Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Der nachstehende Lösungsvorschlag soll den Schülerinnen und Schülern des Landes sowohl zur individuellen Prüfungsvorbereitung als auch im Rahmen des Unterrichts in Lernsituationen zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Der Nutzerkreis ist auf Schülerinnen und Schüler sowie Lehrkräfte des Landes Mecklenburg-Vorpommern beschränkt. Aus dem Lösungsvorschlag lässt sich kein Rechtsanspruch ableiten, er wird ohne Gewähr für die Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit bereitgestellt. Dieses Dokument ist urheberrechtlich geschützt und darf weder analog noch digital veröffentlicht werden. Eine Weitergabe, insbesondere an Nachhilfeinstitute, Verlage oder ähnliche Einrichtungen, ist untersagt. Sowohl dieses Titelblatt als auch der Text der Fußzeile dürfen nicht von den Aufgaben getrennt werden. Zentralabitur 2019 Englisch Erhöhtes Anforderungsniveau Musterlösung


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Der nachstehende Lösungsvorschlag soll den Schülerinnen und Schülern des Landes sowohl zur individuellen Prüfungsvorbereitung als auch im Rahmen des Unterrichts in Lernsituationen zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Der Nutzerkreis ist auf Schülerinnen und Schüler sowie Lehrkräfte des Landes Mecklenburg-Vorpommern beschränkt. Aus dem Lösungsvorschlag lässt sich kein Rechtsanspruch ableiten, er wird ohne Gewähr für die Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit bereitgestellt.

Dieses Dokument ist urheberrechtlich geschützt und darf weder analog noch digital veröffentlicht werden. Eine Weitergabe, insbesondere an Nachhilfeinstitute, Verlage oder ähnliche Einrichtungen, ist untersagt. Sowohl dieses Titelblatt als auch der Text der Fußzeile dürfen nicht von den Aufgaben getrennt werden.

Zentralabitur 2019


Erhöhtes Anforderungsniveau


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Hinweise zur Durchführung und Bewertung

Die schriftliche Abiturprüfung 2019 im Fach Englisch besteht für alle Schülerinnen und Schüler aus einer kombinierten Aufgabe.

Teil A: Hörverstehen

Teil B: Leseverstehen mit Textproduktion

Teil C: Sprachmittlung

2 Erwartungshorizont und Bewertung Hörverstehensaufgabe (Teil A) Aufgabe 1: British National Parks

13 BE insgesamt, 1-2 BE pro Item

Die Informationen in Klammern sind optional, bei Informationen, die mit „/“ getrennt sind, handelt es

sich um Antwortalternativen.

No BE Lösung

1 2

a. not protected from government axe / grants dramatically gone down / government money


b. raising (commercial) money

2 1 (about) 120,000

3 1 as a contribution to (the running of) the (Lake District) National Park / running the park

4 1 make money for all (fifteen) parks / raise money from commercial sponsors / gain benefit

from using the relationship / gain benefit from the trademark Britain’s Breathing Spaces

5 1 it’s too early to say / it’s not yet clear / any company possible / want(s) to explore a wide net of businesses

6 1 outdoor clothing / tents / outdoor gear

7 1 putting up their logos everywhere / being insensitive to the context / putting up billboards

that compromise the beauty of the places / being uncreative

8 1 as a model for Britain / has done big deals with famous names

9 2 benefits from movie release donated (outdoor) kids program

10 1 (public) recognition (through the National Parks’ media channels) / good news

11 1 they honour/respect them (as cultural and environmental icons)

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Aufgabe 2: Roots

14 BE insgesamt, 1-4 BE pro Item

Die Informationen in Klammern sind optional, bei Informationen, die mit „/“ getrennt sind, handelt es

sich um Antwortalternativen.

No BE Lösung

1 1 (horrors of) slavery

2 1 narrator / plays Alex Haley

3 1

one of the following: 50% of Americans alive today not alive in 1977 not alive when the series was first aired need to retell story for new generations

4 2 actor / played Haley’s ancestor / played Kunta Kinte co-(executive) producer

5 1 city/place in (West) Africa / city/place in an African kingdom / city/place on the banks of the

river Gambia

6 1 kids called him “Kunta Kinte” / name was used to discriminate against him / as a negative attribute to describe him

7 4

changed the way America views slavery / awareness of human cost of slavery (more than) 100 million viewers 9 Emmy awards casting beloved/well-liked/ popular white actors (from TV-shows)

8 2

two of the following: black people resist more / fight harder against being victimized stories move faster story focusses more on Haley's family white slavers do not agonize over their decisions

9 1 America’s society still based on color line / reminds people of current problems

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3 Hinweise zur Textaufgabe (Teil B)

3.1 Erwartungshorizont Aufgabenblock I

Aufgabe 1

Outline the information about the company Renewable Solutions.

