Philippe Wampfler, Didacta Hannover Generation »Social Media« Wie verändert digitale Kommunikation die Schule? Bild: Guillaume Rio

Vortrag Philippe Wampfler Didacta Hannover 2015

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Page 1: Vortrag Philippe Wampfler Didacta Hannover 2015

Philippe Wampfler, Didacta HannoverGeneration »Social Media«

Wie verändert digitale Kommunikation die Schule? 

Bild: Guillaume Rio

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Page 3: Vortrag Philippe Wampfler Didacta Hannover 2015

Yik Yak

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1. Das fundamentale

Problem der Schule

Bild: Samkit D. Shah

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1. Das fundamentale

Problem der SchuleBild: Wikimedia Commons

»non vitae, sed scholae discimus«

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»lernen« oder lernen

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Darstellung Austausch

reales Lernen

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Traditionelle Didaktik

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Digitale Kluft und BildungskluftBild: Flickr vaXine/CC NY NC

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I Kom






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I Kom







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I Kom







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Teil 2

Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung

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Konstruktivistisch-konnektivistisches Lernen ist Social Media

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Ziel 1Vorbereitung aufs weitere Ausbildung

Bild: kellmarshall.net

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Ziel 2Vorbereitung aufs Berufsleben

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Ziel 3mündiges Mitglied der Gesellschaft

Page 19: Vortrag Philippe Wampfler Didacta Hannover 2015

selbstgesteuerte Autos

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Jugendliche nutzen Medien nicht wie Erwachsene das

a) denken b) möchten

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informelles Lernen



Motivation Arbeitswelt

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Sparrow / Wegener

Das Hirn eines Vogel Strauß‘ ist kleiner als eines seiner Augen.

Gelöscht! Gespeichert! Gespeichert in Ordner X

Page 25: Vortrag Philippe Wampfler Didacta Hannover 2015

Sparrow / Wegener

Wir treten mit unseren digitalen Hilfsmitteln in eine symbiotische Beziehung und erinnern uns immer weniger, indem wir Informationen, und immer stärker, indem wir Speicherorte abrufen. »

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»traditionelle Konzentration«

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X-probe was presented, and participants had to refer to the cuethey maintained in the face of distractors (AX and BX trials):HMMs were 84 ms slower than LMMs to respond to AX trials,t (28) ! "3.27, P # 0.003, and 119 ms slower to respond to BXtrials, t (28) ! "3.25, P # 0.003, yielding a significant LMM/HMM status*presence of distractors interaction, F (1, 28) !5.21, P # 0.03. These data replicate the results from the filtertask, again demonstrating that HMMs are less selective inallowing information into working memory, and are thereforemore affected by distractors. As target trials comprised 70% of all trials in the standard

version of the AX-CPT, the task was also indicative of theparticipants’ ability to withhold prepotent responses, i.e., theirability to withhold a target response on the relatively rare BX orAY trials, each of which constituted only 10% of trials. The lackof significant differences between the groups, reinforced by theabsence of a group difference on the Stop-Signal task (15), t(37) ! "0.15, P $ 0.88, suggests that the two groups do not differin their level of response control.

Filtering Irrelevant Representations in Memory: Two- and Three-BackTasks. In the two- and three-back tasks (16), which examine themonitoring and updating of multiple representations in workingmemory, HMMs showed a significantly greater decrease inperformance (d%) from the two- to the three-back task;task*HMM/LMM status interaction, F (1, 28) ! 4.25, P # 0.05.Interestingly, although both groups showed similar decreases inhit-rates (the number of targets correctly identified) from thetwo-back to the three-back task, F (1, 28) ! 0.14, P $ 0.72 (Fig.3A), HMMs showed a greater increase in their false alarm rate(the number of nontargets incorrectly marked as targets), F (1,28) ! 5.02, P # 0.03 (Fig. 3B). This effect was driven by targetletters that had previously appeared during the task, but wereoutside the range participants were instructed to hold in mem-ory. Specifically, in the three-back task, HMMs were more likelyto false alarm to letters that had more previous appearances, F(1, 13) ! 6.31, P # 0.03. This indicates that the HMMs were more

Fig. 1. The filter task. (A) A sample trial with a 2-target, 6-distractor array.(B) HMM and LMM filter task performance as a function of the number ofdistractors (two targets). Error bars, SEM.

Fig. 2. AX-CPT mean response times in the no-distractors and the distractorsconditions (note that the overall decrease in response times from the nodistractors to the distractors condition is due to greater predictability of probeonset as a result of the rhythmic nature of the distractors; the key data pointis the difference in the distractors condition between LMMs and HMMs). Errorbars, SEM.

Fig. 3. Two- and three-back task results. (A) Hit rates. (B) False alarm rates.Error bars, SEM.

15584 ! www.pnas.org"cgi"doi"10.1073"pnas.0903620106 Ophir et al.


