Page 1: Camden Market für Schülerinnen und Schüler

Arbeitsheft Inklusion

Arbeitsheft Inklusion 3 mit Audio-CD





Probekapitelfür Klasse 7zum Thema“You’re not



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Page 2: Camden Market für Schülerinnen und Schüler

Arbeitsheft Inklusion 95

PI can do it now

Das muss ich noch üben.Ich mache noch Fehler.Kein Problem!

Vor jedem Satz steht ein Kreis: Darunter steht die Seite, auf der es eine Aufgabe dazu gibt:(‘ Seite 53)

Wenn du meinst, dass du das Beschriebene schon richtig gut kannst, dann male den Kreis grün aus:

Du bist dir noch nicht ganz sicher? Dann male den Kreis gelb aus:

Wenn du noch große Schwierigkeiten hast, dann male den Kreis rot aus:

Und jetzt: Viel Spaß!

You’re not alone

Ich kann aus Gesprächen heraushören, wie sich jemand fühlt.

(‘ Seite 5)

Ich kann über Gefühle sprechen.

(‘ Seite 5)

Ich kann auch schwierigere Texte lesen und verstehen.

(‘ Seite 61, 62)

Ich kann mithilfe einer Wortsammlung ein Gedicht schreiben.

(‘ Seite 59)


Probekapitel 4 aus Camden Market für Klasse 7

Herzlich Willkommen bei Camden Market!

Mit diesem Probekapitel könnt ihr das Lehrwerk schnell und einfach im Unterricht ausprobieren.

Eure Lehrerin/euer Lehrer hat euch dafür einen Auszug aus dem Textbook gegeben

(Bestellnummer 937.853) und dieses Heft. Hier findet ihr die Seiten zum selbstständigen Üben:

vorne die Seiten aus dem Workbook und im hinteren Heftteil die Seiten aus dem Arbeitsheft Inklusion

für den Förderschwerpunkt Lernen.

Aus dem Workbook: Aus dem Arbeitsheft Inklusion:

• Der Basis-Teil (S. 59–65) • Der Basis-Teil (S. 53–63)

• Der Test-yourself-Teil (S. 66–67) • Eine Wordbank (S. 64)

• Der Practice-Teil (S. 68–69) • I can do it now (S. 95)

• Der More-Teil (S. 70–73)

Die passenden Hörtexte, Portfolio-Fragebögen und Test yourself-Lösungen

stehen unter: zum Download bereit.

Page 3: Camden Market für Schülerinnen und Schüler

Workbook 3 mit Audio-CD

Zum systematischen Üben aller Kompetenzen und Fertigkeiten (Sprechen, Hören, Lesen, Schreiben, Sprachmittlung):

· differenzierende Aufgaben auf Basis- und More-Niveau · Selbstevaluation mit Portfolio- und Test yourself-Seiten · sinnvolle Unterstützung beim selbstständigen Englischlernen

Die Audio-CD enthält alle Hörverstehens- und Ausspracheübungen aus dem Workbook und ausgewählte Texte und Songs aus dem Textbook.

Erscheint im Februar 2015 mit ca. 120 Seiten.


mit Audio-CD

ISBN 978-3-425-73823-9 3

Page 4: Camden Market für Schülerinnen und Schüler

Ab hier beginnt das Camden Market Workbook

Das Workbook

Im Workbook findet ihr Übungen, die ihr selbstständig bearbeiten könnt, z. B. als Hausaufgabe.

Dazu schaut ihr zunächst im Textbook, welche Workbook-Übung zu den Aufgaben aus dem Unterricht passen.

Das erkennt ihr am WB-Symbol:

Hier passt Aufgabe 5 auf Seite 60 im Workbook.

Mit dem Workbook könnt ihr nicht nur selbstständig üben, sondern auch testen, wie gut ihr

beim Englischlernen vorankommt. Nach diesem Test seht ihr dann, was ihr noch mehr üben müsst.

Zum Üben findet ihr unter Extra-Practice spezielle Aufgaben. So erkennt ihr euren Übungsbereich:

Aufbau der Themes im Workbook

Auf den Seiten mit der orangenen Ecke findet ihr Aufgaben,

die zum Basis-Teil des Textbooks passen.

Gelb bedeutet Test yourself. Wenn ihr das Theme fertig bearbeitet habt, könnt ihr

hier euren Lernfortschritt testen. Die Lösungen überprüft ihr im Anschluss mit dem

Lösungsbogen (von

Wenn euch bei der Kontrolle der Aufgaben auf den orangenen Seiten aufgefallen

ist, dass ihr an einigen Stellen noch mehr üben solltet, nutzt ihr dazu die blauen

Extra Practice-Seiten.

Auf den Seiten mit der grünen Ecke findet ihr Aufgaben, die zum More-Teil des

Textbooks passen. Sie sind schwieriger als die Basis-Aufgaben.

BASIS Robinson Crusoe4teSt youRSelf4

extRA pRACtICe4

moRe Robinson Crusoe4

5p. 60

Der Mond kennzeichnet einfachere

Texte und Aufgaben im Basis-Teil

Die Sonne kennzeichnet schwierige

Texte und Aufgaben im More-Teil.

Kompetenz: Sprechen

Kompetenz: Leseverstehen

Kompetenz: Schreiben

Kompetenz: Hörverstehen

Kompetenz: Hörsehverstehen

Kompetenz: Sprachmittlung


Dieser Text ist auf der CD für Lehrer

und auf der CD für Schüler.

Das Video befindet sich auf der DVD

für Lehrer.

Hierzu gibt es eine Erklärung im

Grammatik-Teil Language in Focus.

Dieses Symbol zeigt die passende Übung

im Textbook an.

Die Techniken auf den How to …-Seiten

im Textbook helfen beim Englischlernen.

In den Wordbanks im Textbook befinden sich

die wichtigsten Wörter zu einem Thema.

l xx S xx


p. 18510

readp. 168

How to …

Celebrationsp. 159


xxp. xx

Page 5: Camden Market für Schülerinnen und Schüler

59fi fty-nine

BASIS Robinson Crusoe 41 Travel in your mind

a) Close your eyes and listen to the sounds.

b) Open your eyes. What did you hear, see, smell, taste or feel? Write down your thoughts. Then talk about them with a partner.

