URGENT ACTION ALSchützen Wir die Wölfe, denn sie sind Unsere großen Helfer im Kampf englisch

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  • 7/29/2019 URGENT ACTION ALSchtzen Wir die Wlfe, denn sie sind Unsere groen Helfer im Kampf englisch


    Schtzen Wir die Wlfe, denn sie sind Unsere groen

    Helfer im Kampf

    gegen die Zerstrer Unserer Welt

    URGENT ACTION ALERT----DEADLINE TODAY ----from wolf brother, Robert

    Goldman ----

    In 2012, in the five US states without any federal protections for wolves, over

    1,200 innocent wolves including wolf pups have been brutally killed; those states

    are Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Yet, that's not enough

    senseless brutality and death for "Cowboy Ken" Salazar's US Fish & Wildlife

    Service and his twisted supporters. Salazar, who was unfortunately appointed by

    Pres. Obama is thankfully leaving his position at the end of this month. But he

    wants to give his wolf-hating, lying rancher buddies one more bloody "gift": the

    removal of federal protections for wolves in the remaining 45 states where they

    are still federally protected. This unethical, cruel, anti-ecology political scheme

    includes states that have just a few dozen wolves and some states with no

    wolves at all. How ridiculous is such a proposal?

  • 7/29/2019 URGENT ACTION ALSchtzen Wir die Wlfe, denn sie sind Unsere groen Helfer im Kampf englisch


    Why even have an Endangered Species Act if corrupt federal officials or any

    corrupt state government, with backroom lobbying by dishonest cattlemen,

    animal abusing sport killers, big energy companies and other shady groups, can

    declare a persecuted and endangered animal unworthy of protection due to lies,

    mythology, infinite greed and dirty politics?



    US Rep. Peter DeFazio of Oregon and US Rep. Ed Markey of Massachusetts, with

    US Rep. Raul Grijalva of Arizona as a lead sponsor, have been circulating a letter

    to their colleagues in the US Congress, expressing support for America's wolves

    still under federal protections, and which urges that those federal protections

    remain in place. This letter of support for America's wolves will be forwarded to

    the US Fish & Wildlife Service.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Only 35 members of the US Congress, out of 435 members

    have signed this letter! Your Congress person has very likely NOT SIGNED this

    pro-wolf letter. Democrats and Republicans are equally responsible for not

    defending wolves, for turning their backs on the Endangered Species Act, forturning their backs on the humane, ecology respecting majority. And the national

    media continues to turn its collective back on covering this disgraceful scandal.



    1. Call your member of Congress RIGHT NOW at (202) 224-3121. Urge him or herto oppose the removal of Endangered Species Act protections for wolves that

    remain in 45 of the 50 US states. Urge them to sign on to the wolf defender letter

    of US Reps. DeFazio, Markey and Grijalva, that will be forwarded to the US Fish &

    Wildlife Service.

    2. Also, use this form to send a letter to your US Rep today (Thanks to the Center

    for Biological Diversity) by clicking here:



  • 7/29/2019 URGENT ACTION ALSchtzen Wir die Wlfe, denn sie sind Unsere groen Helfer im Kampf englisch


    (To all Wolf Defenders who live outside the United States: you can sign this letter,

    too. Here's how, click on the link above and then enter postal code 04104. You'll

    be able to send a message to my US Rep. Chellie Pingree. US Rep. Pingree is a

    progressive Democrat, but like most Democrats and Republicans she has not

    signed this letter. Shame on Rep. Pingree who is more afraid of the sport killer

    lobby in Maine, that is infamous for demonizing all natural predators, than indoing the right thing for the ecology of her home state and the ecology of the

    entire country.)

    3. EVERYONE: Please call US Rep. Pingree's office in Washington DC at: 202-225-

    6116. Tell her to do the right thing and sign this pro-wolf, pro-ecology letter right


    Stay tuned for more creative actions coming in the next few days.

    Thank you for America's ecologically vital and beautiful wolves,

    Robert Goldman

    Protect America's Wolves! petition campaign



    P.S. We are almost at 16,000 petition signers from around the US and the world!

    Please forward this email to everyone you now who respects and loves wildlife, so

    they can help, too. Thanks!