X-probe was presented, and participants had to refer to the cuethey maintained in the face of distractors (AX and BX trials):HMMs were 84 ms slower than LMMs to respond to AX trials,t (28) ! "3.27, P # 0.003, and 119 ms slower to respond to BXtrials, t (28) ! "3.25, P # 0.003, yielding a significant LMM/HMM status*presence of distractors interaction, F (1, 28) !5.21, P # 0.03. These data replicate the results from the filtertask, again demonstrating that HMMs are less selective inallowing information into working memory, and are thereforemore affected by distractors. As target trials comprised 70% of all trials in the standard

version of the AX-CPT, the task was also indicative of theparticipants’ ability to withhold prepotent responses, i.e., theirability to withhold a target response on the relatively rare BX orAY trials, each of which constituted only 10% of trials. The lackof significant differences between the groups, reinforced by theabsence of a group difference on the Stop-Signal task (15), t(37) ! "0.15, P $ 0.88, suggests that the two groups do not differin their level of response control.

Filtering Irrelevant Representations in Memory: Two- and Three-BackTasks. In the two- and three-back tasks (16), which examine themonitoring and updating of multiple representations in workingmemory, HMMs showed a significantly greater decrease inperformance (d%) from the two- to the three-back task;task*HMM/LMM status interaction, F (1, 28) ! 4.25, P # 0.05.Interestingly, although both groups showed similar decreases inhit-rates (the number of targets correctly identified) from thetwo-back to the three-back task, F (1, 28) ! 0.14, P $ 0.72 (Fig.3A), HMMs showed a greater increase in their false alarm rate(the number of nontargets incorrectly marked as targets), F (1,28) ! 5.02, P # 0.03 (Fig. 3B). This effect was driven by targetletters that had previously appeared during the task, but wereoutside the range participants were instructed to hold in mem-ory. Specifically, in the three-back task, HMMs were more likelyto false alarm to letters that had more previous appearances, F(1, 13) ! 6.31, P # 0.03. This indicates that the HMMs were more

Fig. 1. The filter task. (A) A sample trial with a 2-target, 6-distractor array.(B) HMM and LMM filter task performance as a function of the number ofdistractors (two targets). Error bars, SEM.

Fig. 2. AX-CPT mean response times in the no-distractors and the distractorsconditions (note that the overall decrease in response times from the nodistractors to the distractors condition is due to greater predictability of probeonset as a result of the rhythmic nature of the distractors; the key data pointis the difference in the distractors condition between LMMs and HMMs). Errorbars, SEM.

Fig. 3. Two- and three-back task results. (A) Hit rates. (B) False alarm rates.Error bars, SEM.

15584 ! www.pnas.org"cgi"doi"10.1073"pnas.0903620106 Ophir et al.


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Dumbphone -> Smartphone

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Verstehen, warum sie tun, was sie tun

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Verstehen, was Geräte und Apps tun

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Bild: Zoran Milutinovic

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problematisches Verhalten

problematische Mediennutzung

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Die Angst, etwas zu verpassenFOMO

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Die Angst, etwas zu verpassenFOMO



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Über Probleme sprechen

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Den Wert von Geduld schätzen lernen

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BullshitHarry G. Frankfurt

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3. Lösungsansätze

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Bild: Dina Belenko

Schule hacken

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Bild: Energi.Design

Portfolios ersetzen Prüfungen

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Design von Lernumgebungen

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1. Sharing-Kultur 2. Coaching und Feedback 3. informelles <->

formelles Lernen

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Medien produktiv nutzen

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Vertrauen statt Überwachung

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digitale Pausen anbieten

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SelbstachtsamkeitMediennutzung reflektieren

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Folien: Kontakt:

phwa.ch/didacta2015 [email protected]+41 78 704 29 29 phwampfler

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nicht verwendete Folien

Page 52: Vortrag Philippe Wampfler Didacta Hannover 2015

Susan Neiman»

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»Victim Blaming« vermeiden

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Das Standardisierungsproblem

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(1) Lernen ist nicht standardisierbar

(2) Menschen sind nicht standardisierbar

(3) Maschinen arbeiten standardisiert

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Context Collapse

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Richard David Precht ORF heute konkret, 16. Oktober 2014 Quelle: facebook.com/heutekonkret

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Eltern verletzen PS

Jugendliche schützen PS nicht


Paradox der Privatsphäre

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Medienkompetenz anstreben

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Beziehungen online und offline pflegen

Page 61: Vortrag Philippe Wampfler Didacta Hannover 2015

anders sein als alle anderen

Page 62: Vortrag Philippe Wampfler Didacta Hannover 2015

2. Auswirkungen der

DigitalisierungBild: Soler Riaz

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KonstruktivismusIch und die Welt

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KonnektivismusArbeit in Netzwerken

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»non vitae, sed scholae discimus«

Bild: Wikimedia Commons

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Teil 3Lösungsansätze

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Von der Bring- zur Holinformation