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Ideo, Tempini, Bellobuono, Bellati and Ronchi: Liver rglutamyltransferase in ethanoi-fed rats 237

J. Clin. Chem. Clin. Biochem.Vol. 18,1980, pp. 237-239

Biochemical and Histochemical Estimations of Liver -Glutamyltransferase Activity inEthanol-Fed Rats1)

By G. Ideo, Silvana Tempini, A. Bellobuono, G. Bellati and G. Ronchi

Institute of Clinical Medicine fill}; University of Milan, Milan, Italy

(Received May 31/December 17,1979)

Summary: Ethanol-fed rats showed significantly elevated plasma and liver 7-glutamyltransferase activity, comparedwith rats fed carbohydrates isocalorically, or with untreated control animals. The activity of -glutamyltransferasein liver was detected by means of both biochemical and histochemical methods. These data suggest that increasedplasma -glutamyltransferase activity commonly found in alcoholics can be related, at least in part, to a hepaticenhancement of the activity in the liver.

Biochemische und histochemische Untersuchung der Aktivität von y-Glutamyltransferase in der Leber JEthanol-gefütterter Ratten

Zusammenfassung: Ethanol-gefutterte Ratten zeigten signifikant erhöhte katalytische Aktivitäten von 7-Glutamyl-transferase in Plasma und Leber, verglichen mit isokalorisch Kohlenhydrat-ernährten oder unbehandelten Kontroll-tieren. Die Aktivität der -Glutamyltransferase in der Leber wurde mit bio- und histochemischen Methoden nach-gewiesen. Die Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, daß die gewöhnlich im Plasma von Alkoholikern gefundene Erhöhungder Aktivität von -Glutamyltransferase mindestens teilweise auf deren Zunahme in der Leber bezogen werden kann.


The activity of 7-glutamyltransferase in human plasmais elevated in alcoholics (2). The underlying mechanismwas regarded as an induction of liver 7-glutamyltrans^ferase, similar to that observed after the administrationof enzyme inducing agents. However, experimentalattempts to demonstrate this assumption by meansof biochemical methods have given rise to conflictingresults: in fact, rat liver 7-glutamyltransferase afterfeeding ethanol, was observed to be increased bylshiiet al. (3), Yasurpka et al. (4), Teschke et äl. (5), butunchanged by Morland et äl. (6) and even depressed byKawaguchi (7) arid Singer & Kaplan (8).The values found for tissue enzyme activities could beinfluenced by a variation of Km, by different methodsof liver homogenization or subcellular fractionatioix, etc.In the present study rat liver 7-glutamyltransferaseactivity in ethanokfed rats was detected by a histoche-mical method (which is less influenced by the above

*) A portion of this work was presented at the 11th Meeting ofthe European Association for the Study of the Liver, 1976, andhas been published in abstract form (1).

variables), and compared to that obtained by the usualbiochemical method.

Finally, 7-glutamyltransferase activity was measured inplasma of both intoxicated and control rats.

Material and Methods

Male Sprague-Dawley fats with a starting body weight of230-250 g were pair fed a liquid diet according to De Carli& Lieber (9). The animals received 36% of their total calories,either as ethanol (experimental group), or as carbohydrate(control group).The animals were sacrificed after 0 (pre-experimental group)and 24 days on their respective diets. They were fasted for12 hours before exsanguination.Heparinized blood was centrifuged and the plasma used forenzyme assay. Livers were homogenized in an Elvehjem-Pott erapparatus (1 g + 9 ml distilled water). Homogenates wererapidly frozen, thawed and submitted to ultrasonic treatment(3 times 20 s), then centrifuged for 20 min at 10000 g. Thesupernatant fluid was employed for the enzyme assay. Thismethod was shown to be suitable for enzymatic estimationsin liver homogenates (10).

-glutamyltransferase (EC was assayed by Szasz'smethod (11). Plasma enzyme activity is expressed as Inter-national Unit (iU) per litre (1) of plasma; tissue enzyme

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238 Ideo, Tempini, Bellobuono, Bellati and Ronchi: Liver γ-glutamyltransferase in ethanol-fed rats

activity as IU per g of liver protein. Total protein was determinedby the method of Lowry et al. (12).For the histochemical studies, small blocks of tissue from theright liver lobe were rapidly removed and frozen in isopentanewhich had been cooled to -170 °C by liquid nitrogen. Thestaining reactions were performed on 9 μπα cryostat sections,using the following procedure: sections were fixed for 1 hourin cold acetone and incubated at room temperature for 15 minin a medium prepared according toRutemburg et al. (13), usingγ·glutamyl-4-methoxy-2-naphthylamide as substrate.The means (± SEM) and differences were calculated, and theirsignificances were assessed by the Student's t-test.


The body weight of the animals at sacrifice was280-310 g, without significant differences between thetwo groups of animals (ethanol and carbohydrate-fedrespectively).

