[email protected] Graz, 26.2.07 Univ.-Doz.Ing.Mag.Mag.Dr. Andreas HOLZINGER www.basiswissen-multimedia.at Applying User-Centered Design 706.046 Vorlesung-Übung (3 SE, 5 ECTS) Interdisziplinäre Zusammenführung von Erkenntnissen aus Psychologie und Informatik zum User-Centered Design und Development von Medienobjekten. [email protected] Mo, 26.02.2007

Univ.-Doz.Ing.Mag.Mag.Dr. Andreas HOLZINGER www ...user.medunigraz.at/andreas.holzinger/holzinger/papers en...Univ.-Doz.Ing.Mag.Mag.Dr. Andreas HOLZINGER Applying User-Centered Design

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  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Univ.-Doz.Ing.Mag.Mag.Dr. Andreas HOLZINGER


    Applying User-Centered Design


    Vorlesung-Übung (3 SE, 5 ECTS)

    Interdisziplinäre Zusammenführung von Erkenntnissen aus Psychologie und Informatik zum

    User-Centered Design und Development von Medienobjekten. [email protected]

    Mo, 26.02.2007

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07


    Our aim

    Bridging the gap betweenPsychology and Computer Science

    Psychology Informatics

    Human-Computer Interaction

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07


    Software Application


  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07


    Human ̶Computer



  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07


    Doing a project work in groups of 3 people and proceed in conference contribution style

    Select a project ideaWork on the project togetherWrite a paper together (max. 3 authors)Submit to Committee (peer review)Presenting the paper in plenumDiscuss

    How to get a (positive) gradingPart 1+2 (70 %): Project Presentation + Paper

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07


    Answering questions of UCD TheoryDichotomy YES/NO DecisionsMultiple ChoiceOpen Ended Questions

    How to get a (positive) gradingPart 3 (30%): Written Examination

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Technological Performance

    Gordon E. Moore (1965, 1989, 1997)

    Holzinger (2002), p. 69

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07




    n in


    t, bu

    t en






    Vgl. Moore (1965), Holzinger (2002), Scholtz & Consolvo (2004), Intel (2007)


    Computer Cost/Size versus Performance

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    What is Performance?

    Response time: the time between the start and completion of a task.Throughput: the total amount of work done in a given time.Some performance measures:

    MIPS (million instructions per second)MFLOPS (million floating point operations per second), also GFLOPS, TFLOPS (1012), etc.SPEC (System Performance Evaluation Corporation) benchmarksSynthetic benchmarks

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Small and Large Numbers













  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Computer Memory Size






  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Components of Performance

    Time period of clock (seconds, etc.)

    Clock cycle time

    Average number of clock cycles per instruction


    Instructions executed by the program

    Instruction count

    Time (seconds, etc.)CPU time for a program

    UnitsComponents of Performance

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Units for Measuring Performance

    Time in seconds (s), microseconds (μs), nanoseconds (ns), or picoseconds (ps).Clock cycle

    Period of the hardware clockExample: one clock cycle means 1 nanosecond for a 1GHz clock frequency (or clock rate)CPU time = (CPU clock cycles)/(clock rate)

    Cycles per instruction (CPI): average number of clock cycles used to execute a computer instruction.

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Computer Performance

    MetricsPopular measures

    MIPS• Depends on inst. Set | Varies between progs

    Can vary inversely with performanceGFLOPS• Better, perhaps, as instructions are similar• FLOPS can differ across machines

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Top MachineBlueGene/L

    first supercomputer in the Blue Gene projectSpecialised systems based on the Power architecture.

    • Individual power 400 processors at 700Mhz

    • Two processors reside in a single chip.• Two chips reside on a “compute card” with

    512MB memory.• 16 of these compute cards are placed on a

    node board.• 32 node boards fit into one cabinet, and

    there are 64 cabinets.• 130,712 CPUs with theoretical peak of

    183.5 TFLOPS/s• Multiple network topologies available,

    which can be selected depending on the application.

    High density of processors in a small area:• Low power and (comparatively) slow

    processors - just lots of them!• Fast interconnects and low-latency.

