
Radioactive Methods of Age Determination



With 1 Figure


Zur Altersbestimmung auf radioaktiver Grundlage kommen vorwiegend die vier folgenden Methoden zur Anwendung: Kalium-Argon-Methode, Rubidium­Strontium-Methode, Uran-Blei-Methode und Kohlenstoff 14-Methode. - Der Artikel gibt einen Uberblick tiber Grundlagen, Anwendungen und Grenzen der einzelnen Methoden. Die Hauptergebnisse werden kurz besprochen.

A. Introduction

In the past, many attempts have been made by scientists to evaluate the age of rocks in order to better understand earth processes that have taken place over the range of geologic time. Methods have varied from studies of varves and rates of sedimentation to the use of radioactive decay schemes. The discovery of radio­activity in the 1890's which provided the basis for truly quantitative chronometry was immediately followed by the publication of so-called" chemical ages" (BOLT­WOOD 1907). In fact, the uranium and lead analyses of HILLEBRAND (1891) and v. FOULLON (1883) on uraninite from the Spruce Pine Pegmatite District of North Carolina have been shown to yield rather acceptable ages in view of more recent isotopic data (ECKELMANN and RuLP 1957). However, the early data were, in general, subject to considerable errors since the measurements did not include isotopic analyses of lead nor any correction for the thorium decay scheme which can also account for the production of one of the lead isotopes, Pb208 .

Qualitatively, the early measurements established the extensive length of geologic time but it was not until the classic work of ASTON (1933) and N IER (1939) that geochronometry entered into the era of truly quantitative measure­ments.

The availability of enriched stable isotopes and of radioactive materials as well as advances in instrumentation involved in the measurements of isotopes and their radioactive emanations have considerably aided in the development and understanding of most of the radioactive methods of age determination presently in use.

Numerous decay schemes are currently being investigated by laboratories throughout the world today. However, a number have, as yet, not been established as reliable chronometers and will not be considered in this paper. The only decay schemes that will be discussed in view of recent developments will be the carbon-14 decay to nitrogen-14, the uranium to lead decay scheme, the rubidium87-

H. Israël et al. (eds.), Nuclear Radiation in Geophysics© Springer-Verlag OHG / Berlin · Göttingen · Heidelberg 1962

62 w. R. ECKELMANN: Radioactive Methods of Age Determination

strontium87 age method, and the potassium4°-argon40 decay scheme. These chro­nometers, in use at laboratories throughout the world today, have considerable value in the studies of sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks and their relationship to earth history.

B. The carbon-14 chronometer The discovery of natural radiocarbon by LIBBY and his coworkers (ANDERSON

et al. 1947) produced one of the most significant advances in geochronometry subsequent to the discovery of radioactivity by BECQUEREL. Radiocarbon has been particularly useful in dating relatively recent events because of its short (5568 ± 30 yr) half-life and it appears that the maximum range of this technique with the most refined methods will permit dating to approximately 70000 years.

The interaction of cosmic rays with the upper atmosphere causes numerous nuclear reactions to take place. During these events, neutrons are produced some of which in turn interact with available nitrogen-14 to produce carbon-14. The carbon-14 atoms thus formed become rapidly mixed in the atmosphere and the oxidized carbon-14 enters into the photosynthetic cycle of plants, animals and air and equilibrates with the bicarbonate in surface ocean water.

Therefore, when a substance is removed from its source of carbon-14 with which it has equilibrated, the equilibrium concentration decays away at a known half-life. The ratio of C14/(12 of a substance at any time relative to its equilibrium ratio is a measure of the time interval that has elapsed.

LIBBY (1952) has summarized his classic research on this subj ect in his book entitled "Radiocarbon Dating". Since then numerous analyses have been published in a large variety of journals. The American Journal of Science now publishes a supplement which lists the data of laboratories currently active in this field.

Inherent to the carbon-14 method are a number of assumptions which have been investigated in recent years. First, mixing of the cosmic ray produced C14 is rapid compared to the minimum age limit of the method. Data of LIBBY (1952) support the contention that living materials such as trees, etc., from widely different latitudes and altitudes have similar C14/(12 ratios within 5 % or so suggesting rapid exchange compared to the half-life of radiocarbon. Recent data published by HAGEMANN et al. (1959) resolve this question with rather high precision. Nuclear devices produce carbon-14 because of the accessibility of neutrons produced during fission and their subsequent interaction with available nitrogen-14. On the basis of high altitude balloon tests used to sample the strato­sphere, HAGEMANN et al. (1959) conclude that bomb produced (14 has a five year atmospheric mean residence time. This value was obtained by comparing the annual addition of bomb produced (14 to the troposphere with the strato­spheric inventory. Data reported by FEELEY (1960) on the strontium-90 content of the stratosphere suggest an 18 month mean residence time. Which ever of these values more closely approximates the true value, there appears little question that the carbon-14 produced in the upper atmosphere is rapidly brought into the troposphere where prevailing winds would cause it to be mixed. FERGUSSON (1958), using data relating to the distribution of industrial CO2, has concluded that the mixing rate between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres is less than two years. The comparable increase in the carbon-14 activity of vegetation and atmospheric CO2 collected in areas away from industrial produced CO2

as reported by BROECKER and WALTON (1959) infers rapid exchange between the atmosphere and vegetation.

