, auto-switch fan 1

24 VDC fan 2

110/230 VAC, auto-switch fanless 3

24 VDC fanless 4


DIVUS foil 0

neutral, 1 colors 1

customized1 2

Operating system

Microsoft Windows 2000 Prof. MUI A

Microsoft Windows XP Prof. MUI L

No operating System 0

Your order code: dS 651

1 Frontfoil: min. delivery 25 pcs2 With VIA C7 CPU


www.divus.eu 17

Page 18: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


dS 670

Product Type Compact Panel PC

General characteristics


- Intel® Celeron M 600MHz ULV fanless

Socket P for Intel® Core™2 Duo fan

- Intel® Pentium M Dothan, 2 MB L2C 1,6 GHz fan

Chipset Intel® 82852GM GMCH + 82801DB ICH4

Intel® GME965 + ICH8M, 533MHz/800MHz FSB

Memory 256MB to 1GB DDR RAM 512MB to 2GB DDR 2

Expansion slots 1 PCI-Slot

Operating systems Microsoft Windows 2000/XP

Power Supply90 - 264 VAC auto range

24VDC optional1

Nominal Power 100 W, efficiency up to 88%

Guarantee 24 Months²


Mass Memory 2,5“ HDD at 60 GB (optional DiskOnModule at 512MB,1GB,2GB or 4GB)

Additional Drives Compact Flash reader optional


LAN/Ethernet 2 x RJ45 for 10/100 Mbps Dual PCIe GbE controller

USB 5 x USB 2.0 (4 x external, 1 x internal)

Serial Interface3 x RS232 (3xext), 1 x RS-232/422/485 (1xint); 8-bit Digital I/O interface

1 x RS232 (ext), 1 x RS -232/422/485 (int)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Display 1 free VGA port (dual display architecture)

Multimedia Mic in, Line out

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard, auto throttling control when CPU overheats

Fan rotation Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 0,67G (5-500Mhz)

Shock resistance 300G/2ms

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed

Front unit

Display diagonal size

12” 15” 17” 19” 21”

30,5 cm 38,1 cm 43,2 cm 48,3 cm 54,1 cm

Resolution 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 1600x1200

Luminosity [cd/m²] 400 430 300 250

Contrast Ratio 500:1 450:1 700:1 800:1 500:1

MTBF backlight [h] 50.000

Input Resistive Touchscreen, 6-wire technology

Touchcontroller USB Touchcontroller

Front Alloy anodised, chemical resistant polyester foil

Rating IP65 according EN 60529

dimensions [mm]

a: 400 460 472 540

b: 310 360 383 440

c: 90 95 110

d: 370 429 440 509

e: 290 337 363 406

Weight ca. 10 kg ca. 12kg ca. 13kg ca. 15kg

1 21” version only for 230V, required power + 30W ² warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order. All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted.

Technical data


Page 19: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01



Intel® ULV processor, • Intel® Pentium M possible Intel® Core possibleLow mounting depht• High power efficiency• High performance• Dual LAN• Dual display architecture• DUAL LAN•

DS 670 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


12” TFT Display, 800x600 Pixel 1

15” TFT Display, 1024x768 Pixel 2

17” TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel 3

19” TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel 4

21” TFT Display, 1600x1200 Pixel 5


ULV Celeron M ≥600MHz fanless 1

Pentium M725, 1,6GHz, Dothan fan 3

Core2Duo socket P fan 5


256 MB 2

512 MB 3

1 GB 4

2 GB1 5


HDD 2.5” min 60 GB 1

DiscOnModule 512 MB 3

DiscOnModule 1 GB 4

DiscOnModule 2 GB 5

DiscOnModule 4 GB 6


No drives 0

CFC-Adapter 1


110/230 VAC, auto-switch fanless 1

24 VDC fanless 2


DIVUS foil 0

neutral, 1 colors 1

customized2 2

Operating system

Microsoft Windows 2000 Prof. MUI A

Microsoft Windows XP Prof. MUI L

No operating System 0

Your order code: dS 670

1 Only with core2duo board2 Frontfoil: min. delivery 25 pcs3 With Celeron M CPU

www.divus.eu 19

Page 20: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


dS 671

Product Type Compact Panel PC

General characteristics


- Intel® Celeron M 600MHz ULV fanless Socket P for Intel® Core™2

Duo fan- Intel® Pentium M Dothan, 2 MB L2C 1,6 GHz fan

Chipset Intel® 82852GM GMCH + 82801DB ICH4

Intel® GME965 + ICH8M, 533MHz/800MHz FSB

Memory 256MB to 1GB DDR RAM 512MB to 2GB DDR 2

Expansion slots 2 PCI-Slot

Operating systems Microsoft Windows 2000/XP

Power Supply90 - 264 VAC auto range

24VDC optional1

Nominal Power 100 W, efficiency up to 88%

Guarantee 24 Months²


Mass Memory 2,5“ HDD at 60 GB (optional DiskOnModule at 512MB,1GB,2GB or 4GB)

Optical Drives optional CD-Rom or DVD/CD-RW drive, rear side operation

Additional Drives Compact Flash reader optional


LAN/Ethernet 2 x RJ45 for 10/100 Mbps Dual PCIe GbE controller

USB 5 x USB 2.0 (4 x external, 1 x internal)

Serial Interface3 x RS232 (3xext), 1 x RS-232/422/485 (1xint); 8-bit Digital I/O interface

1 x RS232 (ext), 1 x RS -232/422/485 (int)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Display 1 free VGA port (dual display architecture)

Multimedia Mic in, Line out

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard, auto throttling control when CPU overheats

Fan rotation Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 0,67G (5-500Mhz)

Shock resistance 300G/2ms

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed

Front unit

Display diagonal size

12” 15” 17” 19” 21”

30,5 cm 38,1 cm 43,2 cm 48,3 cm 54,1 cm

Resolution 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 1600x1200

Luminosity [cd/m²] 400 430 300 250

Contrast Ratio 500:1 450:1 700:1 800:1 500:1

MTBF backlight [h] 50.000

Input Resistive Touchscreen, 6-wire technology

Touchcontroller USB Touchcontroller

Front Alloy anodised, chemical resistant polyester foil

Rating IP65 according EN 60529

dimensions [mm]

a: 400 460 472 540

b: 310 360 383 440

c: 115 120 135

d: 370 429 440 509

e: 290 337 363 406

Weight ca. 10 kg ca. 12kg ca. 13kg ca. 15kg

1 21” version only for 230V, required power + 30W ² warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order. All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted.

Technical data


Page 21: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01



2 PCI Slots• CD/DVD drive available• Intel® ULV processor, • Intel® Pentium M possible Intel® Core possibleLow mounting depht• High power efficiency• High performance• Dual LAN• Dual display architecture•

DS 671 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


12” TFT Display, 800x600 Pixel 1

15” TFT Display, 1024x768 Pixel 2

17” TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel 3

19” TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel 4

21” TFT Display, 1600x1200 Pixel 5


ULV Celeron M ≥600MHz fanless 1

Pentium M725, 1,6GHz, Dothan fan 3

Core2Duo socket P fan 5


256 MB 2

512 MB 3

1 GB 4

2 GB1 5


HDD 2.5” min 60 GB 1

DiscOnModule 512 MB 3

DiscOnModule 1 GB 4

DiscOnModule 2 GB 5

DiscOnModule 4 GB 6


No drives 0

CFC-Adapter 1

CD ROM, slim Drive 2

COMBO DVD/CD ROM R/W, slim Drive 3

CD ROM, slim Drive+CFC-Adapter 4

COMBO DVD/CD ROM R/W, slim Drive + CFC-Adapter



110/230 VAC, auto-switch fanless 1

24 VDC fanless 2


DIVUS foil 0

neutral, 1 colors 1

customized2 2

Operating system

Microsoft Windows 2000 Prof. MUI A

Microsoft Windows XP Prof. MUI L

No operating System 0

Your order code: dS 671

1 Only with core2duo board2 Frontfoil: min. delivery 25 pcs3 With Celeron M CPU

www.divus.eu 21

Page 22: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

dS 690

Product Type Compact embedded Panel PC

General characteristics

Processor Intel® Atom™ Processor N270 1.6GHz with 533MHz FSB 512K L2 Cache -- FANLESS

Chipset Intel® 945GSE + Intel® ICH7M

Memory 512MB to 2GB DDR2 SDRAM SO-DIMM

Expansion slots 1 x PCI Slots

Operating systems Microsoft Windows XP embedded

Power Supply90 - 260 VAC fanless

10 - 36 VDC fanless optional

Power consumption 25 W with 15” LED Monitor

Guarantee 24 Months1


Mass Memory 2,5“ HDD at 60 GB (optional DiskOnModule at 512MB,1GB,2GB or 4GB)

Additional Drives Compact Flash Reader, optional


LAN/Ethernet Dual PCIe Gigabit ethernet controller onboard

USB 7 x USB2.0 (4 x ext., 3 x int)

Serial Interface 5 x RS232 (2 x ext 3 x int), 1 x RS -232/422/485 (ext)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Video 1 x VGA Port, Supports HD resolutionIntel® Graphics Media Accelerator 950 (Intel® GMA 950)

Multimedia Realtek ALC655 AC'97 Codec

Other Interfaces Digital I/O 16-bits GPIO (int)

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 15G

Shock resistance 50G

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed

Front unit

Display diagonal size

12” 15” 17” 19” 21”

30,5 cm 38,1 cm 43,2 cm 48,3 cm 54,1 cm

Resolution 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 1600x1200

Luminosity [cd/m²] 400 350 300 250

Contrast Ratio 500:1 550:1 700:1 800:1 500:1

MTBF backlight [h] 50.000

Input Resistive Touchscreen, 6-wire technology

Touchcontroller Alternatively USB or RS232

Front Alloy anodised, chemical resistant polyester foil

Rating IP65 according EN 60529

dimensions [mm]

a: 400 460 472 540

b: 310 360 383 440

c: 90 95 110

d: 370 429 440 509

e: 290 337 363 406

Weight ca. 10 kg ca. 12kg ca. 13kg ca. 15kg

1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data



Page 23: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

DS 690 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


12" TFT Display, 800x600 Pixel 1

15" TFT Display, 1024x768 Pixel, LED Backlight 2

17" TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel 3

19" TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel 4

21" TFT Display, 1600x1200 Pixel 5


Intel® Atom™ Processor N270 1.6GHz 2


512 MB 3

1 GB 4

2 GB 5


HDD 2.5” min 60 GB 1

DiscOnModule 512 MB 3

DiscOnModule 1 GB 4

DiscOnModule 2 GB 5

DiscOnModule 4 GB 6


No drives 0

CFC-Adapter 1


110/230 VAC, auto-switch fanless 1

9 - 28 VDC fanless 2


DIVUS foil 0

neutral, 1 colors 1

customized1 2

Operating system

Microsoft Windows 2000 Prof. MUI A

Microsoft Windows XP Prof. MUI L

No operating System 0

Your order code: dS 6901 Frontfoil: min. delivery 25 pcs


Ultra LOW power requirements• HIGH performance• Intel ATOM processor• 1 PCI slot• Fanless, passive air conduction• Long life LED backlight Display• Low mounting depht• High power efficiency• High performance• Dual display architecture• DUAL Gigabit LAN•


www.divus.eu 23

Page 24: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

dS 691

Product Type Compact embedded Panel PC

General characteristics

Processor Intel® Atom™ Processor N270 1.6GHz with 533MHz FSB 512K L2 Cache -- FANLESS

Chipset Intel® 945GSE + Intel® ICH7M

Memory 512MB to 2GB DDR2 SDRAM SO-DIMM

Expansion slots 2 x PCI Slots

Operating systems Microsoft Windows XP embedded

Power Supply90 - 260 VAC fanless

10 - 36 VDC fanless optional

Power consumption 25 W with 15” LED Monitor

Guarantee 24 Months1


Mass Memory 2,5“ HDD at 60 GB (optional DiskOnModule at 512MB,1GB,2GB or 4GB)

Optical Drives optional CD-Rom or DVD/CD-RW drive, rear side operation

Additional Drives Compact Flash Reader, optional


LAN/Ethernet Dual PCIe Gigabit ethernet controller onboard

USB 7 x USB2.0 (4 x ext., 3 x int)

Serial Interface 5 x RS232 (2 x ext 3 x int), 1 x RS -232/422/485 (ext)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Video 1 x VGA Port, Supports HD resolutionIntel® Graphics Media Accelerator 950 (Intel® GMA 950)

Multimedia Realtek ALC655 AC'97 Codec

Other Interfaces Digital I/O 16-bits GPIO (int)

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 15G

Shock resistance 50G

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed

Front unit

Display diagonal size

12” 15” 17” 19” 21”

30,5 cm 38,1 cm 43,2 cm 48,3 cm 54,1 cm

Resolution 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 1600x1200

Luminosity [cd/m²] 400 350 300 250

Contrast Ratio 500:1 550:1 700:1 800:1 500:1

MTBF backlight [h] 50.000

Input Resistive Touchscreen, 6-wire technology

Touchcontroller Alternatively USB or RS232

Front Alloy anodised, chemical resistant polyester foil

Rating IP65 according EN 60529

dimensions [mm]

a: 400 460 472 540

b: 310 360 383 440

c: 115 120 135

d: 370 429 440 509

e: 290 337 363 406

Weight ca. 10 kg ca. 12kg ca. 13kg ca. 15kg

1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data



Page 25: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

DS 691 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


12" TFT Display, 800x600 Pixel 1

15" TFT Display, 1024x768 Pixel, LED Backlight1 2

17" TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel 3

19" TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel1 4

21" TFT Display, 1600x1200 Pixel 5


Intel® Atom™ Processor N270 1.6GHz 2


512 MB 3

1 GB 4

2 GB 5


HDD 2.5” min 60 GB 1

DiscOnModule 512 MB 3

DiscOnModule 1 GB 4

DiscOnModule 2 GB 5

DiscOnModule 4 GB 6


No drives 0

CFC-Adapter 1

CD ROM, slim Drive1 2

COMBO DVD/CD ROM R/W, slim Drive 3

CD ROM, slim Drive+CFC-Adapter 4

COMBO DVD/CD ROM R/W, slim Drive + CFC-Adapter 5


110/230 VAC, auto-switch fanless 1

9 - 28 VDC fanless 2


DIVUS foil 0

neutral, 1 colors 1

customized2 2

Operating system

Microsoft Windows 2000 Prof. MUI A

Microsoft Windows XP Prof. MUI L

No operating System 0

Your order code: dS 691


Ultra LOW power requirements• HIGH performance• Intel ATOM processor• 2 PCI Slots• Fanless, passive air conduction• Long life LED backlight Display• Low mounting depht• High power efficiency• High performance• Dual display architecture• DUAL Gigabit LAN•


nOTeS:1 15” and 19” display size is also available with v2A stainless steel front or projected capacitive touch for cleanroom² Frontfoil: min. delivery 25 pcs

www.divus.eu 25

Page 26: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


de 800

Product Type Compact embedded Panel PC

General characteristics

Processor VIA Eden 533 MHz fanless

Chipset VIA 8601A + VT8231

Memory 128MB SDRAM

Operating systems Microsoft Windows CE.net or CE 5.0

Power Supply90 - 260 VAC fanless

24 VDC fanless optional1

Power consumption 30 W with 15” Display

Guarantee 24 Months2


Mass Memory DOM (Disk On Module) up to 64MB

Additional Drives Optional: CF Card Reader inclusive CFC


LAN/Ethernet onboard

USB 3 x USB 1.1 (2 x external, 1 x internal)

Serial Interface 1 x RS232 (1 x external)

Parallel Interface 1 x LPT1 (EPP/ECP/SPP)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Multimedia S-video/RCA Video port, microphone, Line in/out

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 15G

Shock resistance 50G

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed

Front unit

Display diagonal size

12“ 15“ 17“ 19”

30,5 cm 38,1 cm 43,2 cm 48,3 cm

Resolution 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024

Luminosity [cd/m²] 400 430 300

Contrast Ratio 500:1 450:1 700:1 800:1

MTBF backlight [h] 50.000

Input Resistive Touchscreen, 6-wire technology

Touchcontroller USB controller

Front Alloy anodised, chemical resistant polyester foil

Rating IP65 according EN 60529

dimensions [mm]

a: 400 460 472

b: 310 360 383

c: 90 95

d: 370 429 440

e: 290 337 363

Weight ca. 9 kg ca. 10kg ca. 11kg

1 19” version only for 230V, required power + 30W ² warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order. All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted.