I heard:

I saw:

I smelled:

I tasted:

I felt:

2 What a story Look at the story of Robinson Crusoe in your textbook again. What do YOU think?Tick YOUR answers.

1 Is the story a funny story?

a horror story?

an adventure story?

2 Has the story got a good ending?

a bad ending?

no ending at all?

3 Is Robinson away from home for a long time?

for a short time?

3 What was it like? a) Find out how Robinson felt.

I was really /skeəd/ when the ship hit some rocks.

I was very /ˈləʊnli/ for a long time.

I was /ˈhæpi/ when I met Man Friday.

b) Listen and check.



1p. 80–81


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60 sixty

BASIS Robinson Crusoe44 Back home

Fill in the missing words to complete Robinson’s story.

Robinson Crusoe left his in York, on 1st September 1651, when he

a ship to London. Later he left London on another that sailed

to the . The ship crossed the Atlantic Ocean but then there was a storm and the ship hit

some . Robinson to an island. At fi rst he felt helpless, but after

some time he a raft and collected things from the wreck. He was lonely and sad, but

he began a new on the island. For many years he lived and this

made him unhappy and homesick. One day some came to the island. He was shocked

when he saw they had a . Robinson the prisoner. Because he

found him on a , Robinson named the prisoner Man Friday. He

him how to speak English and they had many exciting adventures. Later, Man Friday also taught Robinson how

to and how to use as medicine. They made each other happy

but Robinson was still very glad when an English ship by. Robinson and Man Friday

back in England on 11th June 1687, and Robinson was very excited to be home.

5 What’s important? a) Listen to Keith and Abed. Circle things they talk about.

a pair of scissors


a plastic bag

a knife a spade matches


sunglassesa book

a fi rst aid kit a toothbrush

a packet of seeds

an axea rope

b) Read the statements. Then listen again. Who thinks what? Write K for Keith or A for Abed in the boxes.

He would take a book with him.

He thinks it’s important to be able to travel.

He would write a message in a bottle.

He isn’t sure if he’d be able to grow any food.

prisoner • ship • parents • Caribbean • rocks • swam • life • sailed • alone • cannibals • rescued • taught • fi sh •

Friday • plants • boarded • arrived • built


He thinks that a fi rst aid kit is necessary.

He thinks that you don’t need a watch.

He thinks that he would not be able to build a raft.

He thinks that a toothbrush isn’t important.


Page 7: Camden Market für Schülerinnen und Schüler

If you've ever lived on an island

If ever you've lived by the sea,

You'll never return to the mainland

once your spirit has been set free.

If ever you've smelled the ocean

or tasted the salt in the air;

You'll know you've discovered a haven

that is uncommon, precious and rare.

If ever you've seen the whales play

or watched the eagles in fl ight

You'll remember, again, why you live here,

and why it feels so right.

If ever you've seen the sunset as the ferry passes the shore;

You've seen the beauty of the island that will be with you forevermore.

If ever you've heard the seagulls the waves, a foghorn, the winds;

Then you've heard the song of the island and the peaceful message it sends.

Indeed, if you live on an island if you're lucky to live by the sea

You'll never return to the mainland, as your spirit has been set free.


4BASIS Robinson Crusoe

6 On a desert island a) Imagine YOU are stranded on an island. What would you do to survive?

First make notes. fi nd foodbuild a hutlook for wild animals…

b) Now write about what you would do.

First I would … Then … Later … I would also …

7 Island life a) Read the poem. Look up words you don’t know in your dictionary.

b) Do you like the poem? Why? Why not? Talk about it with a partner.


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62 sixty-two

BASIS Dealing with problems48 What are their problems

a) What problems have these people got? Match the speech bubbles with the pictures. Draw lines.

b) Here is some advice for the kids. Match the advice with the names.

1 Why don’t you ask your teacher or a classmate for help?

2 You should talk to your father and explain how you feel.

3 Maybe you could get a Saturday job?

4 Try fi nding out what her hobbies are and talk to her about her interests.

5 Put your things away after you’ve used them.

6 Can you ask another friend who knows you both what the problem is?

9 Problems a) These things can be reasons for problems. Can you read them?

/ˈsaɪbəˌbʊliɪŋ/ /ˈpeərənts splɪt‿ˈʌp/ / ˈhəʊmˌwɜːk/ / ˈpɒkɪt ˌmʌni/

b) Listen and check.

My father doesn’t let me go out with my friends. He says I’m too young.

I’m terrible at maths … I’m really worried.

I never have enough pocket money.

I really like this girl. But she doesn’t see me …

My best friend has stopped talking to me and I don’t know why.

My mum always tells me to tidy up my room. But I like it this way.


Gemma Andrew

Kirsten Sandy

Greg Marc


Page 9: Camden Market für Schülerinnen und Schüler


4BASIS Dealing with problems

11 Caroline’s family a) Read the text about Caroline’s family in number 9 of your textbook.

b) Match the facts with the family members. Draw lines.

Mr Lambraki Mrs Lambraki

George Caroline


out of work

does the housework and the cooking

looking for a new job


works hard

often tired

never cleans

doesn’t like helping at home

plays football or computer games after school

loves pets

best friend = Gillian

worries a lot

10 Ask Sarah Read the letters to Sarah in number 8 of your textbook again. Then match the sentence parts.

1 Patty is A mobile phone for her birthday.

2 She told B horrible messages.

3 Patty is angry and disappointed C that everything will change

4 Jason wants a dog D about cyberbullying.

5 His dad thinks E because her best friend is now going out with Liam.

6 His mum says F and doesn’t know what to do.

7 Tommy’s parents G because he loves animals.

8 Tommy is really sad H her best friend about Liam.

9 He is worried I in love with a boy at school.

10 Susan got a new J he can have a cat.

11 She is worried K are going to split up.

12 She has received L their fl at is too small for a dog.

8p. 85

9p. 86


Page 10: Camden Market für Schülerinnen und Schüler

64 sixty-four

BASIS Dealing with problems412 Caroline’s letter

There are some problems in Caroline’s family at the moment. Read the text in your textbook again. Then write Caroline’s letter to ‘Ask Sarah’.