The carbon-14 chronometer 63

Another assumption that has been made in carbon-14 dating is that the cosmic ray flux, which is a controlling factor in the production of carbon-14 in the upper atmosphere, has been constant. ARNOLD and LIBBY (1949) demonstrated by measurements of historically and tree ring dated samples that variations in the flux have not exceeded some 5 % over the past 5000 years.

However, ELSASSER, NEY and WINCKLER (1956) have estimated that the mag­netic field intensity has been sufficient to reduce the carbon-14 production rate thus altering apparent ratios of (14/(12 in the past. Inherent in this estimate is the assumption that residual magnetism measurements made by THELLIER are representative of the entire earth. W. S. BROECKER, E. A. OLSON, and J. BIRD (1959) have discusse:l this problem and have reported a number of carbon-14 ages for well dated samples. Most of the samples were of wood that was dated by ring counting as \ ell as by carbon-14. They concluded that for samples younger than 2000 years, the radiocarbon age will lie within 250 years of the true age. The inability to truly define the extent of the variations due to cosmic ray flux changes is mainly due to the limited number of historically and tree ring dated samples. A parallel method of age dating independent of the cosmic ray flux and with comparable precision would provide a unique check of this assumption. This would be particularly helpful for the period 5000 years B.P. and beyond where there is essentially no data to demonstrate the constancy of the cosmic ray flux.

Another assumption that has been made is that the carbon-12 reservoir with which the carbon-14 is diluted has remained constant. Variations in the reservoir could also alter the so-called contemporary value (specific activity) of modern carbon thus producing the same apparent effect as that resulting from fluctuations in the cosmic ray flux. One known cause of addition of carbon-12 is the effect of industrial fuel. This has been termed the" Suess" effect (SUESS 1953, 1955). SUESS noted that the (14 specific activity (dpm/g) had decreased over the last 50 years as shown by measurements of wood. This is known to be due to the intro­duction of (14-free CO2 into the atmosphere by industrial fuel combustion. RE­VELLE and SUESS (1957) have compared (14/(12 and (13/C12 ratios in wood and in marine material and have concluded that the average lifetime of a CO2 molecule in the atmosphere before it is dissolved in the sea is approximately 10 years.

Another mechanism that could cause a change in the atmospheric (14/(12 ratio would be varying rates of surface ocean uptake. If the rate of exchange of atmos­pheric CO2 with the surface waters and terrestrial organisms is rapid compared to the rate of circulation of surface and deep water, then this is a minor problem. On the other hand, if the rate of formation of low C14/C12 waters can be accelerated at various times, and these waters brought to the surface, the atmospheric C14/C12 ratio would show a corresponding drop. BROECKER et al. (1958) have observed no (14/(12 changes which relate to this latter mechanism.

LIBBY (1952) reported C14/(12 ratios which were consistent with historical ages ascribed to the samples. This pointed out in a very general way that con­tamination of various sorts was not a serious problem. However, improved count­ing techniques reported by numerous investigators plus the considerable exten­sion of the range of this dating method since LIBBY'S pioneering work have made an evaluation of this problem a real necessity. HARING et al. (1958) have en­riched samples using thermal diffusion columns in order to extend the maximum age of their dating apparatus. They report apparent ages up to 73000 years. The importance of a control on possible contamination in this range is an absolute necessity. For example, a sample with a true age of 40000 years which is

w. R. ECKELMANN: Radioactive Methods of Age Determination

contaminated by 20% modern carbon will give an apparent age of approximately 12900 years. This effect becomes more pronounced as the true age increases.

OLSON and BROECKER (1958) have discussed methods of detecting contamina­tion in bone carbon, carbonates, organic rich soils and wood. Although multiple sampling and (14/C12 analyses provide cross checks, this method of approach does not necessarily establish the true age. The authors report data on humic acid ages as compared to the treated sample ages for soils. They also compare mul­tiple samples from locations where the samples in a number of cases were pre­treated prior to isotopic analyses. OLSON and BROECKER (1958) conclude that several per cent contamination of buried samples is the exception and not the rule. However, since the effect of contamination is dependent on the age of a particular sample, it must be demonstrated that contamination is not present or has been removed particularly for samples older than 25000 years.