Es wird erwartet, dass die Schülerinnen und Schüler in einem kohärenten und strukturierten Text die

wesentlichen Informationen über die Firma Renewable Solutions darstellen.

Inhaltliche Aspekte

Renewable Solutions:

operates in the field of renewable energy in California

profits from state incentives, e.g. premiums for cleaner energy

has 15 staff members

does not produce anything, but conducts surveys, acts as a broker, etc. for various clients

the products sold and services offered change very quickly in order to keep up with new laws

and regulations

currently provides consultancy services for eco-electricity trying to organize waste-energy


contacts potential customers via mail, social media or telephone calls

makes clients believe that they can reduce ecological damage as well as their electricity bills

and at the same time receive tax benefits granted by the federal and state government

Aufgabe 2

Analyze Pip’s attitude towards her job and the means used to convey it. Refer to structure, narrative

perspective and language.

Es wird erwartet, dass die Schülerinnen und Schüler in einem kohärenten und strukturierten Text Pips

Einstellung zu ihrem Job analysieren und ihre Aussagen unter Bezugnahme auf die Struktur des

Textes, die gewählte Erzählperspektive und die verwendeten sprachlichen Mittel belegen.

Mögliche Aspekte

Pip’s attitude:

she is dissatisfied with her job

she can neither fulfill her true potential nor live up to the values instilled into her


narrative part (cf. ll. 1-36): provides the reader with background information about the

protagonist and the company

dialogue (cf. ll. 37-79): Pip’s marketing call to a potential customer

reader directly witnesses Pip’s performance and can draw own conclusion

narrative perspective:

third-person-narrator (Pip’s point of view)

gives the reader access to Pip’s mind (e.g. ll. 73-74) but also shows a certain degree of

distance regarding Pip and the company she is working for (slightly ironic tone, e.g. ll. 3-4, l. 19)


choice of words and phrases: expressions with positive connotations (mainly found at the

beginning, e.g. “wanted to do good”, ll. 12-13; “learned the importance of leading a morally

purposeful life”, ll. 13-14) are contrasted with words and phrases with negative connotations

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(“double disillusionment”, l. 22; “actively punished”, l. 23; “wasted [talents]”, l. 27; “crap” (l. 19);

“rote and semi-nonsensical pitch”, ll. 24-25)

Pip’s good intentions are contrasted with the frustrating reality at her workplace

imagery taken from the field of war/crime

(“mail bombardment”, l. 30; “telephonically harassing”, l. 29)

makes the company’s business activities appear aggressive

vulgar exclamation (“Bite me!”, l. 79) expresses her sheer frustration

Aufgabe 3.1

“And Pip wanted to do good […]. From her mother she’d learned the importance of leading a morally

purposeful life […].” (ll. 12-14).

Taking Pip’s professional situation as a starting point, write an article for the English edition of your

school magazine, in which you assess whether it is possible to pursue one’s ideals in a competitive


Es wird erwartet, dass die Schülerinnen und Schüler einen kohärenten und strukturierten Artikel für

die englischsprachige Schülerzeitung verfassen. Ausgehend vom Textzitat und der beruflichen

Situation der Protagonistin, setzen sie sich unter Einhaltung der textspezifischen Merkmale (u.a.

Überschrift, Einleitungssatz, Hauptteil, Schlussfolgerung) mit der Frage auseinander, ob Ideale in

unserer Wettbewerbsgesellschaft verwirklicht werden können, und kommen zu einer begründeten


Mögliche Aspekte

reference to Pip’s professional situation:

idealism/good intentions: work at Renewable Solutions to help reduce the amount of carbon

dioxide put into the environment

disillusionment: aggressive marketing strategies and immoral behaviour as key to success

arguments against ideals giving meaning to life:

choice of job and career often depend on education and situation on the job market

work in some career fields is extremely competitive and not always rewarding

arguments for ideals giving meaning to life:

various fields of work can be most rewarding when following ideals

ideals might also have meaning for one’s private life (e.g. commitment to the family, social and

political commitment)

competition can also act as an incentive to live up to ideals (e.g. in the field of sport, fashion,


Aufgabe 3.2

Based on a short analysis of the cartoon, comment on its message.