13 What will you do? What will YOU do? Complete the sentences.

If I have an argument with my best friend

If my mum wants me to tidy up my room

If my favourite actor comes to my home town

If I get horrible messages on my mobile phone

If there is a new album by my favourite band

There are some problems in my family.

My dad feels …

My brother never …

I’m angry at my brother because …

My brother doesn’t care.

My mum has to …

My mum will have to …

My dad has lost his job.

I’m worried because …


Page 11: Camden Market für Schülerinnen und Schüler

65sixty-fi ve

BASIS Dealing with problems 4

15 Help on the radio a) Listen to the radio show. Who is Jenny Jones?

the DJ a guest on the radio show

b) Listen again. Then tick ( ) if the statements are right or wrong.right wrong

1 Tamisha’s family cannot afford to go to Spain this year.

2 Tamisha’s family should do something fun together in the holidays.

3 Dr J suggests Tamisha should go to her local youth club.

4 Dr J says that Tamisha should go on holiday with one of her friends.

5 Tamisha could volunteer at a home for animals.

6 Harry feels like his science and history teachers don’t like him.

7 Dr J thinks that Harry’s parents will be proud of him if he tells them.

8 Teachers can sound angry when they aren’t actually angry.

9 Dr J says Harry should talk to his parents at breakfast.

10 A lot of people just give up if they get bad results.

c) Correct the wrong statements.

14 Worum geht es? Your friend who doesn’t speak English wants to know what the song ‘Welcome to my life’ by Simple Plan is about. Tell him/her in German.

Do you ever feel like breaking down?Do you ever feel out of place?Like somehow you just don’t belongAnd no one understands youDo you ever want to run away?Do you lock yourself in your room?With the radio on, turned up so loudThat no one hears you screamingNo, you don’t know what it’s likeWhen nothing feels alrightYou don’t know what it’s likeTo be like me …

To be hurt, to feel lostTo be left out in the darkTo be kicked when you’re downTo feel like you’ve been pushed aroundTo be on the edge of breaking downAnd no one’s there to save youNo, you don’t know what it’s likeWelcome to my life…



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66 sixty-six

TEST YOURSELF4Auf den Test-yourself-Seiten hast du Gelegenheit zu überprüfen, was du in Theme 4 gelernt hast. Bearbeite erst einmal der Reihe nach alle Aufgaben. Überlege anschließend, welche Aufgaben dir leicht gefallen sind, welche nicht ganz einfach waren und welche du richtig schwierig fandest. Deine Ergebnisse kannst du mit den Lösungen vergleichen und dann deine Punktzahl eintragen. Die Test-yourself-Seiten helfen dir bei deiner Selbsteinschät-zung mit den Portfolio-Fragebögen. Die Lösungen zu den Test-yourself-Seiten und die Portfolio-Fragebögen sind im vollständigen Workbook enthalten. Für Theme 4 kannst du sie unter herunterladen und ausdrucken.

1 Listening: Amy’s worries a) Listen to Amy. Who is she worried about?

her friend Mark her brother Rory her dad

b) Listen again. Then tick ( ) if the statements are right or wrong.


right wrong

1 Amy’s brother has lots of friends at his new school.

2 He is fi nding the work at his new school quite diffi cult.

3 Rory’s maths teacher phoned his parents.

4 Rory always does his homework on time.

5 Amy is going to write her brother a letter.

6 Rory’s father was very angry with him.

7 Rory still eats dinner with the family.

8 Rory is younger than Amy.

2 Writing: Caroline’s dad Write about a typical day for Mr Lambraki while he is out of work. Look at the box. Write at least 6 sentences. Use linking words and time words.

have breakfast with George and Caroline • look for a new job on the Internet •

check the newspaper • clean the bathroom • hoover the living room • cook dinner

3 Words: Odd one out Circle the odd one out.

Caribbean • York • Atlantic Ocean lonely • sad • plants

happy • home • excited matches • knife • scissors





Page 13: Camden Market für Schülerinnen und Schüler


TEST YOURSELF 44 Reading: The real Robinson

Read the story about Alexander Selkirk. Then tick ( ) the correct answers.

Alexander Selkirk was born in 1676 in Fife, Scotland. In 1703, he travelled to the South Sea on a ship called Cinque Ports. He was the Sailing Master, which was an important job. In 1704, Cinque Ports reached the South Pacifi c island, “Mas a Tierra”. Alexander believed the ship needed repairs. His captain, Thomas Stradling, disagreed, and Alexander chose to stay on the island rather than continue sailing. Later the ship did sink: many men died. Scared and lonely, at fi rst Alexander expected to be rescued quickly. Later, he explored the island and found food and fresh water. He made a knife and built two small houses, one each for cooking and sleeping.Most days he caught and cooked animals, and read his bible. But one day he fell and had a terrible accident: he couldn’t move for a whole day. Once, he had to hide when Spanish soldiers came to the island because Spain was at war with Britain. Finally, on 2nd February 1709, a British ship called Duke came to the island. After being alone for four years and four months, Alexander was very happy to be rescued! In October 1711, he arrived back in England and people were very interested in him. Many wrote books and articles about his experience. Alexander later sailed to the West coast of Africa. He died on the ship on 13th December 1721 and was buried at sea. He is called the “original Robinson Crusoe” because Daniel Defoe wrote his book after hearing Alexander’s story. Now his island is called Robinson Crusoe Island, but 800 people live there today!

Alexander was born in England. Wales. Scotland.

His ship was called Mas a Tierra. Cinque Ports. El Fifer.

He built two houses for cooking and eating. cooking eating and reading. and sleeping.

He had to hide from Spanish soldiers. French soldiers. his captain.

He was rescued in 1708. 1709. 1711.

The island where he lived is called Robinson Selkirk Island. Defoe Island Crusoe Island.

5 Speaking: Letters to Sarah Look at the letters to Sarah on page 85 of your textbook again. Choose one of the children who has got a problem. Then talk about him/her. Explain what the problem is and how the child feels. Talk for about 2 minutes.