In control rats the histochemical pattern of γ-gluta-myltransferase showed that the enzyme activity islocalized at the apical border of biliary ductular andductal cells, whereas parenchymal cells are negative,except for a very few strictly periportal canaliculi(fig. 1). A similar pattern was observed in the pre-experimental group (rats before any type of diet). Theliver of ethanol-fed rats appeared to be richer in 7-glutamyltransferase activity than controls. The activityis present not only in ductular structures, but also onthe canalicular membranes of periportal parenchymalcells (fig. 2). A weak cytosolic activity is often presentas well. Centrolobular cells are always negative.

Biochemical determinations of γ-glutamyltransferaseshowed significantly higher activity in both liver andplasma in ethanol-fed rats, than in the controls, or inanimals without treatment (pre-experimental group,tab. 1).


Fig. 2. Liver of ethanol-fed rats stained for γ-glutamyltrans^ferase. Activity is located in ductular structures and incanalicular membranes of many periportal cells.

Tab. 1. Effect of chronic ethanol consumption on the γ-gluta-. myltransferase activity in plasma and liver.

Rats were given either a control or an ethanol diet for24 days; activity in rats without treatment (prerexperi-mental group) is also shown. The number of animalsis given in parentheses.

Carbohydrate-fed (8)Ethanol-fed (8)Pre-experimental

group (6)

γ-glutamyl-transferaseliver[U/g protein]

3.01 ± 0.355.25 ± 0.65*3.25 ± 0.26


1.32 ±0.283.87 ± 0.45*1.60 ±0.51

* p < 0.001

Fig. 1. Liver of carbohydrate-fed rats stained for γ-glutamyl-transferase. Enzyme activity is present at the apicalborder of the biliary cells. Few periportal canaliculiare also delineated.


By means of histochemical and biochemical methods thehepatic activity of γ-glutamyltransferase was shown to beincreased in ethanol^fed rats.

Thus the behaviour of γ-glutamyltransferase is similarto that of other enzymes (particularly localized in micro-somes), which were observed to be enhanced in the liverafter ethanol administration (14—18).

As far as localization is concerned, the histochemicalstudy showed that, while in carbohydrate-fed andcontrol rats γ-glutarnyltransferase is almost exclusivelydemonstrable in the ductular structures, after ethanolconsumption this activity also became positive on thecytosol and on canalicular membranes of the liver cellsin the periportal area. This finding was also observedafter norethandrolone (19) and phenobarbitone ad-ministration (unpublished data).

The present study demonstrates, moreover, that alcoholconsumption provokes an increase in plasma γ-glutamyl-transferase, which cannot simply be attributed toenhanced activities in the liver. Under other 'ekperi-

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Ideo, Tempini, Bellobuono, Bellati and Ronchi: Liver 7-glutamyltransferase in cthanol-fcd rats 239

mental conditions» such as after phenobarbitone ad-ministration, plasma activity was normal, despite therise in liver γ-glutamyltransferase (20); only the additionof carbon tetrachloride significantly enhanced theplasma level of the enzyme (unpublished data). Thusthe induced γ-glutamyltransferase must be liberatedfrom the membranes and released into the bloodstream.

Alcohol itself not only seems able to increase γ-glutamyl-transferase in the tissue, but also to "injure" the structureto which the enzyme is bound, thereby releasing it intothe blood. It is interesting that audition of ethanol invitro resulted in an increase of 7-glutamyltransferaseactivity in microsomes of alcohol-fed rats (5).Therefore it is possible to hypothesize a similar mechan-ism in alcoholics who show a high level of plasmatic γ-glutamyltransferase. This assumption is in accordancewith preliminary data of Seymour et al. (21), whoobserved that hepatic γ-glutamyltransferase localizedin plasma membranes is elevated in patients affectedby alcoholic liver disease.

Our results agree with those of Ishii et al. (3), Yasurokaet al. (4), Teschke et al. (5). It is difficult to explaincontrasting data of others (6-8), who did not observeany increase of γ-glutamyltransferase activity in suchconditions. Morland et al. interpreted the differencebetween ethanol and carbohydrate-fed rats as a reduc-tion of γ-glutamyltransferase activity in animals fed thecontrol diet (6). We cannot confirm these observations,since the activity of carbohydrate-fed animals is equalto the pretreated group and this data was observed bymeans of both biochemical and histochemical methods.Conceivably, the above-mentioned diverse results mightbe related either to different strains of animals employedor to different types of diet (addition of antibiotics?).This interpretation could explain the various levels ofenzymatic activity observed even in untreated animals -not only in the liver (in which γ-glutamyltransferaseestimation could be influenced by different methodsof homogenization, cell disruption, fractionation ofsubcellular components etc.) — but also in the plasma.

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Prof. Gaetano IdeoVia Pace 15Milan (Italy)

J. Clin. Chem. Clin. Biochem. / Vol. 18, 1980 / No. 4
