Curriculum vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION Mariangela Zanni 29/2/16 Via Chilesotti, 6, 35129 Padova (Padova) +39 345 99 48 956 [email protected] Sex Female l ofbirth 17August1981 j Natìona!ity ltalian PREFERRED JOB Communication and Promotion WORK EXPERIENCE _.11 04/2010-Present Head of Communications and Fundraising Centro Veneto Progetti Donna-Auser Via Tripolì,3, 35141 Padua (ltaly) www.centrodonnapadova.it Press : press releases, organizing press conferences, editorials, writing articles for joumals, contacts with joumalists Publications : Creating brochures and information and promotional materiai Website: design and updating ofthe site www.centrodonnapadova.it Socia! Network: Updated ofthe FB, Twitter, Youtube accounts. Project officer Events planner: organization of promotional and fundraising events Campaigns and lobbying. Public relations with the institutions, non-profit organizations Business or sector voluntary organization- ONLUS 05/2008-01/2010 Collaborator in communication and fundraising Medici con rAfrica Cuamm Via San Francesco, Padova (ltaly) www.cuamm.org Press: press releases, organizing press conferences. Media relations: contacts with joumalists for interviews, editorials, articles, television host. Site Manager: update www.meciiciconlafrjca.org areas of the site, creating the monthly newsletter, development of new networks. Media planning: management of promotional campaigns with outputs to national and loca! levels. Search for spaces to grant access, and bargaining for paid ones. Publications: editoria! secretary ofthe bìmonthly éAfrica (circulation 50,000 copies) and the quarterly Health and Development (16,000 copies). Wlth thetask ofwritìng artìcles, editing, photo editor. Promoting Materials: creation of ali printed materiai and gadgets organization, warehouse management Support for the organization of events of fund raising: looking for media partners, promoting the sites, supporting the organization, mailing, fundraising campaigns (5x1000). Business or sector NGO 1212007 Stage Medici con l'Africa Cuamm, Padua (ltaly) Support the activities ofthe 'Press Office. Realizatìon press paper in 2007. Eumpean Union. 2002-2015 I http:/leuropass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 1/4

PERSONAL INFORMATION Mariangela Zanni · Curriculum vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION Mariangela Zanni 29/2/16 Via Chilesotti, 6, 35129 Padova (Padova) +39 345 99 48 956 ~ [email protected]

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Page 1: PERSONAL INFORMATION Mariangela Zanni · Curriculum vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION Mariangela Zanni 29/2/16 Via Chilesotti, 6, 35129 Padova (Padova) +39 345 99 48 956 ~ comunicazione@centrodonnapadova.it

Curriculum vitae



Via Chilesotti, 6, 35129 Padova (Padova)

+39 345 99 48 956

~ [email protected]

Sex Female l ofbirth 17August1981 j Natìona!ity ltalian

PREFERRED JOB Communication and Promotion


04/2010-Present Head of Communications and Fundraising Centro Veneto Progetti Donna-Auser Via Tripolì,3, 35141 Padua (ltaly) www.centrodonnapadova.it

Press : press releases, organizing press conferences, editorials, writing articles for joumals, contacts with joumalists Publications : Creating brochures and information and promotional materiai Website: design and updating ofthe site www.centrodonnapadova.it Socia! Network: Updated ofthe FB, Twitter, Youtube accounts. Project officer Events planner: organization of promotional and fundraising events Campaigns and lobbying. Public relations with the institutions, non-profit organizations

Business or sector voluntary organization- ONLUS

05/2008-01/2010 Collaborator in communication and fundraising Medici con rAfrica Cuamm Via San Francesco, Padova (ltaly) www.cuamm.org Press: press releases, organizing press conferences. Media relations: contacts with joumalists for interviews, editorials, articles, television host. Site Manager: update www.meciiciconlafrjca.org areas of the site, creating the monthly newsletter, development of new networks. Media planning: management of promotional campaigns with outputs to national and loca! levels. Search for spaces to grant access, and bargaining for paid ones. Publications: editoria! secretary ofthe bìmonthly éAfrica (circulation 50,000 copies) and the quarterly Health and Development (16,000 copies). Wlth thetask ofwritìng artìcles, editing, photo editor. Promoting Materials: creation of ali printed materiai and gadgets organization, warehouse management Support for the organization of events of fund raising: looking for media partners, promoting the sites, supporting the organization, mailing, fundraising campaigns (5x1000).