The early data of LIBBY (1952) and his co-workers as well as that of other laboratories was obtained by counting solid carbon mounted inside a Geiger tube. This method had an apparent age limitation of 20000 years although the addition of a mercury shield inside an anticoincidence ring as described by KuLP and TRYON (1952) extended the range to 30000 years. Present day techniques as described by FERGUSSON (1955), DE VRIES (1958), and BROECKER (1958) generally consist of determining the natural carbon-14 by gas proportional count­ing of CO2 • Methane also is used and generally gives longer counting plateaus. However, methane, with its four hydrogens, gives a higher background than CO2

due to interactions with neutrons. CO2 is also a more convenient gas to work with for high precision analyses because it can be run directly into a mass spectro­meter for (13/C12 measurements. SUESS (1955) has used acetylene gas for C14 analyses but this has the disadvantage of being explosive at higher pressures due to the triple bond in the acetylene structure.

Because of the relatively short time interval in which the carbon-14 method can be applied (present .- 45,000 to 50,000 years), it finds considerable application to studies of glacial geology, oceanography, recent sedimentation, archaeology and anthropology to name a few.

One interesting use of C14 data has been in dating bones. Certainly the precise definition of the age of many of the better skeletal finds has proved rather diffi­cult. In 1950 the Piltdown mandible and cranial bones were shown to be much younger than the Lower and Middle Pleistocene ages assigned to them (K. P. OAKLEY and c.R. HASKINS 1950). DE VRIES and OAKLEY (1959) have reported carbon-14 analyses of the bone protein (collagen). After correcting for the Suess effect, the Piltdown mandible gave an age of 500 ± 100 years while the Piltdown skull gave a value of 620 ± 100 years. These data support the initial statements that the Piltdown finds were part of a hoax. Even so, some investigators claimed that mandible and skull were mid-Pleistocene age but the (14 analyses have apparently confirmed the flourine data of OAKLEY.

Another application of carbon-14 has been the dating of deep sea sediments. BROECKER et al. (1958) have reported (14 ages on a mid-Atlantic core for which there was no evidence of erosion, carbonate solutioning or turbidity currents. ERICKSON and WALLIN (1956) have shown temperature variations as a function of depth and broadly consistent with 018/016 paleotemperature measurements reported by EMILIANI (1955). The major temperature change over the last 30000 years occurred some 11 000 years ago and it was accompanied by a change in both the sedimentation rates of the carbonate and clay fractions. Consequently, any attempts at dating Pleistocene deep ocean sediments on the basis of an average rate of deposition result in eroneous data. BROECKER et al. (1958) conclude that

Potassium-40, argon-40 dating 65

although rates of sedimentation do vary among the cores of the Atlantic equa­torial region, a constant relationship between the rates of sedimentation during glacial and non-glacial periods exists. They conclude that the beginning of the last cold period took place some 65000 to 81000 B.P. They also estimate the beginning of the warm period preceeding the last cold water stage at 150000.

One of the most interesting areas to which carbon-14 can be applied is that of ocean water circulation. The first values for deep ocean water were reported by KuLP et al. (1952). Of the three samples listed, a surface water at 54°35'41 oW gave a modern value by the black carbon counting method. Two other samples (58°19'N 32°56.8'W at 1829 m depth and 53°52.6'N 21°06'W at 2743 m) gave "ages" of 1600 ± 130 and 1750 ± 150 years. Although later work showed these values to be subject to some error resulting from CO2 extraction problems involv­ing ascarite, the data did point up the existence of deep ocean waters decidedly not in equilibrium with the atmosphere.

BROECKER et al. (1959) have discussed methods of analyzing oceanic bicar­bonate. By applying the radiocarbon method to various ocean water masses, it will be possible to define the average residence times, rates of mixing, and rates of travel of specific water bodies. The increased (14 due to nuclear weapons testing should be very useful in evaluating the problem.

As has been pointed out earlier, the lowering of the specific activity of carbon as the sample becomes progressively older essentially limits the maximum age that can be determined by carbon-14. HARING et al. (1958) converted the combusted CO2 to CO. The CO was then enriched in a series of five thermal diffusion columns connected in parallel. The enrichment was calculated from the 0 18 abundance in the CO. They then converted the gas back to CO2 and counted it in the proportional region. They were able to enrich the (14 by a factor of 16 over a period of 2 months. Using this technique, they were able to date samples in the 60000 to 70000 year range. Certainly, the enrichment procedure is well justified in some cases but it is also very time consuming and expensive. It is plagued by problems of contamination.