Technical data


Page 27: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01



High reliability• Low mounting depht• Low power requirements• VIA Eden processors• Embedded system• Extreme high stability of • operating systemFanless, passive air conduction• Motionless, no moving parts•

DE 800 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


12” TFT Display, 800x600 Pixel 1

15” TFT Display, 1024x768 Pixel 2

17” TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel 3

19” TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel 4


VIA Tech EDEN 533MHz fanless 1


128 MB 1


Kein Speicher - Thin Client 0

CF Card 32 MB 1

CF Card 64 MB 2

CF Card 128 MB 3

DOM 32 MB 4

DOM 64 MB 5


No drives 0

CFC-Adapter 1


110/230 VAC, auto-switch, fanless 1

24VDC fanless 2


DIVUS foil 0

neutral, 1 colors 1

customized1 2

Operating system

Microsoft Windows CE.net or CE 5.02 R

Your order code: de 800

1 Frontfoil: min. delivery 25 pcs2 Please specify operating system version on order

www.divus.eu 27

Page 28: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


de 830

Product Type Ultracompact embedded Panel PC

General characteristics

Processor Onboard AMD Geode™ 500MHz (LX800)

Chipset AMD CS5536

Memory ≥ 128MB DDR SO-DIMM

Operating systems Microsoft Windows CE 5.0/XP-Embedded/Windows Embedded standard

Power Supply24 VDC (6,5”) / 230 VAC (10,4”)

24 VDC optional (10,4”)

Power consumption 25 W with 10” Display

Guarantee 24 Months1


Mass Memory DOM (Disk On Module) up to 4GB

Additional Drives Type II CF (int), PCMCIA (ext)


LAN/Ethernet 10/100Mbps (ext)

USB 3 x USB 2.0 (ext)

Serial Interface 2 x RS-232 (ext), Digital I/O (4-in/4-out) header on board

Parallel Interface 1 x LPT header on board

Keyboard/Mouse 1 x PS/2 for KB and Mouse (ext)

Video 1 x VGA port

Multimedia Realtek ALC203 AC97 audio codec, header on board

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Fan rotation Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 15G

Shock resistance 50G

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit High-grade steel, EMC proofed

Front unit

Display diagonal size6,5” 10,4“

16,5 cm 26,4 cm

Resolution 640x480 800x600

Luminosity [cd/m²] 500 230

Contrast Ratio 600:1 500:1

MTBF backlight 50.000 h

Input Resistive Touchscreen, 4-wire technology

Resistive Touchscreen, 6-wire technology

Touchcontroller USB

Front Alloy anodised, chemical resistant polyester foil

Rating IP65 according EN 60529

dimensions [mm]

a: 226 300

b: 157 230

c: 82 90

d: 244 282

e: 175 212

Weight ca. 3 kg ca. 4 kg

1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data


Page 29: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01



High reliability• Ultra compact dimensions• Low mounting depht• Very low power requirements• AMD Geode™ processors• Embedded system• Extreme high stability of • operating systemFanless, passive air conduction• Motionless, no moving parts•

DE 830 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


6,5" TFT Display, 640x480 Pixel 1

10,4" TFT Display 3


AMD Geode 500MHz (LX800) 1


≥ 128 MB 2

512 MB 3

1 GB 4


DiscOnModule 32 MB 1

DiscOnModule 64 MB 2

DiscOnModule 512 MB 3

DiscOnModule 1 GB 4

DiscOnModule 2 GB 5

DiscOnModule 4 GB 6


CFC-Adapter 1


110/230 VAC, auto-switch1 1

24 VDC 2


DIVUS foil 0

neutral, 1 colors 1

customized2 2

Operating system

Microsoft Windows CE 5.0 R

Microsoft Windows XP Embedded3 S

Windows Embedded Standard4 T

Your order code: de 830

1 Only for 10,4” version2 Frontfoil: min. delivery 25 pcs3 Microsoft Windows XP-Embedded requires 512 MB Memory4 Windows Embedded Standard requires 1 GB memory

www.divus.eu 29

Page 30: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


de 840

Product Type Ultracompact embedded Panel PC

General characteristics

Processor Onboard Intel® Celeron ULV 600 MHz

Chipset Intel® 852GM + ICH4

Memory 256MB to 1GB DDR SO-DIMM

Expansion slots PCI104

Operating systems Microsoft Windows XP embedded, Windows Embedded Standard

Power Supply90 - 264VAC autorange, fanless

16-46VDC fanless optional

Power consumption 35 W with 10,4” Display

Guarantee 24 Months1


Mass Memory DOM (Disk On Module) at 512MB (1, 2 and 4GB optional)

Additional Drives Onboard CF Card Reader


LAN/Ethernet onboard

USB 5 x USB 2.0 (4 x external, 1 x internal)

Serial Interface 4 x RS232 (1 x external, 3x internal, 1 configurable as RS232/RS422/RS485)

Parallel Interface 1 x LPT1 connector on board

Keyboard/Mouse 1 x PS/2, signal for mouse and keyboard

Video 1 x VGA port

Multimedia 8 Digital I/O TTL-level internal connector, Realtek ALC655 with AC’97 codec on board

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Fan rotation Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 15G

Shock resistance 50G

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit High-grade steel, EMC proofed

Front unit

Display diagonal size 8,4“ 10,4“

21,3 cm 26,4 cm

Luminosity [cd/m²] 500 230

Contrast Ratio 480:1 500:1

Resolution 640 x 480 800 x 600

MTBF backlight 50.000 h 20.000 h

Input Resistive Touchscreen, 6-wire technology

Touchcontroller USB

Front Alloy anodised, chemical resistant polyester foil

Rating IP65 according EN 60529

dimensions [mm]

a: 250 300

b: 200 230

c: 90 90

d: 232 282

e: 185 212

Weight ca. 3,5 kg ca. 4 kg

1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data


Page 31: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01



INTEL® ULV processor• Ultra compact dimensions• Low mounting depht• Low power requirements• RS 485/422 optional• Fanless, passive air conduction• Motionless, no moving parts•

DE 840 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


8,4" TFT Display, 800x600 Pixel 1

10,4" TFT Display 2


Intel Celeron ULV 600MHz 1


512 MB 3

1 GB 4


DiscOnModule 512 MB 3

DiscOnModule 1 GB 4

DiscOnModule 2 GB 5

DiscOnModule 4 GB 6


CFC-Adapter 1


110/230 VAC, auto-switch fanless 1

24 VDC fanless 2


DIVUS foil 0

neutral, 1 colors 1

customized1 2

Operating system

Microsoft Windows XP Embedded S

Windows Embedded Standard T

Your order code: de 8401 Frontfoil: min. delivery 25 pcs

www.divus.eu 31

Page 32: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


de 850

Product Type Compact embedded Panel PC

General characteristics

Processor VIA Eden 600 MHz fanless VIA C7 1GHz fanless

Chipset VIA CLE266 + VT8235 VIA CN700 + 8237R plus

Memory 512MB to 1GB DDR RAM 512MB to 1GB DDR2 RAM

Expansion slots 1 PCI-Slot

Operating systems Microsoft Windows XP embedded, Windows Embedded Standard

Power Supply90 - 260 VAC fanless

24 VDC fanless optional1

Power consumption 35 W with 15” Display

Guarantee 24 Months2


Mass Memory DOM (Disk On Module) to 512MB (1, 2 and 4GB optional)

Additional Drives Compact Flash Reader, optional


LAN/Ethernet onboard

USB 3 x USB 2.0 (2 x ext,1 x int) 7 x USB 2.0 (4 x ext,3 x int)

Serial Interface 2 x RS232 (1 x external, 1 x internal)

Parallel Interface 1 x LPT1 (EPP/ECP/SPP)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Multimedia 6 channel audio (int), S-Video out 6 channel audio (ext)

Other Interfaces 2 x Firewire (int.) 2 SATA ports (int.)

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 15G

Shock resistance 50G

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed

Front unit

Display diagonal size

12” 15” 17” 19” 21”

30,5 cm 38,1 cm 43,2 cm 48,3 cm 54,1 cm

Resolution 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 1600x1200

Luminosity [cd/m²] 400 430 300 250

Contrast Ratio 500:1 450:1 700:1 800:1 500:1

MTBF backlight [h] 50.000

Input Resistive Touchscreen, 6-wire technology

Touchcontroller Alternatively USB or RS232

Front Alloy anodised, chemical resistant polyester foil

Rating IP65 according EN 60529

dimensions [mm]

a: 400 460 472 540

b: 310 360 383 440

c: 90 95 110

d: 370 429 440 509

e: 290 337 363 406

Weight ca. 10 kg ca. 12kg ca. 13kg ca. 15kg

1 21” version only for 230V, required power + 30W2 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data


Page 33: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01



Low mounting depht• Low power requirements• VIA Eden, VIA C3 processors• Firewire optional• Fanless, passive air conduction• Motionless, no moving parts•

DE 850 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


12” TFT Display, 800x600 Pixel 1

15” TFT Display, 1024x768 Pixel 2

17” TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel 3

19” TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel 4

21” TFT Display, 1600x1200 Pixel 5


VIA Tech EDEN 600MHz fanless 1

VIA Tech C7 1 GHz fanless 2


512 MB 3

1 GB 4


DiscOnModule 512 MB 3

DiscOnModule 1 GB 4

DiscOnModule 2 GB 5

DiscOnModule 4 GB 6


No drives 0

CFC-Adapter 1


110/230 VAC, auto-switch fan 1

24VDC fan 2

110/230 VAC, auto-switch fanless 3

24VDC fanless 4


DIVUS foil 0

neutral, 1 colors 1

customized1 2

Operating system

Microsoft Windows XP Embedded S

Windows Embedded Standard T

Your order code: de 850

1 Frontfoil: min. delivery 25 pcs2 With VIA C7 CPU


www.divus.eu 33

Page 34: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


de 851

Product Type Compact embedded Panel PC

General characteristics

Processor VIA Eden 600 MHz fanless VIA C7 1GHz fanless

Chipset VIA CLE266 + VT8235 VIA CN700 + 8237R plus

Memory 512MB to 1GB DDR RAM 512MB to 1GB DDR2 RAM

Expansion slots 2 PCI-Slots

Operating systems Microsoft Windows XP embedded, Windows Embedded Standard

Power Supply90 - 260 VAC fanless

24 VDC fanless optional1

Power consumption 35 W with 15” Display

Guarantee 24 Months2


Mass Memory DOM (Disk On Module) to 512MB (1, 2 and 4GB optional)

Optical Drives optional CD-Rom or DVD/CD-RW drive, rear side operation

Additional Drives Compact Flash Reader, optional


LAN/Ethernet onboard

USB 3 x USB 2.0 (2 x ext,1 x int) 7 x USB 2.0 (4 x ext,3 x int)

Serial Interface 2 x RS232 (1 x external, 1 x internal)

Parallel Interface 1 x LPT1 (EPP/ECP/SPP)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Multimedia 6 channel audio (int), S-Video out 6 channel audio (ext)

Other Interfaces 2 x Firewire (int.) 2 SATA ports (int.)

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 15G

Shock resistance 50G

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed

Front unit

Display diagonal size

12” 15” 17” 19” 21”

30,5 cm 38,1 cm 43,2 cm 48,3 cm 54,1 cm

Resolution 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 1600x1200

Luminosity [cd/m²] 400 430 300 250

Contrast Ratio 500:1 450:1 700:1 800:1 500:1

MTBF backlight [h] 50.000

Input Resistive Touchscreen, 6-wire technology

Touchcontroller Alternatively USB or RS232

Front Alloy anodised, chemical resistant polyester foil

Rating IP65 according EN 60529

dimensions [mm]

a: 400 460 472 540

b: 310 360 383 440

c: 115 120 135

d: 370 429 440 509

e: 290 337 363 406

Weight ca. 10 kg ca. 12kg ca. 13kg ca. 15kg

1 21” version only for 230V, required power + 30W2 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data


Page 35: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01



2 PCI slots• CD/DVD drive available• Low mounting depht• Low power requirements• VIA Eden, VIA C3 processors• Firewire optional• Fanless, passive air conduction• Motionless, no moving parts•

DE 851 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


12" TFT Display, 800x600 Pixel 1

15" TFT Display, 1024x768 Pixel 2

17" TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel 3

19" TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel 4

21" TFT Display, 1600x1200 Pixel 5


VIA Tech EDEN 600MHz fanless 1

VIA Tech C7 1 GHz fanless 2


512 MB 3

1 GB 4


DiscOnModule 512 MB 3

DiscOnModule 1 GB 4

DiscOnModule 2 GB 5

DiscOnModule 4 GB 6


No drives 0

CFC-Adapter 1

CD ROM, slim Drive 2

COMBO DVD/CD ROM R/W, slim Drive 3

CD ROM, slim Drive+CFC-Adapter 4

COMBO DVD/CD ROM R/W, slim Drive +CFC-Adapter 5


110/230 VAC, auto-switch fan 1

24VDC fan 2

110/230 VAC, auto-switch fanless 3

24VDC fanless 4


DIVUS foil 0

neutral, 1 colors 1

customized1 2

Operating system

Microsoft Windows XP Embedded S

Windows Embedded Standard T

Your order code: de 851

1 Frontfoil: min. delivery 25 pcs2 With VIA C7 CPU


www.divus.eu 35

Page 36: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


de 870

Product Type Compact embedded Panel PC

General characteristics


- Intel® Celeron M 600MHz ULV fanless

Socket P for Intel® Core™2 Duo fan- Intel® Pentium M Dothan, 2

MB L2C 1,6 GHz fan

Chipset Intel® 82852GM GMCH + 82801DB ICH4

Intel® GME965 + ICH8M, 533MHz/800MHz FSB

Memory 256MB to 1GB DDR RAM 512MB to 2GB DDR 2

Expansion slots 1 PCI-Slot

Operating systems Microsoft Windows XP embedded, Windows Embedded Standard

Power Supply90 - 264 VAC auto range

24VDC optional1

Nominal Power 100 W, efficiency up to 88%

Guarantee 24 Months²


Mass Memory DOM (Disk On Module) at 512MB (1, 2 and 4GB optional)

Additional Drives Compact Flash Reader, optional


LAN/Ethernet 2 x RJ45 for 10/100 Mbps Dual PCIe GbE controller

USB 5 x USB 2.0 (4 x external, 1 x internal)

Serial Interface3 x RS232 (3xext), 1 x RS-232/422/485 (1xint); 8-bit Digital I/O interface

1 x RS232 (ext), 1 x RS -232/422/485 (int)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Display 1 free VGA port (dual display architecture)

Multimedia Mic in, Line out

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard, auto throttling control when CPU overheats

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 15G

Shock resistance 50G

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed

Front unit

Display diagonal size

12” 15” 17” 19” 21”