Business or sector NGO

1212007 Stage Medici con l'Africa Cuamm, Padua (ltaly)

Support the activities ofthe 'Press Office. Realizatìon press paper in 2007.

(o;;~ Eumpean Union. 2002-2015 I http:/leuropass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 1/4

Page 2: PERSONAL INFORMATION Mariangela Zanni · Curriculum vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION Mariangela Zanni 29/2/16 Via Chilesotti, 6, 35129 Padova (Padova) +39 345 99 48 956 ~ comunicazione@centrodonnapadova.it

Curriculum vitae

0912006-0912007 voluntary civil service Volontari nel Mondo Focsiv Via San Francesco di Sales 18, 00185 Roma (ltaly) www.focsiv,it

Support in the organization of national and intemational campaigns of lobbyìng and advocacy: participation in intemationa! meetings ofthe C!DSE network. Support the organization of events of institutional lobbying. Education activities for development Writing Projects for Development Education (lnfo I Eas). Translation of policy documents from English into italian Publishing magazines (proofreading and layout) Warehouse Management materials.

Business or sector NGO

0112000-0312000 Stage Volontari nel Mondo Focsiv, Padua (ltaly) Support in the organization of national and intemational campaigns of lobbying and advocacy

09/2004-09/2005 Tutor junior University of Padua, Padua (ltaly)

Assistance and orientation to students on university reform, the services offered by the University Dipadova, teaching rnethods and the different curricula provided by the Faculty of Politica! Science.


October 2010-ùctober 2010 Project Planning Course


charnber of cornrnerce Belgian-ltalian, Bruxelles (Belgiurn) Project Planning, project logica! frarnework, budget, simulation of writìng a project to be presented to the European Union

0212009 course of communication and cooperation Agi e link2007, Milan (ltaly)

0312004-0312008 Master's Degree in Politica! lnstitutions and Human Rights and Peace University of Padua, Padua (ltaly) The course explores the themes of protection of human rights and peace at the national and intemational leve!. The specific skills acquired: knowledge of the intemational code of hurnan rights, the structure of intergovemmental and intemational organizations that deal with issues of human rights and peace (UN, EU, African Union ... )

0112007-0612007 Postgraduate Course

(' Eumpean Union, 2002-2015 I l1ttp:lfeuropass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 2 ! 4

Page 3: PERSONAL INFORMATION Mariangela Zanni · Curriculum vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION Mariangela Zanni 29/2/16 Via Chilesotti, 6, 35129 Padova (Padova) +39 345 99 48 956 ~ comunicazione@centrodonnapadova.it

Curriculum vitae

Volontari nel Mondo Focsiv, Rome (ltaly) lntemational policy, development cooperation, intemational economics, project logica! framework, human rìghts and peace.

1212003-0312004 Course of Equa! Opportunity University of Padua, Padua {ltaly) Course of Equal Opportunity authorized by the Regional Council of Veneto in the Regiona! Operational Programme of the European Socia! Fund.

1012000-0312004 Bachelor's Degree in Politica! Science and Public Affairs Unìversity of Padua, Padua (ltaly) The course prepares students to know the basics of philosophìcal, socia!. historìcal and politica! science and explores the themes of the international human rights and relations between govemments and other institutions.

1995-2000 high school diploma Secondary school focusing on humanìties G.G. Trissino, Valdagno (VI) (ltaly)


Mother tongue(s) ltalian

English Spanish

C1 82

C2 82

82 A2

82 81

levels: A 1 and K2.: Basìc user - 81 and B2: lndependent user- C1 and C2: Proficient user Common European Framewo!k of Referençe for Languages

82 81

Communication skills Excellent interpersonal skills. Ability to participate in debates, radio and televìsion interviews. For three years (2003-2006) I conducted the radio program "Signs of Peace" broadcast every week on Radio Cooperativa, regarding the ìssues of human rights and equa! opportunities.

Organisational I rnanagerial skills Abilìty to work under pressure and within short deadlines. Autonomy and responsibility. Good ability to manage conflicts throughout negotìation and active listening.


Respect of the di!ferent roles inside working contest Work in a group.

Job-related skills Assessment of priorities. Speed in response to requests from collegues. Planning activities. Problern solving.