C. Potassium-40, argon-40 dating Although radioactivity was discovered in the latter 1890's, it was not until

1937 that WEISZACKER (1937) suggested the possibility of the formation of A40 from K40. He postulated that the high A40 in the atmosphere relative to other inert gases was the result of the K40 which was known to occur in igneous rocks.

Since the suggestion of WEISZACKER, there has been extensive research on both the constants involved in the K40 decay scheme and the A40 and Ca40 pro­duced by K40. The isotope K40 decays dually producing stable Ca40 by negative beta emission and stable A40 by K capture to an excited state of A40, followed by gamma ray emission to its ground state (Fig. 1). WETHERILL (1957) re­viewed previous physical measurements and also measured the ylg sec value for K40. He determined the efficiency of the counter for the K40 produced gammas by calibrating the counter with gamma rays from C0 60 and Na24 sources of known specific activity. WETHERILL'S (1957) reported value of 3.39 ±0.12 ylg sec is the generally accepted value at the present time. This gives a value for An the decay constant for electron capture to A40, of 0.585 X 10-10 y-1. The generally accepted value of the specific beta activity is 27.6 (JIg sec (WETHERILL 1957) which is equivalent to a partial beta decay constant of 4.72 X 10-10 y-l. The choice of this constant is not very critical to the age. This point has been demonstrated graphically by ALDRICH and WETHERILL (1958).

Israel/Krebs, Kernstrahlung

66 W. R. ECKELMANN: Radioactive Methods of Age Determination

Potassium has three naturally occurring isotopes, K39, K40, and K41. Based on a mass spectrometric absolute determination of the relative abundances, NIER (1950) reports values of K39=93.08%, K40=0.0119%, and K41=6.91 %. K40 is the only radioactive isotope of the three.

The value of t in the calculation of the age can be expressed in the following manner:

_ 2.303_1 (1 + ;'{3 + J·e A40_)' t - A{3 + Ae og )., K40

where Ae is the decay constant for electron capture to A40 and A{3 is the decay constant for the beta decay of K40 to Ca40. The K40 content is calculated on the basis of the ratio of K4°jtotal K of 0.0119%. Investigators have assumed that

__ ~ ___ K~O

<~M~ T A~O

~o The decoy scheme of K offer Wetherill, /957

Fig. 1

I.JO! 0.0'1 M ev

this value is a constant. This is sub­stantiated by measurements of other isotopes in the same general mass range which undergo valence changes but show little if any isotopic variations. However, data of TAYLOR and UREY (1938) on zeolites suggest that slight fractionation may take place. This point has been checked (KENDALL 1960).

Since the K40 content can be calcu­lated on the basis of the total potassium, conventional methods of analyses can be used. Many laboratories have used flame photometers with internal stand­

ards. However, highly accurate analyses are somewhat difficult and this has led numerous laboratories to do their potassium analyses by isotope dilution techniques employing solid source mass spectrometry.

Most laboratories now utilize the isotope dilution technique when analyzing argon. This procedure has been described by WASSERBURG (1954). The method involves utilizing a spike gas enriched in argon 38 such that the A3s constitutes some 90% or more of the gas. Air contamination is measured by the relative abundance of argon-36. The release of the argon from the mineral is generally carried out with a NaOH fusion system or by R.F. induction furnace heating. Both methods appear to give comparable results.

The decay of K40 to A40 is particularly attractive as an isotopic chronometer because of the relatively widespread occurrence of potassium minerals in con­tinental rocks and the relatively high concentration of potassium in basalt. Also, the half-life is ideal for dating almost the entire range of geologic time and the weak nature of the disintegrations should not result in accelerated argon leakage due to radiation damage.

In recent years, there has been particular emphasis on the evaluation of various minerals as precise indicators of the age of a particular rock or mineral. Recently EVERNDEN et al. (in press) and HURLEY et al. (in press) have published data on the reliability of glauconite and illite as means of dating sediments. HURLEY et al. (1959) report that illite and potassium bearing materials in the Rappa­hannock River sediments have an age greater than 300 m.y. while aggregate materials of the Mississippi Delta show ages in excess of 200 m.y. On the basis of KjA analyses of deep ocean cores, the authors also suggest that the illite ob­served in these sediments has been air borne from continental areas.

Generally speaking, the bulk of the literature suggests an authigenic origin for glauconite. This is not true in the case of clay minerals in shales (WEAVER

Potassium-40, argon-40 dating 67

1958). WEAVER believes that most of the clay minerals found in sedimentary rocks are of a detrital origin and that the clays are only slightly colored subsequent to deposition.