30,5 cm 38,1 cm 43,2 cm 48,3 cm 54,1 cm

Resolution 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 1600x1200

Luminosity [cd/m²] 400 430 300 250

Contrast Ratio 500:1 450:1 700:1 800:1 500:1

MTBF backlight [h] 50.000

Input Resistive Touchscreen, 6-wire technology

Touchcontroller Alternatively USB or RS232

Front Alloy anodised, chemical resistant polyester foil

Rating IP65 according EN 60529

dimensions [mm]

a: 400 460 472 540

b: 310 360 383 440

c: 90 95 110

d: 370 429 440 509

e: 290 337 363 406

Weight ca. 10 kg ca. 12kg ca. 13kg ca. 15kg

1 21” version only for 230V, required power + 30W2 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data


Page 37: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01



Fanless, passive air conduction• Motionless, no moving parts• Intel® ULV processor, • Intel® Pentium M possible Intel® Core possibleLow mounting depht• High power efficiency• High performance• Dual display architecture• Dual LAN•

DE 870 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


12" TFT Display, 800x600 Pixel 1

15" TFT Display, 1024x768 Pixel 2

17" TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel 3

19" TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel 4

21" TFT Display, 1600x1200 Pixel 5


ULV Celeron M ≥ 600MHz fanless 1

Pentium M725, 1,6GHz, Dothan fan 3

Core2Duo socket P fan 5


256 MB 2

512 MB 3

1 GB 4

2 GB1 5


DiscOnModule 512 MB 3

DiscOnModule 1 GB 4

DiscOnModule 2 GB 5

DiscOnModule 4 GB 6


No drives 0

CFC-Adapter 1


110/230 VAC, auto-switch fanless 1

24 VDC fanless 2


DIVUS foil 0

neutral, 1 colors 1

customized2 2

Operating system

Microsoft Windows XP Embedded S

Windows Embedded Standard T

Your order code: de 8701 Only with core2duo board 2 Frontfoil: min. delivery 25 pcs3 With Celeron M CPU

www.divus.eu 37

Page 38: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


de 871

Product Type Compact Panel PC

General characteristics


- Intel® Celeron M 600MHz ULV fanless Socket P for Intel® Core™2

Duo fan- Intel® Pentium M Dothan, 2 MB L2C 1,6 GHz fan

Chipset Intel® 82852GM GMCH + 82801DB ICH4

Intel® GME965 + ICH8M, 533MHz/800MHz FSB

Memory 256MB to 1GB DDR RAM 512MB to 2GB DDR 2

Expansion slots 2 PCI-Slot

Operating systems Microsoft Windows XP embedded, Windows Embedded Standard

Power Supply90 - 264 VAC auto range

24VDC optional1

Nominal Power 100 W, efficiency up to 88%

Guarantee 24 Months²


Mass Memory DOM (Disk On Module) at 512MB (1, 2 and 4GB optional)

Optical Drives optional CD-Rom or DVD/CD-RW drive, rear side operation

Additional Drives Compact Flash Reader, optional


LAN/Ethernet 2 x RJ45 for 10/100 Mbps Dual PCIe GbE controller

USB 5 x USB 2.0 (4 x external, 1 x internal)

Serial Interface3 x RS232 (3xext), 1 x RS-232/422/485 (1xint); 8-bit Digital I/O interface

1 x RS232 (ext), 1 x RS -232/422/485 (int)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Display 1 free VGA port (dual display architecture)

Multimedia Mic in, Line out

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard, auto throttling control when CPU overheats

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 15G

Shock resistance 50G

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed

Front unit

Display diagonal size

12” 15” 17” 19” 21”

30,5 cm 38,1 cm 43,2 cm 48,3 cm 54,1 cm

Resolution 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 1600x1200

Luminosity [cd/m²] 400 430 300 250

Contrast Ratio 500:1 450:1 700:1 800:1 500:1

MTBF backlight [h] 50.000

Input Resistive Touchscreen, 6-wire technology

Touchcontroller Alternatively USB or RS232

Front Alloy anodised, chemical resistant polyester foil

Rating IP65 according EN 60529

dimensions [mm]

a: 400 460 472 540

b: 310 360 383 440

c: 115 120 135

d: 370 429 440 509

e: 290 337 363 406

Weight ca. 10 kg ca. 12kg ca. 13kg ca. 15kg

1 21” version only for 230V, required power + 30W2 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data


Page 39: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


DE 871 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


12" TFT Display, 800x600 Pixel 1

15" TFT Display, 1024x768 Pixel 2

17" TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel 3

19" TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel 4

21" TFT Display, 1600x1200 Pixel 5


ULV Celeron M ≥600MHz fanless 1

Pentium M725, 1,6GHz, Dothan fan 3

Core2Duo socket P fan 5


256 MB 2

512 MB 3

1 GB 4

2 GB1 5


DiscOnModule 512 MB 3

DiscOnModule 1 GB 4

DiscOnModule 2 GB 5

DiscOnModule 4 GB 6


No drives 0

CFC-Adapter 1

CD ROM, slim Drive 2

COMBO DVD/CD ROM R/W, slim Drive 3

CD ROM, slim Drive+CFC-Adapter 4

COMBO DVD/CD ROM R/W, slim Drive + CFC-Adapter 5


110/230 VAC, auto-switch fanless 1

24 VDC fanless 2


DIVUS foil 0

neutral, 1 colors 1

customized2 2

Operating system

Microsoft Windows XP Embedded S

Windows Embedded Standard T

Your order code: de 871

1 Only with Core2duo board2 Frontfoil: min. delivery 25 pcs3 With Celeron M CPU


2 PCI Slots• Fanless, passive air conduction• Motionless, no moving parts• Intel® ULV processor, • Intel® Pentium M possible Intel® Core possibleLow mounting depht• High power efficiency• High performance• Dual display architecture• Dual LAN•


www.divus.eu 39

Page 40: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


de 891

Product Type Compact embedded Panel PC

General characteristics

Processor Intel® Atom™ Processor N270 1.6GHz with 533MHz FSB 512K L2 Cache -- FANLESS

Chipset Intel® 945GSE + Intel® ICH7M

Memory 512MB to 2GB DDR2 SDRAM SO-DIMM

Expansion slots 1 x PCI Slots

Operating systems Microsoft Windows XP embedded, Windows Embedded Standard

Power Supply90 - 260 VAC fanless

10 - 36 VDC fanless optional

Power consumption 25 W with 15” LED Monitor

Guarantee 24 Months1


Mass Memory DOM (Disk On Module) at 512MB (1, 2 and 4GB optional)

Additional Drives Compact Flash Reader, optional


LAN/Ethernet Dual PCIe Gigabit ethernet controller onboard

USB 7 x USB2.0 (4 x ext., 3 x int)

Serial Interface 5 x RS232 (2 x ext 3 x int), 1 x RS -232/422/485 (ext)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Video 1 x VGA Port, Supports HD resolutionIntel® Graphics Media Accelerator 950 (Intel® GMA 950)

Multimedia Realtek ALC655 AC'97 Codec

Other Interfaces Digital I/O 16-bits GPIO (int)

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 15G

Shock resistance 50G

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed

Front unit

Display diagonal size

12” 15” LED 17” 19” 21”

30,5 cm 38,1 cm 43,2 cm 48,3 cm 54,1 cm

Resolution 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 1600x1200

Luminosity [cd/m²] 400 350 300 250

Contrast Ratio 500:1 550:1 700:1 800:1 500:1

MTBF backlight [h] 50.000

Input Resistive Touchscreen, 6-wire technology

Touchcontroller Alternatively USB or RS232

Front Alloy anodised, chemical resistant polyester foil

Rating IP65 according EN 60529

dimensions [mm]

a: 400 460 472 540

b: 310 360 383 440

c: 90 95 110

d: 370 429 440 509

e: 290 337 363 406

Weight ca. 10 kg ca. 12kg ca. 13kg ca. 15kg

1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data


Page 41: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


DE 890 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


12" TFT Display, 800x600 Pixel 1

15" TFT Display, 1024x768 Pixel, LED Backlight 2

17" TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel 3

19" TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel 4

21" TFT Display, 1600x1200 Pixel 5


Intel® Atom™ Processor N270 1.6GHz 2


512 MB 3

1 GB 4

2 GB 5


DiscOnModule 512 MB 3

DiscOnModule 1 GB 4

DiscOnModule 2 GB 5

DiscOnModule 4 GB 6


No drives 0

CFC-Adapter 1


110/230 VAC, auto-switch fanless 1

9 - 28 VDC fanless 2


DIVUS foil 0

neutral, 1 colors 1

customized1 2

Operating system

Microsoft Windows XP Embedded S

Windows Embedded Standard T

Your order code: de 890

1 Frontfoil: min. delivery 25 pcs


Ultra LOW power requirements• HIGH performance• Intel ATOM processor• 1 PCI Slots• Fanless, passive air conduction• Motionless, no moving parts• Long life LED backlight Display• Low mounting depht• High power efficiency• High performance• Dual display architecture• DUAL Gigabit LAN•

www.divus.eu 41

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Vers. IKA_10_01


de 891

Product Type Compact embedded Panel PC

General characteristics

Processor Intel® Atom™ Processor N270 1.6GHz with 533MHz FSB 512K L2 Cache -- FANLESS

Chipset Intel® 945GSE + Intel® ICH7M

Memory 512MB to 2GB DDR2 SDRAM SO-DIMM

Expansion slots 2 x PCI Slots

Operating systems Microsoft Windows XP embedded, Windows Embedded Standard

Power Supply90 - 260 VAC fanless

10 - 36 VDC fanless optional

Power consumption 25 W with 15” LED Monitor

Guarantee 24 Months1


Mass Memory DOM (Disk On Module) at 512MB (1, 2 and 4GB optional)

Optical Drives optional CD-Rom or DVD/CD-RW drive, rear side operation

Additional Drives Compact Flash Reader, optional


LAN/Ethernet Dual PCIe Gigabit ethernet controller onboard

USB 7 x USB2.0 (4 x ext., 3 x int)

Serial Interface 5 x RS232 (2 x ext 3 x int), 1 x RS -232/422/485 (ext)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Video 1 x VGA Port, Supports HD resolutionIntel® Graphics Media Accelerator 950 (Intel® GMA 950)

Multimedia Realtek ALC655 AC'97 Codec

Other Interfaces Digital I/O 16-bits GPIO (int)

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 15G

Shock resistance 50G

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed

Front unit

Display diagonal size

12” 15” LED 17” 19” 21”

30,5 cm 38,1 cm 43,2 cm 48,3 cm 54,1 cm

--Resolution 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 1600x1200

Luminosity [cd/m²] 400 350 300 250

Contrast Ratio 500:1 550:1 700:1 800:1 500:1

MTBF backlight [h] 50.000

Input Resistive Touchscreen, 6-wire technology

Touchcontroller Alternatively USB or RS232

Front Alloy anodised, chemical resistant polyester foil

Rating IP65 according EN 60529

dimensions [mm]

a: 400 460 472 540

b: 310 360 383 440

c: 115 120 135

d: 370 429 440 509

e: 290 337 363 406

Weight ca. 10 kg ca. 12kg ca. 13kg ca. 15kg

1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data


Page 43: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


DE 891 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


12" TFT Display, 800x600 Pixel 1

15" TFT Display, 1024x768 Pixel, LED Backlight1 2

17" TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel 3

19" TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel1 4

21" TFT Display, 1600x1200 Pixel 5


Intel® Atom™ Processor N270 1.6GHz 2


512 MB 3

1 GB 4

2 GB 5


DiscOnModule 512 MB 3

DiscOnModule 1 GB 4

DiscOnModule 2 GB 5

DiscOnModule 4 GB 6


No drives 0

CFC-Adapter 1

CD ROM, slim Drive1 2

COMBO DVD/CD ROM R/W, slim Drive 3

CD ROM, slim Drive+CFC-Adapter 4

COMBO DVD/CD ROM R/W, slim Drive + CFC-Adapter 5


110/230 VAC, auto-switch fanless 1

9 - 28 VDC fanless 2


DIVUS foil 0

neutral, 1 colors 1

customized2 2

Operating system

Microsoft Windows XP Embedded S

Windows Embedded Standard T

Your order code: de 891


Ultra LOW power requirements• HIGH performance• Intel ATOM processor• 2 PCI Slots• Fanless, passive air conduction• Motionless, no moving parts• Long life LED backlight Display• Low mounting depht• High power efficiency• High performance• Dual display architecture• DUAL Gigabit LAN•

NOTES:1 15” and 19” display size is also available with v2A stainless steel front or projected capacitive touch for cleanroom² Frontfoil: min. delivery 25 pcs

www.divus.eu 43

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Vers. IKA_10_01


divuS STeeL

Product Type Embedded Stainless Steel Integrale PC - IP 65 all around

General characteristics

Processor Intel® Atom™ Processor N270 1.6GHz with 533MHz FSB 512K L2 Cache -- FANLESS

Chipset Intel® 945GSE + Intel® ICH7M

Memory 512MB to 2GB DDR2 SDRAM SO-DIMM

Expansion slots N/A

Operating systems Microsoft Windows XP embedded, Windows Embedded Standard

Power Supply90 - 260 VAC fanless

10 - 36 VDC fanless optional

Power consumption 30 W with 15” LED Monitor

Guarantee 24 Months1


Mass Memory DOM (Disk On Module) at 512MB (1, 2 and 4GB optional)

Additional Drives Compact Flash Reader onboard


LAN/Ethernet Dual PCIe Gigabit ethernet (2 x on VESA connection, optional 1 x IP65 RJ45 externally accessible on bottom; code S-RJ45)

USB 3 x USB2.0 (3 x on VESA connection, optional 1 USB IP65 externally accessible on bottom; code: S-USB)

Serial Interface 2 x RS232 (on VESA connection), optional 1 of them preconfigured to RS422 or RS485


optional Keyboard systemwith touchpadoptional with RFIDsee additional Datasheet DIVUS STEEL Keyboard System

Video Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 950

Multimedia Realtek ALC655 AC'97 Codec (line out, mic in, spk out on VESA connection)

Power Button 1 external power button on bottom side

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 15G

Shock resistance 50G

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Stainless steel V2A

Front unit

Display diagonal size 15“ LED - 38,1 cm

Resolution 1024x768

Luminosity [cd/m²] 350

Contrast Ratio 550:1

MTBF backlight [h] 50.000

Input Resistive Touchscreen, 6-wire technology

Touchcontroller USB

Rating IP65 all around according EN 60529


- by default DIVUS STEEL meets VESA 100 Standard- Type: MIS-D 100- Distance between screw centers: 100 mm × 100 mm- Screws needed: M4

dimensions [mm]

a: 440

b: 330

c: 65

Weight ca. 15kg

1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.-All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data





Page 45: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


DIVUS STEEL Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


15" TFT Display, 1024x768 Pixel, LED Backlight 2


Intel® Atom™ Processor N270 1.6GHz 2


512 MB 3

1 GB 4

2 GB 5


Hard Disk 20 GB 1

DiscOnModule 512 MB 3

DiscOnModule 1 GB 4

DiscOnModule 2 GB 5

DiscOnModule 4 GB 6

Industrial Flash Disk 8 GB 7

Industrial Flash Disk 16 GB 8

Industrial Flash Disk 32 GB 9

Additional Memory

No drives 0

CF-Card 2 GB (bis 8 GB) ?