6 Grammar: Man Friday’s report a) Read Man Friday’s text. Highlight the verbs that are in the simple past in yellow.

I lived on a very beautiful island with my family. One day I walked to the beach. Suddenly there was a ship. Some

cannibals came to the island. They kidnapped me. They brought me to another island. I was very scared. Suddenly

there was a noise and a white man with a long beard came and rescued me. I couldn’t talk to him because I

didn’t speak English. But he taught me to speak English. I showed him how to fi sh and use plants as medicine.

b) Now write down the infi nitives of your highlighted verbs.





Page 14: Camden Market für Schülerinnen und Schüler



2 3






EXTRA PRACTICE4E1 Listening: Problems

Listen to the kids. Then tick ( ) what you can hear. 17

E2 Writing: George Lambraki Read the information about George. Then write a short text about him. Write at least six sentences.

E3 Words: Things you need Do the crossword.

1 You can clean your teeth with this.

3 You use this to cut things.5 You need this to wash

your hands or face.

2 You can read this.4 You need these

to make fi re.6 These help you to

see when it is bright.7 This helps you to fi nd

out what time it is.

I have to look after my little sister.

I always do my homework but it’s hard.

I want to go out with my friends

My brother is really bad at cooking.

I have to help with the cooking every night.

My mum hasn’t got a job.

I hate cooking.

My teacher is really nice but I hate science.

It’s so boring.

School is so diffi cult. My brother makes fun of me.

I never get any pocket money.

They just think I don’t work hard enough.

NAME George LambrakiAGE 13HOBBIES football, playing computer gamesOTHER INFO doesn’t like homework, doesn’t work

hard at school, never cleans his room, doesn’t like helping at home

listenTB p. 169

How to ...

writeTB p. 174

How to ...

work with wordsTB p. 166

How to ...


Page 15: Camden Market für Schülerinnen und Schüler



E4 Reading: Alone on an island Read the texts. Then tick ( ) the correct endings.

1 Who would take a trumpet?




2 What does James want to do?

play the trumpet

walk on the beach

build a boat and a house

3 What does Louise think are the most

important things?

the weather and a house

books and music

food and medicine

James: I would take an axe, a rope, a spade and matches with me. Then I could build a boat and a house, maybe even a tree house! My island would be warm, with lots of fruit trees and monkeys. I would take a toothbrush as well because there would be no dentist on the island.

Louise: My island would have

mountains. I would climb them

and then I would be able to see

any passing ships. I don’t think

the weather would matter very

much, as long as it wasn’t too

cold. I would defi nitely take a

fi rst aid kit, a packet of seeds,

and a knife. Food and medicine

are the most important things.

Kirsty: I would like to live on a hot island, with lots of beaches. I would take my sunglasses and a book so that I could relax a bit. I would also take a trumpet. I like playing the trumpet and I could use it to let people know where I was and to scare any dangerous animals. I guess a knife would be useful, too.

4 Who would take a packet of seeds?




5 Why would James take a toothbrush?

because it would be useful for scratching his back

because there would be no dentist on the island

because he is afraid of getting toothache

6 Why would Louise climb mountains?

to make signals

because she likes walking

to see any passing ships

E5 Speaking: Say it in English Wie sagst du auf Englisch, dass …

1 … du froh bist wieder zu Hause zu sein? A I feel lonely.

2 … du Heimweh im Ferienlager hattest? B I talk to my sister when I have a problem.

3 … du ein ein Lieblingslied hast? C I understand a lot of words in the song.

4 … du viele Wörter in einem Lied verstehst? D I’m glad to be home.

5 … du mit deiner Schwester redest, wenn du Probleme hast? E I felt homesick at the holiday camp.

6 … du dich einsam fühlst? F I’ve got a favourite song.

1 2 3 4 5 6

readTB p. 170

How to ...

help out TB p. 179

How to ...


Page 16: Camden Market für Schülerinnen und Schüler


MORE Robinson Crusoe4


M1 Cast away a) Read the text about the fi lm ‘Cast Away’ in number M3 of your textbook.

Then tick( ) if the statements are right or wrong.

M2 Say it in English Wie fragst du auf Englisch, …

… was jemand am meisten vermisst hat?

… wie jemandem etwas gefallen hat?

… ob jemand etwas noch einmal tun würde?

… wie jemand den Weg nach Hause gefunden hat?

right wrong evidence

1 Cast Away is an Australian fi lm from the year 2003. line

2 The fi lm is about Chuck Noland, played by Tom Hanks.

3 Chuck Noland is on a business trip to India.

4 His plane crashes into the Atlantic Ocean.

5 Chuck sails to a lonely island.

6 There are packages from the plane on the island.

7 Chuck draws a face on a volleyball and calls it Michael.

8 After four years on the island Chuck builds a raft.

9 A storm destroys the raft.

10 Chuck is rescued by a ship.

b) Correct the wrong statements.

M3p. 95


Page 17: Camden Market für Schülerinnen und Schüler


4MORE Robinson Crusoe


M3 Chuck and Robinson Read about the fi lm “Cast Away” in number M3 of your textbook again. Then look at the information about Chuck Noland and Robinson Crusoe that is mixed up. Underline the information about Chuck and highlight the information about Robinson in yellow.

In 1659 he travels from London to the Caribbean. He wants to go to Malaysia on a business trip but his plane

crashes into the Pacifi c Ocean. He is washed up on a lonely island in a lifeboat. After a storm, his ship hits some

rocks and sinks in the Atlantic Ocean. He manages to swim to an island. He fi nds packages from the plane on

the island. For many years he lives alone until one day some cannibals come to the island. His only friend on the

island is a volleyball called Wilson. He rescues the cannibals’ prisoner. His new friend teaches him how to fi sh

and how to use plants as medicine. He teaches the man to speak English. He uses a pair of ice skates to build

himself a raft and a piece of plastic as a sail. Because they met on a Friday, he names his friend Man Friday.

Because of the sail, he is able to get past the powerful waves that crash onto the beach. He is rescued after a

passing ship spots his raft on the ocean. He is rescued when a ship passes the island. When he is rescued he is

half-dead. He arrives home in England in 1687.

M4 Message in a bottle You found a message in a bottle. Some words have been washed away. Can you complete the message?