HURLEY et al. (in press), reporting a total of 51 samples from the Quaternary through the lower Paleozoic, note that the average potassium content of the Lower Paleozoic glauconites is 6.1 % and that the average value decreases regularly to the Quaterary (only 2 reported samples) with an average K content of 3.0%. HURLEY, on the basis of these data, states that the possibility of changes in the structure and composition of glauconites during later diagenesis cannot be over­looked. The addition of potassium to a structure with time would make the age appear too young. The data of EVERNDEN et al. (in press) support this observed trend. Addition of K in the amounts suggested by HURLEY and EVERNDEN'S data and added over a long period of time would only alter the ages by some 3 to 4 %.

EVERNDEN et al. (1960) have demonstrated by studies of diffusion rates of argon that the addition of water and potassium to glauconite accelerates the diffusion and, therefore, loss of argon. Some authors have attempted to compare the rubidium-strontium and potassium-argon ages of older samples to check this point. However, not very much is understood of the influence of ground waters on rubidium-strontium ages and the corresponding effect on potassium­argon ratios.

EVERNDEN et al. (1960) have studied the influence of depth of burial and the associated increase in temperature. They concluded that it is possible to obtain useful potassium-argon ages from glauconites over the past 500 m.y., but point out the need for fulfilling certain specific conditions of geologic history. Potassium­argon ages of illites analyzed at California do not give exceptionally old ages. In general, they yield ages within 10% of the apparent true age or younger.

LONG et al. (1959) have dated samples in a 10 mile transition zone across a structural trend in Western North Carolina and find that where complete re­crystallization has occurred the potassium-argon, uranium-lead and rubidium­strontium ages (ECKELMANN and KuLP 1957; ALDRICH, WETHERILL, DAVIS and TILTON 1958) show good agreement at 360 m.y. The average potassium-argon age appears slightly less. However, proceeding N-NW toward Pardee Point and cutting across the structural trend, both potassium-argon and rubidium-strontium ages increase reaching 890 m.y. for the rubidium-strontium values, and 800 m.y. for potassium-argon. It appears that the original metamorphic complex in the Southern Appalachians formed some 1100 m.y. ago at approximately the same time as the Grenville Province of the Canadian Shield (ECKELMANN and KULP 1957, ALDRICH et al. 1958). LONG et al. (1959) also conclude that the major metamorphic event now displayed in the plutonic metamorphic complex of the Southeast Piedmont and Blue Ridge occurred about 350 m.y. ago, slightly later than the major Paleozoic orogeny in the Northern Appalachians which appears to have begun about 300 m.y. ago.

The continued effort in dating potassium bearing rocks and minerals has pointed out the sensitivity of mineral" ages" to their crystal structure and to their geological history. A single potassium-argon date simply sets a minimum age for the rock unit with which it is associated. Multiple samples permit a detail­ing of the history of an area.

One of the outgrowths of potassium-argon and other radioactive dating meth­ods has been the further evolution of the so-called geological time scale. Be­cause of recent data, the Holmes (1947) time scale has had to be modified. KuLP (1959), KULP et al. (1959) and HOLMES (1960) have published time scales which


68 w. R. ECKELMANN: Radioactive Methods of Age Determination

make use of the most recent data. The effect has been to give a scale about 15 % longer than the 1947 Holmes scale before the Cretaceous and to considerably increase the estimated lengths of the Jurassic, Permian and Carboniferous.

As pointed out earlier, one of the advantages of the potassium-argon method is its application to Pleistocene geology. As an outgrowth of the work of REY­NOLDS (1954) in developing a high sensitivity mass spectrometer useful for inert gases, investigations into dating of Pleistocene rocks have begun (EVERNDEN 1959).

Over the last 5 years or so, a considerable amount of potassium-argon, rubi­dium-strontium and uranium-lead data has been published on the age of various types of meteorites. These data seem to point to an age of formation of chondrites of approximately 4.6 X 109 years. Recently, REYNOLDS (1960) has observed the presence of Xe129 in the Richardton chrondritic stone meteorite. Assuming that J129 and J127 were formed in equivalent abundances, J129 decay to Xe129 as observed by REYNOLDS (1960) is sufficient to account for a time interval between nuclio­genesis and formation of the meteorite of (0.35 ±0.06X109) years. This would point to an age of the elements of close to 4.95 X 109 years.

D. Rb-Sr dating Four main isotopes of strontium occur in nature. They are Sr84, Sr86, Sr87, and

SrBB. BAINBRIDGE and NIER (1950) and HERZOG et al. (1953) have determined their relative abundances. These data were published following the suggestion of GOLDSCHMIDT (1937) that the Rb87 to Sr87 decay could be used as a geochrono­meter.