110/230 VAC, auto-switch fanless 1

24 VDC fanless 2

Front Design


customized1 2

Operating system

Microsoft Windows XP Embedded S

Windows Embedded Standard T

Your order code: d-STeeL

1 Customization: min. delivery 50 pcs2 Preconfigurated - specifiy on order


Stanless steel housing (V2A)• meets food plant hygiene standards• IP65 around• interface pass through using • VESA 100 connectionUltra LOW power requirements• HIGH performance• Intel ATOM processor• Fanless, passive air conduction• Motionless, no moving parts• Long life LED backlight Display• Low mounting depht• High power efficiency• High performance• Intel PRO Chipset• Dual display architecture• DUAL Gigabit LAN•

www.divus.eu 45

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Vers. IKA_10_01

RFid keyboard System

DIVUS STEEL Keyboard System prepared to work with your preferred RFID standard

- Full standard keyboard (German layout) - Touchpad integrated- IP 65 All around- meets food plant hygiene standards - Integrated in DIVUS STEEL mechanics- prepared to contain customers RFID standard

Standard keyboard system

DIVUS STEEL Keyboard System Standard

- Full standard keyboard (German layout) - Touchpad integrated- IP 65 All around- meets food plant hygiene standards - Integrated in DIVUS STEEL mechanics

keyboard System



Page 47: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


DIVUS STEEL mounting example

- High quality V2A base for freestanding DIVUS STEEL positioning- Measures::


USB Interface external, IP65, cable lenght 0,6m


RJ45 Interface external, IP65, cable lenght 0,6m



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Vers. IKA_10_01

STeeL Monitor

Product Type Embedded Stainless Steel Integrale Monitor - IP 65 all around

Front unit

Display diagonal size 15“ LED - 38,1 cm

Resolution 1024x768

Luminosity [cd/m²] 350

Contrast Ratio 550:1

MTBF backlight [h] 50.000

Input Resistive Touchscreen, 6-wire technology

Touchcontroller USB

Rating IP65 all around according EN 60529

General characteristics

Power Supply90-264 VAC autorange

24VDC optional

Power consumption 30 W for 15” Display

Guarantee 24 Months1


VGA / DVI Connect with the VGA or DVI-Output of your box PC

Touch Connect with the USB- or Port of your box PC

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 0,67G (5-500Mhz)

Shock resistance 300G/2ms

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

dimensions [mm]

a: 440

b: 330

c: 65

Weight ca. 12 kg

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Stainless steel V2A

1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.-All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data






Page 49: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

DIVUS STEEL Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


15" TFT Display, 1024x768 Pixel, LED Backlight 2

Grafic Interface

VGA and DVI (24+1) dual link 0


no configuration 0 0 0


110/230 VAC, auto-switch 1

24VDC, option 2



customized2 2

Operating system

no configuration 0

Your order code: d-STeeL

2 Customization: min. delivery 50 pcs


Stanless steel housing (V2A)• meets food plant hygiene standards• IP65 around• interface pass through using • VESA 100 connectionUltra LOW power requirements• Low profile• DVI and VGA connection•


www.divus.eu 49

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Vers. IKA_10_01


OPAL: clever, schön, flexibel

OPAL ist ein in sich gekapselter Industrie PC mit anspruchvollem Design.Seine Konfigurationsvielfalt und Optionen unterstützen Sie nicht nur bei der Erfüllung Ihrer Aufgabe, sonder reduziert Kosten. OPAL benötigt kein Gehäuse, kann aufgehängt, aufgestellt oder an die Wand gehängt werden. Formschöne Anbauelemente für Schalter und Leuchtmelder werden in IP65 leicht integriert. Wenn es sein muss auch eine voll-wertige Tastatur.Schock und Vibrationen steckt OPAL, dank nicht rotierender Elemente locker weg.Auf hohe CPU Performance ist nicht zu verzichten. Das clevere passive Kühlsystem macht es möglich.

OPAL: clever, beautiful, flexible

OPAL - the encapsulated Industrial PC with sophisticated design. The various configuration and option possibilities support the user in each application and reduce cost. OPAL needs no additional enclosure and can be fixed directly to a support arm, pedestal system or a wall. Shapely optional element to integrate switches, control lamps can be mounted easily in IP65 rating. If necessary a complete PC keyboard. Shock and vibration is not a problem, because OPAL uses non rotating components. A clever passive cooling system makes it possible to select one of our high performance CPU´s.

OPAL: intelligente, bello, flessibile

OPAL è un PC industriale con un design sofisticato. Le innumerevoli configurazioni ed opzioni supportano l’utente in ogni ambito applicativo e riducono i costi. OPAL non necessita di ulteriori contenitori e può essere fissato diretta-mente a supporti mobili, piedistalli o a muro. In caso di necessità può essere integrato con una tastiera. OPAL non adopera componenti in movimento e non è pertanto sensibile a schock e vibrazioni. Un efficace sistema di raffredda-mento passivo rende possibile l’utilizzo di CPU ad alte prestazioni.

38,1 cm


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Vers. IKA_10_01



IP65 around• Rear side accessible•

installation/maintenance practicable by one personFanless, passive air conduction• Motionless, no moving parts• High Performance• Low Power consumption• 1 PCI Slot•

OPAL Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


15” TFT Display, 1024x768 Pixel 2


VIA Eden™ 533MHz 1

Intel® Atom™ Processor N270 1.6GHz 2

Intel® Core™ Duo 2GHz 3


512 MB 3

1 GB1 4

2 GB2 5


DiscOnModule 512 MB 3

DiscOnModule 1 GB 4

DiscOnModule 2 GB 5

DiscOnModule 4 GB 6


No drives 0

CFC-Adapter (occupies expansion slot) 1


110/230 VAC, auto-switch fanless 3

24 VDC fanless 4


DIVUS foil 0

customized3 2

Operating system

Microsoft Windows XP Embedded S

Windows Embedded Standard2 T

Your order code: OPAL

1 with VIA C7® 1,5GHz and Intel® Core™ Duo2 not possible with VIA Eden3 Frontfoil: min. delivery 25 pcs

warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Pre-configurated version

OPAL 15Ce 15” Display (1024x768) - VIA Eden™ 533MHz - 128MB SDRAM - 64MB Flash - CFC Adapter - 230VAC (24VDC Optional) - CE.net or CE 5.0

www.divus.eu 51

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Vers. IKA_10_01


OPAL viA eden ®

Product Type Embedded Integrale PC - IP 65 all around

General characteristics

Processor VIA Eden 533 MHz fanless

Chipset VIA 8601A + VT8231

Memory 512MB SDRAM

Expansion slots 1 PCI slot

Operating systems Microsoft Windows XP-embedded

Power Supply90 - 260 VAC fanless

24 VDC fanless optional

Power consumption 30 W with 15” Display

Guarantee 24 Months1


Mass Memory DOM (Disk On Module) to 1GB

Additional Drives CF Card Reader optional


LAN/Ethernet 1 x RJ45 internal

USB 3 x USB 1.1 (2 x internal, 1 x pin header)

Serial Interface 1 x RS232 (1 x internal)

Parallel Interface 1 x LPT1 (EPP/ECP/SPP) (1 x internal)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2 (2 x internal)

Multimedia S-video/RCA Video port, SPDIF output, microphone, Line in/out (int)

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 15G

Shock resistance 50G

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data

Front unit

Display diagonal size 15” - 38,1 cm

Resolution 1024x768

Luminosity [cd/m²] 430

Contrast Ratio 450:1

MTBF backlight [h] 50.000

Input Resistive Touchscreen, 6-wire technology

Touchcontroller USB controller

Front Alloy anodised, chemical resistant polyester foil

Rating IP65 according EN 60529


Page 53: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order. All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data


Front unit

Display diagonal size 15” - 38,1 cm LED Backlight

Resolution 1024x768

Luminosity [cd/m²] 350

Contrast Ratio 550:1

MTBF backlight [h] 50.000

Input Resistive Touchscreen, 6-wire technology

Touchcontroller Alternatively USB or RS232

Front Alloy anodised, chemical resistant polyester foil

Rating IP65 according EN 60529

OPAL intel® Atom

Product Type Embedded Integrale PC - IP 65 all around

General characteristics

Processor Intel® Atom™ Processor N270 1.6GHz with 533MHz FSB 512K L2 Cache -- FANLESS

Chipset Intel® 945GSE + Intel® ICH7M

Memory 512MB to 2GB DDR2 SDRAM SO-DIMM

Expansion slots 1 x PCI Slots

Operating systems Microsoft Windows XP embedded, Windows Embedded Standard

Power Supply90 - 260 VAC fanless

10 - 36 VDC fanless optional

Power consumption 25 W with 15” LED Monitor

Guarantee 24 Months1


Mass Memory DOM (Disk On Module) at 512MB (1, 2 and 4GB optional)

Additional Drives Compact Flash Reader, optional


LAN/Ethernet Dual PCIe Gigabit ethernet internal

USB 7 x USB2.0 (4 x int., 3 x pin header)

Serial Interface 5 x RS232 (2 x int 3 x pin header), 1 x RS -232/422/485 (int)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2 (int)

Video 1 x VGA Port int., Supports HD resolutionIntel® Graphics Media Accelerator 950 (Intel® GMA 950)

Multimedia Realtek ALC655 AC'97 Codec

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 15G

Shock resistance 50G

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit partly alloy anodized, partly powder coated, EMC proofed

www.divus.eu 53

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Vers. IKA_10_01


1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data


Product Type Embedded Integrale PC - IP 65 all around

General characteristics

Processor Intel® Core™ Processor

Chipset Mobile Intel® GM965 + ICH8M-E

Memory up to 2GB DDR2 RAM

Expansion slots 1 PCI-Slot

Operating systems Microsoft Windows XP embedded, Windows Embedded Standard

Power Supply90 - 260 VAC fanless

24 VDC fanless optional

Power consumption 45 W with 15” Display

Guarantee 24 Months1


Mass Memory DOM (Disk On Module) to 4GB

Additional Drives Compact Flash Reader, optional


LAN/Ethernet 2 x Intel® GbE RJ45 internal

USB 7 x USB 2.0 (4 x internal, 3 x pin header)

Serial Interface 3 x RS232, 1 x RS232/422/485 (3 x internel, 1 x pin header)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2 (2 x internal)

Video 1 x VGA port internal

Multimedia HD Audio interface with Realtek ALC883

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Surveillance Watchdog timer

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 15G

Shock resistance 50G

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit partly alloy anodized, partly powder coated, EMC proofed

Front unit

Display diagonal size 15” - 38,1 cm

Resolution 1024x768

Luminosity [cd/m²] 430

Contrast Ratio 450:1

MTBF backlight [h] 50.000

Input Resistive Touchscreen, 6-wire technology

Touchcontroller Alternatively USB or RS232

Front Alloy anodised, chemical resistant polyester foil

Rating IP65 according EN 60529


Page 55: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01



OPAL Acessories

OPAL kit-Wall

Vesa 75Inclusive OPAL Kit-IP54

OPAL kit-iP54

Protection classification IP 54 cable pass throughOPAL Kit-IP54 may be mounted on the top and on the bottom side of OPAL for cable pass through

OPAL Kit-S-Ext

OPAL switch extension Kit - 4 x 22 mm holesSingle kit without control units. Two kits mountable on each OPAL

OPAL kb-holder

Keyboard Holder for OPALInclusive OPAL Kit-IP54

S_uSb / S_RJ45

USB Interface or RJ45 Interface external, IP65, cable lenght 0,6m


Mounting preparation for Bernstein adapter for narrow profile

www.divus.eu 55

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Vers. IKA_10_01



divuS inTeGRALe – die kompakte IPC Station als Alternative! Die Produktreihe INTEGRALE kombiniert die robuste Hardwa-retechnologie unsere IPC Einbauversionen mit einem Gehäuse. Dabei steht im Vordergrund das Sie alles in einem Produkt rea-lisiert bekommen. INTEGRALE liefern wir mit einem VESA An-schluss für Tragarm- und Liftsysteme, nach der Devise „mount and use“. Integrale liefern wir als:

divuS inTeGRALe – the capsulated IPC Workstation as a al-ternative solution! The product range INTEGRALE combines the robust hardware technology of our IPC built-in products with an enclosure. The user benefit: a “all in one” product. INTEGRALE is mounted to support arm or pedestal system with VESA standard. “Mount and use” the concept of INTEGRALE. Product portfolio:

divuS inTeGRALe – la workstation compatta come alternati-va! La serie INTEGRALE è la tecnologia hardware robusta dei nostri computer industriali ad incasso integrata in un case come prodotto all in one. Difatti i nostri INTEGRALE sono predisposti di fori di fissaggio a standard VESA per essere attaccato a sistemi a braccio o ascensore. In versione Integrale vi proponiamo:


VersionsdM 200 i15” / 17”38,1 cm / 43,2 cm

de 800 i15” / 17”38,1 cm / 43,2 cm

de 850 i15” / 17”38,1 cm / 43,2 cm

de 870 i15” / 17”38,1 cm / 43,2 cm

dS 650 i15” / 17”38,1 cm / 43,2 cm

dS 670 i15” / 17”38,1 cm / 43,2 cm

IP65 - - - -


Dimensions [mm] 460x360x125 460x360x125 460x360x125 460x360x125 460x360x125 460x360x125

Weight ~ 10 kg ~ 14 kg ~ 14 kg ~ 14 kg ~ 14 kg ~ 14 kg

Technical Information p. 40-41DM 200

p. 22-23DE 800

p. 28-29DE 850

p. 32-33DE 870

p. 14-15DS 650

p. 18-19DS 770

Warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

v2AAls Option können alle DIVUS Industrie-PCs mit 15- und 19-Zoll Bildschirmdiagonale und Schaltschrankeinbau jetzt neu auch mit 3 mm starker Frontplatte aus hochwertigem V2A Edelstahl geliefert werden. Dadurch ist diese beson-ders widerstandsfähig gegen Umwelteinflüsse und Vandalismus. Anwendung: Chemie-, Pharmazie-, Lebensmittelin-dustrie

Optional every DIVUS industrial PC with 15-inch and 19-inch display and control cabinet installation can be supplied with a 3 mm thick front plate made of high-quality, high-grade stainless steel. That way your DIVUS gets particularly resistant against environmental influences and vandalism. Application: Chemistry, pharmacy, food industry

Come opzione tutti i PC industriali DIVUS con schermo da 15 e 19 pollici e fissaggio a pannello sono disponibili con piastra frontale spessa 3 mm in acciaio inossidabile di alta qualità. Questa piastra aumenta la resistenza contro van-dalismo e influenze ambientali.


Page 57: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


Flexibilität, Qualität, Kundenorientierung! Auf Basis unserer Erfahrung und einem breiten Produktspektrum entwickeln und produzieren wir gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden Sonderlösungen.

Flexibility, quality, custom made! Based on our experience and wide product range we develop and produce together with our customer specific solutions.

Flessibilità, qualità, soluzioni particolari! Basandoci sulla nostra esperienza e sulla vasta gamma di prodotti sviluppia-mo e produciamo soluzioni su misura a richiesta dei nostri clienti.

Monitore mit kapazitiven Touch, Antivandalismus Touch und transflektiven, highbrightness Displays, gekapselt oder als open frame Lösung

Monitor with capacitive touch antivandalism touch and transflective, highbrightness display, capsulated or as open frame solution.

Monitor antivandalismo con touch capacitivo e display transflettivo ad alta luminosità, completo di box o come solu-zione open frame.

Der DIVUS BOX PC ist die Basis. Auf dieser Basis liefern wir die individuelle Konfiguration abgestimmt auf Ihre Anwendung. Neben den Standardkonfigurationen entwickeln wir mit Sonderkomponenten die ideale Plattform für Sie. Dazu gehören nicht nur RAID Systeme, Netzwerklösungen, Sonderschnittstellen, Steckplatzerweiterungen. Auch Bauform, Größe und Befestigungsmethode sind anpassbar.

DIVUS BOX PC is the base. Based on this BOX PC we deliver individual configurations designed for your application. Beside our standard configuration possibilities we develop your optimized platform. This includes not only RAID con-trollers, networks, specific interfaces, slot expansion. Also the mechanical design, size and fixing method is modified on your demand.