Es wird erwartet, dass sich die Schülerinnen und Schüler in einem kohärenten und strukturierten Text

ausgehend von einer knappen Analyse mit der Aussage des Cartoons kommentierend


Mögliche Aspekte

topic of the cartoon: marketing vs. reality:

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the cartoon shows a highly polluted inner city (roadside litter, massive air pollution caused by

heavy traffic and waste incineration plant) where renewable energy is almost non-existent (huge

nuclear power plant vs. small solar panel and wind turbine on rooftops)

these eco-sins are labelled as eco-friendly (slogan-like repetition of “green”)

deliberate consumer deception: “magic of marketing” (= greenwashing)


advertisement messages

mask environmental degradation and disguise environmentally harmful practices (waste

incineration, driving, air travel)

help companies to cultivate a “green” image (e.g. green power, green waste disposal, green



consumer deception as a widespread phenomenon

the companies’ environmental claims are often unfounded

marketing as a form of bending the truth

greenwashing stands in the way of more eco-friendly alternatives (e.g. renewable energy, public

transport, waste separation or avoidance)

increasing environmental awareness of the consumers causes greenwashing but might also

prevent it

task and responsibility of the state: laws and regulations, stricter controls

responsibility of each consumer to act in an environmentally-friendly way

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3.2 Erwartungshorizont Aufgabenblock II

Aufgabe 1

Describe the jobs human workers do at Amazon warehouses and those done by robots.

Es wird erwartet, dass die Schülerinnen und Schüler die Informationen über die Tätigkeiten der

Menschen und der Roboter in einem kohärenten und strukturierten Text zusammenfassen.

Inhaltliche Aspekte:

new jobs that have emerged because robots replace humans:

surveying robots and intervening if something goes wrong

troubleshooting robots

ensuring they have enough containers to fill/stack

operating robots

supervising robot operators

jobs still done by humans:

stuffing products onto shelves

following instructions on computer screens

putting items into plastic bins

packing items in cardboard boxes to be sent to customers

manually sorting big boxes of merchandise into bins

picking individual items off shelves

picking up things that have been dropped

jobs done by robots:

mechanical arms:

grab bins off conveyor belts

stack bins on pallets


move heavy shelves full of merchandise on their “backs”

move between stations staffed with humans - to be unpacked or filled again

Aufgabe 2

Analyze the way automation is presented in the text.

Es wird erwartet, dass die Schülerinnen und Schüler in einem kohärenten und strukturierten Text

beschreiben, wie die Automatisierung dargestellt wird. Dabei untersuchen, erkennen und benennen

sie dessen Gestaltungsmerkmale und gelangen anhand geeigneter Beispiele zu dem Schluss, dass

die Darstellung einseitig zu Gunsten der Automatisierung ausfällt.

Mögliche Aspekte


Nissa Scott last year and now:

last year: had to lift very heavy bins (“the size of small ottomans”, “25 pounds each”), worked

10-hour shifts, calls her former job “not the most stimulating one” (understatement) and “tiring”

→ negative description

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now: the “bright yellow” mechanical arm lifts the bins for her and stacks them in “neat” columns,

she has to “babysit” it (personification), which she calls “the most mentally challenging thing”

in the warehouse and it is “not repetitive” → positive description

Anxieties and hopes:

anxiety: automation destroys traditional retail jobs (President Trump representing this opinion)

→ no argument, just an opinion

hope: Amazon stays a “hiring machine” (metaphor), it has an “unquenchable need”

(personification) for workers, its “eye-popping growth” will create even more jobs → very

positive adjectives, expressing the nearly unlimited opportunities created by Amazon

Facts and figures:

Amazon’s workforce worldwide is 3x larger than Microsoft’s and 18x larger than Facebook’s (ll.


plans for new American headquarters will create 50.000 more jobs in the USA (l. 20)

at the same time it is “at the forefront” of automation with more than 100.000 robots and

planning to use more (ll. 26 ff.)

Amazon has bought the robotics company which developed its robots for 775 million dollars (l.


since adding robots to their workforce Amazon has hired more than 80.000 new employees in

the US which makes the total number worldwide 125.000 (ll. 66ff.)