Dear Finder,

Please ! My plane crashed into the South Pacifi c Ocean four years ago! I was able

to and I swam to an There are three big mountains

on the island. There is a long beach and trees. I

to the top of the highest mountain every day to try and see passing or planes.

Sometimes I see some, but they never !

I catch animals for food and I grow . Fortunately there is fresh

on the island so I have got to drink. I built a little

where I sleep and cook. But I am really lonely! I would love to hear another

human voice again. I my family and my friends. My little brother is 13 now and I

haven’t seen him for four years! I hope he me.

I can’t build a raft because I haven’t got a sail. The sea is really dangerous. I am worried that I will become

ill and not be able to get any I get very bored during the day. I sit and watch

the ocean and sometimes I go for walks. I haven’t got to read. I’m scared

of wild so I can’t sleep very well at night. Sometimes I sleep during the


Please me!

M3p. 95


Page 18: Camden Market für Schülerinnen und Schüler


Dear Sarah,

6 St Martin‛s SquareYork


I always read your answers to people‛s problems and I think you give good advice. Today I am writing to you because I have got a problem with my parents. I need your help because I don‛t know what to do.

MORE Dealing with problems4


M5 Asking for help This letter to Sarah was accidentally cut into pieces. Can you sort it out?

M6 Texting Rajiv had an accident at school. In the afternoon Caroline texts him to see how he is feeling. What do the messages say?

Another time I can‛t do what I want is on Saturdays. There is a kids‛ disco at the youth centre. My friends and I always go but I always have to go home early. My dad always says I have to be home by 9 pm. My friends can stay at the youth centre until 10 pm. It‛s so stupid.

The problem is that my parents don‛t allow me to go out with my friends whenever I want to. I want to meet my friends after school. We want to go shopping together or go to the cinema. But my mum says I have to do my homework fi rst. That is so annoying. My friends can go into town after school, they don‛t have to go home fi rst. I‛m worried that my friends won‛t want me to come with them anymore.

Please, can you give me some advice?

I tried to talk to my dad last week but he doesn‛t want to talk about it. He says he‛s the father and I have to do what he tells me. I‛m really upset.


5th Junewrite a letterTB p. 175

How to ...

Hi, I can’t believe what happened 2 u @ skool 2day. R u ok?

Did it hurt when u fell?

Where u @ now?

W8 a sec. We have 2 meet Gill @ 5?

Na. I’ll just cu l8er.

Ye fanks. Just can’t w8 4 summer holz 2 b honest. H8 my lyf.

Ye but dr gave me medicine.

At sk8 park. Want 2 come?

Still time?

OK. I might be l8 cos I can’t walk 2 fast.


Page 19: Camden Market für Schülerinnen und Schüler


MORE Dealing with problems 4


M7 At the café Read the dialogue in number M9 of your textbook again. Then match the sentence parts.

A would leave her alone.

B Ronda is pregnant.

C should go out for dinner with her dad.

D that he will marry again.

E her dad won’t want to see her anymore.

F everything is going to be OK.

G phoned her this morning.

H her dad’s new girlfriend.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

M9p. 97

M8 Phoning a friend a) Listen to Gillian and Caroline. What are they talking about?

Gillian’s dinner with her father their maths homework buying a present for Rajiv

b) Listen again and answer the questions.

1 Gillian spoke to her father …

when they went out for dinner together.

on the way to school.

when they were on holiday together.

2 Gillian’s father said that …

Gillian wouldn’t have to see the baby very often.

he and Ronda are not going to get married.

Gillian is a part of his and Ronda’s family.

3 Next year, Gillian will go on holiday with

just Ronda.

her mum and her dad.

Ronda, the baby and her dad.

4 Gillian thinks things might still be hard because …

she doesn’t like babies.

Ronda can be annoying.

her dad will be very stressed about the baby.

5 Caroline asks Gillian

if she has told her mum everything.

if she has told all of her friends.

if she has told her teachers.

6 The baby will be a



either a boy or a girl. It’s too early to know.

7 Next month, Gillian and her dad will go


to the beach.

out for dinner again.

8 Gillian’s mum

is unhappy about the baby.

is also having a baby.

has already bought the baby a present.

1 Gillian’s dad

2 He told Gillian

3 Gillian doesn’t like

4 She wishes Ronda

5 Gillian is upset because

6 She is worried that

7 Charlie thinks

8 Caroline suggests Gillian



Page 20: Camden Market für Schülerinnen und Schüler

P Was mir in Klasse 7 beim Englischlernen hilft:


Das habe ich in diesem Camden Market Theme besonders gern gemacht:

HörenHörtexte verstehe ich am besten, wenn ich

vorher schon eine Idee habe, worum es gehen könnte.

den Text mitlesen kann.

mir beim Hören Notizen mache.

dazu Bilder sehe.

SprechenSprechen fällt mir leicht, wenn ich

einen Dialog mit einem Partner/einer Partnerin führe.

mir vorher Notizen mache.

etwas auswendig lerne, z.B. Reime.

LesenLesetexte verstehe ich am besten, wenn ich

mir vor dem Lesen Bilder und Überschriften ansehe.

mir vorher überlegt habe, worum es im Text gehen könnte.

den Text mit einem Partner/einer Partnerin besprechen kann.

mir beim Lesen Notizen mache.

SchreibenSchreiben gelingt mir am besten, wenn ich

mich an eine Vorlage oder einen Mustertext halte.

mir erst einmal Notizen mache.

meinen Text durchsehen und bearbeiten kann.

einen Partner/eine Partnerin bitte, meinen Text zu lesen und Verbesserungsvorschläge zu machen.

WortschatzWörter lerne ich am besten, wenn ich

etwas dazu aufmale.

sie oft laut spreche.

sie häufi g wiederhole.

GrammatikGrammatik verstehe ich am besten, wenn

mir jemand die Regeln erklärt.

ich die Regeln selbst herausfi nde und aufschreibe.


Page 21: Camden Market für Schülerinnen und Schüler

Workbook 3 mit Audio-CD

Zum systematischen Üben aller Kompetenzen und Fertigkeiten (Sprechen, Hören, Lesen, Schreiben, Sprachmittlung):

· differenzierende Aufgaben auf Basis- und More-Niveau · Selbstevaluation mit Portfolio- und Test yourself-Seiten · sinnvolle Unterstützung beim selbstständigen Englischlernen

Die Audio-CD enthält alle Hörverstehens- und Ausspracheübungen aus dem Workbook und ausgewählte Texte und Songs aus dem Textbook.