Il PC BOX DIVUS è la base. Ed attorno a questa base forniamo la configurazione individuale adatta alle esigenze del cliente. Oltre alle configurazioni da catalogo sviluppiamo la Sua piattaforma ideale fornendo sistemi RAID, soluzioni di rete, interfacce specifiche, slot di espansione. Anche la dimensione, l’estetica e le modalità di fissaggio sono adat-tabili.


www.divus.eu 57

Page 58: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


dM 200

Product Type Compact industrial monitor for front mounting

Front Unit 10,4” 12“12“ 15“ 17“ 19" 21“

Display diagonal size 26,4 cm 30,5 cm 38,1 cm 43,2 cm 48,3 cm 54,1 cm

Resolution 1024x768 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 1600x1200

Luminosity [cd/m²] 330 400 430 300 250

Contrast Ratio 450:1 500:1 450:1 700:1 800:1 500:1

MTBF backlight tubes [h] 50.000

Method of operating Resistive Touchscreen, 6-wire technology

Touchcontroller Alternatively USB or RS232

Rating IP65 according EN 60529

General characteristics

Power Supply90-264 VAC autorange2

24VDC optional / 12 VDC for 10” monitor

Power consumption 30 W for 15” Display

Guarantee 24 Months1


VGA / DVI Connect with the VGA or optional DVI-Output of your box PC

Touch Connect with the USB- or RS232-Port of your box PC (depending from the type of the chosen Touchcontroller)

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 0,67G (5-500Mhz)

Shock resistance 300G/2ms

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Dimensions [mm] 10,4“ 12“12“ 15“ 17“ 19" 21“

a: 300 400 460 472 540

b: 230 310 360 383 440

c: 55 65 70 75

d: 282 370 429 440 509

e: 212 290 337 363 406

Weight ca. 3 kg ca. 4 kg ca. 5kg ca. 6kg ca. 7kg

Mechanical Characteristics

Front Alloy anodised, chemical resistant polyester foil

1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.2 10” monitor is delivered with external power supplyAll data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data


Page 59: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


Low profile• Luminosity up to 430 cd/m²• Contrast up to 800:1• Screen size from 12” to 21”• DVI input optional•

DM 200 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


10" TFT Display, 1024x768 Pixel 0

12" TFT Display, 800x600 Pixel 1

15" TFT Display, 1024x768 Pixel 2

17" TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel 3

19" TFT Display, 1280x1024 Pixel 4

21" TFT Display, 1600x1200 Pixel 5

Grafic Interface


DVI (24+1) dual link 1


no configuration 0 0 0


110/230 VAC, auto-switch 1

24VDC, option / 12 VDC for 10” monitor 2


DIVUS foil 0

neutral, 1 colors 1

customized1 2

Operating system

no configuration 0

Your order code: dM 2001 Frontfoil: min. delivery 25 pcs


www.divus.eu 59

Page 60: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

db 100

Product Type Compact Box PC

General characteristics


Intel® Celeron >2,6GHz

Intel® Pentium 4 ≥ 3,0GHz

Core 2 Duo

Chipset VIA P4M900 + VT8237A

Memory 256MB to 2GB DDR2 RAM

Expansion slots 1 x PCIe x16, 1 x PCIe x1, 2 x PCI

Operating systems Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/7

Power Supply

90 - 264 VAC, overload protection, short circuit protection, over voltage protection

24VDC optional

Nominal Power 300 W active PFC, efficiency ≥ 75 %

Guarantee 24 Months1


Mass Memory 2,5“ HDD at 60 GB (optional RAID system)

Optical Drives CD-Rom or optional DVD/CD-RW drive, rear side operation

Additional Drives Floppy, rear side operation


LAN/Ethernet onboard Realtek RTL8201CL

USB 8 x USB 2.0 (4 x ext, 4 x int)

Serial Interface 2 x RS232 (1x int, 1x ext)

Parallel Interface 1 x LPT1 (EPP/ECP)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Video 1 x VGA Port

Multimedia 7.1 channel Audio ALC883

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Fan rotation Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 0,67G (5-500Mhz)

Shock resistance 300G/2ms

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed

dimensions [mm]

a: 368

b: 289

c: 165

Weight ca. 7 kg


1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data


Page 61: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


4 Slots• SATA RAID 0, 1, JBOD possible• High Performance• FSB up to 1066 MHz• High configuration flexibility• Intel® Core™2 Duo, Pentium® D, • Pentium® 4, Celeron® D processorsLookIn Display available•

DB 100 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


no configuration 0

LookIn Display L


Celeron 1000 MHz PIII Board, 3 PCI 1

Celeron 2,6 GHz, LGA775, 2 PCI Slots, 2 PCIe Slots 3

Pentium4, 3.0 GHz LGA775, 2 PCI Slots, 2 PCIe Slots 4

Intel® Core 2 Duo, 2 PCI Slots, 2 PCIe Slots 5


128 MB 1

256 MB 2

512 MB 3

1 GB 4

2 GB 5


CD ROM, slim Drive 1

COMBO DVD/CD ROM R/W, slim Drive 2


2.5" no FD Drive, standard configuration 2

2.5" with FD Drive, option 3


110/230 VAC, auto-switch 1

24VDC, option 2


no configuration 0

Operating system

Microsoft Windows 2000 Prof. MUI A

Microsoft Windows XP Prof. MUI L

Microsoft Windows 7 Prof. M

No operating System 0

Your order code: db 100


LookIn Display is situated on the front of the box and allows to check the status and control the settings of your DIVUS BOX PC. View CPU performance, change IP settings and more on the fly without a monitor, keyboard or mouse attached.

www.divus.eu 61

Page 62: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

db 75

Product Type Compact Box PC

General characteristics

ProcessorIntel® Celeron, 2,6GHz, FSB 400MHz ; Socket 478,

Intel® Pentium 4, 2,4 GHz, FSB 533 MHz; Socket 478,

Chipset Intel® FW82845GV GMCH/FW82801DB ICH4

Memory 256MB to 2GB DDR SDRAM

Expansion slots 3 PCI-Slot (1 x AGP shared)

Operating systems Microsoft Windows 2000/XP, Linux, NT 4.0

Power Supply

90 - 264 VAC, overload protection, short circuit protection, over voltage protection

24VDC optional

Nominal Power 300 W active PFC, efficiency ≥ 75 %

Guarantee 24 Months1


Mass Memory 2,5“ HDD at 60 GB (optional RAID system)

Optical Drives CD-Rom or optional DVD/CD-RW drive, rear side operation

Additional Drives Floppy, rear side operation


LAN/Ethernet 1 x RJ45 / IEEE 802.3 compatible , Realtek RTL8101L

USB 6 x USB 2.0 (2 x ext., 4 x int.)

Serial Interface 2 x RS232 (1 x ext., 1 x int.)

Parallel Interface 1 x LPT1 (EPP/ECP)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Video 1 x VGA / Intel® Extreme Graphics controller

Multimedia Mic in, Line in, CD Audio in, Line out / Intel® ICH4

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Fan rotation Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 0,67G (5-500Mhz)

Shock resistance 300G/2ms

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed

dimensions [mm]

a: 368

b: 289

c: 165

Weight ca. 7 kg


1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data


Page 63: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


Long term availability• 4 Slots• High Performance• High configuration flexibility• High grade industrial components• LookIn Display available•

DB 75 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


no configuration 0

LookIn Display L


Celeron 2,6 GHz, P4 Board 3 PCI Slots 3

Pentium 4 2,4 GHz, P4 Board 3 PCI Slots 4


256 MB 2

512 MB 3

1 GB 4

2 GB 5


CD ROM, slim Drive 1

COMBO DVD/CD ROM R/W, slim Drive 2


2.5" no FD Drive, standard configuration 2

2.5" with FD Drive, option 3


110/230 VAC, auto-switch 1

24VDC, option 2


no configuration 0

Operating system

Microsoft Windows 2000 Prof. MUI A

Microsoft Windows XP Prof. MUI L

Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 N

Preinstalled LINUX X

No operating System 0

Your order code: db 75


LookIn Display is situated on the front of the box and allows to check the status and control the settings of your DIVUS BOX PC. View CPU performance, change IP settings and more on the fly without a monitor, keyboard or mouse attached.

www.divus.eu 63

Page 64: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

db 600

Product Type Compact box PC

General characteristics

ProcessorIntel® Celeron >2,6GHz

Intel® Pentium 4 > 2,0GHz

Chipset Intel® FW82845GV GMCH/FW82801DB ICH4

Memory 256MB to 2GB DDR RAM

Expansion slots 1 PCI-Slot

Operating systems Microsoft Windows 2000/XP, Linux

Power Supply115/230 VAC switchable

24VDC optional

Nominal Power 220W

Guarantee 24 Months1


Mass Memory 2,5“ HDD at 60 GB

Optical Drives optional CD-Rom or DVD/CD-RW drive, rear side operation

Additional Drives Compact Flash reader optional


LAN/Ethernet onboard

USB 6 x USB 2.0 (2 x external, 4 x internal)

Serial Interface 2 x RS232 (1 x external, 1 x internal)

Parallel Interface 1 x LPT1 (EPP/ECC)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Video 1 x VGA Port

Multimedia Audio I/O, Microphone, MIDI

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Fan rotation Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 0,67G (5-500Mhz)

Shock resistance 300G/2ms

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed

dimensions [mm]

a: 368

b: 289

c: 85

Weight ca. 7 kg


1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data


Page 65: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


Long term availability• High performance • Low mounting depht• High configuration flexibility• High grade industrial components•

DB 600 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


no configuration 0


Celeron 2,6 GHz 1

Pentium 4 >2,0 GHz 2


256 MB 2

512 MB 3

1 GB 4

2 GB 5


CD ROM, slim Drive 1

COMBO DVD/CD ROM R/W, slim Drive 2

FD Drive eliminates PCI slot

no FD Drive, 1 free PCI slot with 2.5" HDD 0

with FD Drive, no PCI slot with 2.5" HDD 1


230VAC 1

110/230 VAC, auto-switch 2

24VDC 3


no configuration 0

Operating system

Microsoft Windows 2000 Prof. MUI A

Microsoft Windows XP Prof. MUI L

Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 N

Preinstalled LINUX X

No operating System 0

Your order code: db 600


www.divus.eu 65

Page 66: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

db 650

Product Type Compact box PC

General characteristics

Processor VIA Eden 600 MHz fanless VIA C7 1GHz fanless

Chipset VIA CLE266 + VT8235 VIA CN700 + 8237R plus

Memory 256MB to 1GB DDR RAM 256MB to 1GB DDR2 RAM

Expansion slots 1 PCI-Slot

Operating systems Microsoft Windows 2000/XP

Power Supply230VAC with fan

optional 230VAC fanless, 24 VDC fan/fanless

Nominal Power 85 W, efficiency > 74%

Guarantee 24 Months1


Mass Memory 2,5“ HDD at 60 GB (optional DiskOnModule at 512MB,1GB,2GB or 4GB)


LAN/Ethernet onboard

USB 4 x USB 2.0 (2 x ext,2 x int) 8 x USB 2.0 (4 x ext,4 x int)

Serial Interface 2 x RS232 (1 x external, 1 x internal)

Parallel Interface 1 x LPT1 (EPP/ECP/SPP)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Video 1 x VGA Port

Multimedia 6 channel audio (int), S-Video out 6 channel audio (ext)

Other Interfaces 2 x Firewire (int.) 2 SATA ports (int.)

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Fan rotation Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 0,67G (5-500Mhz)

Shock resistance 300G/2ms

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed

dimensions [mm]

a: 368

b: 289

c: 55

Weight ca. 6 kg


1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data


Page 67: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


Low mounting depht• Low power requirements• VIA Eden, VIA C3 processors• Firewire optional•

DB 650 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


no configuration 0


VIA Tech EDEN 600MHz fanless 1

VIA Tech C7 1 GHz fanless 2


256 MB 2

512 MB 3

1 GB 4


HDD 2.5” min 60 GB 1

DiscOnModule 512 MB 3

DiscOnModule 1 GB 4

DiscOnModule 2 GB 5

DiscOnModule 4 GB 6


No drives 0

CFC-Adapter 1


110/230 VAC, auto-switch, fan 1

24VDC fan 2

110/230 VAC, auto-switch fanless 3

24 VDC fanless 4


no configuration 0

Operating system

Microsoft Windows 2000 Prof. MUI A

Microsoft Windows XP Prof. MUI L

No operating System 0

Your order code: db 650


1 With VIA C7 CPU


www.divus.eu 67

Page 68: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

db 651

Product Type Compact box PC

General characteristics

Processor VIA Eden 600 MHz fanless VIA C7 1GHz fanless

Chipset VIA CLE266 + VT8235 VIA CN700 + 8237R plus

Memory 256MB to 1GB DDR RAM 256MB to 1GB DDR2 RAM

Expansion slots 2 PCI-Slots

Operating systems Microsoft Windows 2000/XP

Power Supply230VAC with fan

optional 230VAC fanless, 24 VDC fan/fanless

Nominal Power 85 W, efficiency > 74%

Guarantee 24 Months1


Mass Memory 2,5“ HDD at 60 GB (optional DiskOnModule at 512MB,1GB,2GB or 4GB)

Optical Drives optional CD-Rom or DVD/CD-RW drive, rear side operation


LAN/Ethernet onboard

USB 4 x USB 2.0 (2 x ext,2 x int) 8 x USB 2.0 (4 x ext,4 x int)

Serial Interface 2 x RS232 (1 x external, 1 x internal)

Parallel Interface 1 x LPT1 (EPP/ECP/SPP)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Video 1 x VGA Port

Multimedia 6 channel audio (int), S-Video out 6 channel audio (ext)

Other Interfaces 2 x Firewire (int.) 2 SATA ports (int.)