One of the main problems in using the Rb87 decay scheme has been an accurate value of the associated half-life. ALDRICH and WETHERILL (1958) have reviewed the literature showing the rather wide range of values obtained by physical measurements. The value that has been accepted by most laboratories is that of ALDRICH et al. (1956). Recently FLYNN and GLENDENIN (1959) have redeter­mined the half-life using a 5 inch liquid scintillation spectrometer for their dif­ferential pulse height analysis of the Rb87 beta spectrum. They obtained a Rb87

half-life value of 47.0 ±0.5 X 109 years. This corresponds to a Rb87 decay constant of 1.47X 10-11 y-l. It would appear at this time that the 47.0X109 year value is the most reliable Rb87 half-life value published in the literature. Most labora­tories are currently using the 50.0 X 109 year half-life.

Table 1 lists a number of K-A, Rb-Sr and uranium-lead ages from localities where the absolute age of the rocks are well known. In all cases the samples represent areas where concordant or nearly concordant ages have been obtained and the apparent age via lead-uranium data has been listed under the U -Pb age heading. From these and other data, it is quite apparent that the potassium­argon ages are lower than the corresponding rubidium-strontium values. In fact a review of the literature shows that the potassium-argon ages are generally 6 to 9% lower than Rb-Sr ages (GAsTet al.1958, WETHERILL et al.1956, WASSER­BURG et al. 1956). This difference may be in part due to uncertainties in the decay constants now in use. In areas such as the Bighorn Basin, GAST et al. (1958) have also observed very real differences between the potassium-argon and ru­bidium-strontium ages suggesting argon loss. In this case it seems likely that at least part of the argon loss may be due to plutonic or orogenic activity in the area during late Mesozoic and early Cenozoic time. Generally, potassium-argon ages can be viewed as minimum ages. To establish absolute ages it is necessary to compare different mineral systems with one another by several age methods.

Rb-Sr dating

Table 1. A comparison ot Rb-Sr, K-A, and U-Pb ages (in m. y.)

Locality U·Pb K-A

Spruce Pine, N.C. 361 ± 281 musc. 340± 15 2

Bob Ingersoll Mine, Keystone, S.D .. 16201 musc. 15503

Lep. 13803

Viking Lake pegmatite, Saskatchewan, Canada. 19101,2 biotite 17803

Huron Claim, Manitoba 26501,4,5 musc.2150 5

albite 20305

1 Average of eight samples (ECKELMANN and KULP 1957). 2 LONG et al. (1959). 3 ALDRICH et al. (1958). 4 NIER et al. (1941). 5 GAST et al. (1958).


375 2 musc. 385 2 feldspar

16503 musc. 17303 Lep.

1970 biot. 3


Another example of comparable rubidium-strontium and potassium-argon ages within the limits of the experimental errors has been reported by RULP et al. (1960) for Hercynian and Caledonian granites. A Rb87 half-life of 4.7 ±O.1 X 1()10 years was used rather than the 5.0 X 1010 years used by most laboratories.

ALDRICH and WETHERILL (1960) have recently published potassium-argon and rubidium-strontium ages of lepidolites and biotites from rocks in Ontario and Northern Minnesota. Samples of biotite give comparable rubidium-strontium and potassium-argon ages with the exception of a single lepidolite from the Silverleaf Mine pegmatite where the potassium-argon age is considerably younger. The data show that 2600 m.y. rocks extend over the entire width of the Province of Ontario. Similar ages have been reported for parts of Manitoba.

HART (1960) has reported data on the influence of metamorphism on the com­mon strontium correction. Biotites and feldspars recrystallized during a period of metamorphism have higher than" normal" SrB7/SrB6 ratios after recrystalliza­tion. Using normal procedures for calculating the contribution of SrB7 not pro­duced in the mineral yields discrepant dates. HART (1960) has demonstrated that the age of metamorphism can be determined from a plot of the 87/86 ratios of various minerals versus age, and an age of crystallization can be obtained by a gross analysis of the whole rock. This age is valid if the rock has been maintained as a closed system which started with a normal SrB7 abundance. He has also pointed out the apparent usefulness of hornblende for age dating. It may also be true that tremolite is an excellent mineral for dating purposes.

GOLDICH et al. (1959) have reported potassium-argon and rubidium-strontium ages on illitic shale from the Siyeh formation of the Belt series, Montana. The sample was completely converted to illite and gave potassium-argon and rubi­dium-strontium ages of 740 and 780 m.y. respectively. These ages significantly differ from uranium-lead and lead-lead isotopic ages reported on samples of pitch­blende which intrude the Belt Series at the Sullivan Mine, Idaho (ECKELMANN and RuLP 1957) (Table 2). In both cases, the Pb206JU238 and Pb207jU235 were discordant. FARQUHAR and CUMMINGS (1954) have reported the isotopic com­position of lead from galenas over a vertical range of 3500 feet in the Sullivan Mine. The common lead data suggest an age of 1030 ± 290 m.y. It appears, therefore, that the 1190 m.y. pitchblende Pb207jPb206 age is a minimum age for the Belt Series and that the rubidium-strontium and potassium-argon ages register the effect of some later metamorphic event.