Erscheint im Februar 2015 mit ca. 120 Seiten.

Arbeitsheft Inklusion

mit Audio-CD

ISBN 978-3-425-73823-9 3

Förder- schwerpunkt


Page 22: Camden Market für Schülerinnen und Schüler


Ab hier beginnt das Camden Market�Arbeitsheft Inklusion

Liebe Schülerin, lieber Schüler,

Im Arbeitsheft Inklusion findest du viele spannende Übungen zu Themen aus deinem Alltag. In sechs Kapiteln kannst du dich über Medien, Freizeit, Sport und vieles mehr unterhalten – und das alles auf Englisch!Das Arbeitsheft Inklusion ist passend zum Camden Market Textbook. Es gibt genaue Verweise ins Textbook, damit ihr gemeinsam in der Klasse an den Themen arbeiten könnt.

Die Übungen kannst du selbstständig bearbeiten. Dabei helfen dir diese Symbole:






Hier kannst du auf Deutsch z. B. über englische Schilder sprechen.

Diese Aufgabe ist ein bisschen schwieriger.

Dieser Text ist auf CD. Die Zahl in der CD nennt die CD�Nummer.Die Zahl unter der CD gibt die Tracknummer an.

Hier gibt es eine passende Aufgabe im Camden Market Textbook.Die obere Zahl nennt die Aufgabennumer, die untere die Seitenzahl.

Wörter in grauer Schrift kannst du in deinen eigenen Sätzen austauschen.



9p. 23


Page 23: Camden Market für Schülerinnen und Schüler

4Theme 4

You’re not aloneIn diesem Theme …• lernst du die Geschichte von Robinson Crusoe kennen.• sprichst du darüber, was home für dich bedeutet.• beschreibst du Gefühle.• liest du über persönliche Probleme.

Arbeitsheft Inklusion

Page 24: Camden Market für Schülerinnen und Schüler


4 Robinson Crusoe

1 2

3 4

5 6

1p. 80/81

Robinson Cusoe

The English writer1 Daniel Defoe wrote the story “Robinson Crusoe” in 119. It is now very famous.




1 writer – Schriftsteller(in)

1 leave – verlassen

2 ship – Schiff cross – durchqueren the Atlantic Ocean – der Atlantik

London, 1 September 1659: Robinson leaves England.

The ship crosses the Atlantic Ocean.

Robinson swims to an island.

He lives alone for many years.

3 the Caribbean – die Karibik sink – untergehen, sinken

4 swim – schwimmen island – Insel

5 begin – anfangen, beginnen

He takes some things from the ship. He begins a new life on the island.

The Caribbean, 30 September 1659: The ship sinks.

fifty�four Arbeitsheft Inklusion

Page 25: Camden Market für Schülerinnen und Schüler


4 Robinson Crusoe

1 2

3 4

5 6

1p. 80/81

Robinson Cusoe

The English writer1 Daniel Defoe wrote the story “Robinson Crusoe” in 119. It is now very famous.




1 writer – Schriftsteller(in)

1 leave – verlassen

2 ship – Schiff cross – durchqueren the Atlantic Ocean – der Atlantik

London, 1 September 1659: Robinson leaves England.

The ship crosses the Atlantic Ocean.

Robinson swims to an island.

He lives alone for many years.

3 the Caribbean – die Karibik sink – untergehen, sinken

4 swim – schwimmen island – Insel

5 begin – anfangen, beginnen

He takes some things from the ship. He begins a new life on the island.

The Caribbean, 30 September 1659: The ship sinks.

fifty�four 55

4Robinson Crusoe

Stellt eines der Bilder als Standbild dar oder spielt die Szene nach. Lasst eure Mitschüler raten.





rescue – retten cannibal – Kannibale / Kannibalin call – nennen because – weil he found – er fand

Then Robinson rescues a man from some cannibals. He calls him “Man Friday” because he found him on a Friday.

Robinson teaches Man Friday to speak English.

Man Friday teaches Robinson how to fish.

December 1686: An English ship rescues them.

York, England, June 168: Robinson and Man Friday arrive in England.

8 teach – unterrichten speak – sprechen, reden

9 how to – wie man fish – fischen, angeln

fifty�fiveArbeitsheft Inklusion

Page 26: Camden Market für Schülerinnen und Schüler


4 Robinson Crusoe

I live in the city. I like it. And you?

I live on an island. I don’t like it.

I’d like to live in the city / countryside.

I’d like to live on an island.

2p. 82

Different homes

a) Listen and number (1–4). 1

b) Compare with your partner.

c) What about you? Talk to your classmates.




Picture … is in the countryside / city.

fifty�six Arbeitsheft Inklusion

Page 27: Camden Market für Schülerinnen und Schüler


4 Robinson Crusoe

I live in the city. I like it. And you?

I live on an island. I don’t like it.

I’d like to live in the city / countryside.

I’d like to live on an island.

2p. 82

Different homes

a) Listen and number (1–4). 1

b) Compare with your partner.

c) What about you? Talk to your classmates.




Picture … is in the countryside / city.

fifty�six 5

4Robinson Crusoe

1 2 3

4 65

happy angry bored

Happy or sad?

a) Listen and point.

b) Listen again. Match the pictures and the words. 1

happy tired bored

sad excited angry

I feel happy!

Draw faces.





fifty�sevenArbeitsheft Inklusion

Page 28: Camden Market für Schülerinnen und Schüler


4 Robinson Crusoe

5p. 83

Versucht doch einmal, das Gedicht als Rap zu sprechen.

meet my friends l visit my grandma l go to the park l play football l listen to music l

play computer games l go shopping l …

A poem

a) Read the poem.

My home

Home is where I live.There’s no place like home.

I can sleep, I can read, I can watch TV at home.

Home is where I live.There’s no place like home.

I’ve got a bed, I’ve got a desk,I’ve got it all at home!

Home is where I live.There’s no place like home.

But sometimes I feel really bored!