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Fan rotation Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 0,67G (5-500Mhz)

Shock resistance 300G/2ms

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed

dimensions [mm]

a: 368

b: 289

c: 80

Weight ca. 6 kg


1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data


Page 69: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


2 PCI slots• CD/DVD drive available• Low mounting depht• Low power requirements• VIA Eden, VIA C3 processors• Firewire optional• LookIn Display available•

DB 651 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


no configuration 0

LookIn Display L


VIA Tech Eden 600 MHz fanless 1

VIA Tech C7 1 GHz fanless 2


256 MB 2

512 MB 3

1 GB 4


HDD 2.5” min 60 GB 1

DiscOnModule 512 MB 3

DiscOnModule 1 GB 4

DiscOnModule 2 GB 5

DiscOnModule 4 GB 6


No drives 0

CFC-Adapter 1

CD ROM, slim Drive 2

COMBO DVD/CD ROM R/W, slim Drive 3

CD ROM, slim Drive+CFC-Adapter 4

COMBO DVD/CD ROM R/W, slim Drive + CFC-Adapter



110/230 VAC, auto-switch fan 1

24 VDC fan 2

110/230 VAC, auto-switch fanless 3

24 VDC fanless 4


no configuration 0

Operating system

Microsoft Windows 2000 Prof. MUI A

Microsoft Windows XP Prof. MUI L

No operating System 0

Your order code: db 651


1 With VIA C7 CPU


LookIn Display is situated on the top of the box and allows to check the status and control the settings of your DIVUS BOX PC. View CPU performance, change IP settings and more on the fly without a monitor, keyboard or mouse attached.

www.divus.eu 69

Page 70: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

db 670

Product Type Compact box PC

General characteristics


- Intel® Celeron M 600MHz ULV fanless

Socket P for Intel® Core™2 Duo fan

- Intel® Pentium M Dothan, 2 MB L2C 1,6 GHz fan

Chipset Intel® 82852GM GMCH + 82801DB ICH4

Intel® GME965 + ICH8M, 533MHz/800MHz FSB

Memory 256MB to 1GB DDR RAM 512MB to 2GB DDR 2

Expansion slots 1 PCI-Slot

Operating systems Microsoft Windows 2000/XP

Power Supply90 - 264 VAC auto range

24VDC optional

Power consumption 25 W

Guarantee 24 Months1


Mass Memory 2,5“ HDD at 60 GB (optional DiskOnModule at 512MB,1GB,2GB or 4GB)


LAN/Ethernet 2 x RJ45 for 10/100 Mbps Dual PCIe GbE controller

USB 6 x USB 2.0 (4 x external, 2 x internal)

Serial Interface3 x RS232 (3xext), 1 x RS-232/422/485 (1xint); 8-bit Digital I/O interface

1 x RS232 (ext), 1 x RS -232/422/485 (int)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Display 1 free VGA port (dual display architecture)

Multimedia Mic in, Line out

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard, auto throttling control when CPU overheats

Fan rotation Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 0,67G (5-500Mhz)

Shock resistance 300G/2ms

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed

dimensions [mm]

a: 368

b: 289

c: 55

Weight ca. 6 kg


1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data


Page 71: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


Intel® ULV processor, • Intel® Pentium M possible Intel® Core possibleLow mounting depht• High power efficiency• High performance• Dual LAN•

DB 670 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


no configuration 0


ULV Celeron M ≥600MHz fanless 1

Pentium M725, 1,6GHz, Dothan fan 3

Core2Duo socket P fan 5


256 MB 2

512 MB 3

1 GB 4

2 GB1 5


HDD 2.5” min 60 GB 1

DiscOnModule 512 MB 3

DiscOnModule 1 GB 4

DiscOnModule 2 GB 5

DiscOnModule 4 GB 6


No drives 0

CFC-Adapter 1


110/230 VAC, auto-switch fanless 1

24 VDC fanless 2


no configuration 0

Operating system

Microsoft Windows 2000 Prof. MUI A

Microsoft Windows XP Prof. MUI L

No operating System 0

Your order code: db 6701 only with core2duo board2 With Celeron M CPU



www.divus.eu 71

Page 72: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

db 671

Product Type Compact box PC

General characteristics


- Intel® Celeron M 600MHz ULV fanless

Socket P for Intel® Core™2 Duo fan

- Intel® Pentium M Dothan, 2 MB L2C 1,6 GHz fan

Chipset Intel® 82852GM GMCH + 82801DB ICH4

Intel® GME965 + ICH8M, 533MHz/800MHz FSB

Memory 256MB to 1GB DDR RAM 512MB to 2GB DDR 2

Expansion slots 2 PCI-Slot

Operating systems Microsoft Windows 2000/XP

Power Supply90 - 264 VAC auto range

24VDC optional

Power consumption 25 W

Guarantee 24 Months1


Mass Memory 2,5“ HDD at 60 GB (optional DiskOnModule at 512MB,1GB,2GB or 4GB)

Optical Drives optional CD-Rom or DVD/CD-RW drive, rear side operation


LAN/Ethernet 2 x RJ45 for 10/100 Mbps Dual PCIe GbE controller

USB 6 x USB 2.0 (4 x external, 2 x internal)

Serial Interface3 x RS232 (3xext), 1 x RS-232/422/485 (1xint); 8-bit Digital I/O interface

1 x RS232 (ext), 1 x RS -232/422/485 (int)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Display 1 free VGA port (dual display architecture)

Multimedia Mic in, Line out

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard, auto throttling control when CPU overheats

Fan rotation Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 0,67G (5-500Mhz)

Shock resistance 300G/2ms

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed

dimensions [mm]

a: 368

b: 289

c: 80

Weight ca. 6 kg


1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data


Page 73: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


2 PCI Slots• CD/DVD drive available• Intel® ULV processor, • Intel® Pentium M possible Intel® Core possibleLow mounting depht• High power efficiency• High performance• Dual LAN• LookIn Display available•

DB 671 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


no configuration 0

LookIn Display L


ULV Celeron M ≥600MHz fanless 1

Pentium M725, 1,6GHz, Dothan fan 3

Core2Duo socket P fan 5


256 MB 2

512 MB 3

1 GB 4

2 GB1 5


HDD 2.5” min 60 GB 1

DiscOnModule 512 MB 3

DiscOnModule 1 GB 4

DiscOnModule 2 GB 5

DiscOnModule 4 GB 6


No drives 0

CFC-Adapter 1

CD ROM, slim Drive 2

COMBO DVD/CD ROM R/W, slim Drive 3

CD ROM, slim Drive+CFC-Adapter 4

COMBO DVD/CD ROM R/W, slim Drive + CFC-Adapter 5


110/230 VAC, auto-switch fanless 1

24 VDC fanless 2


no configuration 0

Operating system

Microsoft Windows 2000 Prof. MUI A

Microsoft Windows XP Prof. MUI L

No operating System 0

Your order code: db 6711 only with core2duo board2 With Celeron M CPU


Logo look in 2

LookIn Display is situated on the top of the box and allows to check the status and control the settings of your DIVUS BOX PC. View CPU performance, change IP settings and more on the fly without a monitor, keyboard or mouse attached.

www.divus.eu 73

Page 74: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

db 672

Product Type Compact embedded box PC

General characteristics

Processor Intel® Core™ Duo 1.66GHz, 2MB L2 cache, processor T2300E

Chipset Intel® 945GM+ICH7M

Memory 2GB DDR2 RAM

Expansion slots 1 PCI-Slot (for small PCI cards)

Operating systems Microsoft Windows XP embedded

Power Supply90 - 260 VAC fanless external

10 - 36 VDC fanless external optional

Power consumption 45 W fanless

Guarantee 24 Months1


Mass Memory Automotive HDD 2,5” min. 20 GB (optional SSD at 4GB or 8GB)

Additional Drives Compact Flash Reader


LAN/Ethernet 2 x PCIe Broadcom Gigabit Ethernet

USB 4 x USB 2.0 (4 x ext)

Serial Interface 4 x RS232 (4 x ext)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Video 1 x VGA PortIntel® Graphics Media Accelerator 950 (Intel® GMA 950)

Multimedia 6 channel audio (ext)

Other Interfaces CF reader external

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 15G

Shock resistance 50G

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit alloy anodized, EMC proofed

dimensions [mm]

a: 242

b: 210

c: 105

Weight ca. 7 kg

1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data



Page 75: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

DB 672 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


no configuration 0


intel® Core™ duo 1.66Ghz 2


2 GB 5


Automotive HDD 2.5” min 20 GB 1

SSD 4 GB 6

SSD 8 GB 7


CFC-Adapter 1


110/230 VAC, auto-switch fanless external 1

9 - 28 VDC fanless external 2


no configuration 0

Operating system

Microsoft Windows 2000 Prof. MUI A

Microsoft Windows XP Prof. MUI L

No operating System 0

Your order code: db 672


PCI slot• Low mounting depht• Low power requirements• High fanless performance with • CoreDuo processorFanless, passive air conduction• Motionless, no moving parts• Optional with 15” or 19” display•


www.divus.eu 75

Page 76: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

db 690

Product Type Compact embedded box PC

General characteristics

Processor Intel® Atom™ Processor N270 1.6GHz with 533MHz FSB 512K L2 Cache -- FANLESS

Chipset Intel® 945GSE + Intel® ICH7M

Memory 512MB to 2GB DDR2 SDRAM SO-DIMM

Expansion slots 1 x PCI Slots

Operating systems Microsoft Windows 2000/XP

Power Supply90 - 260 VAC fanless

10 - 36 VDC fanless optional

Power consumption 15 W

Guarantee 24 Months1


Mass Memory 2,5“ HDD at 60 GB (optional DiskOnModule at 512MB,1GB,2GB or 4GB)

Additional Drives Compact Flash Reader, optional


LAN/Ethernet Dual PCIe Gigabit ethernet controller onboard

USB 8 x USB2.0 (4 x ext., 4 x int)

Serial Interface 5 x RS232 (2 x ext 3 x int), 1 x RS -232/422/485 ext

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Video 1 x VGA PortIntel® Graphics Media Accelerator 950 (Intel® GMA 950)

Multimedia Realtek ALC655 AC'97 Codec

Other Interfaces Digital I/O 16-bits GPIO (int)

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 15G

Shock resistance 50G

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed

dimensions [mm]

a: 368

b: 289

c: 55

Weight ca. 6 kg

1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data



Page 77: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

DB 690 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


no configuration 0


Intel® Atom™ Processor N270 1.6GHz 2


512 MB 3

1 GB 4

2 GB 5


HDD 2.5” min 60 GB 1

DiscOnModule 512 MB 3

DiscOnModule 1 GB 4

DiscOnModule 2 GB 5

DiscOnModule 4 GB 6


No drives 0

CFC-Adapter 1


110/230 VAC, auto-switch fanless 1

9 - 28 VDC fanless 2


no configuration 0

Operating system

Microsoft Windows 2000 Prof. MUI A

Microsoft Windows XP Prof. MUI L

No operating System 0

Your order code: db 690


1 PCI slot• Low mounting depht• Low power requirements• Intel® ATOM 1,6GHz processor• Fanless, passive air conduction•


www.divus.eu 77

Page 78: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

db 691

Product Type Compact embedded box PC

General characteristics

Processor Intel® Atom™ Processor N270 1.6GHz with 533MHz FSB 512K L2 Cache -- FANLESS

Chipset Intel® 945GSE + Intel® ICH7M

Memory 512MB to 2GB DDR2 SDRAM SO-DIMM

Expansion slots 2 PCI Slots

Operating systems Microsoft Windows 2000/XP

Power Supply90 - 260 VAC fanless

10 - 36 VDC fanless optional

Power consumption 15 W

Guarantee 24 Months1


Mass Memory 2,5“ HDD at 60 GB (optional DiskOnModule at 512MB,1GB,2GB or 4GB)

Optical Drives optional CD-Rom or DVD/CD-RW drive, rear side operation

Additional Drives Compact Flash Reader, optional


LAN/Ethernet Dual PCIe Gigabit ethernet controller onboard

USB 8 x USB2.0 (4 x ext., 4 x int)

Serial Interface 5 x RS232 (2 x ext 3 x int), 1 x RS -232/422/485 ext

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Video 1 x VGA PortIntel® Graphics Media Accelerator 950 (Intel® GMA 950)

Multimedia Realtek ALC655 AC'97 Codec

Other Interfaces Digital I/O 16-bits GPIO (int)

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 15G

Shock resistance 50G

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed

dimensions [mm]

a: 368

b: 289

c: 80

Weight ca. 6 kg

1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data



Page 79: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

DB 691 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


no configuration 0

LookIn Display L


Intel® Atom™ Processor N270 1.6GHz 2


512 MB 3

1 GB 4

2 GB 5


HDD 2.5” min 60 GB 1

DiscOnModule 512 MB 3

DiscOnModule 1 GB 4

DiscOnModule 2 GB 5

DiscOnModule 4 GB 6


No drives 0

CFC-Adapter 1

CD ROM, slim Drive 2

COMBO DVD/CD ROM R/W, slim Drive 3

CD ROM, slim Drive+CFC-Adapter 4

COMBO DVD/CD ROM R/W, slim Drive + CFC-Adapter



110/230 VAC, auto-switch fanless 1

9 - 28 VDC fanless 2


no configuration 0

Operating system

Microsoft Windows 2000 Prof. MUI A

Microsoft Windows XP Prof. MUI L

No operating System 0

Your order code: db 691


2 PCI slots• CD/DVD drive available• Low mounting depht• Low power requirements• Intel® ATOM 1,6GHz processor• Fanless, passive air conduction• LookIn Display available•


LookIn Display is situated on the top of the box and allows to check the status and control the settings of your DIVUS BOX PC. View CPU performance, change IP settings and more on the fly without a monitor, keyboard or mouse attached.

www.divus.eu 79

Page 80: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

db 800

Product Type Compact embedded box PC

General characteristics

Processor VIA Eden 533 MHz fanless

Chipset VIA 8601A + VT8231

Memory 128MB SDRAM

Operating systems Microsoft Windows CE.net or CE 5.0

Power Supply90 - 260 VAC fanless

24 VDC fanless optional

Power consumption 18 W

Guarantee 24 Months1


Mass Memory DOM (Disk On Module) to 32MB

Additional Drives Optional: CF Card Reader inclusive CFC


LAN/Ethernet onboard

USB 4 x USB 1.1 (2 x external, 2 x internal)

Serial Interface 1 x RS232 (1 x external)

Parallel Interface 1 x LPT1 (EPP/ECP/SPP)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Video 1 x VGA Port

Multimedia S-video/RCA Video port, microphone, Line in/out

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 15G

Shock resistance 50G

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed

dimensions [mm]

a: 368

b: 289

c: 55

Weight ca. 6 kg


1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data


Page 81: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


High reliability• Low mounting depht• Low power requirements• VIA Eden processors• embedded system• extreme high stability of • operating system

DB 800 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


no configuration 0


VIA Tech EDEN 533MHz fanless 1


128 MB 1


no memory - Thin Client 0

CF Card 32MB 1

CF Card 64MB 2

CF Card 128MB 3

DOM 32MB 4

DOM 64MB 5


No drives 0

CFC-Adapter 1


110/230 VAC, auto-switch fanless 1

24VDC fanless 2


no configuration 0

Operating system

Microsoft Windows CE.net or CE 5.01 R

Your order code: db 800


1 Please specify operating system version on order

www.divus.eu 81

Page 82: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

db 830

Product Type Ultracompact embedded BOX PC

General characteristics

Processor Onboard AMD Geode™ 500MHz (LX800)

Chipset AMD CS5536

Memory 128MB DDR SO-DIMM

Operating systems Microsoft Windows CE 5.0 / XP-Embedded / WES

Power Supply230 VAC

24 VDC optional

Power consumption 15 W

Guarantee 24 Months1


Mass Memory DOM (Disk On Module) up to 4GB

Additional Drives Type II CF (int), PCMCIA (ext)


LAN/Ethernet 10/100Mbps (ext)

USB 3 x USB 2.0 (ext)

Serial Interface 2 x RS-232 (ext), Digital I/O (4-in/4-out) header on board

Parallel Interface 1 x LPT header on board

Keyboard/Mouse 1 x PS/2 for KB and Mouse (ext)

Video 1 x VGA port

Multimedia Realtek ALC203 AC97 audio codec, header on board

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 15G

Shock resistance 50G

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit High-grade steel, EMC proofed

dimensions [mm]

a: 288

b: 155

c: 53

Weight ca. 3 kg


1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.DIN rail fixing set availableAll data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted.