Digitai competence Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint Access).Knowledge of Photoshop, lllustrator to create still or anirnated irnages for web internet.

Driving licence B

ti~ European Unìon. 2002-2015 f http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu

Page 4: PERSONAL INFORMATION Mariangela Zanni · Curriculum vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION Mariangela Zanni 29/2/16 Via Chilesotti, 6, 35129 Padova (Padova) +39 345 99 48 956 ~ comunicazione@centrodonnapadova.it

Curriculum vitae

29/2/16 C;;> Eumpean Unìon. 2002-20.1.5 I http://europas>.cedefop.europa.eu

Page 5: PERSONAL INFORMATION Mariangela Zanni · Curriculum vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION Mariangela Zanni 29/2/16 Via Chilesotti, 6, 35129 Padova (Padova) +39 345 99 48 956 ~ comunicazione@centrodonnapadova.it

Allegato "E" al f. n. 54/21 in data 22 ottobre 2016 del Comando Generale dell'Arma dei Carabinieri - VI Reparto - SM - Ufficio Bilancio


Art. 15, co. 1, Jet. c), del D.Lgs. n. 33/2013


Il sottoscritto ZANNI MARIANGELA nato a ARZIGNANO (VI), il 17/08/1981, residente a PADOVA (PD), via CHILESOTII n. 6 codice fiscale ZNNMNG81M57A459, con attività professionale di IMPIEGATA, presso CENTRO VENETO PROGETII DONNE AUSER

consapevole delle sanzioni penali previste dall'art. 76 del DPR n. 445/2000 per le ipotesi di dichiarazioni mendaci rese nella presente dichiarazione; preso atto che la presente dichiarazione sarà pubblicata sul sito web dell'Arma dei Carabinieri,


di svolgere i seguenti incarichi presso enti di diritto privato o finanzia~ubblica Amministrazione:

2 / 3 /

(sbarrare la tabella in caso di assenza di incarichi) /

• di ricoprire le seguenti cariche presso enti di diritto privato o fin~dalla Pubblica Amministrazione:

~!fili ~f~~~~l~l~lQ,~~~g;M:IN~Zl~N-~1,Q;~~~~~&t~'.'.'Bl;*}1'~{,~Z~:t ?:::J~~~j?;t,;ç:>,ir.,%nRcl\RJ~~~ID§~:\l.\lfii:@~t'I~~~I~~rt.o~1~~ 1 / 2 / 3 /

(sbarrare la tabella in caso di assenza di incarichi} /

• di svolgere le seguenti attività professionali presso enti di diritto privato o finanziati dalla Pubblica Amministrazione:


(sbarrare la tabella in caso di assenza di incarichi)

Dichiara inoltre di essere informato, ai sensi e per gli effetti di cui all'art. 13 del D.Lgs. 196/2003, che i dati personali raccoltl saranno trattati, anche con strumenti informatici, esclusivamente nell'ambito del provvedimento per il quale la dichiarazione è resa .

( J J fìj\ ·,,J) ,, ~ ... V.~.~ .. ":: ... ~ ................................ .

Firma del dichiarante

Page 6: PERSONAL INFORMATION Mariangela Zanni · Curriculum vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION Mariangela Zanni 29/2/16 Via Chilesotti, 6, 35129 Padova (Padova) +39 345 99 48 956 ~ comunicazione@centrodonnapadova.it

Allegato "B" al f n. 54/22 in data 25 agosto 2017 del Comando Generale dell'Arma dei Carabinieri - VI Reparto - SM - Ufficio Bilancio


Art. 53, comma 14, del decreto legislativo n. 165/2001

Ai sensi dell'art. 53, comma 14, del D.Lgs. n. 165 del 30 marzo 2001 "Norme generali sull'ordinamento del lavoro alle dipendenze delle Amministrazioni Pubbliche", così come modificato dall'art. 1, comma 42, lettere h) ed), della Legge n. 190 del 6 novembre 2012 "Disposizioni per la prevenzione e la repressione della corruzione e dell'illegalità nella Pubblica Amministrazione",


che, sulla base di quanto dichiarato da Ms. Mariangela ZANNI, non sussistono situazioni, anche potenziali, di conflitto d'interesse per il conferimento dell'incarico di docente del 5° Corso "Gender Protection in Peace Support Operations", salvo eventuali ulteriori accertamenti.

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