70 W. R. ECKELMANN: Radioactive Methods of Age Determination

Table 2. Isotopic analyses of Belt series samples


Pitchblende Pitchblende Illite


Sullivan Mine, Idaho Sullivan Mine, Idaho Siyeh Frm., Montana

* GOLDICH et al. (1959). ** ECKELMANN and KuLP (1957).

740 m.y.

K·A* Pb"'/Pb'" **

780 m.y.

1190± 30 m.y. 1035 ± 35 m.y.

The more detailed knowledge of the rubidium half-life plus continued research on the distribution of strontium in various minerals will greatly expand the usefulness of rubidium-strontium and potassium-argon ratios as indicators of not only the age but of the history of minerals and rock systems. Bulk rock analyses will also add considerable information.

E. Uranium lead method of age determination The advances in the understanding of the uranium-lead method of age deter­

mination that have occurred during the past ten years have made this method the primary means of calibration for rubidium-strontium and potassium-argon dating. The relative importance of lead, uranium, and thorium loss, radon leakage and the common lead correction can be well defined in many cases, making it possible to interpret discordant ages as well as concordant ages in terms of the time of formation of the mineral and its subsequent history. Since each radio­active mineral appears to show a unique pattern of discordance if altered (KuLP and ECKELMANN 1957), the analysis of more than one mineral type from a lo­cality provides much interlocking data which can be used to estimate times of formation and alteration.

Table 3. Equations and constants used in the uranium-lead method

N235 i'" T - 1

-N2;;; ius T - 1

1 e+·9802XIO-·T - 1

= 137.7 e+·1543XIO 'T _ 1

N206 = 1 _ e-A,,,T = 1 _ e-·1543XIO-'T


N207 = 1 _ e-A".T = 1 _ e-·9802XIO-'T


N2~ = 1 _ e-A",T = 1 _ e-·4986XlO-lOT


1! (U235) = 7·07 ± 0.16 X 108 years

N ~= 137-7 ±.5 N235

T~ (Th232) = 1.39 ± 0.02 X 1010 years

N2~8' N2~5' - number of atoms at T = 0

N238 , N235 , etc. - numbers of atoms at present

Because of the radioactive decay of U238 to Pb206, U235 to Pb207, and Th232 to Pb208, via intermediate daughters, the ratio of any of the parent nuclides to the final stable lead isotope is a function of the age of a mineral (NIER 1939). The equations and constants used in the calculations of the various isotopic ages are listed in Table 3. Since the lead isotopes produced by the parent nuclide decay form at different rates to one another, the ratio of Pb207(pb206 is also an index of the age.

In practice, Pb204, the only stable lead isotope not produced by the radio­active decay of a uranium or thorium isotope, is observed in the isotopic analysis.

Uranium lead method of age determination 71

This is, in part, due to slight lead contamination during physical and chemical processing. Some of the Pb204 and therefore some Pb206, Pb207 and Pb208 are incorporated into the lattice of the uranium mineral. Some of the observed "contamination" is due to associated minerals which are not completely sepa­rated in some cases. Since there is observable Pb204 in the isotopic analyses of lead separated from its associated uranium bearing mineral, it is necessary to correct the Pb206, Pb207, and Pb208 abundances for that not produced by parent nuclide decay in the mineral. In numerous cases, associated lead minerals can give the so-called common lead correction. Where this is not possible, an estimate of the age can permit the evaluation of the common lead correction based on the present day knowledge of the variations of common lead throughout geologic time (BATE et al. 1957). Such a correction assumes the common lead constitution

Table 4. Isotopic ages tram some pitchblends and uraninites

Locality 206/238 207/235 207/206 208/232 Reference

Colorado Front Rangel 805 860 1035 ECKELMANN and KULP (1956) (Sunshine Mine)

Great Bear Lakel 1220 1275 1395 NIER (1939) (Eldorado Mine)

Belgian Congol 616 614 610 NIER (1939) (Katanga) (Katanga) . 575 595 630 ECKELMANN and KuLP (1956)

South Dakota 2 1580 1600 1630 1440 TILTON (1956) (Black Hills)

S.E. Manitoba 2 1564 1985 2475 1273 NIER (1939)

1 Samples of pitchblende. 2 Samples of uraninite.

for a given period of geologic time to be representative of the common lead associated with the mineral analysis. Where no thorium is present with the uranium mineral, the Pb208 abundance can be used for a more accurate assess­ment of the common lead correction.