Technical data


Page 83: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


High reliability• DIN rail mounting kit available• Ultra compact dimensions• Low mounting depht• Very low power requirements• AMD Geode™ processors• Embedded system• Extreme high stability of • operating system

DB 830 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


no configuration 0


AMD Geode 500MHz (LX800) 1


256 MB 2

512 MB 3

1 GB 4


DiscOnModule 32 MB 1

DiscOnModule 64 MB 2

DiscOnModule 512 MB 3

DiscOnModule 1 GB 4

DiscOnModule 2 GB 5

DiscOnModule 4 GB 6


CFC-Adapter 1


110/230 VAC, auto-switch fanless 1

24 VDC fanless 2


no configuration 0

Operating system

Microsoft Windows CE 5.0 R

Microsoft Windows XP Embedded1 S

Windows Embedded Standard2 T

Your order code: db 830


1 Microsoft Windows XP-Embedded requires 512 MB Memory2 Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard requires 1 GB Memory

www.divus.eu 83

Page 84: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

db 831

Product Type Ultracompact embedded BOX PC

General characteristics

Processor Intel® Atom™ Processor N270, 1.6GHz

Chipset Intel® 945GSE + ICH7M, 533MHz FSB

Memory 512MB to 2GB DDR2 SO-DIMM

Operating systems Microsoft Windows XP embedded, Windows Embedded Standard

Power Supply230 VAC fanless external

24 VDC fanless external optional

Power consumption 20 W

Guarantee 24 Months1


Mass Memory DOM (Disk On Module) up to 4GB

Additional Drives Type II CF (int)


LAN/Ethernet 2 x PCIe Gigabit LAN

USB 3 x USB 2.0 (ext), 1 x USB 2.0 (int) typ A female

Serial Interface 2 x RS-232 (ext)

Keyboard/Mouse 1 x PS/2 for KB and Mouse (ext)

Video 1 x VGA port

Multimedia Built-in Intel® HD Audio + ALC662 Codec for 6 channels

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 15G

Shock resistance 50G

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit partly alloy anodized, partly powder coated, EMC proofed

dimensions [mm]

a: 176

b: 111

c: 62

Weight ca. 3 kg


1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.DIN rail fixing set availableAll data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted.

Technical data




84 www.divus.eu

Page 85: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01


Access cover to: • - CF: change your system memory without effort - USB: quick mount usb sticks or dongles inside the boxHigh reliability• prepared for use on table or DIN rail• High performance• Ultra compact dimensions• Low mounting depht• Low power requirements• Intel® ATOM processor• Embedded system• High stability of operating system•


DB 831 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


no configuration 0


Intel® Atom™ Processor N270 1.6GHz 2


1 GB 4

2 GB 5


Compact Flash 512 MB 3

Compact Flash 1 GB 4

Compact Flash 2 GB 5

Compact Flash 4 GB 6


CFC-Adapter 1


110/230 VAC, auto-switch fanless external 1

9 - 28 VDC fanless external 2


no configuration 0

Operating system

Microsoft Windows XP Embedded S

Windows Embedded Standard T

Your order code: db 831


Page 86: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

db 850

Product Type Compact embedded box PC

General characteristics

Processor VIA Eden 600 MHz fanless VIA C7 1GHz fanless

Chipset VIA CLE266 + VT8235 VIA CN700 + 8237R plus

Memory 512MB to 1GB DDR RAM 512MB to 1GB DDR2 RAM

Expansion slots 1 PCI Slot

Operating systems Microsoft Windows XP embedded, Windows Embedded Standard

Power Supply90 - 260 VAC fanless

24 VDC fanless optional

Power consumption 20 W

Guarantee 24 Months1


Mass Memory DOM (Disk On Module) to 512MB (1, 2 and 4GB optional)

Additional Drives Compact Flash Reader, optional


LAN/Ethernet onboard

USB 4 x USB 2.0 (2 x ext,2 x int) 8 x USB 2.0 (4 x ext,4 x int)

Serial Interface 2 x RS232 (1 x external, 1 x internal)

Parallel Interface 1 x LPT1 (EPP/ECP/SPP)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Video 1 x VGA Port

Multimedia 6 channel audio (int), S-Video out 6 channel audio (ext)

Other Interfaces 2 x Firewire (int.) 2 SATA ports (int.)

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 15G

Shock resistance 50G

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed


1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data

dimensions [mm]

a: 368

b: 289

c: 55

Weight ca. 6 kg


Page 87: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

DB 850 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


no configuration 0


VIA Tech EDEN 600MHz fanless 1

VIA Tech C7 1 GHz fanless 2


512 MB 3

1 GB 4


DiscOnModule 512 MB 3

DiscOnModule 1 GB 4

DiscOnModule 2 GB 5

DiscOnModule 4 GB 6


No drives 0

CFC-Adapter 1


110/230 VAC, auto-switch fan 1

24 VDC fan 2

110/230 VAC, auto-switch fanless 3

24VDC fanless 4


no configuration 0

Operating system

Microsoft Windows XP Embedded S

Windows Embedded Standard T

Your order code: db 850



Low mounting depht• Low power requirements• VIA Eden, VIA C3 processors• Firewire optional• Fanless, passive air conduction• Motionless, no moving parts•

1 With VIA C7 CPU


www.divus.eu 87

Page 88: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

db 851

Product Type Compact embedded box PC

General characteristics

Processor VIA Eden 600 MHz fanless VIA C7 1GHz fanless

Chipset VIA CLE266 + VT8235 VIA CN700 + 8237R plus

Memory 512MB to 1GB DDR RAM 512MB to 1GB DDR2 RAM

Expansion slots 2 PCI Slots

Operating systems Microsoft Windows XP embedded, Windows Embedded Standard

Power Supply90 - 260 VAC fanless

24 VDC fanless optional

Power consumption 20 W

Guarantee 24 Months1


Mass Memory DOM (Disk On Module) to 512MB (1, 2 and 4GB optional)

Optical Drives optional CD-Rom or DVD/CD-RW drive, rear side operation

Additional Drives Compact Flash Reader, optional


LAN/Ethernet onboard

USB 4 x USB 2.0 (2 x ext,2 x int) 8 x USB 2.0 (4 x ext,4 x int)

Serial Interface 2 x RS232 (1 x external, 1 x internal)

Parallel Interface 1 x LPT1 (EPP/ECP/SPP)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Video 1 x VGA Port

Multimedia 6 channel audio (int), S-Video out 6 channel audio (ext)

Other Interfaces 2 x Firewire (int.) 2 SATA ports (int.)

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 15G

Shock resistance 50G

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed

dimensions [mm]

a: 368

b: 289

c: 80

Weight ca. 6 kg


1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data


Page 89: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

DB 851 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


no configuration 0

LookIn Display L


VIA Tech EDEN 600MHz fanless 1

VIA Tech C7 1 GHz fanless 2


512 MB 3

1 GB 4


DiscOnModule 512 MB 3

DiscOnModule 1 GB 4

DiscOnModule 2 GB 5

DiscOnModule 4 GB 6


No drives 0

CFC-Adapter 1

CD ROM, slim Drive 2

COMBO DVD/CD ROM R/W, slim Drive 3

CD ROM, slim Drive+CFC-Adapter 4

COMBO DVD/CD ROM R/W, slim Drive + CFC-Adapter



110/230 VAC, auto-switch fan 1

24 VDC fan 2

110/230 VAC, auto-switch fanless 3

24 VDC fanless 4


no configuration 0

Operating system

Microsoft Windows XP Embedded S

Windows Embedded Standard T

Your order code: db 851



2 PCI slots• CD/DVD drive available• Low mounting depht• Low power requirements• VIA Eden, VIA C3 processors• Firewire optional• Fanless, passive air conduction• Motionless, no moving parts• LookIn Display available•

1 With VIA C7 CPU


LookIn Display is situated on the top of the box and allows to check the status and control the settings of your DIVUS BOX PC. View CPU performance, change IP settings and more on the fly without a monitor, keyboard or mouse attached.

www.divus.eu 89

Page 90: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

db 870

Product Type Compact embedded box PC

General characteristics


- Intel® Celeron M 600MHz ULV fanless

Socket P for Intel® Core™2 Duo fan

- Intel® Pentium M Dothan, 2 MB L2C 1,6 GHz fan

Chipset Intel® 82852GM GMCH + 82801DB ICH4

Intel® GME965 + ICH8M, 533MHz/800MHz FSB

Memory 256MB to 1GB DDR RAM 512MB to 2GB DDR 2

Expansion slots 1 PCI-Slot

Operating systems Microsoft Windows XP embedded, Windows Embedded Standard

Power Supply90 - 264 VAC auto range

24VDC optional1

Power consumption 25 W

Guarantee 24 Months1


Mass Memory DOM (Disk On Module) at 512MB (1, 2 and 4GB optional)

Additional Drives Compact Flash Reader, optional


LAN/Ethernet 2 x RJ45 for 10/100 Mbps Dual PCIe GbE controller

USB 6 x USB 2.0 (4 x external, 2 x internal)

Serial Interface3 x RS232 (3xext), 1 x RS-232/422/485 (1xint); 8-bit Digital I/O interface

1 x RS232 (ext), 1 x RS -232/422/485 (int)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Display 1 free VGA port (dual display architecture)

Multimedia Mic in, Line out

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard, auto throttling control when CPU overheats

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 15G

Shock resistance 50G

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed

dimensions [mm]

a: 368

b: 289

c: 55

Weight ca. 6 kg


1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data


Page 91: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

DB 870 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


no configuration 0


ULV Celeron M ≥600MHz fanless 1

Pentium M725, 1,6GHz, Dothan fan 3

Core2Duo socket P fan 5


512 MB 3

1 GB 4

2 GB1 5


DiscOnModule 512 MB 3

DiscOnModule 1 GB 4

DiscOnModule 2 GB 5

DiscOnModule 4 GB 6


No drives 0

CFC-Adapter 1


110/230 VAC, auto-switch fanless 1

24 VDC fanless 2


no configuration 0

Operating system

Microsoft Windows XP Embedded S

Windows Embedded Standard T

Your order code: db 870



Fanless, passive air conduction• Motionless, no moving parts• Intel® ULV processor, • Intel® Pentium M possible Intel® Core possibleLow mounting depht• High power efficiency• High performance• Dual LAN•

1 only with core2duo board2 With Celeron M CPU


www.divus.eu 91

Page 92: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

db 871

Product Type Compact embedded box PC

General characteristics


- Intel® Celeron M 600MHz ULV fanless Socket P for Intel® Core™2

Duo fan- Intel® Pentium M Dothan, 2 MB L2C 1,6 GHz fan

Chipset Intel® 82852GM GMCH + 82801DB ICH4

Intel® GME965 + ICH8M, 533MHz/800MHz FSB

Memory 256MB to 1GB DDR RAM 512MB to 2GB DDR 2

Expansion slots 2 PCI-Slot

Operating systems Microsoft Windows XP embedded, Windows Embedded Standard

Power Supply90 - 264 VAC auto range

24VDC optional

Nominal Power 100 W, efficiency up to 88%

Guarantee 24 Months1


Mass Memory DOM (Disk On Module) at 512MB (1, 2 and 4GB optional)

Optical Drives optional CD-Rom or DVD/CD-RW drive, rear side operation

Additional Drives Compact Flash Reader, optional


LAN/Ethernet 2 x RJ45 for 10/100 Mbps Dual PCIe GbE controller

USB 6 x USB 2.0 (4 x external, 2 x internal)

Serial Interface3 x RS232 (3xext), 1 x RS-232/422/485 (1xint); 8-bit Digital I/O interface

1 x RS232 (ext), 1 x RS -232/422/485 (int)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Display 1 free VGA port (dual display architecture)

Multimedia Mic in, Line out

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 15G

Shock resistance 50G

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed

dimensions [mm]

a: 368

b: 289

c: 80

Weight ca. 6 kg


1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data


Page 93: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

DB 871 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


no configuration 0

LookIn Display L


ULV Celeron M ≥600MHz fanless 1

Pentium M725, 1,6GHz, Dothan fan 3

Core2Duo socket P fan 5


512 MB 3

1 GB 4

2 GB1 5


DiscOnModule 512 MB 3

DiscOnModule 1 GB 4

DiscOnModule 2 GB 5

DiscOnModule 4 GB 6


No drives 0

CFC-Adapter 1

CD ROM, slim Drive 2

COMBO DVD/CD ROM R/W, slim Drive 3

CD ROM, slim Drive+CFC-Adapter 4

COMBO DVD/CD ROM R/W, slim Drive + CFC-Adapter 5


110/230 VAC, auto-switch fanless 1

24 VDC fanless 2


no configuration 0

Operating system

Microsoft Windows XP Embedded S

Windows Embedded Standard T

Your order code: db 8711 only with core2duo board2 With Celeron M CPU



2 PCI Slots• Fanless, passive air conduction• Motionless, no moving parts• Intel® ULV processor, • Intel® Pentium M possible Intel® Core possibleLow mounting depht• High power efficiency• High performance• Dual LAN• LookIn Display available•


LookIn Display is situated on the top of the box and allows to check the status and control the settings of your DIVUS BOX PC. View CPU performance, change IP settings and more on the fly without a monitor, keyboard or mouse attached.

www.divus.eu 93

Page 94: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

db 872

Product Type Compact embedded box PC

General characteristics

Processor Intel® Core™ Duo 1.66GHz, 2MB L2 cache, processor T2300E

Chipset Intel® 945GM+ICH7M

Memory 2GB DDR2 RAM

Expansion slots 1 PCI-Slot (for small PCI cards)

Operating systems Microsoft Windows XP embedded, Windows Embedded Standard

Power Supply90 - 260 VAC fanless external

10 - 36 VDC fanless external optional

Power consumption 45 W fanless

Guarantee 24 Months1


Mass Memory SSD to 1, 2 or 4 GB

Additional Drives Compact Flash Reader


LAN/Ethernet 2 x PCIe Broadcom Gigabit Ethernet

USB 4 x USB 2.0 (4 x ext)

Serial Interface 4 x RS232 (4 x ext)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Video 1 x VGA PortIntel® Graphics Media Accelerator 950 (Intel® GMA 950)

Multimedia 6 channel audio (ext)

Other Interfaces CF reader external

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 15G

Shock resistance 50G

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit alloy anodized, EMC proofed

dimensions [mm]

a: 242

b: 210

c: 105

Weight ca. 7 kg


1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data


Page 95: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

DB 872 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


no configuration 0


intel® Core™ duo 1.66Ghz 2


2 GB 5


SSD 1 GB 4

SSD 2 GB 5

SSD 4 GB 6


CFC-Adapter 1


110/230 VAC, auto-switch fanless external 1

9 - 28 VDC fanless external 2


no configuration 0

Operating system

Microsoft Windows XP Embedded S

Windows Embedded Standard T

Your order code: db 872



1 PCI slot• Low mounting depht• Low power requirements• High fanless performance with • CoreDuo processorFanless, passive air conduction• Motionless, no moving parts• Optional with 15” or 19” display•

www.divus.eu 95

Page 96: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

db 891

Product Type Compact embedded box PC

General characteristics

Processor Intel® Atom™ Processor N270 1.6GHz with 533MHz FSB 512K L2 Cache -- FANLESS

Chipset Intel® 945GSE + Intel® ICH7M

Memory 512MB to 2GB DDR2 SDRAM SO-DIMM

Expansion slots 1 PCI Slots

Operating systems Microsoft Windows XP embedded, Windows Embedded Standard

Power Supply90 - 260 VAC fanless

10 - 36 VDC fanless optional

Power consumption 15 W

Guarantee 24 Months1


Mass Memory DOM (Disk On Module) to 512MB (1, 2 and 4GB optional)

Additional Drives Compact Flash Reader, optional


LAN/Ethernet Dual PCIe Gigabit ethernet controller onboard

USB 8 x USB2.0 (4 x ext., 4 x int)

Serial Interface 5 x RS232 (2 x ext 3 x int), 1 x RS -232/422/485 ext

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Video 1 x VGA PortIntel® Graphics Media Accelerator 950 (Intel® GMA 950)

Multimedia Realtek ALC655 AC'97 Codec

Other Interfaces Digital I/O 16-bits GPIO (int)