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Computer: Moore’s Law



    1950 1990 2030

    Computer "capabilities"

    Moore (1997), and cf. Holzinger (2002), 69

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Human versus Computer


    Human Abilities

    1950 1990 203010.000 BCAtkinson (1965), Hall (1988), Buxton (2001)

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    End-User in the Sixties (IBM 7030)

    Bloch (1959), http://archive.computerhistory.org/stretch

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Pictures removed

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07


  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    How many "zeros" do you see?

    3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 5 8 9 7 9 3 2 3 8 4 6 2 6 4 3 3 8 3 2 7 9 5 0 2 8 8 4 1 9 7 1 6 9 3 9 9 3 7 5 1 0 5 8 2 0 9 7 4 9 4 4 5 9 2 3 0 7 8 1 6 4 0 6 2 8 6 2 0 8 9 9 8 6 2 8 0 3 4 8 2 5 3 4 2 1 1 7 0 6 7 9 8 2 1 4

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    How many red objects?

    3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 5 8 9 7 9 3 2 3 8 4 6 2 6 4 3 3 8 3 2 7 9 5 0 2 8 8 4 1 9 7 1 6 9 3 9 9 3 7 5 1 0 5 8 2 0 9 7 4 9 4 4 5 9 2 3 0 7 8 1 6 4 0 6 2 8 6 2 0 8 9 9 8 6 2 8 0 3 4 8 2 5 3 4 2 1 1 7 0 6 7 9 8 2 1 4

    Bertin (1977), Card., Mackinlay & Shneiderman (1999), Holzinger (2001)

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Fundamental Idea of a LO

    Theory of atoms (Democrit, 400 B.C.)

    Information Chunk (Miller, 1956)

    OO-Theory (Dahl & Nygaard, 1966)

    “…. a fundamental idea to create interoperable and reusable LEARNING OBJECTS.”

    Reigeluth & Nelson (1997), Saddik et al. (2000), Holzinger (2001)

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Learning is a basic cognitive & social process …not an object...







    Glasersfeld (1987), Knuth & Cunningham (1993), Holzinger (1997, 2000)

    ... it is an construction within every individual human memory.

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Two different design approaches

    Technology Centered DesignFeature driven:What can be realized on our platform?Tool driven: What can be created by using available tools?Interest Driven: What do the programmer find interesting?

    Learner Centered DesignTask based:What do the learners really need?Ability based: What abilities/knowledge do the learners have?Domain based: In what context do the learners learn?

    Norman & Draper (1986); Soloway, Guzdial, Hay (1994); Holzinger & Motschnig (2005)

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Using Computers for learning purposes

    Pedagogy Technology

    extremely critical

    "Replacement" for Teachers

    "behavioristical" use only

    social isolation

    Examples: Neil Postman, Hartmut v. Hentig, …

    uncritical, naive


    exaggerated expectations

    Technology in foreground

    Examples: Bill Gates, John Chambers, …

    Baumgartner & Payr (1994), Holzinger (2000)

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Research in e-Education on 3 Levels

    Macro Level (Educational Systems and their framework and structures),Meso Level (Impact and comparison of institutional conditions) and onMicro Level (Research of technology enhanced educational processes)

    Bronfenbrenner (1978, 81, 90)

    Urie Bronfenbrenner (1917 – 25.Sept. 2005)

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07


    Given the range of ways computers can represent feedback in a simulation, research is needed to ensure that design decisions are made based on the psychological needs of the individual end-user and not simply on what the computer is capable of doing!

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Reading:A 34. Holzinger A. (2005): Usability Engineering for Software Developers. Communications of the ACM (CACM), 2005, Vol 48, Issue 1, 71-74A 25. Holzinger, A. (2004): Application of Rapid Prototyping to the User Interface Development for a Virtual Medical Campus. IEEE Software. Vol. 21, Iss. 1, January 2004, 92-99.

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    What is Usability?

    Social acceptability Practical acceptability

    Reliability Compatibility AffordabilityUsefulness



    Efficiency Memorability Errors


    System acceptability

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07Buxton (2001), Marcus (2004)

    Complexity! Technical knowledge required, regular software installation, updates & maintenance, usability of hardware, software & manuals, loads of unwanted features, crashes, ...