Benefits of robots:

for workers:

they make warehouse work “less tedious and physically taxing” (l. 28)

they cut down on the walking required of workers, so those are more efficient and less tired (l.


humans work in a “technologically rich environment” (l. 71)

for the company:

they increase productivity and by that, demand and by that create jobs (ll. 69ff.)

robots’ performance not influenced by needs like hunger → the same all day

for customers:

greater selection of goods because no aisle space is needed

“efficiency gains” ensure convenient services at a low cost

without robots no two-day shipping or ordering in the morning and receiving in the evening

(negative consequences for consumers if automation was curbed)

Quotes by experts:

Amazon workers: Nissa Scott, Edward Cohoon → both in favor of robots

Amazon spokesman Mr. Clark: “It’s a myth that automation destroys net job growth” (l. 71f.)

futurist and expert on automation Martin Ford stresses financial advantages for customers (l.

31f.) → exclusively positive opinions

only person mentioned in connection with negative aspect is Donald Trump (l. 15)

Description of work in the Amazon warehouse:

“dynamics between people and machines” described as extremely smooth and well-functioning

(they “play out”), robots and humans work together neatly,

robots “scurry around” with their heavy loads and “whisk” them away, later they “queue up” like

cars “waiting at a toll booth” (use of strong verbs / allusions to living creatures)

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they are “tailgating each other but not colliding” (in contrast to human drivers)

→ verbs express fast and effortless actions as well as patience and discipline

→ robots (“beetles”) compared to insects and/or cars

All in all automation is presented in a one-sided way, solely positive. Negative attitudes are only

mentioned in general without being supported by arguments (and associated with President Trump).

Aufgabe 3.1

Online shopping – a blessing or a curse? Discuss.

Es wird erwartet, dass die Schülerinnen und Schüler das Phänomen Onlineshopping beschreiben,

positive und negative Aspekte benennen und mit geeigneten Beispielen untermauern. Sie gelangen in

einem kohärenten und strukturierten Text zu einer sachgerecht begründeten Stellungnahme.

Mögliche Aspekte:

positive: convenient, shopping without leaving your home, easy comparison of different offers,

delivery to your (or someone else’s) home address, easy returns, no closing hours, competitive

prices, individualized advertisement, ...

negative: social aspect of shopping experience is lost, retailers cannot survive, exploitation of

people employed there, manipulative presentation of goods, product cannot be examined,

consumers buy more than needed/planned, hidden costs, individualized advertisement, ...

Aufgabe 3.2

“The greatest danger of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence is that robots and bots will track you and

manipulate you in every step.” Amit Ray (born 1960, Indian computer scientist)

Comment on this statement.

Es wird erwartet, dass die Schülerinnen und Schüler das Zitat in eigenen Worten erklären und unter

Zuhilfenahme geeigneter Beispiele und Argumente eine begründete Stellungnahme in einem

kohärenten und strukturierten Text verfassen.

Mögliche Aspekte:

examples of tracking and manipulating: smartphones, fitness trackers, Google ad services,

location trackers, recommendations based on former locations/interests, filtered news,

automated chat functions, ….

examples of dangers: fake or filtered news, manipulation of voting behavior, breech of privacy,

surveillance, ...

positive examples: networking between different service providers (health insurance & doctors

& emergency services; travel agency & trip advisor & cheap flights), news based on your

interests, keeping track of your friends’ lives, ….

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4 Hinweise und Erwartungshorizont zur Sprachmittlungsaufgabe (Teil C)


Your school is doing a project on air pollution with your partner school in London. You are presenting

the CityTree project developed by a German start-up company, which has won a prestigious

environmental award.

On the basis of the two texts, write an article for the project website. Outline what CityTrees are and

why they might be interesting for big cities.

Es wird erwartet, dass die Schülerinnen und Schüler einen kohärenten und strukturierten Text

verfassen, der sich an eine jugendliche englischsprachige Leserschaft richtet, die

textsortenspezifischen Charakteristika eines Artikels für eine Website aufweist (Überschrift, klar

nachvollziehbare Gliederung, neutrales Register) und die zentralen Informationen der Texte

aufgabenbezogen zusammenfassend wiedergibt.

Inhaltliche Aspekte:

what CityTrees are:

four-metre-tall mobile square walls covered in a special kind of moss and plants that

absorb polluted air

serve as WiFi hotspots and advertising spaces

collect data to monitor air quality

are powered by solar cells

why CityTrees might be interesting for big cities:

urbanization, growing affluence and an increase in traffic lead to more air pollution

pollution severely affects people’s health, even causes death

air pollution also affects economic growth: clean air attracts highly qualified people and


CityTrees are comparatively small, effective (one CityTree is said to absorb as much polluted air as

275 real trees) and less expensive than other solutions.