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 15G

Shock resistance 50G

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed

dimensions [mm]

a: 368

b: 289

c: 55

Weight ca. 6 kg


1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data


Page 97: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

DB 890 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


no configuration 0


Intel® Atom™ Processor N270 1.6GHz 2


512 MB 3

1 GB 4

2 GB 5


DiscOnModule 512 MB 3

DiscOnModule 1 GB 4

DiscOnModule 2 GB 5

DiscOnModule 4 GB 6


No drives 0

CFC-Adapter 1


110/230 VAC, auto-switch fanless 1

9 - 28 VDC fanless 2


no configuration 0

Operating system

Microsoft Windows XP Embedded S

Windows Embedded Standard T

Your order code: db 890



1 PCI slots• Low mounting depht• Low power requirements• INTEL ATOM 1,6GHz processor• Fanless, passive air conduction• Motionless, no moving parts•

www.divus.eu 97

Page 98: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

db 891

Product Type Compact embedded box PC

General characteristics

Processor Intel® Atom™ Processor N270 1.6GHz with 533MHz FSB 512K L2 Cache -- FANLESS

Chipset Intel® 945GSE + Intel® ICH7M

Memory 512MB to 2GB DDR2 SDRAM SO-DIMM

Expansion slots 2 PCI Slots

Operating systems Microsoft Windows XP embedded, Windows Embedded Standard

Power Supply90 - 260 VAC fanless

10 - 36 VDC fanless optional

Power consumption 15 W

Guarantee 24 Months1


Mass Memory DOM (Disk On Module) to 512MB (1, 2 and 4GB optional)

Optical Drives optional CD-Rom or DVD/CD-RW drive, rear side operation

Additional Drives Compact Flash Reader, optional


LAN/Ethernet Dual PCIe Gigabit ethernet controller onboard

USB 8 x USB2.0 (4 x ext., 4 x int)

Serial Interface 5 x RS232 (2 x ext 3 x int), 1 x RS -232/422/485 ext

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2

Video 1 x VGA PortIntel® Graphics Media Accelerator 950 (Intel® GMA 950)

Multimedia Realtek ALC655 AC'97 Codec

Other Interfaces Digital I/O 16-bits GPIO (int)

Watchdog Functions

CPU Temperature Surveillance onboard

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 15G

Shock resistance 50G

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed

dimensions [mm]

a: 368

b: 289

c: 80

Weight ca. 6 kg


1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data


Page 99: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

DB 891 Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


no configuration 0

LookIn Display L


Intel® Atom™ Processor N270 1.6GHz 2


512 MB 3

1 GB 4

2 GB 5


DiscOnModule 512 MB 3

DiscOnModule 1 GB 4

DiscOnModule 2 GB 5

DiscOnModule 4 GB 6


No drives 0

CFC-Adapter 1

CD ROM, slim Drive 2

COMBO DVD/CD ROM R/W, slim Drive 3

CD ROM, slim Drive+CFC-Adapter 4

COMBO DVD/CD ROM R/W, slim Drive + CFC-Adapter



110/230 VAC, auto-switch fanless 1

9 - 28 VDC fanless 2


no configuration 0

Operating system

Microsoft Windows XP Embedded S

Windows Embedded Standard T

Your order code: db 891



2 PCI slots• CD/DVD drive available• Low mounting depht• Low power requirements• INTEL ATOM 1,6GHz processor• Fanless, passive air conduction• Motionless, no moving parts• LookIn Display available•

LookIn Display is situated on the top of the box and allows to check the status and control the settings of your DIVUS BOX PC. View CPU performance, change IP settings and more on the fly without a monitor, keyboard or mouse attached.

www.divus.eu 99

Page 100: Divus industri 2010

Vers. IKA_10_01

dR 4AF

Product Type 19“ 4 U Rack PC, Black with Keylock, 2x8cm Cooling Fans

General characteristics


Intel® Pentium4 2,4 GHz Intel® Pentium 4 ≥ 3,0GHz Core 2 Duo optional

FSB 533/800 MHz FSB 533/800/1066 MHz

Socket 478 LGA 775

Chipset Intel® 852GME + ICH5 Intel® 945G + ICH7

Memory 256MB up to 4GB DDR SDRAM

512MB up to 4GB DDR2 SDRAM

Expansion slots 1 AGP/4 PCI/1 ISA/1 PCI/ISA 1 PCI-E*16 / 6 PCI

Operating systems Microsoft Windows 2000/XP

Power Supply

90 - 264 VAC, overload, short circuit and over voltage protection

24VDC optional

Power consumption 300 W active PFC, efficiency ≥ 75 %

Guarantee long term availability; 24 months warranty1


Mass Memory 2,5“ HDD at 60 GB (optional 80, 120, 160 GB)

Optical Drives CD-Rom or optional DVD/CD-RW drive, front side operation

Additional Drives Floppy, front side operation


LAN/Ethernet 2 x RJ45, Intel® 82541 GbE / Realtek 8110SC GbE

2 x RJ45, Broadcom BCM5787M for PCIe GbE

USB 8 x USB 2.0 (4 x int., 4 x ext)

Serial Interface 5 x RS232, 1 x RS-232/422/485 (1 x ext., 5 x int.)

Parallel Interface 1 x LPT1 (1xext)

Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2 for KB/MS

Video 1 x VGA integrated in Intel®® 865G

Multimedia 5.1 Channel Autio Kit with Realtek ALC655 / Intel®® ICH5

Other Interfaces1 x CF Type II, Digital I/O: 8 bit, 4 in / 4 out on pin header

1 x 20-pin LPC for TPM

Watchdog Functions

Watchdog Timer software programmable 1-255 sec. System reset

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 0,67G (5-500Mhz)

Shock resistance 300G/2ms

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed

dimensions [mm]

a: 520

b: 176

c: 431

Weight ca. 20kg


1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data


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Vers. IKA_10_01


7 Slot Full ATX Mainboard• High Performance• FSB up to 1066 MHz• High configuration flexibility• Intel® Core™2 Duo, Pentium® D, • Pentium® 4, Celeron® D processorsLong term availability• High grade industrial components•

DR 4AF Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


no configuration 0


Intel Pentium 4, 2.4 GHz, Socket 478 - 6 Slots Full ATX 2

Celeron 2,6 GHz, LGA775 - 6 Slots Full ATX 3

Pentium4, 3.0 GHz LGA775 - 6 Slots Full ATX 4

Intel® Core 2 Duo E6300 - 6 Slots Full ATX 5


256 MB 2

512 MB 3

1 GB 4

2 GB 5


CD ROM, 5,25" 1



HDD 2,5" 60 GB with FDD 1

HDD 2,5" 80 GB with FDD 2

HDD 2,5" 120 GB with FDD 3

HDD 2,5" 160 GB with FDD 4


110/230 VAC, auto-switch, 300 W 1

24VDC, 300W, option 2


no configuration 0

Operating system

Microsoft Windows 2000 Prof. MUI A

Microsoft Windows XP Prof. MUI L

No operating System 0

Your order code: dR 4AF


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Vers. IKA_10_01

dR 4PF

Product Type 19“ 4 HE Rack PC, nero con Keylock, 2x8cm Cooling Fans

General characteristics


Intel® Pentium® 4 2,4 GHz Intel® Core™ 2 Duo / Pen-tium® / Celeron®

FSB 533/800 MHz FSB 533/800/1066

Socket 478 LGA 775

Chipset SiS® 661CX + SiS® 964 Intel® 945G+ ICH7

Memory 256MB up to 2GB DDR SDRAM

up to 4GB DDR2 SDRAM dual channel

Expansion slots 4 PCI / 8 ISA, optional 12 PCI

Operating systems Microsoft Windows 2000/XP

Power Supply

90 - 264 VAC, overload, short circuit and over voltage protection

24VDC optional

Power consumption 300 W active PFC, efficiency ≥ 75 %

Guarantee long term availability; 24 months warranty1


Mass Memory 2,5“ HDD at 60 GB (optional 80, 120, 160 GB)

Optical Drives CD-Rom or optional DVD/CD-RW drive, rear side operation

Additional Drives Floppy, rear side operation


LAN/Ethernet 1 x RJ45, Realtek RTL8110S GbE

Dual Broadcom PCIe GbE with ASF2.0

USB 8 x USB 2.0 (8 x int.) 7 x USB 2.0 (6 x int)

Serial Interface 2 x RS232 (1 x ext., 1 x int.) 2 x RS-232 (int)

Parallel Interface 1 x LPT1 (1xext)

Keyboard/Mouse 1 x PS/2 for KB/MS

Video 1 x VGA integrated in SiS 661CX

VGA integrated in Intel® 945G

Multimedia 5.1 Channel Audio with Realtek ALC655 codec (int)

Other Interfaces 8 bit digital I/O, 4 input / 4 output

Watchdog Functions

Watchdog Timer software programmable 1-255 sec. System reset

Ambient Conditions

Vibration resistance 0,67G (5-500Mhz)

Shock resistance 300G/2ms

EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081

Temperature +5°C to +45°C max.

Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense)

Authorization CE

Mechanical Characteristics

PC Unit Powder coated, EMC proofed

dimensions [mm]

a: 520

b: 176

c: 431

Weight ca. 20kg


1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order.All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted

Technical data


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Vers. IKA_10_01


14 Slot Backplane• High Performance• FSB up to 1066 MHz• High configuration flexibility• Intel® Core™2 Duo, Pentium® D, • Pentium® 4, Celeron® D processorsLong term availability• High grade industrial components•

DR 4PF Configuration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


no configuration 0

CPU-Card PICMG 1.0

Intel Pentium 4, 2.4 GHz, Socket 478 2

Celeron 2,6 GHz, LGA775 3

Pentium4, 3.0 GHz LGA775 4

Intel® Core 2 Duo E6300 5


256 MB 2

512 MB 3

1 GB 4

2 GB 5


CD ROM, slim Drive 1

COMBO DVD/CD ROM R/W, slim Drive 2


HDD 2,5" 60 GB with FDD 1

HDD 2,5" 80 GB with FDD 2

HDD 2,5" 120 GB with FDD 3

HDD 2,5" 160 GB with FDD 4


110/230 VAC, auto-switch, 300 W 1

24VDC, option 2


14-Slot Backplane: 4 PCI, 8 ISA, 2 PISA 1

14-Slot Backplane: 12 PCI, 2 PISA 2

Operating system

Microsoft Windows 2000 Prof. MUI A

Microsoft Windows XP Prof. MUI L

No operating System 0

Your order code: dR 4PF


1 With Core 2 DUO CPU


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Vers. IKA_10_01

an jedes Interieur anpassen.Zweitens die offene Systemarchitektur mit Windows® Embedded und einem zusätzlichen Steckplatz, die • Systemintegratoren alle Freiheiten lässt. Drittens der durchdachte Unterputzeinbau, durch den der DIVUSDOMUS maximal 25 mm aus der Wand he-• rausragt, dabei aber weder Lüfter noch Festplatte benötigt und so völlig geräuschlos und wartungsfrei ist.

Der DIVUSDOMUS passt sich jeder Innenraumsituation perfekt an. Je nach Wunsch des Planers oder Bauherrn kann er sich so gut wie unsichtbar machen, aber auch lebendige, farbige Akzente setzen, die zum Interieur passen. Und weil die Design-Wechselrahmen nicht nur gut aussehen, sondern auch blitzschnell mit nur einem „Klick“ auszuwechseln sind, kann sich jeder seinen Rahmen je nach der momentanen Stimmungslage aussuchen. Oder nach der Tapete.

Die wahren Talente des DIVUSDOMUS zeigen sich erst dem Fachmann.

Eigene und fremde Software kann problemlos integriert und aktualisiert werden.DIVUSDOMUS wird mit aktueller PC-Performance und idealem Speicherausbau geliefert. Wunschkonfiguratio-nen für individuelle Anwendungen sind problemlos möglich.

DIVUSDOMUS available display size: 6,5“, 10,4“, 15,1˝ and 19”.

10,4˝, TOP LINE, Plexiglas6,5˝, EXCLUSIVE LINE, Plexiglas 15,1˝, TOP LINE, Plexiglas


Was hier wie ein Bild in einem schönen Rahmen an der Wand hängt, ist in Wirklichkeit ein neuartiger PC für Building Automation.Mit dem DIVUSDOMUS lässt sich ein Gebäude direkt steuern, regeln, bedienen, überwachen, unterhalten, informieren und, und, und. Er ist PC und Bedieneinheit in einem und fügt sich perfekt in die Umge-bung ein. DIVUSDOMUS ist unglaublich vielseitig, denn er kombiniert gleich drei Vorteile miteinander:

Erstens die leicht austauschbaren Design-Wechselrahmen, die sich •

DIVUSdOMuS. Passt immer.


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Vers. IKA_10_01

divuSdOMuS. Fit always.

What hangs at the wall like a picture in a beautiful frame, is actually a new PC is for the Building Automation.With the DIVUSDOMUS, a building can be perfectly supervised, regulated, served, overseen, entertained, informed and, and, and. It is PC and central control unit in one and fits perfectly into every surrounding.

DIVUSDOMUS is incredibly versatile, because it combines three advantages together:Firstly the easily exchangeable design-frames, adaptable to each interior.• Secondly the open system architecture with Windows® Embedded and an addi-• tional extension slot,giving herewith all opportunities to the system integrators.Thirdly the sophisticated in wall-mounting , through which the DIVUSDOMUS ri-• ses out of the wall with a maximum of 25 mm, but requires neither fans nor hard disk, and therefore is completely soundless and maintenance-free.

The DIVUSDOMUS fits perfectly with every interior design.

According to the wishes of the planners or builders, the DIVUSDOMUS can be either invisible but it can also become a significant component in the interior design. And because the design frames not only look good but can also be replaced with only one “click “, everyone can choose his/her frame according to the actual mood or according to the wallpaper.

The true talents of the DIVUSDOMUS, appreciated particularly by the experts. Own and foreign software can easily be integrated and updated. DIVUSDOMUS is delivered with current PC-Performance and ideal storage solution. Wish configurations for individual applications are easily integrable.


15 different colors available

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15

divuSdOMuS. Piace sempre.

Ciò che vedete appeso alla parete come un quadro dall’elegante cornice è in realtà un innovativo PC per building automation. DIVUSDOMUS consente di controllare direttamente un edifi cio, di regolarlo, comandarlo, tenerlo sorvegliato, sottoporlo a manutenzione, di informarsi, ecc. È PC e unità di comando tutto in uno e si inserisce perfettamente nell’ambiente circostante.

DIVUSDOMUS è incredibilmente versatile poiché combina insieme ben tre vantaggi:primo, le cornici di alto design intercambiabili che si intonano con qualsiasi arredamento;• secondo, l’architettura di sistema aperta con Windows® Embedded e con uno slot supplementare che lascia piena libertà agli integratori di • sistema;terzo, la semplice installazione a parete grazie alla quale DIVUSDOMUS sporge dal muro non più di 25 mm e non richiede né ventole né • disco rigido, risultando così assolutamente silenzioso e senza necessità di manutenzione.

DIVUSDOMUS è sempre perfettamente in sintonia con qualsiasi tipo di interni.

A seconda dei desideri del progettista o del committente, DIVUSDOMUS può essere praticamente invisibile oppure creare vivaci accenti cromati-ci in sintonia con gli interni. Inoltre, poiché le cornici intercambiabili di alto design non sono solo belle ma si possono anche sostituire in un lampo con un semplice «clic», ognuno può scegliersi la cornice più adatta allo stato d’animo del momento.

I veri talenti di DIVUSDOMUS si rivelano sopratutto all’esperto. Il sistema consente di integrare e aggiornare software proprio o di terzi senza alcun problema.DIVUSDOMUS viene fornito con performance PC attuali ed espansione di memoria ideale. È possibile realizzare senza problemi configurazioni a piacere per applicazioni individuali.

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DIVUS Gmbh - Pillhof, 51 - I-39057 Eppan (BZ) - Tel: +39 0471 633662 - Fax: 0039 0471 631829

DIVUS - Rainäckerstr. 39 - D-70794 Filderstadt - Tel. +49 (0)711 70708490 - Fax. +49 (0)711 70708499