Bayesian network

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• DNA hybridization arrays simultaneously measure the expression level for thousands of genes.

• These measurements provide a “snapshot” of transcription levels within the cell.

• A major challenge in computational biology is to uncover, from such measurements, gene/protein interactions and key biological features of cellular systems.

• Bayesian network helps to solve these.

• A Bayesian network is a graph-based model for conditional independence assertions and hence for compact specification of full joint distributions.

• Such models are attractive,for their ability to describe complex processes, and since they provide clear methodologies for learning from (noisy)observations.

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• A Bayesian network B is defined as a pair B = (G, P), where G = (V (G),A(G)) is an acyclic directed graph with a set of vertices (or nodes) V (G) = {X1,X2, . . . ,Xn}

• And a set of arcs A(G) V (G) × V (G), and where P is a joint probability distribution ⊆defined on the variables corresponding to the vertices V (G).

• The basic property of a Bayesian network is that the joint probability distribution P(X1,X2, . . . ,Xn) is equivalent to the product of the(conditional) probabilities which are specified for the network; formally:

P (X1, … ,Xn) = πi = 1 P (Xi | Parents(Xi))

where (Xi) is the set of parents of the vertex corresponding to the variable Xi. Thus, P(Xi |(Xi)) are the (conditional) probability distributions which are specified for the variable Xi,for i = 1, . . . , n, in creating a Bayesian network.

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p(A,B,C) = p(C|A,B)p(A)p(B)A B



A CB Marginal Independence:p(A,B,C) = p(A) p(B) p(C)

A CB Markov dependence: p(A,B,C) = p(C|B) p(B|A)p(A)

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Conditionally independent effects:p(A,B,C) = p(B|A)p(C|A)p(A)

B and C are conditionally independentGiven A

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• Syntax:• a set of nodes, one per variable

o a directed, acyclic graph (link ≈ "directly influences")o a conditional distribution for each node given its parents:

P (Xi | Parents (Xi))

Constructing Bayesian networks

1. Choose an ordering of variables X1, … ,Xn2. For i = 1 to nadd Xi to the network

select parents from X1, … ,Xi-1 such thatP (Xi | Parents(Xi)) = P (Xi | X1, ... Xi-1)

This choice of parents guarantees:

P (X1, … ,Xn) = πi =1 P (Xi | X1, … , Xi-1)(chain rule)

= πi =1P (Xi | Parents(Xi))(by construction)

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Learning phase

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Testing phase (inference)

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o SamIamo Genie

SamIam is java-based and runs on all operating systems. An alternative package is Genie,a Windows-based system, which, however, also runs on Linux ; it contains much more functionality than SamIam. However, as a consequence of this, Genie it is less easy to use than SamIam.

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Since the beginning of the 1990s researchers have been developing Bayesian networks for many different problems.

Treatment of non-Hodgkin lymphoma of the stomach

• The problem Non-Hodgkin lymphoma of the stomach, gastric NHL for short, is a relatively uncommon malignant disorder, accounting for about 5% of tumours of the stomach. Until recently, the cause of gastric NHL was unknown; it is now generally believed that the main factor in the development of this disease is a chronic infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. It was hoped that a Bayesian network of gastric NHL might help doctors in the prescription of optimal treatment of a patient. The network discussed here is still in prototype stage; further development needs to take place in order to introduce it in actual clinical practice.

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• Structure of the network First, the information used in the clinical management of primary gastric NHL was sub-divided in pre-treatment information, i.e. information that is required for treatment selection,treatment information, i.e. the various treatment alternatives, and post-treatment information,i.e. side effects, and early and long-term treatment results for the disease. The most important pre-treatment variables in the table are the variable ‘clinical stage’, which expresses severity of the disease according to a common clinical classification, and histological classification, which stands for the assessment by a pathologist of tumour tissue obtained from a biopsy. Various treatments are in use for gastric NHL such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and a combination of these two, which has been represented as the single variable ‘ct&rtschedule’ with possible values: chemotherapy (CT), radiotherapy (RT), chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy (CT-next-RT), and neither chemotherapy nor radiotherapy (none).

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Furthermore, surgery is a therapy with is modelled by the variable ‘surgery’ with possible values: ‘curative’, ‘palliative’ or ‘none’, where curative surgery means total or partial resection of the stomach with the complete removal of tumour mass. Finally, prescription of antibiotics is also possible.The most important post-treatment variables are the variable ‘early result’, being theendoscopically verified result of the treatment, six to eight weeks after treatment (possible outcomes are: complete remission – i.e. tumour cells are no longer detectable –, partial remission – some tumour cells are detectable –, no change or progressive disease), And the variable ‘5-year result’, which represents the patient either or not surviving five years following treatment.

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• Bayesian nets are a network-based framework for representing and analyzing models involving uncertainty

• Used for the cross fertilization of ideas between the artificial intelligence, decision analysis, and statistic communities

• People are using this nowadays because of the development of propagation algorithms followed by availability of easy to use commercial software.

• And growing number of creative applications.

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Bayesian Networks by : Padhraic Smyth, UCIrvine. Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems_ Networks of Plausible

Inference-Morgan Kaufmann (1988) , Judea Pearl Bayesian Networks 2011-2012 Practical Assignment I

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