Then it’s time to .

b) Listen and read along. Then complete the last sentence.

c) Read your poems in groups. Then present them in class.




fifty�eight Arbeitsheft Inklusion

Page 29: Camden Market für Schülerinnen und Schüler


4Robinson Crusoe

My room:My family:

How I feel at home:What I do at home:


Ihr könnt auch zu zweit oder in Gruppen arbeiten.

5p. 83

What is home?

a) Make a word web about your home.

b) Complete the poem. Look at a) for help.


Home is where I have my .

Home is where I can .

Home is where I feel .

Home is where we .

Home is where .


fifty�nineArbeitsheft Inklusion

Page 30: Camden Market für Schülerinnen und Schüler


4 Dealing with problems

Land und Leute

In britischen Jugendzeitschriften findest du oft Seiten, auf denen eine „Agony Aunt“ („Kummer kastentante“) E�Mails und Briefe mit Problemen Jugendlicher beantwortet. Oft geht es um Liebe, Eltern, Schule oder Freunde. Mittlerweile gibt es auch immer mehr Problemseiten für Jugendliche im Internet.Kennst du solche Seiten auch aus deutschen Zeitschriften oder aus dem Internet?

Different problems

a) Listen and tick. 3

1. Gillian can’t often see her mum her dad.

2. Rajiv has problems at school at home.

3. Tim often has to babysit his brother his sister.

b) Listen again and check.

c) Read the sentences. What is a problem for you? 3

d) Look at c) again. Compare with your partner.



I HATE MY BEST FRIEND!My best friend is driving me crazy! She always tries to do better than me. She lies to me and denies the horrible things she has done to me. She acts the complete opposite of a best friend towards me and we argue a lot. I can’t get out of this friendship – we have to go to school together and our parents are friends. I often tried to talk to her but she just denies that she has done anything wrong. What can I do?Lisa, 14, London

Your friend sounds like she is being mean and not treating you like a best friend. It would be better to let her drift away and find new friends. It is hard but you will be happier.

I FEEL LIKE I AM INVISIBLE!Since my parents split up a few weeks ago I feel left out by my dad. I know he is going through a lot but it couldn’t hurt having a break from all this, could it? I have told my dad I feel depressed about it all but he never does anything about it. It is like I am invisible ...Bob, 13, Manchester

Try talking with him again and just say how you really feel. Try not to get on his bad side as he may be stressed right now. Always remember that your parents both love you and they don’t mean to push you away. You all are going through a really hard time right now.

I HATE MY EYES!I always have dark rings under my eyes! I go to bed early and I think I get enough sleep but it doesn’t matter how early I go to bed. I try and cover it up with concealer and I use eye cream, but it doesn’t work at all. Help?Katie, 15, London

Don’t worry! No one probably notices it. Your friends will agree that it doesn’t look so bad. Everyone has problems like that and other people don’t even notice!

AM I CRAZY?Mum and Dad split up and I have been

crying a lot about it! It just doesn’t feel

right! I am really scared. Am I going crazy? Please help!Sue, 14, Liverpool

Don’t worry! It is normal that you are

upset about your parents’ divorce. But

you have to get used to it. Talk to your

friends about it. Maybe they have the

same problems. You will feel better soon!


I have to go to bed at 9 o’clock.

Number one is / isn’t a problem for me.

I often have to help my parents.

I don’t get much pocket money.I always have to tidy up my room.1 2

3 4

I often have to babysit.5

I’ve always got too much homework.


/ 8p. 84/85

sixty Arbeitsheft Inklusion

Page 31: Camden Market für Schülerinnen und Schüler


4 Dealing with problems

Land und Leute

In britischen Jugendzeitschriften findest du oft Seiten, auf denen eine „Agony Aunt“ („Kummer kastentante“) E�Mails und Briefe mit Problemen Jugendlicher beantwortet. Oft geht es um Liebe, Eltern, Schule oder Freunde. Mittlerweile gibt es auch immer mehr Problemseiten für Jugendliche im Internet.Kennst du solche Seiten auch aus deutschen Zeitschriften oder aus dem Internet?

Different problems

a) Listen and tick. 3

1. Gillian can’t often see her mum her dad.

2. Rajiv has problems at school at home.

3. Tim often has to babysit his brother his sister.

b) Listen again and check.

c) Read the sentences. What is a problem for you? 3

d) Look at c) again. Compare with your partner.



I HATE MY BEST FRIEND!My best friend is driving me crazy! She always tries to do better than me. She lies to me and denies the horrible things she has done to me. She acts the complete opposite of a best friend towards me and we argue a lot. I can’t get out of this friendship – we have to go to school together and our parents are friends. I often tried to talk to her but she just denies that she has done anything wrong. What can I do?Lisa, 14, London

Your friend sounds like she is being mean and not treating you like a best friend. It would be better to let her drift away and find new friends. It is hard but you will be happier.

I FEEL LIKE I AM INVISIBLE!Since my parents split up a few weeks ago I feel left out by my dad. I know he is going through a lot but it couldn’t hurt having a break from all this, could it? I have told my dad I feel depressed about it all but he never does anything about it. It is like I am invisible ...Bob, 13, Manchester

Try talking with him again and just say how you really feel. Try not to get on his bad side as he may be stressed right now. Always remember that your parents both love you and they don’t mean to push you away. You all are going through a really hard time right now.

I HATE MY EYES!I always have dark rings under my eyes! I go to bed early and I think I get enough sleep but it doesn’t matter how early I go to bed. I try and cover it up with concealer and I use eye cream, but it doesn’t work at all. Help?Katie, 15, London

Don’t worry! No one probably notices it. Your friends will agree that it doesn’t look so bad. Everyone has problems like that and other people don’t even notice!

AM I CRAZY?Mum and Dad split up and I have been

crying a lot about it! It just doesn’t feel

right! I am really scared. Am I going crazy? Please help!Sue, 14, Liverpool

Don’t worry! It is normal that you are

upset about your parents’ divorce. But

you have to get used to it. Talk to your

friends about it. Maybe they have the

same problems. You will feel better soon!


I have to go to bed at 9 o’clock.

Number one is / isn’t a problem for me.

I often have to help my parents.