    Ζ∈≥= fff


    u ,11

    Complexity as a barrier …

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Definition of Usability

    Dimension Description, e.g. … Benchmark






    Low start-up overhead …

    Easy to remember …

    Time to repeat task

    Time to perform task

    Nielsen (1993), Nielsen & Levy (1994), Nielsen (1996)

    Achieving high productivity …

    Easy to recover from errors …

    Measuring task performance

    Numberof errors

    Pleasant to use … Users subjective opinion

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Metrics ISO 9241, ISO 13407

    Objective Effectiveness Efficiency Satisfaction

    Suitability % of goalsachieved

    Time toComplete



    # of powerfeatures used

    Relative toexpert

    Rating ofpower

    Learnability % learned Time tolearn

    Rating oflearning

    Error % errorscorrected

    Time tocorrect

    Rating oferror handling

    Dix et al. (1998), ISO 9241, ISO 13407

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    1977: Release of Apple II with graphical interface1985: Gould and Lewis promote User-centered Design1988: Norman and Draper, User-centered System Design[1990’s] –

    Interest in field methods, Rapid increases in computing power and options, Emergence of prototyping tools, Global marketplace, Internet…

    1999: ISO standards for human-centered design2001: FIRST Special issue IJHCI, Human-centered design

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Usability is the typical way a product is evaluated

    Usability Engineering (UE) is all encompassing to enable good Usability

    User-centered design (UCD) is one approach of UE to incorporate the end-user in design and development (User-centered development)

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Standard ISO HCI (1)

    1Design for quality in useISO 9241-11, ISO 9126-4: effectiveness, efficiency, (safety), satisfactionISO 20282-2 Usability of everyday products

    2Design the user interfaceISO 9241 parts 12 to 17 Ergonomic principles

    3Use user-centred methods in developmentISO 13407 Human centred design processes

    4Establish organisational processesISO TR 18529 Human-centred lifecycle process descriptions

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Standard ISO HCI (2)

    process quality product quality quality in use

    usability in context

    development process

    product effect of the product

    user centred process

    interface and interaction

    ISO 13407 ISO 9241-11ISO 14598-1

    ISO/IEC 9126-1ISO/IEC 9126-4

    ISO 20282-2

    organisational capability

    life cycle processes

    usability capability

    ISOTR 18529 ISO 9241 parts 10, 12-17ISO/IEC 9126-2/3

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    User-Centered Design

    Other standards:ISO 10741

    • cursor control in text systemsISO 11581

    • appropriate icon symbols and functionsISO 13407

    • user-centered design for interactive systemsISO 14754

    • basic gesture commands for text editingetc.

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Again: How usability is defined: Items in four different usabilityconstructs


    “The capability of the software product to be understood, learned, used and attractive to the user, when used under specified conditions.”


    "The extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use."

    •Learnability•Memorability•Efficiency•Subjective satisfaction•Low rate of errors

    •Effectiveness:performance in accomplishment of tasks and the access to potential utility.•Learnability:degree of learning needed to accomplish tasks.•Flexibility:adaptation to variation in tasks.•Attitude: user satisfaction with system.

    ISO 9126-1 (2000)

    ISO 9241-11(1998)

    Nielsen (1993)Shackel (1986)

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    UCDev, Marcus (2002), Holzinger (2003)

    Requirements > User Analysis > Task Analysis > Lo-Fi Prototype > Evaluation > Reengineering > Prototype > Evaluation > Reengineering

    cf. Boehm (1988)

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Holzinger (2004)

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Audience Analysis

    “Know thy end-users”

    Common dimensions includeRole – Dominant persona of users (job, affiliation)Goals – Reason for the interactionCircumstances of Use – Setting, resources, strategy, timing Culture – Group level beliefs, language, preferencesErgonomics – Relevant perceptual & motor abilities, skills

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    User Centered Design

    Know thy end-users!Cognitive abilitiesPhysical abilitiesMotivational backgroundPrevious knowledge and skills!

    Keep users involved throughout the development process …

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Ergonomics (examples)

    Physical ergonomics human anatomical, anthropometric, physiological and biomechanical characteristics as they relate to physical activity::

    postures, materials handling, repetitive movements, work relatedmusculoskeletal disorders, workplace layout, safety and health.

    Cognitive Ergonomics mental processes:perception, memory, reasoning, and responses:

    mental workload, decision-making, skilled performance, human-computer interaction, human reliability, work stress and training.

    Social Ergonomics implies to consider more than one person and information technology is made for people to communicate and to work together CSCW (computer supported collaborative work)

    communication, resource management, teamwork, participatory design, cooperative work.