Table 4 lists uranium-lead ages that have been reported in the literature for a number of locations. Although these are a limited number of localities and mineral types, they illustrate that concordant ages via the various decay schemes are rarely found and any attempt to use a single U-Pb age measurement as an index of the absolute age can lead to a completely false interpretation of the geologic framework. In general, uraninites give the most consistent agreement between the Pb207jPb206, Pb206jPb238, and Pb207/Pb235 ages. Thorium-lead ages are anomalous and have never been satisfactorily explained. In some cases, the thorium age is subject to a large error introduced by the common lead cor­rection, but this explanation is unsatisfactory for a number of determinations that have been made.

The concordance of the Pb206jU238, Pb207jU235 and Pb207jPb206 ages gives a rather high degree of confidence in such data. However, as pointed out, most uranium bearing minerals do not show a concordant pattern.

An example of widely divergent ages from a given locality has been demon­strated by ECKELMANN and KuLP (1956) in a study of the Lake Athabasca pitch­blende deposits. A suite of samples of pitchblende, clausthalite and galena from various mines in the Lake Athabasca uranium province were analyzed isotopic­ally and chemically to obtain the various uranium-lead and lead-lead ages. Pb21o/Pb206 measurements (KuLP et al. 1954) were made to check equilibrium

72 W. R. ECKELMANN: Radioactive Methods of Age Determination

in the decay series over the last 100 years. Apparent isotopic ages ranged from 220 to 1860 m.y. The samples showed no outward signs of weathering and essen­tially all of the comparative ages showed effects of apparent loss of radiogenic lead. Support of this point is evidenced by the appearance of moderate amounts of radiogenic lead in clausthalites associated with the pitchblende.

The diverse ages that were observed can be calculated to have been the result of a single period of pitchblende deposition at 1.90 ±0.04 b.y. ago followed by two periods of exsolution of lead at about 1.2 and 1.5 b.y. This hypothesis is consistent with the Pb207/Pb206 ratio of radiogenic lead in the clausthalites and galenas which apparently formed at the time of recrystallization. The data, however, do not preclude more than two periods of lead exsolution. It is quite certain, however, that the initial uranium deposition occurred about 1.9 b.y. ago, that there have been at least two periods of lead exsolution, that one period of lead exsolution must have occurred subsequent to 0.22 b.y. ago and that another period of lead exsolution probably occurred about 1.2 b.y. ago.

Geologically, the results of this study suggest that the basement complex of the Lake Athabasca region is older than data assigned to the initial pitchblende intrusion (1900 m.y.).

WETHERILL (1956) has demonstrated a means for graphically plotting so­called "concordia" and the locus of points representing discordant ages resulting from varying amounts of uranium and lead loss or addition. The locus of points for the plot of the mole ratios of Pb207fU235 on the abscissa and Pb206/U238 on the ordinate is actually a straight line (WETHERILL 1956). It is apparent that for samples with rather young ages, the ages will appear concordant and extreme caution in interpretation of these ages must be practiced.

TILTON (1956) has shown via leaching experiments of thorium and uranium minerals that a certain lead isotope can be leached preferentially and that the leached material is isotopically and/or chemically consistent with the distribution of ages observed in the mineral. His data parallels the concept of parent-daughter fractionation occurring in many minerals previously analyzed for their age.

ALDRICH et al. (1958) have reported potassium-argon and rubidium-strontium ages on biotites, muscovites and lepidolites as well as uranium-lead data on numerous samples of zircon, monazite and microlite. In almost all cases the uranium-lead data are discordant but potassium-argon and rubidium-strontium ages of mica from pegmatites are found to agree with concordant uranium-lead ages of associated zircons in granites or uraninites and monazites.

F. Conclusion

The field of absolute age dating has continued to be an active field of research which bears on many geological, geophysical and geochemical problems. The improved decay constants, a greater understanding of discordant age patterns as well as the extended ranges of carbon-14 and potassium-argon dating continue to make this field of research very important to the understanding of the evolution of the earth.

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v. GROSSE: Radiocarbon from cosmic radiation. Science 105, 576 (1947).

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Some additional references 1

CRAIG, H. : Mass-spectrometer analyses of radiocarbon standards. Amer. J. Sci., Radiocarbon Suppl. B 1 (1961).

1 Added September 1961. Because of a delay in publication, " Some additional references" have been added to update the reader on some of the recent publications in the field of geo­chronometry. These references illustrate that isotope geochemistry is a rapidly expanding field of fundamental research.

References 75

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Date received of this manuscript: the 17th of may 1960.