I don’t get much pocket money.I always have to tidy up my room.1 2

3 4

I often have to babysit.5

I’ve always got too much homework.


/ 8p. 84/85

sixty 61

4Dealing with problems

Ask friends or neighbours who have a dog. Why don’t you walk their dogs?

Please help me, Sarah! I love a boy at school. But my best friend likes him, too. I feel really sad when I see them together.Patty, 14, Manchester

My father hasn’t got a job. We don’t have a lot of money. I don’t know what to do. I am really sad. Caroline, 13, London

I love animals, and I really want a dog. But my parents say no. Our flat is too small. And they haven’t got time for a dog. That is so unfair!Jason, 14, Brighton

Talk to your friend. Say that you are sad. She is important! There will always be more boys!

Why don’t you earn some extra money? You can babysit or sell old things at a car boot sale.

Are you sad or angry? Ask Sarah! She will help you.

I like / don’t like the answer for number …

I think the answer for number … is good / not so good.

Eine Überschrift bleibt übrig.

Ask Sarah

a) Read the letters.

b) Match the letters and the headings. 1

No money No dogs at home

Problems with my friend City or countryside?

c) Read the answers. Match the letters and the answers. 1

d) Talk to your partner.


Ask Sarah



/ 8p. 84/85

sixty�oneArbeitsheft Inklusion

Page 32: Camden Market für Schülerinnen und Schüler


4 Dealing with problems

Caroline’s family

a) Read about Caroline’s family.

b) Read again and listen. Match the sentence parts.

1. Mr Lambraki isn’t happy about her family’s situation.

2. Mrs Lambraki doesn’t do his homework.

3. George hasn’t got a job.

4. Caroline works all day at the hospital.

c) Look at b) again. Compare with your partner.




Mr Lambraki lost his job in March.He looks for a new job every day.And he does the housework.

9p. 86

Who hasn’t got a job? That’s …

Caroline is 13, too.She loves her pets and her friends.But she isn’t happy about her family’s situation.

Mrs Lambraki works in a hospital.She likes her job.But her days at the hospital are very long.

George is 13.He loves playing football and computer games.But he doesn’t do his homework.He has problems at school.

sixty�two Arbeitsheft Inklusion

Page 33: Camden Market für Schülerinnen und Schüler


4Dealing with problems

So sagst du, dass jemand etwas nicht tun kann: I can’t often see my father. She can’t often see her father.

So drückst du aus, dass jemand etwas nicht hat: I haven’t got a job. He hasn’t got a job.

So sagst du, dass jemand etwas nicht tut (oder z. B. nicht mag oder bekommt): I don’t like the answer. She doesn’t get any pocket money.

Auch längere Lesetexte kannst du mit ein paar Tricks gut verstehen: • Lies den Text erst mehrfach leise nur für dich.

Du musst dabei nicht jedes Wort verstehen. • Tauscht euch dann zu zweit aus. Helft euch mit Wörtern,

die ihr nicht verstanden habt. • Unterstreicht wichtige Wörter, die ihr beide nicht kennt.

Schlagt sie im Wörterbuch nach. • Lest den Text abschließend noch einmal gemeinsam.

Seven words

a) Listen and repeat.

b) Write the words in the correct list.

lang gesprochenes „i“ kurz gesprochenes „i“

feel give




give l feel l read l meet l is l it l beach

sixty�threeArbeitsheft Inklusion

Page 34: Camden Market für Schülerinnen und Schüler


4 Wordbank4Complete the wordbank.

Orte, wo man wohnen kann: (‘ Seite 56)

Wörter, um zu sagen, wie man sich fühlt: (‘ Seite 5)

– excited

So sagst du, dass jemand etwas nicht tut, mag oder bekommt: (‘ Seite 63)

Dieses Wort fandest du am einfachsten:

sixty�four Arbeitsheft Inklusion

Page 35: Camden Market für Schülerinnen und Schüler

Arbeitsheft Inklusion 95

PI can do it now

Das muss ich noch üben.Ich mache noch Fehler.Kein Problem!

Vor jedem Satz steht ein Kreis: Darunter steht die Seite, auf der es eine Aufgabe dazu gibt:(‘ Seite 53)

Wenn du meinst, dass du das Beschriebene schon richtig gut kannst, dann male den Kreis grün aus:

Du bist dir noch nicht ganz sicher? Dann male den Kreis gelb aus:

Wenn du noch große Schwierigkeiten hast, dann male den Kreis rot aus:

Und jetzt: Viel Spaß!

You’re not alone

Ich kann aus Gesprächen heraushören, wie sich jemand fühlt.

(‘ Seite 5)

Ich kann über Gefühle sprechen.

(‘ Seite 5)

Ich kann auch schwierigere Texte lesen und verstehen.

(‘ Seite 61, 62)

Ich kann mithilfe einer Wortsammlung ein Gedicht schreiben.

(‘ Seite 59)


Probekapitel 4 aus Camden Market für Klasse 7

Herzlich Willkommen bei Camden Market!

Mit diesem Probekapitel könnt ihr das Lehrwerk schnell und einfach im Unterricht ausprobieren.

Eure Lehrerin/euer Lehrer hat euch dafür einen Auszug aus dem Textbook gegeben

(Bestellnummer 937.853) und dieses Heft. Hier findet ihr die Seiten zum selbstständigen Üben:

vorne die Seiten aus dem Workbook und im hinteren Heftteil die Seiten aus dem Arbeitsheft Inklusion

für den Förderschwerpunkt Lernen.

Aus dem Workbook: Aus dem Arbeitsheft Inklusion:

• Der Basis-Teil (S. 59–65) • Der Basis-Teil (S. 53–63)

• Der Test-yourself-Teil (S. 66–67) • Eine Wordbank (S. 64)

• Der Practice-Teil (S. 68–69) • I can do it now (S. 95)

• Der More-Teil (S. 70–73)

Die passenden Hörtexte, Portfolio-Fragebögen und Test yourself-Lösungen

stehen unter: zum Download bereit.

Page 36: Camden Market für Schülerinnen und Schüler

Arbeitsheft Inklusion

Arbeitsheft Inklusion 3 mit Audio-CD





Probekapitelfür Klasse 7zum Thema“You’re not



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