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Organizational goal

    Eason’s Socio-technical systems: Levels of analysis

    OrganizationalgoalSocial system



    People Technology

    LEVEL 3 Society

    LEVEL 2Organization

    LEVEL 1Individual

    Eason (1991)

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Methods used

    cf. Nielsen (1994), Andrews (2002), Holzinger (2003), Holzinger (2005)

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Nielsen's famous findings

    problems found benefits / cost

    cf. Nielsen (1994)

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Field studiesEvaluatereal life


    Thinking aloud

    Usability testing



    Thinking aloud


    Hi-fi Design


    User studies, function tests



    Identification of end-users






    Holzinger (2004), Holzinger (2005)

    User Centered Development (UCD)

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Low-Fi – High Fi Prototyping

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Thinking Aloud Protocol

    Subjective –but one of the most valuable methods in usability engineering!Literally, the user "thinks aloud" whilst going through tasks and their thoughts are recorded.Designers can then see what the user was thinking at the time of having problems.Reveals not only what the problems are, but why!

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Understand Humans

    Understand perceptual system to understand how we perceive information and response timesUnderstand cognitive system to understand how we learn, remember, and make decisionsUnderstand motor system to understand limits of human task performanceUse knowledge to inform the design of interfaces

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Lomax, H and Casey,N. (1998) ‘recording social life: reflexivity and video methodology’, sociological research online, 3(2) http://www.socresonline.org.uk/socresonline/3/2/1.htmlRose, G. (2001) Visual methodologies: an introduction to interpreting visual objects. London: Sage.Van Leeuwen, T. and Jewitt, C. (2000) The handbook of visual analysis. London: Sage. (in particular Goodwins chapter 'Professional vision')Pink, S. (2001) Doing visual ethnography: images, media, and representation in research. London: Sage.Banks,M. (2001) Visual methods in social research. London: Sage.Banks, M and Morphy, H (Eds) (1997) Rethinking Visual Anthropology, New Haven: Yale University Press.Prosser, J (Ed.) (1998) Image-based Research: A Sourcebook for Qualitative Researchers, London: Falmer Press.Emmison, M. and Smith, P. (2000) Researching the visual. London: Sage.Norris, S. (2004) Analyzing Multimodal Interaction, London: RoutledgeFalmer.R.Flueitt (2005 – October) Using video to investigate preschool classroom ineraction, Visual Communication 4(3).

    Some resources on Video Analysis

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Interactions: New Visions of Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 12, Issue 3, 64

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Again …

    Richard E. Clark (1994)“Technology is the answer, but what is the question?”Today, the technology has changed … but the question has not!

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    How usability is defined: Items in four different usability constructs


    “The capability of the software product to be understood, learned, used and attractive to the user, when used under specified conditions.”


    "The extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use."

    •Learnability•Memorability•Efficiency•Subjective satisfaction•Low rate of errors

    •Effectiveness:performance in accomplishment of tasks and the access to potential utility.•Learnability:degree of learning needed to accomplish tasks.•Flexibility:adaptation to variation in tasks.•Attitude: user satisfaction with system.

    ISO 9126-1 (2000)

    ISO 9241-11(1998)

    Nielsen (1993)Shackel (1986)

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    HCI ISO overview

    process quality product quality quality in use

    usability in context

    development process

    product effect of the product

    user centred process

    interface and interaction

    ISO 13407 ISO 9241-11ISO 14598-1

    ISO/IEC 9126-1ISO/IEC 9126-4

    ISO 20282-2

    organisational capability

    life cycle processes

    usability capability

    ISOTR 18529 ISO 9241 parts 10, 12-17ISO/IEC 9126-2/3

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Learning requires cognitive effort!

    Successful learning results in permanent understanding of contexts and

    in mastering problems (zone of developments) –not just fun of edutainment!

    Lessons Learned

    Shall we make learning as easy as possible?

    Wilhelm Busch (1832-1908)

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Future Research

    We need much more research to help define the learning goals that best profit from new technologies … in real-life …

    Richard E. Mayer (2005)

  • [email protected] Graz, 26.2.07

    Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) & Usability Engineering (UE) is integrating

    HCI&UE and the power of M3

    Media Psychology

    Media InformaticsMedia Education

    Design & Development

    Holzinger (2002, 2003, 2004, 2005), Holzinger & Motschnig (2005)